DECEMBER NEWSLETTER Radix Elementary 2014 Tuesday, December 9 - Friday, December 12, 2014 - PTA Holiday Shop - The Radix PTA will sponsor the Annual Holiday Shop during the school day in room 144. The Holiday Shop will also be open on Thursday evening, December 11th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please see the Holiday Shop Schedule on page 6 of this newsletter. Radix Elementary 363 Radix Road Williamstown NJ 08094 Phone: 856-728-8650 Wednesday, December 10, 2014 - Holiday Concert - Our Annual Holiday Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the school’s All-Purpose Room. The chorus will also perform at assemblies during the day. The daytime assemblies will be held at 9:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, December 23, 2014 – Half Day Schedule- All Monroe Township Public Schools will operate on a half-day schedule. BREAKFAST will be served for those students who participate in the BIC Program. Lunch will not be served. Children in grades 1 to 4 will have an abbreviated snack time during the day. A snack should be sent to school with your child. Please do not send glass bottles or cans. Half-Day Schedule for Students on December 23 - Preschool thru Fourth Grade: Grades 1 - 4 8:55 - 1:20 A.M. Preschool and Kindergarten 8:55 - 11:25 (Regular Schedule) P.M. Preschool and Kindergarten 8:55 - 11:25 (Please be at your bus stop at the time indicated by transportation for morning pick-up) Fax: 856-262-7491 Winter Recess - School Closed - Radix Elementary will be closed from Wednesday, December 24, 2014 thru Friday, January 2, 2015 for the holidays. Schools will reopen on Monday, January 5, 2015. Student Safety Please discuss the importance of the following STATE LAW with your child to ensure their safety. We’re on the Web! See us at: *New Jersey requires school buses to have lap belts or other child restraint systems that meet federal standards and certain minimum seat back heights. It requires students to wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt while the bus is operating, and relieves school bus owners and operators of liability for a passenger's failure to wear a seat belt if that failure directly results in an injury to the passenger (N.J. Stat. Ann. § 39:3B-10 and § 39:3B-11). MAKE UP PICTURE DAY WILL TAKE PLACE ON JANUARY 7, 2015 – 9:00 AM. Page 2 of 7 "Hats Off" to our Veterans! We raised $930.00 for the GI-Go Fund! “It is one of the beautiful compensations in this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” ~ Ralph Emerson Many staff and students showed their appreciation for our veterans by wearing a hat and/or jeans and donating to this very worthy cause. Thank you to the Radix School Community! September/October Gotcha Ticket Winner The Gotcha Ticket winner for September and October was C.J. from Mrs. Gallagher’s class. C.J. earned his ticket by helping make the black top area safe for recess. C.J. chose to have an extra play time for his class. His class really enjoyed playing soccer, dancing and doing gymnastics. Way to go! We are all so proud of C.J. for leading by example. Page 3 of 7 Radix Student Council The Student Council will be collecting new and gently used winter items for the young and old in the month on December. The items will be donated to the Pfeiffer Community Center to be distributed to local community members in need. “Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room.” A more detailed notice will be sent home with students the first week of December. ~Christine Todd Whitman The birthday book club is a way for you to honor your child on his or her birthday by donating a book to the library. If you are interested in participating, contact your librarian to find out what books are available. Once your chosen book has been ordered, a bookplate will be placed on the inside cover with your child’s name, birth date, and photograph. Your child will be the first to check out his or her book, and will be invited to attend an end of the year thank you celebration Page 4 of 7 BOX TOP WINNERS THE COUNTS ARE IN! Congratulations to the following top earners of each grade level. Each winner is receiving a $10 gift card to Target. Keep clipping and collecting for our school! “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Jacob from Mrs. Fiorentino's class Victoria from Mrs. Temple’s class Kalob from Mrs. Beck’s class Jaidyn from Mrs. McAnulty’s class Nicholas from Mrs. Haldeman’s class Thank you very much for all of your support! Wishing you happiness.” - Helen Keller We are happy to announce the 100th Day of School Box Tops contest... 1. The student that collects the most Box Tops for the entire school will win a $100 Wal-Mart gift card that will be presented by Mrs. Rumpf on the 100th day of school. 2. The classroom that collects the most Box Tops will be presented with the “Traveling Trophy” to keep in their classroom until the next contest. A Trophy Cutout will also be placed on the door of the winning classroom! BoxTopsaredueJanuary16,2015 A reminder will be sent home for the contest's due date. Expired Box Tops cannot be counted. Page 5 of 7 RADIX ELEMENTARY PTA WE ARE FAMILY Thank you to the following parents and teachers for attending our November 18, 2014 PTA meeting. Nicole DiGiamberardino Jen Barbuto Beth Green Kathy McKinney Dawn Benyola Jodi Deery Edwina Nasatka Roseann Johnson Carrie Litty Vanessa Clark Sarah Myers Chris Keller Karen Carino Kathleen Beck Tricia Bradley Lisa Giffin Janelle Krier Ellen Gallagher Kathy Chaouch Donna Furdyna Dana Kozak Shara Richardson Ashley Rosser Kelly Goneau Tracy Temmallo Brie Adams Stacy Conrad Ricky Krier Raeanne Straub Diane Stanford Nicole DiPalma Katie Dobias Rhonda Barry “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” ~ Lao Tzu Important Message Regarding Recess … Please continue to make sure your child wears proper shoes and jackets. Your children will continue going outside for recess, as the weather progressively gets colder. Often times, some children are not dressed appropriately for the cold conditions. Please be cognizant of the predicted afternoon temperatures as you send your child off to school. It is also advisable to dress them in layers (i.e. t-shirt and sweatshirt or sweater) each day since classroom temperatures vary throughout the building. Children who are uncomfortable because they are too hot or too cold will naturally focus their attention on their uncomfortable feelings, which in turn, affects their ability to focus on learning. Page 6 of 7 9:15-9:35 9:40-10:00 10:05-10:25 10:30-10:50 10:55-11:15 11:20-11:40 11:45-12:05 12:35-12:55 1:00-1:20 1:25-1:45 1:50-2:10 2:15-2:35 2:40-3:00 TUESDAY 12/9 Carino AM AM PK Fiorentino AM Marcovecchio-1 Goneau-2 Byrd-3 Symonds-3 Carino PM Fiorentino PM Streahle-3 PM PK Wednesday 12/10 Sanfilippo-1 Jones-1 Riggins-2 Costill-3 Holman-1 Clark-2 McAnulty-3 Shaw-3 Berger-3 Thursday 12/11 Sulzbach AM Szollosy-3/4 Gallagher-4 Temple-1 Stow-3 Banks-4 Giagunto-4 Zale-1 Beck-2 Sulzbach PM Haldeman-4 Temmallo-4 Liszewski-4 FRIDAY 12/12 OPEN FOR MAKE-UPS UNTIL 12:05 PM CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED *THE HOLIDAY SHOP WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING FROM 6:008:00 PM (WITH A SPECIAL VISIT FROM SANTA!) RADIX ELEMENTARY’S 24th ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015 CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS 2015 Barrett O’Meara Phomsavath Dinenberg Fiorentino Carino Sulzbach Zale Holman Jones Sanfilippo Temple Costill Marcovecchio Beck Clark Symonds Stow Goneau Riggins Streahle Berger Byrd Shaw McAnutly Temmallo Szollosy Banks Giagunto Gallagher Liszewski Hald/Gryck Baby Love Kiss the Chef Let's Color Hole in One Chips & Dip Stock My Pantry It's A Wrap Just For Boys Mani Pedi Movies & Munchies Snow Day Road Trip Book Worm Breakfast Club Pool Party Let’s Have a Sundae Scrapbook Memories Coffee Talk Candles Galore Sweet Tooth Let It Go Soup For The Soul Get Ready for School Just For Mom Death By Chocolate Phightin’ Phils Pretzelmania Desk Top Just For Dad Keep Calm &Camp Mrs. Clean Snack Attack (One Basket Only) (One Basket Only) (One Basket Only) (One Basket Only) Dirty Laundry Family Game Night Backyard Barbeque Sports Fanatic Taco Tuesday The Cat's Meow Stud Muffin Let's Tailgate Hot Wheels The Write Stuff Hammer Time Terrific Teeth Salad Bowl Hair Raising Fly Eagles Fly What the Doctor Ordered Sleepover Let's Be Crafty Puppy Love It’s A Puzzle Tea Time Pasta Night (One Basket Only) Summertime Sizzle Cookie Crumbles Baker’s Dozen Bathing Beauty Through The Grapevine
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