Mount St. Michael Traditional Roman Catholic Parish St. Michael’s Academy (K - 12) 8500 N. St. Michael’s Rd., Spokane, WA 99217-9333 Parish & School Office - (509) 467-0986 ext. 100 Fax - (509) 467-2425 Rectory - (509) 467-2325 Homepage - Nativity of Our Lord, 2014 “For this day is born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) Christmas Memorial Poinsettia - 2014 Requested by: Betty Cons John Bullivant Drass Family M. Hughes, S. Strain & T. Drahman Clara House Tom & MaryAnn Drahman Lentes Susan Bush Steve & Holly Blue Dr. & Mrs. Hughes Fel & Maria Sarquilla Philomena & Dan McGowan Andy Brustkern Chico Vila & family Marge Little T. Holmes Craig & Ronette Lodgard Anonymous Ken Kosch JoAnn Edwards D & M Feldkamp Tim & Theresa Drahman Karen Gronenthal Anonymous Anonymous Barbara Hopkins Robert Magerl Lori Boyer Keith & Anne Marie King J. Morgan Thomas Gilbrough In Memory of Departed Loved Ones David F. Cons, Mr. Raul Cons, Terry Barriente Margarito & Delores Montoya, Alice Hernandez Jana Bullivant, Clara Bullivant, Reg & Jim Bullivant, Larry Miller Mr. & Mrs. F.B. Drass, Roy Martin Drass, M/M R. Martin, Thomas Kane, Mr. & Mrs. T. Kane, Betty Bischof, Tim Bischof Sr. Marie Gabrielle, CMRI Tony House, Sr. Deceased Bishops & Priests, deceased members of the Drahman, McKenzie, Eveslage and Fox families Mary & Norman Kieffer Everett & Helen Hood, Martha Q. Slaven, Thomas Hood Richard Walz, Betty Richardson Gerald & Mary Blue, Majorie & James Prestini, Hollis Courtwright, Carolyn and Janette Courtwright Deceased members of Hughes & Fitz families Felipe & Vicky Sarquilla, Brents Family, Frances Yturralde, Ronald Yturralde ,William Dinneen, Yturralde Family, Ficks Family Teresa & Clair Lovell, Daniel McGowan, Daniel Lovell Fr. Clement Kubesch, Fr. Denis Chicoine Erin Vila Larry Little, our deceased sisters, brothers and parents Florence DeEsso, David Overhauser, Mary Overhauser, Jenny Rathbun, Norm Heinan, David Overhauser, Sr., Joni Johnson, Oscar Homes Lois Lodgard, Ronald Smith Elizabeth Vopalensky Irene Kosch, Arlie Brown, Pauline McDonald, John Sawtell, Jr., John Sawtell, Nancy Sawyer, Greg Kosch, Jack Raleigh, Harold Kosch (4) Grandparents, Josaphine Madden, Julie & Celia Zappa, Judy Blewett Carole Anne Feldkamp Jim Young Dan & Madeleine Gronenthal, Ray & Margaret Becken Leonard & Theresa Messing, Donald & Lena Wolschlager Deceased members of Gabriel & Gavaria families Frank & Alma Conley Joseph & Ottilia Magerl Marie Rickner, Edward Boyer Carl & Dolores Mazurik, Lyola Sayers, Phil Gober, deceased relatives of the King family Felso and family Thelma & Melford Gilbrough, Gloria White, Katherine Joseph, Fr. Denis Chicoine The flowers have been placed on the altar and various shrines around the church in memory of your loved ones. We try to be as accurate as we can in publishing the names of donors and departed loved ones. Mass Schedule — “Twelve Days of Christmas” Merry Christmas! December 25, 2014 — January 6, 2015 Thu., December 25 Midnight 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (St. Anastasia, Martyr) Pro Populo – Solemn High Mass for Mary & John Fields (D. & M. Feldkamp) for all the departed loves ones (Christmas Flower Memorials) – High Mass with incense Chanted Vespers for those whose names were sent in to be remembered As Assigned Mr. S. Gilchrist & P. Gilchrist As Assigned Bro. Sebastian Fri., December 26 ST. STEPHEN, Proto-Martyr COMPLETE ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT 8:30 a.m. Pro Populo Mr. C. South Sat., December 27 ST. JOHN, Apostle & Evangelist 8:00 a.m. Pro Populo Mr. K. Strain Sun., December 28 HOLY INNOCENTS 8:00 a.m. for Marilyn Feldkamp (D. Feldkamp) 10:30 a.m. Pro Populo – High Mass 5:00 p.m. private intention D. House & Giuliano Dinaro S. Welp & Dominic Pulliam M. Zver Mon., December 29 St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr 8:00 a.m. for Mr. Tarnowski (Drahman children) P. Drahman & T. Netzel Tue., December 30 Within the Octave (St. Sabinus, Bishop & Martyr) No public Mass or Holy Hour Wed., December 31 St. Sylvester, Pope & Confessor No public Mass 7:30 p.m. Holy Hour of Thanksgiving & Reparation to close out the year Mr. J. Scherling, D. Scherling & T. Netzel Thu., January 1 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST – New Year’s Day Pro Populo – High Mass with incense R.I.P. Tony House, Sr. (C. House) R.I.P. Jose Maria Mora (Wagner family) Fri., January 2 8:00 a.m. Feria (St. Gaspar del Bufalo, Confessor) – FIRST FRIDAY COMPLETE ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT for the Sisters with feastdays in January (St. Michael’s Rectory), followed J. Muglia & R. Cyr by First Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sat., January 3 8:00 a.m. Feria (St. Genevieve, Virgin) – FIRST SATURDAY for Vince & Alice Mellaci (Gilchrist family), followed by 15-minute meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary Sun., January 4 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. HOLY NAME OF JESUS for Dan Feldkamp (D. Feldkamp) Pro Populo – High Mass In reparation for all the offenses against God’s Holy Name M. Isakson & J. Pulliam D. Scherling & R. Sitzenstock T. Migala Mon., January 5 6:40 a.m. 11:05 a.m. Feria (St. Telesphorus, Pope & Martyr) R.I.P. deceased of CMRI & Confraternity MIQ for Lorrie Ochoa (C. House) Bro. Sebastian P. Gilchrist & Gianluca Dinaro Tue., January 6 6:40 a.m. 8:30 a.m. EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST for Mrs. Marge Little (R. & T. Magerl) Blessing of Gold, Incense, Frankincense, Myrrh & Chalk, followed by High Mass with incense – Pro Populo As Assigned D. House & L. House M. Zver G. & G. Dinaro Mr. C. South MC: B. Pulliam, Thurifer: P. Drahman, Acolytes1 & 2: T. Netzel & D. Cyr December is the Month of the Divine Infancy. DRESS CODE Out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament, and in keeping with Christian modesty, please observe the following standards of dr ess: Women and girls—A suitable hat or veil should be used, that covers at least the crown of the head (I Cor. 11:5, 6, 10). No slacks, no sleeveless, revealing, or low-cut clothing (the Marylike Crusade’s standard is that a dress be not cut more than two fingers’ width below pit of throat). Dresses & skirts should cover knees when you are standing or sitting, and not have long slits in them. Strapless or spaghetti-strap clothing is always sinfully immodest and should never be worn. Please avoid “straight skirts” as well, since they are usually form-fitting and tight. Men and boys—Suit coat and tie, dress slacks, or other formal attire. Jeans, shorts, “flip-flops,” and other casual attire are inappropriate for church! Be sure to also avoid clothing with logos and/or large lettering, as these can be quite distracting. We welcome all our guests and visitors, and encourage you to read the blue pamphlet “Welcome to the Traditional Latin Mass” (available in the vestibule). It explains why we must completely avoid the modern Mass and liturgies introduced since Vatican II. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH CLEANING GUILD Date Mary’s Side Holy Family Side Dusting Choir Loft Left Choir Loft Right Sanctuary 1/3 Lori Boyer JoAnn Edwards Sodality Suzie Vila Mariah Vila Susan Bush 1/10 Tracy Lewis Mary Graham Jennifer Migala Betty Cons Eileen Urann Anna Valentine Nativity of Our Lord — December 25, 2014 THE PRIESTS, BROTHERS, AND SISTERS OF THE CONGREGATION OF MARY IMMACULATE QUEEN WISH EACH AND ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, AND BE ASSURED OF OUR GRATITUDE AND PRAYERS. REFRESHMENTS AFTER MASS — all are welcome to bring appetizers, snacks and homemade goodies to share after midnight Mass and also the morning Masses. BAKE SALE— The Sisters are having a bake sale on Thursday, January 1, 2015 and proceeds will help finance travel expenses for young ladies who would like to attend vocations weekend in March, but cannot afford to get here. Please help support this worthy cause. PARISH CHOIR— currently has 30 active and committed members, but we are looking for more! Now is your chance to join the parish choir; doors are now open for the new season. Choir practice begins on Wednesday, January 7th at 7 pm in Room 300. Doors will only be open until Jan. 14th. Please call John Netzel at 509-953-0816 for more information. BLESSING OF INFANTS – In keeping with the spirit of this joyous season, the Blessing of Infants (as contained in the Roman Ritual) will be given after all Masses on Sunday, December 28. Parents are welcome to bring their children two years of age and younger to the Communion rail for this special blessing. CHRISTMAS CAROL SING-A-LONG – Bring your singing voice to the parish hall for a sing-along after the 10:30 High Mass on Sunday, December 28! The Senior class of St. Michael’s Academy will provide refreshments as usual (please support them as they try hard to fundraise for their senior trip to England in April, God willing!). TITHING ENVELOPES – For your convenience collection envelope boxes for 2015 will be available on Thursday, January 1st. Remember that Scripture teaches us to tithe, that is, to give to God 10% of our income. Using the collection envelopes will help maintain the habit of giving regularly. These envelopes will be available only until January 11. TUESDAY EVENING SCRIPTURE STUDY – None on December 30 & January 6 HOLY HOUR TO CONCLUDE THE YEAR – Instead of the usual Holy Hour on Tuesday, it has been moved to Wednesday, New Year’s Eve, and will take place at 7:30 p.m. Be sure to come to offer thanksgiving for the blessings of 2014, to offer reparation for the sins committed this past year, and to ask for God’s blessings on 2015! NEW YEAR’S DAY – The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord, January 1, is a Holyday of Obligation. All servile work and commercial activity such as shopping is forbidden under pain of sin. Likewise, all Catholics are obliged to assist at Holy Mass this day. MONTHLY MEETINGS – The usual monthly meetings for the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, Knights of the Altar, Handmaids of the Queen, and Messengers of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place on First Saturday, after the 8 a.m. Mass and 15-minute meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary. HISTORIC MT. ST. MICHAEL OPEN HOUSE will be Sat. Jan. 17 from 10 –4 and Sun. Jan. 18th from 1 – 4 p.m. There will be tours, history of the Mount, grand opening of the Museum, refreshments & Singing Nuns. Cost is $5 per person. Children 12 and under are $2. All are welcome. If you would like to help or be a part of this event, please contact Mrs. Netzel. FRIDAY ELECTIVES—if you are interested in teaching a Friday Elective class to the high school on Jan. 9, Feb. 6, March 6, and May 1, please confirm with Sr. Marie Vianney at 4670986 x110 by January 1st if you can help. OFFICES CLOSED—the parish, school and accounting offices will be closed and will reopen on Monday, Dec. 29th through noon on Wed. Dec. 31st. We will be closed Jan. 1st and 2nd and will re-open on Jan. 5th. PRIEST TRAVELS – Fr. Bernard will be on Montana Mass circuit Dec. 25-28. Fr. Casimir will be in southern California Dec. 29 – Jan. 3. HOLY NAMES USHERS – The annual dinnermeeting for the Parish Ushers will not take place as it usually does on the feast of the Holy Name, January 4. It will be postponed to later on in the month of January. Stay tuned for the date. CHRISTMAS VACATION – For the students of St. Michael’s Academy, vacation lasts until Sunday, January 4. Classes resume at the normal time on Monday, January 5. SENIOR MONTHLY RAFFLE—the class of 2015 is having a monthly 50/50 raffle. Tickets are $1 and the winning ticket will be drawn after the 10:30 am Mass on the last Sunday of every month. Please support our endeavors for our trip to England! Thank you. HISTORICAL TRIVIA ABOUT MT. ST. MICHAEL The official move-in date for the Jesuits to Mt. St. Michael was feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 1916. The building of the edifice was essentially accomplished by the end of 1915, hence our Centennial celebration in 2015! UPCOMING EVENTS Online Parish Calendar link – Hear from us by Twitter - @MSMParish 2015 – Mt. St. Michael’s Centennial! January 4 January 5 January 6 HOLY NAME OF JESUS School resumes for St. Michael’s Academy EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD – Blessing of Gold, Incense, Myrrh, and Chalk at 8:30 a.m., followed by High Mass with incense Closing Hymn after Christmas Masses Angels We Have Heard On High 1) Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o’er the plain And the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strain: REFRAIN: Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! 2) Shepherds why this jubilee? Why your gladsome strain prolong? Say, what may the tidings be Which inspire your heav’nly song? 3) Come to Bethlehem, and see Him Whose birth the angels sing; Come, adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord, the newborn King. PARISH SICK – These parishioners are greatly ailing and are in special need of your prayers: Al Bevacqua, Davey Baca, Patricia Callon, Leon Carpenter, Mario Chodorowski, Irene Cram, Nichole Drahman, Tony Engleton, Dan Feldkamp, Brian Green, John Griffen, Teresa Magerl, Frank Medina, Vince & Alice Mellaci, Alan & Karen Port, Theresa Scherling, Virginia Scherling, Sharon Seale, Bob Tarnowski, Anna Turney, Mike Wagner, Dan Welp, Larry Walker, David Womochil, Michelle Woods. SCRIP UPDATE SCRIP will not be sold on Christmas or New Years. ST. IGNATIUS LIBRARY SCHEDULE Open every M-W-F from 8:30 to 3 p.m. Call 467-0986 x 115 for an appointment. “In every gift show a cheerful countenance, and sanctify thy tithes with joy. Give to the Most High according to what he hath given to thee, and with a good eye do according to the ability of thy hands: for the Lord maketh recompense, and will give thee seven times as much.” (Ecclesiasticus 35:11-13) REMEMBER MT. ST. MICHAEL IN YOUR WILL – The following wording is suggested, but do clarify it with an attorney or financial planner: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, Inc., the sum of _______ dollars (or ____________ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate), to be used by said Washington corporation for religious, charitable, or educational purposes.” Sunday Collection for Dec. 21, 2014 Weekly Tithe $2,442.16 Weekly Budgeted Needs $5,663.00 2014 Total Tithe Collected $296,155.21 YTD Budgeted Needs $287,004.00 St. Anthony’s Poor Box $52.48 Rosary Apostolate $40.00 Russian Parish $15.00 AED Challenge $1050.00 Thank you for your support! MARY IMMACULATE QUEEN PARISH PARISH GUILDS 15384 North Church Road Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Fr. Benedict Hughes, Pastor (208) 687-0290 Secretary - Mrs. Tiffany Longo - 474-9619 MASS SCHEDULE DIVINE WORSHIP GUILDS: Thursday, December 25: 12:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo 10:30 am MIQ – For all who donated for the Christmas flowers and for their intentions Friday, December 26: 8:00 am SJS – Pro Populo Private – RIP Joachim Phuong Nguyen (Thanh Nguyen) Saturday, December 27: 8:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo Private – RIP Anna Hoe Nguyen (Thanh Nguyen) Sunday, December 28: Feast of the Holy Innocents 7:00 am MIQ – RIP Kathleen P. South (Renee Womochil) 9:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo Boston – RIP John Mao Nguyen (Thanh Nguyen) Monday, December 29: 8:00 am SJS – Private intention Tuesday, December 30: 8:00 am MIQ – Private intention Wednesday, December 31: 8:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo Thursday, January 1: 7:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo 9:00 am MIQ – RIP Marilyn Centers Friday, January 2: 8:00 am SJS – RIP Marilyn Centers Saturday, January 3: 8:00 am MIQ – RIP Marilyn Centers Sunday, January 4: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus 7:00 am MIQ – RIP Marilyn Centers 9:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo URANN’S HOME REPAIR Michael Urann General Contractor 509-362-6646 Lic #URANNHR912R8 Bonded & Insured Holy Angels Guild (Church cleaning) Mrs. Lori Boyer 487-3541 Our Lady of Fatima Guild (Apostolic Works) Mr. Dave Fuire 482-9000 Our Lady of Lourdes Guild (Grotto) Mrs. Eileen Urann 465-4920 Our Lady of the Rosary Guild (Rosary/Scapular making) Mrs. Shelly Johnson 844-7936 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Guild (Visit the dying) Mrs. Mary Tarrell 270-6278 Sacred Heart Guild Mrs. Andrea Green 924-3074 St. Anne’s Guild (Vestment Repair) Mrs. Ann Parent 465-0403 St. Joseph Guild (Altar Flowers) Call Parish Office 467-0986 St. Therese Guild (Altar Linens) Mrs. Ines Wagner 496-2999 St. Wenceslaus Guild (Host baking) Mrs. Amy Gilchrist 467-0986 x 111 WORKS OF MERCY GUILDS: Holy Souls Guild (Cemetery) Mr. Tim Drahman 462-4327 Mater Dolorosa Guild (Wakes) Mrs. Rachael Lentes 993-3956 Our Lady of Good Counsel (Phone Committee) Mrs. Delia Vila 467-2945 St. Francis Guild (Grounds) Bro. Sebastian 467-2325 St. Gerard’s Guild (Dinners for Families of Newborns) Mrs. Ronette Lodgard 466-4772 St. Isidore’s Community Garden Mr. Ed Knoll 467-0986 St. Philomena Guild (Parish Socials) Vacant, needs a chairman St. Zita Guild (Sunday meals for Rectory) Mrs. Judy Farrell 464-3052 To Change or enroll in the “ACA Individual Open Enrollment” Call me: Looking for a Home? Call Phil Sarquilla, RHU Larry Urann Looking to buy a new home? (509) 688-9597 CALL: Fidelity Associates & Steve Blue Financial Services An Independent All-Lines Insurance Specialist Health - Life - Auto - Home Realtor with Windermere Real Estate Cell: (509) 499-7320 Specializing In: (509) 216-6309 Realtor Rental Repair Basement Remodel Door & Window Installation Herbalife Nutrition Products JMJ Custom Wood Works BEEF TIM MURRY It’s What’s for Dinner Nature’s Sunshine Products Over 600 Nutrition Supplements @ 30% to 45% off with FREE member sign-up. Members receive up to 3 Bonuses with their 1st order & can earn rebates on purchases. For more details, Call (509) 892-1243 Now Get 15% Off a $40.00 order @ Coupon Code: SPECIAL For All Your Nutrition Needs Herbalife Distributors Theresa Drahman 467-2525 Sheila Strain 892-1243 General Contractor Lic #JMJCUCW884RU Bonded & Insured Call Bill Magerl Call today for a free estimate (509) 475-3853 To place orders or leave a message, trim - cabinets - shelving - closets Call: (509) 251-6111 doors - wood countertops - molding caskets & custom items
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