w Online Plans www.agcak.org week of DECEMBER 22, 2014 published weekly We Build Alaska NEW JOB LISTINGS SINCE LAST REPORT PROJECT NAME BID DATE APD Training Roof Catwalks - 2014C077 Prebid Conference: 2:30PM 1/7/2015 Fish Creek Sewer Rehabilitation, Phase 1 - 2014C078 1/14/15 TYPE Building LOCATION Anchorage, AK Prebid Visit: 10:00AM 1/7/2015 1/9/15 Road Project Anchorage, AK 1/14/15 Building Anchorage, AK Prebid Conference: 3:30PM 12/30/2014 O'Malley Elementary School Lockers - 2015-809 Prebid Conference: 10:00AM 1/5/2015 Prebid Visit: 8:00AM 1/5/2015 Sale of Mobile Homes - 2014S010 12/30/14 Building Anchorage, AK Olympic Mountain Loop Improvements Girdwood - 0001512/59766 1/14/15 Road Project Girdwood, AK North Scott Drive Drainage Improvements E15-094 1/14/15 Road Project Juneau, AK Prebid Conference: 10:00AM 1/7/2015 NEW SUPPLY / SERVICE LISTINGS 15kV Switchgear Hane Substation Upgrade - 14-26 1/16/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK 35 Ton Slide Axle Equipment Trailer - SEF-1966 1/8/15 Equipment Anchorage, AK 4,000 Gallon Flusher Truck - Anchorage School District 12/23/14 Equipment Anchorage, AK Acquisition of (1) 21' Aluminum Skiff & Purchase of (1) Trailer - 2015-1200 1/9/15 -2877 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Air Cooled Condenser Cleaning Tool - 14-27 1/9/15 Equipment Anchorage, AK Anchorage Landfill Closure Plan Review & Cost Update - 2014P046 1/16/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Boney Courthouse Law Library Furniture #ACS-ITB-15-004 1/6/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Light Duty Vehicle - Anchorage School District 12/23/14 Equipment Anchorage, AK Provide Custodial Service for the Anchorage Police Department Headquarters Training Facility - 2014B089 1/7/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Prebid Conference: 1:30PM 1/6/2015 Prebid Conference: 9:30AM 12/30/2014 Prebid Visit: 10:00AM 12/24/2014 Term Agreement for Environmental Services RFP#02552036 1/8/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Term Contract to Provide daily mail out services - 2015-0600-2901 1/5/15 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Traffic Marking Paint, Solvent & Beads - Anchorage International Airport - 1/8/15 2515C026 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Tudor Road, Minnesota to E 36th Avenue Pavement Preservation Design 1/6/15 Services - 58507/0544(21) RFP #02552030 Supply/Services Anchorage, AK Rental of 1 150,000lb Excavator - Small business set aside - FA5004-15-T- 1/6/15 0003 Equipment Eielson Afb, AK Steel Pole & Arm Specifications for Quartz Creek Transmission Line rebuild - 14-25 1/13/15 Supply/Services Indian, AK Hazardous Materials Technician Course - 092-0313-15 1/6/15 Supply/Services Jber, AK Responder Support Camps for Disaster Response within Alaska - 20150900-2902 1/14/15 Supply/Services Jber, AK Prebid Conference: 10:00AM 12/30/2014 PROJECT NAME BID DATE TYPE LOCATION NEW SUPPLY / SERVICE LISTINGS Conceptual Design & Planning Services for Franklin & Front Street Reconstruction, Phase 1 - E15-183 1/20/15 Supply/Services Juneau, AK Juneau Data Center HVAC Services - 2015-0200-2874 12/29/14 Supply/Services Juneau, AK Juneau-Egan Drive Salmon Creek Intersection Safety Improvements 67595 RFP#02553017 1/6/15 Supply/Services Juneau, AK Planning Services for the Juneau Energy Plan - E14-185 1/15/15 Supply/Services Juneau, AK Petersburg Middle School Boiler Replacement 1/5/15 Supply/Services Petersburg, AK Petersburg Public Library Landscaping Project 1/30/15 Supply/Services Petersburg, AK Wrangell & Petersburg Alaska Airport Wildlife Hazard Site Visit - RFP #02553016 & 67928 1/20/15 Supply/Services Petersburg, AK Chignik Lagoon & Pilot Point Airports Dust Palliative #58268 Contract # 15-25-1-007 1/9/15 Supply/Services Pilot Point, AK Skagway-Klondike Highway MP 4-5 Repairs - Geotechnical Services 68480 / 02553018 1/5/15 Supply/Services Skagway, AK Takotna: Gold Creek Bridge & Tatalina Bridge Replacement Environmental & Design Support Services - 02552035 & 51621 12/19/14 Supply/Services Takotna, AK Airport Runway & Highway Sweeper Broom Replacement Brushes 2515H026 1/13/15 Supply/Services Various, AK Design Services for The Shoemaker Bay Float Design Project 1/13/15 Supply/Services Wrangell, AK Prebid Conference: 10:00AM 1/8/2015 Prebid Conference: 10:00AM 1/6/2015 Prebid Conference: 11:00AM 1/6/2015 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Lighthouse Drive 15-073B Big Lake, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 12/22/2014 3:00 PM 14-00585 The Matanuska-Susitna Borough is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to provide labor, equipment and material to reconstruct approximately 1150 linear feet of Lighthouse Drive near Big Lake Road, Big Lake Alaska. This project will upgrade the existing gravel roadways to MSB residential road standards. This work will involve, but is not limited to 0.3 acres Clearing and Grubbing, 3505 CY Unclassified Excavation, 2663 CY Borrow, Type B, and 397 CY Aggregate Surface Course, Grading E1, Additional items include drainage improvements, signage, topsoil and seeding Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing 15-073B 1 12/8/2014 - Revisions to Sheet A3 2 12/16/2014 - Add documents to the specifications 907-861-8601 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS PSG: Haugen Drive & Bike Path Improvements; Nordic Drive Refurbishment; Nordic Drive Sewer Line Improvements Juneau, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:00 PM 14-00561 69518 PSG: Haugen Drive and Bike Path ImprovementsRehabilitate the pavement on Haugen Drive from Nordic Drive to 8th Street. Construct new sidewalk from 8th Street to 12th Street on the north side and from 8th Street to the existing paved path on the south side. Replace existing sidewalks,curb and gutter, signage, and storm drain system components as needed. Install new electrolier and two flashing school beacons. Construct new asphalt shared use path from the approximate terminus of the existing path at the airport to Sandy BeachRoad. Install new culverts or slip line existing culverts as needed.Major work items for the basic bid include approximately 2,000 tons of ATB, 1,000 tons of Asphalt Concrete, 150 tons of Asphalt Cement, PG 5828, 8,400 square yards of pavement removal, 2,800 square yards of sidewalk removal andreplacement, and 5,200 linear feet of curb and gutter removal and replacement.68048 PSG: Nordic Drive Refurbishment: Haugen Drive to Ferry TerminalRehabilitate the pavement on Nordic Drive from Haugen Drive to the Ferry Terminal. Replace existing guardrail, sidewalks, and curb and gutter. Replace or construct approximately 5 culverts and 7 inlets. Improve drainage by cleaningexisting storm drain system and replacing selected inlet frames and grates. Major work Items include approximately 5,000 tons of ATB, 2.500 tons of Asphalt Concrete, 400 tons of Asphalt Cement, PG 58-28, 21,000 square yards of pavement removal, 4,500 square yards of sidewalk, and 8,200 linear feet of curb and gutter. The Petersburg Borough is including utility work through a Reimbursable Services Agreement that includes the relocation of a sewer force main and replacement of an existing sewer gravity main. Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind Est: $10,000,000 ex.shtml 69518/0938004 & 68048/0003(156) & RSA#68112 11/28/14 Notice to bidders: information only test results obtained in the past on three 1 material sources 12/5/2014 - Revision to the scope of work and various other changes to the specifications 1 and plan sheets 2 12/11/2014 - Changes to the specifications 3 12/17/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/23/2014 4 12/18/2014 - Revisions to the specifications 5 12/19/2014 - Changes to the specifications 907-465-3900 to $25,000,000 Roof Replacement (Bldg 8) Wildwood Correctional Center - Kenai Kenai, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:00 PM 14-00543 Enclosed is an Invitation to Bid (ITS) for furnishing all labor, materials,equipment, lodging, meals and travel to replace the roof on building #8 at theWildwood Correctional Center. The ITS packet includes all the information youshould need to submit a proposal Prebid Visit: 10:00AM 12/4/2014 Plans Contact: State of Alaska , Department of Corrections 550 W 7th Avenue, Suite 1800 Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: Addendum Description http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Vie Est: $200,000 w.aspx?id=174793 2019009 1 12/15/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/23/2014. 907-269-7349 to $350,000 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Whittier Tunnel Surface & Drainage Improvements and Standby Generators Design Services Whittier, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 4:00 PM Prebid Visit: 9:00AM 12/16/2014 Type: 14-00542 Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.alaska.gov 02552028 1 11/26/2014 - Remove & replace part c of the RFP Road Project 907-269-0408 Est: $500,000 2 12/2/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/23/2014, Site visit rescheduled to 12/16/2014. 3 12/19/2014 - Clarifications to $1,000,000 Sale of Mobile Homes - 2014S010 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 Sale of Mobile Homes 9:00 AM 14-00631 Type: Building Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O pen 2014S010 907-343-4590 Denali Street: Northern Lights Blvd to Fireweed Water Rehabilitation Anchorage, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:30 PM 14-00498 Consisting of the removal of existing 6-inch cast iron pipe and replacement with 995 feet of contractor furnished and installed 8inch zinc coated DIP, CL-52. This work also includes the installation and removal of a temporary water system, the removal and installation of seven (7) new service connects including key boxes, and the disconnect and reconnect of four (4) existing service connects from the main. In addition, the work includes installation of three (3) 12-inch gate vales, seven (7) 8-inch gate valves, two (2) 6-inch gate valves, two (2) single pumper fire hydrant assemblies, all landscaping, related appurtenances, and the restoration of all affected streets and improvements and other related work Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi Est: $1,000,000 dding.aspx 2014C076 1 12/2/2014 - Revisions to the specifications and replaces bid schedule 2 12/17/2014 - Bid Date Extensions to 1/6/2015 and changes to the wage rates. 907-343-4590 to $3,000,000 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Prince Rupert Ferry Terminal Replacement Prince Rupert, BC, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM 14-00444 This project consists of the removal and replacement of the Prince Rupert ferry terminal facility that is presently owned by the Prince Rupert Port Authority and utilized by Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) ferries. The work includes: Demolition and removal of all existing marine terminal structures, including timber mooring dolphins, timber transfer bridge, cable bridge lift system, and associated steel catwalks and other features; and construction of a new, modern ferry terminal facility encompassing steel-pile mooring dolphins, steel transfer bridge, concrete bridge abutment, steel bridge support float system, steel catwalks and other items including electrical system and potable water utilities. Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: Addendum Description $5,000,000 http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind ex.shtml 68531/9500122 1 11/20/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/11/2014 and revisions to the special provisions 2 11/24/2014 - Revisions to the specifications. Added the State of Alaska Lease, Sublease & Head Lease 3 11/25/2014 - Revisions to the specifications 4 12/5/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/18/2014 5 12/8/2014 - Changes to the insurance requirements & various plan sheets 6 12/15/2014 - Revisions to plan sheets 13, 23 & 24. 7 12/16/2014 - Bid Date Extension 1/6/2015 907-465-3900 to Steller Secondary Electrical Upgrades Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM Steller Secondary Electrical Upgrades Prebid Visit: 3:00PM 12/10/2014 Type: 14-00587 Building Contract #: http://www.asdk12.org/purchasing/ 2015-807 12/15/2014 - Revisions to the plan sheets and specifications Addendum Description 1 Museum Entry Door Replacement & ADA Upgrades Valdez, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/7/2015 2:00 PM 14-00567 Aluminum front doors: Remove and replace existing doors and frames on each pair of doors. Repair existing structural opening. Provide power open door operators for one side of the doors. Hollow steel side exit doors: Remove and replace existing doors and frame with one 36” door. Repair existing structural opening Plans Contact: City of Valdez 300 Airport Road Valdez AK 99686 Contract #: http://www.ci.valdez.ak.us/Bids.aspx 14-350-1404 907-834-3408 Est: $60,000 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Aggregate, Stockpiled, Multiple Grades, Multiple Locations, Denali Highway, AK Fairbanks, AK Type: BID DATE: 1/8/2015 10:00 AM 14-00281 Aggregate, Stockpiled, Multiple Grades, Multiple Locations, Denali Highway, AK. Federally Funded 2 Contract #: http://www.dot.state.ak.us/ 2515N021F 9/29/2014The Performance Bond was omitted in the original bid documents.PERFORMANCE BOND: Any posted performance bonds will ensure performance over the entire term of the contract. In the event it becomes necessary for the state to cancel the con 10/15/2014 - Bid date 3 10/28/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 11/6/2014 at 10:00AM 4 10/31/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/4/2014 5 12/2/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/18/2014 6 12/9/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 1/8/2015 Road Project Addendum Description 1 Downtown Waterfront Facilities Corrosion Control Repairs Juneau, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/8/2015 2:00 PM 14-00402 This Project consists of in-place surface preparation and coating of sheet andH-piles, jacketing of H-piles, installation of galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection systems, and electrical improvements, and miscellaneous related WORK.Additive Alternate No. 1 WORK is generally describe as follows: Provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary for surface preparation and the application to select H-piles, containment of debris, dust, and spray generated during surface preparation and during application of the protective coatings. Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php E13-218 1 11/13/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/4/2014. 2 11/25/2014 - Bid Date Extension 12/11/2014 3 12/4/2014 - Bid Date Extension 1/8/2015. 907-586-0873 JNU Glacier Hwy Multi-use Separated Path Juneau, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/8/2015 2:00 PM 14-00608 The project will construct a new multi-use pathway along the north side of Glacier Highway at Engineer's Cutoff to UAS. The multi-use pathway will terminate at the UAS pedestrian bridge near Auke Lake. This project will also include paving of the Auke Lake Wayside parking lot and construction of two water quality treatment basins with associated drainage improvements Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind Est: $2,500,000 ex.shtml 69500/0933037 1 12/19/2014 - Revisions to the plan sheets 907-465-3900 to $5,000,000 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS POW: Hydaburg Highway Pavement Rehabilitation Hydaburg, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/8/2015 2:00 PM 14-00563 Resurface Hydaburg Highway from Cedar Street (MP 0) to the intersection with Klawock-Hollis Highway (MP 22.5). Pulverize the existing chip seal and construct a crushed asphalt base course and a chip seal wearing surface. Dig out the existing road base and reconstruct in select locations. Replace or slip line deteriorated culverts. Remove and reconstruct bridge rail, and place waterproofing membrane on twelve bridges. Remove and replace guardrail. Replace signs and pavement markings Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind Est: $10,000,000 ex.shtml 67576/NH_EBL-STP-0913(006) 12/2/2014 Notice to bidders: Protest letter submitted from Southeast Road Builders in 1 regards to the DBE Subcontractable items 907-465-3900 to $20,000,000 Fish Creek Sewer Rehabilitation, Phase 1 - 2014C078 Anchorage, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/9/2015 2:30 PM 14-00660 Consisting of the rehabilitation of approximately 256 feet of 48-inch reinforced concrete pipe with contractor furnished and installed 41-inch FRP pipe. CCTV inspection of 88 feet of 48-inch ductile iron pipe flowing half-full. Furnish and install excavation and backfill for insertion pits, installation of temporary sheetpiling, annular space grout, sewer and manhole cleaning, and tideland restoration of disturbed areas and improvements and other related work Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O Est: $500,000 pen 2014C078 907-343-4590 to $1,000,000 Tikigiq School Major Facility Renovations & Gymnasium Addition Project PH II Point Hope, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/9/2015 3:30 PM 14-00508 Tikigiq School Major Facility Renovations & Gymnasium Addition Project PH II MANDATORY Prebid Conference: 2:30PM 12/4/2014 Plans Contact: North Slope Borough 907-852-0489 1689 Okpik Street Barrow AK 99723 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.north-slope-procurement.com CIP # 06-195 11/19/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/22/2014. MANDATORY Pre Bid meeting is 2:30PM 1 12/4/2014. Revisions to the instructions to bidders. 1 Call in number for TODAY's pre meeting 2 12/8/2014 - Revisions to the specifications and various other changes 3 12/10/2014 - Changes to specifications, Q&A 4 12/12/2014 - Q&A, revisions to the specifications and 2 drawings 5 12/17/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 1/9/2015. Changes to the specifications CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Wonder Park Elementary School Site Safety Improvements Anchorage, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/9/2015 2:00 PM 14-00619 A. General Description:Site Safety Improvements at Wonder Park Elementary School located at 5101 East 4th avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99508.B. Construction:Furnish labor, supervision, materials, tools, equipment and other items as necessary to properly renovate the site per the project documents. Work includes, but is not limited to:1. Asphalt, sidewalk, sub-base, landscaping and miscellaneous renovations per theproject documents2. Installation of a new parent drop off/pick up loop off E. 4th Ave including miscellaneous work including fencing, landscaping.3. New light poles, fixtures and miscellaneous work per the project documents.4. Salvage and delivery of materials per section 020500, Demolition.5. Sequence the start, conduct and completion of Work as required in Section 00200,Project Schedule Milestone Dates Prebid Visit: 8:30AM 12/18/2014 Plans Contact: Anchorage School District 4919 Van Buren Street Anchorage AK 99517 Contract #: http://www.asdk12.org/depts/purchasing/PurchasingBi ds.aspx 2015-808 907-742-1213 City Hall Fire Alarm Upgrade - Valdez Valdez, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/12/2015 2:00 PM 14-00593 Demolition and replacement of current Fire Alarm Control Panel and Fixtures with new. New wiring and conduit will be required Plans Contact: City of Valdez 300 Airport Road Valdez AK 99686 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.ci.valdez.ak.us 12-350-1201 1 12/11/2014 - Revisions & Clarifications to the specifications. Replace bid Schedule 2 907-834-3408 12/19/2014 - Changes to the specifications Meyring Park (North) Upgrades Valdez, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 2:00 PM 14-00620 Type: Road Project Removal of the existing fence and asphaltImport and re-grade the areaNew asphalt and fencingPainting of court layouts and the installation of game equipment Plans Contact: City of Valdez 300 Airport Road Valdez AK Contract #: http://www.ci.valdez.ak.us/ 14-310-5520 907-834-3408 99686 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS APD Training Roof Catwalks - 2014C077 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:30 PM Consisting of a interior roof metal catwalks and electrical. Prebid Visit: 10:00AM 1/7/2015 14-00661 Type: Building Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O Est: $100,000 pen 2014C077 907-343-4590 to $500,000 North Scott Drive Drainage Improvements E15-094 Juneau, AK Type: Road Project BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:00 PM 14-00639 This Project consists of reconstruction of the North block of Scott Drive. TheWORK consists of installation of a new storm drainage system, some sanitary sewer reconstructions, some water system upgrades, valley gutter, replacement of the roadway embankment to a depth of 12 inches, shot rock with base course, new asphalt pavement, and miscellaneous related WORK Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php E15-094 907-586-0873 Olympic Mountain Loop Improvements Girdwood - 0001512/59766 Girdwood, AK BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:00 PM 14-00655 Type: Road Project This federally funded project will rehabilitate and pave Olympic Circle from Arlberg Avenue to Arlberg Avenue in Girdwood, Alaska. Project includes striping and drainage improvements as necessary. Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: http://www.dot.state.ak.us/apps/contracts?ACTION=BI Est: $1,000,000 DCAL®ION_CODE=ALL 0001512/59766 907-269-0408 to $2,500,000 O'Malley Elementary School Lockers - 2015-809 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:00 PM 14-00645 Type: Building Adding lockers for 4-6 grade classrooms on existing building corridors at O’Malley Elementary School located at 11100 Rockridge Drive, Anchorage, Alaska, 99516 Prebid Visit: 8:00AM 1/5/2015 Plans Contact: Anchorage School District 4919 Van Buren Street Anchorage AK 99517 Contract #: http://www.asdk12.org/depts/purchasing/PurchasingBi ds.aspx 2015-809 907-742-1213 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Accessibility Upgrades at Mt. View Housing Complex - Juneau Juneau, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/20/2015 2:00 PM 14-00628 Work shall include but is not limited to the renovation of Units 319, 322, and 323 of the Mt. View Housing Complex for compliance with current accessibility regulations. Work includes renovation to the bathroom and kitchen areas and replacement offixtures, kitchen countertop, and finishes including preparation of existing sheet vinyl flooring and subfloor for sheet vinyl installation by Owner Plans Contact: Alaska Housing Finance Corp 4300 Boniface Pkwy Anchorage AK 99504 Contract #: http://www.ahfc.us/pros/notices/invitations-bid/ 15T05-007 907-338-6100 Bldg 20 Reconfiguration USCH Kodiak Alaska Kodiak, AK BID DATE: 1/20/2015 3:00 PM 14-00443 Type: Building This synopsis is hereby issued for the anticipated solicitation of the BLDG. 20Reconfiguration and Renovation Project located at United States Coast GuardBase Kodiak, AK. Plans Contact: Coast Guard of Kodiak 915 Second Avenue Seattle WA 98174 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.fbo.gov HSCG87-15-R-PJT037 1 12/3/2014 - Revisions to the specifications 206-220-7436 Est: $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Anchorage Readiness Center B-wing Latrine Renovation Jber, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/23/2015 2:00 PM 14-00596 This federally funded project will include demolition and renovation to existing Men's and Women's Toilet Rooms including Men's and Women's Shower Rooms, located within the existing Locker Room area of Anchorage Readiness Center B-Wing. Approximate square footage of work limits is 1,950 square feet. The Work, including demolition, to involve Architectural, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electricalsystems, as described in the Contract Documents Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.dot.state.ak.us/apps/contracts?ACTION=BI Est: $500,000 DCAL®ION_CODE=ALL 81235 1 12/19/2014 - Q&A and revisions to the plan sheets & specifications 907-269-0408 to $1,000,000 CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Patty Ice Areana Ceiling & Rubber Floor Replacement - UAF Fairbanks, AK Type: Building BID DATE: 1/28/2015 2:00 PM 14-00555 The Work consists of: renovations of the architectural finishes in the Patty Ice Arena. The arena will receive new flooring around the ice rink and the roof trusses will be repainted. New acoustical panels will be installed in the ceiling of the arena. If alternate #1 is accepted, four locker rooms will be renovated to create new shower spaces Plans Contact: University of Alaska Fairbanks P.O. Box 758160 Fairbanks AK Contract #: http://dev.aeplans.com/ 0562015 907-474-1980 99775 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Janitorial Contract for AST - Anchorage Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/22/2014 10:30 AM 14-00579 Type: Supply/Services The work to be completed by this project consists of janitorial labor for the Alaska Bureau of Investigation's building. The contractor will provide the labor necessary to ensure that custodial services are performed at the ABI building that maintain the facilities condition and present a clean, neat and professional appearance. Prebid Visit: 8:30AM 12/17/2014 Plans Contact: State of Alaska Public Safety 524 E 48th Avenue Anchorage AK 99503 Contract #: 12-80275A Addendum Description http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 12/10/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/22/2014 and added another site visit for 8:30AM 1 12/17/2014 907-929-8952 Provide Professional Project Management Services Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/22/2014 5:00 PM 14-00525 Type: Supply/Services The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) is soliciting proposals fromqualified firms to provide professional project management services to assist AWWUwith managing and administering various water, wastewater and facility improvementprojects identified in the Capital Improvement Program. These projects will generallybe related to electrical, mechanical, or supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA) system improvements, but may also include treatment plant, sewercollection facility, or water distribution facility upgrades Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014P040 http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 907-343-4590 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Sale of Mobile Homes Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/22/2014 9:30 AM Sale of Mobile Homes Prebid Visit: 11:00AM 12/2/2014 14-00521 Type: Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014S009 Addendum Description http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 1 Supply/Services 907-343-4590 12/5/2014 - Bid Date & Time Extension to 12/22/2014 at 9:30AM 4,000 Gallon Flusher Truck - Anchorage School District Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:00 PM 14-00601 Type: Equipment The Anchorage School District (referred to as the “District” or the “ASD”) invites sealed bids from qualified vendors to furnish 4,000-GALLON FLUSHER TRUCK in accordance with the following documents that are a part of thisITB 2015-518 Plans Contact: Anchorage School District 4919 Van Buren Street Anchorage AK Contract #: 2015-518 Addendum Description http://www.asdk12.org/purchasing/ 1 12/12/2014 - Project is suspended until further notice 2 907-742-1213 99517 12/18/2014 - New Bid Date of 12/23/2014 at 2:00PM and revisions to the specifications Energy Lighting Upgrades Project - Soldotna, Alaska Soldotna, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 1:00 PM 14-00604 Type: Supply/Services The work to be completed by this project consists: correcting several safety issues within the building, making repairs and developing an energy saving lighting system replacing identified interior ceiling lights (T-12) in several areas with new high energy lighting to meet the criteria the State of Alaska Energy Program by 2020 in the Alaska State Trooper Facility in Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Plans Contact: State of Alaska Public Safety 524 E 48th Avenue Anchorage AK 99503 Contract #: 12-133421F Addendum Description http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Vie Est: $25,000 w.aspx?id=174931 12/19/2014 - Bid Date Extension 12/23/2014. Substantial completion date is March 27, 1 2015. 907-929-8952 to $100,000 Fuel, As Needed #1 Heating Oil - St Mary's, Alaska Saint Marys, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 Fuel, # 1 Heating Oil 10:00 AM 14-00581 Plans Contact: Northern Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks AK 99709 Contract #: 2515N031 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx Type: Supply/Services 907-451-5236 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Furnish Pedestals & Misc Electrical Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 9:00 AM 14-00609 Type: Supply/Services This specification covers requirements for bidders to qualify for supplyingunderground electrical equipment and hardware to ML&P. This specificationapplies to all specifications in the MD section Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014B084 http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O pen 907-343-4590 Light Duty Vehicle - Anchorage School District Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:00 PM 14-00602 Type: Equipment The Anchorage School District (referred to as the “District”) invites offers from qualified vendors to provide LIGHT DUTY VEHICLE in accordance with the following documents that are a part of this REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ 2015-713 Plans Contact: Anchorage School District 4919 Van Buren Street Anchorage AK Contract #: 2015-713 Addendum Description http://www.asdk12.org/purchasing/ 1 12/12/2014 - Project is suspended until further notice 2 907-742-1213 99517 12/18/2014 - New bid date of 12/23/2014 at 2:00PM Medium Duty End Dump with Plow Blade Delta Junction, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 4:00 PM 14-00527 Type: Equipment The City of Delta Junction, Alaska is seeking sealed bids for a new/unused seven (7) cubic yard, medium duty end dump with plow blade and slide-in sand spreader. Plans Contact: City of Delta Junction 2288 Deborah Street Delta Junction AK Contract #: http://www.ci.delta-junction.ak.us/ 907-895-4656 99737 Power Transformer for Chugach Electric to the Hane Substation Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 4:00 PM 14-00558 Type: Supply/Services Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach) is soliciting bids for one substation power transformer and related field engineering services for unit assembly upon delivery or as required when transformer installation is to occur. Plans Contact: Chugach Electric Assoc 5601 Electron Drive Anchorage AK Contract #: 14-24 Addendum Description http://www.chugachelectric.com 1 12/2/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/23/2014. 2 12/9/2014 - Information about LD's and Q&A 907-563-7494 99519 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Scow Bay 1 Pump Station Upgrade Engineering Services Petersburg, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:00 PM 14-00547 Type: Supply/Services Petersburg Borough is planning to upgrade Scow Bay 1 Pump Station in order to address the existing problems of insufficient capacity, worn mechanical components, and poor pump efficiency. The Borough wishes to engage an engineering firm to design a new pump station featuring submersible pumps, energy efficient design/components; properly sized wet well with adequate surge capacity; and controls located above ground. The selected engineer may be retained for additional services including: permitting; bid phase assistance; and construction administration, inspection and close out. Plans Contact: Petersburg Borough P.O. Box 329 Petersburg AK 99833 Contract #: http://www.ci.petersburg.ak.us/index.asp?SEC=C3428 CA1-6646-431D-B15C61B245CF7100&Type=B_BASIC 907-772-4688 Term Contract to Provide Janitorial Services - Fairbanks Juvenile Justice Fairbanks, AK BID DATE: 12/23/2014 2:30 PM 14-00580 Type: Supply/Services SCOPE:A. Miscellaneous Supplies: The contractor shall furnish and maintain all restrooms supplies such as toilet paper, liquid hand soap, deodorizers, paper towels, toilet seat covers, sanitary napkins and plastic liners for trash cans. The cost of these supplies shall be the responsibility of the awarded contractor.B. Supply and Equipment Storage: Limited storage room(s) will be made available to the contractor for storage of equipment, materials, and supplies used in the performance of the contract. The contractor must keep this area neat, orderly, and odor free at all times.C. Dumpsters/Trash Removal from Site: Dumpster service will be provided. Contractor is to place all trash/debris from the facility, in the dumpster.D. On the last scheduled day of performance the Contractor shall provide all required services. Clean the building and leave all dispensers full Prebid Visit: 1:30PM 12/16/2014 Plans Contact: State of Alaska DHSS 3601 C Street, Suite 578 Anchorage AK 99517 Contract #: 2015-0600-2889 Addendum Description http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 1 907-334-2689 12/9/2014 - Q&A *PRE-SOLICITATION* Eielson Paving IDIQ Eielson Afb, AK BID DATE: 12/24/2014 1:00 PM 14-00617 Type: Presolicitation Maintain, repair, and construct base and airfield pavement and surfaces. This work includes the use of Asphaltic Cement and Portland Cement Concrete type pavements for projects as specified in the individual Task Orders Contract #: FA5004-15-R-C001 http://www.fbo.gov SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS *PRE-SOLICITATION* Alaska Region 10 Fixed Wing Aviation Services BPA Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/29/2014 12:00 PM 14-00615 Type: Presolicitation The purpose of this pre-solicitation notice is to notify potential offerors of theneed for contractors to fill a multiple award Blanket Purchase Agreements(BPA) otherwise known as the Aircraft Rental Agreements (ARA) in theTongass National Forest and Chugach National forest Region 10, Alaska thatare pre-approved and inspected by USFS and capable of accepting ondemand aircraft orders Contract #: AG-0116-S-15-0006 http://www.fbo.gov *PRE-SOLICITATION* Alaska Region 10 Helicopter Call-when-needed services BPA Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/29/2014 12:00 PM 14-00618 Type: Presolicitation The Forest Service Alaska Region 10 contemplates issuing a solicitation forLight (Type III) Helicopter aircraft services on a CallWhen-Needed (CWN)Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for aircraft services on or about Monday,December 29, 2014, on Fedbizopps Contract #: AG-0116S-15-0007 http://www.fbo.gov Juneau Data Center HVAC Services - 2015-0200-2874 Juneau, AK BID DATE: 12/29/2014 1:30 PM Annual Maintenance Services on HVAC system 14-00641 Plans Contact: State of Alaska Dept of Adminstration P.O. Box 110208 Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 2015-0200-2874 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx Type: Supply/Services 907-465-5762 Provide Computer Assisted Legal Research Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/29/2014 5:00 PM 14-00600 Type: Supply/Services The Municipality of Anchorage will retain one firm to provide computer assistedlegal research (CALR) to the Municipal Attorney's Office. Firms should beprepared to provide an online demonstration of system either in-person orremotely. In addition, the Requestor must provide a one week free trial periodfor 5 users prior to selection and award Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014P047 Addendum Description http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 1 12/16/2014 - Changes to the specifications and Q&A 907-343-4590 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Provide Custodial Service for ZJ Loussac Library Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/29/2014 3:00 PM 14-00603 Type: Supply/Services Provide Custodial Services to Z.J. Loussac Public Library, 3600 Denali Street, Anchorage, AK 99503 per the bid specifications Prebid Visit: 10:30AM 12/11/2014 Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014B086 Addendum Description http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O pen 1 12/12/2014 - Revisions to the specifications 2 12/18/2014 - Bid Date & Time Extension to 12/23/2014 at 3:00PM 907-343-4590 Electrical Services - Install LED Lighting in Street Lights Fairbanks, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 10:00 AM 14-00612 Type: Supply/Services The City of Fairbanks is soliciting bids from qualified electrical contractors to provide labor, equipment and incidental miscellaneous material to install approximately 68each new LED lighting fixtures replacing existing street lights at selected locations within the City including Old Steese Hwy, Front St to College Rd, S. LathropSt, Van Horn Rd to 19th Ave and Northside Blvd & Harold Bentley Ave . The City will be providing the lamps Plans Contact: City of Fairbanks 800 Cushman Street Fairbanks AK 99701 Contract #: FB-14-43 Addendum Description http://www.fairbanksalaska.us/departments/personneland-purchasing/invitations-to-bid 1 907-459-6781 12/12/2014 - Revisions to the specifications Fire Protection System Inspection - Lower Yukon School District Mountain Village, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 5:00 PM 14-00594 Type: Supply/Services The Lower Yukon School District is currently requesting proposals from qualified firms to perform fire safety systems inspections and reporting for ten school sites located in the Yukon Delta, Alaska Plans Contact: Lower Yukon School District P.O. Box 32089 Mountain Village AK 99632 Contract #: http://www.aeplans.com/aeplans/menu.asp 907-591-2411 Fire System Testing, Inspection & Monitoring 2014 Kenai, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 5:00 PM 14-00530 Type: Supply/Services Provide testing, inspection and monitoring for fire systems. Replace approximately 46 dry sprinkler heads Plans Contact: City of Kenai 210 Fidalgo Avenue Kenai AK 99611 Contract #: Addendum Description http://www.ci.kenai.ak.us/doingbusiness/bidinformation 1 12/9/2014 - Inspection Report for 2012 2 12/19/2014 - Q&A 907-283-7535 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Provide Benefit Services for MOA Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 5:00 PM 14-00471 Type: Supply/Services The Municipality of Anchorage is seeking proposals for one vendor to administerthe following group benefit programs:• FSAFlexible Spending Account (health & dependent care)• HSA- Health Savings Account• HRA- Health Reimbursement AccountWith the issuance of this RFP, the Municipality of Anchorage is focusing onstreamlining the claim reimbursement process with increased automation,improving customer service and improved online access for employees Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014P039 Addendum Description http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 1 11/17/2014 - Bid Date Extension & Pre-Bid meeting 2 11/18/2014 - Changes to the bid pre meeting 907-343-4590 RFP for Donor Recognition art the Cordova Center Cordova, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 4:30 PM 14-00345 Type: Supply/Services The City of Cordova is requesting proposals for art work to be installed in the Cordova Center for the purpose of recognizing project donors. This multi-use facility is currently under construction, with completion anticipated during the summer of 2015. Prebid Visit: 10/23/2014 Plans Contact: City of Cordova P.O. Box 1210 Cordova AK 99574 Contract #: http://www.cityofcordova.net/business-businessresources/invitations-to-bid-rfps 907-424-6200 Est: $50,000 Signal Batteries - ARRC Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/30/2014 3:00 PM 14-00613 Type: Supply/Services The Alaska Railroad Corporation (“ARRC”) is soliciting bids from interested parties to supply ARRC pre-approved NiCad signal batteries Plans Contact: Alaska Railroad 327 W Ship Creek Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 14-48-203142 http://alaskarailroad.com/corporate/Contracting/Solicit ations/tabid/408/Default.aspx 907-265-2593 *PRESOLICITATION* Parks Hwy MP 183-188 ***Questions & Comments Only*** Healy, AK BID DATE: 12/31/2014 12:00 PM 14-00569 Type: Presolicitation This is a pre solicitation for the Parks Hwy. The project is due out in 2017. Any and all comments are due by 12/31/2014. Plans Contact: Northern Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks AK 99709 Contract #: http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 907-451-5236 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Contractor Owned Contractor Operated (COCO) Fuel Storage Services, Anchorage Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 12/31/2014 12:00 PM 14-00598 Type: Presolicitation To obtain Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated (COCO) fuel facilities withthe current capability to receive, store, ship, Aviation Turbine Fuel Grade Jet A-1 by Ocean Tanker/Barges/Pipeline/Trucks. Contractor must have thecapability to receive tankers and barges at the Anchorage City Dock Facilityvia the Contractor's pipeline connection to the Anchorage City ManifoldSystem Contract #: SP0600-14-R-0522 http://www.fbo.gov Lu Young Lane Design Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/5/2015 2:00 PM 14-00607 Type: Supply/Services The Matanuska-Susitna Borough is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide engineering and design services for Lu Young Lane widening and upgrades. Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-076P Addendum Description http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing 1 12/12/2014 - Added the geo report from Shannon Wilson 2 907-861-8601 12/15/2014 - Q&A Petersburg Middle School Boiler Replacement Petersburg, AK BID DATE: 1/5/2015 12:00 PM 14-00640 Type: Supply/Services The Petersburg School District is requesting proposals from qualified plumbing and heating firms for the replacement of an oilfired Weil McLain 1686, installed in 1984. During its last maintenance cycle, this boiler was found to have developed a sectional leak. Due to it nearing the end of its designed service life, and the questionable availability of repair parts, replacement with an equivalent current model Weil McLain boiler is required. The existing boiler is fitted with a Webster JB20-30-LMV37-S-MPUL/FM/CSD-1 #2 fuel oil burner that was put into service in October 2014. Reuse of this burner on the new boiler installation shall be incorporated into the proposal Contract #: http://www.pcsd.us/pages/Petersburg_City_SchoolDist rict Skagway-Klondike Highway MP 4-5 Repairs - Geotechnical Services - 68480 / 02553018 Skagway, AK BID DATE: 1/5/2015 4:00 PM 14-00650 Type: Supply/Services This project would repair the subgrade and repair the surface of the Klondike in Skagway, Alaska from CDS MP 2.7 to MP 3.2. Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 68480 / 02553018 http://dot.alaska.gov/rfpmgr/sm.cfm 907-465-3900 Est: $100,000 to $150,000 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Term Contract to Provide daily mail out services - 2015-0600-2901 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/5/2015 2:30 PM 14-00644 Type: Supply/Services This bid will result in a term contract for the Division of Public Assistance covering Daily Mail out Services for EIS and ARIES Fair Hearing Notices, Routine EIS Mid-Month Notices with inserts, and Occasional Special Mailings described herein Plans Contact: State of Alaska DHSS 3601 C Street, Suite 578 Anchorage AK 99517 Contract #: 2015-0600-2901 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 907-334-2689 Boney Courthouse Law Library Furniture #ACS-ITB-15-004 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM 14-00642 Type: Supply/Services The ACS has determined that the style of Library Shelving and Tables required for the ACS Law Library is the Agati Furniture Brown Line, David Edwards Furniture Universal B Line, or approved equivalent. The item numbers listed are the Agati Furniture Brown Line. They are examples of the type and quality of product required, and are not statements of preference. The ACS will be the sole judge of equivalency and acceptability of product offered Plans Contact: State of Alaska Court House Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: ACS-ITB-15-004 Addendum Description http://www.courts.alaska.gov/fops/procurement.pdf 1 12/18/2014 - Changes to the specifications 907-264-8224 E-Rate Wireless Equipment - Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Soldotna, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 4:00 PM 14-00477 Type: Supply/Services The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Purchasing Department (hereinafter also KPBSD or District), invites the submission of Bids to provide E-Rate Wireless Equipment to the District in accordance with the following Instructions to Bidders Plans Contact: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District 139 E Park Avenue Soldotna AK 99669 Contract #: 111-15 http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/erate 907-714-8876 Hazardous Materials Technician Course - 092-0313-15 Jber, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM 14-00643 Type: Supply/Services The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, is soliciting competitive proposals for a qualified contractor to provide and teach a Hazardous Materials Technician Course to select emergency responders in Anchorage, Alaska, that meets or exceeds the standards set in National Fire Protection Code (NFPA) 472 and OSHA 1910.120 Plans Contact: Department of Military & Veterans Affairs 49000 Army Guard Road, Suite B105B JBER AK 99505 Contract #: 092-0313-15 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 907-428-7109 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Juneau-Egan Drive Salmon Creek Intersection Safety Improvements - 67595 RFP#02553017 Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 4:00 PM 14-00646 Type: Supply/Services The overall scope of the project will consist of recommendations and design for signal arm and illumination relocation. DOT is widening Egan Drive to add and acceleration lane for traffic traveling west on Glacier Highway turning north onto Egan Drive, and a deceleration lane for traffic traveling south on Egan Drive and turning right onto Channel Drive. The widening of the road requires the relocation of the northeast intersection signal arm and the adjacent street lighting to the work. Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 67595/02553017 http://dot.alaska.gov/rfpmgr/sm.cfm 907-465-3900 Est: $50,000 to $100,000 Maintenance for the Northwind 100 Wind Turbine - Bethel Bethel, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 12:00 PM 14-00599 Type: Supply/Services Maintenance and service shall be performed only by those technicians qualified and certified by the manufacturer to work on the Northwind 100. Work to be completed in accordance with published standards so as to maintain the turbine warranty and allow for the City to extend the warranty if desired at the end of the current warranty period. Plans Contact: City of Bethel 300 State Highway Bethel AK 99559 Contract #: http://www.cityofbethel.org/index.asp 907-543-2311 MSBSD - Internet Service II for the Mat-Su Borough School District Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 1:00 PM 14-00568 Type: Supply/Services Provide a 2 Gpbs (2000 Mbps) full duplex Internet circuit for the Matanuska Susitna Borough School District per the Scope of Services. Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District (MSBSD) 690 Cope Industrial Way Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: B15-09 http://www.matsuk12.us 907-861-5125 Port Food Vendor Program Ketchikan, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM 14-00610 Type: Supply/Services The City of Ketchikan requests sealed bids for the Port Food Vendor Program, Contract No. 15-01, a program to allow the preparation and selling of food for immediate consumption on the City's Port Facilities Plans Contact: City of Ketchikan 334 Front Street Ketchikan AK Contract #: 15-01 http://www.city.ketchikan.ak.us 907-225-5658 99901 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Provide Plant Engineering Services on an "as needed" basis to ML&P Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 5:00 PM 14-00611 Type: Supply/Services The Municipality of Anchorage, Municipal Light & Power (ML&P) is requestingproposals from qualified firms to provide professional engineering services forML&P's power plants and related commercial facilities. These services arenecessary and are required for employee and public safety Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014P045 http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 907-343-4590 Rental of 1 150,000lb Excavator - Small business set aside - FA5004-15-T-0003 Eielson Afb, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 12:00 PM Request the rental of one 150,000 lb Excavator rental 14-00635 Plans Contact: 354 Contracting Squadron 2310 Central Avenue Bldg 2250 Eielson AK Contract #: FA5004-15-T-0003 Type: Equipment 907-377-1123 99702 Term Contract for Electrical Work Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 2:00 PM 14-00605 Type: Supply/Services The purpose of this document is to solicit proposals from qualifiedcontractors to provide electrical contracting services to the CBJ. The proposed term contract will cover small projects not-to-exceed $50,000 each Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: E15-170 http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php 907-586-0873 Tudor Road, Minnesota to E 36th Avenue Pavement Preservation Design Services - 58507/0544(21) RFP #02552030 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/6/2015 4:00 PM 14-00632 Type: Supply/Services The Contractor shall provide design services for the subject project, which may include assistance with Environmental Documentation and Permits, Survey, Design Study Report, Public Involvement, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan,plans specifications and estimates, assistance during bidding, and assistance during construction Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 58507/0544(21) & 02552030 http://dot.alaska.gov/rfpmgr/lg.cfm 907-269-0408 Est: $500,000 to $1,000,000 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Project Management Services for Capital Improvement Projects at the Juneau Intl Airport Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/7/2015 2:00 PM 14-00614 Type: Supply/Services The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is requesting proposals fromqualified consultants to provide project management services for capital improvement projects at Juneau International Airport for calendar years 2015-2020. These projects may be funded with a combination of different funding sources including, but not limited to, FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Funds, Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT), Passenger Facility Charges (PFC’s), and local funding that includes sales tax. This solicitation is in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5310-14E (09/30/14) Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: E15-167 http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php 907-586-0873 Provide Custodial Service for the Anchorage Police Department Headquarters Training Facility 2014B089 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/7/2015 9:30 AM 14-00658 Provide Custodial Service for the Anchorage Police DepartmentHeadquarters Training Facility Prebid Visit: 10:00AM 12/24/2014 Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014B089 http://purchasing.muni.org/ShowBids.aspx?bidtype=O pen Type: Supply/Services 907-343-4590 35 Ton Slide Axle Equipment Trailer - SEF-1966 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 12:00 PM 14-00651 Type: Equipment It is the purpose of this specification to describe a new, and of the manufacturer's latest current model and design, minimum 70,000 pound capacity, hydraulic sliding two (2) axles, 5th wheel hitch equipment trailer, with winch. Unit bid must have been in production a minimum of four (4) years. Unit to include all standard equipment andaccessories as advertised in manufacturer's specification sheet of model offered, unless otherwise specified herein Plans Contact: State of Alaska DOT State Equipment Fleet 2200 E 42nd Avenue Anchorage AK 99508 Contract #: SEF-1966 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Vie w.aspx?id=175051 907-269-0786 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Actuarial Services for Pension & Retiree Medical Plans - Alaska Railroad Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 3:00 PM 14-00548 Type: Supply/Services The Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC) is seeking proposals for an actuary for its defined benefit pension plan and its retiree medical plan, to provide annual valuations and determine the Annual Required Cost (ARC). The valuations are done under GASB 67 (pension) and GASB 45 (retiree medical). Additionally, the ARRC requires an update to the valuation for budgeting purposes in thefall of each year Plans Contact: Alaska Railroad 327 W Ship Creek Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 14-47-203185 Addendum Description http://alaskarailroad.com/corporate/Contracting/Solicit ations/tabid/408/Default.aspx 1 907-265-2593 11/26/2014 - Confirmed bid date of 1/8/2015 AMHS M/V Columbia Bridge Deck Reno Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 2:00 PM 14-00435 Type: Equipment The project consists of furnishing all labor, material and equipment for upgrades or renovations of the following spaces and/or systems: Bridge Deck Accommodation Space Upgrades; Wheelhouse Upgrades; House top Repairs; Bridge Deck HVAC Refurbishment; Solarium Window Replacement; E-Generator Room and Galley Refrigeration Room Relocation and Upgrades; Anchor Windlass Refurbishment; Computer Network Upgrades and New Workshop / Network Equipment Room; Stability Assessment; Annual Overhaul and Dry Docking Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 70126/9500(138) Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind ex.shtml 907-465-3900 $5,000,000 1 11/24/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 1/8/2015. Revisions to the specification and Q&A 2 12/12/2014 - Revisions to the specifications to Printing & Mailing Tax Bills & Notices Fairbanks, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 5:00 PM 14-00629 Type: Supply/Services The Department of Finance, Division of Treasury and Budget, is soliciting proposals for the printing and mailing of the annual real property tax bills and notices for the 2015 tax year. Printing and mailing services specified in this solicitation are provided once a year. The printing and mailing services specified in this solicitation pertain to the production of the annual property tax billing statements Plans Contact: Fairbanks North Star Borough 809 Pioneer Road Fairbanks AK 99707 Contract #: 15037 http://www.co.fairbanks.ak.us/bidsonline/BidsOnline.as Est: $11,000 px 907-459-1297 to $15,000 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Term Agreement for Environmental Services RFP#02552036 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 4:00 PM 14-00633 Type: Supply/Services The Contracting Agency intends to award a single term Agreement to provide required environmental services for multiple projects throughout the Central Region. The services will likely include: environmental documentation; public and agency involvement; environmental survey and inventory; impact assessment; permit acquisition; environmental peer reviews; compliance inspections and field reviews; environmental field monitoring; and other related work. Services would support development of federal-aid and State-funded transportation projects of all modes, although most will support FHWA and FAA funded projects Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 02552036 Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/rfpmgr/lg.cfm 1 12/18/2014 - Changes to the specifications 907-269-0408 Est: $500,000 to $1,000,000 Traffic Marking Paint, Solvent & Beads - Anchorage International Airport - 2515C026 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/8/2015 2:00 PM 14-00647 Type: Supply/Services This Invitation to Bid (ITB) is intended to result in a one-time purchase of State funded paint, beads and solvent for the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Anchorage International Airport Plans Contact: State of Alaska DOT&PF Division of Supply & Service 2200 E 42nd Avenue, Room 112 Anchorage AK 99508 Contract #: 2515C026 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx 907-269-0862 Acquisition of (1) 21' Aluminum Skiff & Purchase of (1) Trailer - 2015-1200-2877 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/9/2015 1:30 PM 14-00659 Type: Supply/Services The Department of Public Safety (DPS), Division of Alaska Wildlife Troopers (AWT), is soliciting proposals for the acquisition of one (1) new 21-foot Aluminum Center-console Skiff and one (1) trailer that will accommodate either skiff for use in Kodiak, Alaska in support of fishery and game enforcement Contract #: 2015-1200-2877 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Bro wse.aspx Air Cooled Condenser Cleaning Tool - 14-27 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/9/2015 4:00 PM 14-00652 Type: Equipment Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach) is soliciting bids for one air cooled condenser cleaning tool Plans Contact: Chugach Electric Assoc 5601 Electron Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 14-27 http://www.chugachelectric.com/inside-chugach/bidopportunities 907-563-7494 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Chignik Lagoon & Pilot Point Airports Dust Palliative #58268 Contract # 15-25-1-007 Pilot Point, AK BID DATE: 1/9/2015 2:00 PM 14-00638 Type: Supply/Services This State funded project will furnish all materials, labor, equipment, tools, transportation, mobilization, demobilization, lodging, per diem, and supervision necessary to scarify, reshape and recompact surfacing material atthe runway, taxiway, and apron to proper profile. In addition, apply dust palliative to retain the critical fine particles now present in the crushed surface and to bind aggregate to prevent loss of fines from the runway, taxiway, and apron surfaces. All work, including but not limited to mobilization, demobilization, lodging, per diem, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, labor and supervision are subsidiary to the items of work in the Bid Schedule. The amount of Dust Palliative applied is determined by the amount bid by the Contractor on the Bid Schedule.Contractor shall coordinate with the ADOT &PF representative for the site locations, Kyler Hylton (907) 246-3325. Plans Contact: Central Region, State of Alaska DOT/PF 4111 Aviation Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 15-25-1-007 & 58268 http://www.dot.state.ak.us/apps/contracts?ACTION=BI Est: $227,000 DCAL®ION_CODE=ALL 907-269-0408 to $227,000 Nose Dock 7 Architect-Engineering (A&E) Services at Eielson AFB Eielson Afb, AK BID DATE: 1/9/2015 2:00 PM 14-00597 Type: Supply/Services The 354th Contracting Squadron is seeking qualification packages and pastperformance information from vendors interested in providing professionalarchitect and engineering services at Eielson AFB, AK to install Nose Dock 7fire suppression system Contract #: http://www.fbo.gov Regional Aviation System Plan Study - Phase II Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/9/2015 2:00 PM 14-00626 Type: Supply/Services The Matanuska-Susitna Borough is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide an overall assessment of economic impacts of aviation activity in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, consideringcurrent aviation-related employment, impacts to visitors to the Borough using air transportation, and other factors. Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-083P http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing/cat_view/670contract-opportunities/551-open-bids-proposals 907-861-8601 Timber Sales Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/11/2015 2:00 PM 14-00621 Type: Supply/Services Sales will be based on an individual lump sum basis. The timber harvest contracts being offered expire 18 months to 3 years after signing depending on contract terms. Performance and Scarification bonds required are detailed in the contracts. These timber sales include utilization of existing permanent logging roads, new permanent, temporary, and winter road development, and roads as described and directed in each specific contract Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-077S, 15-078S, 15-079S http://www.matsugov.us 907-861-8601 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Timber Sale - MSB #006567A Moose Creek Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/12/2015 2:30 PM Timber Sale - MSB #006567A Moose Creek 14-00623 Type: Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-077S Addendum Description http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing/cat_view/670contract-opportunities/551-open-bids-proposals 1 Supply/Services 907-861-8601 12/17/2015 - Bid Date and time extension Timber Sale - MSB #006571A Rogers Creek Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/12/2015 2:15 PM Timber Sale - MSB #006571A Rogers Creek 14-00624 Type: Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-078S Addendum Description http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing/cat_view/670contract-opportunities/551-open-bids-proposals 1 Supply/Services 907-861-8601 12/17/2014 - Bid Date & time extension Timber Sale - MSB #006573A Susitna River Corridor Palmer, AK BID DATE: 1/12/2015 2:00 PM Timber Sale - MSB #006573A Susitna River Corridor 14-00625 Type: Plans Contact: Matanuska-Susitna Borough 350 E Dahlia Avenue Palmer AK 99645 Contract #: 15-079S Addendum Description http://www.matsugov.us/cpd/purchasing/cat_view/670contract-opportunities/551-open-bids-proposals 1 Supply/Services 907-861-8601 12/17/2014 - Bid Date Extension Airport Runway & Highway Sweeper Broom Replacement Brushes - 2515H026 Various, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 Replacement Brushes 2:00 PM 14-00653 Plans Contact: State of Alaska DOT State Equipment Fleet 2200 E 42nd Avenue Anchorage AK 99508 Contract #: 2515H026 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Vie w.aspx?id=175047 Type: Supply/Services 907-269-0786 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Custodial Services - UAA Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 5:00 PM 14-00537 Type: Supply/Services The University of Alaska is a public corporation established by the State Constitution as the single statewide public university system. It is governed by an eleven member Board of Regents, appointed by the Governor of the State of Alaska. The direct administration of the University of Alaska is vested in the President of the University, who is appointed by the Board of Regents. It represents a statewide system of higher education that consists of three regional universities, including eleven lower division college centers, and various extensions and research sites. University of Alaska Anchorage is the largest and most comprehensive of three main campuses. UAA is dedicated to fulfilling its mission by serving the people of Alaska through instruction, research, and public service. UAA serves approximately 20,000 students, has 1,500 faculty and staff members and offers a wide variety of associate, undergraduate and vocational education programs Prebid Visit: 8:00AM 12/10/2014 MANDATORY Prebid Conference: 2:00PM 12/10/2014 Plans Contact: University of Alaska Anchorage 907-786-6508 3890 University Lake Drive, Suite 106 Anchorage AK 99508 Contract #: P15-004 Addendum Description http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Default.asp x 1 12/11/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 1/13/2015 Design Services for The Shoemaker Bay Float Design Project Wrangell, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 2:00 PM 14-00648 Type: Supply/Services The City and Borough of Wrangell (CBW) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to provide design services for the Shoemaker Bay Float DesignProject. Plans Contact: City & Borough Wrangell 205 Bruger Street Wrangell AK Contract #: http://www.wrangell.com/rfps 907-874-2381 99929 Steel Pole & Arm Specifications for Quartz Creek Transmission Line rebuild - 14-25 Indian, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 2:00 PM 14-00654 Type: Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach) is soliciting bids for steel transmission structures. Supply/Services Plans Contact: Chugach Electric Assoc 5601 Electron Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 14-25 http://www.chugachelectric.com/inside-chugach/bidopportunities 907-563-7494 Term Agreement - Naval Architect & Marine Engineering Services Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/13/2015 4:00 PM 14-00606 Type: Supply/Services The AMHS is soliciting proposals to provide Naval Architectural & Marine Engineering Services over a period of three years expiring December 31, 2017 Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 02553011 Addendum Description http://www.dot.state.ak.us/rfpmgr/lg.cfm 1 12/15/2014 - Revisions to the specifications 907-465-3900 Est: $250,000 to $500,000 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS IDIQ for Civil Works & Related Projects Various Locations Alaska Jber, AK BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:00 PM 14-00393 Type: Supply/Services The AE selected would be required to have sufficient staff, flexibility, andcapability to be available on an as-needed basis. Typical types of services tobe provided may include preparation of complete reports or portions of Corpsof Engineers planning reports, environmental documents, engineering designs(including construction plans and specifications) for small boat harbor,navigation, ecosystem restoration projects, flood damage prevention, stormdamage reduction, watershed studies, comprehensive relocation plans andcomprehensive community plans for rural villages in Alaska, and other CorpsCivil Works activities. Work may include any portion of Civil Works activitiesincluding plan formulation, design, cost engineering, environmentaldocumentation, economic analysis, and real estate Contract #: W911KB-15-R-0012 http://www.fbo.gov Responder Support Camps for Disaster Response within Alaska - 2015-0900-2902 Jber, AK BID DATE: 1/14/2015 2:00 PM 14-00634 Type: Supply/Services The State of Alaska, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is seeking competitive proposals for qualified contractors to provide, supply, and maintain Responder Support Camps for disaster response within the State of Alaska as specified within this RFP. A more detailed description including Scope of Services can be found in Sections Four and Five of this RFP Plans Contact: Department of Military & Veterans Affairs 49000 Army Guard Road, Suite B105B JBER AK 99505 Contract #: 2015-0900-2902 http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/Vie Est: $10,000,000 w.aspx?id=174992 907-428-7109 to $15,000,000 AMHS FVF System Upgrades Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/15/2015 2:00 PM 14-00453 Type: Equipment Work on the M/V Fairweather (FWX) and the M/V Chenega (CHE) consists of, but is not limited to the following: administration and temporary services; moorage and temporary services; planning, scheduling, and technical documentation;hull underwater coating renewal; waterline to sponson coating renewals (FWX – Paint, CHE – Vinyl); vinyl film repair and renewals for remaining exposed exterior; solarium and forward deck paint coating repairs; bridge and office deck carpetingreplacement; passenger deck carpeting replacement, passenger deck faux wood flooring replacement; passenger seat repairs; child play area refurbishment, cleaning gear locker deck replacement, deck tile replacement, annual overhaul and drydock Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 70030/000S(853) Addendum Description http://dot.alaska.gov/procurement/bidding/calendar/ind Est: $2,500,000 ex.shtml 1 11/26/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 12/18/2014. Revisions to the specifications and Q&A. 2 12/12/2014 - Bid Date Extension to 1/15/2015. Another addenda to follow by 12/19/2014 907-465-3900 to $5,000,000 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Planning Services for the Juneau Energy Plan - E14-185 Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/15/2015 2:00 PM 14-00649 Type: Supply/Services The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is requesting proposals fromqualified consultants to provide planning services for the Juneau Energy Plan Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: E14-185 http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php 907-586-0873 15kV Switchgear Hane Substation Upgrade - 14-26 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/16/2015 4:00 PM 14-00657 Type: Supply/Services Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach) is soliciting bids for 15 kV Switchgear and related field engineering services for assembly upon delivery or as required when installation is to occur. Plans Contact: Chugach Electric Assoc 5601 Electron Drive Anchorage AK 99519 Contract #: 14-26 http://www.chugachelectric.com/inside-chugach/bidopportunities 907-563-7494 Anchorage Landfill Closure Plan Review & Cost Update - 2014P046 Anchorage, AK BID DATE: 1/16/2015 5:00 PM 14-00656 Type: Supply/Services The Municipality of Anchorage Solid Waste Services Department (SWS) owns and operates the Anchorage Regional Landfill (ARL) located west of the Hiland Road-Glenn Highway intersection north of Anchorage. The facility has operated since 1987 and accepts approximately 300,000 tons of refuse per year. The landfill is constructed on a 275 acre land parcel. Currently, the landfill has a projected operating life through 2050. In accordance with Title 18 of the Alaska Administrative Code (18 AAC 60 Solid Waste Management), Class I landfills are required to prepare a written Closure Plan and cost estimate for closure and post closure care. The closure cost estimate must be updated annually The Municipality of Anchorage is requesting proposals from qualified firms to review and update thecurrent closure plan; and to provide a revised cost estimate for closure and post closure activities Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014P046 http://www.muni.org/Departments/purchasing/Pages/bi dding.aspx 907-343-4590 Conceptual Design & Planning Services for Franklin & Front Street Reconstruction, Phase 1 - E15183 Juneau, AK BID DATE: 1/20/2015 2:00 PM 14-00662 Type: Supply/Services The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is requesting proposals fromqualified consultants to provide Conceptual Design and Planning Services for Franklin and Front Street Reconstruction, Phase I project Plans Contact: City and Borough of Juneau 105 Municipal Way Room 300 Juneau AK 99801 Contract #: E15-183 http://www.juneau.org/engineering_ftp/contracts/Contr acts.php 907-586-0873 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Wrangell & Petersburg Alaska Airport Wildlife Hazard Site Visit - RFP #02553016 & 67928 Petersburg, AK BID DATE: 1/20/2015 4:00 PM 14-00637 Type: Supply/Services The Southcoast Region, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) hereby gives notice to solicit a company, firm, or individual (hereinafter related to as “contractor”) with a strong background in the preparation and documentation of Wildlife Hazard Assessments (WHA), Wildlife HazardSite Visits (WHSV), Wildlife Hazard Management Plans (WHMP), and 14 CFR 139.337(f)(7) compliant training. The final product will be to provide two, minimum of 3-day per airport, WHSVs for the Wrangell (WRG) and Petersburg (PSG) Airports. The awarded contractor would also provide the required annual wildlifemanagement training for the WRG Airport staff. The Airports’ last WHAs were completed in 2000 and there have been a few isolated wildlife strikes, since. The airports have a need for a qualified airport biologist to validate the existing WHA and wildlife management practices in order to ensure their effectiveness. The WHSV Reports shall be written in such a way that DOT&PF may use them to review and update their existing WHMPs. The State of Alaska reserves the rights to reject any and all proposals, or waive any irregularity Plans Contact: Southeast Region - State of Alaska DOT/PF 6860 Glacier Hwy Juneau AK 99811 Contract #: 67928 http://www.dot.state.ak.us/rfpmgr/sm.cfm 907-465-3900 Est: $50,000 Issuance of 3 Non-Transferable General Taxi Cab Permits for the Eagle River/Chugiak area Eagle River, AK BID DATE: 1/21/2015 11:00 AM 14-00627 Type: Supply/Services Non-transferable General Taxi Cab Permits for the Eagle River/Chugiak area, per the attached "Information for Sealed Bids" Plans Contact: Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Avenue Anchorage AK 99501 Contract #: 2014B087 http://muni.org/Departments/purchasing 907-343-4590 Design Services for Backflow Prevention Project - Unalaska Unalaska, AK BID DATE: 1/22/2015 2:00 PM 14-00536 Type: Supply/Services This is an RFP by the City of Unalaska Department of Public Works for appropriatedesign and generation of bid documents and bid services for the installation and/orretrofit of BPAs on several City of Unalaska owned water service entrances. Plans Contact: City of Unalaska P.O. Box 610 Unalaska AK 99685 Contract #: 15401 Addendum Description http://www.ci.unalaska.ak.us/rfps 12/19/2014 - Bid Date Extension.Final Proposal is due 2:00PM 1/22/2015 and the price 1 proposal is due 2:00PM 1/29/2015 907-581-1251 SUPPLY / SERVICE NON-CONSTRUCTION LISTINGS Petersburg Public Library Landscaping Project Petersburg, AK BID DATE: 1/30/2015 2:00 PM 14-00636 Type: Supply/Services Landscape work includes all earthwork and hardscape improvements on the library property, including but not limited to: Excavation, formation and grading of small berms and other site improvements; site staking and layout of site features; placement of selected material and D-1; installation of site concrete and decorative concrete; installation of rock wall, gravel path and trail rockery; fabrication and installation of nordic columns and arches; transportation and installation of ownersupplied anchor; installation of owner-supplied signs; manufacturing and installation of topsoil; installation of rock and bark mulch; installation of landscape edging; selection, transportation and installation of owner-supplied boulders; and seeding with a maintenance warranty Plans Contact: City of Petersburg P.O. Box 339 Petersburg AK 99833 Contract #: http://www.ci.petersburg.ak.us/index.asp?SEC=C3428 Est: $110,000 CA1-6646-431D-B15C61B245CF7100&Type=B_BASIC 907-772-3349 to $170,000 Emergency Power Plant Fuel Storage - Clear AFS Clear, AK BID DATE: 2/10/2015 2:00 PM 14-00616 Type: Supply/Services This is a pre-solicitation notice for a Request forProposal (RFP) to Construct Emergency Power Plant Fuel Storage at ClearAFS, Alaska (CLR027). This acquisition is advertised as a competitive 8(a) set-aside under SBA Requirement Number 1084/14/404852/01. It has beendetermined that competition will be limited to 8(a) firms located within thegeographical area serviced by the Alaska SBA District Office, and other 8(a)firms with a bona fide place of business within the geographical competitivearea. All other 8(a) BD Participants are deemed ineligible to submit offers Contract #: W911KB-15-R-0002 http://www.fbo.gov *PRE-SOLICITATION* Kotzebue Swan Lake Small Board Harbor - Phase II Improvements Kotzebue, AK BID DATE: 2/16/2015 12:00 PM 14-00622 Type: Presolicitation The scope of work includes constructing, furnishing, and installing a new floating dock with a driven pipe pile and chain anchor system, a sheet pile bulkhead, sand beach swim area, lighting in the uplands, navigation lights on the Swan Lake and Kotzebue Slough bridges, and other items.Project is anticipated to be advertised on December 30, 2014 with bids due Feb. 16, 2015. Contract #: BID RESULTS Anchorage Pioneer Home South Building Interior Paint $261,000 Engineer's Estimate: Bid Date: 12/11/2014 KAT Management Services 907-868-8000 Anchorage, AK $141,501.54 G&S Management Services LLC 907-344-3658 Anchorage, AK $165,330.40 H Construction LLC 907-355-7479 Palmer, AK $217,312.60 JKM General Contractors, LLC 907-770-3880 Anchorage, AK $219,288.50 Hernandez Enterprises 907-441-7195 Anchorage, AK $223,788.00 Wolverine Supply Inc 907-373-2029 Wasilla, AK $236,550.00 Blomfield Construction 907-562-2766 Anchorage, AK $248,879.10 BID RESULTS Arctic Exterior Solutions 907-349-7272 Anchorage, AK CR School Zone Upgrades PH 2 & HSIP: CR UPS Load Centers 2014 to $2,500,000 Engineer's Estimate: $1,000,000 $92,150.00 Bid Date: 12/17/2014 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $1,646,886.20 Hotwire Electric 907-258-9473 Anchorage , AK $1,791,391.89 Swanson General Contractors INC 907-344-0022 Anchorage, AK $2,118,932.34 Tutka LLC 907-357-2238 Wasilla, AK $2,741,520.00 Dalton Hwy MP 401-414 Reconstruction to $30,000,000 Engineer's Estimate: $20,000,000 Bid Date: 12/18/2014 Brice Incorporated 907-452-2512 Fairbanks, AK $26,731,479.30 Cruz Construction 907-746-3144 Palmer, AK $28,135,031.65 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $28,439,345.00 QAP 907-522-2211 Anchorage, AK $30,999,169.00 Knik Construction Co., Inc. 9072490208 Anchorage, AK $31,268,991.00 Osborne Construction Company 425-827-4221 Kirkland , WA $33,037,401.87 Granite Construction Company 907-344-2593 Anchorage, AK $37,689,000.00 Fire Station No. 1 Asbestos Removal (Piping) - Valdez $40,000 Engineer's Estimate: Bid Date: 12/17/2014 Alaska Abatement Corp 907-563-0088 Anchorage, AK $11,625.00 Satori Group Inc 907-332-0456 Anchorage, AK $14,450.00 Central Environmental Inc 907-561-0125 Anchorage, AK $14,960.00 Far North Services 907-357-1270 Anchorage, AK $17,580.00 Absolute Services Inc 907-346-4490 Anchorage, AK $18,394.00 R&D Environmental Inc 907-374-9174 Fairbanks, AK $18,906.00 Action Environmental 907-746-1655 Anchorage, AK $33,843.00 Furnish Video Surveillance Software, Cameras & Servers Bid Date: 12/18/2014 CCI Automated Tech 907-561-3044 Anchorage, AK Alcan Electric 907-863-3136 Wasilla, AK $82,590.00 Siements Industry, Inc 907-563-2242 Anchorage, AK $86,560.00 Tec Pro Ltd 907-348-1800 Anchorage, AK $90,135.78 Glenn Hwy MP 42-56 Pavement Preservation & Glenn Hwy MP 56-61 to $20,000,000 Engineer's Estimate: $10,000,000 $120,298.56 Bid Date: 12/19/2014 QAP 907-522-2211 Anchorage, AK $10,947,637.50 Pruhs Corporation 9077706818 Anchorage, AK $12,084,024.03 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $13,554,258.87 Granite Construction Company 907-344-2593 Anchorage, AK Homer Ferry Terminal Improvements - Homer, Alaska to $5,000,000 Engineer's Estimate: $2,500,000 $9,998,998.00 Bid Date: 12/18/2014 Turnagain Marine Construction Corporation 907-261-8960 Anchorage, AK $2,434,115.00 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $2,672,412.00 Orion Marine Contractors Inc 907-561-9811 Anchorage, AK $2,699,187.50 BID RESULTS Harris Sand & Gravel 907-835-4756 Valdez, AK $3,066,940.00 American Construction Co 253-254-0118 Tacoma, WA $3,861,140.00 Huffman & Northwood Elementary Schools Exterior Building Upgrades to $1,000,000 Engineer's Estimate: $500,000 Bid Date: 12/18/2014 Wolverine Supply Inc 907-373-2029 Wasilla, AK $712,000.00 Wirtanen Commercial LLC 9077956678 Palmer, AK $749,500.00 Roger Hickel Contracting, Inc. 9072791400 Anchorage, AK $799,495.00 Bristol Environmental Remediation Services LLC 907-563-0013 Anchorage, AK $895,538.00 F&W Construction 907-248-3666 Anchorage, AK $924,762.00 Huffman Elementary School Generator Replacement to $500,000 Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 Bid Date: 12/19/2014 Consolidated Contracting & Engineering LLC 907-277-2966 Anchorage, AK $422,444.00 Wolverine Supply Inc 907-373-2029 Wasilla, AK $496,700.00 Peak Oilfield 907-263-7000 Anchorage, AK $504,396.50 Premier Electric LLC 907-745-4200 Wasilla, AK $514,000.00 Electric International LLC 907-277-1431 Anchorage, AK $566,667.00 KTN: Advanced Relocation of Water St. Utilities to $5,000,000 Engineer's Estimate: $2,500,000 Bid Date: 12/11/2014 City Electric 907-452-7158 Fairbanks, AK $3,339,289.99 Chatham Electric, Inc 907-789-9899 Juneau, AK $3,897,739.00 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $4,216,665.00 POA Terminal 3 Fender Repair Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 Bid Date: to 12/11/2014 $500,000 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $125,000.00 Swalling Construction Co. Inc 907-272-3461 Anchorage, AK $166,800.00 Orion Marine Contractors Inc 907-561-9811 Anchorage, AK $264,800.00 Richard Phillips Marine 503-663-3420 Boring, OR $345,000.00 Provide Building Security Services Bid Date: Guardian Security 907-274-5275 Anchorage, AK Purchase Calcium Chloride - Mat-Su Borough 12/11/2014 $491,962.40 Bid Date: 12/12/2014 Brenntag Pacific 562-903-9626 Santa Fe Springs, CA $57,800.00 Cascade Columbia Distribution Co 206-763-2350 Seattle, WA $71,201.92 Reservoir Tank Mixer Upgrades Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 Bid Date: to 12/11/2014 $500,000 Alaska Diversified Contractors 907-696-1007 Eagle River, AK $439,000.00 Alaska Mechanical Inc 999-999-9999 Anchorage, AK $447,379.00 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $450,000.00 Power Builders, Inc 907-441-0912 Anchorage, AK $494,500.00 Premier Electric LLC 907-745-4200 Wasilla, AK $494,800.00 Little Susitna Construction Company 907-274-7571 Anchorage, AK $500,000.00 BID RESULTS Electric International LLC 907-277-1431 Anchorage, AK $513,460.00 Udelhoven Oilfied 907-344-1577 Anchorage, AK $545,777.00 SEA: Areawide Avalanche Gates Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 Bid Date: to 12/11/2014 $250,000 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $212,720.00 Build Alaska General Contracting, LLC 907-399-7484 Homer, AK $244,050.00 Silver Bow Construction 907-586-3606 Juneau, AK $247,031.00 Alaska Electric 907-321-3763 Juneau, AK $384,519.00 Service Area 10 Landfill Expansion, Prudhoe Bay Bid Date: 12/17/2014 ASRC SKW Eskimos 907-339-6700 Anchorage, AK $10,600,000.00 Nanuq Inc 907-646-1500 Anchorage, AK $5,895,000.00 Brice Incorporated 907-452-2512 Fairbanks, AK $6,726,543.00 Cruz Construction 907-746-3144 Palmer, AK $7,564,000.00 Stump Clearing RFP (Mt. Riley Road) Bid Date: 12/17/2014 Whitrock LLC 907-766-2544 Haines, AK $6,000.00 Southeast Road Builders 907-766-2833 Haines, AK $7,100.00 Turner Construction 907-746-6000 Palmer, AK $9,500.00 Talkeetna FSA Drafting Tank & Water Well Installation - REBID Bid Date: 12/15/2014 Peak Oilfield 907-263-7000 Anchorage, AK $234,499.00 Dirtworks, Inc 907-745-3671 Palmer, AK $241,285.00 BC Excavating 907-344-4490 Anchorage, AK $295,477.00 UAF CTC Aviation Hangar Office Buildout Bid Date: 12/12/2014 Engineers Estimate 999-999-9999 , AK $204,748.00 GBC Inc 9074740515 Fairbanks, AK $239,368.00 Richard Stanton Construction, Inc. dba Stanton Con 9074517437 Fairbanks, AK $249,268.00 Armstrong Construction, Inc 999-999-9999 North Pole, AK $249,279.00 GHEMM Company, Inc. 9074525191 Fairbanks, AK $249,675.00 Alcan Builders Inc 907-999-9999 Fairbanks, AK $253,191.00 JGC, Inc. 9074889000 Fairbanks, AK $290,268.00 American Mechanical, Inc 999-999-9999 Fairbanks, AK $316,743.00 Big Street Construction, Inc 999-999-9999 North Pole, AK $355,605.81 VCT Scale House Tank & Piping Replacement to $40,000 Engineer's Estimate: $20,000 Bid Date: 12/17/2014 Zastrow Enterprises 907-835-5301 Valdez, AK $15,500.00 Prism Design & Construction 907-357-1430 Wasilla, AK $23,844.50 Alaskan Fuel System 907-522-4684 Anchorage, AK $24,774.00 Custom Mechanical System Inc 907-357-1430 Wasilla, AK $28,080.00 AMAQ Corp 907-357-0026 Wasilla, AK $28,990.00 Wolverine Supply Inc 907-373-2029 Wasilla, AK $29,450.00
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