Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer: Copyright © 2012 DateMasters This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this Book to anyone else. If you received this publication from anyone other than DateMasters, you’ve received a pirated copy. Please contact us via email at support at and notify us of the situation. Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience, anecdotal evidence and statistical analysis of thousands and thousands of tests, social interactions, relationships, dates and conversations and approaching tens of thousands of women. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Book, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms. Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Book is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with Meet More Women and Be Amazing. Sharing this Document: The information in this document is copyrighted. We ask that you do not share this information with others. You purchased this book, and you have a right to use it. It is the sales of this valuable information that makes the continued publishing of new information possible at DateMasters. If enough people disregard that simple economic fact, this radical information will no longer be viable or available. If your friends think this information is valuable enough to ask you for it, they should think it is valuable enough to purchase on their own. After all, the price is low enough that just about anyone should be able to afford it. If you spent hours and days and months creating something of value for other people, wouldn’t you want something in return? It should go without saying that you cannot post this document or the information it contains on any electronic bulletin board, Web site, FTP site, newsgroup, or ... well, you get the idea. The only place from which this document should be available is the DateMasters web site. If you you have somehow received this copy without paying for it and would like to return the favor, please visit DateMasters Meet More Women Page 4 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women CONTENTS About DateMasters ................................................ About the Founder of DateMasters ........................ Preface to the Second Edition ................................ Welcome to DateMasters! ….................…............. 9 10 12 15 PART I 1. 2. 3. 4. How to Meet Women ………………...................... 22 How to Meet Women When You Have No Time … 26 How to Meet Women as a Regular Guy .................. 30 How to Meet Women by Walking Away .................. 32 PART II 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. This Might Shock You …………………............…. 38 What Is Abundance Reality? …............................... 41 You Have a Responsibility with This Book …….... 42 How Can This Book Transform Your Dating Life?.. 44 The Secret to Revolutionizing Your Life …….....… 45 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants …................… 47 Get Amazing With Women ….................................. 49 The Single Biggest Problem for Men Today …....... 51 The Single Biggest Solution for Men Today ..……. 53 The Reason Why Most Men Struggle to Meet More Women ….............................. 56 PART III 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Major Obstacles Holding You Back ….....…… 61 Women with Intimidating Beauty ………........... 62 The Guy Who is Naturally Stuck with Women ....... 64 Grandmas, Babies and Arsonist Bears ……............. 66 Amazing! …….....………………........................… 68 The Answer to All Your Problems..……………….. 71 Page 5 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Meet More Women What Is the Difference Between Amazing and Persuasive? …........................ 75 Make This Life-Changing Choice Right Now ..….. 80 How to Save Time and Money by Becoming Amazing…............................. 82 Improving Your Dating Skills with Maximum Force and Velocity …................. 87 How to Get Total Freedom with Women and Dating ….................................. 88 Why You Must Take Massive Action …...….…….. 90 PART IV 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. How to Use This Book to Meet More Women ….... 95 What Is Identifying? ….....…………..….………… 98 How to Find Women Who Are Really Into You .…. 98 The Magic Words You Can Use Today …………… 101 How to Tell if She’s Into You …………………….. 104 A Simple Streamlined Process for Meeting More Women …............................ 105 How to Enjoy Lots of Women Without Chasing … 106 The Perils and Pitfalls of Persistence …………….. 108 Stepping Towards Women as a Strong, Confident Man …................… 110 Ever Heard the Lie “Looks Don’t Matter to Women?” ............. 113 How to Become Your Own Authority on Women .. 116 How to Handle Girls Who Aren’t Into You …...…. 118 Proof That You Can Meet the Woman of Your Dreams …….……............. 120 PART V 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. From Meeting to Breaking Up and Every Step Along the Way …................….. 125 Thirty Places to Find and Meet Women You Like .. 126 Calling Women for Dates ….................................... 135 Six Tested Date Plans You Can Use Now …............ 136 Four Big Mistakes That Hurt Your Sex Life ............ 140 Page 6 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters 45. 46. 47. Meet More Women Four Big Tips to Build a Rockin' Sex Life …........... 142 How to Keep a Good Thing Going …...................... 143 Thirty-One Ways to Get Over a Breakup …............. 144 PART VI 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. More Life Reports .................................................... 148 How to Walk Away from a Disrespectful Woman ... 149 How to Get Phone Numbers from Girls Who Are on the Fence ….................... 157 Why You Should Keep Your Emotions in Check .....165 If Women Are Challenges You're Doing It Wrong ... 171 Two Girls, One Train Wreck …................................ 175 How to Handle a Girl Who Wants to Go Home with You ...................................... 184 How to Meet a Beautiful Woman Who's with a Guy …....................... 189 PART VII 56. 57. 58. The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map ....….. 197 How to Use This Road Map (Step 1 – Step 5) ........ 199 The Road Map (Week 1 – Week 8) ......................... 205 PART VIII 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. What Are the Most Vital Lessons of Meet More Women ……......................... 216 The Single Most Powerful Concept in This Book ... 218 Are You a Victim of Persuasion? ….……………… 220 The Kind of Man That Amazing Women DO NOT Want Is …..................................... 222 Revolutionize Your Dating Life ……....................... 223 Page 7 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 8 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women ABOUT DATEMASTERS DateMasters is a dating and relationship advice company. Since 2007, we have presented our live seminars to hundreds of men worldwide, who invest thousands of dollars to learn from us. Our goal at Datemasters is to help build men of high value and self-esteem and train them how to find, meet, get, and keep high value women of great beauty and accomplishment via our advice, training and products or via other companies products we find valuable. First and foremost - we get men results with high value women. For the past few years, we have taught hundreds of men our extremely powerful and effective ways of finding, meeting, getting and keeping amazing women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment. DateMasters equals respect, class, and most importantly - results. Always feel free to contact us with any questions about our company or products, or if you just want to share your own success story. Page 9 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women A THE FOUNDER OF DATEMASTERS BOUT DateMasters was founded by Douglas Hall – one of those rare men who is truly a mover and shaker in the world of training men to meet, date and keep the kind of high value women they have always wanted. Heck, just by himself, he has approached and met enough women to fill up the largest football stadium in the world (I'm completely serious) and has dated enough women to make almost all the dating/seduction "gurus" COMBINED seem amateur and inexperienced. Dealing out dating advice and training to exclusive clientele since 1987, he was in triple digits when many of the so-called leaders of the 'Pickup Community' were still in grade school. But, most importantly for you, Douglas Hall and DateMasters consistently help men all around the world enjoy more exciting, easy experiences and relationships with a staggering number of high value women of exceptional beauty. Here is a short list of the kinds of women he has dated (along with some that his clients successfully date using his training): • • • • • • • Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Bankers... Singers, TV Personalities, Musicians... Belly Dancers, Pole Dancers, Ballet Dancers... Showgirls, Stewardesses, Hair Stylists... Wealthy Heiresses, Rich Business Owners... Yoga Instructors, Aerobics Instructors, Fitness Instructors... Fashion Models, Runway Models, Glamor Models... Page 10 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Meet More Women Women Who OWN Modeling Agencies... Jewelry Designers, Shoe Designers, Fashion Designers... College Girls, Club Girls, Secretaries, Waitresses... Olympic Athletes, Stage Actresses, Movie Actresses... Accountants, Successful CEO's, Entrepreneurs... Professional Photographers, Painters and Poets... Police Officers, Novelists, Journalists... Programmers, Space Agency Researchers, Astrophysicists... Nail Artists, Salsa Dancers, Event Planners... University Professors, PhD Students, Executive Secretaries... High School Teachers, Astrologers, UN Translators... Television and Movie Producers... Masseuses, Female Bodybuilders, Professional Cheerleaders... High-Level Interpreters, Heart Surgeons, Nurses... (Yes... Even a Geisha!) And a whole lot more... Really, the list could go on for this entire article but you get the picture: Success with high value women is what DateMasters delivers. Page 11 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION This is a book for all men who want to improve their dating life – Whether you want to date lots and lots of women or simply find that one special girl to spend the rest of your life with. Beginners in the dating game will learn powerful ideas that will help take them light-years ahead of where they would have been without this book. For guys who have been around the block a few times, Meet More Women, will help you understand a new, unique paradigm for meeting and understanding women. In Part I, we're going to hit the ground running and blast you with 3 high-powered examples of meeting women using our simple, straightforward methods. Rather than load you full of analysis and complex ideas right away, we want to start by showing you what is possible when you use what you learn in Meet More Women. We recommend re-reading Part I after you finish the book so that you can understand it with new perspective. In Part II, we will take a step back and start to de-program you from a lot of misleading, unfounded, harmful beliefs about meeting women that are so common in today's world. Our goal here is cleanse your mind of many of the influences and beliefs that keep you from confidently and easily meeting wonderful, high value women. In Part III, we start by showing you 4 case studies that highlight major issues that are facing guys (maybe even you). By this Page 12 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women point, hopefully your mind is fully open to the possibilities as we'll show you the unique mindset that underlies the DateMasters approach to meeting women. This is where you start to really grasp how and why you can be so much more successful and happy with women. In Part IV, we will give you actionable strategies on how you can use our powerful ideas and mindset to start meeting more women and start enjoying more fulfilling, happy experiences with high value women who honestly like you. This is where we show you exactly how you can use what you have just learned. We'll also go more in depth into several more topics that will massively help you improve your dating life. In Part V, we take things even further by giving you advice on how to handle everything from where to meet women, to how to call her, to sex and relationships. You can continue to use it as a reference for years to come. In Part VI, we let you dig into 7 detailed, firsthand reports. This will help you start to analyze and internalize everything you have been learning. You'll see firsthand experiences, both good and bad, that will highlight any number of very important concepts. You'll also have the chance to test your knowledge and interact with the material as we prompt you with specific questions to maximize your learning experience. In Part VII, we start wrapping everything up. This is where we make sure you have learned exactly what you need to learn from this book. When you finish this part, you'll be ready to take your knowledge into the real world with confidence and determination. In Part VIII, we give you an 8-week 'Road Map' based on proven personal change techniques used in the fields of therapy, Page 13 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women NLP and personal development. It will help you internalize and use everything you've learned (and continue to learn). This used to be it's own separate product but we've decided to include it with Meet More Women so that you can benefit even more from the time and mental energy you invest in our training. Page 14 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women FOREWORD W ELCOME TO DATEMASTERS! So, You Want To Meet More Women? Amazing! My name is Douglas Hall. I’m the founder of DateMasters and I will be your guide on this new and wonderful adventure. We’re quite sure you’ll get a whole lot of value from Meet More Women and we look forward to sharing even more of our advice, experience and training with you in the near future. For the past few years, we have taught hundreds of guys our extremely powerful and effective ways of finding, meeting, getting and keeping Amazing women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment. These men have paid thousands of dollars to learn from us so that they can start living the kind of lives they want, with women who make them truly happy. Bottom line, we know how to meet women and how to build Page 15 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women happy, exciting relationships with the kind of women that we want. More importantly, we know how to train men to do the same. We know we can help you, too. This book is here to help you Meet More Women. For guys who want to know about everything not covered in this book you’ll be excited to know about our incredible seminars, newsletters, books, private consultations, and other free and paid products and services, but right now let’s get right into it. Whether you’re 18 or 80, single, married, divorced, Meet More Women has the potential to change your entire life for the better. Why do we say ‘potential’? Because in order for this information to have any real power you must read it again and again and again. You must study it, word by word, sentence by sentence, until the deep meanings inside it make themselves known to you. A single reading will NOT suffice. Meet More Women is filled with gold but you have to mine it. Read this book 15 times in 15 days. Print it out and make notes in the margins. Write down personal examples from your own life that verify what is written here. Think carefully about each sentence. Do your best to understand the real meaning of each concept. Ask yourself ‘What experiences in my own life verify the truth of what I’ve just read; what examples can I provide based on what has happened to me personally to hammer this point home?’ as well as ‘How can I use the concept I’ve just read in my life to make it better?’ Once you’ve completed 15 readings in as many days, read at least 3 pages every day forever. It’s only from repeated readings that the true power of Meet More Women will start to fill your mind and you will start seeing women, dating, and relationships Page 16 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women in a totally new and positive way. And that’s just the beginning! As the lessons of Meet More Women alter your thinking you’ll notice many Amazing things happening in your life. Your interactions with women will get much smoother, you’ll understand their ways and behaviors more and more. There will be less confusion on your part, no more ‘Why can’t I?’ and a whole lot more ‘Wow. That makes so much sense!’ With your growing sense of awareness of the true nature of how to Meet More Women will come a new confidence and with that confidence will come more success with the women in your life. A lot more success. Specifically, you’ll notice that whereas before you were desperately trying to find a better way to Meet More Women, suddenly you have such an overabundance of women in your life that you’ll be living the kind of lifestyle and dating the kind of women that other men only fantasize about. One of our main goals at DateMasters is to make you so attractive, so magnetic, so Amazing, so cool, that the perfect women for you will be behaving around you pretty much the same way a cat behaves when it is near catnip. They go nuts! None of this is possible unless you Meet More Women now. In our exciting seminars and products we go into great depth explaining how to quickly and easily master all these powerful techniques (you can find out about those events on our website or in our newsletter), but for now don’t worry - we’ll be giving you some of the most important and valuable pieces right here in Meet More Women. Once you master Meet More Women and start on the road to becoming a DateMaster – thru study, practice, discipline, patience, and self-control – your success with women will come with greater ease and increased clarity. Page 17 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women In fact, your success with Meet More Women will create possibly the biggest problem you will ever face as a DateMaster: How do I choose the most Amazing woman from all the ones that are chasing me? Now we know many of you don’t have women chasing you yet. Some of you can’t even begin to imagine having women chase you but we want to say to you right now: Don’t worry, we’ll help get you there. Listen to what we say, think about it carefully, follow our instructions, and eventually you will find yourself with a gorgeous woman who does everything possible to make your life more happy, easy, fun and exciting. We will show you exactly what it takes to Meet More Women and set you on the path to find, meet, get, and keep women of exceptional beauty and great accomplishment. Let’s make something really clear right from the beginning, though: DateMasters is NOT about using fancy tricks to ‘convince’ girls to do what we want. You want a better way, right? Something that lets you Meet More Women easier, faster and with less stress while not only keeping all your self-respect in tact, but growing your self-esteem and your sense of self-worth. Gentlemen, DateMasters is the answer and we’re glad to have you here with us. You deserve better women. You deserve an alternative in your dating life, a better way, built on self-respect and dignity. You deserve the freedom in your dating life that naturally comes from knowing how to Meet More Women. We are light-years beyond the old methods of persuading and convincing women to talk to us and date us. We are all about crePage 18 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women ating Amazing men and giving them all the tools they need to live their ideal lifestyle and find, build and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships with incredible women. Read this guide. Study it every night before you go to bed. Review it before and after you go Meet More Women. Read it, study it, review it -LEARN it. You will learn something new each time. Many guys come to our coaching seminars again and again because they have a thirst for knowledge that is the hallmark of a man on the path to success. Your goal is to become the kind of man that Amazing women dream about. Learn what we teach and you, too, will become an Amazing Man, and will find the Amazing women perfect for you. We know what you are doing that keeps you from meeting more women. We know why it feels difficult and confusing. We know what you need to do to Meet More Women and find, get, and keep incredible, Amazing women with great attitudes. The kind of woman who makes you want to become a better man. A woman who makes life easier for you. A woman who always brings happiness and joy into your life. A woman so in love with you that her body shakes just at the sight of you. Know this – Amazing women feel good by making you feel good. But you have to meet her first. And unless you get lucky, chances are good that you’re going to have to meet and date a lot of women before you find the most Amazing woman for you. Part of our mission is to take the garbage regarding how to meet women out of your head. (In other words, we have to deprogram you.) And the nature of truth is so powerful that even if this book were 10,000 pages we could only give you the basics. That’s why we’re giving you a solid foundation here in this book, so we don’t confuse or overwhelm you with information overload. When you become a DateMaster and start to preach this information to all your friends, the rest will come to you. We Page 19 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women want you to go out, take massive action on your life, and Meet More Women. And when your friends start coming to you for advice on women you can tell them with a knowing smile, “Go Meet More Women.” Welcome to DateMasters and Meet More Women! Your world is about to get ‘Mo Betta!’ than you could ever possibly imagine. Douglas Hall Founder, DateMasters Page 20 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 21 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART I H OW TO MEET WOMEN We advocate very simple but powerful methods for meeting women. Why? Well, number one, through tens of thousands of tests and thousands of hours of research we have discovered that staying simple simply gets the best results. Regardless of your dating goals. Number two, it makes life a whole heck of a lot easier for us as men. For you math majors out there: Better Results + Much Easier = Yes, Please! Let’s face it, most dating advice for men out there tends to make meeting women a whole lot more complicated and daunting than it really is. That’s why in these first few chapters you'll read personal stories of guys approaching women and asking for phone numbers WITHOUT using “game,” persuasion, seduction and all that other mumbo-jumbo overly complicated nonsense. Page 22 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women It's important to keep in mind that any and all attraction or chemistry between the guy and the girl is mutual. This is no accident. It's actually very simple (you'll learn all about it soon enough). Dating is a whole lot more fun when you can go from “trying to get the girl” to “you and a girl mutually working together to move things forward.” So, let’s get down to business. Now, this book is based on the research of a number of men who spent months and months of years approaching 30 attractive women a day, according to a system we developed known as The Revolution! The way we do it makes meeting women very simple, straightforward and easy, so it only takes about an hour a day to live in a true Abundance Reality (having more and better women than you could possible have time for). What happens when you meet so many women? You start finding some truly Amazing Women who really like you, and all women who don’t completely make your eyes spin simply get left behind. Let me tell you, for an hour a day the payoffs are HUGE! Why do you think we, at DateMasters, have all our dating issues solved? Anyways, on to the story from one of our guys: “I had just finished up doing The Daily 30 (approaching 30 women a day). I was waiting for my train, walking along the platform to find a place to stand. While I was looking across the platform at another train waiting to leave, I noticed a cute girl looking back at me from inside a faraway train. I smiled at her. She smiled back. We were too far away to talk (plus we were separated by the tracks). So I pulled out my phone and tried to motion for her to Page 23 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women tell me her phone number. I have gotten a girls phone number my motioning this way before so it was nothing new. She pulled out her phone. Then she pointed upstairs, above the tracks, to a place we could actually meet and talk. I met her up there. Her train left without her. “Hi. How are you?” We then had a few minutes of light, playful conversation. My train was leaving soon so I asked for her phone number. “Tell me your phone number.” “Sure!” I wished her a good rest of the day and then I went down to catch my train. On the stairs going down towards my train there was another, even prettier girl walking next to me in a skirt.” Guys, it’s really simple. • • • Say “Hello.” Ask for her name. Ask for her number. Page 24 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women That’s it. That is the core of what you need to do (we'll explain in more detail as the book moves forward). It also helps to have fun conversation that makes her laugh too. If you and the girl share and kind of chemistry, everything will go well with a casual, fun conversation (unless guys mess it up by doing any number of things that most dating coaches advise guys to do). If you’re not taking those core actions then you are not doing what is necessary to meet and date the women you want. Everything else will follow after you start making it a habit to take those actions. • • • • • Approach her. Say “Hi.” Ask for her name. Make her laugh. Ask for her number. If she says yes. That’s okay. If she says no. That’s okay too. Confident, strong men are able to accept no as an answer. Keep approaching attractive women. Eventually you’ll find more and more who you really have chemistry with. You'll be amazed at how eager many very attractive women are to meet you. H MEET WOMEN WHEN YOU HAVE NO TIME OW TO In the last chapter we told you about about a girl who missed her Page 25 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women train to go talk to our guy. Remember, these first few chapters are meant to show you how easy it really is to meet women. Then, later, we'll dive into all of the ideas, methods and strategies that will help you understand exactly what is happening. Now, the story from the last chapter continues: “After that incident I went to my platform to get on my train that was about to leave. Lo and behold, as I’m walking down the stairs, there is another very pretty girl in a skirt a bit ahead of me. A couple excuses run through my mind about why I shouldn’t approach her. “I just got the phone number of that other girl who is still in eyesight across the platform.” But, as guys who do The Revolution! know, excuses like these are pretty easy to dissolve, especially when you train for moments like this every day. I lost her for a second in the crowd, while my train was pulling up. Then I saw her sitting down, legs crossed, nice legs, very pretty face, clearly not getting on the same train as me. I only had a few seconds, if I wanted to catch my train (and I did). Page 26 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The situation: • The most attractive girl I had seen all day (after approaching 31 attractive girls). • My train leaving within 30 seconds. • Another girl whose number I got possibly watching. So what did I do? “Hi. What’s your name?” I shot a glance at the train. The doors had just opened and people were starting to file out. “M” “Hi M. What’s your phone number?” It was obvious that I was in a rush so she hurriedly typed her number into my phone. When she finished I told her to have a good day and then sprinted onto my train as the doors were shutting. She waved to me while the train left. Simple. Now, some of you are probably saying, “Yeah man, but how did you know she would give you her number?” I didn’t. If she says no… IT’S OKAY. Many girls don’t give me their phone numbers. That’s fine. When you have an abundPage 27 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women ance of beautiful, high quality women in your life, it doesn’t really matter one way or the other. It takes Confidence to be willing to take “no” for an answer. Women can sense it. Truth is, my goal wasn’t to get her number. My goal was to Identify whether she was into me or not. I'm not trying to “get” the girl. I'm simply Identifying if there is a mutual reason for us to both get to know each other more. (Identification is a concept we talk about in detail later on in this book. It is also a major concept in our comprehensive training system on how to meet women, The Revolution!). I’m looking for girls who I share chemistry with. Chemistry happens right off the bat. You don’t have to do any fancy tricks or do anything special to “attract” her. It’s either there, or it’s not. You can't fake it. Something incredible happens when you stop trying to ‘build attraction’ and simply Identify if it's there or not: Your interactions with women become easier, you spend less time with women who don’t go anywhere, and you start being able to meet and date A LOT more and much higher quality women. If there is chemistry, and you know how to see it, then you will look like magic with women compared to guys who are stuck chasing and persuading women to like them. Why? Because she likes you! Page 28 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women “But what about girls who don’t like you?” To that I say, why are you wasting your time with girls who don’t like you? First of all, it’s inefficient and slows you down if your goal is to date more and/or better quality women. Secondly, what kind of a self-respecting man wants to be with a woman who doesn’t honestly like him? Fact is, if you only focus on finding women who like you (right from the start) you can build an incredible dating life free of all the stress and BS that you hear about from other guys. Here's what you do: • Hi • What’s your name • What’s your phone number? • Anything else you do should just be fun, normal, light conversation. See how simple that is?” Page 29 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women H MEET WOMEN AS A REGULAR GUY OW TO “I had finished my Daily 30 for the day and was shopping at the grocery store.” While I was looking around the pasta aisle, I looked over and noticed a very attractive girl wearing a short skirt. Cool. After talking to 30 women in the last hour, saying 'hi' to this one girl was fairly simple. I hear a lot of guys talk about how nervous they get when approaching a girl. That's fine if that is where you are at as a man. But, you're reading this because you want help, right? That's why I'm sharing my experiences. So that you can see how a normal man approaches a girl he finds attractive (without all the BS, lies, dancing and manipulation you see from most dating advice for men). "Hi" I say. She looks up. "What's your name?" Page 30 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women "K" "Nice to meet you, K." I extend my hand to shake hers. Over the next few minutes we have a decent conversation. As the conversation continued, I made jokes, she laughed. Gradually she started asking me a few questions about myself. Although, I've talked to girls that were much more interesting and with whom I share a lot more chemistry. That's okay. She might be a great girl for me. Might not. I still don't really know her yet. Eventually, I simply ask for her phone number. She says sure and types in her info. Finally, she asks my name. I give it and then tell her, "I had fun. I hope you have a good evening. Bye now." I noticed that her final handshake lingered a bit longer than her first handshake. (If you don't notice these subtleties yet, relax. It comes with experience and time. Approaching 30 women a day, as per The Revolution! tends to speed up that process exponentially, too.) She also seemed more noticeably in a good mood after talking with me for a few minutes. See how hard that was guys? • You meet a girl. • Say hi. • Have a light, playful conversation for a few minutes. Page 31 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women • Then you ask for her number. Life is a lot easier when you stop worrying about "making" a girl like you. Focus, instead, on finding girls who are open to having a conversation with you, keep things light and playful, listen to her and then determine if this is a girl you actually want in your life. "But if I don't MAKE her like me how will I get girls to like me?" We hear this argument a lot. Bottom line - you can meet and date much more and much better women by finding women who actually like you and not wasting time with women who don't like you. Rather than trying to convince every woman you meet to like you. What is the by-product of not trying to convince every girl to like you? A LOT more girls will actually like you! Funny how that works. H MEET WOMEN BY WALKING AWAY OW TO Recently, I was cruising through another day of The Revolution! when I saw a skinny blonde with black-rimmed glasses who looked really good. Page 32 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women I walk right up to her and said, "Hello. What's your name?" She smiles. After exchanging greetings and joking around for about a minute I decided to ask for her number... And since I approach 30 women a day, the possibility of rejection doesn't even matter. It's pretty easy to accept "No" as an answer. If any one woman isn't into us, we thank her, wish her well, and continue on to the next attractive one we see. That's pretty much what was happening here, until an unexpected twist. Me: “Tell me your phone number.” Her: “Why?” Me: “So I can call you and ask you on a date.” Her: “Wha-!!! Are you serious?” I nodded. Her: “Really??? Are you trying to trick me or something?” I checked inside my suit like I'm looking for something insidious, but not finding it. “Nope, I don't think so.” Her: “Hahaha! You're funny!” Page 33 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Me: “Thanks. I try.” Her: “So, what is this? Are you a salesman?” I raise an eyebrow at her. Her: “Why do you really want my phone number?” While smiling and extending my hand I say, “It's ok. I had a fun time.” She shook my hand confusedly. “Wait... Are you leaving?” As I backed away to leave and talk to 16 more girls that day, “Yes. I hope you have a nice day.” Her: “W-w-w-wait! You don't want my number?” Me: “If you don't want to give it to me, it's okay. If you want to give it to me, that's okay too. Which one is it?” Her: “You want to call me for a date?” Me: “Yep.” Her: “Ok! You can have my number! It's ok!” Page 34 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Me: “Well... Ok... But... Are you sure?” Her: “Yes!” Me: “Really? You really want to give me your phone number?” Her: “Yes, yes! Really, it's ok!” Me: “Hmm. Alright.” After I got her number, she thanked me and I told her I hope she has a nice day. As I walked away, I could only think of something that Douglas Hall taught me a long time ago "When a girl likes you, she won't let you disqualify her." This kind of thing happens when you're willing to accept "No" as an answer, rather than push, plow, dance and beg just for a chance to "get in there." Halfway through this interaction, when I shook her hand to walk away, I felt that I had Identified her as a woman who was not interested enough in me to give me her phone number. And since I knew I would be talking to plenty more women in the next few minutes, I was okay with simply walking away. All of her weird games got tossed to the side at that point then, simply because she saw I was EXTREMELY willing to accept "No" as an answer... Enough so that she actually STOPPED me from leaving and practically demanded I take her number! All of my actions were based on the principle of Identifying Page 35 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women women who are into me right from the beginning while talking to 30 women a day. Walking away from her when she wasn't making things fun and simple actually led to her giving me her number. Even the strategy of consciously making an effort (and in this case, succeeding) to make her laugh is really only another way to Identify whether or she's into me - women who are interested smile and laugh at our jokes (even when they're lame... ESPECIALLY when they're lame!), while those who aren't interested may not even bat an eyelash (even when we come up with the most gut-bustingly, witty zinger). None of my actions came from a Chasing mindset - the kind of mindset that has guys Chasing her for her phone number, Chasing her to spend more time with her, Chasing her for the chance to maybe possibly get a date or anything else. Any form of "pushing" or "plowing" just causes resistance, and thus has no place in the dating life of men who want stress-free, fun-filled times with incredible women who are totally into them.” Stop Chasing. Learn to Identify women who are into you right from the beginning. Talk to lots of women (30 or more) every day. Simply walk away if she's not making things smooth and fun. And as always, Be Amazing. Page 36 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 37 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART II T MIGHT SHOCK YOU … HIS Men, before you keep reading the rest of this book we want to clear something up. Instead of feeding you the usual marketing line about how to “make any girl like you regardless of your looks, age or money. Guaranteed!” we are going to be more straight-forward with you and tell you: This book is NOT going to teach you how to convince or seduce a girl and make her like you. We have something much more powerful; something that we believe most men want, crave and need but have never had the chance to get (until now). This book flies in the face of what society, the mass media and many of the dating experts are telling you. But, fact is, if you want more, better or the best women then you don’t need to convince, persuade, seduce, or build attraction. It’s time to stop begging for attention and validation from hot women. We'll give you the chance to learn a new way of looking at the world of women and dating that can let you build your dating life into something so much more Amazing. Page 38 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Of course, some guys like the ego-boost of convincing girls to like them. But, most guys want a way to meet and date truly great women without doing the degrading dance of persuasion and convincing just to get her approval. If this is you then we’re glad to have you with us. It’s going to be a long, exciting, sometimes difficult, ultimately fulfilling journey and we will keep supporting you every step of the way. If however, after reading this book, you are one of those guys who would still rather beg, convince and persuade girls to like him because he doesn’t value self-respect, honesty and fulfillment then we wish you the best of luck. Much of the existing dating/seduction advice out there is catered specifically to you. Enjoy. We make this disclaimer about the kind of guys this book is NOT intended for because, even though it will mean that we might lose some of our audience, we know how powerfully our message continues to resonate with men who want the very best for themselves; men who are willing to take action; men who want self-respect and self-esteem in all areas of life; men who want women of great beauty and accomplishment; men who want more and better women without sacrificing integrity; men who want excitement without sacrificing honesty, happiness without losing dignity and fulfillment without compromising standards; men who want the very best and are willing to take action to get it. If you are this kind of man then – We’re about to show you the path to greatness. Page 39 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women W HAT IS ABUNDANCE REALITY? I finished up a date early Wednesday evening, and realized that I was still free tomorrow evening. So, I pulled out my list of prospects and started calling the new numbers I had gotten from attractive women through the past couple of weeks, looking to schedule some dates. As I went down the list, I left messages on answering machines or I hung up after letting it ring for a reasonable amount of time. Sometimes, a woman would answer, and I would invite her out for coffee. Some turned me down, and eventually I had absolutely no more free time to schedule dates that week. Get this … about a quarter of of my ‘prospect list’ still remained. Because I had started with the most impressive women, the remaining list was the leftover women who, while still quite hot, had attitudes and personalities that were less impressive that the girls I had scheduled for dates. When you have an Abundance Reality, the quality of women skyrockets. I literally could not fit any more dates into that week’s schedule without losing sleep, skipping work, calling off dates with other girls, breaking appointments, double-booking dates or doing something else that would disrupt my plans and/or the balance of my week. I WANTED to call the last chunk of numbers (and hopefully schedule even more dates), but I HAD to wait until the following week because my time was limited. Abundance, to us here at DateMasters, means having more than we want – we have too much. It isn’t a mindset. It is a fact. Page 40 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Our quality and quantity of women is so maxed out that our dating issues are solved with room to spare. We can say “no” to hot women because we honestly don’t need her or even really care about getting her. Not because it’s a tactic to help us get her, but because we literally have too many other hot, cool women in our lives to worry about her. Having the ability to both say “No” and walk away from beautiful women you simply don’t have any chemistry with, as well as take “No” confidently for an answer from any woman, will help make you a much more attractive and Amazing Man who women honestly want and like. The most awesome part about this is that I don’t need to rely on any tricky phone tactics to get women on dates. Why? Because I have so many prospective dates, I have the freedom to only date women who are both very attractive to me AND are mutually interested in me. You don’t need to use tactics to get a girl when she wants to get you as much or more than you want to get her. Part of this stems from the fact I’m meeting 30 women a day, every day and have met tons of women who were interested in me right from the very beginning. I don’t have to chase after every single girl that gives me a bit of attention. I have too many great girls and new prospects already. Guys will be amazed to know that there are, quite literally, millions of sexy, high quality women out there in the world waiting to meet you. You just have to know how to find them without getting all caught up in trying to push yourself on every single girl regardless of her interest in you. There are always newer, more beautiful, better attitude women right around the corner (about 30 of them, every day). This isn’t some random thing I say to myself in the morning. This is my reality. I hesitate to call this attitude ‘abundance mentality,’ as that Page 41 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women term gets thrown about in discussions about women and dating to the point where its meaning has been watered down. What I’m talking about is meeting women so efficiently and effectively so that you too can do it every day, easily, and in massive numbers. One of the best ways we know of doing so is simply to get up, get out of the house, and to start greeting women. (For example, following The Revolution! Helps you effectively and efficiently meet massive numbers of women. We highly recommend you check it out if you want an Abundance Reality too.) Even if our ‘prospect list’ is overflowing with numbers from women accepting dates, we still need to meet more women. This is how you make the fastest and easiest progress towards extremely high quality women or even finding the woman of your dreams who makes you want to stop meeting more women. When our schedules are full and we’re STILL getting more incoming dates, our standards rise as a result. Then we simply HAVE to let some of them go/walk away from some of them. No wishful thinking here and no need to talk and talk and talk about how importance ‘abundance mentality’ is. We prefer living in an actual Abundance Reality. Y OU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY WITH THIS BOOK There are two different kinds of men who read this book: men who read it and take action and others who read it and make excuses. If you are a man who is willing to take action, then this book will change your life. If you choose not to take action on Page 42 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women what you read then don’t be surprised when nothing happens. You must make the decision, right now, and commit to taking action on what you read in this book. ESPECIALLY if you don’t fully understand it. When something this powerful, that completely shifts the way people think comes along, it’s no good just to read it and do nothing. You must use everything you are about to read now. It’s true. Men are eager for a new way of thinking that frees them from their old constraints. When that knowledge comes along they devour it. They pass it along to their friends, knowing that they will become a better man if they around surrounded by men who understand this new way of thinking. They blog and write about as a record of their first steps towards greatness. It monopolizes forums and discussions. And because you are reading this now, you are at the forefront of this new understanding, on the cutting edge of these new breakthroughs. We fully expect you to be so Amazed, so stunned, by what you can achieve with the way of thinking that we will show you later that we know you will take action on what you learn. We know that many of you will want to tell others about this because you benefit when others read this book. The more men who are set free from the old ways of thinking, the easier it will be for you to meet, date, and keep the kind of women you want. Many of you will even want send us an email thanking us for writing it and share your success stories that this book helped you create for yourself. That’s all good. Remember, it is always YOU who creates your own success. This book cannot create any success for you that you are unwilling to create for yourself. But for those of you who read this carefully and take massive action on what you learn, you will Page 43 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women achieve Amazing things in life. If you are willing to use this book as a guide to create your own success with women then this book has the potential to completely and fundamentally alter your life. Your success is YOUR responsibility. We are here to open your eyes and show you the way. H CAN THIS BOOK TRANSFORM YOUR DATING LIFE? OW It's amazing. You can sit down, read this book, and transform your entire dating life. We might have been reluctant to say this a few years ago. But that’s exactly what’s happening for the guys who are using what we teach. And they continue to change in more incredible ways than even we have ever imagined (and trust us, we have great imaginations). All our success stories can fill volumes ten times the size of this book (and they do inside the exclusive DateMasters Community Forums). The skill-sets we all needed to develop in gaining mastery over dating and meeting women have powerfully carried over into many other aspects of our daily lives. Page 44 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women As you take massive action on what you learn with this book, we are certain that your journey to Meet More Women, meet better women and live an incredible life will only accelerate as we inspire you to become more Amazing. We highly recommend that you print out Meet More Women right now (we know some of you have already done it), grab some colored markers and pens for taking notes, pull up your favorite comfy chair, sit back and relax for a spell as you carefully read what follows. The concepts in this book continue to change the lives of our guys in more ways than they ever anticipated and we believe the same can happen for you. T HE SECRET TO REVOLUTIONIZING YOUR LIFE You wanna hear a secret? We’ve got lots to share. We know you’re hungry to learn so let’s start with telling you why it’s important to wait to tell you the fundamental idea that underscores everything we do here at DateMasters. As much as we would like you to understand the significance of this book right now, our reason for waiting to reveal what has revolutionized the lives of so many men is quite simple. Once you realize the impact it’s had ... you can’t help but to read it more closely, think through each implication, and focus on each and every Page 45 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women detail searching for the catalyst to make your own life more Amazing. You see, the greater you understand the significance of this book the easier it will be to use it to change your life in Amazing ways. By the time you finish reading you’ll learn, in simple clear terms, the single over-arching idea that you should take from this book that will help you. And when you read it the second, fourth, and one-hundredth time you will even see how we have laced this entire book with this fundamental concept starting with the very first paragraph. In fact, we’ve packed so much into this small book that you’ll most likely have new insights and make new realizations each and every time you read Meet More Women. The first customers and students who learned from us were never told overtly about this idea so we’ll just call this your lucky bonus for the day. We want to make sure you know, believe, and understand exactly why this idea is having such a profound impact on men who want respect, excitement, happiness and fulfillment now. Because it’s this one simple, but powerful concept that has made all the difference in helping take men from frustration and pain to happy, fulfilling lives with Amazing women. Now, you might be tempted right now to turn the pages forward and read it right now. It’s that powerful. But trust us, it’s going to be an even more powerful experience when you read it in the order we present it in so that you can make your own major revelations. A huge part of our job is deprogramming your mind of all the BS about women that has been crammed into your head by all the Page 46 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Hollywood movies, mass media, and seduction experts. Only when your misconceptions have been cleared away will your mind be capable of some seriously level-headed rational thinking and well on the way to reaching your own epiphanies when it comes to women, dating, and relationships. Our hope is that when you finish reading this book the first time you will understand how fully this concept can revolutionize your life … especially when you are shown how to take massive action upon it. We want you to enjoy the experience of reading it. More importantly – we want you to have the same Amazing levels of success as our DateMasters. After we introduce this critical concept to you, we will even give you a more in-depth explanation of why it’s so important and a thorough description of how you can apply it right now. And then, in Parts VI & VII, we will take everything you’re about to discover here and really work to internalize it all. We'll drill down even deeper into all the nuts and bolts as you learn how to apply everything quickly and easily. We want you to achieve your goals with women as fast as possible. S TANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS This book is based on years and years of research while dating hundreds and thousands of women and observing (and enjoying) all variety of relationships with every possible kind of woman. It is based on our experiences approaching and dating thousands with women and our students experiences using what we teach. Page 47 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women But most importantly, it’s based on the results that we witness our students achieve when they grasp and apply ideas outlined in this book. Because no matter how great we think the concepts are or how much research we’ve done or women we’ve met and dated, the only real gauge of the power of our concepts is if our results are consistently reproduced by our students. We already know that we understand women. But it wasn’t until we started seeing men transform themselves using what we teach that we realized we have something of true value for men who want more Amazing women. The true testament to these ideas is that they are consistently responsible for guys success and happiness far beyond what they had initially hoped. We can confidently say that yes – this book can help you reach success and happiness with women beyond what you ever dreamed possible. Again and again men who follow exactly what we teach and implement everything they learn have been able to CONSISTENTLY reproduce the exact same kinds of Amazing and varied relationships that we enjoy with the same caliber of women: women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment. You have in your hands something with the power the change your life. When you take action on it – We believe that it will change your life. Enjoy it, and appreciate every moment of what’s happening for you... Page 48 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women G AMAZING WITH WOMEN ET What you now hold in your hands is just a snapshot of years of extensive research and testing on thousands and thousands of women. Years of a group of men going out and meeting 30 women a day, everyday, going on dozens of dates a week, and building strong, fulfilling relationships with women who are not only so stunningly beautiful that they intimidate most men but who also have the kind brains, drive and success that would make most men jealous. Up till now, these ideas have been closely guarded and were only available to select men who we accepted as clients because we knew they would use what we taught them. Lo and behold, when these men used what we taught them, as we taught them, they got the exact same results we did. One of our clients said this about his training with DateMasters, “It feels too easy.” The key is that you must use this book as the catalyst for the change you need in your life. Let’s face it, we all want more and better. The simple fact that you are reading this right now means that you are one of the few men who is actually willing to take the steps necessary to change your life for the better. You deserve the kind of women you want. We are providing you with knowledge and knowledge is power. But you have to use this power to take action on what you learn right now. If you are concerned about what you should take action on, relax. We’re going to give you some really simple but extremely potent steps you can take right away to use Meet More Women to Meet More Women. Page 49 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women It is up to you to do everything in your power (remember how we said we are giving you power?) to use what you learn and live up to your full potential to be an Amazing Man. We have already told you that for the past several years we’ve been personally training select clientele to get Amazing women and be Amazing with women. What we didn’t tell you yet was that it was all for a bigger purpose. You see, we’ve spent the past several years honing our ideas and our methods into something that not only helps you get results for yourself, it frees you from the chains that are holding you back and lets you live the life you really want. Most of what you are about to read is going to go against what many of you have learned (or didn’t learn) from society, movies, seduction / dating experts and the powers-that-be about how to meet women. And for some of you who have spent years and years letting opportunities slip away or wasting time honing your ‘persuasion’ skills it might be painful. Or it might be exactly what you need to set you free. This is your chance to make things right. Our vision is to help men all over the world find, meet, get and keep absolutely Amazing women, all the while building men’s self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth. We realized that the best way to achieve this goal is to give away these powerful ideas right here in this book, Meet More Women. We know that once your mind is opened to your true potential that the more driven and ambitious among you will take action on what you learn. Some of you will implement what you read here into your daily lives so fully that we never hear from you again Page 50 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women except when you email us to say “Thank you! This was when it all changed for me!” Great! Or maybe, in your quest to be more and more Amazing, you will come back to us for more training and guidance. A few of you might even transform your lives so radically because of this book that other men start to look to you for advice on women. If you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you print this book out right now, and read it immediately, all in one sitting. And take notes. You’re gonna want to get your pen and pad ready. Make sure you’re sitting down (we don’t want you falling over and bumping your head). Go get a cup of coffee. Take a deep breath. Okay. Ready? T SINGLE BIGGEST PROBLEM FOR MEN TODAY HE The single biggest problem facing men today is that they can’t meet a great girl. Even if you don’t think this is the biggest problem, it is. And we’ll explain. There are so many great men out there who have so much to offer women: men who are shy but good people; men who seem Page 51 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women to have it all but lack confidence with women; men with self-respect, ambition and a good head on their shoulders who seem to be at a loss as to why they can’t meet a really great girl; successful men or men who have all the money in the world who still aren’t able to find a great woman who likes him for who he is, instead of liking him for what he provides. Even guys who want to date lots of girls and enjoy being single are still confused as to why they can’t meet enough great girls who stick around. This problem is so daunting for most guys that they simply settle for what they’ve got even though they know they could be doing better. Or they go to all kinds of outlandish lengths to get past this problem. Problem is, without the right knowledge, the right mindset, and the right action the problem either never gets solved or it just gets repressed behind a mountain of other problems. But we know how you feel. And we know what you’re going through. What’s more, we’ve come out on the other side and seen how Amazing you can become if you take massive action on your life in the right way. Until DateMasters, men with self-respect had relatively few dignified options for improving their dating life and learning how to meet women. Right now, this is when you find the solution. Page 52 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women T SINGLE BIGGEST SOLUTION FOR MEN TODAY HE First, we’re going to tell you the solution to the biggest problem facing men today. After we identify the solution we’re going to teach you about our life-changing concepts to help bridge the gap from problem to solution. Guys, this is going to be obvious. You already know it. Everybody knows it. Entire industries have been built to cater to it and facilitate it, from the nightlife industry to the dating advice industry. So, what is the solution? Simple. Meet More Women. (duh!) This isn’t the breakthrough. Men have always known that they want to Meet More Women, and that they need to Meet More Women. • • Want to find a gorgeous girl with a great personality who makes you a better man? You have to meet her first. Go. Meet More Women. Want to find that girl who makes you feel like you could take on the world? You need to meet Page 53 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters • • • • • • • • • Meet More Women her first. Go. Meet More Women. Want to find a great woman who you can trust to help you raise an Amazing family? You need to find the best one. Go. Meet More Women. Want to date lots of girls and enjoy yourself with lots of really great ones? Go. Meet More Women. Want lots of dates with lots of girls? Go. Meet More Women. Want to have a fulfilling relationship with your ideal woman? Go. Meet More Women. Want to find a woman who respects you? Go. Meet More Women. Want to find a women who is so in love with you she shakes when she’s near you? Go. Meet More Women. Want lots of exciting experiences with women so you can look back on your life and say, “That sure was fun!”? Go. Meet More Women. Want to get better talking to women? Go. Meet More Women. Want more experience with women so that you can improve yourself, be more confident, more relaxed and more comfortable with women? Go. Meet More Women. We hope that by just saying it, Meet More Women, you will remember that the only reason why you haven’t met a great woman is because you haven’t met her yet. Once you know you have the power to meet her you can transform your life. Simple fact is, if you aren’t in a fulfilling, relationship with a woman that makes you truly happy then you need to Meet More Women. It’s simple. The only way to get and keep the kind of woman you want is to meet her first. There is no way around it. Page 54 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women For some of you this won’t be a revelation. For others, simply identifying the fact that you need to Meet More Women will be like a light-bulb just went off inside your head. Most guys will only really meet a small handful of women in their lifetime. Out of that small handful they will date even less and seriously date even less than that. The odds that you meet the woman who is best for you out of that small handful is slim. And unless you decide right now to take full control of how you Meet More Women, you just aren’t giving yourself a chance in hell at finding an incredible woman who is perfect for you. We want you to have total freedom in your dating life; the freedom to meet and be with the kind of woman that makes you happy. Even guys who outwardly appear very social and obviously go out to “chase girls” end up falling short when it comes to meeting a really great woman who makes them want to stop chasing girls. Simply put – the more women you meet the greater your chances of finding that really incredible one who is totally into you. The best way to find that woman (or women) is to develop true freedom of choice with women. If you don’t have choice with women then you don’t have freedom. If you don’t have choice with women then you are ultimately just a slave to the whims and fancies of circumstance. We want you to have freedom. When it comes right down to it, we want our guys to be with the greatest women in the world. We know it’s possible. But you have to want it. Page 55 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Men – choice with women is freedom with women. The path to freedom is to Meet More Women... Any of the issues you are having with the women in your life can be solved by meeting more women. The more women you meet, the more chances you will have at meeting a woman who you truly connect with on both a physical and mental level. Guys, we’re speaking from experience when we tell you that if you meet enough women, the right way, you will find women who like you who are more Amazing and gorgeous than you ever imagined (and yes, they will like you right away). If this seems outlandish to you relax. There is a very good reason why this doesn’t seem possible (but is completely possible). T REASON WHY MOST MEN STRUGGLE TO MEET MORE WOMEN HE We’re always Amazed at how consistently most men are approaching dating and women the wrong way. Even people who make a living giving dating advice tend to be totally off the mark more often than not. (Not to say there isn’t some good advice out there, but we urge you to be careful and selective with whose advice you heed.) So often we’ll see a guy inching closer and closer to the answer when suddenly he veers off into the land of frustration, rejection and unhappiness. But it’s all cool. We’re here to help you see the problem and Page 56 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women find solutions. Lack of a fundamental understanding of what is truly holding guys back has made them seek solutions in arbitrary places, or worse yet, not at all. Here is your problem: You are not meeting enough women. Whether you aren’t meeting enough women because you don’t know how, it’s too difficult, you don’t want to bother or you feel like you can’t, the fact remains, you aren’t meeting enough women. Some guys just sit around at home all day, digging through tomes of pseudo-scientific tips on how to meet women but since they don’t know how to consistently motivate themselves to take action and Meet More Women they end up stuck at home with a bunch of information gathering dust. Others create mental blocks and make excuses that prevent them from meeting more women or else they try to trick women into liking them. Even guys who seemingly have no problem meeting women feel frustrated and confused because they still can’t find happiness with the women they are meeting. Maybe you’re one of the guys who are simply unaware of the possibilities of the kind of life you can have with women if you apply yourself and take action. Page 57 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Or maybe you’ve reached a point where you think “Yeah I can get girls!” but because you aren’t consistently taking action your results are random, spotty, and with women who don’t fully satisfy you over the long haul. Or maybe you get results but you’re unhappy with the consistency of the results you are getting. Or perhaps you go out, you start meeting women, and then over time your momentum slows down and you stop meeting lots of women even though you haven’t yet found your ideal women or aren’t living you ideal lifestyle. We believe that these problems all stems from the fact that most guys’ approach to meeting women is tragically flawed. We’ve come to believe that this is not only the most important dilemma facing men today but that if you were to solve this problem for yourself, all of your other problems with women could be solved in time. It’s sad that the primary cause for so much struggling and grief is really a lack of fundamental knowledge. It’s the reason why the overwhelming majority of guys “feel like a failure” when it comes to women even if they spend lots of time, effort and money trying to “get girls.” Unfortunately, there are all sorts of negative influences throughout the world telling guys things that ultimately lead them down a self-destructive path that leaves them less happy with themselves than when they began. We know from our vastly different experiences that it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re here to empower you with the knowledge to get the respect, happiness, and women you want and Page 58 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women deserve. This is your chance to change your life rather than letting your dreams fall by the wayside due to a misunderstanding of how to meet, date and keep Amazing women. We’re here to expose the issue and give you clarity about how to move forward, earn respect and Meet More Women in ways you’ve never seen before; ways that are consistently responsible for the success and happiness of ourselves and our students. If you’re not meeting more women, doing it consistently, while simultaneously growing your own self-respect, happiness, and confidence then you’re doing it wrong. So what is standing in your way? Page 59 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 60 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART III T MAJOR OBSTACLES HOLDING YOU BACK HE So, now let’s look at what’s holding you back and preventing you from moving with maximum force towards meeting more women faster than you ever thought possible. Our goal here is to show you, point blank, exactly what the main obstacles are so that we can expose them and eliminate them. You need to see what your true obstacles are to meeting women in a way that can actually lead to happy relationships with women you really want. Let’s really look at some major issues that a lot of guys, and maybe even you, experience. In the next 4 chapters we’ll be presenting you with a series of case studies, including our analysis of what went wrong and how to fix the problems. If you’re a guy who has these issues with meeting women then you are in for a real eye-opener. If you’re one of the men who no longer experiences these issues then we recommend you read the following case studies with an open mind because they will still give you some incredible insight on how to further improve yourself even more. As you read the next 4 chapters take a few moments to think Page 61 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women of times in your past when you’ve had experiences like this. Remember, these brief case studies only touch the tip of the iceberg. We still have a whole lot coming your way. W OMEN WITH INTIMIDATING BEAUTY Frankie is going about his day when he sees a gorgeous woman walking his way. Long legs, great body, sexy style. An intimidating beauty. He starts running through his mind. “What can I say?” “What should I do?” “I should talk to her! But how?” “What if I mess up?” “How can I make her like me?” He gets stuck on thinking of the perfect thing to say so that Page 62 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women this beautiful girl likes him. His mind races, playing all the possibilities over and over. And before he knows it, it is over. “I should talk to her! I should talk to her! Bah! I should have talked to her!” She’s already passed him by and he missed his chance because he got stuck in his head instead of taking action. Once again, Frankie is left feeling like he doesn’t have what it takes to approach gorgeous women Has this ever happened to you? Symptom: You feel nervous or anxious about approaching gorgeous women. Cause: Thinking that if you don’t make a great approach then you’ll have a tough time convincing her to like you. “Oh no! If I’m not good at convincing her to like me with my approach then I can’t get her!” Analysis: Most guys who struggle with women feel pressured to ‘say X’ or ‘do Y’ in order to convince each girl to like them. When it comes to meeting more women, the pressure of trying to convince each girl to like him comes out as anxiety and nervousness. Since the pressure gets worse the more a guy is attracted to a girl, these guys often end up hesitating and missing out on approaching the kind of women they really want. Page 63 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women This kind of guy is afraid that if he makes a mistake the girl will walk out of his life forever. It’s as if he sees girls as a special combination lock and thinks that if he doesn’t have the exact right code he can’t unlock her. Talk about pressure! Underlying Problem: Feeling the need to persuade and convince women to like you. This comes from a lack of understanding and knowledge (followed up by experience) on how to meet women without any tricks to convince and persuade her at all. Solution: Develop understanding, experience and knowledge of how to Meet More Women that isn’t reliant on persuasion. (Keep reading for a more detailed explanation) T HE GUY WHO IS NATURALLY STUCK WITH WOMEN Bob likes to hang out with the guys. Sure, he wants to meet a great girl but he just doesn’t feel comfortable going out to “hit on” girls. He thinks it would be much better to naturally meet women rather than trying to convince them to like him. Unfortunately, Bob has yet to find a “natural” way of getting women lined up at his doorstep begging to meet him. So, for now, he is stuck meeting just a few new girls a year. He knows he could Meet More Women if he went out with the intention of meeting more women but that doesn’t fit his image of himself. He feels like this would be changing who he is Page 64 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women just to get girls. Even when he does randomly meet a new girl at a party or through friends he is very resistant to the idea of changing who he is just to get a girl to like him. When faced with the choice of trying to convince and cajole a girl into liking him and just not meeting many women he chooses the latter (not realizing that this is a false choice). Ultimately, this leaves him feeling lonely and unsatisfied because he can’t find a really great woman. Have you ever experienced this? Symptom: You feel resistant to changing who you are just to make girls like you. Cause: Thinking that the only way to meet lots of girls is to cajole and convince them to like you. “No way! I’m not going out just to try to get girls! Trying to convince girls to like me is lame! I’m not gonna change who I am!” Analysis: Lots of guys are like this. They want girls to like them for who they are and are unwilling to go out of their way just to ‘hit on’ girls. This comes from a powerful gut feeling they get that trying to make girls like you is not something that a selfrespecting man does. They value self-respect, integrity and honesty over convincing girls to like them. Lacking a way to meet women without sacrificing their values they just don’t meet many women. Page 65 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Underlying Problem: You don’t have a way to Meet More Women that allows you to maintain self-respect, integrity and honesty. You want a way to Meet More Women that amounts to more than just “chasing girls.” You want a way to Meet More Women lets you keep all you dignity and self-respect. Solution: Learn to Meet More Women in a way that maintains dignity, self-respect and honesty. (Keep reading for a more detailed explanation) G RANDMAS, BABIES AND ARSONIST BEARS Bill meets a girl who he thinks is ‘all that’ and more. She’s hot and Bill is sure he can impress her so he puts the pressure on himself to pull out all his best tricks, techniques and lines. Initially, she gives him bad attitude and challenges him by being rude and dismissive. He just looks at it like a “test” and thinks that all girls do this. In an effort to show her how un-phased he is by her tests and tries to slyly (or overtly) hint at his expensive house in the rich part of town, his new car, how popular he is with girls, his cool interests, and his wild lifestyle. He even tells the story about the baby and grandmother he simultaneously saved from a collapsing building that had been set on fire (by bears) so that she knows how protective and loving he is. She’s hot so he wants to convince her that he’s hot too. The Page 66 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women hotter the girl the bigger the brag. Unfortunately, he always ends up with girls who want his house, his car, his commitment, his popularity, his status, his VIP access, his lifestyle or his attention more than they actually want him. He ends up lonely and disappointed because the only women who stay in his life seem to want him for everything EXCEPT who he is as a man. He just wishes he could find a girl who likes him for the great guy he is and not for what he can do for her. Have you ever felt this way? Symptom: You feel the stress to impress when with a gorgeous woman. Cause: Thinking that you need to persuade girls to like you. “Dang, she’s hot! I better do everything I can to impress her or else she’ll get away!” Analysis: Lots of guys think that they need to brag or else girls won’t like them. Hey, it’s worked before! They tell the girl about their big house, their shiny new car and their fancy job and girls eat it up. But somehow the guy is left feeling like the girl is just using him and he wonders why he can’t find a girl who likes him for who he is as a man, never realizing that his braggadocio is actually repelling the high-value women of exceptional beauty Page 67 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women and accomplishment and attracting only the beautiful users. Since he can’t keep a great woman with all of his cool stories and lifestyle, he makes the mistake of thinking that he just needs to impress girls more if he wants to keep them. So he goes back out to meet more girls thinking he just needs to get better convincing them to like him and the cycle starts all over. Ultimately this leads him to settle with a girl who doesn’t really like him or it causes him to meet less women out of frustration. Really, his whole approach to meeting women was flawed in the first place and he never even realized it. Underlying Problem: Undeveloped core personality and attitude that great women naturally want so you believe you must do something special in order to impress her or get her to feel / think a certain way. Solution: Develop your core personality and attitude so that when you meet great women you don’t need to persuade her to like you. A MAZING! Bill meets another girl. She’s great. Gorgeous. Incredible job. Smart. Exciting. She’s even funny! And to top it all off, she seems into him! ’She’s amazing!’ He thinks. Page 68 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Just like the last case study, Bill puts on his best performance. He really wants to impress her. He tells her all about his great lifestyle and all the cool stuff going for him. He doesn’t meet many girls like this so he really wants to make her feel a connection. He even starts making plans with her to go on future dates and telling her how unique, cool and different she is from all the other girls out there. He pulls out every trick in the book to try to convince her that he is the right man for her. This woman is exactly the reason why he wanted to get better at persuasion and “getting the girl.” Success! They go on a couple dates and he spares no expense. “I better do things right” he thinks. Things are going smoothly. They seem to have such a great connection after he’s shared so much of his past with her. He even sends her frequent messages to let her know about the cool things going on in his life and to let her know that he likes her for more than just her body. And then … she’s gone. She stops returning his phone calls and messages with anything more than “I’m busy.” Meanwhile, Bill is frantically planning out how he can “get her” to like him again. But all his pushing and persistence leads to nothing because she is already gone and he’s left scratching his head. The next time he goes out to Meet More Women he tries even harder to persuade girls to like him, under the false assumption that “if it didn’t work with her then I need to improve my persuasion skills.” In the end, Bill goes right back into the cycle of persuading every girl he meets to like him Have you ever done this? Page 69 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Symptom: You feel disappointed and let-down when girls you really like leave you or stop returning your phone calls. Cause: Feeling like you need to convince and persuade girls if you want them to stay with you for the long-run. “Boo Hoo! If only I could have done a better job making her like me I could have kept her!” Analysis: The thing about persuasion is that even if a guy can convince a girl to do something she didn’t originally want, the minute he stops persuading her, she leaves. An interaction that starts with persuasion can only keep moving forward with persuasion. This puts many guys in the (usually unnoticed) cycle of trying to persuade and convince her as long as he wants her in his life or else he risks losing her when he turns off the persuading tactics. Persuading a girl to stay with him is almost impossible for a man to do for an extended period of time. The constant internal stress of feeling the need to persuade and convince girls to like him ends up interfering with his overall happiness and ability to meet really great women. The worst part is, for the really great women like the one above, persuasion simply doesn’t cut it. She can have any man she wants. Why would she stay with a guy who has to convince her to stay when she could just as easily get one she already knows is the kind of man she wants? Underlying Problem: Lack of a way to meet women that can actually lead to a relationship where you are both mutually and Page 70 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women extraordinarily happy rather than one where you are in a constant struggle to persuade her to stay with you. Solution: Learn to be the kind of man that great women want to be with so that you don’t have to worry about how to persuade her to stay with you. (Keep reading for a more detailed explanation) So what do the above case studies have in common? 1. They are all examples how persuasive thinking holds guys back, prevents them from meeting more women and ultimately hurts their chances of finding, getting and keeping really great women. 2. They are all examples of guys who are stuck thinking that if they want to get better and do better with women they must do more and better persuading. 3. They are all examples of guys who are lacking the qualities of the kind of man doesn’t need to persuade great women to like him: The Amazing Man. T ANSWER TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS HE The very first and most fundamental obstacle we need to look at is you and your mindset. It’s from here that everything else flows. There are two diametrically opposed paths you can take to get better with women and to Meet More Women. You can either be more persuasive or you can be more Page 71 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Amazing. In short, a guy who relies on persuading has to convince girls to like him or else the girls that he wants won’t like him. An Amazing Man has no need for persuading girls to like him because, get this, really great women already do! An Amazing Man does not need to persuade. He is what she wants! As you might have guess, the persuader is under a lot more pressure, anxiety and strain than the Amazing Man. And to top it off, girls resist the persuaders advances and invitations more often than the Amazing Man. Think about this scenario – there’s a contest and the winner gets a million dollars. But there’s a catch: one guy has to get a stranger to keep a piece of dusty, old charcoal for a year and the other guy is giving away a solid gold brick. • • • • • Who do you think has an easier time – the guy giving out charcoal or the guy giving out gold? Who do you think has to worry about his persuasion techniques – the guy giving out charcoal or the guy giving out gold? Who do you think has to work his butt off convincing people – the guy giving out charcoal or the guy giving out gold? Who do you think experiences nervousness, frustration and failure – the guy giving out charcoal or the guy giving out gold? Who do you think feels more comfortable and confident that he can do what he needs to do – the guy giving out charcoal or the guy giving out gold? Why? Page 72 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Because most normal, sane people would much rather have gold over charcoal. Just like people already want the solid gold brick, great women already want an Amazing Man. Our goal here at DateMasters is to help you make yourself into an Amazing Man. Let’s look at the underlying assumption of persuading, convincing, or seducing someone to do something. It means that they didn’t really want to do it but someone gets them to do it anyways. What almost always happens is that as soon as the convincing stops, the person goes back to not wanting to do it. This might work for the tricky used car salesman who just pockets the money and runs, but think about what it means for your dating life. If you end up getting the girl through persuading and convincing you HAVE TO keep persuading and convincing until she finds out the truth and leaves you. You met by persuading so the only way to get her and keep her is by persuading (and then she leaves you for a guy who doesn’t have to persuade her). Living life constantly persuading someone to like us certainly doesn’t sound like happiness and fulfillment to us. And just think of the long-term damage this will do to a man’s self-respect and self-worth – to constantly need to be convincing a girl to like you. Live by persuasion, die by persuasion. And the worst part is, even if you get good at persuasion you are constantly questioning yourself. • “Are these the caliber of women that I really want?” Page 73 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters • • • • • • • Meet More Women “Are these the absolute best women I could be getting?” “Are these women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment?” “Am I earning self-respect this way?” “Am I growing my happiness and fulfillment?” “Am I really building my self-worth?” “Do I deserve more / better women with less stress?” “Do I have what it takes to keep my ultimate dream women when I do meet her?” The Amazing Man doesn’t need convince a woman to do anything because she already wants to do it. He makes no excuses about why he wants to meet her or why he wants her phone number. What woman isn’t thrilled to have an Amazing Man talk to her or ask her on a date? Do you think she would run off or make excuses if Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp walked up to her and asked for her phone number? The persuader focuses on how he can get better at persuading, convincing and seducing girls. The Amazing Man focuses on what he can do to become the kind of man that great women actually want. But what does that mean, exactly – to be be Amazing rather than being persuasive? Page 74 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women W DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AMAZING AND PERSUASIVE? HAT IS THE Persuading: When guys try to get the girl to like them and doing / saying things that will make her do what they want. Trying to convince girls to feel a certain way, trying to spark her interest, or feeling the need to do something special so she doesn’t leave them for someone else – these are all examples of persuasion. Most guys who struggle with women (and many who appear successful but are inwardly unhappy) busy themselves with trying to make a girl like him. Their ideas on how to Meet More Women put so much pressure on themselves that many of them just don’t even want to bother meeting new women or they give up before they find a really great one. Or, because they are stuck in the cycle of persuasion it ends up causing unnecessary stress and frustration with the girls they actually do meet and date. They are concerned with ‘how to make her do something or feel a certain way’ and ‘how to keep her from leaving.’ Tell-tale signs that you are falling into the trap of persuasive thinking include: • • Giving her excuses for why you want to talk to her / call her / see her. Trying to convince her that you are talking to her or want to call her for any reason other than dating. Page 75 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters • • • • • • Meet More Women Failing to approach gorgeous a woman because you aren’t sure how, what to do, or how to “build attraction.” Thinking that women give you “tests” that you must pass (this kind of thinking is responsible for a whole lot of unnecessary stress when it comes to meeting and interacting with women). Feeling like you need to be more tough or more alpha to get girls. Trying to convince girls you have attractive qualities by telling them stories or by trying to act popular. Pretending to “be natural” because you think it will make girls like you. Taking girls you don’t really know to expensive dates because you think it will help you get her to like you. All in all, it’s a mess. Now, let’s take a look at the advantages of Amazing! Amazing: You have a vision for the kind of women you want and the kind of man you want to be and you take action on that vision in a way that builds self-respect. Whether you've consciously made the decision or not, you are going down the path of Amazing Man simply by reading this. The Amazing Man focuses his energy on developing himself, his personality, his attitude and his life so that great women naturally want to meet him, have fun with him, date him, and stay with him. Then he searches for and chooses women who fit with his life and vision, knowing that since he is Amazing he will meet really incredible women who will want to be with him. The Amazing Man knows that by taking massive action to Page 76 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women improve his own life he is also setting in motion the very forces that will allow him to bring more women into his circle, enjoy those women more thoroughly, and be more happy and fulfilled in his relationships. The Amazing Man’s primary concern is “How can I be even more Amazing?” Each one of the guys in the case studies above is a victim of what we like to call ‘persuasive thinking.’ We all are, at times. That’s why it’s so important to always be aware of this fact. Ask yourself “Am I being Amazing? Or am I just trying to persuade her to like me?” Persuaders worry about things like: • • • • • • • • • • • ’What do I say first, next, etc?’ ’When should I call her?’ ’What do I do if she ignores me?’ ’What should I say before / after I ask her number?’ ’What do I say if she she says she has a boyfriend?’ ’What do I say if she asks why I’m talking to her?’ ’What do I say if she calls me a player?’ ’What do I do if she turns away from me and walks away?’ ’What do I say if she asks if I think shes cute?’ ’What do I say if she asks why / if I like her / what I think of her?’ And on and on and on. Gets confusing, huh? The Amazing Man is different. The Amazing Man doesn’t worry about any of this because he knows how to be fun, funny, playful, witty and charming in a way that is magnetic for great Page 77 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women women. He understands how to show the best parts of his true personality and cuts straight through all those small worries. Persuaders think up lots of tactics, plan out elaborate lines and stories or dance through a bunch of funky mental gymnastics to psyche themselves up so that they can go towards the ultimate goal of convincing a girl to do something she wasn’t willing and eager to do on her own. They bounce from one technique to the next, often never really understanding the bigger picture. A true Amazing Man, on the other hand, is completely different altogether. The Amazing Man has a clear vision of the man he wants to become. Because he has a vision of what he wants his life to be like, he can work towards becoming more Amazing in a way that brings more and better women into his life. He isn’t blinded by trying (and often failing) to “get the girl” and so he is are able to see and observe the true nature of women and relationships (and if he wants to, he actually ends up “getting the girl” more often and more easily than most persuaders). He has integrity and standards and great women understand and respect him for this. An Amazing Man, unlike the persuader, is actually willing to walk away from a hot woman if she isn’t up to his level of integrity and standards. It’s for this reason that the really great women end up chasing him. Meeting an Amazing Man is a refreshing and rare experience for the beautiful woman with a great attitude. Persuasive thinkers need to micro-manage each interaction and convince every woman at every step or else it falls apart. The Amazing Man knows that his biggest ‘convincer’ to ‘persuade’ any woman is simply the obvious and unstated fact that he is, at his core, the kind of man that she wants. He’s not a man who follows his whims or emotions, or changes who he is in order to please every single girl he meets. An Amazing Man is able to relax and enjoy himself all while moving towards his goals and Page 78 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women visions with women. The persuader begs for respect through his words. The Amazing Man commands respect through his presence. Why will the Amazing Man always win out over the persuader in the long run (and often in the short run too)? Because the Amazing Man IS what great women want. You’ll hear guys who follow the ‘path of persuasion’ talk about making a girl like them or making her ‘feel attraction’ when a girl doesn’t like them. What they don’t seem to understand is if they focused on becoming Amazing then they wouldn’t need to make her like them. Think about this – Parents have to make their kids eat asparagus (if you were one of those strange kids who liked asparagus then pretend the asparagus is covered in dirt and stinky, rotten fungus). The kid might eat it when his parents make him and he might even put on a happy face just to make them think he likes it but the minute they’re gone he is tossing out the asparagus and stuffing himself with something he really wants. If she doesn’t like you and you are trying to make her become attracted to you then YOU are her dirty, rotten asparagus. Think about that. Because the minute you’re gone and aren’t persuading her then she’s off to fill herself with something she really wants. It’s no wonder guys who rely on persuasion have to think of elaborate strategies to keep a girl loyal, keep other guys from taking her or keep her from leaving him. SHE THINKS OF THE PERSUADER LIKE A KID THINKS OF ROTTEN ASPARAGUS! Page 79 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The only way that same kid is ever going to like asparagus is if he actually comes to it on his own. Trying to force the kid to like it will just ensure that he doesn’t like it, even if he eats it. Similarly, trying to force, persuade or convince girls to like you will only make them resist you more, even if they were actually attracted to you in the first place. High-value women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment know when they meet a persuader. If you are trying to persuade her to like you then you are outing yourself as a persuader. The mere fact that a guy has to persuade a girl to like him is a dead giveaway that he is not Amazing. Trust us, women are a lot more socially perceptive to the true nature of when a man is trying to persuade her. If she really likes you she might let you get away with pretending to persuade her for a time. But a truly outstanding woman doesn’t want a man who has to persuade her. Persuaders persuade. Amazing men Amaze. You always have a choice. M THIS LIFE-CHANGING CHOICE RIGHT NOW AKE Make a commitment. Right now. Make a commitment to yourself to become the most Amazing Man you can be. Let go of the entire ‘persuasion’ paradigm that weighs guys down like heavy chains. Page 80 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Once you dedicate all of your focus, attention and effort on becoming more Amazing; becoming the kind of man that incredible women really want, desire and chase (yes, great women chase you, not the other way ‘round) your dating and relationship life will most likely become so happy, fulfilling, abundant and exciting that people around you will look at you in awe and wonder about how you were able to build such a life. Keep reading because we’re going to show you exactly what you need to do to take action on becoming more Amazing. The beautiful, successful women that you bring into your life will look at you in utter joy and awe that a man like you actually exists. And they will be thankful every day that they are able to make you happier. These are the kind of women that make life exciting. These are the women who you are able to have the intensely enjoyable relationships with that make most men jealous. These are the kind of women that will do everything in their power to help you become a better man; women that help you enjoy life to the fullest; that totally support you in all of your ambitions; that like you for your sometimes quirky sense of humor and your unique view of life. Most importantly, instead of being with you just for the money, status or pickup lines you throw at them, these high-value women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment truly respect you for who you are as a man. Men – this isn’t just speculation. This is our lived experience here at DateMasters. So make a commitment. Right now. Repeat this to yourself Page 81 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women daily – “I am dedicated to becoming the most Amazing Man I possibly can be.” Make it your personal mantra and repeat this phrase throughout the day. Then follow up on it by taking the massive action we’ll be sharing with you now and watch most of your previous issues with women simply fade away. Repeat this mantra often and become more Amazing. Do it now. H SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY BECOMING AMAZING OW TO Persuaders focus on how they can get better at persuading, convincing, seducing, and manipulating. The Amazing Man focuses on what he can do to become the kind of man that great women already want. Talk about a massive difference. Re-read that sentence until the gravity of its importance really sinks in. In the long run, the persuader always spends more money and more time on women who don’t make him happy than the Amazing Man. How? The persuader is always looking for the next new trick that he can use to get better at persuading girls to like him in the Page 82 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women moment. His only criteria is, “Will this convince her to like me / give her number / go on a date / have sex?” So today it’s fancy pickup lines, tomorrow it’s little tricks to psyche themselves up, yesterday it was buying her drinks / dinner / flowers, and last month it was funky hypnotic mind tricks. It’s always some hot tactic about changing her mind or magically making her go from ignoring him to loving him. The persuader buys into the idea that women are like high-security bank vaults and all he needs are the right set of safecracking skills so he can ‘bust her open’ no matter how closed to him she is. Or like a hacker trying to get through all the firewalls. The Amazing Man just smiles when he hears guys talk ‘bank vaults’ ‘hacking in’ and ‘challenges’ because he knows that when it comes to the best women for him, these ladies are already unlocked and open; they make it all easy for him. Once you have the keys to the safe you don’t need any fancy lock-picking skills. Once you have all the access codes there’s no need to hack the system. For the Amazing Man, trying to unlock an unlocked safe is akin to turning on your TV by standing upside-down on your head with your hands tied behind your back and the TV remote in your teeth. Sure, it might make your buddies say “you da’ man” but it’s completely unnecessary. And here’s some inside information that the big-money marketers selling false dreams to men around the world don’t want you to know: Page 83 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Guys who are stuck persuading girls to like them are about 100 times easier to sell to than an Amazing Man. Why? Because the persuader has no criteria – if they can convince you that it might help you ‘get laid’ with it, they’ve made their sale. These are the people promoting the idea that it will help guys get laid if they spend money on: a cool new car, watch, tactic, fancy restaurant, flower, furniture-piece, house, lifestyle, VIP access, BS technique, or crazy pickup line that was passed on by the wisdom of ancient ninja societies of seduction … ninja … societies (okay, maybe nobody spent money on that one). Take the ‘buy a girl a drink’ alcohol industry and the ‘guys pay extra to talk to girls’ bar and club industry, to the ‘nice meal will impress her’ restaurant industry and the ‘expensive equals sex’ luxury item industry, plus the ‘do and say anything to get laid seduction advice industry’ and what you have are all a bunch of vultures misleading guys into spending money on anything that offers them the promise of quick and easy sex. And here’s the rub: The overwhelming majority of guys who are trying to get better with better women are doing nothing more than trying to be more persuasive. They have no underlying framework for being Amazing, so they hop from one technique to another. And while they may have some arbitrary goal for ‘number of dates scored’ or girls ‘got’ or ‘relationships had’ they have no vision of what kind of man they would need to become in order to achieve it all with efficiency and happiness. Since they don’t have a clear vision they end up wasting time and money. A few end up buying anything and everything that comes their way that has promise of helping them persuade girls to like them. Worst of all, most of the time they aren’t even conscious of it! The Amazing Man, on the other hand, has much different criteria. The Amazing Man uses his rational mind and common sense to ask himself “Will this make it easier for me to achieve Page 84 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women my vision?” “Is this something that will help me find more happiness and fulfillment, be more Amazing and meet more great women?” and “If this does work is it superior to what I am currently doing?” The question to ask is: Are you spending your money on things to impress and persuade girls to like you or are you investing your time and money on the things and knowledge that will bring you closer to your ideal life and help you meet meet more and better quality women in the process? Before you spend any more time and money hoping to persuade girls, stop! Just stop!! Instead, make a promise to yourself to invest in whatever’s necessary in order to help you identify and move towards your vision in the long run. Remember: Short-term strategies only have short-term payoffs. Good long-term strategies have both long-term AND short-term payoffs built-in. You want to spend money on things that help save you time and money and efficiently move towards your goals of finding, meeting, getting and keeping incredible women as an Amazing Man and not just a better persuader. When you spend money and time on something you need to be selective and do it because it will help make you more Amazing as a man. We see too many guys suffer too much because they wasted time and money persuading a girl to like them when they could have done things so much differently. They could have even found a much better girl who actually liked them if they didn’t waste so much time on persuading. Page 85 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women 4 things you can spend your money, time and effort on that will lead you to unhappiness and pain … 1. Trying to impress her. 2. Trying to persuade and convince her to like you. 3. Something that promises to ‘get any girl.’ 4. Something that promises to make you better at persuading, seducing and convincing women to like you. 4 things to invest money, time and effort in that will lead to happiness, fulfillment and excitement … 1. Knowledge or action that will help you become more Amazing as a man. 2. Knowledge or action that will help make you into a man that she has to persuade and convince to like and stay with her (how’s that for a role reversal!). 3. Knowledge or action that will actually help you save time and money in the long-run as you move towards your vision. 4. Knowledge or action that will help you meet so many women that you have total freedom of choice in your dating life. Page 86 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters I Meet More Women YOUR DATING SKILLS WITH MAXIMUM FORCE AND VELOCITY MPROVING When you start down the path to becoming Amazing and stop trying to persuade each woman to like you, you’ll find that not only do you save more time and money but you actually allow yourself the freedom to improve yourself with women more efficiently and thoroughly. Trying to get better at persuasion installs psychological roadblocks and barriers that force you to do mental gymnastics just to get into the right ‘state’ to go Meet More Women. Doing mental gymnastics before meeting women will only slow down your progress and ultimately make it harder for you to have freedom with women and dating. If you find that you or your techniques for meeting women rely on getting into the right mental state or being the dominant ‘alpha’ Mr. Tough Guy in order to be effective with women then you can be certain that these barriers exist because you are falling into the trap of persuasive thinking. Remove those barriers by cutting off the source of your bad persuasive habits, whether it means committing to drinking less alcohol or consciously not taking the dating advice of people who tell you that you need to make her like you (remember the asparagus?) The persuader focuses on short-term gains and ends up forfeiting any chance of long-term happiness. Becoming Amazing is a long-term strategy towards happiness Page 87 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women and fulfillment with lots of short-term excitement and benefits. Since Amazing men meet a lot of women they actually see more and better short-term results (whether that be dates, girlfriends, relationships, etc.) than most guys who go down the path of persuasion. And if you’re meeting a lot of women while keeping with a strategy that fits with the overall vision of the man you want to become then you can even improve your skills with women better, faster and more efficiently than the guy pursuing persuasion could ever imagine. H GET TOTAL FREEDOM WITH WOMEN AND DATING OW TO Here at DateMasters we’ve found that guys who are able to meet massive numbers of women as an Amazing Man will always get more, faster and better results plus have more freedom with women than guys who aren’t meeting as many many women, even if those guys are good at persuasion. If you really want total freedom with women and dating then you have to meet lots of women. There is no way around it. That’s why we’re going to give you some direct advice on how we, at DateMasters, meet so many women while using less time, money and stress. In fact, once you are able to use this closer look at the inner workings of how an Amazing Man meets women and use it yourself to go talk to 30 women a day, everyday, until you find the woman of your dreams then you will actually be moving with Page 88 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women maximum force and velocity towards your goals with women. Now, we don’t actually expect that you can go talk to 30 women a day, everyday. There are probably too many excuses stopping you. We know. We’ve dealt with them. All of them. And unless you’re a mind-reader who can instantly know the ins and outs of every woman’s personality, character and attitude before ever meeting her you really can’t have total freedom with women unless you are meeting a lot of them. But for guys who follow persuasion, meeting massive amount of women just takes way too much time, money and stress. Here at DateMasters, meeting massive amounts of women while searching for the most Amazing and dating lots of beautiful women in the meantime is simply what we do. Our methods allow us to meet massive numbers of beautiful women with so little time, stress and money invested that we are able to move towards our goals with women with maximum force and speed while even having extra time to focus on mastering our other life ambitions. Here at DateMasters, we show our clients the system and mindset necessary to get them meeting 30 women everyday while investing about the same amount of time weekly as they spend showering, shaving and brushing their teeth (read: not much time at all). We call our system ‘The Revolution!’ The massive results Page 89 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women we’re seeing our clients achieve along with the speed and efficiency at which we see them them improve their skills, confidence, quantity and quality of women in their lives and relationships has been astounding, especially when compared to guys who are still stuck trying to persuade girls to like them. (You can read more about The Revolution! here: You really want total freedom with women? You NEED to take massive action on your life. Meet 30 hot women a day, everyday. We’ll meet you on the other side. W MUST TAKE MASSIVE ACTION HY YOU Alright, let’s say that we have either convinced you that you need to be an Amazing Man and build yourself into the kind of man that great women want, or you already knew it. Now, let’s talk about what you can do to make that into reality … You already know that you need to become more Amazing rather than just more persuading. That means you have to start thinking AND acting like an Amazing Man. The way to start thinking Amazing is to start acting Amazing. Page 90 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The way to start acting Amazing is to start thinking Amazing. The two work together. You can’t have one without the other. What is the first action to take as an Amazing Man? Meet More Women. We all know that one weird guy who seems to have this crazy fantasy that if he just keeps living his life the way he’s been doing, that one fine day a huge bus will magically roll up into his driveway and unload a bevy of beautiful women, all just wanting to meet HIM. Sorry. Life just doesn’t work that way. Let’s take a closer look at hard reality. Nobody in the world gets more women than they meet. That’s a fact. How ridiculous would it be – “Dude, I went on 3 dates last week! But I only met 2 of them. The third one I never actually met because … ummm … I didn’t look at her or talk to her the entire date. I’m dating more girls than I met!” The reality is that the more women you meet, the more women you can date, get and keep. But the thing that will ultimately define your success isn’t your ability to meet women. It’s your willingness to take action on meeting more women. Page 91 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Inevitably, everyone who takes action and meets more women will have a greater chance to get more women. Just as 1 + 1 = 2, the more action you take the more results you’ll get, the more progress you’ll make. The guy taking the most action on his life wins. And this is true whether you are persuading girls or Amazing them: the more action you take, the more results and progress you’ll make. But, for many guys, their problems stem from the fact that, when compared to the simple effectiveness of Amazing thinking, persuasive thinking actually makes it more difficult to take action on their life when it comes to meeting more women. You’ll see this in yourself in the form of excuses that prevent you from doing the only thing that will guarantee that you Meet More Women … go Meet More Women. A is A. 1 + 1 = 2. If you Meet More Women, you will have met more women. If you find yourself NOT taking action on meeting women because of any variety of excuses then this is a flashing red light that you’re on the wrong path. You need to take action by shifting from persuasive thinking to thinking like an Amazing Man. For guys who think like Amazing Men, meeting more women is as simple as stepping out the door and saying “hi” to the first Page 92 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women hot woman they see (or the first 30 for those of us who really want to see improvement and freedom on a massive scale). Keep reading, because we are about to dive right into how we, at DateMasters, meet so many women. Page 93 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 94 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART IV H USE THIS BOOK TO MEET MORE WOMEN OW TO There are exactly a gazillion and 17 different ways to Meet More Women and they’re not all equal. Persuasive thinking would tell you to use certain stories, ‘pickup lines’ or ‘hypnotic mental techniques’ to make girls more receptive to you and/or to make her attracted to you. Other kinds of persuasive thinking tell you vaguely that, in order to change her mind or her feelings about you, you should just ‘be yourself’ and ‘don’t focus on results’ or some similar tactic (but they never ever give you specific steps you can take to actually Meet More Women). That’s all fine and well. And it will get you a certain kind of result (with women who are less than Amazing) if you are willing to waste lots of time, effort, money and stress. At DateMasters, as Amazing men, we want something better. So, the big question … How does an Amazing Man Meet More Women? Page 95 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women This rabbit hole goes very deep my friend. What you are about to learn is simply one tool in the toolbox of the Amazing Man. It is a mental strategy that lets us take massive action in the real world to Meet More Women consistently, every single day. You are opening the doors to something that, when you act on it, will change your life in more Amazing ways than you can imagine. Be warned – what you are about to learn is simple but NOT easy. We don’t expect that you will be able to fully implement right away what we are about to share with you. It will take a committed effort on your part to start to do what is necessary to get past your excuses and start thinking and acting like an Amazing Man. The strategies that we use here at DateMasters, as Amazing men, differ wildly from conventional dating advice on how to Meet More Women. In fact, what we are about to teach you goes against almost everything that you will hear about how to meet women. This is what makes us Amazing. There will be guys and so-called “experts” who tell you that you can’t or shouldn’t do things like how we are about to teach you. Or they’ll tell you that it doesn’t work or that you can’t get women that way. You can be quite certain that those guys have a vested interest in trying to keep you stuck in the persuasion mindset (either to sell you something or to justify their own inaction). When those guys say “that stuff doesn’t work” they are really just telling you that it doesn’t work for them because they refuse to accept that a woman can like them without persuasion, convincing and manipulation. The reality is – since we started using what we are about to Page 96 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women teach you, we at DateMasters and our clients have had more dates, better relationships, more fun, more sex, less stress, more freedom and more happiness with more high quality girls than ever before. THAT is why we laugh anytime we hear someone say “that stuff doesn’t work.” Reality is always stronger than hearsay. And we believe the same reality can happen for you when you commit yourself to work at it. Once you master the mindset that we are about to share with you, you will be able to meet more hot women, date more extraordinary women, have more exciting relationships and do it all with less stress, time and money than any persuader could ever hope to accomplish. The journey to become an Amazing Man will require you to take (massive) action on your dating life. But that’s a small price to pay for the power of happiness, fulfillment, freedom and excitement that all self-respecting men want with their women but only a few of us truly experience. Know this – Amazing men do not chase women. Because we are Amazing women chase us. But we have to make the first move. What we do is MEET WOMEN. With that, here is one of the many powerful tools that Amazing men use to meet women. We call it ‘Identifying.’ Page 97 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women W HAT IS IDENTIFYING? One of the most important tools we use is called Identifying. By Identifying, we mean Identifying women who are into us; who we have chemistry with; who we connect with; who like us. Identifying stands in direct opposition to the persuaders tactic of chasing. By chasing, we mean persistently pursuing women who are not interested in us for the same reasons we are interested in her. When using the tool we call ‘Identifying’ you will meet women anywhere and everywhere: in malls, bookstores, coffee shops, gyms, grocery stores, bars, clubs, restaurants, the beach, boardwalk, parties, and our favorite – the street. At DateMasters, we each approach 30 hot women a day, everyday, so the streets of cities around the world give us the most freedom with women. But regardless of where you see an attractive woman, when you approach her you have a choice – you can Chase or you can Identify. H FIND WOMEN WHO ARE REALLY INTO YOU OW TO Every moment we spend interacting with/talking to a woman who isn’t really all that into us is time we could be looking for another one who is. Page 98 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women It’s just that simple. Now if you’re living in a limited-pie world – for example in a small town, or attending a small university, or hanging out in a club/bar, or enjoying the evening at a party, then yeah, you’re kinda stuck with whatever females the Fates have tossed in those confines and you might even be tempted to stick around and try to make the best of it. But we don’t ever recommend that. Why? Because we know that the world is a very big place and that there are lots of women out there that would most likely find you very attractive and want to meet you without you going through all the gymnastics of trying really hard to get her to like you. We believe it’s all pretty much just a matter of getting in front of as many attractive girls as you possibly can and talking to them long enough to determine if the two of you actually think/feel there might be something there; some spark worth investing a little more time developing and taking it from there. Now we all know there are some guys out there that think that if they talk to the girl long enough, using magical phrases, or interesting hypnotic patterns, or funny routines, or what-haveyou, that the girl will somehow change her initial opinion about them and decide that they’re really all that and jump them. Yeah, that happens. It takes a whole lot of work to get that good and even more effort to maintain it. And that’s just the beginning of the bad news. Page 99 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Because even when it does happen, and the guy gets the girl, he usually suspects (and the girl always knows) that if some guy who is more ‘the type’ that the girl is really into comes along, well, she’ll be gone. So we ask, why put oneself through all that aggra? Why not be the guy that the girl really wants from the get-go? Why not search for the girls that are really into you, or at least somewhat into you from the very beginning of the interaction? One of the most important skills you can develop as an Amazing Man is – learning how to find and identify the girls that like you from the jump and then how to capitalize on it. At any given time in any given place, there is an appreciable percentage of the female population that will find you attractive enough to want to talk with you – and this is especially true if you continue to make yourself more and more Amazing – and subsequently date you when you do everything right and keep her interested in you (yes, we help men with all of this at DateMasters). So it’s always in your best interests to spend as much time as possible putting yourself in front of those women rather than trying to convince / persuade / manipulate / hypnotize an indifferent one to like you. We tell all our guys – Save time, save money, save your energy: look for the ones that really like you and let the other ones go make some other guy miserable. Page 100 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women T MAGIC WORDS YOU CAN USE TODAY HE When Identifying, it’s important to be straightforward with women. What do we mean by straightforward? Here are some examples of straightforward... and we present to you, the Magic Words to start a conversation with anyone, anywhere, anytime: “Hi. What’s your name?” Yes indeed! There are even other variations of the same thing that convey the same message: “Hey, how ya doing?” “Hello, how are you?” “Excuse me. I have a question. (pause) What’s your name?” Really, this is all you need. Note we said it works anywhere, anytime, and with anyone! “Hi, what’s your name?” works wonderfully when trying to Identify which women are immediately into you. Those are the Page 101 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women ones you want to talk to. If a woman wants to talk to you, she’ll tell you her name. If she doesn’t want to talk to you, she won’t, and you can smile, thank her, wish her a nice day and continue searching for another one to talk to (or 30 more if you really want to be Amazing). If the goal is to “get a specific girl to stop and talk to me no matter whether she’s interested in me or not” then there are definitely other ways to go about doing that. Most of these conversation starters are clad somewhat in subterfuge in an attempt to “come in under her radar” so guys can ‘get in there’ without the girls knowing their intentions. For example: “Hey, do you know where Starbucks is?” “I need a female opinion on something.” “Whoooo! Cheers! What are you drinking?!” We’re not saying these don’t “work...” They do. In fact, if the woman is into you right from the beginning, these would work just as well as “Hi, what’s your name?” These lines become problematic, however, because they often lead to ‘false positive’ interactions – getting women who aren’t interested in us at all to stop and talk. Rather than try to edge into a conversation with her, at DateMasters we come in straightforward in order to Identify whether these women are into us. We want to build the most accurate personal database of conversations as possible, and we do that by discovering what type of women tend to talk to us when we’re presenting specific images Page 102 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women at different locations and times. In addition, if a guy “sneaks into a conversation” with a woman who isn’t truly into him, he might find himself being led on a wild goose chase. Trust us. It becomes a long, drawn out interaction that is neither time efficient nor results driven. Maybe it’s fun, and maybe the guy’s ego gets a boost, and maybe his bros will high-five him later and tell him what mad skillz he has. But in the end, when she refuses to give him her phone number, or gives him the number but never answers/returns his calls, or answers his calls but refuses to make a date, or makes a date but flakes at the last-minute, etc. End result – he’ll be left scratching his head about what he did or didn’t do … When actually there was nothing he could have done anyways, because she wasn’t truly interested in him from the very beginning. When you’re straight with women from the very beginning you make it clear you’re interested in them. Doing things like asking her name, saying “Nice to meet you,” and shaking hands, making her giggle or laugh in the first 10 seconds or so are how you do that. Then she decides whether she’s interested in you enough to continue the conversation, or not. If not, she’ll walk away. In which case, The Magic Words worked. They worked by Identifying that the girl you were talking to is part of that large percentage of the female population that isn’t into your looks/image. Congratulations! Now you don’t have to marry her and lose half your net-worth when she divorces you! Page 103 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women H TELL IF SHE’S INTO YOU OW TO So now we know that some women are into us right from the getgo and others aren’t. How do we figure out which ones are which? How do we go about Identifying rather than Chasing? How do we disqualify women quickly? How do we know which women to disqualify? How exactly does one decide whether or not to continue the interaction? Where do we draw the lines when we’re out there face-to-face with women? The difference between Identifying and Chasing is day and night- and it’s clearly recognizable with just a little bit of practice. If you follow everything we teach at DateMasters, as we teach it, you’ll learn the proper sequence of steps to tell if she’s into you, and if she is, you’ll also happen to end up with her phone number! So how do we tell if she’s interested? You could read tomes of popular psychology books about flirting that will tell you stuff like she twiddles her hair or her pupils dilate or whatever. Maybe. But none of that really matters when you have your own experience and statistics to back it up. We’re big on lived experience here because ultimately, it’s the statistics that speak. We have a series of milestones we go through to check how much she’s into us. Page 104 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters A Meet More Women SIMPLE STREAMLINED PROCESS FOR MEETING MORE WOMEN At DateMasters we have a very simple, streamlined process that we go through in order to Identify and meet women who are into us. In The Revolution! we call it ‘The Milestones’ but what you need to know for Meet More Women is that basically it’s a series of actions, statements, questions and commands that 1) make it clear we’re interested in her (but not too much) and 2) put the ball in her court in order for her to make a decision whether she’s interested in us or not. The goal is to Identify if she is into us. For example, walking up to a woman and greeting her is the first milestone. She then has a choice to make. 1. She could enter a friendly conversation with you, (“Hi! Nice to meet you! / Oh! What’s your name?”). 2. She could enter neutral conversation with you (“Um, hello? / Uhh... Who are you?”). 3. She could ignore us completely (“...”). 4. She could throw some rudeness or bad attitude (“Wtf?! Why are you talking to me? Who the hell are you?!” [note: if you live in New York City, this actually qualifies as number 1]). If you’re really smart then you’ll walk away if she does anything besides number 1. Here at DateMasters we are simply meeting and dating so many Amazing fun women who are into us that we don’t have time for girls who show us anything other than their Page 105 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women absolute best selves. You’ll get there soon enough so long as you read carefully and take action. Now, we know some of you may say “Hey, you can turn that whole situation around – you just have to step to her and spit some of that hot fire – solid Game – at her and she’ll be golden!” basically that by persisting and talking more to her, she might change her mind and be persuaded to like you. That’s cool … and we call that Chasing. Next, let’s look at the qualities of Chasing. H ENJOY LOTS OF WOMEN WITHOUT CHASING OW TO Chasing, by our definition, is what happens any time a guy goes after a woman who hasn’t made it explicitly clear that’s she totally interested in him. “Going after” includes talking to, flirting with, asking out, dating, giving gifts, marrying and generally just trying to sleep with a given woman. It’s the “Gotta catch ‘em all!!!” mentality that some guys have. At DateMasters, trying to convince women who aren’t into you to give you their name, their phone number, their chastity, or whatever would be considered Chasing. Bottom line – Amazing men enjoy lots of incredible women without chasing. Page 106 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Hollywood and all its friends would have you believe that the formula for dating and relationship success goes something like this: Guy meets girl, guy chases girl, guy chases girl some more, chases and chases and chases, guy finally gets girl. We’re here to tell you this: they’re lying to you. Those people who tell you, “Chase! Chase! Chase!” are selling you something that is NOT based on reality. Or rather, it is based on a sick and twisted view of THEIR reality. They’re lying to you and we are here to help you WAKE UP! Break out of The Matrix that they’ve got you trapped in! This is your chance to become something so much more than a guy begging for the approval of every girl he meets! You have a choice to make. Rather than being the Chasing guy fawning over any girl, clawing at her trying to get her attention, never taking his eyes off her while she halfheartedly acknowledges his existence, you can instead be the Amazing Man squiring around a gorgeous, successful woman (or women) who has a great attitude, happily clinging to your arm, while you smile comfortable in the knowledge that you have the foresight and the experience to Identify a quality woman who you share chemistry with... AND who fully appreciates all those important male characteristics that you have worked so hard to develop. Characteristics that will keep her wanting you more and more, again and again. Now, to be fair, getting out there and chasing women IS better for your dating life than just sitting at home playing World of Warcraft. When it comes to dating, doing anything is always better than nothing. This, however, is as far as we can recomPage 107 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women mend chasing women – although even sometimes, persistence does pay off and you can “get the girl”… But you have to ask yourself, at what price? How much are you willing to “dance fool, dance!” to the tune of some woman who cares more about your bank account or her self-esteem void than she cares about you? Sure, you might get her her in the end, but the odds are astronomically low. Not to mention the amount of self-esteem, dignity and self-respect you might lose in the process hardly makes it a reasonable endeavor. At DateMasters, we think that even if you “get the girl” after “plowing” through all her initial resistance, bitchiness, bad attitude, rudeness, her falsely inflated sense of value for being the ‘star’ of some random club/bar, her flat out cruelty, you still lose out in the game that matters – you didn’t get a girl who was actually into you. T PERILS AND PITFALLS OF PERSISTENCE HE At DateMasters, we’re all about opportunity cost. Every moment you waste with women who don’t like you, you are literally not spending that time searching for women who DO like you. Therefore, we believe the best way to go about your dating life is getting yourself in front of AS MANY women as possible (at DateMasters we train our guys to efficiently meet 30 a day, everyday) and learning how to tell within the first 30 seconds or so which ones like you. These women like the way you look and like your image. They’ll also be more likely to continue liking you down the line. If you refuse to take no for an answer, sometimes the woman Page 108 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women will go along... to a point. Sure, she might give you her phone number after you pester her, manipulate her, persuade her or whatever for a few minutes, but most of the times, she’s never gonna answer the phone. And even if she does it’ll be an uphill battle all the way (until she dumps you for a guy with a better offer or one who she is actually into). And you always have to ask yourself, “How much of my own self-worth, self-value, and selfesteem am I willing to sacrifice trying to get with this girl when I could just as easily find a better girl who wants me as much as I want her?” Strangely enough (and unlike the rest of a Hollywood-influenced culture) we actually consider it quite unfortunate when a guy who is persistent gets the girl. First of all, this persistence attitude gets reinforced, despite its total inefficiency. Second, most likely it was her agenda, and not his persistence that led to his “success”: free meals, free trips, expensive gifts, attention, a roof over her head, etc. Fact is, if she’d really liked him from the beginning and he’d done things right, he wouldn’t have had to have been persistent; she would have chased him. Let’s be clear, we’re not saying persistence-in-and-of-itself is bad. In fact, persistence is Amazing in the right context (our guys who excel with The Revolution! know all about this). At DateMasters, we believe that being persistent means continually making yourself a better man, meeting more and more Amazing women, and taking positive action in your life and with women. Be persistent in THAT way, and watch in astonishment at the kind of high-quality women you’ll be bringing into your life. Be persistent in the goal of FINDING high-value women of exceptional value and accomplishment who are already into you, and marvel at how convenient, easy and Amazingly fun it is! Whooooo! No stress! Page 109 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters S Meet More Women TOWARDS WOMEN AS A STRONG, CONFIDENT MAN TEPPING Some of you might be saying, “But I’ve heard stories of guys who DID get the girl even though she wasn’t into them from the beginning! I’ve even done so myself!” Cool. So what? It’s an uphill slog every step of the way. To our way of thinking it’s like listening to the speaker at a Multi-Level Marketing meeting. They always tell about the winners – the people that have made sooooo much money hawking their product. They don’t tell you about all the people who make less than a hundred bucks a month being a distributor. They NEVER tell you about all the people who go into debt trying to make it big and never get there. It’s like the people going to Las Vegas and playing the slots hey, someone’s gotta win the jackpot. Or blackjack, craps, roulette. Their chances are so outrageously slim that you wonder why they just don’t mail their money into the casino. Page 110 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Anytime you hear the story about a guy who begged and wheedled and cajoled a woman to go out with him and finally succeeded, you can be sure there are hundreds, thousands, millions of guys who lost. The woman never said yes. She just kept saying no. One guy succeeds, millions lose. What’s the big deal? But it gets even worse. What happens even if she does say yes - agrees to go out? Who’s to say the only reason she agreed was that she wanted a free meal? Or someone to tell her troubles to? Or someone who would give her some attention? Or someone who could introduce her to his rich friends? She might not even care about the guy at all – she just wants to use him for his money, or his counsel, or his contacts . Page 111 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The guy might have been better off if she had said no to him and stuck to it. Of if he had taken no for an answer and just walked away instead of needling her more for her number. So many guys seem to look at this whole dating thing the way they look at playing some kind of video game: gotta win gotta win gotta win. The problem is most guys have defined ‘winning’ much too narrowly. Rather than thinking the game is about winning any particular woman, guys would be better served if they thought about it from the standpoint of Identifying a lady that is really into them from the jump and then not messing it up. When a guy stops thinking, “Wow! That girl is money! I’ve GOT to get her to like me or I’ll just die,” and starts thinking, “Hmmmm. Let’s go see if she likes me,” he’ll find everything begins to change ALL to his advantage. He stops wasting his time trying to convince girls to like him, he stops begging, he stops dancing on his knees, he stops giving up all his self-respect and self-esteem in order to get a few crumbs of acknowledgment from a total stranger who just happens to have lucked into some ‘pretty DNA’ by being born to the right parents. Guys have to start learning how to efficiently Meet More Women while looking for girls that like them from the very beginning rather than putting tons of energy into ‘making’ a noninterested one like them. Only then will they start stepping towards women as strong men, confident men, Amazing Men. Page 112 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women E HEARD THE LIE “LOOKS DON’T MATTER TO WOMEN?” VER Just about everyone has heard the expression (especially when it relates to how women see men) that “looks don’t matter.” Have you heard that one? Yeah, it’s not true. Total lie. And we mean TOTAL lie. L-I-E. What’s more, belief in the idea that “looks don’t matter” actually hurts guys of average looks. The thing is, high-quality women initially decide how much they like a guy within the first 9-35 seconds of meeting him – and oftentimes even less than that. Think of it this way: How long does it takes you, as a guy, to decide whether a woman is physically attractive to you, or not? Yeah, almost instantly, right? Women are the same. When first meeting a guy, they are similarly attracted to looks, fashion, presentation and image. And this is great news! Because the common dating wisdom Page 113 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women that “looks don’t matter” is horrible advice for everyone except the naturally good looking guys. Reality is, regardless of what you look like now, if you improve your looks, fashion, presentation and image, it will help with women. Especially if you can back up your improved looks with being an Amazing Man. Guys who teach that looks don’t matter are feeding you a load of bunk that will actually slow down your progress and hurt you in the long-run because it causes guys to ignore the role their fashion, image and presentation play in meeting women. True, you can meet women without improving your looks. But it will always have a positive effect in your work to Meet More Women when you strive to improve how you look. Now, we know that it might be good marketing on our part to tell you “Get any girl regardless of how you look!” but we want to give you a clearer picture of reality so that you don’t waste time chasing delusions. So while the whole ‘looks don’t matter’ twaddle looks good on paper it can actually hurts your progress, especially if you are an average or below-average looking guy. We’re here to tell you the plain truth: Improve your looks, fashion, style, posture, grooming, body language and your image and you will have a much easier time meeting women who will really like you for who you are. This is simply the result of more women being willing to give you a chance and get to know you, whereas before, they weren’t even willing to hear you out. Pretty much anytime you hear about successes coming from the delusion that “looks don’t matter” you can probably be sure that the success you’re hearing about had more to do with a particular girl’s agenda/quirky taste in guys and not because it was Page 114 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women good advice. Perhaps it even prompted the guy to go Meet More Women, but that still doesn’t make it good advice. Anything that gets guys out the door to go Meet More Women will lead to increased results with women, even if it is bad advice that actually sabotages the number and quality of women and relationships that they could have achieved with less time, money and stress had they used good advice. And if you are worried about not being able to look good for the kind of women you want, relax. Simply by nature of being a man, you have the potential to be physically attractive to women. It’s simple. Improve your looks. Improve your results. Improve your happiness. Remember – chasing is basically unattractive to high-value women and all the time spent talking to women who don’t like you could be better spent searching for one who does. One of the many interesting things that guys who use The Revolution! discover is that when you only go for the ones that like you, the same ratio of attractive women will want to talk to you as unattractive ones. Go out and try it yourself. Be surprised again! Page 115 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters H Meet More Women BECOME YOUR OWN AUTHORITY ON WOMEN OW TO Everyone wants to become their own authority on women. Imagine – no longer relying on random conflicting advice on women you get from movies, TV, dating experts and anyone else who claims to know what is best for you. But guess what? When you use what we teach to take massive action, Meet More Women and become more Amazing you will become your own authority on women, based on your own personal lived experience. Meet 30 women a day, everyday for months and years like our guys do with The Revolution! and you’ll discover that, after time and consistent effort, all your personal experience will prove far more educational and valuable than anything you could ever read, listen to or watch. Likewise, you’ll be able to identify what dating advice really works. You’ll come to see where Disney and Miramax’s romantic films are in line with reality, and where they’re pure junk food fiction. (Hint: Hollywood romance movies consistently pin our BS meters at redline.) You can keep this knowledge to yourself and nod silently when you see a guy Chasing, realizing that unbeknownst to him, he’s shooting himself in the foot (especially over the long term). At DateMasters, we encourage you to carefully collect the valuable data that comes from your experiences in meeting thousands of women. And from those thousands of experiences, you Page 116 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women are then liberated from the chains of all the dating misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda foist upon us by the mass media, our parents, teachers, priests, politicians, pundits, and society. Whether the chains be your own BS Excuses, or someone else’s that got chained around you intentionally or not, you will have your own lived experience to contrast against it... And no intellectual armchair arguments about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to meeting women can cut through your MASSIVE, pure, lived experience. You may even come back to this very chapter and say, “After talking to tens of thousands of women, through my own lived experience, I can say without a doubt that everything written in this material is completely, totally and absolutely right on the money, on the mark, exactamundo. Oh my God, you guys are so totally awesome!” Or maybe you’ll just come back and say, “Yup. You’re right.” That’s cool, too. We at DateMasters still believe there’s plenty we can teach you that will drastically increase your velocity when it comes to getting great results within the entire dating process and finding Amazing Women. We’re simply here to present you with an effective and efficient system of practice that allows you to build your own experiences. Verify what we’ve written through your own lived experience and let us know how it’s going for you. Page 117 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women H HANDLE GIRLS WHO AREN’T INTO YOU OW TO If she isn’t into you from the beginning, you have nowhere to go but away – from her. Immediately. Nothing starts unless she’s into you. Without initial interest on her end, you can do nothing to get her to actually like you for who you are as a man. This is great because now that you know it, it saves you time and money. Time because when she lets you know right away that she isn’t into you, you can quickly continue on with your search for a high-value woman by talking to the the next attractive one you see. Money because you don’t wind up taking her on a series of costly dates only to find out she was never all that much interested in you in the first place. Actually, on second thought, you can get a girl who isn’t into you from the beginning. You can get her to take advantage of your money, your status, your attention, your emotions and your generosity. But since these girls don’t actually like you for who you are and will dump you once they find a guy with a better offer, we prefer to avoid them like The Plague. But there are simply too many gorgeous women with great attitudes who will like us for who we are as men to accept anything less. Ever wonder why the ‘players’ never end up with high value women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment? Because their tactics are specifically designed to get girls who aren’t into them. In reality their tactics will only change the minds of girls who use their sex and looks to take advantage of the the player. Do you Page 118 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women want to know why ‘players’ have to devise all sorts of tricky ways of to keep girls interested in them or keep girls from cheating? Because they are with girls who are still on the hunt they’re still looking for a guy that they actually like! The player is really just a ‘place-holder’ until her real Prince comes along. Player be played. When girls are with players they are always looking for someone else. When girls are with an Amazing Man she doesn’t want to even look at anyone else. Which kind of girl do you want to be with? Amazing men, men of dignity, self-respect and self-esteem don’t settle for women who aren’t into us for who we are as men. There are too many great girls out there to waste time on the ones who would feign interest in us for ulterior motives. A girl who wants us for our money does not deserve our money. A girl who wants us because she wants attention doesn’t deserve our attention. A girl who wants us because we validate her does not deserve our validation. A girl who wants us for our status does not deserve our status. A girl who wants us because she has low self-esteem does not deserve us boosting her selfesteem. A girl who wants us because we could provide her with a nice house and a nice car does not deserve the things we provide her. A girl who wants us because she wants someone to whine and complain about life to does not deserve her complaints to be heard by us. A girl who wants us because she wants someone, anyone to save her does not deserve to be saved by us. A girl who wants us to work so she doesn’t have to does not deserve our hard-earned wages. But a woman who wants you because she adores you and values who you are as a MAN … this woman deserves everything that you have to give her. And every second you waste Chasing a girl who doesn’t deserve what you have to offer is Page 119 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women another missed opportunity to meet a really Amazing woman of beauty and accomplishment who DOES deserve you. Know this – when you strive towards becoming Amazing and focus on Identifying – with consistent effort you will find really great women who are into you right from the very beginning. No tricks. No lines. Simply you, armed with the core qualities that make you Amazing and the confidence that women only find in men who have no need to Chase but rather approach them only in order to Identify. P THAT YOU CAN MEET THE WOMAN OF YOUR DREAMS ROOF Well, there’s a whole lotta people on the planet these days – 6.744 billion of ‘em from what we’ve read. Of that total, 3.8 billion are between the ages of 18 ~ 40 (approximately 50.5 percent of are male and 49.5 percent female). For the sake of our musings here, let’s just automatically disqualify 80% of them for living in the developing world, being in jail, insane, diseased, married, with children, ugly, stupid or otherwise unavailable and undesirable. Which gives us a lovely pool of about 380 million women to look at. Page 120 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Now, ‘scientists’ tell us that it’s a simple matter of fact that for every 50 women a man meets, with one he will experience an almost immediate chemical attraction to and, better yet, this ‘chemistry’ will be mutual. (Here’s where we and scientists will sharply disagree: 1. These scientists have OBVIOUSLY never studied the effect that men like Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Gabriel Aubry, Brad Pitt, David Conrad, Daniel Craig, Antonio Banderas, George Clooney, etc, have on women. 2. These scientists are being extremely optimistic. We think it’s somewhere between 1 in 60 to 1 in 100. Perhaps it’s our background in sales [it’s considered a selling norm that in a fast market a good salesperson can expect 1 ‘instant’ sale for every 60 prospecting calls he makes, in a slow market the number can be as lousy as 1 for every 100 prospecting calls to result in an almost immediate sale], or perhaps it’s our own experiences doing The Revolution! as regular guys (we’re no Brad Pitts or Orlando Blooms). To get down to the real nitty-gritty based on our experience, for our purposes let’s use a 1 in 100 figure – which brings us to 3.8 million women. Of these lovely ladies, we can expect 66% of them, despite their having a powerful, almost instant mutual attraction with us, to also have any number of personality characteristics / values / beliefs (read: flaws) that, although not nearly enough to qualify them for a one-way ticket to a rubber room with a matching jacket that ties in the back, makes them pretty much unsuitable for anything that anyone in their right mind would ever consider calling ‘a relationship.’ We’re talking about girls who are untrustworthy, disloyal, liars, have low self-esteem, are lazy, stupid, dysfunctional, have deep emotional scars and baggage, addictive personalities, etc. Page 121 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Basically, Total Train Wrecks. Fun to play with for a night, no problem. Fun to have for more than a fling - uh, no. Really, no. Just no. So that leaves us with 1.26 million females. These 1.26 million women will not only be really great women to begin with but will also pretty much like us instantly upon meeting. They’re hot, loyal, trustworthy, have healthy selfesteem, are fun to be with, and will love sex with us. In other words - for many guys, their dream woman – and that is really as good as it gets. Hot Diggety Dawg! We’ve found the Wonka Tickets!! THESE are the women most any guy would want in his life. Especially seeing as he doesn’t have to do much of anything ‘special’ once he meets them other than not mess it all up – he just needs to make her laugh, keep things light and playful, upbeat and fun. Page 122 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women In fact, if all a guy did was meet and talk to as many women as he possibly could in as short a time as possible (30 or more a day, perhaps?), and consciously eliminate ALL the ones that weren’t immediately into his looks and his personality style, as well as not having the positive personality qualities he was looking for in a woman, he would invariably find the women of his dreams in a fairly short amount of time while wasting virtually no time at all on any of the icky out there. He couldn’t NOT find the great ones, actually. Anyways, you might want to consider some of these things really carefully, so the next time you see that beautiful woman crossing the street in front of you, or notice that gorgeous lady slowly stirring her drink next to you at the cafe, or when you’re shocked into awareness as that incredibly sexy one sits down next to you on the train to work, you’re primed and ready to think to yourself, “She just might be one of those Magic 1.26 million that is totally looking for ME, and all I gotta do to get this ON is open my mouth and say, “Hi. What’s you name?” And isn’t that actually the kind of woman you REALLY want to get? Page 123 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 124 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART V F MEETING TO BREAKING UP AND EVERY STEP ALONG THE WAY ROM Take a step back for a moment and look at every romantic interaction between men and women. They are like stories – each one has a beginning, a middle and an end. Sometimes all three happen extremely rapidly, like in when a guy greets a woman and she simply ignores him. Other times, it might be the story of two people sharing an intense and passionate love, with both ups and downs that finishes only at the end of their lives. In this section we'll be covering each of these steps in the story of relating with women. We'll start at the beginning (finding and meeting), move on to the middle (calling her, dating, sex and relating) and finish with the end (breaking up). Page 125 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women T PLACES TO FIND AND MEET WOMEN YOU LIKE HIRTY All the following examples come from real situations that the guys here at DateMasters have experienced. Of course, the places you can meet women is infinitely varied. These are simply snapshots of how and where we find and meet attractive women. Our goal here is to show you what is possible and help you start to imagine where you can meet women now. We've condensed these case studies down into quick paragraphs to quickly illustrate the possibilities. Remember, we recommend meeting women by being simple and straightforward: “Hi, what's your name?” followed by a short, friendly conversation to Identify if she's into you. This general format applies to virtually all situations with all women – thus if some of the following examples seem repetitive, that's because they are. Repetition is good when it works. This strategy is simple, repeatable and it is very effective when it comes to Identifying: giving you the opportunity to Identify whether she's into you or not. 1. Supermarkets – “While pushing my cart down the pasta aisle, I saw an attractive woman looking at sauces. I rolled up next to her, said 'Hello,' and she turned around. 'What's your name?' I asked. She smiled, told me, and we had a quick conversation right there in the middle of the supermarket. After a short, Page 126 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women light conversation I asked for her number so I could call her for a date and then went on my way. It was simple and straightforward.” 2. The gym – “At the snack bar attached the gym, I got a protein drink. There was a cute girl sitting near me. I said 'Hey, what's up?' and she turned to smile at me. We talked about the gym for a few minutes, I made her laugh a bit, then I asked for her number. She gave it to me, and then I headed out.” 3. Yoga classes – “As we were wrapping up our yoga mats, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me. I said, “Hey, nice mat.” She replied with a laugh, “Haha, yeah.” She and I hit off. I invited her for a quick coffee, so we went to a nearby cafe after the lesson.” 4. Dance classes – “After the salsa class wrapped up, I struck up a conversation with a group of two guys and two pretty ladies. 'Hey, I'm gonna go grab a burger. Care to join me?' One guy and two girls accepted, we went to get burgers. While we were on the way there, I asked the most attractive girl for her phone number. The other girl and the guy there heard me ask, but didn't care at all.” 5. Museum / art gallery exhibitions – “At the museum, I saw a girl I wanted to talk to looking at a painting. I went up to Page 127 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women her, said “Hello. How you doing?” and struck up a conversation. We talked about the painting and the museum and joked around a bit. It ended up that she had a boyfriend, but she thanked me for talking to her before we went different ways.” 6. Coffee shops – “I was sitting a crowded coffee shop working on my computer when I looked up and caught eyes with a very pretty woman with long legs. After she got seated I went over to her seat and said 'Hello. Can I sit down?' She nodded while beaming a smile at me. We hit it off right away, had a fun conversation and we're still dating a year and a half later.” 7. Small house parties / dinner parties – “I had a small house party recently. I invited 2 co-worker and they both brought friends. There were six people total. Two of them were attractive women who I was meeting for the first time and one of them seemed interested quite in me. I asked for her number and she gladly gave it to me. I'll ask her on a date in a few days.” 8. Friends – “My friend invited me out for dinner with a small handful of his coworkers I had never met. We had a good time – there was a cute girl who I was interested in and who seemed possibly interested in me. In order to find out whether she was interested or not, while going from the restaurant back to our cars, I told her to give me her number. She did, Page 128 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women and a week later when I called she happily accepted my date offer.” 9. Weddings – “I went to my buddy's wedding recently. At the reception, I was having a good time and dancing with everyone – eventually I found myself dancing with a friend of the bride's sister. I made sure to say hi and ask for everyone's name. Out of all the girls there, this girl was the one I seemed to hit it off best with. She gave me her number when I asked. We'll see how things go when I call her up for a date.” 10. Community theatre / acting classes “I auditioned, got a part and started going to practices. After one of the practices I invited out one of the actresses. I had no clue if she was interested in me or not so I followed your advice and took action anyways. 'Hey,' I said, 'Let's grab a bite to eat after practice today.' She agreed. I know it doesn't sound all that heroic or exciting, but that's how we met.” 11. Comedy / improv lessons - “Another group organization where I met lots of cool people – guys and girls. I wasn't planning on dating any of the girls in my group, but the night of our first show one of the pretty members of our group asked me if I wanted to go ice-skating with her, just the two of us. I agreed, despite never having skated before in my life. Things went pretty well (the date, not the skating so much), and we've been dating since.” Page 129 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women 12. Bookstores (or any kind of store) – “I was looking at books when I noticed a very pretty girl browsing books not too far from me. So, I went over to her and said, 'Hi.' She smiled at me, I asked her name and we talked quietly for a couple minutes. There was a coffee shop in the bookstore so I invited her to sit down with me. It was all very simple and very fun. We met up about a week later for our first real date.” 13. University / Adult education classes – “I was taking classes for my master's degree and ended up in a class with a particularly shapely brunette who wore blackrimmed glasses. After the third or fourth class, I saw her in the library. I said “Hello,” she smiled back and we joked around a bit. Before getting back to what we were doing, I said, “Hey, tell me your number.” She agreed, and we've been on three dates since then.” 14. Bars – “I was at a bar with friends celebrating a birthday party. When I went to the counter to get a drink, a cute . 'Hey,' I said. 'What's your name?' She stopped, told me her name, and we had a little chat. I invited her and her friend to our table, and they joined us in the festivities for the rest of the night.” 15. Clubs - “I went in, then walked around and said “Hello, how are you?” to all the girls I found attractive. Some of them smiled and we had short conversations – others ignored me, and that was okay. Page 130 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Once I had done a full 'round' and talked to all the hot ones, I simply went back to the hot AND fun ones to see if they were up for doing something outside the club. One of them was, and we enjoyed the rest of the night together.” 16. Large parties - “I went around and greeted everyone I knew, and made sure to proactively take opportunities to meet everyone I didn't know. Along the way, I made sure to keep my eyes and ears open to Identify if any women were into me right from the beginning. A few were, so I went back to talk to them - I got 3 numbers that evening.” 17. Train stations - “A couple major train stations are located near my house. Every day on my way home from work, I walk through them and they are filled to the brim with people of all ages and backgrounds – including attractive women in their mid-20s, my favorite. I always make sure to do The Revolution! there by greeting 30 of them every day.” 18. Buses - “Across the aisle, I saw a hot young girl. I waved at her, she smiled. I motioned for her to sit next me. She did and we started talking. I asked her name. We hit it off pretty good. She gave me her number soon after. It was a very fun bus ride to say the least.” 19. Airports – “After checking in early, I Page 131 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women had plenty of time before my flight. Instead of just sitting around waiting, I decided to walk around the terminal and to my surprise, there were plenty of attractive women there. Though I hadn't planned on it until after I arrived at my destination, I started doing The Revolution right there in the airport. After talking to a few women who were traveling to places I never go, I found one that lived in a city I travel to often and got her number.” 20. Airplanes – “I sat down on a flight from Chicago to L.A. It was fairly empty but there was a pretty girl who sat down in front of me. After we were both seated I struck up a conversation with her. Since it was an uncrowded flight we moved to sit next to each other to continue our chat. Even though we live in different cities, I asked for her number and email. She gladly gave it to me.” 21. Restaurants – “I noticed a cute girl kept looking at our group and giggling. When I went to go get water, she got up too. I greeted here at the drink bar. Since we were both with friends, I kept it brief, asked for her name and number, and after making her laugh for a minute, headed back to my seat.” 22. Malls / Department Stores - “At the mall, my hands were full after doing some Christmas shopping, but somehow I still found the time and willpower to approach the hottest girl I saw that day. “Hi there,” I Page 132 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women said, peeping my head over a bundle of boxes I was carrying. She smiled when I greeted her, we hit it off, and I set down my boxes so I could get her number a few minutes later.” 23. Speed Dating – “These events literally runs themselves. I didn't want to follow the speed dating 'match up' rules, so I simply ask every woman I was interested in for her phone number during the allotted time.” 24. Walking away from us on the street – (The street is a personal favorite of many trainers here at DateMasters for the sheer endless number of attractive women flowing through a wide, open space.) “I wasn't sure if she was as pretty as she looked, so I hustled a bit to catch up to her. When I caught up to her side, I turned my head and said 'Excuse me.' She turned, opened her eyes wide and said 'Yes?' I replied, 'What's your name?' From there, we hit it off and had a quick conversation.” 25. Walking towards us on the street – “I was heading out to lunch when I saw a gorgeously dressed 30's something woman walking in my direction. I slowed down, looked at her and said 'Hello!' She smiled and slowed down. I said 'How ya doing?' to which she responded by giggling. From there, we hit it off and had a quick conversation.” Page 133 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women 26. Girls who are working – “She looked busy, but hot. So, after greeting her and making her laugh for a minute, I handed her my business card and told her to give me a call. In a large enough sample pool, some of them call me. Another variation on The Revolution! but in reverse.” 27. Parks - “Every morning I take a jog through the park. I'm usually dressed in my gym shorts and a t-shirt, so I'm not really stylin' all that much during my jog. But when I see a hottie, I always make sure to greet her. I've gotten quite a few dates doing this over the last year.” 28. Subways / trains – “Part of my commute has me on the subway everyday. The other day I saw a pretty hot college girl near me on the ride. I said hello and asked for her name. We had a short, casual conversation for a few minutes before I said 'tell me your phone number.' She said sure. Fairly simple.” 29. Elevators - “I was on an elevator when a really pretty girl stepped on. Naturally (as per your advice), I said hi, asked her name and made her laugh in the short amount of time. She was getting off before me. In order to Identify whether she was actually into me or just being friendly I knew I had to ask her number, even though we hadn't been talking long. I got off on her floor, told her to wait a second, and asked. She was more than happy to give me her number before I got back on the Page 134 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women elevator.” 30. Online – “I treat online dating just like The Revolution! I have a nice picture, an interesting profile and I “approach” (send messages to) every single girl I think is attractive. Lots of them don't respond. That's fine. Some do. I end up hitting it off really good with lots of cool women online this way. There's always a new batch of members every couple months so this keeps things fresh.” 31. Plus one place we do NOT recommend: Work. Don't do it. With all these other options of places to meet more women, why would you ever even consider jeopardizing your livelihood and career prospects? C ALLING WOMEN FOR DATES So, you met her, got her number, and now you want to call her for a date. In our seminars, this issue tends to come up again and again. “What do I do after I have her phone number?” After practicing what they learn from us, our guys are consistently surprised at how simple it is to call women for dates. Really, guys make a much bigger deal about calling women than is necessary. That's okay because we're going to give you some insight into how to handle calling women. Page 135 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Whenever possible, always make sure you record the following information when getting a phone number: • • • Her name. Where you met her. When you met her (date and day of the week). Also, when you start to meet lots of women, you'll want to record a brief description of her so you can remember her. For example: what she was wearing, any distinguishing features, anything notable that she said or did. All of this will make it that much easier for you when you call her up to schedule a date. In our seminars we recommend guys wait about 5 to 9 days before calling her to schedule a date. We also recommend you avoid calling her on weekends or holidays. Typically, the best time to call is in the evening before 9pm, if you can. Now remember, you only have one reason for calling her: You want to invite her on a date. That's it. You're simply calling her to ask for a date. No more, no less. With this in mind, we keep all our phone conversations short and to the point. You're not there to make fluffy conversation, tell her about the cool party you went to, or ask her to unload all her problems on you. No bantering, no silly stories, no long-winded conversation. So, you invite her on the date. She'll either say yes (good) or she'll say no, make excuses and otherwise do her best job of avoiding giving you a definite answer (also good). If she's not eager and willing to go on a date with you and you find yourself jumping through hoops just to try to schedule a date with her, you're better off meeting more women. You can be sure that this girl isn't really all that into you. Any further pushing on your part will only end up with you Chasing her around like a lost puppy while she is still out looking for a guy she actually likes (and no, you aren't going to change her mind). Trying to convince her to go Page 136 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women on a date with you when she isn't eager for it is really just setting yourself up to get emotionally and financially drained by a girl who knows how to use your good intentions against you. When a girl with a Good Attitude likes a guy, she jumps at the chance to meet him for a date. Phones are for setting up dates. Once you've scheduled the date, there is no need keep contacting her until she shows up at the agreed upon time and location of the date. Women who have their act together and are interested in you keep their word and show up for dates. If she doesn't show up for the date, well, consider yourself lucky that you found out she was dishonest, unreliable, disrespectful towards men in general and you in particular, plus completely uninterested in you before you wasted any more time and energy on her. Recommendation: go meet more women! S TESTED DATE PLANS YOU CAN USE NOW IX Here are 6 great date plans that we've tested extensively and successfully for you to use again and again. You can use all of these date plans exactly as they are written. Or, you can mix and match activities and meals that you prefer. These are simply some tried and tested ideas that we've had lots of experience and success using. • Date 1: Short Coffee Date – A great first date is a short coffee date to get to know her better and find out if you want to take her on a proper date. Ask her questions, make her laugh, listen to what she says. You can learn treasure Page 137 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women troves of information about her from a quick 45-60 minute date, including whether or not you'd even like to see her again. We highly recommend this over any sit down restaurant in the beginning. This avoids any awkward dinner dates between two people who don't actually have any chemistry. Awkward coffee dates don't happen, because if she's a total bore, you can wrap things up pretty quickly by saying “Hey, I had a fun time talking with you. Gotta go now. Bye.” • Date 2: Darts & Ice Cream - Darts is another great first or second date. It's active and gets her moving around. Also, it's still fun whether you have any skill at darts or not. In the case that you do have some experience with darts, you can show her how to play if she doesn't know. Or if you both don't have any skills, then you'll have lots of laughs whenever either one misses the dart board. Ice cream, like coffee above, is another short non-committal, inexpensive 'meal' that you can sit down over and make light, playful, fun conversation. • Date 3: Billiards & Drinks – We really like keeping all our dates active, especially the early ones. Billiards, like the darts above, follows in that same pattern. If she's really bad at billiards feel free to help her out by giving her some easy shots. Point at something across the room and when she looks Page 138 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women away line up an easy shot for her (it's also funny to change an easy shot to an impossible one). Remember, the point is to have fun, not beating her at billiards. Likewise, getting drinks follows the same pattern as coffee and ice cream: 45-60 minute and relatively inexpensive compared with ordering a proper meal (which we save for women who have shown us good behavior over the course of multiple dates). • Date 4: Ping Pong & Light Meal – All the things about darts and billiards above are applicable to ping-pong as well – active, gets her moving, and it's fun. Check around at local sports clubs, gyms, rec centers or arcades to find a place to play. After you've been on two or three dates with her, and know that things are going pretty well so far, you can sit down for a proper meal, but keep it light. (Save all the fancy-pants expensive stuff until you've been dating her for a while... a LONG while). Something like sandwiches or street vendor food tends to work well. • Date 5: Park & Picnic - Go take a walk in a park. Bring some a couple mitts and a baseball to play catch. Or bring a Frisbee and toss that around. You can even play tag, giving her the chance to unleash her inner child. Also, bring along a blanket or tarp, some paper plates and cups, food, drinks and have a little picnic. Make sure you let her know you're going to the park so Page 139 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women she can dress appropriately and so she can bring some food or drinks to impress you with. • F Date 6: Bowling & Small Ethnic Food Place – Bowling keeps it active, as with the other activities we've mentioned here. For the restaurant, ideally we want an out-of-the-way and comfortable ethnic food restaurant that when she walks in, she'll be amazed enough to say “How did you ever find this place?” while still keeping it inexpensive. The key is to keep her guessing and wondering about you. One of the easiest way to do that is with unique, interesting date locations. BIG MISTAKES THAT HURT YOUR SEX LIFE OUR Mistake #1: There's an idea that getting all grabby and touchy with girls turns them on and makes them horny. That's a misleading half-truth at best, and pure unicorn grade mythology at worst. Simply not how it works. Keep your hands to yourself – this allows you to be cool, chill and normal in all situations, greatly enabling your ability to meet more women. Practice selfcontrol, and let her touch you first. Beautiful women with great attitudes who really like you will literally jump you for sex (even the first time) when you stay patient and in control of yourself. When your touch is rare, she will appreciate it, desire it, and may actually feel turned on by it than if you are constantly grabby and hounding her for sex. Page 140 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Mistake #2: Another weird idea out there is that sex is a magical bonding glue. Some guys think that if they can work their way into a girl's pants, that he'll be able to keep her. This just isn't true. Just because two people had sex doesn't mean they're gonna be magical special soul-mates forever and ever. It's just isn't so – there are a variety of other factors in play when determining the length and quality of a relationship besides sex. We recommend keeping your emotions in check until you've really gotten to know a girl, both in and out of the bedroom. Mistake #3: Have 'sex talk' until long into the relationship. Bottom line - IT'S A TRAP. Guys are way too eager to make dirty jokes and talk about sex with girls, which is only encouraged by all the BS advice out there about how “Ya gotta show her your sexual side. Talk about sex stuff to show her how comfortable you are!” Nope. If she isn't into the guy talking about sex, there's the very real possibility that things will turn awkward and blow up (which ultimately is still fine, because you know that the solution to that problem is to go meet more women). And in the case when a woman likes you, then TALKING about sex is the last thing she wants to do. Actions speak louder than words – give her a chance to jump you. At best, dudes' sex talk will be written off as 'it must be a guy thing.' At worst, it turns her off completely and ruin their chances with a really great girl. There's also the dark possibility of running into a girl who knows guys like talking sex so she teases with sex talk while draining their wallets, emotions and sanity. Mistake #4: Sticking with girls who have a bad attitude and/or aren't into you, just because she's willing to have sex – simply one of the most destructive things that can happen to any given man's life. Try looking at what's at stake 10-15 years down the road with this kind of behavior. Half your net-worth, plus alimony, housing payment, child support all because fear of loneliness (remedied by meeting more women) overpowered the obvious problems with her attitude and/or that she wasn't totally into him. Be careful out there. How many guys have you met who have had their emotions and sanity gutted because they were Page 141 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women suckered into staying with a girl who was a poor match because of sex? We know we've seen way too many guys walking around in a virtual living hell because they keep any woman in their life who gives them sex regardless of how badly she treats him or how much she nags him. F BIG TIPS TO BUILD A ROCKIN' SEX LIFE OUR Tip #1: Commit to mastery and gradually increase skills. As with all skills, you can improve at sex. By committing to becoming a more masterful lover, you'll benefit from an increased quality (and possibly quantity) of sexual experiences. That means striving to learn more, trying new things, taking a look at the long game and reflecting back analytically on your experiences. Plus, it's always fun to see a really great woman literally passing out because her brain is so scrambled from orgasm after orgasm. This won't make a bad relationship good, but it will make a great relationship Amazing. Tip #2: Mix things up. Variety helps both partners stay excited and helps couples prevent getting into a boring routine. Every time you have sex with your partner, we recommend doing at least a little bit something different every time. We're sure you can come up with some ideas of things you'd like to try with your lady. And if you can't, there's plenty of sources of inspiration available everywhere on the internet. When your woman is into you and Open-minded (and we always recommend our guys date Open-minded women) then she will be happy to try new things with you. Tip #3: Identify woman who are into you. The quality of sex Page 142 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women when both partners are totally into each other is phenomenal. And the inverse is true as well – it's not very much fun when one or both of the partners aren't into each other. The long-term emotional and self-esteem damage from having sex with women who don't actually like you is something that no man needs to settle for. Likewise, when you meet a lot of women, there is no need to ever have sex with a woman who doesn't completely rock your world. There's an old saying: Bad sex is like bad pizza – it's still good. We disagree. Bad sex and bad pizza are bad – stick with the good stuff. And not on any moral ground either, simply out pure rational self interest. Guys who are willing to accept woman who don't actually like them into their lives get what they bargained for: a sub-par sex life devoid of any passion. Tip #4: After Identifying one who's into you, give her the chance to Chase you. This, of course, depends on your being able Identify women who are into you. Consider that sex with girls who are into you is far and away better and more frequent than sex with girls who aren't. When she Chases you, she is the one who wants to initiate make-outs, initiate taking off clothes, initiate intimate touching and initiate just about everything else. In our experience, this is much more fun for both partners. H TO KEEP A GOOD THING GOING OW This part is easy. Want to keep it going? Keep doing what worked in the first place! Keep things light, playful and fun... Forever. When you do this, you can keep a great thing going strong for the rest of your life. Our research confirms it. When you meet a really great girl, 'make Page 143 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women her laugh' should be your mantra for the next 50 to 100 years. Save getting serious for your funeral. Life is for living. Too many guys lapse into laziness or get too serious way too fast. They think, “YEAH, I GOT DA GIRL!” At that point, they've begun to do something different from what they were doing before they 'got the girl.' Lots of guys screw it up by getting serious on a girl, ruining all of the fun, excitement and romance for her. Of course, it's totally fine if you happen to mess up. When you screw things up you grow. After learning from the school of hard-knocks, we can say that the best way to bounce back after messing up a good thing is to go put new knowledge to work by... Surprise! Go meet more women! And keep in mind all the new lessons and experiences. Don't settle or compromise for a woman who isn't the love of your life. If you ever catch yourself thinking, “Well, she's good enough...” – that's called rationalizing. It means you need to get up, get out and go meet more women. T HIRTY-ONE WAYS TO GET OVER A BREAKUP One way for guys to deal with a breakup is going into a wanton spiral of depression, self-destruction, not shaving and emo music. While this continues to be one of the most popular methods that guys process the end of a relationship, we have some severe doubts about its effectiveness. Fortunately, we have an alternative 31 ways to get your life back in the swing of things should you feel emotional about a Page 144 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women breakup. First, make a commitment: “No matter what, I'm going to take action... MASSIVE action... To get my life back in gear after any and all breakups.” The great thing about this commitment is that you can make it whether you're still in a relationship, recently single or a chronic bachelor... Because who knows what the future may bring? Doesn't matter when, what matters is that you decide right now that: “Yes. I'm willing to take MASSIVE action on my dating life. Regardless of how I feel. Regardless of my circumstances. Regardless of whatever may try and stop me. I'm now taking action.” Once you've seriously considered this commitment, written it down on paper, made the emotional investment in it and are ready to put it into practice, then the hard part is done! The other thirty reasons are as follows: Get up, get suited up, get out, and head to where the highest amount of the most attractive women are walking around. Say “Hi, what's your name?” to 30 women. That's it! • • Step 1: Make the commitment. Step 2 – 31: Approach a girl and say “Hi, what's your name?” Page 145 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Repeat this daily. Every day. Especially on days when you don't 'feel like it.' A recent or impending breakup may make us 'sad,' but by getting out and talking to 30 women every single day, not only are we on the right track, we're also doing everything we possibly can to get to where we want to be. This allows us to feel good and feel motivated to kick it, get up, get out and go meet 30 women every single day, looking for the next great woman to come into our lives. We aren't trying to interrupt, push aside or deny any negative emotions that may arise as a side-effect of the breakup. Rather, we accept those emotions as a sign that things need to change. And when we need to change things, we get into high gear. Thus, those emotions are simply a sign-post of where we're going in life. Take the word “depression.” Depression is a lack of action. Stagnation. If look at the word “depress,” you can break it down to “de” and “press.” “De,” the prefix for “not,” and “press,” as in “press on,” or “press forward.” By not pressing on, guys stop taking action, get stagnant and end up feeling pity for themselves. Looking at it like this, the solution is easy – Take action. We take action regardless of our individual present mental state or mood (only girls let their success and actions be dictated by their feelings, state or mood). This serves as a rock solid foundation to progress forward towards goals in the face of the inevitable ups and downs we face in life. The bigger, the better, the more bold, audacious, stronger, faster the action you take in life, the quicker you make progress. Page 146 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 147 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART VI M REAL LIFE REPORTS ORE In this section, we're presenting more case studies from DateMasters trainers and students to show you more examples of both what to do and what NOT to do. We ask relevant questions before and after every Case Study. Put forth some time and effort answering them – we want you to engage with page – that way you'll actually be learning. Just skimming through these case studies without doing the exercises or answering the questions is fine too, as long as you're willing to accept slower growth, less knowledge and a more superficial understanding of women and dating. So, we recommend busting out those colored markers and pens if you haven't already, start taking notes, answering (and asking!) questions and consciously considering all the information being presented to you. H WALK AWAY FROM A DISRESPECTFUL WOMAN OW TO While you read this report here are some points to pay attention Page 148 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women to: • • • • • • • Notice when he is Identifying (or failing to Identify). Notice when he is Chasing (or refusing to Chase). How does he show that he has self-respect in this situation? Where does he display Confidence? How are his actions a result of living in an Abundance Reality? How does he save time, money and emotional energy? How will his actions help him with women in the future? The Story “I met a girl at a party about a month ago. I remembered she had a really cute face. When I gave her a call and invited her out for coffee, she agreed. The day of the date, she called me an hour before our agreed meeting and I answered my phone. She asked to move the date up by 30 minutes, to which I agreed. We met at our newly agreed time in front of a coffee shop downtown. I was surprised at her appearance, she was less attractive than I had remembered her. Her face... not so cute. She's not all dolled up like she was at the party, which made sense. Anyway, she immediately started asking about the suit I was wearing. I joked around by saying I had just come from a meeting with the President and then went into funny stuff. I started walking into the coffee shop and she was like "Nononono not coffee. I'm hungry.” We negotiated on where to go location – we chose a nearby hamburger shop instead. She had proven herself stubborn so far, certainly not long term dating material. I ate my onion rings pretty quickly and she went to work on her burger. She refused to let me pay when I offered. Page 149 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women While eating, she hounded me with questions trying to find out about my job relentlessly. Having been on three coffee dates in the last 8 days, I KNOW that my style of humor is funny to some women, and I KNOW that those women who found we funny were considerably more attractive than her. Yet she did not laugh at my jokes and was visibly annoyed. I told her she can ask me one serious question a day. She agreed, then asked about my job. I told her my current job status. Then she asked a followup question about how much money I make now. I started going back to funny answers that made hotter women laugh harder last week, yet this girl was not amused. And then she went back AND ASKED ABOUT MY JOB AGAIN?! Even though I had told her exactly what I do already?! At this point I was thinking I should bail, but I remembered Douglas Hall told me during my Dating and Relating Mastery Seminar to "not bail on dates, but rather learn from the girl and keep practicing the skills." So I decided to bust out some interview questions to learn more about her. Me: So, tell meHer: (interrupting) I'm not gonna answer until you tell me your job. Me: Um, no, actually, tell me one thing you like about yourself. Page 150 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Her: If you don't answer me, we can't talk about anything else! Me: I already told my job when you asked me your one serious question for the day. So you already know what it is. But you still want to ask me again? Her: Yeah! I think you're suspicious! Me: (smiling and joking) I'm an adviser to the President. You see, today we talked about the economicHer: (now openly annoyed) Ok, if you don't answer me straight, the next time you call me... I won't answer my phone. At this point I started laughing. She's stubborn (not long term dating material), not hot (unattractive sexually), she's not laughing at my funny jokes (not fun for me), and mostly importantly disrespectful by trying to her guilt trip me with "I won't answer my phone if you don't tell me what income bracket you're in.” On top of that, she's not answering the interview questions which was the main reason I was still around. I didn't have anything left to get from being there. Me: (melodramatic) Ohhh! The pain! You've wounded me forever and it will never heal! (switching to neutral) ...So what else are you gonna do if I don't answer your question? Her: ... I've had enough. Page 151 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women I stood up and shook her hand. Me: Thanks. I had fun. Her: Ah! Oh, you're leaving!? I thought you had another 30 minutes---Me: (interrupting) Bye now. I was gone before her sentence was finished. Not gentlemanly. But she said she had enough, and I had had enough as well. I spent the 30 minutes I saved at a different coffee shop working on a project with some friends. A much better use of my time. I made some mistakes... Like answering my phone without thinking about the consequences of doing so. I was caught off guard with the time reschedules and gave in without thinking. Next, I negotiated about time / meeting locations. If women aren't down for my offers, I feel I should just let them go and maybe give them one more try the next week during calls. After walking out on her... I thought maybe I should have just caved in and answered her stupid questions about job, salary, etc. Was it not gentlemanly to walk out on the date like that? I could have left in a bit more polite way while still being time efficient... but to be honest, it felt so good to get out of there.” Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we Page 152 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 153 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis This is a hilarious coffee date! Just imagine 'plowing' on that one. Seriously though, when a girl has an attitude this bad we don't even bother 'practicing' our dating skills. It's good to see a man handling things with this level of aplomb. It's an excellent REAL-LIFE story, a hardcore reference for what we do as really Amazing Men. He handled it quite well. He was funny and not taking her seriously... until she became disrespectful him. Heck, he even gave her the benefit of the doubt for awhile and hung around longer than he really needed to. Always remember: 90% of the time we use humor to make our points and keep things flowing in a fun way, and 10% of the time we need to get serious with them – "Wait a second! What did you say? No, no, what did you say?! What kind of attitude is that? Look this is a date and dates are supposed to be fun and if you can't chill and relax and make this fun then let's just close this down right now and go our separate ways. Is that what you want to do?" Girls need to know where that 'line that cannot be crossed is' and sometimes you've just got to check them hard just so they know that it's there. Girls call them 'tests.' Truth be told, we keep it pretty raw these days and don't even Page 154 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women bother with the above speech - we're just outta there. There are simply too many beautiful women who are fun with Good Attitudes. Heck, if she even greets us wrong, we're gone. And if she THINKS about testing us, we go straight into 'Get outta my face' mode. It doesn't even get to the 'test' point - SCHOOL IS OVER, DARLIN' - WE GRADUATED. WE DON'T TAKE NO MORE ' TESTS.' Our guys don't get 'tested' by women. Why? Because we live in an Abundance Reality full of high value women who are both beautiful and have great Attitudes. Our experience shows that high value women (beautiful, great Attitude) won't 'test' you when they really like you. Use humor as your primary method of communication and you'll find that 'tests' disappear and turn into fun, relaxed experiences with great women. If you're using humor and she's not laughing then you're better off finding a girl who isn't such a bug up her butt. If you feel like you are being 'tested' it means one or all of three things: • • • You've Identified that she's just not into you (Go find a girl who likes you). You've Identified that she has a bad Attitude (She's gonna make your life hell every step of the way). You're taking the situation way too seriously and not using humor (lighten up!). As for the question, “Was it un-gentlemanly to walk out on the Page 155 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women date like that?” As opposed to what? Caving, answering her overly-prying questions and surrendering your self-respect? No way!! She wasn't even trying to be friendly... She was getting an estimate of his monetary value to her AND being disrespectful about it at the same time. That girl and her rapport were for sale. He wasn't making an offer so she got angry. Our guy gained a lot more by leaving than he could have by staying a few extra minutes and questioning this particular girl. Can't really can't get any more gentlemanly than he did. He was able to tell her to get lost using a handshake and thanking her for a good time. THAT takes class. He did right. This girl was a hard-case. Can you imagine what's gonna be in store for her next boyfriend? Quite simply, some girls do not come into the whole dating game with the same kind of class, manners, and style as we do. The less time you spend with girls like this – the more time you have to give to women who really deserve your attention. Just charge her to the Game and be done with her. It makes your life easier and frees you up to meet a woman who makes you really happy. Page 156 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women H GET PHONE NUMBERS FROM GIRLS WHO ARE ON THE FENCE OW TO While you read this report ask yourself the following questions: • • • • How does he attempt to Identify? Where does he fail to thoroughly Identify? Where does he display Confidence? How is he straightforward with the woman? The Story “I was just sitting down at in a coffee shop when I noticed a cute university student next to me. Immediately we greeted each other with a mutual "Hello." I asked her name, said “Nice to meet you,” and shook her hand. She asked for my name immediately after the handshake. Things seemed to be going well. We joked around a bit. I told her I came here by horse, which is tethered up right outside. I'm here at this cafe to get some coffee for the trip back down to the ranch. (We're in middle of a downtown metropolis.) She was laughing a bunch, so after bantering for about another minute or two... Me: “What's your phone number?” Her: “Huh?! Why?” Page 157 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Me: “I want it because I'd like to call you and ask you out on a date.” Her: “...??? Where are you from?! Do you live around here?!” Me: “No, I'm from the ranch like I told you.” Her: “Hahaha!” So I went back to bantering and joking around since she didn't tell me right away. I felt pretty nervous. I wanted to ask her number again, but since she didn't tell the first time... I didn't want to start Chasing by pushing for her phone number. I turned away at a lull in the conversation. She left about 15 minutes later. Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 158 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis Overall, he did 'okay.' But really, if he wants to Identify, he needs to press the issue a bit more. Some girls who might actually be interested in you (as you'll see later) aren't quite sure how to react the first time you ask for their number. If she really isn't into you, you'll find out when you ask for a clear answer from her. Page 159 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The truth always comes out in time so continue moving forward until you know for certain. We recommend you run it something like this: You: “What's your phone number?” Her: “Huh?! Why?” Me: “I want it so I can call you and ask you out on a date.” Her: “...??? Where are you from?! Do you live around here?!” Me: “Yes. What's your phone number?” (get out pen and paper and hand it to her) Her: “Ummmmmmm-” Me: “Really, it's okay. I want your phone number so I can call you up and ask you out on a date. Do you want to give me your phone number, or not? (Gentle smile, soft eyes, neutral tone of voice.)” At this point she has to make a yes/no decision. If yes, good. Get her phone number and continue talking to her. If no, smile gently and say, "I had a fun time talking to you and hope you have a great day. Bye," and walk away. Page 160 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Anything besides yes or no at this point is a non-sequitur. So if she spouts some more nonsense besides yes or no, go straight back to the issue of whether she'll give me her phone number or not. Her: (non-sequitur) Me: “Really, it's okay. Tell me your phone number. Or would you rather not? Yes is good, no is okay, too. What do you want to do?” Remember: Her saying 'no' is just as good as her saying 'yes.' Both answers are fine. We want to give her space to say 'no' because our research shows – giving her space to say 'no' gives the really great ones space to say 'yes, please!' When you can handle 'no' like a Confident, self-assured man, you'll find that you start to hear 'yes' a whole lot more. The Follow-up Story “So while I doing The Revolution! later that week, I ran into a very similar situation again. It was nice, because I could see my progress from taking your advice. I saw a hot business woman walking around downtown... Me: “Hello” Her: “???” Page 161 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Me: “You're cute so I wanted to talk to you. What's your name?” Her: (laughter) “I'm M.” Me: “Where are you going?” Her: “I have to get to a meeting, I'm in a hurry.” Me: “Ok. Well I want to take you on a date. Let's get coffee next time. What's your phone number?” Her: “?!?! ...What?!” At this point, I went into joking around and bantering- she laughed and eased up a bit. Then I asked her again about 1.5 minutes later. Me: “...and monkeys.” Her: “Hahahaha!” Me: “Hah. Yeah. So. Coffee date. Phone number.” Her: (happily) “Ok. Here it is.” I collected that number, told her I had a fun time talking to her, wished her a pleasant day, said goodbye to her, put the Page 162 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women number in my pocket and walked off.” Your Follow-up Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 163 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Follow-up Analysis When you start meeting a lot of women, you'll run into cases where the woman is on the fence about giving you her number. Take this as a chance to make her laugh before she makes a decision. She doesn't know what she's buying yet. "I'm not sure," isn't a real reason to disqualify her because you still don't know whether she's interested in what you're offering her. "I'm not sure" is actually okay to ignore – it's a non-sequitur. If she's truly NOT into us (which is fine), then she'll have to walk away or say NO directly to a phone number request before we thank her for the experience and move on. Really, our guy could have offered to escort this woman to her meeting in order to continue the conversation. There's nothing wrong with talking with a girl for a few minutes (up to 10 or so) in order for her to take your measure and give you a chance to see if what you have to say 'moves' her (read: makes you more attractive to her). Page 164 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women If you're her type, have the kind of personality she likes, and can – with your witty, charming, light-hearted bantering and teasing – make her laugh and smile, she'll more than likely be willing to give you her home phone number and go on a date with you. Assuming, of course, that she doesn't have a boyfriend or husband. W YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS IN CHECK HY Here's a study of guy shooting himself in the foot and not realizing it. While you read ask yourself the following questions • • • • • • • • • • How could problems in this case study be solved by Meeting More Women? Where is he making things more difficult for himself than he needs to? Where is he persuading? Where is he losing self-respect by persuading? Where is he Chasing? How is he wasting time, money and emotions by Chasing? How could he benefit by Identifying? How could he benefit by being willing to take no for an answer? How could he benefit by being willing to say no? How could he benefit by disqualifying this woman? Page 165 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women As you do this more and more, the closer your answers get to our commentary, the more you know you're on the right track. The Story “I was out drinking a couple weeks back with my friends when I met this cute 25 year old – and we ended up going back home together and hooking up. The next day, she lingered around my apartment and although I kinda wanted her out, she stuck around... I took this as a sign she was into me. Before she left, I invited her out on a date to get some food about a week later. Later, she texted me: "Hey I had a lot of fun. That was nice of you to make breakfast =) How about next Tuesday for Italian?" I was really looking forward to hooking up with her again, this time sober. The day before our date, I got this: "Sorry but I can't go to your place... My parents are visiting for a few days. I'll see you some other time." I decided to send her another message the next day. “I'm having a pizza party at my place this week. When is good for you?” I wasn't sure if saying 'My schedule is pretty tight, but might be able to do something this day or this day,' would have been a better choice... Mistake? Her reply: “Hey... Who's all coming to the party? It sounds fun! But actually I already have plans for every night this week. Also, I'll be out of town for the 3 day weekend. Hope you have another party later on. Cya!” Page 166 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women How can she be so busy? I don't know where I went wrong. Don't think I over-pursued her... Maybe I under-pursued her? Is that possible? Looking more and more like a one-night stand, which I should be happy about.....but I'm not. What can I do to get this girl to see me again?” Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 167 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis See what's wrong with this situation? The guy is Chasing; plus sounding desperate, needy and clingy. She's letting him know in Female-ese, "You're out." It's over. Guys aren't the only ones who want a simple onenight stand and nothing more. He could have saved himself a lot of emotional grief if he was focused on Identifying whether she was actually into him. Instead, he pinned all his hopes in Chasing the next “hookup” regardless of whether this girl was interested in him. IF he was Identifying, he would have pulled in the reigns on his emotions. Nothing sets you up for emotionally wrecking yourself like Chasing a girl who really isn't into you. Page 168 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The biggest mistake this guy made was letting his emotions run wild. This, in turn, made him less and less attractive, and it made it much more difficult for him to see what was really happening. When guys Chase, they play a losing game. How? Because when a girl leaves (and she always does when you Chase) this hits you emotionally as a failure. When you Identify, every situation becomes a success, so long as you've verified that she is or isn't into you. This makes it exponentially easier to feel Confident, have fun, and become more attractive to high value women. Instead, he got his ego invested in convincing a girl to see him again, when it should have been obvious that she wasn't all that into him (remember, just because she has sex with you doesn't mean she likes you). “In fast, out fast” we like to say. Stop beating a dead horse. Guys gotta read between the lines and understand what she's REALLY trying to communicate. ("Thanks for thinking of me. No, I don't want to see you again. Please leave me alone. Bye.") If she had REALLY wanted to see him again she would have nailed down a specific day after she got back from her trip. She didn't so you knows he's not all that as far as she's concerned. But, if you find yourself in a situation like this – don't just take our word for it! Call her a few days after the 3-day weekend and make another offer! You: "Hey, Let's meet up for darts and Italian on Monday. Page 169 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women How does that sound?" If she accepts, great. If not, and she doesn't make a counteroffer – well, you definitely know the score. Guys gotta learn for themselves. Believing us (or anyone else for that matter) without YOUR HAVING THE LIVED EXPERIENCE is just plain stupid. New guys should ALWAYS keep chasing her – after awhile a little light will go on in your head and you'll think "Holy Moley! DateMasters was right, this is so not going anywhere. NOW I see it." Then you can recognize it happening a lot faster in the future. Our job is to make it easier for you to see things clearly - but in the end it's YOU who has to do the looking. By the way – a he shouldn't have offered to take her out for food as she was leaving your place that first time. Another textbook example of Chasing. Instead... You: "Hey, I had a fun time. Bye." Page 170 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters I Meet More Women WOMEN ARE CHALLENGES YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG F While you read ask yourself the following questions • • • • • • • • • • How could problems in this case study be solved by Meeting More Women? How could this guy have better handled himself in this situation? How could he have avoided these issues or even the whole situation? Where is he making things more difficult for himself than he needs to? Where is he persuading? Where is he Chasing? How could he benefit by... Identifying? Being straightforward with her? Being willing to take no for an answer? Disqualifying? The Story “So, I was dating this girl a while back, but now we're broken up because I didn't want to be her boyfriend. Here's the situation with her now... She's always keen to meet and typically we meet with little planning. Like she'll just have some random free-time and we will get together. She'll refuse any direct meeting within walking distance of my house. Page 171 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women She'll refuse any direct plans that's just the two of us. She will touch casually anytime and anyplace. She's done it right in front of her boyfriend before. (Did I mention she has a new boyfriend?) Trying to get into a sexy time mood with her seems to weird her out. Touching her sometimes does too. In fact typically as soon as as I start making out with her, she starts talking about needing to go home. I'm stuck, but I love a challenge so its hard to stop trying. Also, I feel like if I just wait until she breaks up with boyfriend, the victory will be less sweet. (Not to mention she'll just want me to be her boyfriend all over again …)” Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 172 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis If you noticed that this girl is playing this guy like a violin then you're learning well. The only reason she's still around this guy is purely for the entertainment value. Obviously we can Identify that this woman has very little loyalty or honesty. She has another boyfriend. Meanwhile, she's leading him on, touching him, making out, feigning interest but then avoiding any actual romantic encounter. If this girl were an honest, loyal high value woman with a good attitude, she wouldn't have anything to do with this guy. Page 173 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women This guy is trying to be a player. Like all players, he ends up getting played. The only kind of girl who would keep a guy like this in her back pocket is a girl with issues. She's stringing him along because he gives her a self-esteem boost. “Look at all the guys chasing after me!” How about that for a messed up situation. By Chasing, he makes certain that he will: • • Get disqualified by high value, honest women. Get strung along by girls with issues. “I love a challenge.” Ha. Yeah, that's pretty easy to see. Textbook Chasing, there. Try-hard. The girl can see it even more clearly. And she's playing him. He's making a complete fool of himself (and draining himself emotionally) EVERY time he has an interaction with her. Every move, every play, every gambit, every strategy; she knows what he's gonna do before he even thinks about it. She knew before he got outta bed. Trying to get into the panties of an ex who's no longer even available? What a gigantic waste of time, not to mention a drain on his self-esteem / self-respect. He should have deleted the contact info for this girl a LONG TIME AGO. It would do this guy well to get out and Meet More Women. Preferably 30 a day, every day forever, while searching for one of the million+ SINGLE women in the city he lives in who are hot, high value and dying to meet a great guy. Page 174 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women High value women are not challenges when they really like a guy. If she is a challenge – you're doing something wrong. Either she isn't high value or she isn't really into you. In both cases, we recommend going out to meet a whole lot more women. T GIRLS ONE TRAIN WRECK WO One of our students had this heart riveting tale to tell. While you read ask yourself the following questions • • • • • • How could problems in this study be solved by Meeting More Women? How could this student have better handled himself in this situation? How could he benefit by... Identifying? Saying no? Being willing to take no for an answer? Disqualifying? Our Analysis “A friend of mine (we'll call him Mark) met a cute girl at his workplace. They got together over the winter holiday and became a couple. She integrated right into our group of friends and everything was great. A year later, they moved in together and even bought a puppy. Three years later, he was getting ready to propose to her, but before doing so, she informed him that she won't marry him Page 175 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women unless he has at least $30,000 in the bank. Also, his job simply wouldn't do. Never mind that he wasn't just working as an employee, he was managing a franchise. Unfortunately, she had a several-month work assignment abroad. While she was out there, he went on a massive job hunt. He had a ridiculous number of interviews for some pretty highpaying and high-status positions. None of it was anything that he was interested in, but he needed something high status for her. Especially because he had just received his grandmother's engagement ring in the mail from his parents. He got a very good job (high pay and status) and moved from NYC (a city he loves) to LA (a city he hates). He uprooted his entire life, even causing psychological stress to his puppy, in the process. He bought a plane ticket to the country she was staying in (expensive and far!) and was all ready to go... A few days before he took off, she Skype-called him to let him know that it was over, and she had been cheating on him with a young football player. Mark and her are still in contact and are civil, but he does whatever he can to avoid her. He refuses to move back to his beloved NYC until she moves away. He's not doing very well at his job, as it's simply not something he's into. This girl, on the other hand, continued in a long-distance relationship with the football guy for quite a few months (maybe even a year) after returning home. He decreed that she's not allowed to go out with friends or doing anything social. She did what he said, for the most part, even though he's thousands of kilometers away. He recently broke up with her and it turns out that he was cheating on her. She told everyone her sad story. Even people she just met (no doubt getting lots of attention). Page 176 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women She even tried to get sympathy from the ex-boyfriend she cheated on. Before doing training with DateMasters, she just seemed to me like a cute, fun girl. Then, I started to see some red flags here and there, but nothing major. After some of my own experiences, she glowed like a red super-giant just before gravitational collapse. If you're not keeping your eyes open for those red flags... Fast forward a bit. Mark has settled into LA quite well now. He still misses NYC, but is handling himself well. His job life has improved, as well as his social life. I visited him recently and got to meet his new girlfriend. What a difference! He has her wrapped around his finger. She was touching him pretty much the whole time. Her default position was staring at him. He's a funny guy, but she really laughed at everything he had to say. She's a textbook example of a girl who really likes the guy she's with. I didn't see any obvious red flags from her at all. On the other hand, Mark is a textbook example of self control. His experience with the ex-girlfriend must have caused him to put up some defenses. He obviously likes his current girlfriend, but he's reining it in. He's a great challenge with her. Not much mystery, though. He hasn't cut off contact from his ex completely yet. There are some organizations that they have in common, so there's little he can he can do about that for now. However, he has the sense to keep her far away from his girlfriend. The ex has almost no information about the new girlfriend, even after months of poking Page 177 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women around and asking questions. Mark has made an almost-impenetrable wall between the two. He's really looking forward to September, when the ex finally leaves the country for good. Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 178 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis The most important aspect of how we run relationships, we believe, is the whole 'keep her' part of the equation. Lots of guys can find the girls (uh, go to any location filled with hot girls), many guys can meet the girls ("Hello, what's your name?" isn't exactly rocket surgery), and guys can always get the girls (if she likes you everything's a piece of cake). But most guys blow it when it comes to doing the right things to keep the girls interested in them. They stop doing all the things that were working when they first met each other and early on in their dating. We know what happens next - Respect goes right out the window, and along with it the Supportiveness that is the lifeblood of a good long-term relationship. As this continues, the girl's affection for the guy goes down and down and down until he's out. Sure, Mark has his new girl wrapped around his finger now – that's the easy part, IN THE BEGINNING. But does he know why his previous girl did him wrong? Did he take time to actually sit down and go, "Hmmm. How did I let this happen to me? How Page 179 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women did I create this mess in the first place?" Did he do that? Yeah, we know she was probably a Total Train Wreck to begin with, BUT reading the story it seems everyone in Mark's social circle accepted her, and they did like each other enough to move in together, so I've gotta ask - what did Mark do to drive her to do him bad? What red flags did he miss? What rocks did he throw in the stream? The reality is – Mark was so busy Chasing her that he completely failed to Identify the situation with this woman. We know he was Chasing because he was busy uprooting his entire life simply because she said she wouldn't marry him... UNLESS. (A girl giving you ultimatums like that is a huge red flag.) Then there's this: “He hasn't cut off contact from his ex completely yet.” There's a mistake right there. Doesn't say much for his 'Loyalty' in the eyes of his new girlfriend. If Mark doesn't wake up soon, he'll drive his new girlfriends interest right into the ground by keeping his ex around. Guys who keep their exes in the picture (even if it's just mentally) are just making their life more difficult. If you keep the ex around, you can be sure that this will drive away most normal, high value women. Page 180 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Oh yeah, how about this little gem, “There are some organizations that they have in common, so there's little he can he can do about that for now.” How about; "Hey, how're you doing. Good to see you. I'm fine. Gotta go. Nice seeing you again. Bye." Or: "Oh, her? Yeah, that didn't work out too well for us - but Hey! I've got this great new girl now. Totally amazing girl. Hope what's-her-name is happy. So, how about those Yankees?! Yippee!" But, Mark says he doesn't talk to his ex about his new girlfriend. So we're supposed to give him +10 points for not discussing his current girlfriend with his ex? This doesn't offset the -10,000 he gets for even talking with his ex. How can the ex 'poke around' if she's in NYC and Mark is in LA? Oh wait – Now it makes sense! Mark is still in CONTACT with the ex. And what's that all about? Mark is simply using his new girlfriend as the 'Challenge' to make himself more 'interesting' to his old girlfriend. This old girl is still trying to get at Mark for something and he's figured out how to pique her interest by holding out his new girlfriend as the string for the old one. And then what happens when September finally rolls around and the ex is out of the country? He'll stay in LA with a girl he's not all that into, but that's totally into him? Page 181 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women How long will that last – how long until she realizes Mark isn't all that much into her? (We know he's not Loyal, and unless he's been telling her all about his ongoing contact with the ex he's also basically Dishonest and Untrustworthy.) Nope. Basically Mark hasn't a clue about what's really going on in his life, with women, or with relationships. He's a perfect 'Challenge' with his current girlfriend because he basically doesn't give a shit about her (we ALWAYS do it perfectly when we don't care about the girl) and still has feelings for his old one (otherwise he'd have no contact with her - 'organization' notwithstanding - to give her the opportunity to 'poke around' his business). He's still stuck and just lucked into a girl that's really crazy about him – for now. This is why we recommend breaking off all contact with exes, then sitting down and do the hard-thinking necessary to figure out how we blew it. • • • • • • • What red flags did I WILLINGLY not see? When did those red flags first come up? How did I ignore them? What stopped me from seeing them? (Yeah, we know it was the testosterone and male ego cocktail, but let's be specific here.) And after that - when did those same red flags come up again? How did I not see those? And new ones - what red flags came up? Page 182 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Rinse and repeat. • • • What will I do next time? How will I prevent this from happening again? How will I recover from this and what, specifically, will I do to keep myself and the ex far far apart? Fact is, if Mark was really into his new girlfriend he wouldn't bother having anything to do with the ex, and certainly not spending any time talking on the phone with her. Think about it - if you were bedding a Total Ten that you were into, would you even bother about a Total Train Wreck Ex? Uhhh no, it would more likely be, "Hey Baby, thanks for calling. I'd love to talk but my new girlfriend is in the shower and I've gotta get ready for when she comes out. Ooops, here she comes now. D-A-M-N! But don't worry, baby, she doesn't mean a thing to me - it's only you! Bye." *Click* Then go back to watching South Park. Page 183 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women H HANDLE A GIRL WHO WANTS TO GO HOME WITH YOU OW TO Here is a positive example that shows you what is possible when you start to Be Amazing and Identify women who are into you. • • • • • • • Where is he Identifying? Where is he showing that he has integrity in this situation? How does he use determination and perseverance properly in this situation? Where is he showing willing to take no for an answer? Where does he display Confidence? Where is SHE Chasing? How does he benefit by not letting his mood or mental state effect his actions? The Story “I was in the local shopping mall, running The Revolution! I was in a bad mood. I was taking a long time, and I'm doing a game programming contest this weekend, so my time is especially valuable. "Grrr! Why did I commit to doing this? I've talked to more than 15 girls and no one's talking to me, except that one boring stupid girl who didn't give me her number and it's hot and I want to go home and I'm getting hungry and I still have to pay my taxes and oil prices are probably going up and the Mayan calender is ending and my toe hurts and everybody sucks!" I wasn't happy, but I was doing it like I've been trained. I saw a pretty cute girl in a gray one-piece and a white sun Page 184 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women hat. I put on a fake smile and said "Hello," She answered with a "Hello," which surprised me for a moment. I asked her name, made a joke or two and we were off to the races (it's funny how much your mood can be improved when having fun with a hot girl). She touched me on the arm right from the beginning, again surprising me. I asked her what she was doing today and she said "Nothing. I'm a bit lost and I'm just killing time," I suggested going to a cafe and she enthusiastically agreed. There were no cafes anywhere close to us, so we got coffee at McDonalds. We talked and bantered for a little less than an hour. She laughed the whole time. I found out she's 22, works two part-time jobs at two restaurants and even said she'll be visiting Sri Lanka next month. Once coffee was done, I said that it was time to go, and I'd walk her as far as her train station. She misunderstood and thought that I was going to get on the train and take off. When I explained that I'm just walking through the station on the way home, she invited herself along... basically inviting herself home with me. This whole time she was on my arm, only letting go to make sure that the wind didn't take her hat. It was only then that I realized that I might have a live one on my hands, but I didn't linger on the thought. I brought her home, quickly hid another girl's hairbrush that had been left (I wasn't expecting visitors) and had her sit on my sofa. No computer, no TV, no videos, just us. She said something about us having just met. I don't quite remember how she said it Page 185 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women but I do remember my response. "Come here." I pulled her in to kiss her. Less than one minute into the make-out, we started getting quite 'intimate.' I had her stand up and wait while I turned the sofa into a bed. Once it was a bed, the clothes came off very quickly, revealing a wonderful pair of D-cups. Those were really nice. We had three fun rounds, watching Youtube and talking in between each. She seems quite into me – she was on me like an octopus. I don't know that I could have escaped had I wanted to. After the third time, I told her that I've got stuff to do and it's time to go. She was hoping for a fourth round, but it wasn't a problem. I walked her out and we said goodbye for now. A few minutes later, she sent a picture of us she took with her cell phone. I expect to see her again when I come back from my travels next month, but if I don't, it's cool. Again, no big deal really. This kind of thing is all fairly normal so no big "I did it!" feeling from this. Really, she should be the one saying "I did it!" Fun day. I headed back out and finished off my remaining 12 of my Daily 30. They were a breeze and I was in a much better mood. Now to get back to work.” Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. Page 186 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 187 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Our Analysis This is a great report for a lot of reasons. A perfect example of a Confident guy who doesn't let his emotions or circumstance prevent him from meeting a really great girl (and then having a whole lot of fun). “I was in the local shopping mall, doing The Revolution in a bad mood.” Some guys might have argued he should have pumped up his state or gotten into a better mood before approaching women: "Dude, you totally should have pumped yourself by pretending to be a fire truck and then squeezing lemon in your eye! You can' get girls if you're not "in state." It's not "natural" if you're making yourself do it." "Hello." They also might have argued: "You can't say that. Girls hear it all the time. You gotta give value to the girl and build attraction then make her think there is a connection!" “makeout ... the clothes came off ... a wonderful pair of Dcups ... three rounds ... Youtube ... octopus.” Those guys still might argue: “Excuse me - but didn't anyone tell you the news? DateMasters material and The Revolution! do not, I repeat DO NOT work for guys who want 'Fast Sex.' It does not work and it's bad. You shouldn't try to use our advice if your goal is just quick sex - it's not designed to do that and it can't work. Everyone knows we simply don't have a clue about how to design a system for guys that would want that as their goal, even though Douglas Hall used to have “Fast Sex” experiences like this all the time for over 40 years. Do you understand that ignore DateMasters if you want to get hot girls for Fast Sex! Impossible. Page 188 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Especially if you're in a bad 'state.' It doesn't work!! And if by some miracle it does work, well, then it shouldn't work. So don't do it. Okay?” Obviously, we encourage you to use and test all of our material before making judgments. We think you'll be happily surprised at the wide variety of experiences you can have using Identification rather than Chasing. H MEET A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WHO'S WITH A GUY OW TO Here is a report that you can use as a positive example of approaching a beautiful woman in a situation where most guys would chicken out or make fools of themselves. While you read ask yourself the following questions • • • • How did he Identify? How easy was it to approach this woman? What did our guy do well? How can you use this to help your dating life? Page 189 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women • • • Where does he show his Confidence? How is he straightforward? How does being willing to take no for an answer help? As you do this more and more, the closer your answers get to our commentary, the more you know you're on the right track. The Story “I was eating a sandwich in Subway after doing a round of The Revolution. Half-way through my lunch a very, very pretty girl walks in with a guy. Damn. She definitely caught my attention. I have to talk to her. I observe them. He pays for lunch. She moves her hand back and forth a couple times over his arm like a kid intrigued by the arm-hair of a guy. Didn't see if she touched him while doing it. Hmm. Most likely they are a couple, I thought. But I gotta go check. They sat down on the other side of Subway. She never looked at me and we never made eye contact. Page 190 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women I was almost finished with my food and they just started so I knew I could relax and finish my food before approaching her. I ended up getting water at the same time as the guy. Me: "Is that your girlfriend?" Him: "Haha. No, nothing like that. Just a friend." I went back to my seat, pulled out a blank business card that I carry around, borrowed a pen from Subway and wrote my name and phone number. Before I left Subway I approached them from across the room. They were sitting at a counter. The guy looked shocked as I approached. I walk up behind and slightly equidistant between them. "Excuse me," I say. They both look at me. "This is random but I think you're very pretty. Can I ask for your name?" (Said with a deep, slow voice and without a highpitched rising intonation that is common at the end of questions.) Page 191 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Her eyes look surprised. Her mouth is full of food. She looks over at the guy. He nods his head up and down excitedly signaling that all is well. She gives me a hold-on gesture and signals that she is chewing. Funny situation. "My name is S." "It's nice to meet you S." I extend my hand and shake hers. "Nice to meet you too." "I can't talk now - But if it's all good with you *I hold out my information* please call me. I'd like to invite you on a coffee date." "Thank you." "You two, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Bye." Then I walk away and leave without looking back. A few days later (Friday evening) I got a text message from her. Page 192 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women "Hey. This is S from Subway." A few days later I called her back and we setup a date.” Your Analysis Spend a few minutes answering these questions. Eventually, we hope that you follow this general format for analyzing your own experiences. As with all of our exercises, the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Then you'll be able to compare your analysis to ours. The closer your answer is to ours the better. It means you're really starting to internalize everything you're learning. What did he do wrong? ________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What did he do right? _________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Page 193 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women _____________________________________________ What can he do better next time? _________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Our Analysis It's important to keep in mind that this student had been doing The Revolution! for about 6 months when he approached this girl in Subway. He was by no means a beginner. BUT, really, all he did was approach a girl he found attractive (very attractive) and say hi, just like you would expect any classy, Amazing Man does. No tricks or persuasion. Simply taking the actions necessary to get the kind of dating life that all men want, but only some ever achieve. She could have easily said 'no' if she wasn't interested. That's where exceptional people really start to notice how much power and confidence this sort of approach conveys. Most men are far too caught up in protecting their ego to ever do something that overtly risks, even encourages, a woman to say no if she isn't interested. This gives women who are interested a massive amount of space to feel comfortable saying yes. Page 194 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Nothing screams insecurity and fake confidence like trying to worm your way into never getting rejected (plus it just doesn't work). High value women can feel it from a mile away. Putting yourself out there in a relaxed manner that says, “I am completely and honestly fine whether you say yes or no” screams confidence like nothing else you can do. When you meet high quality women who are interested in you (remember to always dress your best), the difference is extraordinary. Really, the only thing he could have done better would be to thank the guy for being Amazing too. "I had a fun time meeting you, S." Then look the guy right in the eye, smile and say: "And dude, thank-you for being Amazing. (Shake hands with him.) Bye." The dude was Amazing: He didn't salt our guys game and actively encouraged her to talk to him. That's good stuff. When he thanks him in front of her, both his stock AND OUR GUYS go right thru the roof in her eyes. Props to our guy for sacking up and going for what 99.99% of all guys will never do: Be Amazing. Page 195 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 196 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART VII T DATEMASTERS MASSIVE ACTION ROAD MAP HE The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map is a step-by-step guide that will help you fully implement and internalize everything that you’ve just learned from DateMasters. It can profoundly benefit your life in so many ways, both in dating and in life. Only after you USE this knowledge, you will truly be on the path to becoming an Amazing Man. The reality is – unless you are self-sufficient in your ability to Meet More Women you won’t be able to accomplish the kind of relationships and experiences that you want and need. This is why it’s so important that you develop the ability to improve yourself independently, without our help. If you aren’t willing to do the hard work on your own, then no amount of revolutionary knowledge is going to help you. So, you can depend on other people to try and fix you your whole life. Or you can accept that it is your personal responsibility to take action and improve your dating life. Because when you accept this personal responsibility, only then are you truly able to take advantage of the best knowledge, the best methods, the best systems and the best training from the best teachers. When you decide and commit yourself to doing the hard work necessary to achieve your goals, you can use the incredible knowPage 197 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women ledge of DateMasters to make your life into the grand adventure that you want it to be. An interesting thing happens to the students who follow what we teach and do everything that we recommend. They get the EXACT same Amazing results with women that we get. But simple truth is, we can’t Meet More Women for you and we can’t force you to leave your house, improve your fashion or dedicate yourself to becoming a more Amazing Man. We can show you the path that leads where you want to go. We can show you every detail of the path; the pitfalls and traps as well as the shortcuts. We can show you where other guys fell off the path and we can show you how they got back on before they accomplished their goals. But ultimately, it’s YOU who must decide to go down the path that we are showing you. It’s time for you to make your success a whole lot simpler. Now, let us show you how to apply it using The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map so that you can reach all the exciting, fulfilling rewards of becoming an Amazing Man. Read it right away and start doing the exercises outlined in it. When you follow up on your learning with these exercise then you will make massive progress on becoming much more Amazing. It's very important that you start doing this today, right now, while all of this knowledge is still fresh in your mind. You'll understand why after you read it. Page 198 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women HOW TO USE THIS ROAD MAP Just like a real road map YOU have to do the driving. But since we've been there before we can make sure you take the shortest, easiest path to get to your destination. Essentially, The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map will give you a series of exercises that will first, help you continuously identify where you need to improve yourself and your life in order to reach your goals with women. Second, it will give you a way to hone in on those areas that you can improve so that you not only know WHAT to improve but you also know HOW to improve it. The interesting thing about the human mind is, most of us have a lot more knowledge than we ever use. Our exercises are designed to tap into the power that we all have buried inside of us. When you do what we teach you in this short guide, you will uncover lifetimes of hidden knowledge within yourself. The first thing you'll notice about The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map is that it is based around something we call Sentence Completion Exercises. These exercises are used by people in the fields of therapy, NLP, self-improvement and more. They are designed to raise awareness, facilitate self-understanding and stimulate self-growth. DateMasters utilizes sentence completion exercises as a way of taking massive action on improving our dating life. We have tested and tested, and undoubtedly, when you combine these personal awareness exercises with taking actual steps towards your goals, you will take yourself and your dating life to places that would have been impossible to reach otherwise. Page 199 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women STEP 1: SENTENCES Every day, schedule out about 15-25 minutes where you can be alone and concentrate without being interrupted. During this time, every day, complete each of the following sentence fragments at least 6 times as quickly as possible. You can type it, write it down, or even say it into a voice recording device. It's all good. The goal is to keep adding different endings to the sentence fragments, as fast as possible, without stopping to think about your answers. Don't worry if the sentences are grammatically correct, aren't profound or don't even make sense. It's okay. For example, let's say the sentence fragment is: “Being an Amazing Man to me means …” Write or type that sentence fragment and complete the sentence without stopping to reflect 6 – 10 times as quickly as possible. Write anything that comes to mind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Being an Amazing Man to me means ... Being an Amazing Man to me means ... Being an Amazing Man to me means ... Being an Amazing Man to me means ... Being an Amazing Man to me means … Being an Amazing Man to me means ... After completing this stem 6 – 10 times move on to the next one. At the end of this guide we will give you an 8 week program Page 200 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women to follow. At the end of 8 weeks we recommend you start back at week one and keep repeating the cycle. Really, there is no limit to how long you should keep doing these exercises. We have found that a man can do variations of these exercises for years and they do not lose their effectiveness. STEP 2: SKILLS Part of becoming an Amazing Man means Identifying exactly WHAT you need to improve and then taking steps to improve it. Without taking action on specific skills then you won't make improvement. You'll probably find you have an ongoing source of new skills that you will want to improve. One of the great things about getting advice from DateMasters Trainers is that you can get accurate feedback on exactly what issues YOU, specifically, need to work on in order to improve your dating life. Combine that with the Road Map and you will move towards your goals at lightspeed. Below we have a list of skills that we have Identified as being useful areas for all men to improve. You might already feel comfortable with some, not with others. That's okay. You're free to choose the skills that you would like to work on. Everybody is dealing with different issues and coming from different backgrounds so unless you are talking directly with us, we can't tell you what YOUR most important issue is. We recommend that you focus on each of these skills for as long as necessary. Because you are doing these exercises every single day you WILL make improvements. Sometimes it happens Page 201 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women fast, sometimes gradually. But the important thing is that you take action daily. Feel free to add your own to this list or you can even search around DateMasters for more ideas. Heck, even reading our product descriptions will give you great ideas. Of course, we think you would benefit greatly by investing in our products, but there is no reason why you can't go get free advice from our product descriptions without ever spending a dime. Search for qualities that will make you a better man. Here is a short list: • Humor. • Body language. • Posture. • Fashion. • Voice intonation. • Voice projection. • Ability to Meet More Women. • Ability to Meet More Women in a time-efficient manner • Ability to Meet More Women in a cost-efficient manner • Maintaining self-respect and integrity with women. • Setting and maintaining boundaries with women. • Honesty and straightforwardness with women. • Ability to feel comfortable greeting attractive women in a wide variety of places. • Ability to feel comforting asking for her phone number. • Identifying women who are into me. • Identifying women who are NOT into me. • Identifying bad girls. • Identifying good girls. • Identifying Amazing women. • Persistence in taking Massive Action every single day. Page 202 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women After you have chosen a skill to improve, use it in the sentence fragment exercises below. Example: If I take Massive Action to improve my humor ... 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my ___________... 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my ___________ ... 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is ___________ ... 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is ___________... STEP 3: PLAN Okay, now that you are doing these daily sentence fragment exercises it's time to actually take action on what you have written. You MUST take action on a daily basis. This is simply, the most efficient, effective way to move forward. At the end of each week it's time to read over what you have written, reflect on it and start coming up with plans on how to take action on it. Now write complete this one sentence fragment 6 to 10 times as quickly as possible. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Page 203 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women STEP 4: ACTION This time, read over what you have just written. Notice what you can do to take action. Make plans to actually take action on everything you have written. Maybe, you were focusing on humor and one of the ideas that you thought of was to take an improv class. Great! That is something that you can take concrete, physical action on doing. You now know something you can do to improve your dating life. As you continue to do these exercises, the benefits will continue to stack and grow until you have transformed your life into something so much more Amazing. STEP 5: PROGRESS Over the coming weeks, months and years ahead, chart your progress. Record where you started, what actions you're taking on a daily basis and what your goals are. Recording your progress and your statistics is vitally important for people who want to make progress faster and more efficiently. Some guys keep a whiteboard on their wall. Others record everything on paper. We recommend opening up a spreadsheet and charting all of your progress that way. Page 204 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Keeping statistics and charting your progress is vital for any man who takes his own development seriously. Think about this – We all expect any company to track statistics about what works and what doesn't in order to deliver the most innovative, efficient products available. You wouldn't pay for dating advice from a guy who doesn't keep track all of his statistics regarding women (how many women he approaches, engages in conversation, invites on dates, etc.). He's just an amateur unless he holds himself accountable with measured, scientific data. We should hold ourselves to the same standards of accountability. (If you want more on how to measure your progress with becoming better with women efficiently and quickly then check out our online training course for The Revolution!) THE ROAD MAP The following is an 8 week Road Map that you can use to propel yourself and your dating life forward like never before. We recommend that you print out these pages so that you can write on them, take notes and even do your sentences fragment exercises on them. It's also helpful to open a spreadsheet on your computer to track everything. Page 205 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 1 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. 2. 3. 4. Being an Amazing Man to me means … Meeting an Amazing Woman to me means … Becoming more Amazing with women to me means … Taking massive action to me means … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. 2. 3. 4. If I take Massive Action to improve my … If I take Daily Action to improve my … One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 206 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 2 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I become a more Amazing Man today … 2. If I meet an Amazing Woman today … 3. If I take action on becoming more Amazing with women today … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 207 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 3 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. One way I could become a more Amazing Man today is … 2. One way I could meet a more Amazing Woman today is … 3. One way I could become more Amazing with Women today is … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 208 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 4 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I resort to persuading women to like me … 2. If I rely on tricks to get women to like me … 3. When I look at what I do to try to persuade women to like me … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 209 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 5 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I meet a great woman who honestly likes me … 2. If I can meet a great woman in my daily life … 3. If I am more honest in my dealings with women … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 210 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 6 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. 2. 3. 4. If I take action on becoming a more Amazing Man today … If I take action on becoming more Amazing with women today … One way I could become a more Amazing Man today is … One way I could become more Amazing with women today is … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 211 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 7 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. 2. 3. 4. If I take action on meeting more women today … If I take action on meeting better women today … One way I could meet more women today is … One way I could meet better women today is … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 212 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Week 8 Sentences: Complete each sentence at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I imagine being more a more Amazing Man … 2. If I imagine being happy with an Amazing Woman … 3. If I imagine being more Amazing with women … Skills: Write out 1 – 6 skills you will focus on this week. Complete each of the following sentences at least 6 times each day, except the last day of the week. 1. If I take Massive Action to improve my … 2. If I take Daily Action to improve my … 3. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my in the coming weeks, months and years is … 4. One thing I can do to take Massive Action on improving my today is … Plan: Review your sentences from this week. At the end of the week complete the following sentence 6 to 10 times. “If any of what I wrote this week is true, it might be helpful if I …” Action: Create a plan of actions to take based on the sentences you have written and followup on the plan. Progress: Chart your progress on paper or in a spreadsheet. Page 213 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women When you finish with week 8, feel free to start back at the beginning or even create a slightly modified version of the road map going forward. You can master and Identify so many of your weaknesses and find solutions to them easily using this 8-week plan. Most people never realize the vast store of knowledge and power they have hidden away in their own minds. Luckily you have us here to help out (when you're ready for it, The Revolution will extend your power so that you can overcome all excuses and truly master every aspect of approaching women). You have a lot of valuable material to work with in The DateMasters Massive Action Road Map. Enjoy. Page 214 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 215 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women PART VIII W ARE THE MOST VITAL LESSONS OF MEET MORE WOMEN? HAT What we wanted to do with Meet More Women is to get you thinking differently not just about meeting women, but about the kind of man that you need to become in order to achieve the kind of life that you really want. Here’s a short overview: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Every single dating issue that you have can be solved in time when you Meet More Women. Choice with women is freedom with women. Most of the issues guys have with meeting women are a result of a tragically flawed mindset of persuasion. You need to develop understanding, experience and knowledge of how to Meet More Women that isn’t reliant on persuasion. Learning to Meet More Women in a way that maintains dignity, self-respect and honesty will make life better. Developing your core personality and attitude will help make it easier to meet great women who you don’t need to persuade to like you. Page 216 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women 7. You need to learn to be the kind of man that great women want to be with so that you don’t have to worry about how to persuade her to stay with you. 8. Using Identifying allows you to save time, money and stress while moving towards maximum force and velocity towards your goals with women. 9. You can meet women anywhere. Just say “Hi.” 10. Improving your image, fashion and looks will always help you and make your dating life easier. 11. Lots of (hot) women actually will like you from the very beginning if you are approaching as an Amazing Man and are Identifying rather than Chasing. Use these guidelines and you will be well on your way to mastering your dating life and meeting the kind of women that most men only dream about. Simply by reading this book, you have just taken a giant step towards achieving the kind of dating life that you want, need and deserve. But you’re not through yet. Before we end this book you’ll have the opportunity to take everything you’ve learned so much further. It’s time to take what you’ve learned here and apply it so that you can transform yourself into a more Amazing Man with maximum speed and efficiency. Page 217 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women T HE SINGLE MOST POWERFUL CONCEPT IN THIS BOOK Obviously, we can’t go into detail on every single topic in this book. That would take days of seminar followed up by months and years of dedicated practice. (Check out our website for more information on our exciting and client-result oriented training programs and products. Go to But there is one concept that should be absolutely clear. You must always remember it. Use it as your compass to guide you as you Meet More Women and as you become more Amazing with women. Do this, and you will get closer and closer to total freedom and happiness with women with each passing day. So what is the single most powerful concept in this book? What is the over-arching concept we told you about at the beginning? Be Amazing Say it out loud. Three times. Five times. Ten times! Every single day! The more you say it, hear it and let it sink into your brain – the greater the positive impact it will have and the faster progress you will make. We can’t make you choose to be Amazing over persuading. However, we can tell you the end result of each path. Persuading will lead you down a path of unhappiness, self-esteem troubles, self-worth issues, guilt, confusion and emotional pain. ESPEPage 218 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women CIALLY if you get good at persuading girls to like you. This is the path that is being sold to you by the mass media, Hollywood moves, the powers-that-be and many of the so-called dating experts. You know where it leads. On the other hand, when you choose to become a more Amazing Man then you will build self-respect, achieve happiness and fulfillment, accomplish more goals honestly and have total freedom with women and dating. At the end of this road you will be able to enjoy life as an incredible adventure with a woman of exceptional beauty and great accomplishment who likes you for who you are as a man. This is the path that we are showing you. Remember, persuaders continuously struggle with Happiness. Amazing Men achieve freedom, fulfillment, and self-respect while enjoying exciting, fun, beautiful women. At the end of your life do you want to look back and regret having spent all of your time persuading women to like you, bitter that you struggled more and had less fun adventures than your Amazing counterparts, only to end up with a girl who you aren’t really satisfied with or no-one at all? Or do you want to look back at your life, proud of the fact that you had more exciting experiences with more high quality girls, and incredibly grateful that you were able to live an ultimately fulfilling life with a truly Amazing woman by your side who respects you, loves you and makes you truly happy. That’s why … … Persuaders Fail. Amazing Men Succeed. Page 219 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters A Meet More Women RE YOU A VICTIM OF PERSUASION? Ever notice how easy it is for women to meet guys? They have the luxury of sitting back, doing nothing and letting guys come to them. Guys don’t have it that easy. We have to take the initiative and go say “Hi.” But somewhere along the way some guys started thinking that the best way to get women would be to persuade them. If they could persuade them better than the next guy, so the thinking went, they would be number one, numero uno, the top dawg, the big man on campus. But here’s what happens. This is extremely dangerous so it’s important that you know it. More importantly, you must be vigilant and aware of it. Because it can quickly transform the unsuspecting, average guy into a confused, frustrated, unhappy, unfulfilled persuader. And all of the persuasion skills in the world won’t help you. Here why: When guys fall into the traps of persuasion that we’ve told you about in this book, they become less able have happy, fulfilling, exciting experiences with truly high quality women. So much of the faulty dating advice tries to get guys to mask their flaws and fears in an ill-fated attempt to appear “natural.” But eventually, those flaws and fears show themselves and self-doubt, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction sprouts its ugly head Page 220 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women in each new relationship. These guys never fully capitalize on all of the time, money and effort they spent trying to improve their dating life. They work harder than they need to and get worse results than they deserve. And it could have all been avoided if they had read and took action on what you have read about in this book. There is a so much better path. A path that leads to incredible women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment who like you from the very beginning and fall in love with you for who you are as a man. And it’s a path that takes so much less time, money and emotional stress than persuasion. This is the path of the Amazing Man. The path to mastering your dating life. This is why we are called DateMasters. Because we are providing you with a path to mastery of your dating life. So that you spend less time, money and emotional stress building a skillset that allows you to date and enjoy incredible, exciting relationships with the best women in the world. When you make the transition to thinking like an Amazing Man, just as you’ve learned in this book, there will be a few hidden bumps in the road. That’s to be expected. It all starts with this: You must dislodge and replace a single belief. Right now. Because this one single belief is feeding your inner persuader. Through our work at DateMasters, we have helped hundreds of struggling men make their lives more Amazing and achieve the kind of relationships they want. And it always starts with replacing a single belief … Page 221 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters T Meet More Women KIND OF MAN THAT AMAZING WOMEN DO NOT WANT IS … HE Amazing women DO NOT want persuaders. They want Amazing Men; Men who, quite literally, Amaze them. Here is the dictionary definition of “amaze.” a·maze [uh-meyz] verb (used with object) - to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly. Our goal is to fill her with surprise, wonder and astonishment and keep doing it until we lived an exciting life full of incredible experiences with truly great women. Is it any surprise that our guys here at DateMasters have high value women Chasing us like we're going out of style? The first way to Be Amazing is to stop Chasing and start Identifying women with whom you share chemistry (you are into her, she is into you). If you aren’t into her then it’s time to move on. If she isn’t into you then it’s time to move on. Everything else flows from here. Stop clinging on to girls who aren’t into you like a child afraid to leave his mother. It’s incredibly unattractive to each new girl you meet. And yet you see persuaders do it all the time as they try to overcome the resistance girls have to talking to them, meeting them, giving out their phone number, returning their Page 222 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women calls, going on dates and on and on. It’s no wonder that the best persuaders can’t keep a gorgeous, high quality woman who has ambition, intelligence and a great attitude. The mistaken belief is that women want a guy who persuades them. No, they don’t. Great women ESPECIALLY don’t want a guy who has to persuade them. Women are really quite simple and extremely enjoyable once you understand them. They are not the difficult, challenging combination locks that persuaders make them out to be. When you Meet More Women and take massive action on improving your dating skills the way that we teach you will realize how true this is. But the persuaders goes through life, seeing women as a challenge, and amassing a giant number of hot tactics without ever really building himself into the kind of man that Amazing women want to meet, chase and stay with. That’s why successful persuaders often have such a visceral reaction to this book. Because they realize that they are wasting time and money on techniques that do nothing to make them a better man; A man who actually deserves high value women of exceptional beauty and great accomplishment. R EVOLUTIONIZE YOUR DATING LIFE The Revolution! is the system we use at DateMasters to propel our dating lives forward with such incredible speed, consistency and efficiency. We use it to meet 30 hot women a day, everyday Page 223 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women while saving tremendous amounts of time, money and emotional energy that we can then dedicate to our many other ambitions in life. Guys who take our training system known as The Revolution!, and implement it as we teach it consistently report: • • • • • • • • • • • • More freedom with women. A much higher quantity of women. A much higher quality women. Increased happiness. Increased confidence. More and higher quality sex. Reduced levels of stress when interacting with women. Reduced levels of pressure when dealing with all people. Increased motivation and drive. Relief at not being dependent on bars, clubs, alcohol and money to meet women. Much faster and more significant improvement and money saved when compared to other guys who spend lots more time and money meeting lower quality women. Increased overall fulfillment. Training for The Revolution! is certainly not for everyone. It works for men who are just starting out as well as guys with lots of experience with women. But it does require hard work and dedication. However, if you’re serious about overcoming all the BS excuses holding you back and also meeting lots of women consistently while saving yourself time, money and stress and skyrocketing your skills and freedom with women … The Revolution! is for you. Page 224 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The Revolution! is, without a doubt, the most powerful system for meeting women, mastering your dating life and gaining total freedom with women. (And no, it does not involve Internet / Online dating.) Follow the URL below and get access to more free content and information on The Revolution!: "How to Make Massive Success with Beautiful Women 80% Easier, 100% Cheaper and 750% Faster (With Less Stress and NO BS, Too!)" Click here for access now: Page 225 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Page 226 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women DateMasters is a dating and relationship advice company. Since 2007, we have presented our live seminars to hundreds of men worldwide, who invest thousands of dollars to learn from us. Our goal at Datemasters is to help build men of high value and self-esteem and train them how to find, meet, get, and keep high value women of great beauty and accomplishment via our advice, training and products or via other companies products we find valuable. First and foremost - we get men results with high value women. For the past few years, we have taught hundreds of men our extremely powerful and effective ways of finding, meeting, getting and keeping amazing women of exceptional beauty and accomplishment. DateMasters equals respect, class, and most importantly - results. Always feel free to contact us with any questions about our company or products, or if you just want to share your own success story. More at If you would like more information about our free advice, other products or training services please follow the links below. This is just a short list of what is offered at DateMasters. Page 227 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women Meet More Women “How to Meet More High Value Women Who Honestly Like You” A life-changing book that shows you how to meet and date much more and much higher quality women who honestly like you. The DateMasters Newsletter “Free Weekly Dating Advice and Stories From Guys Who Approach 30 Hot Women a Day” An email newsletter jam-packed with the latest news, articles, reports, breakdowns, special offers and free advice from DateMasters. The DateMasters Community “A New Dating Advice Forum from Experienced Pro's For Men Who Want the Very Best.” For the first time ever, DateMasters is opening the gates to their exclusive community: A life-changing online forum of men who will help you on your quest to achieve total happiness and fulfillment with women. Page 228 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters DateMasters Meet More Women The Revolution! “How to Make Massive Success with Beautiful Women 80% Easier, 100% Cheaper and 750% Faster” An online training course for a system that helps clients breakthrough all of their excuses for not meeting women and motivate themselves to gain complete freedom and abundance with women with unprecedented speed and efficiency. Clients consistently report incredible advances in their skills, confidence and a much higher quantity and quality of women in their lives and relationships. The Amazing Man Seminar “Who Pays 15,000 for a Dating Seminar?” The Amazing Man Seminar is a $15,000, 8-day comprehensive, private/small group seminar, led by DateMasters founder Douglas Hall. This the most comprehensive training that money can buy for men who want the very best with women, dating, sex and relationships. Men who are only “kind of” committed, or only want “decent” results need not apply – This seminar (held in any major world city) is for qualified men who are dedicated to being the best, achieving the most and enjoying more than most men realize is possible. Visit to see our entire product and course catalog. Page 229 Copyright © 2012 DateMasters
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