‘H. F. E. BAESELER. PLATEN' LOCK. APPLICATlON FILED OCT. 12, 1920. 1,426,242. my m F rm A Q n. a. win. v. .‘ d2 ?s ”3MW kw yr4, 1h .2661 IE i; , H. F. E. BAESELER. PLATEN LOCK. APPLICATION FILED OCT-12, 1920- 1326,24, _ ‘ _ ‘ PatentedAug.15, 1922. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. , java]? for @ZZTZZ'JQ 21:22’: Baese Zer HEINRICH FRANZ EDMUND BAESELER, OF DRESDEN, GERMANY, ASSIGNOR TO AKT. v GES. "VOBM SEIDEL & NAUMANN, OF DRESDEN, GERMANY, A CORPORATION OF GERMANY. PLATEN LOCK. 1,426,242. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Application ?led October 12, 1920. Patented Aug; 15’ 1922. Serial No. 416,575. ‘ (GRANTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF MARCH 3, 1921, 41 STAT. I“, 1313.) itself is very simple and insures a friction Be'it known that I, Hninrlori FRANZ E1} less return of the carriage. MUND BAESELER, a citizen of the German Re . Thelocking members can carry the guid public, and‘ resident of Dresden, Germany, ing rall of the carriage frame and are alone have invented certain new and useful Im operated by the latter by means of the shift provements in Platen Looks (for which I ing roll during the ?rst 'part only of the have ?led application in Germany, Apr. 28, movement of the latter to release the platen T0 all whom‘ it may concern: 10 15 1919; in Austria, June 10, 1918; in Sweden, frame from thelcarriage. ' June 17, 1918; in Hungary, June 18, 1918; The locking members may also be con in Switzerland, June 30, 1918; in Italy, July nected to a special rail parallel to» the guid 15, 1918; in France, July 31, 1918, Patent ing rail proper of the platen frame by means No. 511,688; in England, Aug. 27, 1919), of of which special rail the lockingv members 65 can be oscillated out of the locking position which the following is a speci?cation. The invention relates to type writing ma before the adjustment or ' shifting of the chines with shift-ably arranged platen and guiding rail. the purpose of the invention is to prevent 55 - . In the accompanying ‘drawings, illustrat the rebounding and repeated upward move ing two forms of execution of the subject 70 ment of the platen at the return from the matter of this'invention, ‘only those parts ‘ shifting position into the position of rest or of a type writing machine are shown, which 20 25 normal position, and thereby to insure a uniform and exact impression of the type, and to prevent furthermore the objection able shaking of the platen frame at the in serting 'or' extracting of the paper sheet. For obviating this disadvantage it has been already proposed to provide locking are necessary for comprehending the inven tion. In these drawings: 75 7 Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a portion of a type writing machine equipped with the ‘ device, forming the subject matter of this invention. . l .‘ Figs. 2 and 3 are side views showing differ poseof locking the platen frame thereto. ent positions of the locking members and the members on the carriage frame for the pur 30 35 40 The desired purpose,'however, has not been shifting roll. Figs. 4 and 5 and 6 show similar views-of attained by this arrangement as the turnlng point of said locking members does not par a second embodiment of this invention and i ticipate in the shi 'ting movement of the correspond to Figs.‘ 1 to 3. Referring ?rst'to the form of construc platen frame and accordingly the turning movement of the locking members either con tion, illustrated in Figs,‘ 1 to. 3, the platen tinued during the whole shifting operation frame is arranged vertically adjustable in or special means were required for hunting a known manner in the carriage frame 1, the turning movement of the loclnng mem said platen frame consisting in ‘the con 80 85 90 bers. Furthermore in the known arrange struction shown substantially of two side ment at the return movement of the locking plates 2, which are connected with each? members a considerable friction is produced other by ?xed brace rods 3, l1 and‘ 5. The in consequence of which the complete falling brace rod 5 carries by means of the pivoted back of the platen is impeded. _ arms 6 a rod 7, upon ‘which acts the shift 95 ing roll 8. I On one of said arms 6 or on both » According to the present invention and for obviating this defect the locking mem a pawl 9 is arranged,,which is under the in 45 bers are arranged on the platen frame in ?uence of a spring 10 and normally engages such a manner that each of them in the posi under a pin 11, which is secured to the can. tion of rest of the carriage engages under a r‘iage frame and which projects through‘ a 100 pin or the like provided on said carriage. ‘slot ‘17 of the plate 2 into the'reach of the Hereby not only an oscillating movement of 50 the locking members, which is asshght as possible is obtained, but also special means pawl 9. i I I The movement of the arm 6 is limited by a set screw 12, which is provided in a bracket ~ for limiting said oscillating movement are ‘of the plate 2, in such a manner, that when The arrangement’ the arm 6 strikes vagainst the set‘screw the rendered unnecessary. 105 1,426,242 pawl 9 is barely out of reach of the pin 11 (Fig. 2. In a typewriting machine, in combina As long as the roll 8 which 1s tion, a. carriage, a platen frame mounted in connected with the shift key is not raised said carriage normally in lower case posi an unintentional vertical displacement of tion but vertically movable relative to sald the f *ame of the platen 18 in relation to the carriage to upper case position, said frame frame of the carriage cannot occur, as both being provided with a slot, a stop on said parts are locked against each other by the frame, a latch comprising a bell crank lever pawl 9 and‘ the pin 11. However, when by pivotally mounted on said frame and nor 10 the operation of the shift key the roll 8 1s mally having one of its arms in alignment lifted, first the rod '7' with the arm 6 and the with said slot and the other spacedv from 75 pawl 9'is oscillated around‘the brace rod 5, said stop, a pin secured to said carriage so far until the arm 6 strikes against the set screw 12. Then the unlocked platen frame can be lifted by means of the shifting roll. In the second form of construction of the projecting through said slot and normally e-ngageable by the arm of said bell crank lever, means engageable withv said bell crank lever, to rotate the same sequentially subject matter of the invention, shown in out of engagement with said pin and into Figs. 4 to 6, the shifting roll lifts the platen engagement with . said stop for releaslng frame by means of an angular rail 13 rigidly said latch and shifting said platen frame connected to said platen frame. In front relation to said carriage. of this rail a secondrail is arranged, which 3. In a typewriting machine, in combina 25 30 35 is also located within the reach of'the shift~ tion a carriage, a platen frame mounted in ing roll 8 and which can be adjusted by said said carriage normally in lower case position, shifting roll, said rail 14: being connected but vertically movable relative to said car to the angle lever 15, which can oscillate riage to upper case position, said framebeing aroundthe pin 19 and acts as a locking pawl. provided with. a stop, a latch comprising a The pawl or angle lever 15 looks by means bell crank lever pivotally mounted in said of the adjustable screw 16 in the same man frame having an armengageable with. said ner as this is done in the ?rst described form step, a projecting element secured to said of construction by means of the pawl 9. carriage and normally 'engageable by the At the depression of the shift key ?rst the other arm of said bell crank lever, means correspondingly adjusted rail 14 is lifted for. oscillating said bell crank lever. to se (Fig. 5), whereby the platen frame is un quentially release said last named arm from locked, so that now by the action of the engagement with said projecting element shifting roller 8 also the rail 13 can be and moving the ?rst mentioned arm into lifted. engagement with said stop for shifting said On account of the fact, that the much platen frame. used shifting rail'is rigidly connected with a. In 85 95 100 typewriting machine, in combina the platen frame, a more uniform writing tion, a carriage, a platen frame mounted ‘in in comparison to the ?rst described form of said carriage normally in lower case posi construction is obtained, tion but vertically movable relative to said The pawls 9 or 15 respectively of both carriage to upper case position, said frame 105 forms of construction can be moved into the comprising end plates connected by a brace locking position either by the weight of the rod, latch mechanism pivotally mounted on rail 7 or 14 respectively or also with. the aid said brace rod adjacent each of said end , plates comprising bell crank levers one arm 45 of‘ springs. 50 It is practical, if desired, to provide the of each lever being connected by a shift rod left end as well as the right end of the rail for elevating said platen frame, a stop on 14 with a locking pawl. each end plate engageable by said arm of’ Having thus particularly described the the bell. crank lever, a pin secured to the nature of my said invention, what I claim carriage at each end and engageable by the 110 115 as new and desire by Letters Patent of the other ends of said bell crank levers, a shift United States is: _ 1. In a typewriting machine in combina 55 lever movable into engagement with shift rod to move said bell crank levers to se tion a carriage, a platen frame mounted in quentially release said bell cranks from said said carriage normally in lower case posi pins and move them into engagement with tion but vertically movable relative to said said stops for shiftingsaid platen frame. 120 carriage to upper case position, a latch car 60 . 5. In a typewriting machine, in combina~ ried by said platen frame and engageable tion a carriage, a platen frame mounted in with said'carriage to hold said platen frame said carriage normally in lower case posi and carriage relatively fixed when in lower tion, but vertically movable relative to said case position, said latch being constructed 125 carriage to upper case position, said-frame 65 tobe free from contact with any element being provided with a vertically disposed extraneous to the platen frame during re slot, an adjustable stop on said frame, a turn movement of said frame to permit fric latch comprising a bell crank lever pivot tionless return of the latter. ' ally mounted in said frame, one arm there 130 8 1,426,242 of being in alignment With said slot and crank in engagement with said stop to shift the other arm being in the path of said stop, said platen frame. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set a spring for normally holding the ?rst named arm of said bell crank lever in the my hand in presence of tWo subscribing path of said slot, an element secured to said Witnesses. carriage projecting through the slot, a shift lever for said frame engage-able with said bell crank lever to sequentially release the ?rst named arm from said projecting ele 10' ment and put the other arm ofvsaid bell HEINRICH FRANZ EDMUND BAESELER. Witnesses : > HEINRICH GI'INER, WILHELM BLEsHEN.
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