THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 97-GT-286 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or cibbussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy material for Internal or personal use under circumstance not Wang within the fait' use -provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (eCC) Transactional Reporting Service provided that the base lee of $0.30 per page Is paid directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Tedmical Putishing Department Copyright 0 1997 by ASME All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCE ON THE THERMOECONOMIC OPTIMIZATION OF A COMBINED PLANT WITH NO ABATEMENT 11 11 111 111,11E1 111 1111 111 A. Agazzani, A.F. Massardo University of Genova Istituto di Macchine e Sislemi Energetici Genova, Italy CA. Frangopoulos National Technical University of Athens Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 157 10 Zografou, Greece ABSTRACT Methods to analyze, improve and optimir , thermal energy sys_ tans have to take into account not only energy (exergy) consumption and economic resources but also pollution and degradation of the environment. The tam "environomics" implies a method which takes thermodynamic, economic and environmental aspects systematically into consideration for the analysis and optimization of energy systans For optimization of energy systems, the environmental aspects are quantified and introduced into the objective function. In this particular work, the environomic approach is followed for the analysis and optimal design of a combined-cycle plant In addition to the basic configuration, two alternatives for NO* abatement are studied: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and steam injectioa The optimization problem is solved for each configuration and the results are compared with each other. The effect of the unit pollution penalties and of the limits imposed by regulations is studied. Some general conclusions are drawn. NOMENCLATURE c_ unit cost [Ski] or unit pollution penalty [SAcg] Cs) purchased cost [S] F objective function fp pollution penalty factor (harmfulnms factor) g inequality constraint function h equality constraint function k constant related with the specific properties of a selected SCR catalyst M molecular weight. th mass flow rate (kg/s] 0 measure of pollution p pressure [Pa] SV SCR space velocity [11 1] t primary zone residence time [s] T temperature [K] V volume [m3] volumetric flow rate (m 3/s] x, independent decision variable x set of independent variables y, dependent variable y set of dependent variables Z annualized capital cost (including investment, depreciation, maintenance, etc.) (S/s] a intensive property of the pollutant ac. intensive property of the pollutant in the environment 5 critical limit of the intensive property (harmfulness limit) pressure ratio • degree of abatement of the pollutant rate of costs [Vs] - Subscripts g flue gas w water INTRODUCTION The thermal-energy systems consume not only fuel and economic resources but they have also an harmful effect on the environment Pollutant emissions from combustion have become of great concern due to their impact on human health and nature. Restrictions in specific pollution components are introduced in several countries. Fmission taxes are also introduced to restrict air pollutioa Therefore methods and techniques utilized for the optimintion of thermal-energy systems have to deal not only with energy consumption and economics but also with the pollution and degradation of the environment Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Orlando, Florida — June 2–June 5,1997 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: The sensitivity of the particular environment to a certain pollutant is taken into consideration by the pollution penalty factor, as it will be explained in one of the following sections. The optimization problem in environomics, considered under steady-state conditions, is mathematically stated as follows: Environomics was introduced by Frangopoulos (1991, 1992) as an extension of thermoeconomics, in order to include environmental aspects in the thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of energy systems. In addition to flows of energy, exagy, and costs, flows of other consumed resources as well as flows of pollutants are considered, degradation of the environment is taken into consideration by treating the environment as a consumed resource. The objective of this work is to analyze and prove the potential of environomics by means of application examples. With the introduction of environmental costs due to pollution, which depend on essential parameters such as unit pollution penalties (i.e. costs imposed by society or governmental institutions) and limits imposed by regulations, several scenarios can be analyzed for the same plant As application examples, two NO. abatement systems for a combined-cycle plant have been selected: steam injection and SCR. The steam injection is a method frequently utilized for the NO abatement, since it is easily feasible and suitable for traditional existing combustors. Water or steam injection decreases the flame temperature and lowers the NO 1 emissions but involves several remarkable adverse effects: it produces an increase in carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions, and causes some losses of thermal efficiency, water consumption, if considerable, causes supplying problems in certain localities and an increase of the plant and management costs because water must be treated and demineralized carefully, the combustor useful life decreases because of foaling and scaling. Furthermore, in locations where the ambient concentration of NO1 exceeds the standards, emission regulations may become too stringent to be met by modification of the combustion process with the steam injection. Therefore, since emission with steam injection normally reaches values of around 40-60 ppmvd, this situation could require different treatment of the exhaust gas to remove NO.. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is now commonly used to control NO1 emissions from combustion sources in countries with strict emission regulations, even if its capital cost is greater than a system with steam injection. For gas turbines, NO\ emission reduction to as low as 10 ppmvd is sometimes required by the authorities, and is generally easily achieved by the SCR systems. Several of these aspects have been taken into consideration here from an environomic point of view comparison among systems with and without NQ, abatement is carried out and the influence of the two aforementioned essential parameters is analyzed and discussed in depth. + Ea4 min F = „antiadi 1.1 i= 1 subjected to Igx,y)=0 g.(x,y)50 where x={2e} Y=IY1) is =zs (x,y) :Zits.% (0 j=1,.., number of equality constraints k=1,.., number of inequality constraints i=1,.., number of independent variables i=1,.., number of dependent variables tS pallution = rpollition (Ia3r) item, = rrn,„„ x (x,y) The first term in the objective function, Eq. (1), represents the capital costs of the system components (including investment, depreciation, maintenance, etc.), the second term is the cost of resources bought by the system, the third term is the cost due to pollution of the environment resulting from the operation of the energy system (Frangopoulos and von Spakovsky, 1993). If the revenues of all the system products are included (fourth term), then F is the negative of the system profit SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION A modular simulator tool for thamoeconomic analysis of thermal-energy systems has been utilized here; the code, called TEMP ThermoEconomic Modular Program, has been presented in detail by Agazzani and Massardo (1996). The tool has been aimed at the following targets: thermodynamic and exergy analysis, thennoeconomic analysis, optimization. The thamoeconomic technique utilized, is similar to the T.F.A. (Thermoeconomic Functional Analysis) developed by Fran,gopoulos (1983, 1991) and the E.F.A. (Engineering Functional Analysis) developed by von Spakovsky (1993). By means of a junctional productive analysis in which each component has several inputs and one output (product), the code allows the functional exergy flows (i.e. the productive relationships, in addition to the physical exergy flows, expressed by the extensive variable exagy) among the components to be calculated. Besides, marginal and average unit costs of each functional many flow are determined, and therefore the global thermoeconomic performances of the components (internal economy) are defined. The calculation of the marginal and average unit costs is carried out only at the end of the optimization procedure, corresponding to the optimum point (Agazzani et al., 1995). The code has been expanded by means of the introduction of a new module (the SCR), the modification of the combustor module in order to insert the injected steam and the pollutant emissions estimation and the introduction of an apt module for the make-up water. Furthermore, damage costs due to the pollutant emissions have been enclosed. The modularity of the code allows the study of several configurations of multi-pressure combined plants (Agazzsni and Massardo, 1996). However, since the aim of this work is to present and clarify the methodology, a relatively simple plant has been selected it is a combined-cycle plant of a single-pressure heat recovery steam generator, equipped with an SCR abatement unit inside the HRSG or BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE ENVIRONOMIC APPROACH In the environomic analysis and optimization of energy systems, the effect of the system construction and operation on the environment is taken into consideration. In order to do so, the effect is quantified and a penalty is imposed. To cope with the penalty, pollution abatement equipment and techniques can be introduced, the perfomtonce of which is measured by the degree of abatement 8=— where pi is the initial pollution, before abatement, and p is the pollution after abatement A discussion on appropriate measures of pollution, p , can be found in the literature (Frangopoulos, 1991b, 1992, Frangopoulos and von Spakovsky, 1993). 2 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Steam injection model In the model of steam injection utilized for the NO, emissions abatement, the steam has been considered a perfect gas and injected inside the combustor (into the primary zone) in order to decrease the combustion temperature. In such a case, in accordance with the correlations above mentioned, the NO, emissions decrease but the CO emissions increase (see the opposite influence of the temperature into the two correlations). The values of NO, and CO emissions are dotamined by calculating the new value of the stoichiometric combustion temperature (Ta) or the primary zone combustion temperature (Tpe) and then utilizing the same correlations mentioned above. A cost of 0.5 Vm3 has been set for the demineraliz.ed make-up water into the steam plant (its mass flow rate is equal to the steam mass flow rate injected into the gas turbine). SCR model Selective catalytic reduction with ammonia is one of the most effective techniques for removing NO, from combustion gases. The ammonia, injected into the exhaust gas upstream from a catalytic reactor, is applied as a suitable reduction medium on a technical scale. The catalyst bed is situated in the heat recovery steam generator (Fig. 1) at the appropriate location to provide the optimum reaction temperature. Ammonia reacts with NO and 1402 as follows: 6 NO2 +8 NH3 -+12 1120 + 7 N2 6 NO + 4 NH3 *61-1201-5 N2 When oxygen is present, the corresponding reactions are: 2 NO2 + 4 NH3 +02 —s 1-120 + 3 N2 4 NO +4 NH3 +02 —s 6 H20 + 4 NI Since oxygen is usually present in combustion gas, and practically all of the NO, is present as NO, the Nib/NO, stoichiometric ratio is 1.0, i.e. one mole of NH3 is required for removing one mole of NO,. The homogeneous reactions occur in a narrow temperature range at about 800 °C, and are accompanied by undesirable side reactions; besides, it is difficult to achieve a high level of NO, removal with a process based on homogeneous reduction. Utilizing a catalyst, the operating temperature can be reduced to the range of 220-420 °C (the temperature depends upon the type of catalyst), but with an increase in capital cost The NO, removal is called selective because the reduction chemicals should react exclusively with the pollutant In the presence of oxygen, the NO reduction by ammonia over ceramic catalyst is in many cases in accordance with an Eley-Rideal mechanism (Weber etal. 1991). Due to this reaction mechanism, the NO conversion is independent of the initial NO concentration. Considering the catalytic reactor as an ideal flow tube, the NO reduction for a given type of catalyst must be written as: In( 1-8220,,)=-IrJSV (4) where No„ is the NO, degree of abatement and SV is the space velocity [WI. SV is given by the ratio of the volume flow rate to the catalyst volume and is thus proportional to the reciprocal of the mean residence time of the gas in the catalyst The rate constant k is related with the specific properties of a selected catalyst and uerally shows an exponential dependence according to the Arrhenius equation. On the other hand, it has to be taken into account that with increasing temperatures the oxidation of NH3 into NO may be enhanced as well. Taking into consideration these two opposite aspects, the degree of NO conversion reaches maximum values near temperatures of 250-300 °C. This allows the SCR to be inserted between the evaporator and the economizer inside the FIRSG. The constant k of industrially applied catalyst is about 7500 W I at optimum reaction temperature (above 300 *C). TO lrfACIC Fig. 1. Combined plant with an SCR abatement unit inside the HRSG or steam injection for removing NO,; the greyfilled units represent components with a capital cost. with steam injection inside the combustor chamber of the gas turbine for removing NO, (Fig. 1). g missions estimation In this work, a gas turbine with a typical diffusion flame combustor and therefore with high NO,, emissions has been considered. The formation of NO„ and CO emissions has been established employing correlations. Since the emissions from a combustor depend on the type and the geometry, in order to not complicate a lot the thermoeconomic study, some parameters have been fixed for all the calculations in particular, the primary zone residence time (which depends on the geometry) and the excess air in the same zone (which has influence on the primary zone combustion temperature) have been fixed. The following correlations have been employed for the NO, and CO emissions estimation (Rizk and Mongia, 1993): NO 71100 -us (apru •— (2) 5.10- 10 14 (t — 03. t ,)" expEH p CO r- 018 .103 ezarE7 1100y Ap — p2 (t — 0.4 t ) • (— Ts] (3) where the emissions are in g/kg fuel, te is the fuel evaporation time (for a gaseous fuel this is fixed equal to zero), Tu is the stoichiometric flame temperature in degrees Kelvin, p the combustion pressure in Pa, Ap/p the nondimensional linear pressure drop; t is the primaryzone residence time in seconds and has been fixed equal to 2-10 -3 s; Tp: is the primary zone combustion temperature in degrees Kelvin (in order to calculate the temperature Tpz , an air aCeSS of about 3% has been assumed in the primary zone). The unit of the emissions is 'g/kg fuel' and therefore the mass flow rate of fuel which is burnt, must be known. The combustor model considered here is a diffusion-flame model and almost all of the fuel is burnt into the primary zone. Therefore, the mass flow rate of NO, and CO at the exit of the combustor has been roughly calculated by means of the product between the value obtained with the correlation and the mass flow rate of fuel utilized by the gas turbine. 3 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: The amount of ammonia to be injected into the flue gas stream is usually controlled by the flow rate of the flue gases and the inlet gas NO concentration. In order to avoid significant clean gas concentration, the molar NH../NO1 ratio is voiatly selected lower than 1 (about 0.9-0.95). Therefore the ammonia mass flow rate is given by 151 NH, = MNH 8 NOx .1i1NOchict at/ "NO r 4.5E02 40E-CQ 15E02 3.0E02 25602 (5) 1.0E02 5.0E43 ammonia molecular weight Ma0=30.0061 NO molecular weight molar Nib/NO. ratio NO mass flow rate at the SCR inlet [kg/s] IhNO:cs, The pressure drop of an industrial ceramic catalyst which has been designed to remove more than 90% of NO is in the range of about 500 to 900 Pa On the basis of this data, the pressure loss of an SCR can be so estimated: k-700 Ap — (6) — 0.9) The catalyst cost is estimated by means of its volume. This last is given by In(l —8) Vc,„ = —3600 v — (7) k • where ts is the flue gas volumetric flow rate. The catalyst cost Ow depends on its composition (base metal or noble metal) since the catalyst cost is about 70% of the SCR total cost (Eskinazi et al., 1989), the SCR cost can be so estimated (for a noble metal catalyst): M=17.030 0.2 Fig. cr-V.N/0.7 + +it, 0.4 0.13 KO degree V abate mon! 2. Influence of 8Nox 0.8 on the SCR capital cost pollution of the environment resulting from the NO and CO emissions ( FsNo , The selected independent decision variables are (see Table 1): pressure ratio and maximum temperature of the gas turbine, pressure of the produced steam, NO degree of abatement (for the plant with the SCR), mass flow rate ratio between steam injected and fuel (for the plant with steam injection). It would be useful to introduce a degree of abatement also for the steam injection system; however, the mass flow rate ratio between steam injected and fuel is a variable often utilized in literature. Table 2 reports the quantities considered known and fixed once and for all at the beginning of calculation; other hypotheses done for the calculation are reported in Agazzani and Massardo (1996). The net electrical power has been fixed equal to 60 MWe. The maximum allowable steam temperature has been set equal to 565 °C. Two inequality constraints have been taken into consideration during the optimintion: outlet turbine steam quality (>0.86) and stack gas temperature (>100 °C). The equality constraints, imposed by the physical and economic model of the system, consist of mathematical relations describing the thermodynamic performances as well as the costs of components and other economic parameters as functions of the independent variable Optimization The goal of the optimization for both analyzed plants, is to minimize the rate of the total cost (including construction and operation) of the system: + ammonia cost 0.0E100 (8) where c 1 16245 Sim' (Frey et al., 1991). The ammonia unit cost cwa, is 0.230 S/kg (Rosenberg et al., 1992). As an example of a SCR system cost, Fig. 2 shows the influence of the NO degree of abatement for a unit with a flue gas mass flow rate of 100 kg/sand 150 ppmv (15% 02, dry) of NO at the inlet mint!, (x,yEtsi flue goo mats flow rats SOO kg/s Wm at Inlet = 150 pummel 20E02 1.5E02 where C:at = C:11 /0.7 = Vs Table 1. Decision variables. (9) Decision variables Optimization range max gm tants= MI rinsaure ratio stem went= IMPal 11004403 10.30 Nat deg= of abatement (for the plant with the SCR) man flow nite ntio hetweeo steam injected and fuel (for the Mimi with steam injection) where tles = Crod lil gia LHVAid 6-14 0.0.95 0-2 Table 2. Nominal values of main parameters. flat = c,S Of itan.„ = Cmi,f1INE, 10 min. AT between gas and ewporat- the set of decision variables and y is the set of all functional exergy flows. Equation (9) is derived from the Eq. (1), in which the revenue term has not been considered since the only system product, the electrical power, has been fixed in this work (there is no need to include it since addition of a constant does not change the optimum point). The total cost includes the annualized capital costs it of the plant units, including investment, depreciation, maintenance, etc. (see the Appendix), the fuel cost, the costs of auxiliary resources Fs (i.e. ammonia cost for the plant with the SCR or make-up water cost for the plant with steam injection), and the costs due to the is 67 Sweat inlet copcsoor 10 ins tteam (pinch point) rC1 ST between gas and supobtued stem cc water rel pastabine agenda isotopic eff tacrator pressure f MP') camktroa man= [MPal race isentropic efficiency alternator efficimcy maseaum steam lane:rem ("C] 0.88 0.14 0.005 0.86 0.985 s565 fixl UN (methane) Nag] 50030 pmm elearicalhnechanical eft annual fixed charm tee numb= of spathe hours pa year teest snag( filel cost Car [Ski] WOO 4.0.10' cpua IS/kg NOJ cos Isma CO) outlet nabine steam quality >016 stack gas temperance MI 25 4 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: and outlet economizer ft] AT between ecodoniog slam and cooling weer 1°C1 =bine mechanical efficiency pump isotopic efficiency net *end power [MW1 steam Patine isentrapic eff aretronment temperature r 2C1 5 0.995 0.83 60 0.85 15 0.90 18.7% 7.5 1.014 >103 set 1. A non-linear algorithm of optimization described in depth by Massardo et al. (1990), is directly applied to the objective function. Therefore the physical and cost models are used to describe the objective function of the system, while the mathematical formulation of the T.F.A.-EFA is not requested here to find the optimum design conditions. In this way, the introduction of many dependent variables related to the internal economy of the system is not necessary to locate the minimum, and therefore it can be avoided with a strong reduction in computation time (Agazumi and Massardo, 1996). However, the calculation of the internal economy (marginal and average unit costs) is pained at the optimum conditions. The last two terms of Eq. (9) are the pollution costs due to the NO and CO emissions from the gas turbine exhaust to the environment These are damage cost terms and can be written as (von Spakovsky and Frangopoulos, 1994): mcci=cso.c....datio, tsco=ccoccothe. What does it happen if C is greater than one? A plant should not operate at all if its emissions are higher than limits set by regulations. Consequently, there would be no condition for imposing the penalty, except if the meaning of the regulations is changed: instead of setting limits that can not be violated, limits which can be violated are set but, since such a change would have a negative effect on the environment, a new greater penalty is imposed. In conclusion, a penalty (i.e. c licohNo„ or e co firm ) is imposed for every kilogram of a pollutant emitted by a plant no matter whether the concentration is higher or lower than a limit set by • regulations. Then, the introduction of the factor fp increases or decreases this penalty according to the relationship between the real concentration and the one set by regulations. Several scenarios can be analyzed in order to establish how 4 must be considered when it reaches values between 0 and 1; three decision cases have been set here when fel : • case (a): fp retains its value, as it results from the calculations, • cue (b): fp is set equal to 1; • case (c): fp is set equal to O. In case (a), a pollution penalty is still considered but less than the one of case (b) In case (c), if the concentration of the pollutant is lower than a limit imposed by regulations, then there is no pollution penalty. The introduction of these pollution costs, corrected by the factor fp, is different from the direct utilization of inequality constraints which may be imposed by safety considerations for each pollutant with this procedure, the optimization keeps into account also those configurations which have emissions greater than the limits imposed by regulations. However, only the case (c) could be considered very similar to an inequality constraint since a penalty takes put in the objective function only if emission is greater than the limits imposed by regulations. It will be shown how the case (c) forces the decision variables towards values which allow the analyzed plant to have emissions just equal to the limits imposed by regulations (harmfulness limits). ( 10) in which the mass flow rates of NO and CO to the environment have been selected as the pollution measure. clue( and cco (Table 2) are the unit pollution penalties which are taken equal to the damage caused to the environment per unit mass of a pollutant (Goswami, 1993). These represent costs imposed by society, governmental institutions, international organizations, etc., on the systems as a result of the damage caused by the emissions in the environment Several suggestions have been made for the pollution penalty factors fp which appear in Eqs. (10) (Frangopoulos and von Spakovsky, 1993); the Izarmfuhiess factor has been used here: ao (11) where car intensive ptu .1y of the ith pollutant cco, intensive property of the ith pollutant in the environment Et; harmfulness limit of the intensive property of the ith pollutant (if it is exceeded, the pollution may become particularly harmful). The concentration has been selected as the intensive property for the pollutants in this example. In such a case, if the value of the standard air quality limit concentration is selected as the intensive property of the pollutant in the environment (tree) and emissions limit concentration from a power plant is selected as the harmfulness limit ( ) of the intensive property, then the value of ax can be neglected In comparison to the values of . As an example, according to the values imposed by Italian decrees on pollutant emissions, for the NO pollutant, the value of cia is about 0.130 mem ) (-0.200 mg/m3 as NO2) while the value of Tr is about 200 mem'. Then axe<II ; and therefore the pollution penalty factor f p becomes: f P. — Table 3. Optimal results without pollution penalty costs (baseline combined plant). Decisico variables (optimal values) ma ints moment= 1400 1C pressure naio 1612 capital eons 10.63 eV, Objective function (total pat) 55.22 ects mg/Nm'p,.s AR Ps 140 02052 195.76 CO 0.142 135.6 COI 68.97 65793 emmt ;censure 14.0 Mn fuel cost 44.59 eV' thermal efficiency • 53.82% proud 15% Om 84:8 fuel 8.163 146.2 5.654 108.5 2744 33507 Table 4. Optimal results with pollution penalty costs (baseline combined plant). (12) Decisica variables (optimal values) pa =pat= 1291.5 •C immure ratio 11.47 capital costs 10.032 efis NO poll. cost ((peel .78) 15.36 cSis Objective fimcnce (tail COST) '19. 81 ads nw4m'rç.s PAP Ps NO 119.24 0.118 CO 0.286 287.8 COI 65.39 65793 In accordance with the emission limits imposed by EU, the selected harmfulness limits for NO and CO are: NO 50 ppm volume dry, 15% 02 as NO (about 75 ppmvd as NO2) CO 80 ppm volume chy, 15% 02 The above value for NOx has been changed during the calculations in order to analyze the influence of the harmfulness limit. TOLL 5 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Pam teem= 14 /tea fuel cost 46.31 Ws CO P011. cast (Ikea al) 2. 10 454 demo] efficiency 4 5113% ika ant 4.973 12.00 2744 nand 1 554 02 89.07 230.3 33507 Table 5. Optimal results for case a): A) plant with SCR; B) plant with steam injection. Decision variables (optimal values) ma gas tanpainze 1400°C pressure ratio 16.69 gas =bac 4.1734/. IIRSG 1.133 Ws SCR 2392 40 0.076 el/a PC Fuel cost 44.63 Ws Acta cost 0.216 412 Objective fuorlice (total cca) 60.62 eS/s Emissions rela sa IttaNne gas NO 0.02714 26.025 0.133 127.52 CO CO2 68.61 65793 NO before abatement 4 0.213 p/kg gm nerm pressure NO degree of Mauna num turbine candmsa GT Manna steam plant alternator NO poll cost (.s0.39) CO poll. cost (feed:U.27) thermal efficiency 4 53.77 cad it/kg fial 1.085 19.4 5.32 102 2744 33507 Table 6. Optimal results for case b) (4=1 when less than 1): A) plant with SCR; B) plant with steam injection. Decision variables (optimal mates) 1400°C max. gas temperature pressure ratio 16.6 gas turbine 4.143 Ws MO 1.137 als SCR 3.129 Ws 0.076 Ws oanps Fuel cost 44.63 c5/s Corea cost 0.221 44 steam pressure NO degree of abatement steam Patine Censer GT altaretor steam plant altanator NO poll oast (Eppel) CO poll. cog (fPco4 1.3) Objective fimnicm (total cost) 61.684/s Jamul effitheary = 53.77 Emissions g/kg gas cid mgftirn3 PS was fuel NO 0.0209 20.02 0.835 15 5.39 0.135 129.34 103.5 CO 2744 CO2 68.7 65793 33507 NO before abscess = 0.211 grkg gas 13.99 MPa 0.872 3.257 Ws 0.589 40 0.9625 c.50 0.555 40 0.70544/8 1-533 40 Decision variables (optimal values) ma gas temperanae 1359.8 °C steam pressure 14 MI0 press= ratio 20.87 steam/fuel mass flow rat aria I 1.726 gas turbine 5.042 Ws 0.4804/s *mean HUG 1.1434/s 1.0614/s GT alternator 0.077 ars 0.453 Ws steam plant actor Pima stain =bine 2.8'29 4/s Fuel cost 45.59 4/s NO polleost (fpa0.41) 0.484 Ws 0.1967 4/s Water cost CO poll.cost (fpe0=1.174) 1.328 ars Cbj. amnion (total cost) 58.69 Ws drama efficimcy 4 5264 Emissicm grkg WU gikg ha arid Melleig13 NO 0.0773 6.80 0.284 5.1 CO 0.127 117.4 4.90 94 CO; 70.95 65793 2744 33507 14.0 MPs 0.901 3.263 Ws 0.5914/s 0.961 Ws 0.557 ads 1.396 Ws 1.577 40 Deediall variables (optimal values) max gas tempace Treasure ratio gm turbna FiRSG Puma co =bine Fuel cost Water cost Obj, n=6011 total cost) Emissions ekg gas NO 0.01705 CO 0.124 CO) 70.11 OPTIMIZAT ON RESULTS AND COMMENTS Table 3 reports the results of the combined plant optimization, without NOx abatement systems, and without taking into consideration the pollution penalty costs due to the NO and CO emissions plant). It is interesting to observe how the high maximum gas temperature involves a high NO emission (about 150 ppm).The plant draws near to the optimum efficiency condition; this occurs in order to limit the fuel consumption whose cost is about four times greater than the total capital costs. Instead, in Table 4, the results of the plant including the pollution penalty costs are reported. In comparison with the previous case, the NO), emission is lower (89 ppm), but the CO emission increases considerably (230 ppm). This is due to the strong difference between the two unit pollution penalties cm and cce (7.5 S/kg against 1.014 $/kg). The high influence of the NO pollution cost has brought the decision variables towards values which decrease the NO emission: in particular the maximum gas temperature and the pressure ratio are decreased. In the table, the selected cases (a+c) for the pollution penalty fitztor are not distinguished since fpNox and fpdo do not reach values less than 1 (i.e. both the emissions are greater than the emission limits imposed by EU, 50 ppm for NO and 80 ppm for CO). The next step regards the study of the optimum plant with SCR or steam injection in the three decision cases (a, b and c) set for the pollution penalty factor fp. Table 5 (case a) and Table 6 (case b) report the main results of the analyzed plants (independent decision variables, costs, emissions, etc.). The second case involves greater values for the NO degree of abatement and the steam/fuel mass flow rate ratio: this is caused by the higher penalty policy obtained setting fp=1 when it is less than one. Unlike the previous case (Table 4), the introduction of NO% abatement techniques results in an increase of the optimum value of the maximum gas temperature and drives the optimal design towards 1400°C 20 4.8974/s 1.135 Ws 0.077 °Ls 2.931 Ws 45.334/s 0.146 4/s 58.111 44 matte gas 15.996 116.6 65793 1 14 MP. cm pressure steara/fuel mass fiow rate ntio 1 1.217 0.505 elk <Cana 1 038 Ws GI altermaar 0.476 Ws steam plant Manatee NO pal. cost (fpace0.24) 0.2707 c5/s CO poll. cost (tirco41.166) 1.302 Ws Mama efficiasey 4 5194 _Oa Nei pgamf 0.667 11.9$ 4.86 93.3 2744 33507 the optimum efficiency conditions again. Therefore, during the calculations, the maximum gas temperature and the steam pressure have reached optimal values near to their upper limits (1400 °C and 14 MPa respectively), probably for the following reasons: i) in order to respect the inequality constraint on the flue gas stack temperature (>100 °C); in order to increase the thermal efficiency of the systems and therefore decrease both the fuel consumption and the mass flow rate of the NO and CO emissions. Obviously the SCR capital cost has a great influence on the total capital costs (around 15-20°A), and the system with SCR has a total cost greater than the system with steam injection; however, the difference between the plant with SCR and the plant with steam injection is not so great. This is due to the following considerations: • The steam injection inside the combustor chamber causes an increase of the fuel consumption (whose energy cost has been fixed equal to 4.0.106 $/U) and a decrease of the thermal efficiency even if the power of the gas turbine increases. It must be remembered that the steam is no easily available in nature: it must be produced downstream the gas turbine with a process of thermal recovery. Therefore, the steam injection improves bath the power and the efficiency of a gas turbine (STIG plant), but for a combined plant, the injected steam must be considered removed from the expansion into the steam turbine. In this case the following points occur the gas turbine power increases while the steam turbine power decrease; although not in proportion to the removed steam because the HRSG operates with a greater flue gas mass flow rate, generating more steam; the combined effect is that the combined cycle efficiency decreases. On the contrary, the introduction of the SCR inside the IIRSG does not change the efficiency of the plant (if a pressure loss is taken into consideration, the efficiency decrease is very small). • The water consumption, if considerable, causes supplying problems in certain localities; water must be treated and demineralized carefully, with an increase of the plant and management costs. A cost of 6 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: 20 1.8 1.6 '''''''' 0.75 ' 0.70 . In NO unit pollution penalty 1S/kg1 - 7.6 NO unit pollution 9611221' M91 26 0.8 - as 0.65 0.625 0.5136 0.600 0.595 0.815 NO unit pollution Panal1YIV8111 0.584 a5 0.583 0.810 0.605 20.582 0.603 • o- 0.581 0.595 7.6 0.590 • 26 t I . 20 40 60 80 100 NO harmfulness limit (ppmvd 16%021 0.579 0.585 20 40 • 60 80 100 NO harmfulness limit 1ppmvd 16%021 120 Fig. 4. Influence of crou and a m:, on the plant with SCR - case a): f, keeps Its value when less than 1. 120 Fig. 5. Influence of 0Nes and allo, on the plant with steam injection - case a): A, keeps its value when less than 1. 0.5 S/m3 has been set here for the deminanlized make-up water but, by changing this value, different results can be obtained; • The steam injection causes an increase of CO emissions in order to keep these last at a low level, the combustor chamber pressure must be increased (see Eqs. 2 and 3); therefore, in order to avoid a strong CO emission increase, the optimal values of the pressure ratio for the plants with steam injection are slightly greater than those for the plants with SCR (see Table 6); this causes an increase of the capital cost, in particular of the compressor (Agazzani and Massardo, 1996). Figures 4,5,6 and 7 show the influence of the unit pollution penalty ctcce, and the harmfulness limit a t,c, on the two plants. The NO abatement should increase with the NO harmfulness limit reduction and the NO unit pollution penalty increase, causing higher total costs particularly for low atm, values. This happens in particular for the case (a) (Figs. 4 and 5), while a different behaviour is obtained for the case (b) In this case, the plant with steam injection does not seem to depend on the NO limits (see Fig. 7). Evidently, very low NO emissions (less than 10 ppm) are reached also with high limits (i.e.100 ppm); therefore fpNo x is always set equal to one. Instead, for the plant with SCR, the same behaviour is found only for high cNct, and ct n. values, while for low Ctme and allo. values, the degree of abatement increases in order to limit the NO pollution penalty costs. The numbers between brackets, near the points of Figs. 6 and 7, indicate the NO and CO emissions, respectively, (in ppm). Increasing the NO unit pollution penalty or reducing its harmfulness limit, the steam injected (and therefore the water consumption) increases a lot (see Figs. 5 and 7). This would cause a further increase of CO production and so the optimum pressure ratio would increase some more. Therefore, if a greater penalty is imposed for the CO (i.e. increasing the pollution penalty or decreasing the harmfulness limit), the plant with steam injection could not achieve the imposed harmfulness limit, with a strong increase of the CO damage 0.9 I 0.8 ICI 0.7 as 0.630 • 0.615 • 7.6 PC unit pollution 0.610 penalty WSW 0.605 215 0.680 0 20 40 so 80 100 NO harmfulness limit (ppmvd 16%021 120 Fig. 6. Influence of Crgoz and a Nox on the plant with SCR - case b): fel when less than 1. cost term. In this case, joined with also an increase of the make-up water cost and the unit fuel cost, the cost difference between the plant with SCR and the plant with steam injection could become lower. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: A) 0.95 1.8 (4.6, sot 12-6 -• (140=5/3, C040) • 1.7 - 0.84 - ac 1.6 1.5 - S 1.4 Tr 1.3 • f z 0.'- • NO unit pollution penalty PAW 1.2 0.65 • (9.5, 83) NO4152 9488 CCe8D • 24 140•152 -0.65 Pam CO-75rem - 0.64 N0415 ten ppm 0.63 puss a7 - 0.52 -0.61 0/1 t0.80 ! 0.92 0.91 1.1 - 0.59 1.0 0.591 0.593 0.589 0.588 0.90 0.58 1.82 0.66 • M0.53 ppm _ 0 66 4-7 C0.70 rpm • p24 0.64 . 1.80 14045.3 rpm CO•79 Mai #. 41 '5 0.587 0.586 0.585 • 2 • 04228 • 7.6 ft • NO unit pollution Pellakii9/41) 0.554 0.583 e • 0.582 0 20 • 43 1 1.74 80 1W -0.61 .1 s- 0.03 you 1.72 • 2.6 so -0.62 NO45.1 rem C0494 ppn - 120 0 NO harmfulness limit (ppm/eft 15%04 0.59 0.58 1.70 1 2 3 4 5 6 CO unft pollution penalty Ma] Fig. 7. Influence of No. and allo, on the plant with steam injection - case b): f1 when less than 1. Fig. 8. Influence of cco (a,=8O ppm, a No, =50 ppm, cNoe--7.5 S/kg): A) plant with SCR; B) plant with steam injection. Up to this point, results show that CO emissions are always higher than the limit of 80 ppm: the cause is that the value selected for the CO unit pollution penalty (1.014 S/kg), is too low in comparison with c-No . Therefore a parametric study has been carried out for the case (b), by increasing the cco value (see Fig. 8) and keeping always aco --280 ppm (the values of cNcr, and a m% are set equal to 7.5 S/kg and 50 ppm, respectively). In such a case, the CO emission decreases below the harmfulness limit of 80 ppm, causing greater values of the pressure ratio (see the value of near the points of Fig. 8). On the contrary, the increase of this last involve also a short increase of the NO pollution abatement In case (c), in which the pollution penalty is similar to an inequality constraint, the optimintion code brings the decision variables, and in particular the NO L degree of abatement and the mass flow rate ratio between injected steam and fuel, towards values which allow the harmfulness limits to be respected (see Table 7). Their values, and so the total costs, are considerably lower than those obtained in the two previous cases, in particular for high NO limits. The values of 8Noz, steam/fuel mass ratio and total cost (see Fig. 9) do not depend on the NO unit pollution penalty, since the optimum plant achieves NO emission values always lower than the limits imposed by regulations (i.e. the harmfulness limit a go,). Table 7. Optimal results for case c) (441 when less than 1): A) plant with SCR; B) plant with steam injection. Decision variables (optimal values) ma gas tempest= 1400°C pressure ratio 18.66 capital costs 12.991 cS/s Fuel cost 44.70 cS/s Ammonia oust 0.212 cS/s thenctal efficiency s• 53.69 Emissions glect as mg/14m3 NO 0.06831 66.914 CO 0.102 99.97 68.61 65793 CO2 NO before abatement v 0.246 reks ps steam pressure NO degree of abatement NO pollution cost ((Nee) CO pollution cost (fpcpe0) Objective nation (total cost) as Oa fuel 2.79 4.169 2744 ppcowl 50 so 33507 Decision variables (optimal values) ma ps temperance 1399.7°C steam press= pressure zatio 20 Scam/fuel mm flow nte ratio agate) cans 11.32 cfr/s NO pollution °est (fpame,,v0) Fuel cost 45.04 cS/s 00 pollution cost (fiseoe0) Water cost 0.0704 cS/s Objective fimetice (weal cost) thermal efficiency v 53.28 Emissiom gekg gas ntir/Nm3 gas RAN fuel Pluourl NO 0.0589 66.66 2.78 50 CO 0.103 99.96 4.166 80 CO, 68.05 2744 65793 33507 CONCLUSIONS Combined plants with SCR or steam injection as NO abatement techniques have been analyzed from an environomic point of view. CO and NO emissions have been taken into consideration; in particular for these last, the influence of the unit pollution penalty and of the limit imposed by regulations on the system has been revealed. With the introduction of the environomic approach, several scenarios can be analyzed for the same plant 13.98 MPa 0.722 0 0 57.903 cS/s 14 MPa 0.625 0 0 56.43 cS/s The results obtained here must be considered not as an absolute solution. They are valid under the economic assumptions made in this work with no claim to general applicability. Furthermore, the emissions are strongly influenced by the assumptions done for the combustor chamber. However, the numerical examples presented here MINE to clarify the methodology and can be interpreted as a starting point for an environomic comparison of different plants. 8 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Rangspoulos CA vas Spalcovsky MS., 1993. "The Environomic Analysis and Optimimica of Envy System (Part 1 and lir. 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Influence of Cwra and a Nce, - case c: f4) when less than 1. A) plant with SCR; B) plant with steam injection. APPENDIX The following equation has been used to evaluate the annualized capital cost of each component of the plant (Frangopoulos, 1991a): Also the effect of the variations of the unit pollution penalty and the imposed limit for the CO emission, could prove to be interesting. A ftutha development of the model can be carried out with the introduction of the unburned hydrocarbons emission (UHC). These last two points will be analyzed in the near future. FCR- (D i CU(3.6.10s • N) vitae, in order not to complicate the analysis, the maintenance cost has been taken into consideration by a constant factor Ct. FCR is the annual fixed charge rate, obtained by the addition of several items: interest or return on investment, depreciation, interim replacements, property insurance, taxes, etc.. The values utilized for the analysis arc: FCR=18.7% d+,=1.06 N=8000 h/year The purchased cost Cs of each component can be estimated by means of equations written in terms of geometrical and manufacturing variables or in terms of performance and stream variables. Further information about the component purchased cost equations are reported in Frangopoulos (1991a), Agazumi et al. (1995), Agazzani and Massardo (1996), Boehm (1987), Lazzaretto et al. (1994). The cost equation for the SCR, in particular, has been provided in the text ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the funding from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), under contract n° 94.00038.CT07. REFERENCES Apzzani A.. Mmardo A., Sam A.. 1995, "Themmeconomic Analysis of Complex Steam Pleas% ASME CCGEN TURBO POWER, Wien, 93-C7P-311. Apr:rani A., Mansard° A., 1996, "A Tool for Thamocesnomic Analysis and Optimization of Cles. 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