Welcome to Holy Cross Parish December 28, 2014 May Your Family Be Blessed Today and Always Parish Ministry Staff HOLY CROSS PARISH MISSION - WE ARE ALL D ISCIPLES PASTOR….....Fr. Tom Pomeroy Deacon/Pastoral Associate ...………………...……..Bruce Corey Deacon…………...Dr. Mark Ebben Faith Formation Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy/Bulletin Kim Corey Music Coordinator Ellen Scheibe Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Parish Secretary Bonnie Fischer School Principal Larry Konetzke Scrip Coordinator Julie Huss Mass Times Saturday............................4:30 pm Sunday .......... 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am Weekdays ................ 7:00 am daily Holy Days…...will be noted inside Phone Numbers Confirmation …………..766-3510 Faith Formation Center . 766-3510 Food Pantry……..….…..766-9131 Holy Cross School ….....766-0186 RCIA (Gloria Schuh)...... 284-9504 Rectory Office ............... 766-3773 Rectory Fax ................... 766-3774 Scrip Office ................... 766-3773 Special Needs RE…...... 809-4637 Xavier High School ....... 733-6632 Regular Rectory/Scrip Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Fridays 8:00 am - Noon Websites www.holycrosskaukauna.org KCSS ............ www.kcssonline.org Offices will be closed Thursday, January 1, and Friday, January 2. Please plan accordingly. We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship and service to others. 2 / Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Scrip -- It’s The Best! A Message from Father Tom… Your Home is a Church This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. As we meditate on Joseph, Mary and Jesus living in Nazareth, we also are called to reflect on our own families and how we live our faith in our homes. We should see our homes as a domestic Church. Whether you live alone, as parents with children or as an empty nester with all the kids out of the house, our homes are the place we are formed in the faith in the most profound way. Parents are the ministers, and the family is the congregation. The purpose of the family is to help each other to know Christ, to grow in holiness through faith, hope and love and for the salvation of souls. We need to ask ourselves, “Is this how we are living in our home?” Living in this way brings joy and peace to the home. Holiday Office Hours Monday - Wednesday Open 8 am - Noon and 1 - 4 pm Closed all day Thursday and Friday, January 1 and 2 National Merchant of the Week SHELL GAS Complete list of merchants at www.holycrosskaukauna.org *NOTICE-- KWIK TRIP PERCENTAGE CHANGE* As of January 1, Kwik Trip will be at a 5% return. Kwik Trip has offered an extra 10% on qualifying in-store purchases, but system incompatibilities prevent us from passing along this extra percent on to our customers. This policy will be reviewed in six months. Thank you. Our Church gives us many ways to live our spiritual lives. We can read the daily Gospel, pray the Rosary, do the stations of the Cross and family prayer. We could put a list of the Corporal Works of Mercy on the refrigerator and every week plan as a family to do one work of mercy. It would be good to have discussions about growing in holiness, sing hymns and invite neighbors to special meals celebrating Solemnities or Feast Days. It would be good to have a crucifix in every bedroom and other Catholic art in other common areas. Today we celebrate the Holy Family, and the best way to do this is to live in your home as a holy family as well. Fr. Tom New Items Pizza Hut - $5 for a limited time Scheels - $25 and $50 Pizza Ranch - $25 Parish Contributions Weekend of December 21, 2014 Sacrificial Giving Received……………………$8,443.50 Loose Offering Received………………………$ 647.00 Total Offering Received ..……………………..$9,090.50 Miscellaneous Donations……….……………..$ 90.00 Information About Year-End Collections Note: Here are the only ways your parish contribution will qualify as a 2014 deduction: 1. If mailed, it must be written, mailed AND postmarked in 2014. 2. Bring to rectory by 10 am on Wednesday, December 31. The IRS will not allow us to accept contributions dated in the wrong year. Thank you for understanding. Can You Help Us Update Our Records? Many people no longer have land lines at home, which means our parish files are likely outdated. If you have a cell phone and an email, can you provide us with your new information? Please take a minute to call the rectory at 766-3773 with current contact information, or email Bonnie at bfischer@holycrosskaukauna.org. Please know how much that will help us. Thanks to all who have already done so. Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Events Thurs, Jan. 1 Mary, Mother of God - Holy Day (See right) Sat, Jan. 3 Women’s Retreat - Convent Sun, Jan. 11 Bingo at St. Mary Social Hall (Page 6) Mon, Jan. 12 Deadline for getting “Buy one, get one free” Grand Event tickets (Page 4) Tues, Jan. 13 KCSS “Peek at Kindergarten” (Page 4) DECEMBER 28, 2014 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 3 Jan. 13-Mar. 3 Jeff Cavins New Testament Series (Below) Jan. 16-18 Retrouvaille for Struggling Marriages (Page 5) Feb. 3-Mar. 24 Care Ministry Training (Page 5) Fri, Feb. 6 GRAND EVENT - Gym (Page 4) Feb. 13-15 Women Celebrate (Page 5) Sat, Mar. 28 Day of Prayer with Bishop Ricken (See right) Summer through Fall July 9-17 Colorado Leadership Retreat (Filled) June 10-19 Pilgrimage to Medjugorje (Page 4) Sept. 5 - 7 Holy Cross Mackinac Retreat, Day on Mackinac Island and Labor Day Bridge Walk Sept. 11-13 Fifth Annual Pilgrimage to Champion Shrine Nov. 4-13 Holy Land with Fr. Tom and Deacon Bruce Save Dates for Next Jeff Cavins Bible Study Save Tuesday evenings from January 13 to March 3 for the New Testament portion of the 24-week Jeff Cavins Bible Study. We will meet each Tuesday in the Gathering Space from 6:15-7:30 pm. Study guides will be provided. Even if you were unable to attend the previous sessions dealing with the Old Testament, this is a good time to begin. The material will be new. We will cover an overview of the New Testament and the beginning of the early Church. Contact Deacon Mark or Mary Ebben at 766-0008 with any questions. Please call the rectory at 766-3773 to register. Children Receive a Blessing at Communion If your child has not yet made his or her first communion, it’s always nice for them to receive a blessing from the priest or deacon. If you think of it when you’re in the communion line, go to the priest or deacon so your child can receive that special grace. It’s a good thing. At Holy Cross Parish (January 1 is a holy day of obligation) Vigil Mass for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Wednesday, December 31 - New Year’s Eve 4:30 pm Mass Mary, Mother of God - Thursday, January 1 9:15 am Mass Healing Masses at St. Mary Greenville Healing Masses will be held on January 10 and February 7 at 7 pm at St. Mary Church in Greenville. Masses will include the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick, adoration and opportunities to receive prayer. All who desire physical, emotional or spiritual healing are invited! For information, contact Tammy at 920-757-6555, ext. 205. Teach My People to Pray A Day of Prayer with Bishop Ricken Saturday, March 28 Here at Holy Cross Parish 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Save the date! More details to come Please join Bishop David Ricken right here at Holy Cross Parish for a day to renew and deepen your prayer life. All are welcome, and it’s free of charge. Register today at www.gbdioc.org/dayofprayer or 920-272-8194. Popular Catholic Links Diocese of Green Bay: www.gbdioc.org Mass Times: www.masstimes.org The Compass: www.thecompassnews.org Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study Group: www.fvcbsg.org Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study Group on YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/user/FVCBSG Catholic Radio - Relevant Radio1050 AM 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Calendar Raffle Winners 12/8/14 12/9/14 12/10/14 12/11/14 12/12/14 12/13/14 12/14/14 12/15/14 12/16/14 12/17/14 12/18/14 12/19/14 12/20/14 12/21/14 David De Broux Mary Wenzel Anne Johnson Fr. Jerry Pastors Lawrence/Katherine Otto Jennifer Lenz Wilfred Powers Patrick Corey Ray Driessen Joseph Arnoldussen Jane Kaufman Virgie Meulemans Lawrence/Marlene Juneau Michael J. Niesz San Diego, CA Niagara Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Combined Locks Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kick off the New Year with Holy Mass! Faith Formation News $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $25 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $25 December 31 No Class - New Year’s Break Happy New Year! The Faith Formation Christmas Program was a very special and meaningful event. Pictured are Mary and Baby Jesus. Mary is Jena Golden, and Baby Jesus is Kallie Poch. We hope everyone had a blessed Christmas! Gloria Ackerman and Jackie Wallace - Faith Formation Sign Up Today for Women Celebrate! Women Celebrate is a Catholic-based retreat yet it embraces Christ and His people from all Christian walks of life. Women 18 years and older of all denominations are welcome. Celebrate your relationship with God, encourage and support one another as women, and experience teachings and fun in your Christian life. We want to continue the work of Jesus Christ by bringing His love into the world! We are excited to spend our 14th annual Women Celebrate weekend with you at the beautiful four-star Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake. Registration forms can be found at Church entrances, or go to www.womencelebrate.org for all the exciting details! Medjugorje with Deacon Bruce and Kim (Pronounced Med-ju-GOR-yay) Deacon Bruce and Kim will lead a 10-day pilgrimage to Medjugorje from June 10 - 19. The approximate cost is $2,400 per person, which includes air, lodging and two meals per day while in Medjugorje. Call Kim at (920) 428-1080 for details. Deacon Bruce and Kim have been to Medjugorje three times and want you to experience it as well. Just a $100 deposit for this beautiful and peace-filled journey. KCSS News Help Wanted Kaukauna Catholic School System Child Care is looking for a responsible and reliable child care provider to join our team. Help is needed on various days (two to three days per week-possibly more) from 2:30 - 6:00 pm. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, able to pass a background check and be willing to attend Virtus training. Please send your resume to sonkels@kcssonline.org or Child Care Director, 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Grand Event Tickets Get your admission tickets before January 12 and you can “buy one, get one FREE!” Admission tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased at the KCSS School Office or at Holy Cross and St. Katharine Drexel Parish Offices. Peek at Kindergarten KCSS will be hosting “Peek at Kindergarten” on Tuesday, January 13. If you know of anyone interested in our Kindergarten program, please invite them to attend one of the following sessions: 12:30 - 1:30 pm and 5:45 - 6:45 pm Please RSVP at 766-0186. Thank you. There is Help for Struggling Marriages Is your marriage is in serious trouble? If yes, a Retrouvaille weekend might be the answer for you and your spouse. Please don’t give up quite yet, especially if there is help to be found, no matter what your situation. Many marriages have been saved through Retrouvaille (Retro-vy), and yours could be one of them. For confidential information, or to register for the January 16-18 weekend at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc, call 1-800-470-2230, or visit www.retrouvaille.org. Please don’t give up hope. Nothing is impossible for God. Catholic Singles Organization The Catholic Alumni Club International is looking to expand into the Green Bay Diocese. We provide a group dedicated to social, cultural, civic and spiritual relationships in a Catholic setting. For information, go to www.caci.org, or contact Steve at valksr@yahoo.com. Care Ministry Training Course If you would like to be a Care Minister at Holy Cross, a training course will be held on Tuesdays, February 3 through March 24, from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Parish Center at Holy Spirit Kimberly. A Care Minister is a compassionate companion to those who experience illness or loss by being present and by listening and supporting them in prayer. Contact Deacon Bruce at 766-3773 if you would like information about how the training will be used at Holy Cross Parish. Call Sister Annette at 788-7640, or send an email to her at kossa@holyspirit-parish.org, if you would like to register. DECEMBER 28, 2014 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 5 Have You Been Away From the Church? Come Home. Maybe you have been away from the Catholic Church for a long time and have a strong desire to return. If you are a baptized Catholic, all you have to do is make a good confession. It’s that simple. Come to reconciliation between 11:00 am and noon any Saturday, or make an appointment with Fr. Tom at 766-3773. We joyfully welcome you back to receive the sacraments that the Catholic Church offers. If you, or someone you know, has a child to be baptized, but they think their child is too old, it’s never too late. Please contact the rectory at 766-3773. Just mention that you want your child baptized or ask about another child, and we’ll get information to them. Ministers of the Eucharist - Some Reminders Thank you to all of our Ministers of the Eucharist who step up each week to help distribute the precious Body and Blood of Christ. It is truly an honor to serve in this ministry, and you are all appreciated. Just a few reminders: 1) If you serve as a minister at a given Mass and are able to stay after to clean the sacred vessels, it would be greatly appreciated. It takes just a few minutes, but it makes a big difference. If you can’t stay, that’s fine, but please try to step into the sacristy to help when you can. 2) Remember to spread out if you are a cup holder. The first two cup holders should be about eight feet from Father, one in front of the ambo where Scripture is read and the other almost to the piano. The second set of cup holders can actually go into the aisles, far enough so there is room for people to continue back to their seats in front of you. If people are bunched up, simply step as far back as you can. 3) When at the altar, cup holders should line up along the back, facing the altar and the assembly. Servers will be in the corner spot between cup holders and host distributors. Ministers with white medallions (hosts) line up facing the side of the altar. This really helps Father and the deacons. Call Kim with questions or requests to be trained (766-3773). Kaukauna Golden Agers Wanted: Church Photos Prior to 1990 If you have colored photos of the interior of Holy Cross Church prior to 1990, we would love to see them. Let Fr. Tom or Deacon Bruce know if you find anything, perhaps wedding or first communion pictures. Card players age 55 or older are welcome to join the Kaukauna Golden Agers for a game of Sheepshead, or other games, on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 1:00 pm at Kaukauna City Hall. 6 |Welcome to Holy Cross Parish Kaukauna, Wisconsin Monday, December 29 7:00 am Living and deceased members of the Frank and Arlene Schneider Families Tuesday, December 30 7:00 am Bob Vandenberg Wednesday, December 31 - New Year’s Eve Day 7:00 am Newt Pomeroy 4:30 pm Jerry Van Abel (Holy Day Vigil Mass ) Thursday, January 1 - Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) 9:15 am No Intention Friday, January 2 7:00 am John Van Zeeland Saturday, January 3 4:30 pm Holy Cross Parish Family Sunday, January 4 7:30 am No Intention 9:15 am Emmett and Mary Joyce McMorrow 11:00 am Living and deceased members of the Mary Jane Johnson Family Holy Cross Parish Activities This Week Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 Noon or by appointment. Contact Fr. Tom Pomeroy at 766-3773 for an appointment. Baptisms We share in your joy as your child is baptized. Baptisms are the second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend). Call the parish office to set a date or to get further details. Baptism Preparation meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. First Friday Eucharist Calls Please inform us if you, or someone you know, cannot make it to Mass and would like to receive Holy Eucharist on the first Friday of each month. Rosary Join us for the rosary approximately 25 minutes prior to 7:00 am Mass on weekdays and 7:30 am Mass on Sundays. How to Register as a New Parish Member Want to become a parish member? Simply stop in at the parish office, and we’ll get you registered. Fast and easy. Change of Phone, Address or Family Status? Please Monday, December 29 8:00 am-4 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament give Bonnie a call at 766-3773. We appreciate updates. Wednesday, December 31 - New Year’s Eve 4:30 pm Holy Day Vigil Mass Offices open all day The deadline is Monday noon (Friday before holidays). Thursday, January 1 - Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day) 9:15 am Mass (Holy Day of Obligation) Offices closed all day Happy New Year! Would You Like to Put Something in the Bulletin? Holy Cross Prayer Relay for Your Prayer Needs If you or someone you know needs prayers, call Patti at 851-1017. Your parish is here for you. Confidential. Bible Readings - Week of December 28 Friday, January 2 Offices closed all day (changed after the printing of December monthly calendar) Saturday, January 3 11:00 am - 12 Reconciliation in Church Sunday, January 4 After 9:15 Mass Donut Sunday Bingo! Sunday: Progressive Blackout Jackpot Sundays, January 11, 18 and 25 St. Mary Social Hall Doors open 5:00 pm - Bingo Starts at 6:30 pm Monday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Whenever there is a Monday funeral or inclement weather (when school is closed), there will be no Monday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29--3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 Locally Owned & Operated Flooring Sales & Installation 4880 W. Lawrence St., Appleton TOMMY G’s -Your HostsGary & Lisa Natrop 107 W. Wisconsin Ave. KAUKAUNA, WI Home of the 22oz. T-Bone Open 7 Nights A Week Tom & Peg Giordana 704 Hyland Ave. (Hwy OO) Kaukauna 920-788-8865 766-2503 !!!"#$$%&'()**+,-$'".$/ 309 Allegiance Ct. • Appleton 788-5066 www.DandMinteriors.com 1506 S. Oneida St. Appleton Countryside Golf Club Hospital Information 920-738-2000 W726 Weiler Road Kaukauna 130 Patriot Drive, Little Chute, WI 54140 (Appleton North) Phone: 920.788.8080 Fax: 920.788.2600 Toll Free: 800.456.4000 www.countryinns.com N3782 County Road E, Freedom 920-422-4620 Private apartments now available! 3500 Fieldcrest Drive Kaukauna, WI 54130 Call or drop in for a tour to experience our Country Home Feel! C: 920-585-5606 Hill Top Bakery www.hilltopbakers.com 766-2219 Affinity Health Sytem is a Catholic health care system. Tom Bevers Mike Fischer 920-450-8281 920-450-8280 www.BeversFischerPlumbing.com NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODELING • SERVICE “Serving Fish On Fridays” ID 227615 Sharon Fischer, AIS, CIC,CISR 181 W Wisconsin Ave - Kaukauna Home, Farm & Construction Fuels CHEVROLET • BUICK • GMC 920-462-4300 Let me quote your insurance and get a Gift Certificate Ask how to win $400 in cash and prizes! TILE, SLATE, COPPER ROOFING GUTTERS & ROOF MAINTENANCE P. O. Box 213 100 East 7th Street Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920) 766-1771 www.affinityhealth.org 1450 Delanglade St. 920-989-1536 920-735-8246 P.O. Box 800 Call Toll Free: 888-989-1531 Kaukauna, WI 54130-0800 VAN DE HEY REFINED ROOFING Mark & Lynn Engel - Owners Mar Catering Your Next Now Ca Breakfast Business Meeting countrysidegolfclubwi.com 920-766-9888 www.primesteersuperclub.com 264 W. Wisconsin Ave. Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920) 766-4674 www.bankofkaukauna.com “For the leisure in your life.” Fireplaces, Spas, Chemicals & Saunas Ph# (920) 532-4631 Chris Van De Hey - Owner www.vrroofing.com 384 Hill Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 1151 Badger Rd., Kaukauna Fellow Parishioner (920) 766-1447 www.aquafire.net 920-766-4830 Cell 920-213-4555 W5669 Cty. Trk. KK • Appleton, WI 54915 DR. MARK A. EBBEN, LLC 766-2481 One Bank Avenue, Suite B Kaukauna, WI 54130 2401 E. Enterprise Avenue Appleton • 920-882-4070 www.McCarty-Law.com VAN LIESHOUT LAW OFFICE Tony Ashauer Phone: (920) 996-0072 www.hbcs.com Professionals doing professional work in your home or office Software Consulting and Training Susan M. Yokers BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE PO Box 138, Kaukauna, WI 54130-0138 2IÀFH&HOO 920-0766-4718 Fax VXVDQ#HYHU\WKLQJTXLFNERRNVFRP Call us for Winter Work Certified ProAdvisor QuickBooks Advanced Certified ProAdvisor QuickBooks Jean Kessler Certified ProAdvisor Point of Sale Certified ProAdvisor Enterprise 20 Years Experience Camp K-9 TLC - Our Specialty W4891 Hwy 10, Menasha, WI 54952 920.989.DOGS (3647) Corner of Hwy 10/55 • South of Kaukauna East of Darboy TIRES & SERVICE 920-766-0001 2nd Location Camp K-9 Too TLC - Our Specialty 207 Dodge St., Kaukauna 606 Wilson St., Little Chute, WI 54140 920.788.1576 GORDY VOSTERS SCOTT VAN ASTEN (920) 470-7793 (920) 470-7791 Office (920) 788-2498 VVH & ASSOCIATES, LLP W1668 CTY. ROAD JJ KAUKAUNA, WI 54130 www.vosterslandscaping.com 766-6200 733-0122 Free Estimates • Insured www.bucklinstreeservice.com 122 E. Main Street Hours: Daily: 7am - 8pm & Holidays: 9am - 5pm Little Chute, WI 54140 2001 E.SunMain St., Little Chute Phone • (920) 788-0800 Voice: 920-766-6096 Reynebeau Floral (920) 766-6020 Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity reynebeaufloral.com Call me today to hear about out these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. s. LOX CLUB Fine Food and Cocktails Nightly Specials Homemade Soups Carry-Outs Available 788-4401 591 State St. • County Trunk Z • Combined Locks Weddings • Funerals All Occasions Daily Delivery Entire Fox Cities 1103 E. Main Little Chute, WI 54140 (920) 788-3585 Inpatient / Outpatient Rehab Assisted Living • Hospice Care Skilled Nursing • Community Outreach Lori Allen Forbes (920) 730-1100 740-9790 JasonsTrees.com 150 W. Northland Ave. Appleton Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company AUTOMOTIVE S E R V I C E S, (920) 788-9071 766-7889 www.ruffingauto.com Fax (920) 788-9072 FOR AD INFO CALL David Eck at 1-800-950-9952 I N C. Located on KK Darboy/ Kaukauna 2100 Freedom Road Little Chute,WI 54140 • WWW.4LPi.COM HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI B 2C 01-0720 12-10-2014 15:53:02 HEART OF THE VALLEY Carpet Cleaning Tom Pennings 766-2992 No Dust! Good Service, Great Pricing, Free Mail, Free Local Delivery Concrete Wall & Floor Sawing Curb Sawing, Concrete Grinding Core Drilling & Egress Windows (Custom Flavoring, Compounding and Vaccinations also available) Nic Smith, Pharm D 1800 Freedom Rd - Unit D • Little Chute, WI 54140 920-766-1721 www.concretecutters.net Phone: 920-788-8888 smithpharmacyrx@gmail.com BOETTCHER FAMILY LARRY’S Trina’s FUNERAL HOME Piggly Wiggly Barber & Design 766-2099 Kent Boettcher 1020 Truman St., Ste. B, Kimberly YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE 997-9700 Kaukauna • Little Chute • DePere Director/Owner www.bootschiropractic.com “2nd generation of family dedication” www.bootschiropracticblog.com Kaukauna WE SERVICE HOLDING & SEPTIC TANKS TO 7200 GALLONS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1986 Trenchless Sewer Lines Sewer & Water INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • MUNICIPAL Over 15 Years Of Experience www.scottlamers.com FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED • PARISH MEMBER 920-759-9775 TOOL & DIE • JIG & FIXTURE CNC GRINDING • DESIGN & BUILD METAL META STAMPING • CNC MACHINING SINKER & WIRE EDM • WATER JET CUTTING FOX VALLEY TOOL & DIE, INC. Ph: (920) 766-9455 • www.fvtd.com Toll Free: 1-888-585-FVTD(3883) DAVE VAN GROLL 920-788-4991 317 E. 16TH ST., P.O. BOX 611, KAUKAUNA The RETIREMENT CLOCK has been reset as a result of the lingering effects of the recessions of the last decade. These times demand you to take control of your FINANCIAL FUTURE & RETIREMENT and start asking a lot of questions. P.O. Box 380 Please call me at 920.569.2999 Kaukauna, WI Debt Management • Asset Accumulation 54130-0380 Emergency Funds • Estate Preservation Proper Protection • Cash Flow Trina Van Handel, Owner Adult Cuts $11 Kids & Senior Cuts $10 300 Dodge Street, Kaukauna, WI 766-1900 Thanks for Your Support KAUKAUNA VETERINARY VE CLINIC, LLP dawn@portraitsbydesignstudio.com www.portraitsbydesignstudio.com Creating Memories Today For Your Tomorrow DR. RONALD G. BIESE DR. KURT M. ROSSEBO DR. PATRICK L. LARITSON DR. DAVID J. GAGNON 625 Hyland Ave., Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920) 766-3380 Fax (920) 766-0730 WWW.COENENSAUTOTECH.COM (920) 788-2910 Diagnostics • Brakes Tune-ups • Tires Exhaust • Engine Work Northside Since 1979 920-766-3657 TAKE A TOUR TODAY! KING’S !"#$%&'"%(")*+",!"-&.%//"0.%1"231%45/"6788/8 Variety Va Stores 9:;<=>?<@AB2 • Balloons for all Occasions • Toys • Candy • Party Supplies • Greeting Cards 50¢ to $1.50 ***CD-3$*-EE8./F%EE+F-+&-.8C&%1 Little Chute • 113 E. Main St. 788-1656 VAN ABEL’S SL.edu Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity HOLLANDTOWN Carry-Outs • Chicken & Fish Weddings, Banquets & Catering Proudly serving the Valley for over 30 years www.vanabels.com www.petersenplumbinginc.com Ph 766-2291 (920) 687-9272 PERSONAL • PROFESSIONAL DEPENDABLE 1600 Hamilton Court, Little Chute, WI M.P. #675006 Heart of the Valley’s 5-Star Dealer BROCKMAN’S COENEN’S AUTO TECH, INC. 920-380-0667 Kaukauna Vacuum & Sewing 151 E. 3rd St., Kaukauna, WI 54130 920-766-2304 • 800-836-0758 Trisha Tetzlaff Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. (TFA), Transamerica Financial Group Division Member FINRA, SIPC, and Registered Investment Advisor. Non-Securities products and services are not offered through TFA. TFG004938-10/14 the corner of KK and N Dawn Lemerond OF 2079 Lawrence Dr. Suite D • DePere, WI. 54115 KK Sew & VAC II • Certified Master • Photographer. Cr., F~FVPPA • Electronic Artist • Owner Find the Extraordinary in You Investment Advisor Representative Hours Mon. 7-7 Tues. 7-7 Wed. 7-7 Thur. 7-7 Fri. 7-5 Sat. 8-12 Roofing and Siding Replacement Windows Soffit & Fascia We service all makes & models! 2929 Lawe St., Kaukauna, WI 788-3271 920-766-6500 Parish Member www.BergstromKaukauna.com Hardware Carstens Ace Hardware “Total Hardware Supplier” 400 E. Ann St., Kaukauna, WI 54130 PHONE: (920) 766-7773 920-788-3308 W2074 Lau Rd, Kaukauna Serving you since 1923! Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! Premier OTR Trucking Jobs Available N1957 Frontage Road, Kaukana WI Top Pay • Top Benefits • Home Time 920.766.1861 800-876-4330 1.877.939.3773 www.weyersequip.com FOR AD INFO CALL David Eck at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI www.vsmidwest.com A 4C 01-0720 12-10-2014 15:53:02
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