The Riverside Church in the City of New York S u n d ay, D e c e m b e r 2 8 , 2 0 1 4 F I R S T S U N DAY A F T E R C H R I S T MA S Welcome to The Riverside Church We are glad you are here this morning and hope you will return often. The Riverside Church is an interdenominational, interracial, and international Christian congregation, which wholeheartedly seeks to be open, receptive, and affirming. We strive to be broadly inclusive. We welcome persons from different backgrounds, races, economic classes, religions, cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church of Christ. If this is your first visit: Complete a blue pew card and place it in the Offering Plate as it passes. Join us for Fellowship Hour in the Cloister Lounge directly after Worship. You can meet members of this congregation and learn about our ministries. As you leave the Nave, take the stairs on your left down one level. Take a right, and an immediate left into the Cloister Lounge. You may also take the elevators in the Narthex to the “C” Level. If you would like to know more or become a member, we would love to get to know you. Please call the church during the week at 212.870.6786. If you would like information about baptism or baby dedication, please contact The Ministry of Education at 212.870.6833, or visit our website at A church tour is offered each Sunday after Worship. Meet in the first balcony to learn more about Riverside’s unique history, programs, and landmark Gothic building. There is no charge. Tours also take place on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. No reservations are necessary. For special tours by appointment, call 212.870.6792. There is a small fee for these tours. If your car is parked in the garage below the building, present this bulletin to the attendant before 6:00 p.m. and your parking spot will cost you only $4.00. On Wednesday evenings, have your parking ticket stamped after service and receive the same discount. Speak to an usher about the use of an assistive hearing device if you need one. Unfortunately, we cannot allow the use of recording devices such as audio and video recorders or cameras during any portion of the service. Please remember to silence your cell phone upon entering the Nave. Lunch is available for purchase at the Riverside Café in South Hall Lobby. The Cloister Library has closed for a collection review and evaluation. Members and library users who wish to return books or other materials may use the convenient slot to the left of the Cloister Library entrance for this purpose. Riverside at First Sunday After Christmas Worship • 10:45 A.M. Please enjoy this time of quiet meditation in the Nave, and remember, silence all cell phones and other electronic devices. If you brought offerings for the Food Pantry, please place them in the carts in the Narthex. You may also leave financial offerings for the Food Pantry in the envelopes provided. Carillon ORGAN Prelude on “Forest Green" Arietta (“Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow") LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY PROCESSIONAL HYMN 49 All who are able may stand. Once In Royal David’s City Craig Phillips Thomas Kerr The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples CALL to worshipi Please remain standing. Irby The Rev. Debra P. Northern Leader:Jesus, Son of the living God, splendor of the Creator, light eternal, sun of justice, born of the virgin Mary: People: Glory to you, newborn Christ! Leader:Jesus, wonderful counselor, prince of peace, source of life, friend of all, our God and our refuge: People: Glory to you, newborn Christ! Leader:Jesus, brother of the poor, treasure of the faithful, good shepherd, true light, inexhaustible wisdom, boundless love, our way and our life: People: Glory to you, newborn Christ! Leader:Jesus, joy of the angels, master of the apostles, teacher of the evangelists, strength of martyrs, light of every witness to the truth, crown of all the saints: All: Glory to you, newborn Christ! INVOCATIONii Please remain standing. PASSING OF THE PEACE Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you. People: And also with you. The Rev. Kei Okada DUET Mid-Winter Bob Chilcott In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter, long ago. Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain; Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign. In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ. Angels and archangels may have gathered there, cherubim and seraphim thronged the air; but His mother only, in her maiden bliss, worshiped the beloved with a kiss. What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise one, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart. INVITATION TO GIVE AND SERVE Please be seated. The Rev. Dr. Alan Bentz-Letts Moravian trad., arr. John Rutter OFFERTORY ANTHEM Angel Tidings In all towns and villages both far and near, angel host bears tidings in strain full clear: “Joy come to every nation, joy to this generation, Christ is here; Christ is here.” Listen to the story of his wondrous birth; How he came so long ago to us on earth; Born of a virgin mother, blessed above all other, born today, born today. In a manger lying in poverty; Peace he brings at Christmastide to you and me; Tell of his birth that saved us, tell of the love he gave us, Christ our Lord, Christ our Lord. Sing then and be joyful on this Christmas night; Follow with the wise men the star so bright; Lead you to his own glory, tell out the wondrous story; Christ is born, Christ is born today. AT THE PRESENTATION: THE DOXOLOGY The congregation rises row by row as ushers pass. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above you heavenly hosts. Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. PASTORAL PRAYER Rev. Northern Please be seated. Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up unto the Lord. The Lord's Prayer Pray in the language or version of your heart. CHORAL AMEN HEBREW SCRIPTURE LESSON Please remain seated. Isaiah 61:10–62:2 (page 692 in the Old Testament) Leader: The Word of God for the People of God. People: T hanks be to God. Rev. Okada HYMN 29 All who are able may stand. Go, Tell It on the Mountain GOSPEL LESSON Please remain standing for the reading of the Gospel. Luke 2:25–38 (page 59 in the New Testament) Go Tell It Dr. Ronald Lonesome Leader: This is the Gospel of Christ. People: T hanks be to God. SERMON Moved by the Spirit to See the Light RECESSIONAL HYMN 23 All who are able may stand. Angels We Have Heard On High INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP Please remain standing. Rev. Johnson Staples Gloria Rev. Johnson Staples BENEDICTION Please remain standing. POSTLUDE Please be seated for a time of quiet reflection. In dulci jubilo (BWV 729) Liturgical J. S. Bach resources for today i A dapted from Praise God: Common Prayer at Taize ii Adapted from Touch Holiness: Resources for Worship, Updated 2012. The Riverside Deaf Ministry provides sign-language interpretation at the first Sunday service of each month and every Wednesday at our Space for Grace service, as well as at significant special services throughout the year. The Rev. Kei Okada is a member of The Riverside Church. Rev. Okada is a visual artist and serves as a chaplain for the Visiting Nurse Service of New York Hospice and Palliative Care. Dr. Ronald Lonesome is a retired psychiatrist. He is a member of the Adult Christian Education Committee and the Education Commission. Dr. Lonesome also is an active member in Maranatha, LGBT Faith Leaders of African Descent, The Riverside Poetry Group, and participates in small group Bible study. The Rev. Allen Bentz-Letts, PhD, is a retired college and hospice chaplain. He is a member of the Mission & Social Justice Commission. Sermons may be found online at Large print bulletins are available from the ushers. Calendar of Events This Week Today: DECEMBER 28 8:30 a.m. Morning Light, Christ Chapel An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion 9:30 a.m. Open Bible Study, 15T 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples, preaching 12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby 1:00 p.m. The Way, Meditation Chapel “The Way” is a welcoming fellowship, open to all college students and young adults (ages 18–39) who are journeying along the Christian path. New members and friends are always invited! For more information, please contact Jacqueline Hopkins at or 212.946.1189. Movies @ Riverside, Multi-purpose Room Elementary Genocide: From Primary to Penitentiary This film exposes the socially engineered mechanism created by our government and utilizing the public school system to label elementary school-aged African American males as targets within the U.S. penal system. Some refuse to believe there is a corporate attack on the minds and productivity of Black youth that results in funneling them through the revolving doors of the criminal justice system. Elementary Genocide confirms this theory and seeks to educate parents, teachers, and families, so that we can reclaim our young men and ensure the future of our community. A discussion will follow the film. Light refreshments will be available. Riverside Poetry Group, 423 MLK All are welcome to join us. Please bring several copies of one or two poems on Regeneration, Rebirth, New Being, or Healing. Any potluck dish or treat is welcome to share. 3:00 p.m. Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross Room assignments are subject to change. Please confirm room assignments at the Security desk. Room abbreviations: “MLK” – a room in the Martin Luther King Wing. “T” – a room in the Tower of the Church. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 10:00 a.m. Tower League — Art of Movement, 411 MLK 5:30 p.m. Tai Chi Class, Wellness Center ai Chi class meets every Monday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Wellness Center. All are welcome. T For more information, please contact Sheila Ann Mason-Gonzales at 6:00 p.m. Weeknight Prayer, Meditation Chapel 7:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7C TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 6:00 p.m. Qigong, 6th Floor Chapel Intermediate Yoga, 630 MLK 6:45 p.m. Mindful Meditation, 13T 7:00 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 7C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 10:30 a.m. Intermediate French, Multi-purpose Room 10:00 p.m. New Years Eve Watchnight Service, Nave Ring in the New Year with hymns, anthems, and a service of worship culminating in the midnight pealing of the bells. 10:00 p.m. – Carillon Recital • Dionisio A. Lind, carillonneur 10:30 p.m. – Organ Recital • Christopher Johnson, organist 11:00 p.m. – Festival Service of Worship • The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, preaching Midnight – Pealing of the Bells THURSDAY, January 1 New Year's Day. All administrative offices are closed. FRIDAY, January 2 All administrative offices are closed in observance of the New Year's holiday. SATURDAY, January 3 8:30 a.m. Yoga (All Levels), 630 MLK 10:15 a.m. Beginner Yoga, 630 MLK 12:00 p.m. Small Group Class • J EREMIAH: Tracing an Arc of Sorrow and Steadfast Love, 423 MLK Perhaps no other book of the Bible depicts the "inner life" of God so dramatically and with such tension as the words of the prophet Jeremiah. His ministry spans the period from 625 BCE to sometime after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BCE. The prophetic voice of Jeremiah was an inspiration to Riverside’s first called minister, Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick. And, as a result, when Riverside was built, Fosdick asked that the prophet’s story be incorporated into the design of the Nave. Registration is required by emailing Lunch will be served. Facilitator: The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples Required Text: A Study Bible of your choice 1:00 p.m. Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown, Multi-purpose Room I n the Theatre of the Oppressed, “spectator” is a bad word. Be a spectator who acts (spect-actor) and become fluent in the human language of theatre. Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown meets every Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Contact Jeremiah Kyle Drake at SUNDAY, January 4 8:30 a.m. Morning Light, Christ Chapel An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion 9:30 a.m. Open Bible Study, 15T 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, preaching 12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby 1:00 p.m. The Way, Meditation Chapel “The Way” is a welcoming fellowship, open to all college students and young adults (ages 18–39) who are journeying along the Christian path. New members and friends are always invited! For more information, please contact Jacqueline Hopkins at or 212.946.1189. 3:00 p.m. Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross 4:00 p.m. The Riverside Ringers Winter Concert, Nave It is with great joy that the Riverside Ringers announce we have rescheduled this event from December 7 to Sunday, January 4, 2015. A holiday Ring Along-Sing Along! Concert goers are invited to participate in the second half of the concert ringing and singing familiar holiday favorites. A free will offering will be received in support of the Riverside Ringers attending the 17th International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, Canada in 2016. Light refreshments will be provided following the concert. For more information contact or 212.870.6722. News & Events Winter Spiritual Life Retreat January 23–25 at the Mariondale Retreat and Conference Center, Ossining, NY Listening to the Inner Voice: Discerning God's Will for Our Lives On this retreat we will explore experiences of the inner voice, ways in which God speaks to us and works with us in guiding our lives. Consider joining us for prayer, silence, discussion, Bible readings, communion, and imaginative enactments. We will engage individually and as a group in God's interaction with each of us for the realization of our best selves and for the coming of God's Kingdom on earth. There will be joy and laughter along the way. Cost is $210. Includes six meals and private room. For more information, come to the Spiritual Life Retreat table during Fellowship Hour after Worship today. 2015 Millennial Scholarship 2015 Millennial Scholarship applications will be available soon! Attention high school seniors: if you are a senior and have participated consistently in Riverside church school and youth programs and are currently involved in the 2014–2015 programs, you may be eligible for a scholarship. Details will be posted on the TRC website and will be available in the education office starting January 16, 2015. Please direct any questions or comments about scholarships to: Rev James Singletary at or Dr. Emily Anderson The Riverside Book Club Saturday, January 10, 2015, 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK Join us as we discuss Collected Essays by James Baldwin. Reviewers of this collection, published in 1998, wrote that Baldwin "articulated black anger in a way that allowed blacks and whites to affirm the justness of that anger." It is a voice and vision that is needed now more than ever. Saturday, March 8, 2015, 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK Celebrating Women's History Month! Join us as we discuss Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years, by A. Elizabeth and Sarah L. Delany with Amy Hill Hearth. The sisters' father was a former slave who became the first African-American elected Bishop in the Episcopal Church in the U.S. The sisters were civil rights pioneers, but their stories were largely unknown until Hearth, a reporter for The New York Times, interviewed them for a feature story in 1991, then expanded her story into book form. It quickly became a best seller, and the Delanys enjoyed fame and honor in their last years. For more information, please contact Mary Biggs at or 718.796.8915. Light refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome! Bring Your Food Pantry Donations to Worship on Sundays and Wednesdays One in five New Yorkers lives in a home that is food-insecure. Over the last few years, a number of pantries have been forced to close their doors, and while we have managed to serve the increased number of guests visiting our pantry, the strain has been tremendous. Food collections are taken every Sunday at Worship, and Wednesday at Space for Grace. Please bring food items and cash donations to support the Food Pantry. English Conversation Partners Program The English Conversation Partners Program invites you to stop by its table during Fellowship Hour after Sunday service to learn how to become a Volunteer Tutor. Tutors meet with adult Conversation Partners once a week. International students for whom English is a second language and English-speaking tutors are welcome to participate in the program. Contact ECPP at The Riverside Latino Ministry The Latino Ministry celebrates Latino lives, spirituality, and culture in all its diversity. The Ministry shares the concerns of Latinos in the U.S. and abroad with the congregation and the community. We meet every third Sunday at 1:00 p.m. in Room 430 MLK. Contact Arelis Figueroa at 646.345.2321 or Career Day Volunteers The Children, Youth, and Families Ministry needs YOU! We are in need of VOLUNTEERS for our 24th Annual Career Day and would be grateful for your time, talents, and monetary gifts. We are looking for individuals from every profession and all walks of life to share their professional knowledge as panelists and facilitators for Career Day. We are also putting together the Planning Committee; if you are willing to serve as a member, we would love to have you on our team. Please call or email Rev. James E. Singletary at 212.870.6828 or if you are able to assist us. Employment at Riverside Interested in employment opportunities at The Riverside Church? Please visit our website: for a complete listing of Riverside’s current job postings. Keep Up with Riverside News and Worship Services If you would like to receive the weekly eNewsletter from The Riverside Church, visit to sign up. This Sunday's worship service will be broadcast next Sunday on 106.7 Lite FM at 5:00 a.m. You can also listen online any time at Church Leadership Meetings Our Church Commissions meet on the second Monday of every month. The Church Council meets on every fourth Monday. Please keep them in your prayers, to help them lead The Riverside Church. Consider Having Your Wedding at The Riverside Church Looking for the perfect venue for your wedding and reception? Call the Weddings Office at 212.870.6762 for details. Advent and Christmas Season at Riverside Sunday, December 28 ervice of Worship – First Sunday After Christmas • 10:45 a.m. in the Nave S The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples, preaching • Sermon: “Moved by the Spirit to See the Light” Hebrew Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 61:10–62:2; Gospel Lesson: Luke 2:25–38 Wednesday, December 31 New Year’s Eve Watchnight Service • In the Nave Ring in the New Year with hymns, anthems, and a service of worship culminating in the midnight pealing of the bells. 10:00 p.m. – Carillon Recital • Dionisio A. Lind, carillonneur 10:30 p.m. – Organ Recital • Christopher Johnson, organist 11:00 p.m. – Festival Service of Worship • The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, preaching Midnight – Pealing of the Bells Sunday, January 4, 2015 Service of Worship – Epiphany • 10:45 a.m. in the Nave Riverside Ringers Winter Concert • 4:00 p.m. in the Nave It is with great joy that the Riverside Ringers announce we have rescheduled this event to Sunday, January 4. Please join the Riverside Ringers for our Winter Concert and Ring Along Sing Along. Concert goers are invited to sing and ring along to familiar Christmas carols. CONTRIBUTE TO THE CHRISTMAS FLOWER FUND Checks should be made payable to The Riverside Church. Mail checks to: The Riverside Church 490 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10027 ATTN: Kaitlin Cook, Room 17T *********************************************** Please be sure to include “Christmas Flower Fund” on the memo section of your check. You can also drop off your contribution at The Visitors Center. Please include a note naming the person(s) you wish to remember or honor. Suggested donation for each memorial is $50. Names received by Monday, December 29, 2014, will be published in the worship bulletin on Sunday, January 4, 2015. Time, Talent, Treasure – May we breathe and receive. Simeon declared: “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” Luke:29-32 The offer of Christ’s peace is meant to be a gift. And so our prayer for this peace is a prayer for reception. That we have the grace to receive this peace. To take it in, as regularly and necessarily as we breathe. The spirit of generosity: deepening our faith and sustaining our connection. the riverside church i n the city of n ew york 490 R iverside D rive · N ew Y ork , N.Y. 10027 · T elephone 212.870.6700 Interdenominational · Interracial · International · Open · Affirming · Welcoming The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Minister The Rev. Michael E. Livingston, Executive Minister The Rev. John Janka, Interim Minister for Membership, Care, and Parish Life The Rev. Stephen C. I. Mann, Director of Communications and Media The Rev. Debra P. Northern, Director of Social Services The Rev. James E. Singletary, Director of Children, Youth, and Families Ministry The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples, Interim Minister for Education Mr. Christopher Johnson, Director of Music and Organist Mr. Christopher Creaghan, Associate Organist Mr. Dionisio A. Lind, Carillonneur Mr. Robert Pearson, Organ Curator The Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr., Senior Minister Emeritus The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church of Christ and cooperates with the Council of Churches in the City of New York, and with the New York State, National, and World Council of Churches. Twitter: @RiversideNYC • Facebook: • Web: About the cover photo: Stained glass has functioned educationally in churches for more than 1,300 years. In the Middle Ages, cathedrals and their stained glass windows took hundreds of years to complete. Artisans would individually chisel pieces of colored glass with a hot iron and pliers. Stained glass served the practical purpose of imparting Biblical stories to individuals who couldn't read. The stained glass on today's worship bulletin depicts the Biblical story of Jesus being presented at the Temple before Anna and Simeon. Printed on recycled paper
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