St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Our Parish Mission: We are a welcoming, loving, growing family called by Christ to share, experience, and celebrate God’s presence and loving redemption. Weekend Masses: Sat. 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm Sun. 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm (Noon) Confessions: 3:15 pm Sat., 1st Fridays 7:30 am Daily Masses: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 am Eucharistic Exposition: Tues. 8:30-9:30 am, Fri. 8:30-3:00 pm 5323 E CR 462, Wildwood, FL 34785 Telephone (352)-330-0220 Fax (352) 748-6106 Web site— E-mail— The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Clergy Fr. Pedro (Peter) Puntal, Pastor …………….330-0220 Fr. Howard King, Retired Fr. Ron Oser, Retired Fr. Vitalis Ozokpor, Prison Chaplain Deacon Dana McCarthy …………………... 750-9875 Deacon Dan Miller ………………………... 753-1996 Deacon Byron Otradovec, T.O. Carm …….. 330-0775 Deacon Daniel Pallo ………………………..391-9338 Deacon Richard F. Radford, Ed.D.….............430-4634 Deacon Greg Senholzi ……………….……..350-6345 Deacon Claude Curtin Deacon Joe Mador Deacon Pius Gabriel Deacon Frank Campione (retired) Parish Office Hours Mon.-Thur. 8:30-3:00 pm, Friday 8:30-12:00 noon Thank you for respecting these times. December 28, 2014 Parish Contacts Business Manager….………….……...Cindi Van Nostrand Accountant .……………….…...…….………. Lee Valente Office Manager…………………….…………Kelli Hezlep Administrative Assistant…………………Carmen Kreeger Receptionist……………….…...……….Joyce Prendergast Maintenance................................................John Desmarais Maintenance………………….……...……..Todd Besecker Maintenance………………………………...Jay Barrientes Maintenance………………………………….Jerry Rosine Director of Faith Formation……..Frank Webber 643-7017 Associate Director of Faith Formation….…....Linda Dykas Director of Liturgy Comm...Dn. Dana McCarthy 750-9875 Choir Director ………….…….Dean Pattow 352-459-1514 Music Director….……….…Dawn DiNome 646-236-9759 Outreach Ministry M,Tu,Th 10a-2p by appt. only…...... 689-0129 Food Pantry 210 Wonders St., Wildwood…….... 689-0129 Open: 2nd & 4th Fridays, 10-12 Our Mother’s Attic Resale Shop……….…….…..689-0128 Hours: M-F 10-4, Sat 10-2 ... 115 S. Main St. (U.S.301), Wildwood Ministries, Club & Community Support Altar Servers ………….................Bob Rizzi 399-5041 & Paul Danis 750-0440 Bereavement Ministry of Consolation ….……Carmen Lopez-Aquino 751-7052 Building Committee ………………….…………..……...Frank Kosa 753-5849 Caring Neighbors Ministry ………….………………..Faith Vitolano 391-5187 Choir ……………………………………….…..….Dean Pattow 352-459-1514 Council of Catholic Women…………………….………...Sue Miller 748-0015 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ….......Jim Wilson 352-353-0465 Food Pantry …………………………..Betty Anne & Thom Horning 751-7034 Faith Formation ………………….………………...…Frank Webber 330-0220 Filipino Ministry………………………..…Merly Soliven-Lavengco 753-6086 Finance Committee…………….……………….............Jerry Rourke 751-3055 Knights of Columbus ………….……………………....Mike Grindel 753-4805 Library Helpers ……………….……………….……......Jane Nelson 751-4547 Ministers to the Sick ………….……………….………. Mary Wresh 748-3639 Money Counters ………………..……………….……..Lorna Powell 753-9470 New Parishioner Welcoming……………..………….Gerry Haggerty 205-8182 Nursing Home Mass Helpers ……………..…….…..Crestina Vaught 751-4892 Office Helpers...………………….…..………………....Kelli Hezlep 330-0220 Our Mother’s Attic (resale shop) ……..………….…..Michael Leahy 689-0128 Outreach Ministry…..…………………..………….…...Sheila Duffy 430-3761 Readers…………………………………………...........Sally Thomas 751-4713 Respect Life……………………………………………Marge Farrell 430-1261 Sacristans…………………………………………......Carol Jakubiak 430-0923 SVDP Senior Singles Club………………………….Marlene Ferrero 753-2212 Soup Kitchen ….……………………………………..……….Audrey 750-2925 Spiritual Friendship Club ……….……………..….Mariagnes Moran 205-8966 Tech Group……..……………….……………………..Bob Carberry 259-1305 Ushers…………………………...………………....Gil Van Nostrand 430-0004 Sacraments Baptisms: Please ar r ange with the parish office to attend a seminar and schedule a baptism. Reconciliation: 3:15 pm Sat, 1st Fridays 7:30-8:00 am. Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. Sacrament of the Sick: The Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) is available after Mass and upon request. Communion brought to the Sick: Please call our Ministers to the Sick Coordinator. Marriage: Contact the Pastor a minimum of four months prior. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne to church, in consideration for those people with allergies or illnesses, especially those receiving chemotherapy, who cannot tolerate scents. Thank you! Church Calendar & Activities In Memory of Doris Sequin by Dennis & Denise Lyonnais To request The Sanctuary Lamp, Please contact the Office at 330-0220 MASS SCHEDULE December 27 — January 4, 2015 CHURCH ACTIVITIES CALENDAR *For reservations, call the office: 330-0220. *ch=church; cp=choir practice; sh=social hall; m=ministry room; k=kitchen; conf=confessional; o=office; b=back office; library=l; hospitality=h; pl=parking lot; WCC=Wildwood Comm. Center Saturday, December 27 - Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist Rosary 8:30-9a ch Reconciliation 3:00-3:45p ch Sunday, December 28 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Monday, December 29 - Fifth Day within the Octave Of the Nativity of the Lord Rosary 8:30-9a ch Filipino Choir Practice 12-2p cp KOC Practice 5-7p sh Tuesday, December 30 - Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord Rosary 8:30-9a ch Holy Hour 8:30-9:30a ch Wednesday, December 31 - Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord Rosary 8:30-9a ch Thursday, January 1 - The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Solmnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Rosary 8:30-9a ch Church Office Closed All Day First Friday, January 2 - Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors Confessions 7:30-8a sh Rosary 8:30-9a ch Eucharistic Adoration 8:30a-3p ch Divine Mercy Devotions 2:30-3p ch Filipino Mass & Pot Luck 6-8p ch/sh First Saturday, January 3 - Christmas Weekday The Most Holy Name of Jesus Rosary 8:30-9a ch Reconciliation 3-3:45p ch Sunday, January 4 - The Epihany of the Lord Faith Formation-Teen Ministry 6-8p Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun 8:00a 4:00p 6:00p 8:00a 10:00a 12:00p 8:00a 8:00a Daily Mass Fr. Puntal Fr. Ozokpor Fr. Puntal Fr. Puntal Fr. King Daily Mass Daily Mass † Avelino Cortes Kalil & DeLoura families † Walter Pecenco Murphy Family Parishioners' Intentions † Eugene O'Connor † Catherine Lawrence † Patricia Kiggins Sager & Cardaneo 8:00a Daily Mass families 4:00p Fr. Puntal Parishioners' Intentions 8:00a Fr. King † Stu Sanders 10:00a Fr. Puntal † Jimmy Sanchez 12:00p 8:00a 8:00a 4:00p 6:00p 8:00a 10:00a 12:00p Fr. Oser Daily Mass Daily Mass Fr. Puntal Fr. Ozokpor Fr. King Fr. Puntal Fr. Puntal † † † † † Evelyn Sheffield James Noonan Alfred Burch Tricia Tellep Mary Creed Parishioners' Intentions † Grace Fariello † Frank Kilroy Off-site Mass Intentions Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015 † Jerry Pertoso Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015 † Kathleen Fleming † Rev. Raymond Fournior SM † Rev. Gerry Pelletier SM Weekly Readings Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29 -- 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29- 34 Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Prayer PRAYERGROUPS If you are in need of the Anointing of the Sick or confessions at home, please call the office for a priest visit. Emmanuel Charismatic Prayer Group: Meets each Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall. Everyone is invited to attend and experience the movement of the Holy Spirit, with song, praise & worship. For info call Marge DuBuc 248-2556154 or Terry DeLucia 751-1762. Marian Servants of the Word Incarnate: Please contact Mary Jane Haggerty at 205-8182. Please visit our website at: Small Christian Communities: Meets twice monthly with focus on the Gospel and exploring personal faith journeys through prayer, discussion and Christian fellowship. Information Night: 1/12/2015, St. Vincent Social Hall, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Please contact Connie Accurso at 750-3130. St. Therese Lay Carmelite Community: These lay Catholics belong to the Carmelite Order and follow the Rule of Carmel, living the Gospel and following the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Elijah. Formation is provided. Jackie Harig can be reached at 446-0445. Please pray for our ill parishioners: Please pray for our recently deceased: Norma Reineke Jean Mooney Skip Owens Charlie Buck Nora Zapata Thomas Folchi Bill Russ Vincent Capasso Anne Klonicke Michael Munch Rhonda Herbert Cheever Ralph Trondle Jim Reiner Carole Fuerst Paul Marino Jeanine Stringer Ann Tedesco Durr Jack Hott Felicia Ausbury Shirley Winnert Ralph Kaniewski Rita Pultorak Carol Lee Murray Terrie Hall Paul Smith Edward Fisk Dr. Benjamin Delgado Evelyn Sheffield Ted McCully Holy Communion EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Tues: 8:30 am—9:30 am; Fri: 8:30 am—3:00 pm Please come and spend some quiet, prayerful time with the Lord. Adoration, Rosary, and Benediction following the 8 AM Mass Tuesday & Friday For info or to schedule an hour on Friday to spend with the Blessed Sacrament, please contact Gerry & Mary Jane Haggerty at 352-205-8182 or Walk-in adorers are welcome at any time. For the Homebound Our Ministers to the Sick bring the Eucharist to the homebound and those in care facilities who are not able to come to Mass. If you or a relative would like the Eucharist brought to your home or nursing home, please call our Ministry to the Sick Coordinator, Mary Wresh 748-3639. If you would like to serve the Lord by bringing Him to our homebound parishioners, please call Mary Wresh at 748-3639. Our Ministers to the Sick attend special training so they are confidently prepared and can focus on the Eucharist and our parishioner during their visit. At the Hospital When you or a loved one is in the hospital, please inform the staff at registration or later that you are Catholic and would like to be on the Catholic list so Chaplains and Ministers to the Sick know you are there and can visit you. Anointing of the Sick If you or a family member is in need of an anointing of the sick, please call the church office. Stewardship Attendance - December 13-14, 2014 Saturday 4:00 6:00 Immaculate Conception Sunday 986 474 8:00 - 670 8:00 10:00 10:00 - 435 660 825 12:00 - 444 Noon Total Total 807 3,752 1,549 Weekly Collection - December 13-14, 2014 Offertory Building Fund Immaculate Conception $28,682.50 $ 9,785.82 $ 4,462.80 What is the Building Fund? Our Catholic Appeal 2014 Did you know? Your gifts to Our Catholic Appeal help others to encounter Christ. As a result of your gifts to Our Catholic Appeal, our local Church forms faithful and knowledgeable teachers who have a deep commitment to Jesus Christ and a strong love for the Church. Our Catholic Appeal supports the Office of Faith Formation, which oversees the Diocesan Catechist Certification Program (DCCP), the official faith formation program for all catechists in the Diocese of Orlando. Annually the DCCP serves over 1,800 people in various catechetical ministries and offers courses that range from the basics of Catholic theology to more advanced studies in scripture, sacraments, and liturgy. For more information on how the Diocese serves our catechists, please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 407-246-4912. Please visit online. to make a gift Please remember that our parish goal is $336,601. We have collected $306,216 which is 91.0% of our goal. We have 1,254 family participation which is 51.8% of our goal. Please consider contributing. Once we have achieved our goal, the majority of additional funds will be returned to our parish to support our own local needs. This year, we will commit our parish over-goal dollars to the building fund. Donations received in the second collection, “Building Fund,” are used to support the new church and furnishings, the expansion as well as the future building needs and renovations for our parish including but not limited to updating the infrastructure of the existing church and parking. Many thanks to those who regularly support the St. Vincent de Paul Building Fund. Save Time and Donate Online! Our parish now uses an Online Giving system called WeShare. This allows you to make your donations without writing a check each week. You can set up a recurring weekly or monthly payment, allocate different amounts for our different collections, and view complete, accurate financial records at any time. It saves all of us time and is a win-win for our parish! Those who wish to continue to use traditional methods of offering may do so; however, we ask that you prayerfully consider Online Giving. If you would like to enroll, please visit our website and click online contributions. For questions about the program or setting up your account, or for our help with setting up your donation(s), please don't hesitate to call our parish office at 352-330-0220. A STEWARDSHIP PRAYER for December Lord, As we journey through this Advent season, give us the wisdom to be good stewards of this time of grace, a time to be more prayerful, to listen more intently to Your Word; a time to allow our faith to grow and mature. Show us how to give witness to your Good News more fervently among our families, friends and those with whom we worship. Help us be more aware of those who are poor, lonely or suffering; and to serve them as if we were serving You. And fill our hearts with hope, so that we may make straight Your path with confidence and zeal, and prepare for the joy of Your coming! We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen (Courtesy of International Catholic Stewardship Council) Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation Faith Formation classes for grades K-8 are on Wednesday evenings. Our High School program meets on Sunday nights from 6-8pm. The teen ministry will not meet on Dec. 28. It will continue on January 4. Our teens, who sorted the donations, would like to thank you for all the gifts donated to the children’s tree. Your generosity was awesome! Liturgy of the Word for Children is on Sunday at the 10:00 am Mass. The Youth Ministry Program Wishes all the youth and families of the parish a Blest and Peace filled Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our fellowship activities and ministry will not meet on December 28, and continue again on January 4th! Children’s Tree The children and youth of our Faith Formation Program sponsored a “Children’s Tree” which was in the narthex during Advent. The purpose was to encourage our parish families to make donations to help the less fortunate. It was decorated with ornaments made by each class and served as a place of special collections each weekend of Advent. THANK YOU for joining with our Faith Formation Families in reaching out to others. Over the last four weeks of Advent your many donations contributed to the well being of many through the following organizations and others: Hands of Mercy Everywhere (Hope House-Faith House) and Interfaith Ministries/Ocala Forest Shelter, Toys for Tots (The Villages Marine Corps League) and Arbor House Nursing Home in Wildwood (sponsored by our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry to the Sick/Home Bound.) May God bless you abundantly for your generosity and keep you in His loving care through the coming year! Thank you again and God Bless! Friends are always Welcome WOMEN OF GRACE: A Catholic Study for Women ADULT FAITH FORMATION Information and Registration Session at St. Vincent de Paul Church “SYMBOLON:” Part Two - During the ten sessions of Part One of Symbolon– Knowing the Faith we walked thru the “big picture” of the Catholic Faith using the Creed as our guide. Now in the ten sessions of Part Two– Symbolon, Living the F aith, we will turn our attention to how we encounter God in the sacraments, and the moral life. We will begin in January meeting 34:30pm on Jan. 6, 20, Feb. 3, 10, 17, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 31, and Apr. 7. The first session is THE SACRAMENTS: Baptism, & Confirmation. To register please provide your name(s) and contact information (phone no. & email address) to or call Frank Webber at 643-7017. Bible Study will not meet on Wednesday, Dec. 31. Sessions will resume January 7. All are welcome! SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES (SCC): Our faith-sharing groups focus on the Gospel for the following weekend and on exploring personal faith journeys. A demo of this faith sharing experience will be presented on January 12th at 6:30pm. See the next page for more details. THURSDAY—JANUARY 15, 2015 1:30 to 2:30PM Learn how you can embrace your gift of authentic femininity and dignity as a daughter of God. Based on Johnnette Benkovic’s book, Full of Grace, Women and the Abundant Life. In this 9 week foundational study you will explore prayer, Sacred Scripture, Church documents and teachings, the Catechism, the lives of women saints and the example of our Blessed Mother. You’ll become better equipped to fulfill your call and mission as a Woman of Grace in the world today. Study dates: Thur sdays, 3:30 to 5:30 pm January 29 to March 26, 2015. Facilitator: Nancy Elhajj, For mor e infor mation, contact 609-263-1558 or Lighthouse Catholic Media (LCM): Please check out our new expanded Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the narthex. You may find something new that will help you strengthen your faith or to send to a family member or friend. The costs for the materials are: CDs-$3.00, Booklets - $2.00, Books - $4.00, and pamphlets are $0.50. The proceeds from these items allow us to purchase more resource material. Director of Faith Formation: Frank Webber, 352-643-7017 or Assoc. Dir. of Faith Formation: Linda Dykas, 352-643-7018 or Parish Happenings Holy Day Mass Schedules for December A warm welcome to our newly registered parishioners. We are pleased to have you worshipping with us. December 31 - Solemnity of Mary Vigil 4 PM January 1 - Solemnity of Mary 8 AM, 10 AM, & 12 PM (Noon) Sacred Silence Please utilize the Narthex for talking and reserve the church for reflection and prayer. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Bill & Jackie Herzog Mary Hilke Thomas Machowski Wayne & Judy Moniz Carol Quaglia Maribel Rodriguez Bob & Barb Simons Hymnal Dedication Intentions We are pleased to offer to the Parish an opportunity to dedicate one or more of these hymnals, in honor of, or in memory of a loved one. A $25.00 donation per hymnal will provide one dedication intention, which will be affixed to the inside front cover of the hymnals. The hymnal will then be placed in the Church for use by the parish. If you are interested in dedicating one or more hymnals, please pick up an order form in the vestibule / Narthex and return to the parish office along with your payment. Passion & Purpose With Matthew Kelly February 7, 2015, 9AM – 1:30PM. We have books in our parish library written by Matthew Kelly. Please come see the selection. Purchase Your Tickets after all Masses Jan 3 - 4, and online at Parish Happenings Volunteers Needed - Make A Difference Money Counters & Verifiers needed to assist with the money verification process. If you are interested please contact Lorna Powell at (352) 753-9470. Our Mother’s Attic is in need of volunteers to assist at the Resale store. Can you spare three hours per week to help us help others? Any day of the week either 10-1pm or 1-4pm would be greatly appreciated. Contact Mike Leahy at 352-689-0128 for more information. CCW News The next meeting for the Council of Catholic Women is January 27, 2015, in the Social Hall. Fellowship at 1 p.m., meeting at 1:30 pm. Bring a friend! Be sure to check the minutes of our meetings, and the monthly newsletters on the church website for more information. Paper copies of our newsletters can be found in the entrance area of our church. The Knights of Columbus Council 13300 meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of the month in the church social hall. Visiting Brother Knights and transfers are welcome. For information on becoming a Knight, transferring your membership to our council or activating an inactive status, please conSVDP Senior Singles Club Tuesday January 20, 2015, 5 p.m., Chefs of Napoli, III, Rt. 301 North. Reservations: Call Barbara at 941-3506019. Any questions regarding this information, please contact Marlene 753-2212. OUR MOTHER’S ATTIC Resale shop benefiting the Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry and local Outreach programs. Hours: Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm; Sat 10am -2pm. Drop-offs should be made 1 hour prior to closing. For pick up of large items, please call 689-0128. Location: 115 S. Main Street (Rt. 301) in downtown Wildwood. The shop is a small, cream-colored building located two stores north of “The Red Door” store and across from “Kuhn Chiropractic.” Non-clothing Donations: Furniture, home décor, kitchen items, children’s items, linens, etc. “Help Us Help Others” with Donations or Purchases” We will be closed from December 24, and will reopen January 2, 2015. Joy to the World, the Lord is Come! OUTREACH AND FOOD PANTRY May Christ give you and your families blessings during the Christmas Season and throughout the New Year. Thank You for remembering our less fortunate neighbors during Advent. Your donations of non perishable food, checks, and gifts for the Angel Tree show that you care about our less fortunate neighbors in Wildwood and the surrounding area. Just as the Magi brought gifts to the Christ Child and St. Nicholas gave gifts to children, we are remembering God's gift to us. As St. Francis of Assisi said, " For it is in giving that you receive." Our clients and volunteers appreciate your donations, especially during the Christmas season. The Outreach office and pantry is located in downtown Wildwood, across from the city hall at San Pedro Maldonado Mission Church. Clients are seen at the office Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, by appointment, starting at 10am. Our pantry is open to distribute food the second and fourth Friday of the month at 10am. Many hands make our Outreach Ministry work. If you would like to volunteer, please call Sheila or Thom regarding training and where help is needed (Please see ministry page for contact information.) We realize that many charities have been soliciting for donations recently. This year, can you make a resolution to do one or more of the following? • Volunteer and/or donate at Our Mother's Attic. • Collect food monthly at your club or neighborhood and bring it to the pantry. • Bring food to church regularly. • Write a check to St. Vincent de Paul Outreach Ministry/food pantry. Your generosity shows the poor and hungry that God does love them. Helpless and hungry, lowly He lies, Wrapped in the chill of mid-winter; Comes now among us, born into poverty's embrace, new life for the world. Who is this Who lives with the lowly, sharing their sorrow, knowing their hunger? This is Christ, revealed to the world in the eves of a child, a Child of the poor. Scott Soper If you are able to donate food, please consider the following: Non perishable food includes canned meat especially chili, stew, chicken & dumplings, sausages, and ravioli; hot and cold cereal; non refrigerated milk; soup and crackers; canned fruit; canned fruit including baked beans; 1lb packages of rice and pinto beans; and pancake mixes. Please remember that opened and out of date food cannot be distributed. Hygiene and paper products are also appreciated. Parish Happenings and Around the Diocese "The Toast of Tampa” Sweet Adeline chorus (women's barbershop) will perform at the New Covenant Methodist church on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 6:00 pm. This is a dynamic, 120+ a capella group reaching new heights in musical artistry (3rd place International winners last year in Hawaii)--where musical excellence, fun, and inspiration ignite voices in harmony!! Tickets ($15) will be available only through The Villages Box Offices beginning on December 18. Please join us for an outstanding evening of wonderful entertainment." Cancer Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month @ 9:30am @ St. Timothy’s Catholic Church, Parish Hall, Rm. 3. This is a nondenominational group and all cancer patients, survivors, care-givers and friends are welcome. For additional information, please call Dr. Hector Morales 430-2120, Michele Brady 566-7160 or Betty Anderson 753-4068. Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet - If anyone is interested in praying the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet please contact Joanne La Neve at (352) 391-1921. Join the Vivos Christi Society Vivos Christi Society is our Bishop’s way of celebrating the generosity of Catholic friends who are providing for the future of the Church through a planned gift. Have you remembered your parish, a Catholic school or a ministry of the Diocese of Orlando in your will or estate plans? If so, Bishop Noonan would welcome the opportunity to honor you as a member. Please contact Ed Wardle, Director of Donor Relations at 407-246-7193 or email The Way, The Truth and The Life Bishop John Noonan announced an educational initiative to help the faithful understand the teachings of the Catholic Church as they relate to the important issues of our time, such as issues of life, marriage and freedom. Respect Life Prayer Group Gathering Please come pray with us at the Ocala Women’s Center, 108 SW Pine Ave, in Ocala. We will be praying to help mothers who are contemplating abortion to make the right decision. Each Saturday at 10:00 a.m. a group of Prayer Warriors gather to pray in front of the clinic. The St. Vincent de Paul parish will be represented on the 2nd Saturday of each month. We will be leaving the church parking lot about 9:00 a.m. If you wish to volunteer with this group or have any questions, please call Marge Farrell at (352)-430-1261. Small Christian Communities Information Night Enrich your faith life, pray, discuss the gospel, and socialize. Focus on God and what is important in your life. Experience what a Small Christian Community is all about Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m., St. Vincent de Paul Social Hall. Registration required before January 7, 2015; contact Connie Accurso: 352-750-3130 ( or email Frank Webber at: Come Pray for our Troops at Veterans Park A prayer group for our troops meets every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. at Veterans' Memorial Park in Spanish Springs. The group has been meeting for 8 years, and the main purpose is so the people don't forget our soldiers. The names of any soldier who has lost their life in the past week are read. Then a list is read of approximately 150 men and women who are now overseas and at home. Then the group says prayers for the safety of the soldiers and their families. At the end, we sing a patriotic song. After the meeting there is a fellowship breakfast at Too Jays in Spanish Springs. Everyone is welcome. It is only 20-30 minutes of your time. The troops need to be remembered; they give us so much. This initiative is called “The Way, The Truth and The Life” and the Diocese of Orlando has prepared educational materials such as videos, pastoral letters, study guides and resources from the Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. You are invited to an Inspiration Concert The materials are available for you to help you enkindle a deeper faith and to help you focus your life on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These materials will hopefully be shared and viewed by all so that important principles of our faith will be explained, understood and lived. Please view the videos at: Date: Sunday, January 18, 2015 Time: 3:00 PM Tickets: $20.00 in advance Location: Saint Paul’s Catholic Church 1330 Sunshine Avenue Leesburg, Florida 34748 Information: 352-787-6354 Mark Forest Concert Acclaimed Irish Tenor Performed for Pope John Paul ll And in Carnegie Hall AROUND THE DIOCESE Parish Happenings and Around the Diocese The Lazarus Free Medical Clinic is open Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call for appointment 352-748-4567. It is located at 210 Wonders St. in Wildwood. Abierta Los Martes Y Jueves. Por favor llamar al numero 352-748-4567 para una cita. St. Timothy's Gift Shop -The Villages, Lady Lake St. Timothy's Gift Shop has had a "FACE-LIFT" and we look like a brand new Shop!! Our Gift Shop is overflowing with lots of lovely NEW things for ALL occasions. Come in early to see and get the best selection or just to look around for that special something. Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 9 to 12:00p.m. Saturday before & after 4:00 mass Sunday after 7, 9 & 11:00 mass We look forward to seeing each and every one of you. Any questions please call Pat Crowdis-Gift Shop Coordinator (352) 259-7822. All are Welcome to a Free Concert - St. Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church, 7081 SE Hwy 42 (between Rte 301 and 441), Summerfield, Florida. Singer James Kilbane (pronounced kil-BAN) a leading performer in Ireland is returning to perform a special Country & Gospel Concert Friday - January 9, 2015, 7:00 PM - Door open at 6:00 PM. James is an experienced performer and tours regularly at home and abroad with his country influenced gospel and faith based events. An enjoyable and enter taining night is assured. Vendors Wanted: St. Theresa’s Church, Hwy 301, Belleview, is looking for people selling unique items, arts & crafts for our First “WINTER FEST” to be held on St. Mark the Evangelist grounds (Rte 42, Summerfield), Friday January 16th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. & Saturday, January 17th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please call and come by the office Monday thru Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to pay and sign up. Outdoor 12x12ft spots (on grass) or 9x17 paved for two days are $55. Larger spots available. (No tables or tents will be supplied). Hurry, they are going fast! For further info, call 245-2458. St. Jude Catholic Church is sponsoring a 12-day pilgrimage to Italy which includes a general audience with Pope Francis, April 13-24, 2015. $3,995/person. www.unitourscom/client/FrSaadeItalyPilgrimagepdf. A flyer with travel information is available from St. Jude’s Parish Office. “Saints and Miracles Italy Pilgrimage” departs from the Orlando International Airport. Saints of Spain Tour: June 11-21, 2015 Contact Fr. Hoyer at 954-854-0079 or the tour agency at 1-800-242-4122. The Rialto Theater has created a Facebook page exclusively for faith-based movies. Visit them at To Donate Clothing: Organizations in need of lightweight clothing include: St. Timothy’s St. Vincent de Paul Society in Lady Lake 4th Thur. from 7-11am 753-0989, and St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Leesburg, 787-3388, and St. Theresa in Belleview, 245-0650. Diocese of Orlando News Rachel's Vineyard: Offer s r etr eats for any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. For information contact or 407-246-4819. Airport Mass Times: at Orlando International AirportSunday at 8:15 am & noon and Holy Days at noon. The chapel is behind security for Gates 1-59. Mass attendees must have a boarding pass. Bishop Noonan opens Twitter account: Bishop Noonan believes we are called to put technology to good use by sharing the Good News. To follow Bishop Noonan on Twitter, search his handle @BishopNoonan on Vatican YouTube site: Natural Family Planning: The Diocese of Orlando Office of Family Life and Pastoral Care invites you to learn more about Natural Family Planning (NFP). Please visit for information. Join Catholic Charities: A var iety of volunteer oppor tunities are available for all ages and interests. During our 50th anniversary year, all service performed contributes to our 50,000 Hours of Service Challenge. Visit or call 888-658-2828. Catholic Community Television: Networ k br oadcasting from Central Florida on Sundays: Brighthouse channel 19, Comcast channel 17, Direct TV & Dish, channel 45. EWTN Sunday Mass, 8 am & 12 pm: Comcast channel 243, Direct TV channel 370, Prism channel 562. The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Visit for more information. St. Vincent de Paul Society of Orlando Vehicle Donation Program - Accepting used vehicles. For information, please visit or call 1-800-3228284. All donations are tax deductible. Retrouvaille If your mar r iage has become tr oubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring; if you have grown cold and distant; even if you are divorced or separated, or are thinking about it; Retrouvaille can help. It has helped thousands. Not counseling or group therapy. And please check our website at Sometimes things can go very wrong in a marriage. Retrouvaille is a program to help heal and support married couples experiencing difficulties, couples broken, lonely and hurting. It’s also for couples who have separated or divorced and want to try again. Our next program begins Jan 23-25, 2015. For more information and registration, call 352-274-4614. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. Advertiser of the Week: Jewelers Gold in Art We appreciate the advertisers in our bulletin.
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