Government Gazette - 23 December 2014

Nru./No. 19,360
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta
The Malta Government Gazette
It-Tlieta, 23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Tuesday, 23rd December, 2014
Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Published by Authority
Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 13,991 - 13,993
Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 13,991 - 13,993
Avviż tal-Pulizija.............................................................................................................. 13,993 - 13,994
Police Notice..................................................................................................................... 13,993 - 13,994
Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg................................................................................................. 13,994 - 13,996
Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 13,994 - 13,996
Avviżi tal-Gvern................................................................................................................ 13,996 - 14,000
Notices............................................................................................................................... 13,996 - 14,000
Offerti................................................................................................................................ 14,000 - 14,023
Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 14,000 - 14,023
Avviżi tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 14,023 - 14,034
Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 14,023 - 14,034
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Nru. 1304
No. 1304
NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Avviżi
Legali li ġejjin ġew ippubblikati fis-Suppliment mal-Gazzetta
tal-Gvern Nru. 19,358 tas-16 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, u Nru.
19,359 tad-19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
IT is notified for general information that the following
Legal Notices were published in the Supplement to the
Government Gazette No. 19,358 of 16th December, 2014,
and No. 19,359 of 19th December, 2014.
A.L. 462 tal-2014: Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income
(Kap. 123); Regoli tal-2014 li jemendaw ir-Regoli dwar
Impjiegi Kwalifikanti fl-Innovazzjoni u fil-Kreatività (Taxxa
L.N. 462 of 2014: Income Tax Act (Cap. 123); Qualifying
Employment in Innovation and Creativity (Personal Tax)
(Amendment) Rules, 2014.
A.L. 463 tal-2014: Att dwar il-Mediċini (Kap. 458);
Regolamenti tal-2014 dwar it-Trasferiment ta’ Liċenzi għallIspiżeriji.
L.N. 463 of 2014: Medicines Act (Cap. 458); Pharmacy
Licence (Transfer) Regulations, 2014.
A.L. 464 tal-2014: Att kontra Money Laundering (Kap.
373); Regolamenti tal-2014 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti
kontra Money Laundering u Finanzjar ta’ Terroriżmu.
L.N. 464 of 2014: Prevention of Money Laundering Act
(Cap. 373); Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding
of Terrorism (Amendment) Regulations, 2014.
A.L. 465 tal-2014: Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq Dokumenti u
Trasferimenti (Kap. 364); Regoli tal-2014 li jemendaw irRegoli dwar it-Taxxa fuq Dokumenti u Trasferimenti.
L.N. 465 of 2014: Duty on Documents and Transfers Act
(Cap. 364); Duty on Documents and Transfers (Amendment)
Rules, 2014.
A.L. 466 tal-2014: Att dwar is-Sigurezza tal-Prodotti (Kap.
427); Regolamenti tal-2014 dwar it-Twaqqif ta’ Reġistru
Nazzjonali ta’ Prodotti Agri-alimentari Tradizzjonali ta’
L.N. 466 of 2014: Product Safety Act (Cap. 449);
Establishment of the National Register of Traditional AgroFood Products of Malta Regulations, 2014.
A.L. 467 tal-2014: Att dwar is-Sigurezza tal-Prodotti (Kap.
427); Regolamenti tal-2014 dwar l-Istabbiliment ta’ Skema
Nazzjonali tal-‘Prodotti ta’ Kwalità’.
L.N. 467 of 2014: Product Safety Act (Cap. 427);
Establishment of the ‘Products of Quality’ National Scheme
Regulations, 2014.
A.L. 468 tal-2014: Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income (Kap.
123); Regoli tal-2014 dwar l-Iskema Personali tal-Irtirar.
L.N. 468 of 2014: Income Tax Act (Cap. 123); Personal
Retirement Scheme Rules, 2014.
A.L. 469 tal-2014: Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income (Kap.
123); Regoli tal-2014 dwar il-Kont tat-Tifdil tal-Individwu.
L.N. 469 of 2014: Income Tax Act (Cap. 123); Individual
Savings Account Rules, 2014.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Nru. 1305
No. 1305
NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Onor.
Joseph Muscat, KUOM, BCom., BA (Hons.), MA (European
Studies), PhD (Bristol), MP, reġa’ daħal għal dmirijietu ta’
Prim Ministru nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
u l-arranġamenti magħmulin bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern
Nru. 1286 tas-17 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, ma baqgħux iseħħu
f’dan is-sens.
IT is notified for general information that the Hon. Joseph
Muscat, KUOM, BCom., BA (Hons.), MA (European
Studies), Ph D (Bristol), MP, resumed duties as Prime Minister
on Friday, 19th December, 2014 and that the arrangements
made by Government Notice No.1286 of the 17th December,
2014, ceased to have effect accordingly.
Id-19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
19th December, 2014
Nru. 1306
No. 1306
gvern lokali
JUSTICE, culture and
local government
NGĦARRFU illi, bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikolu
(3) tal-Ordinanza dwar il-Kummissjunarji b’Setgħa li jagħtu
Ġurament (Kap. 79), il-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja, Kultura u
Gvern Lokali ħatar bħala Kummissjunarji bis-Setgħa li Jagħtu
Ġurament, fil-qadi tad-doveri tagħhom u sakemm jibqgħu
fil-kariga, u jew għall-perjodu indikat fl-istess ħatra, liema
minnhom tiġi l-ewwel, lill-imsemmija hawn taħt:
IT is notified that, in exercise of such powers as provided
by article (3) of the Commissioners for Oaths Ordinance (Cap.
79), the Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government
appointed as Commissioners for Oaths, whilst performing
such functions and as long as they continue in that capacity,
and/or for the period indicated in the same appointment,
whichever is the earlier, the undermentioned:
WPC214 Marvic Gatt
WPC 218 Marika Polidano
Owen Bonnici
Ministru għall-Ġustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali
It-18 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Nru. 1307
WPC214 Marvic Gatt
WPC218 Marika Polidano
By Authority
Owen bonnici
Minister for Justice,
Culture and Local Government
18th December, 2014
No. 1307
(KAP. 55)
(CAP. 55)
Nomina ta’ Nutar Delegat/Konservatur
Appointment of Notary Delegate/Keeper
NGĦARRFU b’din illi bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtijin
bl-Artikolu 20 tal-Att dwar il-Professjoni Nutarili u Arkivji
Nutarili, il-Qorti ta’ Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili nnominat linNutar Dr Reuben Fenech bħala Nutar Delegat u Konservatur
It is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 20 of the Notarial Profession and Notarial
Archives Act, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts has
appointed Notary Dr Reuben Fenech to be Notary Delegate
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
tal-Atti tan-Nutar Dr Francis Micallef, u dan għall-perjodu
bejn id-19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 u l-31 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
and Keeper of the Acts for Notary Dr Francis Micallef, for the
period between the 19th and the 31st December, 2014.
Illum, 16 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
Today, 16th December, 2014.
Għar-Reġistratur, Qorti tar-Reviżjoni tal-Atti Nutarili
For the Registrar, Court of Revision of Notarial Acts
Nru. 1308
No. 1308
(KAP. 46)
IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgħarraf illi fiddata li tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu
huma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-Konslu
għall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissat
għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ġej:–
THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that on
the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on
which valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths and
Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of
article 14 of the said Act as follows:–
(CAP. 46)
Deheb Pur
Gramma Pure Gold
Fidda Pura
Pure Silver
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Nru. 166
No. 166
Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52 (1) tal-Ordinanza dwar irRegolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija
jgħarraf illi l-vetturi tas-sewqan ma jkunux jistgħu jgħaddu
mit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijiet indikati.
In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance
(Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
transit of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder will
be suspended up to the dates and times indicated.
Il-Belt Valletta
Nhar l-Erbgħa, 31 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, mill-5.00 p.m.
sal-5.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2015, minn Triq ilMerkanti kantuniera ma’ Triq San Kristofru u Triq l-Arċisqof
kantuniera ma’ Triq San Pawl.
On Wednesday, 31st December, 2014, from 5.00 p.m. till
5.00 a.m. of Thursday, 1st January, 2015, through Triq ilMerkanti corner with Triq San Kristofru and Triq l-Arċisqof
corner with Triq San Pawl.
Ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja vetturi fit-toroq imsemmija hawn
fuq u dawk misjuba pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati.
The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets
is also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Avviż tal-Pulizija
Police Notice
Nru. 167
No. 167
Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgħarraf li skont l-Avviż
Legali 101/97, it-toroq hawn taħt imsemmija se jiġu
klassifikati bħala Żoni ta’ Rmonk, kif indikat.
The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in terms
of Legal Notice 101/97, the streets listed hereunder are to be
classified as ‘Tow Zones’ as indicated.
Bis-saħħa tal-Artikolu 52 (1) tal-Ordinanza dwar irRegolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju talPulizija jgħarraf illi l-passaġġ u twaqqif ta’ vetturi huwa
pprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u ħinijiet
In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation (Cap.
65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
transit and stopping of vehicles through the streets mentioned
hereunder is prohibited on the dates and times indicated.
Il-Belt Valletta
Nhar l-Erbgħa, 31 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, mill-5.00 a.m.
sal-5.00 a.m. tal-Ħamis, l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2015, minn Triq lArċisqof bejn Triq il-Merkanti u Triq id-Dejqa, Triq irRepubblika bejn Triq l-Arċisqof u Triq San Kristofru u Triq
il-Merkanti bejn Triq l-Arċisqof u Triq San Kristofru.
On Wednesday, 31st December, 2014, from 5.00 a.m.
till 5.00 a.m. of Thursday, 1st January, 2015 through Triq
l-Arċisqof between Triq il-Merkanti and Triq id-Dejqa,
Triq ir-Repubblika between Triq l-Arċisqof and Triq San
Kristofru and Triq il-Merkanti between Triq l-Arċisqof and
Triq San Kristofru.
Vetturi li jinstabu jiksru l-ordni ta’ dan l-avviż ikunu
soġġett li jiġu rmunkati.
Vehicles found in contravention of this notice are liable
to be towed.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
L-Università ta’ Malta
University of Malta
Post ta’ Junior Systems Support Officer/
Systems Support Officer I
Post of Junior Systems Support Officer/
Systems Support Officer I
Jintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għall-post ta’ Junior Systems
Support Officer/Systems Support Officer I fi ħdan l-Uffiċċju
tas-SIMS fl-Uffiċċju tar-Reġistratur.
Applications are invited for the post of Junior SIMS
Support Officer/SIMS Support Officer I within SIMS Office
of the Office of the Registrar.
L-applikanti idealment irid ikollhom degree fl-ICT,
bħal Baċellerat fix-Xjenza fil-Business u Computing jew
Baċellerat fix-Xjenza (Honours) fl-ICT u jew kwalifika
Applicants will ideally be in possession of a degree in ICT,
such as a Bachelor of Science in Business and Computing or
the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in ICT or an equivalent
Applikanti li huma fil-pussess tal-Diploma Nazzjonali
MCAST-BTEC fil-Computing/Information Technology jew
kwalifiki ekwivalenti simili li jkollhom mill-anqas sentejn
(2) esperjenza ta’ xogħol fl-Information Management Sytems
ikunu ikkunsidrati għall-post ta’ Junior Systems Support
Applicants who are in possession of the MCAST-BTEC
National Diploma in Computing/Information Technology or
similar equivalent qualifications having at least two (2) years
experience of work with Information Management Systems
will be considered for the post of Junior SIMS Support
Is-salarju għall-postijiet rispettivi, jiddependi fuq ilkwalifiki u l-esperjenza se jkun fil-firxa li ġejja:
The salary attached to the respective posts, depending on
qualifications and experience will be within the following
Junior SIMS Support Officer: €14,293 fis-sena b’żidied
ta’ €317 fis-sena għal €16,195. Wara sentejn ta’ ħidma
sodisfaċenti f’dan il-grad, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi
Junior Systems Support Officer: €14,293 rising by
annual increments of €317 up to a maximum of €16,195. On
completion of two years service in the grade, the appointee
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
għat-tarġa li jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €335
fis-sena sa massimu ta’ €17,256. Wara perjodu ieħor ta’
sentejn, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi għat-tarġa li jmiss
fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €354 fis-sena sa massimu ta’
will, on satisfactory performance, be entitled to move on to
the next salary band with annual increments of €335 up to
a maximum of €17,256. After a further period of two years,
the appointee will on satisfactory performance be entitled to
move on to the next band with annual increments of €354 up
to a maximum of €18,370.
SIMS Support Officer I: €17,308 fis-sena b’żidied ta’
€375 fis-sena għal €19,558. Wara ħames snin ta’ ħidma
sodisfaċenti f’dan il-grad, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi
għat-tarġa li jmiss fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €408
fis-sena sa massimu ta’ €20,891. Wara perjodu ieħor ta’
sentejn, il-maħtur ikun intitolat li jgħaddi għat-tarġa li jmiss
fl-iskala tas-salarji b’żidied ta’ €447 fis-sena sa massimu
ta’ €22,362.
Systems Support Officer I: €17,308 rising by annual
increments of €375 up to €19,558. On completion of five
years service in this grade, the appointee will, on satisfactory
performance, be entitled to move on the next salary band with
annual increments of €408 up to a maximum of €20,891.
After a further period of two years, the appointee will on
satisfactory performance be entitled to move on to the next
band with annual increments of €447 up to a maximum of
Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra tal-applikazzjoni
b’e-mail lil: (, flimkien ma’
kopja tal-curriculum vitae, u kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati.
Applicants should submit their letter of application by
e-mail to ( together with a
copy of their curriculum vitae and a scanned copy of their
L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minn
nofsinhar tal-Ġimgħa, 9 ta’ Jannar 2015.
Applications should be received by noon of Friday, 9th
January 2015.
Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxija
u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, Uffiċċji
Amministrattivi u mill-website: (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
Late applications will not be considered.
Further information may be obtained from the Office for
Human Resources Management and Development, Room
214, Administration Building or on the website (http://www.
23rd December, 2014
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
Sejħa għal Applikazzjonijiet għall-Edukaturi Kwalifikati
għall-Adulti, għall-Practicing English Through Drama
MQF Livell 1 u Further Practice in English Through
Drama MQF Livell 2 mal-Aġenzija Żgħażagħ for Youth
Specialisation Training Scheme Programme
Call for Applications from Qualified Educators for Adults
for Practicing English Through Drama MQF Level 1
and Further Practice in English Through Drama MQF
Level 2 at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ for Youth Specialisation
Training Scheme Programme
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, fi ħdan il-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni
u Xogħol, tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal kuntratt għal servizz
ta’ Practicing English Through Drama MQF Livell 1 and
Further Practice in English Through Drama MQF Livell 2
biex ikun jista’ jiġi implimentat il-programm tal-Youth.Inc.
The Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, within the Ministry of Education
and Employment, is inviting applications for the Provision of
Service in Practicing English Through Drama MQF Level 1
and Further Practice in English Through Drama MQF Level 2
at Youth.Inc Programme.
Id-dettalji u speċifikazzjonijiet kollha jinsabu fuq is-siti
elettroniċi tal-Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (www.agenzijazghazagh. jew (
Full details and specifications can be downloaded from
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ websites (
mt) or (
L-applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma’ sommarju ta’ kwalifiki u
esperjenzi jintlaqgħu f’format ta’ European Curriculum Vitae
minn Youth.Inc Kumpless Umberto Colosso, Triq il-Kbira
San Ġużepp, Santa Venera SVR 1013 f’envelop magħluq
Applications, together with a summary of qualifications
and experience in a European Curriculum Vitae Format must
be received by Youth.Inc Umberto Colosso Complex, Triq ilKbira San Ġużepp, St.Venera SVR 1013 in a sealed envelope
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 għall-attenzjoni tas-Sa Deborah Sant sa mhux aktar tard mitTlieta, 6 Jannar 2015 f’nofsinhar.
addressed for the attention of Ms Deborah Sant by not later
than Tuesday, 6th January 2015 at noon.
Applikazzjonijiet bil-posta għandhom jintbagħtu rreġistrati
u kmieni biżżejjed sabiex jaslu qabel id-data tal-għeluq. Lapplikanti jiġu mgħarrfa li tkun waslet l-applikazzjoni fi
żmien sebat ijiem.
Applications by post should be sent by registered mail,
allowing sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above
deadline. These applications will be acknowledged in writing
by Youth.Inc within seven days.
Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Aktar informazzjoni jew kjarifiki jinkisbu mingħand isSa Deborah Sant fuq 2145 7090/1 mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn
id-9.00 a.m. u s-2.00 p.m. jew ibgħat email fuq (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Late applications will not be considered.
Further information or clarifications are obtained from Ms
Deborah Sant on 2145 7090/1 from Monday to Friday from
9.00 a.m. till 2.00 p.m. or via e-mail (
23rd December, 2014
Ministeru għall-Affarijiet Ewropej
presidenza ue 2017 u għall-fondi ewropej,
Ministry for European Affairs
Notifika ta’ Kanċellazzjoni - Is-sejħa 413.6 Appoġġ
għall-Entitajiet Artistiċi u Kulturali (it-Tieni Sejħa)
Cancellation Notice – 413.6 Support to the Cultural
and Art Societies (2nd Call)
Il-Fondazzjoni Grupp Azzjoni Majjistral tħabbar li ssejħa għall-proposti għall-Azzjoni 413.6 li kienet fetħet fit8 ta’ Awwissu, 2014 u għalqet fit-22 ta’ Settembru, 2014,
qiegħda tiġi kkanċellata. Għaldaqstant, il-proposti li kienu
ġew sottomessi taħt din is-sejħa mhumiex se jkomplu jiġu
pproċessati u l-Fondazzjoni se tkun qiegħda tikkuntattja
lill-applikanti kollha ta’ din is-sejħa biex tiltaqa’ magħhom
sabiex tagħtihom aktar informazzjoni.
The Majjistral Action Group Foundation notifies that the
Open call for Action 413.6 (second call) which opened on
the 8th August 2014 and closed on the 22nd September 2014
is being cancelled. Therefore, applications submitted will
not be processed any further and the the Foundation will be
contacting all applicants of this call to provide them with
further information.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Programm tal-Iżvilupp Rurali għal Malta 2007 – 2013
Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali
Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 80% Fondi UE; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali
L-Ewropa Tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali
Rural Development Programme for Malta 2007-2013
Project Part-Financed by the European Union
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Co-financing rate: 80% EU Funds; 20% National Funds
Europe Investing in Rural Areas
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Eżami għall-Post ta’
Second Secretary
fil-Ministeru għall-Affarijiet
Barranin - 2014
Examination for the Post of
Second Secretary
in the Ministry for Foreign
Affairs - 2014
L-Ewwel Parti - Eżami bil-Miktub
Part I - Written Examination
Id-Direttur tal-Eżamijiet jgħarraf li l-avviż tal-eżami
msemmi hawn fuq intbagħat lill-kandidati kkonċernati.
Dawk il-kandidati li ma rċevewx l-avviż tal-eżami huma
mitluba biex jikkuntattjaw minnufih lid-Dipartiment talEżamijiet, Il-Mall, Triq Sarria, Il-Furjana, fuq 2598 2968
matul il-ħinijiet tal-uffiċċju.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
The Director of Examinations notifies that the notice
for the above mentioned examination has been sent to the
candidates concerned.
Those candidates who have not received the notice of
the examination are requested to contact immediately the
Department of Examinations, The Mall, Triq Sarria, Floriana,
on 2598 2968 during office hours.
23rd December, 2014
Lista ta’ Kuntratti mogħtija mill-Ministeru għall-Enerġija
u Konservazzjoni tal-Ilma u mill-Ministeru tal-Enerġija u
s-Saħħa (Enerġija). Skont l-Artikolu 20(2) tar-Regolamenti
tal-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2010.
List of Contracts awarded by the Ministry for Energy, and
Convservation of Water and Ministry for Energy and Health.
Published in accordance with Article 20(2) of the Public
Contracts Regulations of 2010.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Supply of AC Units/MECW new premises
Aluminium fixtures/MECW new premises
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Refurbishment of facade/MECW (2nd phase)
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Refurbishment of facade/MECW new premises
Supply of Office Furniture/MECW new premises
Supply of Office Furniture/MECW new premises
Supply of Kitchenettes/MECW new premises
Supply of Appliances/MECW new premises
Construct of light fittings/MECW new premises
Supply of switchgear/MECW new premises
Service of generator/MECW new premises
Works related to Furniture/MECW new premises
Removal, supply and laying of ceramic walls/MECW new premises
Removal of apertures/MECW new premises
Fire Audit report/MECW new premises
Removal of wooden skirting/MECW new premises
Demolition of walls/MECW new premises
Removal of carpets-skirting/MECW new premises
Supply of light fittings/MECW new premises
Plumbing works/MECW new premises
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
C Fino & Sons Ltd
Construct Furniture
Construct Furniture
Construct Furniture
Elektra Ltd
Calleja Ltd
FM Core Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
BD Atherson
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Deskrizzjoni
Removal of false ceilings/MECW new premises
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Painting works/MECW new premises
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Removal of materials/MECW new premises
Gypsum works Phase 1/MECW new premises
Gypsum works Phase 2/MECW new premises
Alteration construction works/MECW new premises
Removal of steel structure/MECW new premises
Works of external walls/MECW new premises
Works of railing /MECW new premises
Painting works/MECW new premises
Supply-laying of parquet/MECW new premises
LAN implementation/MECW new premises
LAN infrastructure/MECW new premises
Consultancy services
Consultancy services
Supply of Control System/MECW new premises
Removal of data cables/MECW new premises
Fibre connection/MECW new premises
Lease of hardware/MECW new premises
LAN consultancy, configuration and connectivity/MECW new Premises
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Qatar official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-London official visit
MECW/Travel-Lithuania official visit
MECW/Travel-Shanghai official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Madrid official visit
MECW/Travel-Shanghai official visit
MECW/Travel-Tel Aviv official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Brussels official visit
MECW/Travel-Shanghai official visit
Direct-order/Energy Conference
Direct-order/Drafting of Distributors Compensation
Direct-order/Service Agreement iro MEH-Energy
Direct-order/Energy Summit-July
Direct-order/Service Agreement
Direct-order/Supply Groundwater Measuring Probes
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Smart Technologies
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
David Noel Spiteri
Antoine Riolo
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Joe Sammut Co Ltd
Go plc
Tristar Travel
Air Malta
Hamilton Travel
Bianchi Travel
Hamilton Travel
Hamilton Travel
Air Malta
Tristar Travel
Hamilton Travel
Air Malta
Hamilton Travel
Tristar Travel
Tristar Travel
Air Malta
Tristar Travel
DNV Kema Ltd
Agreement Sciberras Advocates
Mr Gordin Cordina
Intercontinental Malta
Ing. Antoine Riolo
Attard Farm Supplies
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Direct-order/Contract for Notarial Services
Dr Marco Burlò
Direct-order/Legal Services icw Enemalta Energy Project
Clifford Chance Europe LLP
Direct-order/Advisory Services re-Gas Distributors
Nexia BT Advisory Services
Direct-order/Procurement of Office Furniture-Sewcu/Luqa
Direct-order/Engagement of Prezioso Advocates icw the legal obligations arising Camilleri Preziosi Adv
from MRRA-Photovoltaic Systems Projects
Direct-order re-Provision of Legal Advisory Services in Connection with the Filletti & Filletti Adv.
re-organisation of Enemalta Corp and Shanghai Electric Power
Legal services re-Enemalta Corp and Shanghai Electric Power
Legal advisory services i.c.w Enemalta/Shanghai Electric
Prudentia Malta
Ganado Advocates
Provision of Legal Advisory and Consultancy Services icw the Prospective Sale/ Nexia BT Advisory Services
Valuation of MOBC
Provision of technical consultancy for the EU-Med Gas platform proposal DNVGL
Commonwealth Governance Handbook 2015
Nexus Strategic Partnership
MECW/Travel-Brussels-Belgium/TTE Council meeting
Vjaġġi Untours/Hamilton
MECW/Travel-Shanghai-China/Shanghai Electric Power
MECW/Travel-China (Ministerial official visit)
MECW/Travel-Beijing (Ministerial official visit)
MEH-E/Travel-Luxembourg/TTE Council meeting
MEH-E/Travel-Shanghai-Istanbul (Ministerial official visit)
MEH-E/Travel-Shanghai-China (Ministerial official visit)
MEH-E/Travel-Shanghai-China (Ministerial meeting)
MEH-E/Travel-London-UK (Ministerial meeting)
MEH-E/Travel-Shanghai-China (Ministerial meeting)
MEH-E/Travel-Brussels-Belgium (EU Council meeting)
Tristar Travel
Hamilton Travel
Hamilton Travel
Planit Travel
Air Malta
Air Malta
Hamilton Travel
Air Malta
Vjaġġi Untours
Vjaġġi Untours
Sospensjoni tat-Traffiku u Pparkjar
Suspension of Traffic and Parking
Il-Kunsill Lokali Il-Mellieħa jgħarraf illi minn nhar itTnejn, id-29 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, sa nhar il-Ħamis, l-1 ta’
Jannar, 2015, Misraħ il-Parroċċa se tkun magħluqa għattraffiku kollu u ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja. Vetturi pparkjati
jkunu soġġetti li jiġu rmunkati.
The Mellieħa Local Council notifies that between
Monday, 29th December, 2014 and Thursday, 1st January,
2015, Misraħ il-Parroċċa will be closed for all traffic and no
parking is allowed. Parked vehicles are liable to be towed.
Għaldaqstant, it-traffiku jista’ jinżel minn Triq il-Parroċċa
sa Misraħ il-Parroċċa u jdur għal Triq San Luqa.
During the specified period, traffic will be allowed to
proceed in Triq il-Parroċċa up to Misraħ il-Parroċċa and turn
into Triq San Luqa.
Ħadd ma jista’ jidħol fi Triq San Luqa minn Triq itTramuntana u f’Misraħ il-Parroċċa minn Triq Salvinu
Entry into Triq San Luqa from Triq it-Tramuntana and
into Misraħ il-Parroċċa from Triq Salvinu Vella will also be
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Sospensjoni ta’ Pparkjar
Il-Kunsill Lokali Tas-Sliema jgħarraf li nhar il-Ħadd, 28
ta’ Diċembru, 2014, bejn is-7.00 a.m. u l-10.30 a.m. ħadd
ma jista’ jipparkja fi Triq it-Torri bejn Triq San Franġisk u
l-Kunvent tal-Karmelitani u fir-rampa li twassal għax-xatt
faċċata ta’ Triq il-Kulleġġ l-Antik.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 SLIEMA LOCAL COUNCIL
Suspension of Parking
The Sliema Local Council notifies that on Sunday, 28th
December, 2014, between 7.00 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. no
parking is allowed in Triq it-Torri between Triq San Franġisk
and the Carmelite Convent and in the ramp leading to the
beach opposite Triq il-Kulleġġ l-Antik.
23rd December, 2014
Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħarraf li offerti
elettroniċi rigward dan l-avviż se jintlaqgħu sal-ġurnata
u l-ћin indikati hawn taћt. L-offerti gћandhom jintbagħtu
online BISS fuq (
The Director General (Contracts) notifies that
electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will
be received on the day and time indicated below. Tenders
are to be submitted online ONLY on (http://www.etenders.
Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-TLIETA, it-3 ta’ Frar, 2015, għal:
Up to 9.30 a.m. of TUESDAY, 3rd February, 2015
L-Avviżi hawn taħt huma parzjalment iffinanzjati
mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew dwar lIżvillup Reġjonali (CT 3185/2014, CT 3210/2014)
The following tenders are part-financed by the
European Union under the European Regional
Development Fund (CT 3185/2014, CT 3210/2014)
CT 3185/2014. Offerta għad-disinjar u bini għar-restawr
u konsolidament ta’ Casino Notabile, L-Imdina bl-użu
ta’ materjali u prodotti li ma jagħmlux ħsara ’l-ambjent
– Direttorat tar-Restawr.
CT 3185/2014. Design and building tender for the
restoration and consolidation of Casino Notabile, Mdina using
environmentally sound materials and products – Restoration
CT 3210/2014. Restawr tal-Bastjun ta’ San Pietru u
għall-Bastjun ta’ Santa Maria u s-swar tal-madwar, L-Imdina
– Direttorat tar-Restawr.
CT 3210/2014. Restoration of St. Peter’s Bastion and
ramparts, and of St. Mary’s Bastion and ramparts, Mdina
– Restoration Directorate.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Il-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet jgħarraf li:
23rd December, 2014
The Commissioner of Land notifies that:
Offerti magħluqin għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom
jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tad-Dipartiment talArtijiet, Berġa tal-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. talĦamis, it-8 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
Sealed tenders in respect of the following
advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box at
the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by
10.00 a.m. of Thursday, 8th January, 2015.
Avviż Nru. 121. Bejgħ ta’ sit viċin Triq Mikiel Angelo
Borg, San Ġiljan, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2014_60.
L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammont ta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet
Advt No. 121. Sale of a site off Triq Mikiel Angelo
Borg, San Ġiljan, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2014_60.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount
of €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tender
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Avviż Nru. 122. Bejgħ ta’ sit ħdejn il-Fond ‘Serenity’
Triq Franġisk Coleiro, Iż-Żurrieq, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta
P.D.288_2004. Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti
a favur tal-fond adjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu
akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €10,000 skont
kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Din l-offerta hija
soġġetta għad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut.
Advt No. 122. Sale of a site adjacent to premises
‘Serenity’ Triq Franġisk Coleiro, Żurrieq, shown edged in
red on plan P.D.288_2004. This site is subject to existing
servitudes in favour of the adjacent premises. Tenders are to
be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €10,000 as
stipulated in the tender conditions. This tender is subject to
a right of first refusal.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tender
Avviż Nru. 123. Bejgħ tad-Dirett Dominju Temporanju
u ċ-ċens relattiv ta’ mija u disa’ Ewro u disgħa u għoxrin
ċenteżmu (€109.29) fis-sena, għaż-żmien li fadal mill-perjodu
li jintemm fis-16 ta’ Awwissu, 2127, regolat skont kuntratt flatti tan-Nutar Ġorġ Bonello Dupuis tas-17 ta’ Awwissu, 1977,
u s-sussegwenti assoluta proprjetà wara li jintemm l-imsemmi
ċens temporanju, tal-Garaxx Nru. 49, Triq Ġużeppi Calleja,
L-Iklin, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2013_465. L-offerti
għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’
€5,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Din
l-offerta hija soġġett għad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut.
Advt No. 123. Sale of the Temporary Directum
Dominium and relative groundrent of one hundred and nine
Euro and twenty nine cents (€109.29) per annum, for the
remaining period which expires on the 16th August, 2127, as
per deed in the acts of Notary George Bonello Dupuis dated
17th August, 1977, and the absolute ownership after the
expiration of the said temporary emphyteusis, of the Garage
No. 49, Triq Ġużeppi Calleja, Iklin, shown edged in red on
plan P.D.2013_465. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bidbond for an amount of €5,000 as stipulated in the tender
conditions. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tender
Avviż Nru. 124. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Ta’ Brija, Is-Siġġiewi,
muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat A fuq pjanta P.D.2007_143. L-offerti
għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’
€1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
Advt No. 124. Sale of a site in Triq Ta’ Brija, Siġġiewi,
shown edged in red and marked A on plan P.D.2007_143.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount
of €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.
A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tender
Avviż Nru. 125. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Ta’ Brija kantuniera
ma’ Triq Ramija, Is-Siġġiewi, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat B fuq
pjanta P.D.2007_143. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati
b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.
Advt No. 125. Sale of a site in Triq Ta’ Brija, corner
with Triq Ramija, Siġġiewi, shown edged in red and marked
B on plan P.D.2007_143. Tenders are to be accompanied
by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,000 as stipulated in the
tender conditions.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tender
Avviż Nru. 126. Kiri tal-Garaxx Nru. 14, Triq il-Wegħdiet,
Qasam tad-Djar tal-Laqxija, Birkirkara, muri bl-aħmar fuq
pjanta L.D.72/87/5. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ seba’ mitt
ewro (€700) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Advt No. 126 . Lease of Garage No. 14 Triq ilWegħdiet, Laqxija Housing Estate, Birkirkara, shown edged
in red on plan L.D.72/87/5. Offers below the amount of seven
hundred Euro (€700) per annum will not be considered.
Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument
A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tender
L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,
li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relevanti u dokumenti oħra
jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Berġa talBaviera, Il-Belt Valletta, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30
a.m. u 11.45 a.m.
Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form
which, together with the relevant conditions and other
documents are obtainable from the Land Department,
Auberge de Baviere, Valletta on any working day between
8.30 a.m. and 11.45 a.m.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 MINISTERU GĦALL-IŻVILUPP SOSTENIBBLI,
Id-Direttorat tal-PARKs u Inizjattivi jgħarraf illi:
The PARKs and Initiatives Directorate notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, is-26 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti MSDEC,
6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera għal:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 26th December 2014, for:
Avviż. Nru. MSDEC 111/2014. Tiswija ta’ Drum Screen
Plant (Sifter) għall-PARK.
Advt. No. MSDEC 111/2014. Repairs to Drum Screen
Plant (Sifter) for PARK.
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, is-16 ta’ Jannar, 2015
jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiċċji
tas-Segretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301,
Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. on Friday 16th January 2015, for:
MSDEC Avviż 118/2014. Provvista, konsenja u
kkummissjonar ta’ skid steer loader għall-EU Life Saving
Buskett Project li qed isir mid-Direttorat tal-P.A.R.K. u
MSDEC Advt 118/2014. Supply, delivery and
commissioning of a skid steer loader for the EU Life
Saving Buskett Project executed by P.A.R.K. and Initiatives
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sal-iskadenza jew
jinkisbu mis-sit tal-Ministeru (
Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from
the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301,
on any working day from 8.30 a.m. till noon till closing date or
downloaded for the Ministry’s website (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Id-Direttur tal-Agrikultura jgħarraf illi:
The Director of Agriculture notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, id-9 ta’ Jannar, 2015
jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti MSDEC,
6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera għal:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 9th January, 2015, for:
MSDEC Avviż 112/2014. Servizz ta’ awditjar għassuperviżjoni tal-awtorità tal-kontroll għall-biedja organika
skont ir-Regolament tal-Kunsill tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea
MSDEC Advt. 112/2014. Service of an audit for the
supervision of the control authority for organic farming as
per EC Council Regulation 834/2007.
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem tax-
Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from
the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sal-iskadenza jew
jinkisbu mis-sit tal-Ministeru (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
1301, on any working day from 8.30 a.m. till noon till closing
date or downloaded for the Ministry’s website (www.msdec.
23rd December, 2014
Id-Dipartiment tat-Tmexxija tal-Biċċerija jgħarraf illi:
The Abattoir Operations Department notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, is-6 ta’ Jannar, 2015
jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-MSDEC, Uffiċċji
tas-Segretarju Permanenti fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera għal:
Sealed tnders will be received at the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. on Tuesday 6th January 2015, for:
MSDEC Avviż 113/2014. Tiswija ta’ sandwiched panels
pitched roof fil-Biċċerija Pubblika, Triq il-Biċċerija, IlMarsa
MSDEC Advt 113/2014. Repair of sandwiched panels
pitched roof at the Public Abattoir, Triq il-Biċċerija, Marsa
Id-dokument tal-offerta jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas
The tender document can be obtained free of charge
MSDEC Avviż 114/2014. Bdil ta’ asbestos pitched roof
b’sandwiched panelling fiċ-Chillers Area l-antika fil-Biċċerija
Pubblika, Triq il-Biċċerija, Il-Marsa
MSDEC Advt 114/2014. Replacement of asbestos pitched
roof with sandwiched panelling within the old Chillers Area at
the Public Abattoir, Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Marsa
Id-dokument tal-offerta jinkseb wara ħlas ta’ €50 li
jitħallas b’ċekk lis-Segretarju Permanenti
Tender document may be obtained for a fee of €50 payable
by cheque adressed to the Permanent Secretary
MSDEC Avviż 115/2014. Tiswijiet ġenerali u alterazzjonijiet
fil-blokk tal-uffiċċji fuq id-deboning area fil-Biċċerija
Pubblika, Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Il-Marsa
MSDEC Advt 115/2014. General repairs and alterations
of office block above deboning area at the Public Abattoir,
Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Marsa
Id-dokument tal-offerta jinkseb wara ħlas ta’ €20 li
jitħallas b’ċekk lis-Segretarju Permanenti.
The tender document may be obtained for a fee of €20
payable by cheque adressed to the Permanent Secretary.
MSDEC Avviż 116/2014. Modernizzar tal-faċċati talBiċċerija Pubblika, Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Il-Marsa.
MSDEC Advt 116/2014. Refurbishment of facades at the
Public Abattoir, Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Marsa.
Id-dokument tal-offerta jinkseb wara ħlas ta’ €20 li
jitħallas b’ċekk lis-Segretarju Permanenti.
The tender document may be obtained for a fee of €20
payable by cheque adressed to the Permanent Secretary.
MSDEC Avviż 117/2014. Formazzjoni tal-pavimentar
intermedju fiċ-Chillers Area l-qadima fil-Biċċerija Pubblika,
Triq il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Il-Marsa.
MSDEC Advt 117/2014. Formation of intermediate
flooring within old Chillers Area at the Public Abattoir, Triq
il-Biċċerija, Albert Town, Marsa.
Id-dokument tal-offerta jinkseb wara ħlas ta’ €50 li
jitħallas b’ċekk lis-Segretarju Permanenti.
Tender document may be obtained for a fee of €50 payable
by cheque adressed to the Permanent Secretary.
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mit-Taqsima talProcurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Uffiċċju tas-Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR 1301, f’kull
ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sa meta
jintlaqgħu l-offerti.
Relevant documents may be obtained from the Procurement
and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
6, Triq Ħal Qormi. Sta Venera SVR 1301, on any working
day from 8.30 a.m. to noon till closing date.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 MINISTERU GĦALL-IŻVILUPP SOSTENIBBLI,
Id-Direttur Ġenerali, Dipartiment tal-Iżvilupp Rurali,
jgħarraf illi:
The Director General, Rural Development Department,
notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, it-2 ta’ Jannar, 2015
jintlaqgħu espressjonijiet ta’ interess magħluqin midDirettorat tal-Procurement u Provvisti, Uffiċċju tasSegretarju Permanenti MSDEC, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta
Venera għal:
Sealed expressions of interest will be received at the
MSDEC, Permanent Secretariat Offices, Procurement and
Supplies Directorate, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR
1301 up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 2nd January, 2015 for:
*Espressjoni ta’ interess – Provvediment ta’ servizz ta’ ħasil
ta’ reċipjenti fiċ-Ċentru tal-Pitkalija f’Ta’ Qali.
*Expression of interest – Provision of service of crate
washing at the Pitkali Markets Centre at Ta’ Qali.
*Espressjoni ta’ interess li qed tidher għall-ewwel darba
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas midDirettorat tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC,
Segretarjat Permanenti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera filjiem tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar sal-iskadenza
jew jinkisbu mis-sit tal-Ministeru (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Expression of interest appearing for the first time
Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge
from the Procurement and Supplies Directorate, MSDEC
Permanent Secretariat Offices, No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta
Venera SVR 1301, on any working day from 8.00 a.m. till
noon till closing date or downloaded for the Ministry’s website
23rd December, 2014
Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Agrikoltura, is-Sajd u
Drittijiet tal-Annimali jgħarraf illi:
The Parliamentary Secretariat for Agriculture, Fisheries
and Animal Rights notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 9 ta’ Jannar, 2015
jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fit-Taqsima tal-Procurement
u Provvisti, Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti MSDEC,
6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera għal:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Procurement and
Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent Secretariat Offices,
No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta. Venera SVR 1301, up to 10.00
a.m. of Friday, 9th January, 2015, for:
Espressjoni ta’ interess: Provvediment ta’ faċilitajiet ta’
uffiċċji lit-Taqsima tar-Regolamentazzjoni għall-Għasafar
Expression of interest: Provision of office facilities to house
the Wild Birds Regulation Unit.
Id-data tal-għeluq ġiet estiża mit-Tlieta 23 ta’ Diċembru,
The closing date has been extended from Tuesday, 23rd
December, 2014.
Id-dokumenti relevanti jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas mitTaqsima tal-Procurement u l-Provvisti, MSDEC, Segretarjat
Permanenti, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera fil-jiem taxxogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar sal-iskadenza jew
jinkisbu mis-sit tal-Ministeru (
Relevant documents may be obtained free of charge from
the Procurement and Supplies Section, MSDEC Permanent
Secretariat Offices No. 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Sta Venera SVR
1301, on any working day from 8.30 a.m. till noon till closing
date or downloaded for the Ministry’s website (www.msdec.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Enemalta plc tgħarraf illi:
Offerti magħluqin jintlaqgħu fl-Enemalta fil-kaxxa talofferti tal-Marsa:
23rd December, 2014
Enemalta plc notifies that:
Sealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsa tender
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 Sal-11.00 a.m. tal-Erbgħa, il-21 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Avviż Nru. HO/T/4039/PC1/2014
Bażi ta’ ftehim
(bejgħ) ta’ ċerti
tipi ta’ skart
Up to 11.00 a.m. of Wednesday, 21st January, 2015
Advt. No. HO/T/4039/PC1/2014
agreement for the
disposal (sale) of
certain streams of
hazardous waste.
Il-ħlas ta’ parteċipazzjoni (fejn applikabbli) għandu jsir
fil-Korporazzjoni Enemalta, Bini tal-Amministrazzjoni
Ċentrali, Church Wharf, Il-Marsa f’kull jum tax-xogħol
bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar. Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb billi
wieħed jikkuntattja t-Taqsima tal-Procurement fuq in-Numru
tat-Telefon: 2298 0736 jew bl-email: (tenderenquiries.em@ jew mill-website tal-Enemalta (www. - tenders online.
Participation fees (where applicable) are to be paid at
Enemalta plc, Central Administration Building, Church
Wharf, Marsa on any working day between 8.30 a.m and
noon. Further information may be obtained by contacting
Procurement Section on tel. 2298 0736 or at e-mail address:
( or from Enemalta
website ( – tenders online.
Enemalta plc tgħarraf illi offerti elettroniċi rigward
dawn l-avviżi jintlaqgħu sal-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn
taħt. L-offerti għandhom jintlaqgħu online BISS fuq:
Enemalta plc notifies that electronic tenders in respect
of the following notices will be received on the date and
time indicated below. Tenders are to be submitted online
ONLY on: (
Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGĦA, is-7 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 7th January 2015,
Verifikazzjoni ta’ emissjonijiet
serra EU ETS CO 2 għallPower Stations tal-Marsa u
ta’ Delimara.
Sad-9.30 a.m. l-ERBGĦA, l-14 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
EU ETS greenhouse emissions
CO2 verification for Marsa and
Delimara Power Stations.
Up to 9.30 a.m. of WEDNESDAY, 14th January 2015,
Provvista u konsenja ta’
11kV outdoor pole-mounted
distribution transformers.
Supply and delivery of
11kV outdoor pole-mounted
distribution transformers.
Provvista ta’ kanali bil-ħadid
galvanizzat u aċċessorji.
Supply of galvanised channels
and accessories.
Provvediment ta’ bażi
ta’ kuntratt għal servizzi ta’
awditjar li jaħdmu fl-Awditjar
Intern, Affarijiet Interni u
Governanza fl-Enemalta plc.
Provision of a framework
contract for audit services
operating within the Internal
Audit, Internal Affairs and
Governance at Enemalta plc.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn
fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir
użu min dan is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu
f’dan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb misSezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the
Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Registration is required in order to make
use of this website: Maltese economic operators need to be
in possession of their Organisation e-ID in order to access
this website. More information is available from the FAQ
Section of the same website.
Operaturi ekonomiċi interessati sabiex jipparteċipaw
f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa jieħdu nota
Economic operators interested in participating in
these current calls for tender are urged to take note of the
tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti.
Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 workshops being organised by the Department of Contracts.
More information is available in the tender document.
23rd December, 2014
Water Services Corporation
Iċ-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma,
jgħarraf illi:-
The Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifies
Jintlaqgħu offerti fil-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. Lofferti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.
Tenders will be received on the date and time indicated
below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://
Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, is-27 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
Avviż Nru. WSC/T/55/2014. Provvista u twaħħil ta’
tyres fuq vetturi (karozzi, vannijiet u trakkijiet żgħar) talKorporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma - Bażi ta’ Ftehim.
Up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 for:
Advt No. WSC/T/55/2014. Supply and fitting of tyres on
vehicles (cars, vans and light trucks) of the Water Services
Corporation – Framework Agreement.
Id-dokument huwa mingħajr ħlas.
No participation fee.
Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, it-30 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 30th January, 2015 for:
Avviż Nru. WSC/T/57/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta’
DN 40 stainless steel pipes for level sensor installation on
boreholes għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.
Advt No. WSC/T/57/2014. Supply and delivery of DN 40
stainless steel pipes for level sensor installation on boreholes
for the Water Services Corporation.
Id-dokument huwa mingħajr ħlas.
WSC/T/56/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta’ cartridge filter
elements biex jintużaw fl-impjanti tar-reverse osmosis talKorporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.
Il-ħlas għad-dokument huwa €50.
No participation fee.
WSC/T/56/2014. Supply and delivery of cartridge filter
elements to be used in the reverse osmosis plants of the Water
Services Corporation
Participation fee €50.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (
mt). Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan is-sit:
operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom l-Organisation eID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’din is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni
tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.
Tender documents are obtainable from the Electronic
Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Operaturi Ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex
jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa
jieħdu nota tal-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomiċi sejrin
ikollhom l-opportunità sabiex jsiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.
Economic operators interested in participating in these
calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops being
organized by the Department of Contracts. During these
workshops, simulations will be carried out so that Economic
Operators familiarise themselves with compiling and
submitting their tender online. More information is available
in the tender document.
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni talofferti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of tenders at the time and dates specified above.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Water Services Corporation
L-Executive Chairman, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi talIlma, jgħarraf illi:-
The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation,
notifies that:-
Jintlaqgħu offerti fil-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. Lofferti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.
Tenders will be received on the day and time indicated
below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://
Sat-Tnejn, id-19 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
Avviż. Nru. WSC/T/54/2014. Provvista u tqegħid ta’ vinyl
flooring f’laboratorju – Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.
Id-dokument għal din l-offerta huwa bla ħlas.
Up to Monday, 19th January, 2015, for:Advt. No. WSC/T/54/2014. Supply and laying of vinyl
flooring at laboratory – Water Services Corporation.
No participation fee is applicable.
Dan huwa Supply Notice taħt International Open Tender
Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata millUnjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Koeżjoni (FK).
This is a Supply Notice under the International Open Tender
Procedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Union
under the European Union Cohesion Fund (CF).
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu min fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders. Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan
is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom lOrganisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make us of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Operaturi Ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex
jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa
jieħdu nota tall-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomiċi se
jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.
Economic operators interested in participating in these
calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarize themselves with compiling
and submitting their tender online. More information is
available in the tender document.
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni talofferti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of tenders at the time and date specified above.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Proġett ta’ Titjib fis-Sistema tal-Kwalità tal-Ilma
Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar
Offerta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond ta’ Koeżjoni (FK)
Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi Nazzjonali; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek
Water Quality System Improvement Project
Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Tender part-financed by the European Union
Cohesion Fund (CF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National
Investing in your future
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 KORPORAZZJONI GĦAL SERVIZZI TAL-ILMA
Water Services Corporation
L-Executive Chairman, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi talIlma, jgħarraf illi:-
The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation,
notifies that:-
Jintlaqgħu offerti fil-ġurnata u l-ħin indikati hawn taħt. Lofferti għandhom jintbagħtu online BISS fuq: (http://www.
Tenders will be received on the day and time indicated
below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on: (http://
Sat-Tnejn, it-22 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, għal:
Avviż. Nru. WSC/T/50/2014. Provvista u installazzjoni ta’
tagħmir tat-telekomunikazzjoni, Il-Baħrija – Korporazzjoni
għal Servizzi tal-Ilma.
Id-dokument għal din l-offerta huwa bla ħlas.
Up to Monday, 22nd December, 2014, for:Advt. No. WSC/T/50/2014. Supply and installation
of communications equipment, Baħrija – Water Services
No participation fee is applicable.
Dan huwa Supply Notice taħt International Open Tender
Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata millUnjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Koeżjoni
This is a Supply Notice under the International Open
Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by the
European Union under the European Union Cohesion Fund
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu min fuq lElectronic Procurement System: (http://www.etenders. Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan
is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom lOrganisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’din is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make us of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Operaturi Ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex
jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa
jieħdu nota tall-workshop organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomiċi se
jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.
Economic operators interested in participating in these
calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarize themselves with compiling
and submitting their tender online. More information is
available in the tender document.
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni talofferti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of tenders at the time and date specified above.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Proġett ta’ Estensjoni tas-Sistema tad-Drenaġġ u Modernizzar
Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar
Offerta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond ta’ Koeżjoni (FK)
Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 85% Fondi Nazzjonali; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek
Sewage System Extension and Upgrading Project
Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Tender part-financed by the European Union
Cohesion Fund (CF)
Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National
Investing in your future
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
L-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, jgħarraf
The Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, notifies
Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-16 ta’ Jannar,
2015, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji tal-Uffiċjal
Kap Eżekuttiv, WasteServ Malta Ltd, Ċentru Eko, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:
Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the Chief
Executive Officer, WasteServ Malta Ltd, Eko Centre, Triq
Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 till Friday, 16th January,
2015 at 10.00 a.m. for:
Avviż Nru. WSM 063/2014. Provvista u konsenja flimħażen ta’ annealed wire iswed biex jintuża għall-baler li
hemm installat fl-MRF (Material Recovery Facility) fl-Impjant
għat-Trattament tal-Iskart f’Sant’Antnin, Marsaskala
Advt No. WSM 063/2014. Supply and delivery to stores
of black annealed wire to be used for the baler installed in the
MRF (Material Recovery Facility) at the Sant’Antnin Waste
Treatment Plant, Marsaskala
Parteċipazzjoni għal din l-offerta hija bi ħlas ta’ €20.
Avviż Nru. WSM 064/2014. Kuntratt perjodiku biex
jittieħdu kampjuni, issiru analiżi u rappurtar ta’ Leachate finNon-Hazardous Waste Landfills fl-Għallis u Ta’ Żwejra.
Parteċipazzjoni għal din l-offerta hija mingħajr ħlas.
Participation fee for this tender document is €20.
Advt No. WSM 064/2014. Period contract for the
sampling, analysis and reporting of Leachate at the Għallis
and Ta’ Żwejra Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills.
Participation fee for this tender document is free of
Id-dokument tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet bi ħlas jistgħu
jinkisbu mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn
id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.
Tender/quotation documents with a participation fee may
be purchased from the mentioned office on any working day
between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.
Offerenti li huma interessati fid-dokumenti tal-offerta
mingħajr ħlas għandhom jibagħtu email bit-talba tagħom lil
Bidders who are interested in tender documents which are
free of charge are kindly being requested to send an email
request to (
Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq il-website: (www. jew fuq email (contracts@wasteservmalta.
Further information can be obtained from the website:
( or by sending an email to
Huwa fl-interess ta’ min japplika li jiċċekkja l-website talWasteServ għal aġġornamenti minn żmien għal żmien.
It is in the bidders’ interest to periodically check the
WasteServ website for any updates.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
WasteServ Malta Ltd
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-WasteServ Malta Ltd jgħarraf illi:WasteServ Malta Ltd qed toffri materjal riċiklabbli għallbejgħ, li għandu jinbigħ ex-works. Il-materjal riċiklabbli
disponibbli għax-xahar ta’ Diċembru 2014 jikkonsisti f’dan
li ġej:HDPE Baled
PET Clear Baled
PET Coloured Baled
Ferrous Metal Scrap Loose (SAWTP)
Ferrous Metal Scrap Loose (CA Sites)
23rd December, 2014
WasteServ Malta Ltd
The Chief Executive Officer of WasteServ Malta Ltd
notifies that:WasteServ Malta Ltd is offering for sale various
recyclable materials, to be sold ex-works. The recyclable
materials available for the month of December 2014 shall
consist of:HDPE Baled
PET Clear Baled
PET Coloured Baled
Ferrous Metal Scrap Loose (SAWTP)
Ferrous Metal Scrap Loose (CA Sites)
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Other Plastic Loose
Expanded Polystyrene Loose
Kartun Baled
Mixed Paper Baled
Spoiled Cardboard Baled (MTP)
Aluminium Profile Loose
Metal Ferrous Cans Loose
Stainless Steel (washing sinks)
Tyres Loose (Various Types and Sizes)
Tyres Baled (Various Types and Sizes)
Mixed Galss Packacging (tale quale)
Plastic Car Bumpers Baled
Cables Various
Aluminium Ports, TV Aerials, Ports and Similar
Other Plastic Loose
Expanded Polystyrene Loose
Cardboard Baled
Mixed Paper Baled
Spoiled Cardboard Baled (MTP)
Aluminium Profile Loose
Metal Ferrous Cans Loose
Stainless Steel (washing sinks)
Tyres Loose (Various Types and Sizes)
Tyres Baled (Various Types and Sizes)
Mixed Glass Packaging (tale quale)
Plastic Car Bumpers Baled
Cables Various
Aluminium Ports, TV Aerials, Ports and Similar
WasteServ tilqa’ offerti (mingħajr VAT) għall-bejgħ ta’
dawn l-oġġetti ‘tale quale’ mingħajr garanzija u tikkuntattja
lil dawk li beħsiebhom jixtru biex jintlaħaq ftehim rigward
il-ġbir tal-materjali meħtieġa fiż-żmien miftiehem. L-oġġetti
kollha msemmija għandhom jitqiesu bħala lottijiet separati.
L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu wara li timtela l-formola
dettaljata li tista’ titniżżel minn: (www.wastesermalta.
com) filwaqt li kopja stampata tista’ tinkiseb mill-uffiċċji
ta’ SAWTP matul il-ħinijiet tal-uffiċċju. Din il-proċedura
għandha tirrepeti ruħha kull xahar.
WasteServ will receive offers (excluding VAT) for the
sale of these fractions ‘tale quale’ without warranty and
shall contact prospective buyers to come to an agreement to
collect the required materials in an agreed time-frame. All
items shall be considered as separate lots. Offers are to be
submitted by the completion of the detailed form available
for download on the website: (
and hardcopies may be obtained from SAWTP offices during
office hours. This procedure is intended to be repeated every
Aġenziji barranin li huma interessati jixtru xi wħud milloġġetti fil-lista, għandhom jiġu awtorizzati mill-Awtoritajiet
Kompetenti ta’ pajjiżhom u mill-Awtorità lokali (MEPA) biex
jittrattaw il-materjal ta’ skart speċifiku. Fi kwalunkwe każ,
it-trasport tal-iskart irid isir minn waste carrier irreġistrat u
l-esportazzjoni tal-iskart trid isseħħ skont it-Trans Frontier
Shipment of Waste Regulations.
Foreign agencies which are interested in purchasing any
of the items in the list, must provide relevant authorisations
from their country’s Competent Authorities and from the
local Authority (MEPA) for the handling of the specific
waste streams. In any case, transport of waste must be
carried out by a registered waste carrier and export of waste
must be done according to the Trans Frontier Shipment of
Waste Regulations.
Qabel ma jitgħabbew xi positive fractions, l-offerent
għandu jħallas l-ispiża kollha favur il-Kumpanija. Mingħajr
ħsara għal dak stipulat qabel, il-Kumpanija tista’, fiddiskrezzjoni unikament tagħha, tagħmel arranġamenti ta’
kreditu, li jiġu deċiżi mill-Kumpanija. Fil-każ ta’ negative
fractions, jiġi applikat perjodu ta’ kreditu ta’ 120 jum.
Before any loading of positive fractions, full payment
by the bidder shall be effected in favour of the Company.
Without prejudice to the aforesaid, the Company may, at its
sole discretion grant credit arrangements, to be determined
by the Company. In case of negative fractions, a credit period
of 120 days shall apply.
Id-data tal-għeluq għandha tkun it-Tlieta, 6 ta’ Jannar,
2015 f’10.00 a.m. Formoli tal-purchase order għandhom
jiġu depożitati fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali
tal-SAWTP, f’envelop magħluq u indirizzati bħala “Sales
of Recyclables”. L-offerti għax-xiri għandhom jintefgħu filKaxxa tal-Offerti f’Eko Centre, Triq Latmija, Marsaskala
MSK 4613.
Closing date shall be Tuesday, 6th January, 2015 at 10.00
a.m. Purchase order forms are to be deposited in the Tender
Box at the SAWTP Head Office, in a sealed envelope and
addressed as “Sales of Recyclables”. Purchase offers are to
be deposited in the Tender Box at Eko Centre, Triq Latmija,
Marsaskala MSK 4613.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
ARMS Ltd jgħarraf illi:-
ARMS Ltd notifies that:-
Sas-1.00 p.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-30 ta’ Jannar,
2015 jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin f’ARMS Ltd, Gattard
House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, għal:-
Sealed tenders will be received at ARMS Ltd, Gattard
House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, by not later than
1.00 p.m. of Friday, 30th January, 2015 for:-
Avviż Nru. ARMS/T/3/2014. Provvista ta’ desktop PC’s
effiċjenti fl-użu tal-enerġija lill-ARMS Ltd.
Advt. No. ARMS/T/3/2014. Supply of energy efficient
desktop PC’s to arms limited.
Avviż Nru. ARMS/T/7/2014. Provvediment ta’ servizzi
ta’ tindif li ma jagħmlux ħsara ’l-ambjent tal-uffiċċji talARMS Ltd.
Advt. No. ARMS/T/7/2014. Supply of environmental
friendly cleaning services for ARMS Ltd offices.
Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokumenti tal-offerti.
A fee of €20 is to be paid for every copy of each tender
Formoli tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Uffiċċju talProcurement, North Block, Triq Ħal Luqa, Ħal Qormi,
jew online fuq (
procurement) fil-paġna tal-offerti.
Forms of tender may be obtained from the Procurement
Office, North Block, Triq Ħal Luqa, Ħal Qormi, or on-line on
( within
the respective tender’s page.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Sejħa għal Offerti għall-Provvediment
ta’ Servizzi relatati ma’ Konferenzi
u Catering b’rabta mal-implimentazzjoni
tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma Nazzjonali ta’ Malta
– Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp 2015
Referenza: EYD-ACTS0204/2014
Call for Tenders for the Provision of
Conference Venues and Catering Services
in relation to the implementation of the
Malta National Work Programme European Year for Development 2015
Reference: EYD-ACTS0204/2014
Baġit Massimu Allokat: €14,700 (VAT inkluża)
Maximum Budget Allocated: €14,700 (inclusive of VAT)
Il-MEUSAC qiegħed joħroġ sejħa għal offerti għal
servizzi li jipprovdu postijiet tal-laqgħat, servizzi ta’ catering,
u arranġamenti loġistiċi oħra b’rabta mal-implimentazzjoni
tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma Nazzjonali ta’ Malta – Is-Sena
Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp 2015.
MEUSAC is issuing a call for tenders to award a contract
for the provision of meeting venues, catering services and
other logistic arrangements in relation to the implementation
of the Malta National Work Programme – European Year for
Development 2015.
Dawk interessati għandhom jitfgħu l-offerta tagħhom
immarkata b’mod ċar “Sejħa għal Offerti għall-Provediment
ta’ Servizzi relatati ma’ Konferenzi u Catering b’rabta malimplimentazzjoni tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma Nazzjonali ta’
Malta – Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp 2015”.
Interested bidders are to submit a proposal clearly marked
“Call for Tenders for the Provision of Conference Venues
and Catering Services in relation to the implementation of
the Malta National Work Programme - European Year for
Development 2015”.
L-offerti għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab
fl-uffiċċji tal-MEUSAC, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt
Valletta, VLT 1112, mhux iktar tard mill-10.00 am (CET)
tal-Erbgħa, 7 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
Bids are to be deposited in the tender box located at
MEUSAC offices, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta VLT
1112, by not later than 10.00 a.m. (CET) of Wednesday, 7th
January, 2015.
Id-dokument tas-sejħa għall-offerti jista’ jitniżżel mis-sit
The call for tenders dossier can be downloaded from
Offerti li jintefgħu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Dan il-proġett hu kofinanzjat mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Late submissions will not be considered.
This project is co-financed by the European Commission
23rd December, 2014
2015 - Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp
2015 - European Year for Development
Sejħa għal Offerti għall-Provvediment ta’ Servizzi
u Loġistika relatati mal-implimentazzjoni
tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma Nazzjonali ta’
Malta – Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp 2015
Riferenza: EYD-ACT003/2014
Call for Tenders for the Provision of Services
and Logistics related to the implementation
of the Malta National Work Programme - European
Year for Development 2015
Ref: EYD-ACT003/2014
Baġit Massimu Allokat: €9,880 (VAT inkluża)
Maximum Budget Allocated: €9,880 (inclusive of VAT)
Il-MEUSAC qiegħed joħroġ sejħa għal offerti għal servizzi
li jipprovdu postijiet għall-konferenzi u servizzi ta’ catering
b’rabta mal-implimentazzjoni tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma
Nazzjonali ta’ Malta – Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp 2015.
MEUSAC is issuing a call for tenders for the provision
of conference venues and catering services in relation to the
implementation of the Malta National Work Programme of
the European Year for Development 2015.
Dawk interessati għandhom jitfgħu l-offerta tagħhom
immarkata b’mod ċar, ‘Sejħa għal Offerti għall-Provediment
ta’ Servizzi u Loġistika relatati mal-implimentazzjoni talProgramm ta’ Ħidma Nazzjonali ta’ Malta – Is-Sena Ewropea
għall-Iżvilupp 2015’.
Interested bidders are to submit a proposal clearly marked,
‘Call for Tenders for the Provision of Services and Logistics
related to the implementation of the Malta National Work
Programme - European Year for Development 2015’.
L-offerti għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab
fl-uffiċċji tal-MEUSAC, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt
Valletta, VLT 1112, mhux iktar tard mill-10.00 a.m. (CET)
tat-Tnejn, id-19 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
Bids are to be deposited in the tender box located at
MEUSAC offices, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, VLT
1112, by not later than, 10.00 a.m. (CET) of Monday, 19th
January, 2015.
Id-dokument tas-sejħa għall-offerti jista’ jitniżżel mis-sit:
The call for tenders dossier can be downloaded from:
Offerti li jintefgħu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Dan il-proġett hu kofinanzjat mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Late submissions will not be considered.
This project is co-financed by the European Commission
23rd December, 2014
2015 - Is-Sena Ewropea għall-Iżvilupp
2015 - European Year for Development
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Malta Council for Science
and Technology
Il-Kunsill Malta għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija jgħarraf
The Malta Council for Science and Technology notifies
Sad-9.30 a.m. (CET) ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 26 ta’ Jannar,
2015, jintlaqgħu offerti għal:
Tenders will be received by not later than 9.30 a.m.
(CET) of Monday, 26th January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. MCST/41/2014. Provvista ta’ servizzi relatata
ma’ kitba u editjar għaċ-Ċentru tax-Xjenza ESPLORA.
Advt. No. MCST/41/2014. Provision of text and label
editing services for ESPLORA Science Centre.
Il-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija jgħarraf li
offerti elettroniċi se jkunu dwar provvediment ta’ servizzi
għal strateġija dwar kitbiet fis-sulari ta’ Esibizzjoni talEsplora, editjar fil-lingwa Ingliża u dik Maltija tal-kitbiet
kollha li se jiġu inklużi fis-sulari ta’ Esibizzjoni għall-oġġetti
interattivi esibiti u fornuti minn kuntatturi, u servizzi ta’ qari
tal-provi tal-kitbiet kollha li se jiġu inklużi fis-Sulari talEsibizzjoni, fil-lingwa Maltija u dik Ingliża għall-oġġetti
interattivi esebiti fornuti minn kuntratturi.
The Malta Council for Science and Technology notifies
that electronic tenders for the provision of delivering a text
strategy for the Esplora Exhibition floors, editing in English
Language and Maltese Language of all texts to be included
on the Exhibition floors for interactive exhibits provided
by third party contractors and proofreading of all texts to
be included on the Exhibition Floors, in both Maltese and
English languages for interactive exhibits provided by third
party contractors.
Dan huwa Service Notice taħt l-Open Tender Procedure.
This is a Service Notice under the Open Tender
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jinġabru BISS fuq lElectronic Public Procurement System (http://www.etenders. Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan
is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom lOrganisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their
Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar talofferti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of offers during the above mentioned date and time.
Sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Late submissions will not be considered.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007 – 2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar
Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)
Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE, 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek
Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Project part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing Rate: 85% EU Funds, 15% National Funds
Investing in your future
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Malta Council for Science
and Technology
Il-Kunsill Malta għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija jgħarraf
The Malta Council for Science and Technology notifies
Sal-10.00 a.m. (CET) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 30 ta’ Jannar,
2015, jintlaqgħu offerti għal:
Tenders will be received by not later than 10.00
a.m. (CET) of Friday, 30th January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. MCST 35/2014. Provvediment ta’ servizz
għal scripts ta’ wirjiet xjentifiċi flimkien mat-taħriġ relatat
għaċ-Ċentru tax-Xjenza Interattiva ESPLORA.
Advt. No. MCST 35/2014. Service provision of science
shows scripts and training for the ESPLORA Science
Il-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija f’isem ilFondazzjoni għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija qed iniedi sejħa
għall-offerti għal min hu interessat sabiex jissottomettu
offerti għall-provvediment ta’ servizz għal scripts ta’ wirjiet
xjentifiċi flimkien mat-taħriġ relatat li se jittellgħu fiċ-Ċentru
tax-Xjenza Interattiva f’Malta Esplora, Triq ix-Xatt, Bighi,
The Malta Council for Science and Technology for and
on behalf the Foundation for Science and Technology is
publishing a call for tenders for the service provision of
science shows scripts and training for Esplora Interactive
Science Centre, Triq ix-Xatt, Bighi, Kalkara.
Dawk interessati għandhom jissottomettu l-offerta
tagħhom mmarkata b’mod ċar bħala ‘‘MCST 35/2014 - Tender
for the service provision of science shows scripts and training
for the ESPLORA science centre’.
Interested tenderers are to submit a proposal clearly
marked as ‘MCST 35/2014 – Tender for the service provision
of science shows scripts and training for the ESPLORA
science centre’.
L-offerti għandhom jintbagħtu fuq il-formola preskritta li,
flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħra jistgħu
jitnizzlu minn fuq is-sit elettroniku tal- Kunsill Malti għaxXjenza u t-Teknoloġija: (
Tenders should be made on the prescribed forms which,
together with the relative conditions and other documents
can be downloaded from the Malta Council for Science and
Technology’s website (
Offerti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Late submissions will not be considered.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Programm Operattiv I – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007 – 2013
Ninvestu fil-Kompetittività għal Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar
Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)
Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE, 15% Fondi Nazzjonali
Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek
Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Project part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing Rate: 85% EU Funds, 15% National Funds
Investing in your future
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Il-Ministeru għall-Intern u s-Sigurtà Nazzjonali jgħarraf
The Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security
notifies that:
Offerti magħluqin jintlaqgħu sal-10.00 a.m. tatTlieta, it-13 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab
fl-Aġenzija Identità Malta, Ċentru tal-Mediterran għallKonferenzi, Triq l-Isptar, Il-Belt Valletta, għal:
Sealed tenders will be received in the tender box
located at the Identity Malta Agency, Mediterranean
Conference Centre, Triq l-Isptar, Valletta, up to 10.00
a.m. of Tuesday, 13th January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. IMA-2014/001. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’
trasport ta’ sigurtà b’mod li ma jagħmilx ħsara ’l-ambjent
għall-Uffiċċju tal-Passaporti fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identità
Advt. No. IMA-2014/001. Provision of secure transport
services in an environmentally friendly manner for the
Passports Office within the Identity Malta Agency.
Avviż Nru. IMA-2014/002. Provvediment ta’ trasport ta’
sigurtà b’mod li ma jagħmilx ħsara ’l-ambjent u nies biex
jiddepożitaw il-flus fil-fergħa tal-Bank of Valletta fi Triq
ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identità
Advt. No. IMA-2014/002. Provision of secure transport
and personnel to deposit takings at Bank of Valletta in Triq irRepubblika, Valletta, in an environmentally friendly manner
within the Identity Malta Agency.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu
website (
The tender documents may be downloaded from the
website (
jitniżżlu mill-
Sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Late submissions will not be considered.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Ministeru tal-INTERN
U Sigurtà nazzjonali
Ministry for HOME AFFAIRS
Il-Ministeru tal-Intern u Sigurtà Nazzjonali jgħarraf illi:
The Ministry for Home Affiars and National Security
notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. (Ħin lokali) tat-Tlieta, l-20 ta’ Jannar,
2015, fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab fl-Aġenzija Identità
Malta, Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi, Triq lIsptar, Il-Belt Valletta għal:
Sealed tenders will be received in the tender box located
at the Identity Malta Agency, Mediterranean Conference
Centre, Triq l-Isptar, Valletta by not later than 10.00 a.m.
(Malta Time) of Tuesday, 20th January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. IMA-2014/003. Servizz ta’ tindif li ma
jagħmilx ħsara ’l-ambjent fl-Aġenzija Identità Malta
Advt. No. IMA-2014/003. Environmentally friendly
cleaning service within the Identity Malta Agency.
Kopja tad-dokumenti tal-offerta tista’ titniżżel minn:
A copy of the tender documents can be downloaded
through: (
Sottomissjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.
Late submissions will not be considered.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEX
Id-Direttorat tas-Servizzi Koperattivi javża illi offerti
elettroniċi rigward dan l-avviż jintlaqgħu sal-ġurnata u l-ћin
indikati hawn taћt. L-offerti gћandhom jintbagħtu online
BISS fuq (
The Corporate Services Directorate notifies that electronic
tenders in respect of the following notice will be received on
the day and time indicated below. Tenders are to be submitted
online ONLY on (
Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 16 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 16th January 2015, for:
MGOZ T 28/2014. Tfassil ta’ cost benefit analysis rigward
it-twaqqif ta’ ‘Gozo Museum’ b’mod li ma jagħmilx ħsara
’l-ambjent u li jkun sostenibbli fih nnifsu.
MGOZ T 28/2014. Preparation of a cost benefit analysis
in connection with the establishment of the ‘Gozo Museum’
in an eco-friendly and self-sustainable manner.
Dan huwa Service Notice taħt il-Local Open Tender
Procedure. Din l-offerta qed tiġi kkunsidrata sabiex tiġi
parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond
ta’ Koeżjoni (2014-2020).
This is a Service Notice under the Local Open Tender
Procedure. This tender is being considered for European
Union part-financing under the Operational Programmes for
Malta Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgћu jinkisbu biss minn
fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu
minn dan is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeћtieġ ikollhom
l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgћu jidħlu f’dan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ ta’
l-istess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their
Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Operaturi ekonomiċi interessati sabiex jipparteċipaw
f’dawn is-sejћiet gћal offerti huma mћeġġa jieћdu nota
tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti.
F’dawn il-workshops se jsiru simulazzjonijiet sabiex operaturi
ekonomiċi jiffamiljarizzaw ruћhom bil-kompilazzjoni u
sottomissjoni tal-offerta online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fiddokument tal-offerta. Dawn il-workshops huma intenzjonati
BISS għal dawk l-operaturi ekonomiċi li beћsiebhom
jissottomettu offerta għal dan l-appalt: operaturi prospettivi
oћrajn huma mistiedna jattendu waћda mis-sensiela ta’
sessjonijiet ta’ informazzjoni organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti sabiex tingћata ћarsa ġenerali tal-proċeduri ġodda
tal-electronic procurement.
Economic operators interested in participating in these
current calls for tender are urged to take note of the workhops
being organised by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and
submitting their tender online. More information is available
in the tender document. These workshops are ONLY intended
to economic operators that intend to submit an offer for this
tender: other prospective operators are invited to attend one
of the information sessions currently being organised by the
Department of Contracts that give an overview of the new
electronic procurement procedures.
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni ta’
l-offerti fil-ħin u d-data memmija aktar ’il fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of tenders at the time and dates specified above.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Programmi Operattivi għal Malta
Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2014-2020
Din l-offerta tista’ tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata
mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Operational Programmes for Malta
Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
This tender may be considered
for European Union part-financing
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 14,017
Direttorat għal Eko-Għawdex u Żvilupp Reġjonali
Eco-Gozo Regional Development Directorate
Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex jgħarraf illi:
The Ministry for Gozo notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, il-5 ta’ Jannar, 2015,
jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:
Sealed quotations will be received up to 10.00 a.m. of
Monday, 5th January, 2015 for:–
Avviż Nru. EGRD33/2014. Provvista u konsenja ta’ USBs
bħala parti mill-Proġett SWMED kofinanzjat mill-ENPI CBC
Advt. No. EGRD 33/2014. Supply and delivery of USBs as
part of the SWMED Project co-financed through ENPI CBC
L-offerti għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti
tad-Direttorat tas-Servizzi Korporattivi, Ministeru għal
Għawdex, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.
Quotations and related documents are to be submitted
in the tender box at the Department of Corporate Services,
Ministry for Gozo, Victoria, Gozo.
L-offerti jibqgħu validi għal perjodu ta’ sitt xhur u t-taxxa
fuq il-valur mizjud inkluża, flimkien mal-ħlasijiet oħra, jekk
Quotations shall be valid for a period of six months,
inclusive of value added tax and any other charges, if
Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta
anke l-iżjed offerta vantaġġuża.
The Ministry for Gozo reserves the right to refuse even
the most advantageous offer.
Id-dettalji u l-formoli tal-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mis-sit:
( L-offerti magħmula fuq il-formola
pprovduta biss ikunu kkunsidrati.
Specifications and submission forms can be downloaded
from the website: ( Only submissions
on the prescribed form will be considered.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Dan il-proġett huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument
Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 90% Fondi UE; 10% Fondi Nazzjonali
Kooperazzjoni li Tgħodd
ENPI CBC MED Programme
This Project is part-financed by the European Union’s
Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument
Co-financing rate: 90% EU Funds; 10% National Funds
Co-operation that counts
Gozo Channel Company Limited
Gozo Channel Company Limited
Iċ-Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited, jgħarraf
The Chairman, Gozo Channel Company Limited, notifies
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, is-16 ta’ Jannar, 2015,
jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fil-Gozo Channel Company
Limited, The Brokerage, Level 2, Triq Santa Martha, IrRabat, Għawdex, għal:-
Sealed tenders documents will be received at the
Gozo Channel Company Limited, The Brokerage, Level
2, Triq Santa Martha, Victoria, Gozo by not later than
10.00 a.m. of Friday, 16th January, 2015, for:-
Avviż. Nru. GCCL T 14/2014. Bażi ta’ ftehim dwar ilprovvista, ippakkjar u konsenja ta’ uniformijiet b’livell baxx
ta’ sustanzi tossiċi għal impjegati tal-GCCL.
Advt. No. GCCL T 14/2014. Framework agreement for
the supply, packing and delivery of uniforms with low level
of toxic substances for GCCL employees.
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Avviż. Nru. GCCL T 174/2014. Provvediment ta’ servizzi
ta’ shore based operational risk management għall-Gozo
Channel Company Limited.
Advt. No. GCCL T 17/2014. Provision of shore based
operational risk management services to Gozo Channel
Company Limited.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerti huma mingħajr ħlas u kopja taddokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-indirizz imsemmi
hawn fuq jew mill-website tal-kumpanija (www.gozo.
Tender documents are free of charge and a copy of tender
documents can either be collected from the above address or
from the company’s website (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv tal-MITA jgħarraf illi:
23rd December, 2014
The Executive Chairman of MITA notifies that:
Offerti elettroniċi għal “Provision of waste collection
services in an environmentally friendly manner - T078/14”
jintlaqgħu online fuq is-sit: (, sa
mhux aktar tard mill-11.30 a.m. (CET) tat-Tnejn, is-26 ta’
Jannar, 2015.
Electronic proposals for the “Provision of waste collection
services in an environmentally friendly manner - T078/14”
are to be submitted online on: (
mt), and by not later than 11.30 a.m. (CET) of Monday, 26th
January, 2015.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn
fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. Għandha ssir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir
użu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi Ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID għal aċċess għal dan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website.
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of their
Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Aktar dettalji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment talContracts Management permezz tat-telefon 2123 4710, jew
b’email lil: (
Further information may be obtained from the Contracts
Management Department on telephone number 2123 4710,
or by email on: (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv tal-MITA jgħarraf illi:-
23rd December, 2014
The Executive Chairman of MITA notifies that:
Offerti elettroniċi għal “Secure mail solution T059/14”
jintlaqgħu online fuq is-sit: (
mhux aktar tard mill-11.30 a.m. (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) tatTnejn, 2 ta’ Frar, 2015.
Electronic proposals for “Secure mail solution - T059/14”
are to be submitted online on: (
and by not later than 11.30 a.m. (Central European Time) on
Monday, 2nd February, 2015.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn fuq
l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Għandha ssir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir
użu minn dan is-sit: Operaturi Ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID biex jidħlu f’dan is-sit. Iktar
informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Operaturi Ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex
jipparteċipaw f’din is-sejħa għall-offerti huma mħeġġa jieħdu
Economic operators interested in participating in this call
for tenders are urged to take note of a workshop organised
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
nota għall-workshop li se jiġi organizzat mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti fejn f’dawn il-workshops, Operaturi Ekonomiċi se
jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.
by the Department of Contracts where in these workshops,
economic operators will have the opportunity to familiarise
themselves with compiling and submitting a tender online.
More information on this workshop is available in the tender
Aktar dettalji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment talContracts Management permezz tat-telefon 2123 4710, jew
b’email lil (
Further information may be obtained from the Contracts
Management Department on telephone number 2123 4710
or email (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv tal-MITA jgħarraf illi:
23rd December, 2014
The Executive Chairman of MITA notifies that:
Offerti elettroniċi għal “Supply of energy efficient desktop
computers, laptop computers and ultra portable laptops T075/14”, jintlaqgħu online fuq is-sit (http://www.etenders., mhux aktar tard mill-11.30 a.m. (Ħin Ċentrali
Ewropew) tal-Erbgħa, 11 ta’ Frar, 2015.
Electronic proposals for “Supply of energy efficient
desktop computers, laptop computers and ultra portable
laptops - T075/14” are to be submitted online on (http://www., and by not later than 11.30 a.m. (Central
European Time) on Wednesday, 11th February, 2015.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn fuq
l-Electronic Public Procurement System: (http://www. Għandha ssir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir
użu minn dan is-sit: Operaturi Ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieg
ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID biex jidħlu f’dan is-sit. Iktar
informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess
Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic
Public procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same
Se ssir laqgħa ta’ tagħrif fl-uffiċċju tal-MITA, Gattard
House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, fl-10.00 a.m. nhar lErbgħa, 14 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
A briefing/clarification meeting will be held at MITA
office, Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, at
10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 14th January, 2015.
Aktar dettalji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment talContracts Management permezz tat-telefon 2123 4710, jew
b’email (lil
Further information is obtained from the Contracts
Management Department on telephone number 2123 4710
or email (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Kunsill Malti għall-iSport
Kunsill Malti għall-iSport
Il-Kunsill Malti għall-iSport jilqa’ kwotazzjonijiet
magħluqin sa nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 30 ta’ Diċembru, 2014,
The Kunsill Malti għall-iSport receives sealed quotations up to noon of Tuesday, 30th December, 2014, for:
Sistema ġdida ta’ dawl għal żewġ squash courts filkumpless Sportiv Tal-Qroqq.
New lighting system for the two squash courts at the TalQroqq Sports Complex.
Kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għandhom jintlaqgħu fil-kaxxa
tal-offerti li tinsab fir-reception area tal-Kunsill Malti għalliSport Cottonera Sports Complex, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla
BML 9020.
Sealed quotations are to be deposited in the tender box
situated at the Reception Area of the Kunsill Malti għalliSport, Cottonera Sports Complex, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla
BML 9020.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Kunsill Malti għall-iSport
Kunsill Malti għall-iSport
Il-Kunsill Malti għall-iSport jilqa’ offerti sa nofsinhar
tal-Erbgħa, 7 ta’ Jannar, 2015, għal:
The Kunsill Malti għall-iSport receives offers up to
noon of Wednesday, 7th January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. KMS/CONS/029/2014. Provvediment ta’
vending machines fil-Kumpless Sportiv ta’ Ħal Kirkop.
Advt. No. KMS/CONS/029/2014. Provision of vending
machines within the Kirkop Sports Complex.
Id-dokument għal din l-offerta huwa bla ħlas.
This tender document is free of charge.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta u kundizzjonijiet oħra jistgħu
jinġabru mill-Uffiċċju tal-Accounts tal-Kunsill Malti għalliSport, Cottonera Sports Complex, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla
BML 9020 bejn it-8.00 a.m. u n-12.30 p.m. u mis-1.30 p.m.
sal-4.00 p.m.
Tender documents and conditions can be collected from
the Accounts Office of the Kunsill Malti għall-iSport, Cottonera Sports Complex, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla BML 9020
between 8.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and from 1.30 p.m. to
4.00 p.m.
Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jitniżżlu wkoll minn fuq
is-sit tal-KMS fuq (
Tender documents can also be downloaded from KMS
website on (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Il-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel ta’ Għada tgħarraf illi:-
23rd December, 2014
The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools notifies that:-
Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, 14 ta’ Jannar, 2015,
fil-kaxxa tal-offerti jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin billingwa Ingliża għal:
Sealed tenders in the English language will be received
in the tender box up to 10.00 a.m. of Wednesday, 14th
January, 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. FTS 159-14. Xogħlijiet ta’ soffitti u xogħlijiet
bil-gypsum b’mod li ma jagħmilx ħsara ’l-ambjent għallestensjoni l-ġdida tal-Iskola Sekondarja Kan. P. Pullicino,
Ir-Rabat, (Malta).
Advt. No. FTS 159-14. Suspended ceilings and gypsum
works using environmentally friendly products for the new
extension at Kan. P. Pullicino Secondary School, Rabat
Kopji tad-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgħu jitniżżlu millwebsite tal-FTS ( taħt is-sezzjoni “Tenders”
u n-numru rispettiv tal-offerti.
Tenders documents can be downloaded and printed
from the FTS website ( under the heading
“Tenders” and the respective tender number.
L-offerti magħluqin għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa talofferti fl-uffiċċji tal-Fondazzjoni, Triq Sir Adrian Dingli,
Pembroke matul il-ġranet tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u
l-5.00 p.m.
Sealed tenders must be deposited in the Tender Box at the
Foundation’s offices at Triq Sir Adrian Dingli, Pembroke PBK
1940 only on weekdays between 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Il-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel ta’ Għada tgħarraf li lpubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar tal-offerti fil-ħin
u d-data speċifikati hawn fuq.
The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools notifies that the
general public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of tenders at the time and dates specified above.
Il-Fondazzjoni żżomm id-dritt li tirrifjuta l-aħjar jew lofferti kollha, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.
The right is reserved to refuse the best or all offers, even
the most advantageous.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 14,021
L-Aġent Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Heritage Malta
jgħarraf illi:
The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Malta
notifies that:
Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-30 ta’ Jannar, 2015,
f’Heritage Malta, Bini tal-ex-Sptar Navali, Triq il-Marina,
Bighi, Il-Kalkara, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-
Sealed tenders will be received at Heritage Malta, ex
Royal Naval Hospital, Triq il-Marina, Bighi, Kalkara, by
not later than noon of Friday, 30th January, 2015, for:-
Avviż Nru. HM22/15/2014. Provvediment ta’ servizz
ta’ stima dwar ir-rata ta’ deterjorarazzjoni tal-Ipoġew ta’ Ħal
Advt. No. HM22/15/2014. Service tender for the
assessment of the rate of deterioration of the Ħal Saflieni
Il-formoli tal-offerta u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbu
permezz ta’ email f’dan l-indirizz: (tenders.heritagemalta@
The tender forms and other information may be obtained
by sending a request to the following email address: (tenders.
Din l-offerta hija kofinanzjata minn għotja ta’ fondi millmill-Iżlanda, Liechtenstein u n-Norveġja taħt il-Fondi tażŻona Ekonomika Ewropea 2009-2014.
This tender is supported by a grant from Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 20092014.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Proġett ko-finanzjat minn għotja ta’ fondi mill-Iżlanda,
Liechtenstein u n-Norveġja taħt il-Fondi
taż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea 2009-2014
Supported by a grant from
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
through the EEA Grants 2009-2014
Ministeru tal-familja
u solidarjetà soĊjali
Ministry for the Family
and Social Solidarity
Id-Direttur (Servizzi Korporattivi) fil-Ministeru talFamilja u Solidarjetà soċjali jgħarraf illi:
The Director (Corporate Services) within the Ministry for
the Family and Social Solidarity notifies that:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 6 ta’ Frar, 2015, jintlaqgħu
dokumenti ta’ espressjonijiet ta’ interess magħluqin
fil-kaxxa tal-offerti li tinsab fit-Taqsima tal-Kuntratti
u Procurement, Ministeru għall-Familja u Solidarjetà
soċjali, 106, Triq Melita, Il-Belt Valletta mmarkati:
(EOI) Invitation for the submission of proposals to lease
furnished apartments under the Residential Halfway
Programme, għal:
Sealed Expressions of Interest (EOI) documents
marked: (EOI) Invitation for the submission of proposals to lease furnished apartments under the Residential
Halfway Programme will be received in the Expression of
Interest Box, situated at the Contracts and Procurement
Section, Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity,
106, Triq Melita, Valletta, by not later than 10.00 a.m. of
Friday, 6th February 2015, for:
Avviż Nru. EOI/005/2014. Kiri ta’ furnished apartments
taħt il-Programm Residenzjali Halfway (DCS 54/2014)
Advt No. EOI/005/2014. Lease of furnished apartments
under the Residential Halfway Programme (DCS 54/2014)
Min hu interessat jista’ jitlob kopja tad-dokument tal-EOI
permezz ta’ email fuq:
immarkati b’mod ċar Advt No. EOI/005/2014
Interested parties may request a copy of the EOI document
by sending an email to:
clearly indicating Advt No. EOI/005/2014
L-indirizz tal-Ministeru huwa kif ġej:
The Ministry’s address is as follows:
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 Ministeru tal-Familja u Solidarjetà soċjali
Taqsima tal-Kuntratti u Procurement,
106, Triq Melita, Il-Belt Valletta
Tel: 2590 3550
Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity
Contracts and Procurement Section
106, Triq Melita, Valletta
Tel: 2590 3550
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru għallEnerġija u s-Saħħa) jgħarraf illi:-
The CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for
Energy and Health) notifies that:-
Jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet elettroniċi rigward lavviż li ġej sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 6 ta’ Jannar, 2015. Ilkwotazzjonijiet għandhom jintbagħtu BISS online fuq:
( għall-bażi ta’ kuntratt għal:
Electronic quotations in respect of the following notice
will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 6th January,
2015. Quotations are to be submitted ONLY online on
( for:
CFQ 7894/14. Provvista ta’ Mesalazine 400mg Tabs
Id-dokumenti ta’ din il-kwotazzjoni jinkisbu mingħajr
CFQ 7894/14. Supply of Mesalazine 400mg Tabs
These quotation documents are free of charge.
Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjoni jinkisbu biss millElectronic Public Procurement System: (
mt). Ir-reġistrazzjoni hija meħtieġa sabiex tkun tista’ tintuża
l-website: Operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin għandu jkollhom le‑Id tal-Organizzazzjoni tagħhom sabiex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu
f’din il-website. Aktar tagħrif jinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ
tal-istess website.
Tender/quotation documents are only obtainable from
the Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. Registration is required in order to make use of this
website: Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
More information is available from the FAQ Section of the
same website.
Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u l-iskedar talkwotazzjonijiet fil-ħinijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq.
The public may attend during the opening and scheduling
of quotations at the times and dates specified above.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
Il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Birkirkara jgħarraf illi:
23rd December, 2014
Birkirkara Local Council
The Birkirkara Local Council notifies that:
Sa nofsinhar tal-Ġimgħa, it-30 ta’ Jannar, 2015,
jintlaqgħu dokumenti magħluqin u mmarkati birreferenza relattiva fl-Uffiċċju Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill
fiċ-Ċentru Ċiviku Birkirkara, Tieni Sular, Triq Tumas
Fenech, Birkirkara BKR 2527 għal:
Sealed documents marked with the relevant reference
are to be deposited in the appropriate box, at the Local
Council’s Administrative Office, Birkirkara Civic Centre,
Second Floor, Triq Tumas Fenech, Birkirkara BKR 2527,
by not later than noon of Friday, 30th January, 2015,
Avviż. Nru. BLC/009/2014. Tindif u manutenzjoni ta’
soft areas.
Advt. No. BLC009/2014. Cleaning and maintenance of
soft areas.
Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja taddokument tal-offerta.
A tender fee of €100 has to be paid for each tender
Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill fiċ-Ċentru Ċiviku Birkirkara, itTieni Sular, Triq Tumas Fenech, Birkirkara. L-offerti jinfetħu
fil-preżenza tal-pubbliku eżattament kif jagħlaq il-ħin għaddepożitu tal-istess offerti.
Tender documents may be obtained from the Council’s
Administrative Office at Birkirkara Civic Centre, 2nd Floor,
Triq Tumas Fenech, Birkirkara. Documents will be opened
at the time of the closing date in the presence of the public.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Il-Kunsill Lokali Birkirkara jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta
kull offerta, anke dik l-aktar vantaġġuża. Għal aktar dettalji
wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja lid-Deputat Segretarju Eżekuttiv
fuq in-numru tat-telefon tal-Kunsill: 2144 2626/2148 5041,
fax: 2144 2644, email: (
The Council reserves the right to refuse any proposal,
even the most advantageous one. Further details are obtained
from the Executive Secretary on the Local Council’s
telephone number: 2144 2626/2148 5041, fax: 2144 2644,
email: (
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Rabat (Città Victoria) Local Council
Il-Kunsill Lokali Ir-Rabat, Città Victoria, jgħarraf illi:-
The Rabat, Città Victoria Local Council notifies that:
Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-13 ta’ Frar, 2015
fl-Uffiċċji Amministrattivi tal-Kunsill jintlaqgħu offerti
magħluqin għal:
Sealed tenders will be received at the Council’s
Administrative Offices up to noon of Friday, 13th
February, 2015:
Avviż Nru. 13/14. Provvista u installazzjoni ta’ tagħmir
tal-playing field u pavimentar tal-lastku fil-Victoria Playing
Field, Triq Taħt Putirjal, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex
Advt No. No. 13/14. Supply and installation of playing
field equipment and safety flooring at Victoria Playing Field,
Triq Taħt Putirjal, Victoria, Gozo
Dokumenti relevanti u iktar informazzjoni jistgħu
jinkisbu mill-Kunsill Lokali tar-Rabat (Città Victoria) Local
Council, Vjal l-Indipendenza, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, VCT
1020, jew mis-sit ( Il-Kunsill
iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħda
Relative documents and further information can be
obtained from the Rabat (Città Victoria) Local Council,
Banca Giuratale, Vjal l-Indipendenza, Victoria, Gozo, VCT
1020, or from the website (
The Local Council has the right to refuse all offers, even the
most advantageous.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014
23rd December, 2014
Programm tal-Iżvilupp Rurali għal Malta 2007-2013
Assi 3 - Intejbu l-Kwalità ta’ Ħajja f’Żoni Rurali
Proġett Parzjalment Iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea
Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali
Rata ta’ ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% Gvern ta’ Malta
L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali
Rural Development Programme for Malta 2007-2013
Axis 3 - Improving the Quality of Life in Rural Area
Project Part-Financed by the European Union
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Co-Financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of Malta
Europe Investing in Rural Areas
AvviŻI tal-Qorti – Court NoticeS
IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’digriet mogħti fil-25 ta’
Novembru, 2014, mill-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala
Qorti Istruttorja (Maġistrat Dr Carol Peralta LLD), wara rikors
ippreżentat minn Ferdinando Veneziani (Kumpilazzjoni
numru 1240/2006) fil-kawża fl-ismijiet:
IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a decree dated 25th
November, 2014, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta)
as a Court of Criminal Inquiry (Magistrate Dr Carol Peralta
LLD), following an application filed by Ferdinando Veneziani
(Compilation number 1240/2006) in the case:
The Police
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 (Spettur Raymond Aquilina)
(Spettur Josric Mifsud)
(Inspector Raymond Aquilina)
(Inspector Josric Mifsud)
FERDINANDO VENEZIANI, ta’ 35 sena, bin Grezzju
u Andreanna née Bezzina, imwieled Ħ’Attard, Malta, fl4 ta’ April, 1979, residenti fi Bramble Court, Flat 2, Triq
Caravaggio, Għargħur, Malta, u detentur tal-karta tal-identità
numru 182979M.
FERDINANDO VENEZIANI, 35 years, son of Grezzju
and Andreanna née Bezzina, born in Ħ’Attard, Malta, on 4th
April, 1979, residing at Bramble Court, Flat 2, Caravaggio
Street, Għargħur, Malta, and holder of identity card number
ORDNAT IT-TĦASSIR tal-ordni tas-sekwestru tal-assi
kollha tal-imsemmi Ferdinando Veneziani, ħlief għas-somma
ta’ tletin elf Ewro (€30,000) fil-kont bankarju bin-numru
059-022459-050 mal-HSBC Bank Malta plc.
ORDERED THE CANCELLATION of the freezing order
of all the assets of the said Ferdinando Veneziani, except for
the amount of thirty thousand Euro (€30,000) held in the
bank account number 059-022459-050 with HSBC Bank
Malta plc.
Din il-pubblikazzjoni qed issir ai termini tal-Artikolu 5
(6) tal-Kap. 373 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta.
This order is being published according to Article 5 (6) of
Cap. 373 of the Laws of Malta.
Din l-ordni ta’ ffriżar tal-assi kienet ġiet mogħtija millQorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta) bħala Qorti Istruttorja b’digriet
tat-22 ta’ Novembru, 2006, u ġiet ippubblikata fil-Gazzetta
tal-Gvern fit-22 ta’ Mejju, 2007.
The freezing order was given by the Court of Magistrates
(Malta) as a Court of Criminal Inquiry by a decree dated
22nd November, 2006, and published in the Government
Gazette on the 22nd May, 2007.
Reġistru tal-Qrati ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Kriminali (Malta),
illum 16 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Criminal Judicature (Malta),
today 16th December, 2014.
Marvic Psaila
Deputat Reġistratur Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali
Marvic Psaila
Deputy Registrar Criminal Courts and Criminal
B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fit-12 ta’
Novembru, 2014, fuq rikors ta’ Azzopardi Robert, ġie ffissat
il-jum tal-Ħamis, 22 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fil-ħdax u nofs ta’
filgħodu, għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu jsir fl-ewwel sular,
Qrati tal-Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, talfondi hawn taħt deskritti:
By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the
12th November, 2014, on the application of Azzopardi
Robert, Thursday, 22nd January, 2015, at half past eleven
in the morning, for the Sale by Auction to be held on the
first floor, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta, of the
following properties:
Il-ħanut b’numru uffiċjali sitta u erbgħin (46), fi Triq
il-Kanun, Santa Venera. Il-ħanut għandu aċċess dirett mittriq, u għandu żona totali ta’ tletin metru kwadru (30 metru
kwadru), stmat li jiswa ħamsa u sittin elf Ewro (€65,000).
The shop officially numbered forty-six (46), in Triq ilKanun, Santa Venera. The shop has a direct access from the
road, and it has a total area of thirty metres squared (30 metres
squared), valued at sixty-five thousand Euro (€65,000).
L-appartament internament immarkat numru wieħed (1),
li jifforma parti mill-blokk bin-numru erbgħa u erbgħin (44),
fi Triq il-Kanun, Santa Venera, stmat li jiswa ħamsa u sittin
elf Ewro (€65,000).
The apartment internally marked number one (1), which
forms part from the block numbered forty-four (44), in Triq
il-Kanun, Santa Venera, valued at sixty-five thousand Euro
L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjetà ta’ Xuereb Kenneth.
The said tenements are the property of Xuereb Kenneth.
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
N.B. L-imsemmija fondi jinbiegħu bħalma ġew deskritti
fl-atti tas-subbasta 69/14.
N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in the
judicial sales act 69/14.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 18 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, this Thursday, 18th
December, 2014.
Rudolph Marmarà
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Rudolph Marmarà
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-5 ta’ Settembru, 2013, fl-atti
tal-ittra uffiċjali numru 1716/13, fl-ismijiet Tabib Prinċipali
tal-Gvern vs Michela Bumbaru, il-Qorti tal-Maġistrati
(Malta) ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’
notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3)
tal-Kap. 12.
By means of a decree given on the 5th September, 2013,
in the records of the judicial letter number 1716/13, in
the names Chief Government Medical Officer vs Michela
Bumbaru, the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) ordered the
following publication for the purpose of service on the
respondent in terms of Article 187 (3) of Cap. 12.
Dan l-att ġudizzjarju qed jintbagħat taħt l-Artikolu 466
tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Fin-nuqqas li twieġeb fi
żmien għoxrin (20) jum min-notifika, dan l-att ġudizzjarju
jsir titolu eżekuttiv.
This judicial act is being sent in terms of Article 466 of
Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta. In default of a reply within
twenty (20) days from the day of notification, this judicial
act will become executive title.
Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali ppreżentata fil-Qorti talMaġistrati (Malta), lil Michela Bumbaru (KI 47365A), ta’
72, Griffon, Flat 6, Triq Mile End, Ħamrun, fl-24 ta’ Lulju,
2013, it-Tabib Prinċipali tal-Gvern, ta’ 15, Triq il-Merkanti,
Il-Belt Valletta, permezz ta’ dikjarazzjoni ġuramentata
ai termini tal-Artikolu 466 tal-Kodiċi ta’ Proċedura u
Organizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12), jinterpellak sabiex tħallas
is-somma ta’ €8,979.80 rappreżentanti ammont dovut ta’
pagi mħallsa żejjed mill-esponenti.
By means of a judicial letter filed in the Court of
Magistrates (Malta), against Michela Bumbaru (ID 47365A),
of 72, Griffon, Flat 6, Triq Mile End, Ħamrun, on the 24th
July, 2013, Chief Government Medical Officer, of 15, Triq
il-Merkanti, Valletta, by means of a sworn declaration in
terms of Article 466 of the Code of Civil Organisation and
Procedure (Cap. 12), calls upon you so that you pay the
sum of €8,979.80 representing amounts due for over paid
salaries by the interpellant.
Jekk tonqos li tħallas l-ammont dovut fiż-żmien lilek
mogħti, jinħarġu l-mandati relattivi mingħajr ebda preavviż
If you fail to pay the amount due in the time given to
you, the relative warrants will be issued against you without
further notice.
Tant biex tagħraf tirregola ruħek.
So much for your own guidance.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Registry of the Court of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat filQorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja, fid-19
ta’ Settembru, 2014, Rikors numru 845/2014 minn Saviour
Debono, Martin Debono, iben Saviour u Catherine konjugi
Debono, imwieled Portsmouth, Renju Unit, fil-5 ta’ April,
1970, li għandu l-karta tal-identità bin-numru 0009002(L),
ġie Interdett permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fid-19 ta’ Novembru,
By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of
Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 19th September, 2014,
Application number 845/2014 by Saviour Debono, Martin
Debono, son of Saviour and Catherine spouses Debono, born
in Portsmouth, United Kingdom, on the 5th April, 1970,
holding identity card number 0009002(L), was Interdicted
by means of a decree given on the 19th November, 2014.
Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni
Volontarja), illum 19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction
Section), today 19th December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 2005
B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat filQorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja, fl-4 ta’
Diċembru, 2014, Rikors numru 1161/2014 minn Carmel,
Josephine Galea, Monica Attard, Rose Marie Bugeja, Mary
Anne Zammit, Imelda Grech, Alfred u Giorgina Farrugia,
ilkoll aħwa Vella, fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur
tagħhom fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom, is-Suċċessjoni ta’
ħuhom Vincent Vella, ġuvni, iben il-mejtin Frank u Mary
née Gatt, imwieled il-Furjana, kien residenti Ħal Għaxaq, u
miet Tal-Qroqq, l-Imsida, fit-8 ta’ Settembru, 2014, ta’ 61
sena, u li kellu karta tal-identità numru 408053(M), u li miet
bla testment.
By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of
Voluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 4th December, 2014,
Application number 1161/2014 by Carmel, Josephine Galea,
Monica Attard, Rose Marie Bugeja, Mary Anne Zammit,
Imelda Grech, Alfred and Giorgina Farrugia, all brothers
and sisters Vella, whereby they prayed that it be declared
open in their favour in equal shares between them, the
Succession of their brother Vincent Vella, Bachelor, son of
the late Frank and Mary née Gatt, born in Floriana, resided
in Ħal Għaxaq, and died in Tal-Qroqq, Imsida, on the 8th
September, 2014, aged 61, intestate, holding identity card
number 408053(M).
Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa
msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex
b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li
jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u
l-avviżi skont il-liġi.
Wherefore any person who considers to have an interest
in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said
Court, and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute
to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns
and notices according to law.
Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni
Volontarja, illum 19 ta’ Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Civil Court Voluntary Jurisdiction Section,
today 19th December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals
Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fl-14 ta’ Novembru, 2014,
mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru
2059/14, fl-ismijiet Direttur Ġenerali tat-Taxxa fuq il-Valur
Miżjud vs Ronald Bonello pro et noe, ordnat is-segwenti
pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront talintimati a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.
Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili
Illum 4 ta’ Lulju, 2014
By means of a decree of the 14th November, 2014, of the
Civil Court First Hall, in the records of judicial letter number
2059/14, in the names Director General of Value Added Tax
vs Ronald Bonello pro et noe, the following publication for
the purpose of service of the respondents was ordered in
terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.
In the First Hall of the Civil Court
Today 4th July, 2014
Lil: Ronald Bonello (KI 779349M), f’ismek personali,
kif ukoll bħala direttur għan-nom u in rappreżentanza tassoċjetà Greentech Solutions Limited (C 47802).
To: Ronald Bonello (ID 779349M), in his own capacity,
and also as director for and on behalf of Greentech Solutions
Limited (C 47802).
Permezz tal-preżenti, id-Direttur Ġenerali tat-Taxxa fuq
il-Valur Miżjud, ta’ Centre Point Building, Ta’ Paris Road,
Birkirkara, jinterpellak ai termini tal-Artikolu 59 tal-Att
XXIII tal-1998 sabiex fi żmien jumejn (2) min-notifika ta’
dan l-att tħallas l-ammont ta’ €145,365.55 rappreżentanti
ammont dovut minnek pro et noe bħala taxxa fuq il-valur
miżjud skond l-istess Att.
By the present, the Director General of Value Added Tax,
of Centre Point Building, Ta’ Paris Road, Birkirkara, calls
upon you in terms of Article 59 of Act XXIII of 1998 so
that within two (2) days from the service of this act, you pay
the amount of €145,365.55 representing amount due by you
pro et noe as value added tax according to the same Act.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax skont dak l-Att sad-data taleffettiv pagament.
With costs and interest according to the said Act till the
date of effective payment.
Din l-interpellanza qed issir għall-finijiet u l-effetti kollha
tal-liġi u partikolarment, iżda mhux esklussivament, sabiex
This calling is being made for all intents and purposes of
law and particularly, but not exclusively, in order to render
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
tirrendi eżegwibbli t-titolu eżekuttiv li għandu l-istess
Direttur Ġenerali tat-Taxxa fuq il-Valur Miżjud kontra
tiegħek permezz tal-Avviż li ntbagħat lilek.
executable the executive title which the same Director
General of Value Added Tax has against you by means of a
notice sent to you.
Fin-nuqqas, il-mittenti javżak li se jgħaddi sabiex
jeżegwixxi l-imsemmi titolu eżekuttiv li hu għandu kontra
tiegħek pro et noe permezz tal-mandati opportuni.
In default, the interpellant warns you that he shall pass to
execute the said executive title he has against you pro et noe
by means of the opportune warrants.
Tant biex tirregola ruħek u tagħraf timxi.
So much so that you may know how to regulate yourself
and to proceed.
Notifika: Ronald Bonello - Cargio Court, Flat 6, Triq ilBajja, Marsaskala.
Service: Ronald Bonello - Cargio Court, Flat 6, Triq ilBajja, Marsaskala.
Greentech Solutions Limited - KW10, Corradino
Industrial Estate, Paola, u/jew Cargio Court, Flat 6, Triq ilBajja, Marsaskala.
Greentech Solutions Limited - KW10, Corradino
Industrial Estate, Paola, and/or Cargio Court, Flat 6, Triq ilBajja, Marsaskala.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 19 ta’ Diċembru,
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 19th December,
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-21 ta’
Ottubru, 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li
jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
(Kap. 12).
By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 21st
October, 2014, the publication of the following extract was
ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187 (3)
of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).
Go plc (C 22334), ta’ Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS
1501, ippreżentaw Talba, fit-28 ta’ Lulju, 2014, fejn talbu
lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Roberts David John (KI
73551A), ta’ Church Hill Court, Blokk A, Flat 16, Vjal irRiħan, San Ġwann, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma
ta’ €755.59, liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.
Go plc (C 22334), of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501,
filed a Claim, on the 28th July, 2014, whereby they asked
the Tribunal to condemn Roberts David John (ID 73551A),
of Church Hill Court, Block A, Flat 16, Vjal ir-Riħan, San
Ġwann, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €755.59,
which amount is due to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.
With costs and legal interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Numru 504/14YMS) hija differita għall14 ta’ Jannar, 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 504/14YMS) is deferred for the
14th January, 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 2008
B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-11 ta’
Novembru, 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
(Kap. 12).
By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 11th
November, 2014, the publication of the following extract
was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article
187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure
(Cap. 12).
Go plc (C 22334), ta’ Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS
1501, ippreżentaw Talba, fl-24 ta’ Lulju, 2014, fejn talbu litTribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Darren Briffa (KI 192593M),
ta’ 8, Triq ir-Rebħa, Ir-Rabat, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi
s-somma ta’ €407.57, liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà
Go plc (C 22334), of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501,
filed a Claim, on the 24th July, 2014, whereby they asked
the Tribunal to condemn Darren Briffa (ID 192593M), of 8,
Triq ir-Rebħa, Rabat, to pay the plaintiff company the sum
of €407.57, which amount is due to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.
With costs and legal interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Numru 496/14KPS) hija differita għas-6
ta’ Jannar, 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 496/14KPS) is deferred for the
6th January, 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-11 ta’
Novembru, 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
(Kap. 12).
By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 11th
November, 2014, the publication of the following extract
was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article
187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure
(Cap. 12).
Go plc (C 22334), ta’ Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS
1501, ippreżentaw Talba, fit-23 ta’ Lulju, 2014, fejn talbu litTribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Andreas Koettner (Passaport
P3876636DE), ta’ Apt. 12, Block T8B, Tigné Point, Sliema,
sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €501.03, liema
ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.
Go plc (C 22334), of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501,
filed a Claim, on the 23rd July, 2014, whereby they asked
the Tribunal to condemn Andreas Koettner (Passport No.
P3876636DE), of Apt. 12, Block T8B, Tigné Point, Sliema,
to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €501.03, which
amount is due to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.
With costs and legal interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Numru 490/14KPS) hija differita għas-6
ta’ Jannar, 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 490/14KPS) is deferred for the
6th January, 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-11 ta’
Novembru, 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
(Kap. 12).
By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 11th
November, 2014, the publication of the following extract
was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article
187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure
(Cap. 12).
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Go plc (C 22334), ta’ Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS
1501, ippreżentaw Talba, fit-30 ta’ Lulju, 2014, fejn talbu
lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Maurizio Monticciolo
(KI 49477A), ta’ Haven Lodge, Flat 4, Triq Luigi Apap, San
Ġiljan, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €418.84,
liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.
Go plc (C 22334), of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501,
filed a Claim, on the 30th July, 2014, whereby they asked the
Tribunal to condemn Maurizio Monticciolo (ID 49477A), of
Haven Lodge, Flat 4, Triq Luigi Apap, San Ġiljan, to pay the
plaintiff company the sum of €418.84, which amount is due
to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.
With costs and legal interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Numru 520/14KPS) hija differita għas-7
ta’ Jannar, 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 520/14KPS) is deferred for the
7th January, 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tal-11 ta’
Novembru, 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu
187 (3) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
(Kap. 12).
By a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal, of the 11th
November, 2014, the publication of the following extract
was ordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article
187 (3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure
(Cap. 12).
Go plc (C 22334), ta’ Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS
1501, ippreżentaw Talba, fid-29 ta’ Lulju, 2014, fejn talbu
lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Sephton David John (KI
77961A), ta’ St Paul’s Court, Flat 5, Triq il-Qroll, San Pawl
il-Baħar, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €602,
liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.
Go plc (C 22334), of Fra Diego Street, Marsa MRS 1501,
filed a Claim, on the 29th July, 2014, whereby they asked the
Tribunal to condemn Sephton David John (ID 77961A), of
St Paul’s Court, Flat 5, Triq il-Qroll, San Pawl il-Baħar, to
pay the plaintiff company the sum of €602, which amount
is due to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.
With costs and legal interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Numru 508/14KPS) hija differita għas-7
ta’ Jannar, 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 508/14KPS) is deferred for the
7th January, 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Malta), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta), today 19th
December, 2014.
Alexandra Debattista
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet tat-30 ta’ Settembru, 2014, mogħti mill-Qorti
Ċivili Prim’ Awla, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni talestratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifika skont lArtikolu 187 (3) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni
Ċivili (Kap. 12).
By a decree of the 30th September, 2014, given by the
First Hall Civil Court, the Court ordered that the extract
hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service
according to Article 187 (5) of the Code of Organisation and
Civil Procedure (Cap. 12)
Illi b’rikors ippreżentat minn Mario Tonna, fl-24 ta’
Mejju, 2013, qed jintalab l-iżbank ta’ erbat elef, mitejn
u tlieta u tletin Ewro u ħamsa u disgħin ċenteżmu
(€4,233.95) miċ-Ċedola ta’ Depożitu 360/13, fl-ismijiet
Bank of Valletta plc vs Adolph Baldacchino et, fl-atti
tas-subbasta bin-numru 83/09. Il-Qorti ordnat in-
That by an application filed by Mario Tonna, on the 24th
May, 2013, the said person is asking for the withdrawal of
four thousand, two hundred and thirty-three Euro and ninetyfive cents (€4,233.95) from the Schedule of Deposit 360/13,
in the names Bank of Valletta plc vs Adolph Baldacchino et,
in the acts of the judicial Sale by Auction numbered 83/09.
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 notifika tar-rikors lill-partijiet interessati b’erbat ijiem
The Court ordered the notification of the application to all
the interested parties with a four-day period for the reply.
Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 18 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, today Thursday, 18th
December, 2014.
Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
Marvic Farrugia
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja),
fl-24 ta’ Ottubru, 2013, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, flismijiet Pullicino Paul vs Attard Lorraine Sylvia pro et noe,
Rikors numru 474/08 (NC) RGM, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti
pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront talintimati ...omissis... Pullicino u Lorraine Sylvia Attard a
tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.
By means of a decree given by the Civil Court (Family
Section), on the 24th October, 2013, in the records of the
Sworn Application, in the names Pullicino Paul vs Attard
Lorraine Sylvia pro et noe, application number 474/08
(NC) RGM, the following publication was ordered for the
purpose of service of the respondents ...omissis... Pullicino
and Lorraine Sylvia Attard in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq.
of Cap. 12.
Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat ippreżentat fil-Qorti
Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja), fl-ismijiet Paul Pullicino (KI
173364M), u permezz tad-digriet datat 18 ta’ April, 2012,
l-atti ġew trafużi f’isem Dr Joe Zammit Maempel li huwa
eżekutur testamentarju ta’ Paul Pullicino, li miet fl-20 ta’
Marzu, 2012 vs Lorraine Sylvia Attard ...omissis... Pullicino
u d-Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, fit-12 ta’ Diċembru, 2008,
ir-rikorrenti Paul Pullicino (KI 173364M) talab bir-rispett lil
dina l-Onorabbli Qorti:
By means of a Sworn Application filed in the Civil Court
(Family Section), in the names Paul Pullicino (ID 173364M),
and by means of a decree dated 18th April, 2012, the records
were transfered in the name Dr Joe Zammit Maempel who
is the testamentary executor of Paul Pullicino, who died on
the 20th March 2012 vs Lorraine Sylvia Attard ...omissis...
Pullicino and the Director Public Registry, on the 12th
December, 2008, the applicant Paul Pullicino (ID 173364M)
respectfully asked this Honourable Court:
Tiddikjara u tiddeċiedi illi l-imsemmi minuri ...omissis...
mhuwiex wild naturali tar-rikorrent, u konsegwentement
ir-rikorrenti Paul Pullicino mhuwiex missier il-minuri,
okkorrendo bin-nomina ta’ esperti mediċi neċessarji sabiex
isiru testijiet tad-DNA, u tilqa’ t-talbiet l-oħra fir-rikors.
To declare and decide that the said minor ...omissis... is
not the natural off spring of the applicant, and consequently
the applicant Paul Pullicino is not the father of the minor,
if necessary with the appointment of the necessary medical
experts so that the DNA tests be carried out, and uphold the
other demands in the application.
Bl-ispejjeż kontra l-intimata Lorraine Sylvia Attard, li
hija minn issa nġunta għas-subizzjoni.
With costs against the respondent Lorraine Sylvia Attard,
who is summoned so that a reference to her evidence be
Notifika: 1. ...omissis... Pullicino, 22, Flat 3, Triq il-Foss,
2. Lorraine Sylvia Attard, Entrance D, Flat 6, Triq G.M.
Pugliesevich, Swatar, Msida.
Notify: 1. ...omissis... Pullicino, 22, Flat 3, Triq il-Foss,
Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Pullicino Paul vs Attard
Lorraine Sylvia pro et noe, rikors numru 474/08 (NC) RGM,
jinsab differit għas-smigħ għall-4 ta’ Frar, 2015, fid-9.00
The Sworn Application in the names Pullicino Paul vs
Attard Lorraine Sylvia pro et noe, application number
474/08(NC) RGM, has been deferred for hearing to the 4th
February, 2015, at 9.00 a.m.
Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni Familja), illum 19 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section), today 19th
December, 2014.
Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
2. Lorraine Sylvia Attard, Entrance D, Flat 6, Triq G.M.
Pugliesevich, Swatar, Msida.
Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fl-4 ta’
Novembru, 2014, fuq rikors ta’ Borg Mary Carmen et, ġie
ffissat il-jum tal-Ħamis, 15 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fl-għaxra u nofs
ta’ filgħodu (10.30 a.m.), għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu
jsir fl-ewwel sular ta’ dawn il-Qrati tal-Ġustizzja, Triq irRepubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, tal-fondi hawn taħt deskritti:
By a decree given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the 4th
November, 2014, on the application of Borg Mary Carmen
et, Thursday, 15th January, 2015, at half past ten in the
morning, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction, to be held
on the first floor of these Courts of Justice, Republic Street,
Valletta, of the following properties:
Ir-razzett magħruf bħala ‘Tal-Busuf’, li llum iġib l-isem
‘Razzett Ħniena Divina’, mingħajr numru, fi Triq it-Torri
tal-Għallies, L-Għallies, limiti tan-Naxxar, flimkien marraba’ annessa miegħu ta’ madwar elfejn, erba’ mija u tlieta
u disgħin punt sebgħa ħamsa metri kwadri (2,493.75 metri
kwadri), liberu u frank, bid-drittijiet, ġustijiet u pertinenzi
kollha tiegħu, stmat li jiswa ħames mija u ħamsin elf Ewro
The farm known as ‘Tal-Busuf’, that today bears the name
‘Razzett Ħniena Divina’, with no number, in Triq it-Torri
tal-Għallies, L-Għallies, limits of Naxxar, together with the
land annexed of approximately of two thousand four hundred
and ninety-three point seventy-five square metres (2,493.75
square metres), free and unencumbered, with all its rights
and appurtenances, valued at five hundred and fifty thousand
Euro (€550,000).
Id-dar bin-numru wieħed u ħamsin (51), fi Triq il-Kbira,
Ħas-Sajjied, Birkirkara, tinsab f’kantuniera ma’ sqaq numru
wieħed (1), Triq Ħas-Sajjied, libera u franka, bid-drittijiet u
l-pertinenzi kollha tagħha, stmata li tiswa disgħin elf Ewro
The house number fifty-one (51), in Triq il-Kbira, ĦasSajjied, Birkirkara, in a corner with alley number one
(1), Triq Ħas-Sajjied, free and unencumbered, with all its
rights and appurtenances, valued at ninety thousand Euro
Id-dar bl-isem ‘Cadeau’, u l-garaxx fi Triq Dun Amabile
Sisner, Pembroke, soġġetta għal ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’
mitejn u sittax-il Ewro u disgħa u sittin ċenteżmu (€216.69),
stmata li tiswa tliet mija ħamsa u erbgħin elf, sitt mija sitta u
sittin Ewro u sittin ċenteżmu (€345,666.60).
The house named ‘Cadeau’, and the garage in Triq Dun
Amabile Sisner, Pembroke, subject to annual and perpetual
groundrent of two hundred and sixteen Euro and sixty-nine
cents (€216.69), valued at three hundred and forty-five
thousand, six hundred and sixty-six Euro and sixty cents
L-imsemmija fondi huma proprjetà ta’ Muscat Leone (KI
406045M) u Muscat Antonia (KI 45648M).
The said tenements are the property of Muscat Leone (ID
406045M) and Muscat Antonia (ID 45648M).
N.B. L-imsemmija fondi jinbiegħu bħalma ġew deskritti
fl-atti tas-subbasta numru 35/14.
N.B. The said tenements will be sold as described in the
acts of file number 35/14.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 18 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, this Thursday, 18th
December, 2014.
Marvic Farrugia
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’sentenza mogħtija mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fit-30
ta’ Ottubru, 2014, f’Rikors numru 513/09 LSO, fl-ismijiet
Vella Estates Limited (C 9908) vs Raymond Azzopardi
u Patrick Azzopardi, ġie ffissat il-jum tal-Ħamis, 29 ta’
Jannar, 2015, f’nofsinhar, għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu
jsir fl-ewwel sular ta’ dawn il-Qrati tal-Ġustizzja, Triq irRepubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, tal-fond hawn taħt deskritt:
By judgement given by the Civil Court First Hall, on the
30th October, 2014, on the Application number 513/09 LSO,
in the names Vella Estates Limited (C 9908) vs Raymond
Azzopardi and Patrick Azzopardi, Thursday, 29th January,
2014 at noon, has been fixed for the Sale by Auction to be
held on the first floor of these Courts of Justice, Republic
Street, Valletta, of the following property:
Id-dar u garaxx adjaċenti kif ukoll porzjoni diviża ta’ art
retrostanti, ilkoll formanti parti integrali mill-istess dar, bla
numru uffiċjali però magħrufa bl-isem ‘Xenia’, fi Triq ilMosta, Ħ’Attard, libera u franka, u bid-drittijiet u l-pertinenzi
The house and garage adjacent and divided portion of
land, all forming an integral part of the same house, without
an official number but known by the name ‘Xenia’, in
Mosta Road, Ħ’Attard, free and unencumbered, and with
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 kollha tagħha, stmata li tiswa miljun, tliet mija u erbgħin elf
Ewro (€1,340.000).
all its rights and appurtenances, valued at one million, three
hundred and forty thousand Euro (€1,340.000).
L-imsemmija fond huwa proprjetà ta’ Vella Estates
Limited, Raymond Azzopardi u Patrick Azzopardi.
The said tenement is the property of Vella Estates Limited,
Raymond Azzopardi and Patrick Azzopardi.
N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-atti
tas-subbasta numru 72/14.
N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the
acts of the file number 72/14.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 18 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, this Thursday, 18th
December, 2014.
Marvic Farrugia
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet mogħti mill-Prim’ Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, fit12 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, fl-atti tal-Mandat ta’ Sekwestru
Kawtelatorju numru 1303/13, fl-ismijiet Palmar Limited (C
4201) vs Alternative Restaurants Limited (C 35099), ġiet
ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika
fil-konfront tas-soċjetà Alternative Restaurants Limited a
tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.
By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil
Court, on the 12th December, 2014, in the records of the
Precautionary Garnishee Order number 1303/13, in the
names Palmar Limited (C 4201) vs Alternative Restaurants
Limited (C 35099), the following publication was ordered
for the purpose of service of the defendant company in terms
of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.
Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla
Civil Court First Hall
Onor Imħallef Joseph R. Micallef, LLD
Hon. Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef, LLD
Palmar Limited vs Alternative Restaurants Limited
Palmar Limited vs Alternative Restaurants Limited
The Court
Rat in-nota
Having seen the note
Rat it-titolu eżekuttiv illi fuqu tistrieħ is-soċjetà
Rat l-Artikolu 838 B (2) (a) tal-Kap. 12.
Having seen the executive title on which the executing
company relies.
Having seen Article 838 B (2) (a) of Cap. 12.
Tirrendi l-atti tal-Mandat ta’ Sekwestru 1303/2013 bħala
att eżekuttiv.
Renders the records of the Garnishee Order 1303/2013 as
an executive act.
U tordna n-notifika lill-kumpanija debitriċi eżekutata u lil
kull min jista’ jkollu interess.
And orders the debtor company and whoever might have
an interest to be notified.
Illum 14 ta’ Lulju, 2014
Today 14th July, 2014
Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili
In the First Hall Civil Court
Fl-atti tal-Mandat ta’ Sekwestru Kawtelatorju numru
1303/13 fl-ismijiet, Palmar Limited (C 4201) vs Alternative
Restaurants Limited (C 35099).
Nota tas-soċjetà rikorrenti.
Li biha tiddikjara li t-titolu ġie reż eżekuttiv permezz
ta’ sentenza mogħtija mill-Onor. Imħallef Silvio Meli, fisseduta tat-23 ta’ Mejju, 2014 (rikors 911/13).
In the records of the Precautionary Garnishee Order
number 1303/13 in the names, Palmar Limited (C 4201) vs
Alternative Restaurants Limited (C 35099).
Note of the applicant company.
In virtue of which it declares that the title was rendered
executive by means of a judgement given by the Hon. Mr
Justice Silvio Meli, during the sitting of the 23rd May, 2014
(application 911/13).
It-23 ta’ Diċembru, 2014 VERŻJONI ONLINE
Notifika: Alternative Restaurants Limited (C 35099).
Notify: Alternative Restaurants Limited (C 35099).
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 19 ta’ Diċembru,
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 19th December,
Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet mogħti mill-Prim’ Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, fl-10
ta’ Diċembru, 2014, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijiet
Borg Darren et vs Geomike Ltd, rikors numru 1061/14
JPG, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’
notifika fil-konfront tal-intimati a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3)
et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.
By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil Court,
on the 10th December, 2014, in the records of the Sworn
Application, in the names Borg Darren et vs Geomike Ltd,
application number 1061/14 JPG, the following publication
was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondents in
terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.
Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat ippreżentat fil-Prim’
Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, fl-ismijiet Darren Borg u David Borg
vs Geomike Ltd (C 8820), fl-24 ta’ Novembru, 2014, irrikorrenti soċjetà Geomike Ltd (C 8820) kif rappreżentata,
talbet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti:
By means of a Sworn Application filed in the First Hall
Civil Court, in the names Darren Borg and David Borg vs
Geomike Ltd (C 8820), on the 24th November, 2014, the
applicant company Geomike Ltd (C 8820) as represented,
asked this Honourable Court:
Tordna illi ai termini tal-Artikolu 281 tal-Kap. 12 talLiġijiet ta’ Malta, u għar-raġunijiet imsemmija f’dan ir-rikors
tordna illi Mandat ta’ Qbid 1331/14 MG, li permezz tiegħu
awtorizzat l-elevazzjoni tal-ħwejjeġ maqbuda jitħassar, u
dan skont il-provvedimenti li din l-Onorabbli Qorti jidhrilha
xierqa, u tordna illi l-ħwejjeġ maqbuda jiġu rilaxxati a favur
l-esponent sabiex huwa jkun jista’ jibqa’ jaħdem mill-fond
‘Cote Azzur’, Triq Sant’ Antnin, Marsaskala.
To order that in terms of Article 281 of Cap. 12 of
the Laws of Malta, and for the reasons mentioned in this
application order that the Warrant of Seizure 1331/14 MG,
in virtue of which it authorised the seizure of the things
seized be cancelled, and this according to the provisions this
Honourable Court deems fit, and order that the things seized
be released in favour of applicant so that he can continue
to work from the premises ‘Cote Azzur’, Triq Sant’ Antnin,
Notifika: Dr Lydia Abela, 43/32nd Floor, Strait Street,
Notify: Dr Lydia Abela, 43/32nd Floor, Strait Street,
Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat Borg Darren et vs Geomike Ltd,
rikors numru 1061/14 JPG, jinsab differit għas-smigħ għat12 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fil-11.15 a.m.
The Sworn Application Borg Darren et vs Geomike Ltd,
application number 1061/14 JPG, has been deferred for
hearing to the 12th January, 2015, at 11.15 a.m.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 19 ta’ Diċembru,
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 19th December,
Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
B’sentenza mogħtija mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fil-5
ta’ Novembru, 2014, f’Rikors numru 551/12 AE, fl-ismijiet
Avukat Anthony Galea et vs Lea Hogg et, ġie ffissat il-jum
tal-Ħamis, 22 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fl-għaxra u nofs ta’ filgħodu,
għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu jsir fl-ewwel sular ta’ dawn
il-Qrati tal-Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta,
tal-fond hawn taħt deskritt:
Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
By judgment given by the Civil Court, on the 5th
November, 2014, on the Application number 551/12 AE, in
the names Dr Anthony Galea et vs Lea Hogg et, Thursday,
22nd January, 2015, at half past ten in the morning, has been
fixed for the Sale by Auction to be held on the first floor
of these Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta, of the
following property:
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,360 L-appartament numru wieħed (1), Blokk tnejn (2),
Rocklands, Windsor Terrace, Sliema, liberu u frank, u lgaraxx jinsab fil-livell tal-basement, u għandu aċċess minn
Triq Stella Maris, stmati li jiswew tliet mija disgħa u erbgħin
elf, erba’ mija u sitt Ewro (€349,406).
The apartment number one (1), Block two (2), ‘Rocklands’,
Windsor Terrace, Sliema, free and unencumbered, and garage
situated at basement level, and have access from Stella
Maris Street, valued at three hundred forty-nine thousand,
four hundred and six Euro (€349,406).
L-imsemmija fond huwa proprjetà ta’ Dr Edwina Daly,
Lea Hogg, Christian u Claude Tabone.
The said tenement is the property of Dr Edwina Daly, Lea
Hogg, Christian and Claude Tabone.
N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-atti
tas-subbasta numru 77/14.
N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the
acts of the file number 77/14.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum il-Ħamis, 18 ta’
Diċembru, 2014.
Registry of the Superior Courts, this Thursday, 18th
December, 2014.
Marvic Farrugia
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
B’digriet mogħti fil-5 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, mill-Qorti
Ċivili Prim’ Awla, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijiet
Elmo Insurance Limited noe et vs Gatt Sharon, rikors
numru 961/14 LM, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni
biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal-intimat a tenur talArtikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.
By means of a decree given on the 5th December, 2014,
by the Civil Court First Hall, in the records of the Sworn
Application, in the names Elmo Insurance Limited noe et vs
Gatt Sharon, application number 961/14 LM, the following
publication was authorised for the purpose of service of the
respondent in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.
Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat ippreżentat fil-Prim’Awla
tal-Qorti Ċivili, fl-ismijiet Elmo Insurance Limited (C 3500),
kif surrogata fid-drittijiet tal-assikurat tagħha Mark Muscat,
u l-istess Mark Muscat (KI 305277M) vs Sharon Gatt (KI
463871M), fit-3 ta’ Novembru, 2014, ir-rikorrenti talbu lil
din l-Onorabbli Qorti:
By means of a Sworn Application filed in the First Hall
Civil Court, in the names Elmo Insurance Limited (C 3500),
as subrogated in the rights of its insured Mark Muscat, and
the same Mark Muscat (ID 305277M) vs Sharon Gatt (ID
463871M), on the 3rd November, 2014, the applicants asked
this Honourable Court:
Tiddikjara lill-intimata Sharon Gatt unikament
responsabbli għall-inċident deskritt fir-rikors u għad-danni
kollha li bħala konsegwenza tal-istess ġarrbu l-esponenti, u
tilqa’ t-talbiet l-oħra fir-rikors fosthom il-likwidazzjoni taddanni kif mitluba.
To declare that the respondent Sharon Gatt solely
responsible for the incident described in the application
and all the damages which as a consequence the applicants
suffered, and uphold the other demands in the application
amongst which the liquidation of damages as demanded.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħax legali kif mitluba kontra lintimata inġunta għas-subizzjoni.
With costs and legal interest as demanded against the
respondent summoned so that a reference to her evidence
be made.
Rikorrenti: Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex.
Applicant: Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex.
Intimata: 8, Triq id-Dejqa, Siġġiewi.
Respondent: 8, Triq id-Dejqa, Siġġiewi.
Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Elmo Insurance Limited
noe et vs Gatt Sharon, rikors numru 961/14 LM, jinsab
differit għas-smigħ għall-14 ta’ Jannar, 2015, fid-9.00 a.m.
The Sworn Application in the names Elmo Insurance
Limited noe et vs Gatt Sharon, application number 961/14
LM, has been deferred for hearing to the 14th January, 2015,
at 9.00 a.m.
Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 19 ta’ Diċembru,
Registry of the Superior Courts, today 19th December,
Avv. Frank Portelli, LLD
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Adv. Frank Portelli, LLD
For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta
Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper