Seven Holy Founders Parish Staffed by the Order of Friar Servants of Mary – USA Province 6741 Rock Hill Road – Affton, Missouri 63123-3198 Tel: 314-638-3938 – Fax: 314-638-0613 – Website: Parish Mission Statement “We, the community of Seven Holy Founders, invoke the SPIRIT to lead us in worship, education and SERVICE. Through the teaching of Jesus, we are led by HOPE to promote HEALING. As people of FAITH, we support our Parish with our time, talent and treasures.” LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am Monday through Friday at 8am in the Church. Saturdays at 8am in Church. Holy Days & Holidays: Consult the bulletin. SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE Baptism: Celebrated by appointment only. Call the Priory Office for Baptismal Prep details etc. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm. Marriage: As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact the Priory Office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to schedule the wedding and preparation. No weddings are scheduled during Advent and Lent. Communion to the Sick/Shut-Ins: Call the Priory Office. Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month after the 8am Mass and upon request. Devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows: All other Saturdays of the month after 8am Mass. St. Peregrine Devotion: Mondays after 8am Mass. STEPHEN MINISTRY Email:, JOHN 15 YOUTH MINISTRY Tim Lucchesi—Youth Ministry Director—631-8234 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 631-8248 SCHOOL: HOLY CROSS ACADEMY: 475-3436 PARISH STAFF: Fr. Paul Gins, OSM — Pastor Fr. Eugene Smith, OSM — Associate Pastor Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM — Faith Formation Director Mrs. Gail Duvall — Parish Business Manager Parish Secretary — 638-3938 Mrs. Mary Eggleston – Coordinator of Music — 842-4049 Rev. Mr. Charles W. Lombardo — Deacon (Retired) FAITH FORMATION Website: 633-0123 6737 Rock Hill Road Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM - Director OSM SECULAR ORDER—638-3938 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph As the Calendar Year Ends – Fr. Paul Gins, O.S.M. The Christmas season officially ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 11th, but many see it end when their live Christmas tree is too dry to keep around (usually by New Year’s Day) or when the Three Kings come on the Feast of Epiphany to take their place at the crèche next weekend. Hopefully this season has been a festive one for you and your family. If you were traveling, great to have you back safely. Many will make resolutions for the New Year and many will offer prayers for the events of the past year. It is a time of Thanksgiving for the generosity of many. I appreciate those who contribute on a regular basis and those who increased their support. This is the time of year that the Archdiocese and those who benefit in your generosity in our second envelope send their thank you. The number of giving tree gifts, non-perishable foods, and cash donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society show that we are generous to those in need. The Archdiocesan Pontifical Mission Society thanked us for the $827 given in the Missionary Cooperation Appeal. In a review of the events of 2014, there were moments of hope and moments of great loss: victims and survivors of domestic and international terror, victims of violence on the local level and international war, the victims and survivors of natural disasters; all these events tested us and brought us to prayer. Political elections, the debate of key ethical issues, and the issue of medical care and insurance challenged us. Holy Cross Academy and its school structure is now in its third year. The success of PSR, our Faith Formation religious education programs, the ACTS and White House retreat programs, and the variety of study programs, have brought insight and growth in our spiritual life. The September and December presentations organized by the Pastor’s Advisory Council have brought moments of adult education. Next month Fr. Eugene Smith, O.S.M. completes the first full year since his return to parish ministry. In addition to service to the parish, he has also filled the role of Servite Novice Master in directing Bro. Anthony Sebastian since last April. The need for priests to fill in has not been as frequent but I am glad that Fr. Eugene Utrup, Fr. Tom Krosnicki, S.V.D., Fr. Jose Santiago, O.P., Fr. Donald Koch and Fr. Ed Albers, O.F.M. helped when needed. Thank you to the many in ministry who form the core of service in our parish liturgical life. Lectors, December 28, 2014 Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, Music Ministers, and Ushers are there for Sundays and Holy Days. We have another faithful group who serve week day masses as lectors, adult servers, and Eucharistic Ministers. Thank you. Those who work the various parish fundraisers are great supporters of the social life of the parish. It takes time to organize and prepare, among others, the Super Bowl Raffle, Lenten Fish Fries, Picnic, Bingo, Hospitality Sunday, and October Fest, The fun we had makes it worthwhile. A word of gratitude goes to the efforts of our business manager, Gail Duvall, for her efficient running of the office and all the many areas of the parish that she is responsible for. Deacon Charlie Lombardo has retired and will be acknowledged next Sunday afternoon. Thanks to him for his years of service. Bro. Arnaldo Sanchez, O.S.M., in addition to being the Director of Religious Education, is a great help in seeing that many things run as smoothly as possible. Parish plant improvements and updating have been made as a result of donations to past fundraising, the use of the monthly repair envelope and special appeals. Thank you. This last Sunday in December we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. A Family Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of our family. Enlighten our hearts and minds that we may live more fully this vocation to love. In our daily life and work, may we reflect the selfgiving love which you, O Father, eternally show with your Son and the Holy Spirit. Let your love be evident in the peace that reigns in our home and in the faith we profess and live. May our family always be a place of generosity, understanding, forgiveness and joy. Kindly give us the wisdom and courage to be witnesses to your eternal design for the family; and grant that the Holy Family of Nazareth may always guide our path in holiness as a family. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph SUNDAY Parish Calendar December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7:00am Roy Scherby 9:00am SHF Parishioners 11:00am Helen Lubeley 12:30pm 4:00pm December 28, 2014 MONDAY 8:00am December 29, 2014 John Conrath 7:30pm Young Catholic Musicians Concert/Church Baptisms Young Catholic Musicians Concert/Church TUESDAY 8:00am December 30, 2014 Caroline Krus 9:00am 7:00pm NO Bible Study Rekindling the Faith/Brd. Rm. WEDNESDAY December 31, 2014 New Year’s Eve 8:00am 4:30pm Les Hale No coffee & donuts after Mass George & Helen Gagen Priory Office Closed THURSDAY January 1, 2015 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God New Year’s Day, a Holy Day of Obligation 9:00am Our Parishioners Bingo FRIDAY January 2, 2015 Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen Bishops and Doctors of the Church First Friday 8:00am Elizabeth Griesbaum in the Parish Hall Doors open at 4:30pm Great food Please join us!!! Priory Office Closed Priory Office Closed SATURDAY 8:00am January 3, 2015 First Saturday John Conrath Sacrament of the Sick SUNDAY 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am January 4, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord George Kloster John Conrath Leonarda & Sebastiano Gandolfo Sacrament of Reconciliation 3pm to 4pm 4:30pm Arvel Herbst Dinner for Deacon Charlie Lombardo In the Parish Hall from 4pm to 6pm The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 Faith Formation (PSR) Deacon Charlie Lombardo Melvin Frank Shirley Kluempers Geraldine Rosenthal Mark Preiss Theresa Twellman Sean Young Richard & Judy Maddock Betty Bauer Sue Risler Anna Heritz Harry Book David Lansford Aubrey Miller Lorraine Sullivan Kathy Dacey Marilyn Diebold Nancy Braneky Ray Stahl Robert Abbott Nancy Schukai Bea Blaskow Louise Carcagno Pat Gern Linda Virga Linda Makarewicz Eileen Anderson Don Alwine Judy Lowe Donalyn Pieschel Cissell Tim Becker John & Jeanette Brielmaier Angela Rauh Deacon Ted Rodis Brayden Granda Caroline Farrel Fran Butler Richard Sullivan Marilyn Jansen Leo Hylla Stan Reynolds Jim Baragiola Jeanne Alphin Bob Keilholz Jr. Helen Bangert Jerald & Elaine Fortner Katherine Harley Walter Treppler Thomas & Ginger Nolan Dorothy Vorst Karen Palazzola Bill Wren Louis Kuszaj Beloved Uncle of Mary Ann Schultz In Loving and Prayerful Memory of Robert Hoh From his Loving wife Rose and Daughter Miranda "This is a time for reflection as well as celebration. As you look back on the past year and all that has taken place in your life, remember each experience for the good that has come of it and for the knowledge, you have gained. Remember the efforts you have made and the goals you have reached. Remember the love you have shared and the happiness you have brought. Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work, and the tears. And as you reflect on the past year, also be thinking of the new one to come. Because most importantly, this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life." Happy New Year! Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM Tuesday Morning Bible Study Bible Study will not be meeting on December 30th. We will resume on January 6th at the normal time, 9am to 10:30am. Catholic Men for Christ Conference Saturday, February 7th—-Peabody Opera House Doors open 7am—Conference is at 8:30am Mass celebrated at 4pm—Register at SHF Men’s Faith Group Men of the Parish gather on Saturday mornings approximately every two weeks. Our next Strengthen Your Brother (SYB) meeting is Saturday, January 10, 2015. Future SYB meetings are on January 24th, and February 7th & 21st. Please contact Bill Lampe at or at 540-3651 for the discussion topic or to obtain the discussion material. We meet to pray and support one another in faith development. All men are welcome to attend. SYB meets in the Mary Room of the Parish Center. Some come at 6:30am to say the Rosary, others arrive at 7am to reflect on the discussion topic and how that material may guide us. Coffee is served. Your Weekly Donations For December 14, 2014 $11269.00 was collected in contribution envelopes to the General Fund. This money helped defray the cost of the November electric bills totaling $2265.21 Your generosity is most appreciated. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 Deacon Charlie Lombardo New Year’s Mass Schedule Please join us There will be music at all Masses New Year’s Eve 4:30pm New Year’s Day 9am We wish you a blessed and most Happy New Year St. Peregrine Blessing On the First Saturday of every month, after the 8am Mass, is the blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine and the Sacrament of the Sick. St. Peregrine is the Patron Saint for those who suffer from cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Join us. SHF warmly welcomes the following families who have joined our Parish Family since October 12th: Julie Huthsing Brian, Jill, Jalin & Benjamin Rodis Gwendolyn Lesch Connie Cohen Alan Reininger Men’s Retreat at King’s House Have you paused … to think, to pray, … to regain direction, … to relax? The parish sponsors 2 men’s retreats annually. The winter retreat is at the King’s House Retreat Center in Belleville, IL, Friday-Sunday, January 16th-19th (home in time for the NFL Championship game). Do you have need for a relaxing week-end of peace, quiet, good food, and spiritual nourishment? Take some time with your loving God on this retreat. The inexpensive retreat begins on Friday evening, and concludes after lunch on Sunday. Most retreatants miss no work. The facilities, food and talks have always been excellent. Call Carl Gudiswitz, 849-1013, or Greg Hempen, 353-7638, for info./ reservations (by Jan 2nd)/ driving arrangements. We carpool to get there, if you would like a ride. It is with mixed feelings that we announce the retirement of Deacon Charlie Lombardo. Deacon Charlie has blessed the Seven Holy Founders Parish Community for 19 years with unconditional dedication, grace, and devotion to our Church and its parishioners. Deacon Charlie will be deeply missed but let us rejoice and thank him for his many years of service. To honor Deacon Charlie the parish is hosting a dinner in the Parish Hall on Sunday, January 4, 2015 from 4pm6pm. The parish will be covering the cost of the dinner (which will be served around 5pm), but we need to know how many are coming so we can finalize arrangements with the caterer. Drop a list of names of those attending in the collection basket, mail in your names, call Gail during office hours, or send an email to Donations are welcome. Contact us NO LATER than THIS MONDAY, December 28th. Please feel free to stop by and say hello to Deacon Charlie before dinner if you are unable to stay for the meal. We hope to see everyone there!!! SHF Super Bowl Raffle This raffle is a Parish Sponsored event!!! The Super Raffle offers a one in 350 chance to win $10,000— only a maximum of 350 tickets are sold. There are also 9 secondary monetary prizes: 1 at $1,000 4 at $500 4 at $250 We draw the winner at halftime at the Super Bowl Party in the Parish Hall Sunday, February 1st. Plus we show the game on the big screen in the Hall!!! How can you help? 1. Buy a Ticket 2. Sell tickets to parishioners 3. Share a ticket with a friend/co-worker Cost is only $100 and admits 2 to the Super Bowl Party. Doors open at 3pm. Food, beer & soda provided at 4pm. You can bring your own snacks. However…..we must sell at least 140 tickets in order to do the raffle. Tickets are available after weekend Masses and at the Priory Office. Call Tom @631-8483. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph BVM Sodality News Wednesday—December 31st—No Quilting. Happy New Year from the Quilters!!! Seven Holy Founders New Year’s Day Bingo!!! Looking for something to do on New Year’s Day that doesn’t involve Football? Come to Bingo!!! Doors open at 3pm—-Play begins at 4:05pm. Enjoy a complimentary champagne or grape juice toast to welcome 2015. Additional attendance prizes to Panera, Target and many other merchants will be given away throughout the evening. Menu will include two delicious homemade pastas, salad and breadsticks. Not a Bingo player? Please consider donating a dessert or volunteering to work that day. Special attendance prizes will be given out to the workers. Come work an hour or two, or stay the entire evening. WE NEED YOU!!! Contact Cindy Pallme 631-4534 or or Marcy Rodriguez 631-6696 Dear Parishioners Many thanks for your generosity in 2014. Please note monies received after December 30th will be posted into the 2015 calendar year. Statements for 2014 be available soon. Catholic Education Office Catholic Family Tuition Assistance Any Catholic family wishing to apply for tuition assistance through the Archdiocese of St. Louis for the 2015-2016 school year must submit a “FACTS” application. Applications may be obtained online at: Students must attend an Archdiocesan or Parochial Elementary School or an Archdiocesan Parochial High School to be eligible. Due date is March 15th and must include a copy of your 2014 Income Tax Return. The Catholic Education Office appreciates the support of the ACA and all of its donors. December 28, 2014 TWB Gift Cards Applebee’s ($25) Arby’s ($10) Bath & Body Works ($25) Barnes & Noble ($25) Bread Company ($10) Burger King ($10) Chili’s/Macaroni Grill ($25) Cracker Barrel ($10) CVS Pharmacy ($25) Dairy Queen ($10) Denny’s ($10) Domino’s Pizza ($10) Home Depot ($25 or $100) IHOP ($25) i-Tunes ($15 or $25) Jack in the Box ($10) JC Penney ($25) Kohl’s ($25) Lowe’s ($25) Macy’s ($25) Outback Steak House ($25) Papa John’s Pizza ($10) Pier I Imports (25) Red Lobster/Olive Garden ($25) Starbucks (25) Shell ($25 or $100) Shop ‘n Save ($25 or $100) Steak ‘n Shake ($10) Subway ($10) Taco Bell ($10) Target ($25) TGI Friday’s ($25) Walgreens ($25) Walmart/Sam’s Club ($25 or $100) Purchase at the Priory Office from 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday through Friday. Also at Hospitality Sundays 9am to Noon!!! Percentage the Parish receives from your purchase: Bath & Body Works 13% Chili’s/Macaroni Grill 11% Outback Steakhouse & Macy’s 10% Bread Co., Cracker Barrel, Barnes & Noble, Friday’s, Pier I Imports & Red Lobster 9%, Steak ‘n Shake, Papa John’s, Applebee’s, Arby’s, IHOP & Domino’s Pizza 8%, Starbuck’s & Denny’s 7%, CVS & Walgreen’s 6%, Taco Bell, I-Tunes & Kohl’s, & JC Penney 5%, Shop ‘n Save, Burger King, Jack in the Box & Lowe’s 4%, Subway & Dairy Queen 3% Sam’s Club/Walmart, Home Depot, Target, & Shell 2.5% And on Mondays of PSR 6:30pm-8pm!!! The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 Mike Fontana 965-4745 “For All Your Real Estate Needs” Dan Murphy Broker/Realtor - 314-280-1208 or Barb Murphy Realtor - 314-566-2347 Cunetto House of Pasta 5453 Magnolia Ave. 781-1135 FRITSCH ROOFING CO., INC. Fritsch “Since 1946” COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL OHMER & OHMER PC Attorneys at Law Trusts & Wills Income Tax Probate Court Since 1922 6233 Gravois 314-832-4433 ROOFING - SHEET METAL & FLASHING INSURED - FOR YOUR PROTECTION NO SUBCONTRACTORS 752-3350 6528 Lawnside Drive, 63123 HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN Joseph S. Grimaud, D.D.S. 8537 Watson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63119 Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work 314.963.2000 Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 636-529-8200 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION 314.892.7800 • Since 1935 314-544-9500 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 314-544-3800 / SALES & SERVICE Sewer & Sink Service New, Remodel, Repairs Video Sewer Inspection Heating & Cooling Service Since 1904 FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 544-1111 Joe Sinak, Owner P.O. Box 20169 St. Louis, MO 63123 • Skilled Nursing Center • Residential & Assisted Living Apartments • Outpatient & Short Term Inpatient Rehab • Alzheimer’s Care & Hospice • Wellness Club for area Seniors We make a difficult choice easier. 314-849-1009 Dane Huxel Auto • Home • Life • Health 9907 Gravois Rd., St. Louis, MO 63123 Sherbrooke Village and The Lodge Located at Ripa and Union in south St. Louis County HEATING•COOLING (1 Mile East of Grant’s Farm) 314-631-1800 Licensed, Bonded and Insured Marty’s Auto Shop For Non State Farm 631-9171 Customers, get a quote COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR and mention this ad, FRONT END • AIR CONDITIONING Dane will donate TUNE-UP • BRAKE WORK $10.00 to SHOCKS • MUFFLERS Seven Holy Founders 9700 Gravois Rd • St. Louis, MO 63123 Covenant Network 1460 AM Supporter Team up with Nancy and make memories of a lifetime with your friends and family Unique JourneysLLC 9787 Radio Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 TERRY KRAUSE FRED & BRAD WOLFF MIKE VANOST REPUBLIC ROOFING CO. 314.644.8691 Residential, Commercial and Institutional IN BUSINESS SINCE 1967 – 314-965-5504 – MEMBER OF: Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Inc. RSCA Exceptional Care for Exceptional People ✹ SHORT-TERM REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE Expert Care for your Entire Wardrobe TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator / OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 YORKSHIRE CLEANERS 8080 Watson Rd. 843-1881 We offer pick-up and delivery Mark Bartnett PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made For further information, please call the Parish Office. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SINAK PLUMBING CO. NEW - REPAIR - REMODEL 1300 South Laclede Station Rd. Expires 9-30-14 (314) 968-1340 007031 Seven Holy Founders Church Est. 1929 Lic. #p8960 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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