Saint Columba 20 14 Catholic Faith Community Diocese of Brooklyn 2245 Kimball Street, Brooklyn, New York 11234-5154 Telephone: (718) 338-6265 Fax: (718) 377-6440 E-mail: Office hours: Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 8 PM Friday: NO regular hours (by appointment only) Saturdays: 10 AM to 5 PM and Sundays: 10 AM to 2 PM Very Rev. Francis J. Hughes, V.F., Pastor Rev. Charles J. Matonti, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Lawrence E. Coyle, RCIA Coordinator Deacon Fred Ritchie, Director of Religious Education Alice Fiato, Administrative Assistant Eucharist Saturdays: 5 PM; Sundays: 8 AM, 10 AM &12 Noon (Summer Schedule: Saturdays: 5 PM; Sundays: 9 AM, 11:30 AM) Holy Days: Vigil at 7:30 PM, & on the Feast at 9 AM & 12 Noon Weekdays (Monday through Saturday): 9 AM Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: following 9 AM Mass each Friday Holy Hour & Benediction: following 9 AM Mass on 1st Fridays Communion for the Homebound For those who are unable to attend Mass and desire to receive Holy Communion - call the parish office Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays: from 4 PM to 4:45 PM, or upon request. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES ALTAR SERVERS: John Agresto – 6th Grade and above. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Paul DePaolo – Communion for homebound. LECTORS: Carolyn DePaolo LITURGY COMMITTEE: Pat Pennea MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT: Lee Ritchie & Barbara Riley. MUSIC MINISTRY: Charles Gelo MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION: Pat Pennea – Funeral Mass planning MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY (USHERS): Pat Pennea CENTERING PRAYER: Paul Moses – Mondays at 7:30 pm PRAYER GROUP: Deacon Larry Coyle SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS PASTORAL PLANNING COUNCIL: John Hayes, President – Suggestion box in Church foyer Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick When one’s health is seriously impaired due to illness, age or injury, a priest should be contacted to administer the sacrament. Baptism Usually, on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Preparations include: pre-registration with a staff member and instructions on the 1st Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM Marriage Arrangements must be made at the Parish Office at least six (6) months before the wedding. Also see Midwood Catholic Academy St. Columba is affiliated with and supports MCA, located at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, 1501 Hendrickson St., 718-377-1800, Mrs. Elena Heimbach, Principal LADIES’ GUILD: Amelia LaLima – 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:45 pm MEN’S CLUB: Charles Gelo – Check bulletin for meeting days and times GOLDEN AGE CLUB: John Gilligan – Thursdays from 12 noon to 3:00 pm BINGO: Joanne Cringle – Mondays at 6:45 pm; Betty Mineo – Tuesdays at 11 am SAINT VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY: Deacon Larry Coyle – Assistance to the needy YOUTH COUNCIL (SPORTS): Bob Sommer (718-951-7665) & Debbie Izzo (718-336-0065) – Athletic programs ages 5 and up BOOK CLUB: Last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Check bulletin for reading selection. OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Wednesdays at 10:00 am RECOVERY, INC.: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER: 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm CATECHETICAL MINISTRIES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Deacon Fred Ritchie – Grades 1 to 8 & Special Needs (718) 253-8840 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Deacon Larry Coyle – Adult Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Paul Moses – Education program including Bible Study and Night at the Movies OUTREACH: Maryann Oliva Welcoming new parishioners and those seeking to return to the Church VOCATIONS COMMITTEE: Deacon Fred Ritchie – For those discerning a call to the ordained or consecrated life ELIZABETH MINISTRY: Ming Lay – Support for expectant parents and young families. Mondays at 10:30 am YOUTH MINISTRY: John Agresto – Teenage social and service group, for Grades 6 to 12 For assistance, contact the Parish Office at (718) 338-6265. Daily Mass Intentions DECEMBER 28, 2014 Readings at Mass for the Week: Saturday, December 27 5:00 pm Rosemarie Lanzarone & Lenny Paragallo, by Susie & Manny Gerratano Sunday, December 28 8:00 am Frank Arcoleo, Sr. & Frank Arcoleo, Jr., by Tess & Annmarie Arcoleo 10:00 am Peter Puhalovich, by his daughter 12:00 pm ▪ For All the People of the Parish ▪ John P. Hayes, by his family ▪ the Lenihan & Noble families, by Eileen Noble ▪ John O’Brien, by the officers & members of the Ladies’Guild ▪ Philomena Fasano, by Maryanne Fasano Monday, December 29 9:00 am Carmela Tesoriero, by Marian Tesoriero Tuesday, December 30 9:00 am Richard Hinkelman, by his family Wednesday, December 31 9:00 am Frances, Maryann & Andrew Terzuoli, by Robert Terzuoli 7:30 pm Grace & Raymond Suh & Family, by Robert Terzuoli Thursday, January 1 9:00 am John O’Brien , by Maureen & Bob Sharkey 12:00 pm ▪ For All the People of the Parish ▪ Amelia LaLima, by Loretta Ansbro Friday January 2 9:00 am Amelia LaLima, by Mary Ryan Saturday, January 3 9:00 am Antoinette Prior (Happy Birthday), by Grandma 5:00 pm ▪ For All the People of the Parish ▪ Deceased of the Izzo family, by the Izzo family ▪ Amelia LaLima, by Nancy Izzo & family ▪ Yola Spano, by Sharon Kourt ▪ Patricia Bernadello, by Sharon Kourt Sunday, January 4 8:00 am John O’Brien, by Tess & Annmarie Arcoleo 10:00 am Ciro Battista, by Gladys & Joe DeMarco 12:00 pm Anthony & Frances Cioffi, by Andy & Jeanette & Family Parish Purgatorial Society -- In addition to our Mass Intentions, you may remember your loved ones by enrolling them in the Purgatorial Society. Enrollees are remembered at a monthly mass for a full year. Four Memorials for any intentions are available each week through the Rectory Office. They are (each for the entire week): An Offering For: ■ Ringing of the Bells ■ the Sanctuary Lamp ■ Altar Flowers ■ Hosts & Wine Ringing of the Bells: in memory of Richard Hinkelman, by his family Host & Wine: in memory of Deceased members of the Rella & Oliva Families, by their Families Vocation Corner -- The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph -- December 28, 2014 Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, ‘This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed. If you may be one of those destined to the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life, call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454, or email: Think about it, pray over it, and contact Deacon Fred in the Religious Education Office at (718)253-8840, or by email at The rewards are heavenly! Sunday, Dec. 28 Sir 3:2-14; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2:22-40 Monday, Dec. 29 1 Jn 2:3–11; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday, Dec. 30 1 Jon 2:12-17; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday, Dec. 31 Thursday, Jan. 1 Friday, Jan. 2 Saturday, Jan. 3 Sunday, Jan. 4 1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:822-28; Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29— 3.6; Jn 1:29 –34 Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-6; Mt 2:1-12 Readings are also available at the Bishops’ website: OUR CIRCLE OF PRAYER -- Please Pray for the Sick: Mary Aiello Susan Alloca Debra Anduaga Fern Arcieri Theresa Arcoleo Nicole Angelo John Arroyo Christian Banker Jacqueline Banker Rose Barbaro Patricia Batack Butch Bowler Meado Bronson John Burke Suzanne Burns Regina Buthorn Grace Butler Pierce Butler Connie Cancello Carmela Canonico Tom Caporale Julie Caragiulo Cosmina Caruso Baby Anthony M. Cicolello Nikki Coe William Cohen Dennis Cook Bridget Colliery Joan Collins Peggy Connelly David Conti Diane Crisply Salvatore Cyprian Rose Cyprian Vicky De Gruccio Gay Delzezcchia Al Dobbs Dorothy Dobbs Lisa Donofrio Denise Esposito Robert V. Esposito Sienna Ferrugio Margaret Finn Kristine Fitzpatrick Lucia Funaro Frank Gambaro Frank Gelo Damian Gonzalez Luz Gonzalez-Carlson Linda Guglielmo Julia Hansen Cassandra Henry Marie Honchaurk Eileen Humel Gilda Ida Gianna Jara Marge Jasman Cheryl Joseph Michael Joseph Logan Kaplan Lorraine Keogh Andreya Laguerre Marie LaVine Jennifer Lemon Jonathan Michael Lemon Blanche Lenihan Courtney Lentini Mark Lewis Michelle Lopresti Karen Lyons Séan Mahon Madelyn Mahony H. Manning Andrea Martin Cheyenne McCloud Daniel Mellone Carmen Mende Gemma Mignano Steve Mignano Nicholas Murad John Nellis Christy Noonan Arthur Nuriele Larry O’Grady Fr. John O’Holohan, S.J. Chioma Okpara Charlotte O’Leary Bettina Ortiz Joanne Parasole Alice Pennea Pat Perkins Donna Pimpinella Susan Proietti George Raphael Basia Recko Kate Reinke Linda Rhatigan Doris Rochford Joan Rochford John Joseph S. Denise Santanella Breanna Sarubbi Casey Sarubbi Jonathan Sarubbi Shelly Schechter Stu Selmon Jeanne Silva Eileen Szweader Romolo Testa Judy Thomas Ann Thompson Margaret Tobin Armando Tommasso Joanne Musolino Vidal Paul Wein Bob Wilson Margaret Wrede And for the Deceased: Rose Ebro If you would like to have a name added, removed or retained, please call the parish office. Pray daily for the Priests and Deacons of our Diocese: 12/28...Rev. Jose Da Silva 12/29...Rev. Dwayne Davis 12/30...Rev. Msgr. George Deas 12/31...Rev. Louis DeGaetano 1/1…Rev. Felice DeLaura 1/2...Rev. Msgr. John Delendick 1/3...Rev. Anthony Dell’Anno Dcn. Juan Zhagnay Dcn. Walter Zimmermann Dcn. Roberto Abundo Dcn. Ronald Agnant Dcn. Jorge Alvarado Dcn. Felipe Alvarez Dcn. Bryan Amore Please Pray also for Pope Francis THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH Dear Parishioners, New Year’s Eve (or New Year’s Day) is a great time to be in our Father’s house! What better way to end the old year and welcome the new one than by attending Mass for the Holyday! January 1 is when we as a church celebrate the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also known as World Day of Prayer for Peace. What better time than now to honor Mary, our patroness, and to pray for peace! January 1st IS a day of Obligation this year. Our schedule of masses will be as follows: MASSES FOR JANUARY 1st Solemnity of Mary, The Mother of God (a Holy Day of Obligation) Wednesday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve) 7:30 PM Vigil Mass Thursday, January 1 (New Year’s Day) 9:00 AM & 12 noon Mass Rectory Office Hour -- For New Year’s: Wednesday, December 31 -- Open until 12 Noon Thursday, January 1 -- Closed All Day Friday, January 2 -- Office is closed every Friday dear Padre December 28, 2014 How do I teach my children about the works of mercy? I’ve been trying to teach my children about the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Any suggestions? It’s easy to teach young children about the works of mercy as long as you keep it simple and call their attention to what they’re doing. When they set the table and pour drinks, tell them they’re feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. When they bring homework to a sick classmate, they’re visiting the sick. If they go to a funeral, they’re helping bury the dead. When they make up with their siblings after a fight, they bear wrongs patiently and forgive all injuries. Siblings who help each other with their homework are instructing the “ignorant.” Children who soothe someone who’s been hurt comfort the sorrowful. Praying for anyone, living or dead, is a spiritual work of mercy. Listening when someone confides in them is counseling the doubtful. Talking a friend or sibling out of doing something wrong is admonishing the sinner. As your children get older, volunteer as a family with organizations that build homes for low-income families and help the children of prisoners. Performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, whether for each other or with each other, will bring you closer as a family as well as closer to God. FR. RICK POTTS, CSsR © 2013 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: MEMORIALIZED CHRISTMAS TREES We acknowledge, with grateful appreciation, the donation to our Memorial Christmas Tree Program sponsored by the parish Youth Council. The Christmas Trees, at the entrance of the church, were donated in memory of the following, and will remain lit throughout the Christmas Season. Rosemarie Lanzarone & Lenny Paragallo, by Susie & Manny Gerratano Delia & John Ansbro, by Loretta Ansbro Deceased Members of the Youth Council Pedro Gonzalez & Louis Purpura, by wife, children & grandchildren Larry, Pearl & Jimmy & Bobby, by Rita & Rob Gioia John & Louise DePaolo & Margie Donohue, by Paul DePaolo Virginia and John Budzilowicz, by your loving daughters, Linda and Maureen Severino Mazzuchin, Nicolo & Anna Tumminia & Elaine, by Anna & Bob Mazzuchin Anthony DeVitto, by His Wife Cecelia Mae and Frank Izzo & Philomena & Joseph Szal, by Debbie and Ron Izzo Amelia LaLima, by The Ladies’ Guild In Loving Memory of the Barbara & Braganza Families B.C.R. CATHOLIC MINISTRY YOUTH The Youth Ministry of St. Bernard-St. ColumbaResurrection Parishes A place where teens can be with other teenagers and be free to be themselves. For teens in grades 9 through 12 Meets from 6 to 8 PM 1st Sunday at St. Bernard 2nd Sunday at St. Columba 3rd Sunday at Resurrection Contact: Youth Minister, Mel McChesney ( St. Columba COAT DRIVE (in conjunction with the Good Shepherd Catholic Club) GENTLY WORN MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S WINTER COATS WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE ENTRANCE OF CHURCH AT EACH MASS ON THE WEEKEND OF JANUARY 10 AND 11, 2015 THE COATS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO VARIOUS SHELTERS (CHIPS, Bay Family Shelter, Salt & Sea Mission) AND LESS FORTUNATE PARISHES (St. Mary, Star of the Sea). PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS WE THANK THE FOLLOWING PARISHIONERS WHO ADDED TO THE BEAUTY OF OUR CHURCH BY THEIR GENEROUS DONATIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS — 2014 DONATED BY Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gilligan INTENTION Louis & Angela Acito & William & Dot Gilligan Mrs. Joanne DiGiacomo Manfredi, DiGiacomo & Calabrese Families Mr. & Mrs. John Piccirillo Carol Piccirillo Miss Loretta Ansbro Delia & John Ansbro Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krumm For the Intention of Donor Mr. William Rooney Elizabeth Rooney & Francis Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Mazzuchin Elaine & Sal Mazzuchin & Anna & Nick Tumminia Mr. John O’Farrell Patricia Farrell Mrs. John LaFemina John LaFemina Miss Angela Maiorana Mr. & Mrs. John & Mary Grenard, Beloved Grandparents Ms. Joan Schnell Florence & James Schnell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Richards Mei Wen Richards & Terry Fung Ms. Annmarie Arcoleo Frank Arcoleo, Sr. & Frank Arcoleo, Jr., Josephine Lanzotti, Leonard Arcoleo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Dea Tim & Denny Collins Ms. Lydia Migliaccio Anna & Gennaro Migliaccio Ms. Ann O’Dea Mary & Pat O’Dea Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Forrisi Frank D’Amato Mrs. Maureen Sharkey Frank Sharkey Mr. & Mrs. Paul DePaolo John & Louise DePaolo & Margie Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cangelosi Deceased Family Members Mr. & Mrs. John Hayes For the Intention of Donor Mr. Henry Cirino Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cirino Mr. Mrs. Robert Sommer All Family & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Iacovano Assunta & Gennaro Manzo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Malley For the Intention of Donor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gleason Robert Jon Gleason Ms. Lorraine Nigro Rose & Anthony Nigro & Antoinette & Frank Novella Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Devlin Ed Liebowitz Ms. Marie Ciaccio My Family Mrs. Nancy Izzo Marchese & Izzo Families Mrs. Carmela Maiorana Andrea Maiorana Ms. Ann Stefanello Sorrentino & Stefanello Families Mr. Mrs. John Gillespie Quinn & Gillespie Families Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tripoli Frank Tripoli Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mitchell For the Intention of Donor Mrs. Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez & Silvar Families Ms. Linda Ann Bubzelowicz Virginia & John Budzelowicz Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Shults Helen, Tony & Anthony Del Mastro, Freddy & Audrey & Fred Shults Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rotondi Kathy Rippe & Bob Gioia Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cannilla For the Intention of Donor Mrs. C Farley The Farley & Santas Families Savino Family For the Intention of Donor Mrs. John McIntyre For the Intention of Donor Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Coyle Eileen Madden Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pessutti Joseph Cirillo Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Emanuele Emanuelle, Earle & Lamacchia Families Mr. & Mrs. George Lentini Cafiero & Lentini Families Ms. Elizabeth Weber For the Intention of Donor Mr. & Mrs. William Giossi & Family Gahn, Giossi & Cappetta Families Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caporale For the Intention of Donor Mr. Urban Ambrose Johanna & Robert Ambrose DONATED BY Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arnold Mrs. Benjamin Marciano Ms. Patricia Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cahalan Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Palumbo Mr. Dudley Downs Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duffy Mrs. John Pitrelli Ms. Constance DiPalo Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hart Michelle Vixamar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torpey Miss Frances Melanson Mrs. Enes Balzofiore Ms. Rose Angelo Miss Lisa Dunikowski Ms. Jane Isaacson Marie Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. Al Caputo Mrs. Elizabeth Mineo Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mauro Ms. Cecilia Devitto Mrs. Mary Leath Mrs. Kevin Maher Mrs. Eileen Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Criscione Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alberigo Mr. & Mrs. Ray Yuen Mr. & Mrs. DeRicco Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Evangelist Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Gerratano Ms. Miriam Amatrucola Mr. & Mrs. R Pereira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dinneen Mrs. Vincent Stackhouse Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lundy Ms. Cariny Galindo Mr. Julio Morales Mrs. Mary Francis Mr. & Mrs. John Flood Mrs. M. Oliva Ms. Elizabeth Barreras Ms. Rosemarie & Robert Carrera Gabelman Mrs. Richard Yodice Ms. Kay Stackpole Mrs. Jeanie Schneider Ms. Rosina Cordero Mr. Michael Alloca Mrs. Patricia Pennea Mrs. Michael Riley Mrs. A. Bernardini Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cronen Ms. Rosa Castellanos Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hauer Ms. Theresa Modica Ms. Mary Ryan Mary Pokras INTENTION Ruel Lures Marciano & Tokarcyk Families Dolores Sherman Bridget Cahalan For the Intention of Donor Mary B. Downs For the Intention of Donor John Pitrelli John & Carmela DiPalo & Dorothea Buonincontri Petolino & Hart Families Deceased family members Megan Torpey & Joan Fream The Melanson Family Anthony & Arthur Balzofiore For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor Carol Ciappetto Ferraro Family Caputo & Risoli Families For the Intention of Donor Vincent Mauro Frances Loquerigo Family & Friends Kevin Maher Richard Gutierrez For the Intention of Donor Jim Dillon For the Intention of Donor Salvatore Cetta For the Intention of Donor Angelo & Giovanna Gerratano, Lenny Paragallo, Rosemarie Lanazarone For the Intention of Donor Pereira & Abbriano Families Joseph Dinneen Vincent Stackhouse John Malazzo Galindo Family Minerva Morales Anthony Francis Trillo & Flood Families Deceased members of the Rella & Oliva Families Balsamo, Barreras & Laera Families For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor Albina Alloca Bill Pennea Michael Riley For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor For the Intention of Donor Jean Arenaro Deceased Family Members Gerard, Frank & Kathryn Essenbreis, Dr. Ha Connor ADDITIONAL NAMES WILL APPEAR IN NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN This Week in Our Parish Sunday, 12/28 ▪ No Religion Class - 8:20 AM & 11 AM ▪ Third Order - 1 PM ▪ Youth Council - 1:15 PM Monday, 12/29 ▪ No Religion Class - 3:15 PM ▪ Bingo - 6:45 PM (doors open at 4:45 PM) Tuesday, 12/30 ▪ No Bingo - 11 AM ▪ Recovery Inc. - 7 PM ▪ Book Club - 7 PM Wednesday, 12/31 New Year’s Eve ▪ A.A. - 10 AM ▪ Vigil Mass at 7:30 PM Thursday, 1/1 New Year’s Day ▪ Mass at 9 AM & 12 Noon Annual Candle Racks Annual Memorial Candles are available for your intentions. These are located on the right side wall of church, near the three statues. You can reserve a candle which will be memorialized and lit for your intention for a full year for a donation of $150. At the end of a year, you will be able to renew your candle for another year, as often as you want. Reservation forms are available if you are interested. The Tree of Life, located in the back of Church, offers a wonderful opportunity to perpetuate memories of special moments and special people. If you wish to join us in this Parish enterprise, please call: (718) 338-6265, or stop by the Rectory Office for more information or an application. Friday, 1/2 ▪ Holy Hour - 9:30 AM ▪ Youth Council - 4 PM Saturday, 1/3 ▪ No Religion Class - 9AM ▪ No Music School - 12 PM ▪ Youth Council – 11:30 AM & 6 PM Sunday, 1/4 Epiphany ▪ Religion Class - 8:20 AM & 11 AM ▪ Youth Council - 1:15 PM Book Club Selection: “The Invention of Wings” By Sue Monk Kidd Join us in Msgr. Jolley Hall on Tuesday, December 30, at 7 PM for the next monthly Book Club Discussion. Refreshments will be served. For info, call the Office (718) 338-6265. Elizabeth Ministry The Elizabeth Ministry of St. Columba parish is to help serve the needs of expectant women, new mothers, post-pregnancy women, and their families. “Read Me a Story” for pre-schoolers (2 & 3 year olds) meets Mondays at 10:00 AM, in Msgr. Jolley Hall (no fee) Be a partner for our Prayer Ministry Team Join our “Quill Ministry” team (writing notes, greetings, etc.) For more information, please leave your name and telephone number at the rectory (718-338-6265), or come to Msgr. Jolley Hall on Mondays at 10:30 AM SEE THE BROCHURE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH Members of Our Parish Pray the Rosary every morning after the 9:00 AM Mass. All are invited and encouraged to join them. Midwood Catholic Academy Make Your Family, Part Of Our Family Midwood Catholic Academy offers a faith filled environment and academic excellence. For info about registering for the 2014-15 School Year, Please call the School Office at 1-718-377-1800 Or to make an appointment to get a tour of the school and for any other information. (St. Columba Parish is affiliated with and supports Midwood Catholic Academy) Our Parish Mission Statement Saint Columba is a community whose faith is rooted in Christ and centered in the Eucharist. We witness to the Gospel, reaching out to serve the spiritual, emotional and material needs of others. We challenge child and adult to grow in Christ, communicating with love, and welcoming all to share their gifts as vital members of the Parish.
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