Lenten and Easter Traditions: ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç Marriage and Family Life Office Diocese of Columbus Lenten and Easter Traditions: ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç Marriage and Family Life Office Diocese of Columbus 197 East Gay Street Columbus, OH 43215 614.241.2560 FLOMailbox@colsdioc.org www.FamilyLife.colsdioc.org 2009 ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç How and When to Begin Beginning During the week before Lent plan to meet together and decide what your family will do during this holy time. Decide together, but observe Lent according to each family member’s ability and spiritual development. Discuss why Lent is an important part of the Liturgical Calendar and our lives as Christians. What does the Church recommend? This may be a good time for the family to evaluate their family spiritually. What does the family want to accomplish with this Lenten observance? It is also an opportunity to purposely live our life in reflection of Christ. Are there hurts or family squabbles that need to be healed? Equate Jesus’ Death and Resurrection to everyday occurrences within our lives. 1. Have a definite beginning. An Ash Wednesday service is a good place to start, whether it be observed at Church or in the home. When Lent begins, let it come with a special prayer, a special activity. 2. Choose at least one activity that will show movement toward Easter, similar to an Advent Calendar. The purpose of every single day or week is to build a habit for nurturing the Life we have been given. 3. Keep it simple. Do not plan to do something that is difficult to maintain. Too many symbols and activities can destroy the significance of this holy season. Let time together be warm, honest, and spontaneous. Find a way to involve all members of the family regardless of their age. Rejoice in this effort, and do not look for it to be perfect. 4. How will you commemorate Holy Week? Why is Good Friday a “Good” day? Since you are moving toward this week, it is good to plan how this day will be spent. Now is the time to ask any teens who may be working to schedule off for that day. Mom and Dad, can you schedule “off” that day? If not, how will the evening be spent? The evening may be the only time you are together, if you plan for it. Can we promise to spend time in prayer for one another, for ourselves, for our community? 5. Stay determined and consistent. PUT LENT FIRST. While we will need to respect work and activity schedules, be sure to set time aside to complete the plan made for your family’s Lenten observation. This may become a way for family members to learn how to recognize and establish family priorities. Our Family Faith Development Plan Prayer I will pray alone in the Our family will pray together in the I will use the ACTS Formula for prayer. morning morning Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication afternoon afternoon evening evening Bible Reading I will read the Bible daily weekly I will read the Bible to my children daily weekly (Bible storybooks appropriate to a child’s developmental level are preferable to reading from the actual Bible. It can still be done in a systematic way by reading through a Bible storybook). Service & Outreach Our family will participate in activities or organizations that serve others in the name of Christ. Food drives Night shelters Clothing drives Nursing homes Toy drives Refugee settlement Soup kitchens Other Name some organizations you may get involved with in an ongoing way. Name some organizations or activities you may be involved with only once or twice a year. Christian Holidays Describe one new ritual or tradition that your family will begin this year to keep Christ at the center of Lent/Easter: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany: Reprinted with permission from January 1996 Family Information Services Family Ministry Connection developed by Rev. Penny Hill. Tradition “Lent” means “Springtime.” Practices of Lent are about as old as spring itself. When people’s lives were ruled by the climate, the end of winter meant a scarcity of provisions. What meat (frozen or salted) that remained from the long winter was in danger of spoiling. Rather than have the meat spoil, the people held a festival to consume food left from winter. Our word “carnival” originally applied to this end-of-winter holiday. It means “good-bye to meat.” Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” was such a festival. Once the food was consumed, there were some weeks of very low rations until food could be replaced. Today, “Fat Tuesday” is usually celebrated by providing donuts or other special foods to eat before the long forty-day fast begins. In the early Church, the natural penance of spring became the Lent of the church. Initially, its special disciplines were for the catechumens preparing for their Easter Baptism. To mortify (“make dead”) one’s selfishness was to test the strength of one’s commitment to conversion. Later, Lent was for the public sinners, marked with sackcloth and ashes and assigned to special penances. Soon Lent belonged to everyone as a time of renewal, a re-initiation into the Christian lifestyle. The first Lent lasted forty hours as a reminder of the time Jesus’ body lay in the tomb. In the sixth century Pope Gregory the Great set aside a forty-day period of fasting, penitence, and prayer. Sunday is not considered a day of Lent. After the resurrection of Christ on the first day of the week, the early church decided to celebrate through worship the most important event in its Christian heritage. Each Sunday became a time to remember Christ’s resurrection; therefore, each Sunday is a happy day, a day of celebration. As a result, Sunday takes precedence over the Lenten season and is not counted in determining the forty days of Lent. The number “forty” occurs often in the Bible. It rained for forty days and forty nights while Noah and his family remained on the Ark. The Israelites, after being freed from bondage in Egypt, wandered with Moses for forty years in the wilderness before coming to the Promised Land. Also, after his baptism, Jesus spent forty days alone in spiritual preparation for His ministry and the coming of that first Easter. It is therefore speculated that the number “forty” was selected for these reasons as a time to prepare for Easter. The Three Traditional Pathways of Lent: Fasting, Almsgiving, and Prayer Lent marks the forty days from Ash Wednesday until Easter when we pray and do penance in commemoration of the forty days Jesus spent in the desert, led there by the power of the Spirit after he was baptized. The desert is a place that tests a person’s character. That is why Christians traditionally devote this season to fasting, praying, and giving alms. Like Jesus, we enter the desert not to punish ourselves but to experience the power of the Spirit within us. Just as Jesus rejected the false promises of worldly power, so do we distance ourselves from dependence upon the power of position and possessions so tempting in our society. We fast without complaining and in a way that respects our bodies, avoiding the abuses of excess - of eating or exercising too much or too little. We give alms quietly and in a way that serves others - without calling attention to ourselves or expecting anything in return. We pray in private and in a way that is less “talking” and more listening - trusting that God knows, better than we, what is good for us. Do Some Soul-Searching This Lent Has Lent lost its bite? In the rush of family activities, some people report that Lent no longer feels like a serious season, just more of the “same old, same old.” “We’re losing Lent and we’ve got to get it back,” says Bishop Kenneth Untener of Saginaw, Michigan in the February, 1998 issue of U.S. Catholic. In his article, “Who Threw Out These 40 Days?” he says it’s good that the Church, in the wake of Vatican II, put aside the complicated rules that snuffed out Lent’s spirit, but in the process we also lost the soul-searching that is the purpose of Lent. Untener argues, “The time has come to get back to the roots of Lent, the time-proven practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving: the rhythm of 40 intensive days experienced together as a community.” He offered seven steps. I’ll adapt three of them for families: “1. Take fasting seriously If you want to experience life differently, eat less. Americans are so used to having abundance that it can be truly jarring to cut back on your intake. ‘Fasting in itself does not make things right.’ says Untener. ‘It helps us see what things need to be made right.’ Small children shouldn’t fast to the same extent as adults or older children, but everyone can give up a favorite food, snack, TV program, or game. Sharing your experience with your family cannot only model the importance of this practice, but also help you shore up one another’s resolve and experience the pleasure of going through Lent together. ‘Be creative in what you decide to give up. I have taken to giving up listening to the radio when I’m in the car. I find the silence quite unnerving at first, but come to appreciate it over the 40 days. I find God often has much to say to me during those quiet rides, and I get a better sense of my own spiritual state. Often I become aware that I’ve been ‘running on empty,’ spiritually speaking, and I had been using the noise to mask a yearning for more connection with God. “2. Give to the poor There are two ways to teach your kids about charity: instruction and example. Lent is a time to employ both methods. ‘The word alms means a kind gift for someone in need,’ says Untener. Involve your children in almsgiving by sponsoring a needy child ... which is a charitable act the children can understand and participate in. Or you can clear out closets and give good used items to Goodwill or your St. Vincent dePaul group. Set aside a chunk of the family budget this month for charity. Have a short family meeting to decide who best to give the money: to a local charity, a needy family, or some other need you’re aware of. If you’re not aware of any needs, call your parish for suggestions. Vow to become more aware in the coming year. “3. Make the Triduum the high point If you wanted to [encapsulate] the lessons of Jesus’ life, they would be contained in the services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Even the smallest child can learn powerful lessons from the rituals surrounding these holy days: washing feet on Holy Thursday, stripping the altar after the Holy Thursday liturgy, the reading of the Passion and venerating the cross on Good Friday, a candle lit in the midst of a darkened church, blessing the oils, and pouring living water on new members of our community of faith on Holy Saturday. It might be too much to expect younger children to attend services on all three days (which the Triduum means), but choose one or more services to attend. They are revealing truths about our lives our kids will hear no place else. And don't forget to include your own ethnic and family rituals during Lent and Easter. These are not frivolous activities—they give our kids a sense of belonging and a sense of the sacred, two qualities in short supply in our kids’ world.” Reprinted with permission from “Bringing Religion Home,” March, 1998. Symbols of Lent Ashes symbolize death and grief as well as the unworthiness and repentance we feel because we have not lived up to being the person God intends us to be. Yet, out of the ashes of our past we can be renewed spiritually and journey into a new life of faith and trust. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our journey. Colors are symbolic: violet signifies suffering and sorrow; white, purity and glory; green, growth and hope of eternal life; pink or rose, joy. The Butterfly dramatically symbolizes new life and is commonly used to help children begin to understand the meaning of Easter. Out of a dead-looking cocoon emerges a new creation, free and radiant. Salt is necessary to sustain life and is a symbol of wholeness. Salt is used as a preservative which keeps food fresh, and as a flavoring that permeates the whole of whatever it is added to. In biblical tradition, salt was a sign of covenant. In the Church water has always been a symbol of cleansing and the gift of life, and is commonly associated with Baptism. In Scripture, Jesus speaks of Himself as the “life-giving water” (John 4:14), the one who quenches spiritual thirst. Light is a universal religious symbol which reminds us that Jesus is the light who shows us the way. We cannot see without light. “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5), Jesus tells us. “He who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). During the Lenten season, the church uses light and darkness as symbols to represent good and evil, and life and death. Seeds symbolize the emergence of new life. Seemingly lifeless seeds grow and flower. Like the emerging butterfly, the emerging plant symbolizes the new life that follows Christ’s death and Resurrection. The gift of faith is given as seed. Unless it is nourished it will die, never to grow. Christian life is a process of growth. If our life as a Christian is not nourished through prayer, sacraments, and charitable works, it too will die. Palm Branches symbolize Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem the Sunday before His crucifixion. The branches remind us that there are both triumphs and defeats in our lives. However, if we maintain our friendship with God, we will ultimately triumph. ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç Lent Seven Lenten Practices to Bring You Joy 1. Start all prayers with praise and thanks. 2. Take time with God in a beautiful place. 3. Don’t carry all the world’s pain on your own back. 4. Fast for the sake of richer food: daily Eucharist. 5. Take flowers and a smile to a sick person. 6. Try to reconcile with an estranged friend or family member. 7. Compliment, congratulate or affirm someone for making the world a better place. Praying the Stations Sacred Scripture, reflection, meditative silence, vocal prayer, mental prayer and formulary prayer may be used at each of the Stations of the Cross. The Stations may be prayed individually or corporately; they may be indoors (as in a church or chapel) or outdoors, as in a cemetery or on the grounds of a shrine or place of pilgrimage. Indulgences are attached to observing this devotion. It is not uncommon, for example, that parishes offer this devotion to their parishioners on the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. The stations are: I. Jesus is condemned. II. Jesus carries His Cross. III. Jesus falls the first time. IV. Jesus meets His mother. V. Simon of Cyrene helps carry the Cross. VI. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. VII. Jesus falls a second time. VIII. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. IX. Jesus falls the third time. X. Jesus is stripped of His garments. XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross. XII. Jesus dies on the Cross. XIII. Jesus’ body is taken down from the Cross. XIV. Jesus’ body is laid in the tomb. (Some modern stations add a 15th for Jesus’ resurrection.) Taken from Our Sunday Visitor’s Catholic Dictionary Lenten Activities - Family Time Lent is a time for renewing relationships and reconciling misunderstandings among family members. Take this opportunity to begin observing Family Time together. Family Time is a special time. It is a time set aside to play, pray, share, and learn together. You can vary the format, but it is appropriate to include a short opening prayer or meditation, a sharing time, as well as a snack and entertainment. There are also many publications which offer various ideas of how to spend family time together during Lent. A listing of resources is provided at the end of this booklet. Do some research before the planning meeting with your family. 1. Since spring is highlighted by new life, consider a planting session. Plan a vegetable or flower garden for the back yard. Design it, and begin to plant seeds which can be transplanted in the yard in spring. Everyone in the family should have a task to complete. Observe how the water, soil, sun, and your careful attention bring out the life that is hidden within the seed. You may want to explore working with bulbs to force-bloom them in time for Easter Sunday. Planting (on Ash Wednesday) and watching an Amaryllis bulb grow and bloom (hopefully by Easter) is ideal for this project. This is a good example of marking time during Lent and it can also stimulate discussion on how we are brought to a new spiritual life through Easter. Concentrate on the theme of the symbolism of water and light in Scripture. 2. How about an afternoon or evening together in the kitchen? Pretzels are especially appropriate to the Lenten season. In the Old Roman Empire, the faithful who were keeping a very strict fast made small breads of water, flour, and salt. As a reminder that Lent was a time for prayer, they shaped these breads in the form of arms crossed in prayer, which is how they prayed. They called the breads “braecellae” which means “little arms.” From this Latin word, the Germans later coined the term “pretzel.” Bread is also baked by many people in special forms for this season. Bread symbolizes life because it is a means to sustain life and because it has the life force of yeast which makes it rise. Some people combine this with the symbol of the egg by baking the loaf with a raw egg inside (it bakes hard with the bread and can be colored before being placed in the bread.) Others bake buns called “hot cross buns” because the cross cut in the top or made with icing is a reminder that the cross of Jesus and the resurrection are one action. Research your family heritage to find ways in which your ancestors may have used bread to celebrate the season. Share bread with an elderly neighbor or another family in your parish or neighborhood. Soft Pretzels Ingredients: 1 packet of yeast dissolved in warm water (according to packet instructions) 1 teaspoon of salt 1 tablespoon of sugar 4 cups of flour (white or whole wheat) Mix all the ingredients in the order listed. Knead the dough until smooth. Cut into small pieces. Roll into ropes and twist into the desired shape. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Brush pretzel with a beaten egg. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake at 425 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes. 3. Ask someone in the family to bring a story from the newspaper or a magazine about a person who is hurt or abused. Gather as a family and read parts of each article. Discuss how these articles impact you. Why do people hurt or abuse one another? Do you know anyone with a similar story? What can be done to repair the harm to people? Is there something you can do to help the situation? Can the example of Jesus help us to change things? 4. Assign a time for a television free hour per day. Perhaps your family can identify an aspect of television that is particularly destructive and discuss what effect it can have on your family. How might time be better spent than watching a show with a negative theme? Can you find a show that is positive and one which the family as a group can watch? What type of television programming is good for the family? How can the family utilize the television for growth, learning, and spiritual formation? 5. Identify videos that reflect the theme of “Death and Resurrection.” Schedule a “Family Movie Time.” This is a good time to formulate a list of quality movies for the family to view together all year long. This activity may be better suited for families with teens. For some examples of movies with this theme, see the listing at end of this booklet or visit your library. 6. Each week choose a Station of the Cross, read it, and discuss a theme to work toward as a family. For example, Simon Takes Up the Cross: how is this exemplified in our lives, in the local community, and in the parish? Can you relate the stations to a social issue? How did Christ’s life model the same concepts and issues we face today? 7. Designate a time of silence in the home. 8. Attend daily Mass at least once weekly. 9. When the family gathers, write a note of acknowledgment to someone you see who is helping to make the world a better place. Praise acts of kindness. Write an editorial letter acknowledging a teacher, neighbor, television show, etc., you feel is worth noting. 10. Look for and encourage opportunities to use the phrases, “I love you,” “I am sorry,” and “I forgive you” with each other and with people you encounter in daily life. Talk about the difference between mistakes and sin. 11. Most people consider giving up some form of food when they elect to include fasting for Lent. List these suggestions on your refrigerator to remind the family that we can choose to fast in other ways: Fast from criticism, and feast on praise. Fast from self-pity, and feast on gratitude. Fast from ill-temper, and feast on peace. Fast from resentment, and feast on contentment. Fast from jealousy, and feast on love. Fast from pride, and feast on humility. Fast from selfishness, and feast on service. Fast from fear, and feast on faith. A weekly discussion on signs of the negative and positive behavior included in these suggestions may help your family to understand this concept of fasting. 12. Plan a Seder Meal during Holy Week. If you cannot serve a complete meal, plan to serve one or two items on the menu and discuss the symbolism. This tradition connects us to our Judaic foundation, while the celebration of Easter moves us in faith to our Christian tradition. Discuss the importance of remembering. What do we as a family hold as sacred in our memories? 13. Designate a time when each family member concentrates on cleaning out his/her closet of unused clothing. It is time to decide if this piece of clothing, though barely used, is something someone less fortunate will be thrilled to own. After the clothes have been boxed, gather the family together in a prayer of thanksgiving for the abundance your family experiences. Allow the entire family to deliver the boxes to a shelter. 14. Bring out the family Bible and have family members locate the use of the number forty in the Bible. Who can find the most instances of that number? What might be the significance of that number in the context of the story? 15. Decorate your home -- symbols of Easter help us to celebrate the good news of Christ’s resurrection in our homes. Cut out crosses from bright yellow construction paper, make paper butterflies, or purchase a lily. Keep Easter baskets in view until Pentecost. Fill them with plants or hollow eggs. Place a crucifix in a prominent place at home. Light an Easter candle daily during meals or at bedtime during the 50 days of the Easter season. 16. Bring home a small bottle of water blessed at the Easter Vigil Mass. With the holy water, ask God’s blessing upon your home, family members and special events throughout the year. The water is a reminder of our baptism and the promise of eternal life. Continue to use it all year long by blessing fearful children, new bike riders, seeds for the garden, and sick or traveling family members. 17. On Easter morning, ask all family members to sign the cross over their Easter eggs and say this blessing: “God bless these Easter eggs, sign of new life bursting forth in our home. Blessed are you, God of all creation, for the gift of your Son, Jesus. We rejoice in His resurrection. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.” 18. Keep the Easter story alive at home. Several times each week at meal or bedtimes, read the day’s scripture story about Jesus’ appearances after Easter. If your parish bulletin does not list the day’s Scriptures, ask for them or find them online so you can follow the excitement of the early Christians after the resurrection. 19. During the Easter season remember your baptism. Designate a special night for each family member to remember and celebrate his/her baptism. Take out pictures, home movies or videos of the baptism, and find prayer cards or gifts received if you have them. Post each child’s baby picture in a special place and ask the child to choose the dinner menu. A small gift may be appropriate. Give thanks for that child’s entrance into God’s family and your family. 20. Sometime during the Easter season, welcome new members of the Christian community received into the Church at Easter by taking a meal or a treat to their home with a welcome note, or invite them to your home. Encourage other households of faith to do the same. 21. Take an Easter walk; gather family members for a spring walk in a forest or on a path in a nearby park. Point out how nature repeats the cycle of death, decay, and new life. Let children bring home objects that show this transformation from death to new life: beetle shells, acorns, leaves, sprouting grass, etc. 22. Plant an Easter garden. Gardens, large or small, allow us to see the seed die and the new plant come to life with care and nourishment from us. Gardens show in ordinary ways how God creates new life out of death. Share what you produce with others as a simple way of sharing the new life you have been given in Christ. 23. Create a tradition of spring cleaning after Easter to commemorate the passing of the old and the arrival of the new. Clean up and give away old things that are no longer needed by your family. Passover We aren’t sure of all the details of the Passover Meal at the time of Jesus, but this was the basic structure: ♦ A gathering of a family-type group of 10-20. ♦ The meal began with a first cup of wine when two prayers of blessing were offered: one for the feast, and one for the cup of wine. ♦ Herbs and unleavened bread were eaten, dipped by hand into a dish of sauce. ♦ The “paschal lamb” (sacrificially killed at the Temple earlier in the day) was brought in. The meaning of the Passover rite was explained. (See Exodus, Chapter 12). ♦ The first part of the Hallel (taken from Psalms 112-113) was sung, and the second cup of wine was drunk. ♦ The lamb was eaten along with the herbs and unleavened bread, and the third cup of wine was drunk, with thanksgiving to God for the meal. ♦ The rite ended with a fourth cup of wine and the singing of the rest of the Hallel. ♦ The family member presiding at Passover would take the unleavened bread and say, “This is the ‘bread of affliction’ which our ancestors ate when they came out of Egypt.” Seder Meal The Seder is a celebration of liberation. The traditional meal commemorates the escape of the children of Israel from the armies of the Pharaoh long ago. Before the Angel of Death brought the final plague upon the Egyptians, the Israelites prepared a hasty meal of lamb, marking their door posts with its blood. Their bread was the bread of haste, made without yeast. For us Christians, this meal has an additional meaning. Jesus was celebrating the Jewish Passover tradition the night of the Last Supper. During the meal He blessed the wine and matzos (i.e., unleavened bread) and converted these ancient Jewish symbols into His body and blood. We remember that Jesus, our Paschal Lamb, died for us on Good Friday. When we celebrate the Passover, we celebrate more than ancient history - we celebrate what God has done and is doing for us today. Taken from “Seasons of the Spirit,” published by the Christian Family Movement, 1997. When the Jews remember the night of Passover, they bring this holy event into the present. They become the Passover. Remembering the mighty deeds of God, the Hebrew people believe that His saving, liberating power is present to them. Jesus asks His people to remember the moment in which He emptied Himself in the giving of His body, the shedding of His blood. When we “Do this in Remembrance of [Him]” at Mass, Christ becomes present in all His liberating, healing power. You may wish to set aside one night during Holy Week to celebrate Passover with a Christian slant. If you choose to do a full Seder meal, there are many books which explain the Seder and have accompanying prayers. (The Christian Family Movement encourages this family meal in their publication, “Seasons of the Spirit”). Otherwise, you may include the traditional Seder menu items mentioned below at your family meal. Seder Meal Menu Items Three Matsos A cloth is spread over three Matzos placed atop each other. Charoseth A paste of walnuts, apples, honey and a little wine suggests the clay used by the Hebrews to make bricks during the time of their enslavement in Egypt. Karpas Onions or potatoes which are later dipped into salt water and eaten. Zeroa A piece of roast meat, such as lamb or chicken, symbolizing the Passover Lamb that the Hebrews ate in Egypt the night they were freed. Beitzo A hard boiled egg. Morror A bitter herb such as horseradish and/or romaine, symbolizing the cruel suffering of the Hebrews in Egypt. Mealtime Prayers from the Heart to Feed the Soul Meal prayers are easily forgotten. Here is an idea to encourage a time of gratitude as you gather together for your meal. Have family members write out a favorite prayer on stiff paper and place it in the center of the table. You may want to have at least six prayers: one for each week of Lent, although you could have many more. It could be a scripture quote, a meaningful verse, or a prayer of special significance, or one your child is learning. Leaving it on the table throughout the week is a good reminder to all to be constantly grateful for all of life’s blessings. Lord, it’s been a busy, noisy day! Here we are together at last to share another meal. Quiet us down, soothe our minds, make us present to the goodness of Your gifts around us. Thank You for this nice meal. Thank You for all your gifts this day. Bless our food and bless us. Amen. Lord, bless us and our time together. Let us be strengthened by our love for and friendship with each other. Remind us that the love of each person here follows us long after we’ve left this table, through all we do, good or bad, successfully or unsuccessfully, happily or unhappily. Thank You for the love we share as we share this meal. Amen. Lord, help us during this meal to be aware of the needs of each other. As we pass a bowl or the salt, help us to remember how You served people. Make us more willing to serve, just like You. May this meal strengthen us to give of ourselves, just as You do. Bless our meal, bless us, make us Yours. Amen. Lord, many people have helped bring this meal to us. We thank You for the loving attention and work of those in our home. We thank You also for the many, many people whom we don’t know who brought us this food: the grocery store employees, the truckers and train engineers, the growers, harvesters, and canners, the label makers, the scientists always working on improvements, the ranchers, the inspectors... all of them, Lord. Bless them as they sit down to their meals, too. Thank You for this food. Amen. Lord, thank You for all the gifts You’ve given us today (here pause to allow each person the opportunity to name something for which he/she is grateful). You are so good and full of love. Thank You for this meal. Bless it and bless us, Your children. Amen. Lord, thank You for this food. May it bring us nearer to You. May it strengthen us and make us healthy. May it make us grateful. May it remind us of those in need. May its sharing bring us peace and unity. May it remind us of You and Your last supper with Your friends. May it be a steppingstone in our journey of faith. Thank You, Lord. Amen. Lord, we so often take our sense of taste for granted. Tonight we want to think about that gift. We want to eat slowly and enjoy this food that was so lovingly prepared for us. Thank You for the gift of taste. May it remind us of You more often. Bless us and bless this tasty meal. Amen. Lord, thank You for this food. It is good to be together to share it. We ask You to bless (name) who is not with us. Keep him/her safe, and let him/her know how much we love and miss him/ her. Amen. Thank You, Lord, for the goodness of life around us: for the beauty of the earth, for each other, for surprises and challenges. Bless this meal. May it strengthen us and lead us to a new awareness of the goodness around us. Most of all, may the strength we gain from this meal lead us to You, the Source of all goodness. Amen. Taken from Faith and Family Fest © 1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha Celebrating Eucharist at Home Eat Together Make meals a happy family time of sharing and thanksgiving. Some meal rules will help: ♦ No television or radio. ♦ Don’t answer the phone, or tell callers you are eating and will return their call. ♦ Encourage each family member to share events and thoughts of the day (go around the table so everyone has a turn). ♦ Instruct table manners gently. ♦ Do not allow bickering or criticizing at the table. Simply say, “If you want to tattle or complain about your sister/brother, you can tell me after dinner,” or “We can resolve this disagreement after we finish dinner.” ♦ Pray in thanksgiving before or after your meal; use whatever prayer works: memorized grace before meals, spontaneous thank you’s from all members, a meal prayer booklet or prayer cards. Check your local religious goods store for ideas or make up your own. Sacrifice for others Help your child understand the value of sacrificing for others. Give him/her opportunities to perform difficult or inconvenient acts out of love for others -- changing a baby’s messy diaper, cleaning Grandpa’s house for him, giving up treats and donating the money to a poor family. Share memories Encourage family members to share memories of their First Eucharist, and show photos if possible. Feed others Give your child[ren] experiences of feeding others, especially the poor. Help him/her to see the connection between Eucharist and service by involving your family in service to the community. As a more “grown up” Christian, your child needs to recognize the responsibility that comes with being in a Eucharist community. Mass Attend Mass regularly with you child. Make a special effort to go together as a family, even if it means trading baby-sitting with a neighbor. Attend Mass with your child to celebrate special occasions such a birthdays, special achievements and at Lent, Advent, or other special [or ordinary] times of the year. Taken from Faith and Family Fest© 1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha Celebrating Eucharist at Mass At every Mass, when the bread and wine are placed on the altar, we say to God, “This is my body... This is my blood... My whole life, with all its joys and sorrows. It will become the body and blood of your Son, and when it does, I am with Him, too, on the cross. I give it all, everything, to you, trusting that in Your hands, all will be well.” The Eucharist is not something we watch; it is something we do. When you go to Mass, talk to God that way when the bread and wine are placed on the altar. Think about this during the Eucharistic prayer. Think about it now. Spend some quiet time with the Lord. From “Lent 2000,” published by the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan. Lenten Psalm of Longing I thank you, O God, for the warming of the winds that brings a melting of the snow, for daylight hours that daily grow longer and richer in the aroma of hope. Spring lingers beneath the horizon as approaching echoes of Easter ring in my ears. I lift up my heart to you, O my God in this season of Lent that gently sweeps across my sluggish and sleeping heart, awakening me to a deeper love for You. May the wind of the Spirit that drove Jesus into the desert, into the furnace of prayer, also drive me with a passion during this Lenten season to enkindle the fire of my devotion in the desert of Lenten love. Birds above, on migratory wings signal me to an inner migration, a message that draws me homeward bound on Spirit’s wings to the heart of my God May I earnestly use this Lenten season to answer the inner urge to return. Family Prayer Thank You, Lord, for each person in our family (name family members). We thank You for our home, and for all the persons who are part of our life together. (each family member might mention something for which he/she is thankful). Loving God, You have made us a family so that we can learn about Your love for us. Thank You for the times we are able to laugh and cry together, for giving us time to talk and listen to one another, and for all the ways we know we are loved. We ask pardon for the times we have hurt one another. Help us to be a sign to others of Your unconditional love for us. Please give Your special protection and love to those who feel alone, especially children. Help us to remember that we are all family and to share our blessings with others. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Taken from Faith and Family Fest, ©1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha A Family Prayer of Thanksgiving for Love Faithful God, You have lavished us with love. Keep us ever mindful that You keep Your promises. On our difficult days, help us to remember that You are a refuge for those who need shelter, a comfort for those who feel empty and poor in spirit. On our joyful days, fill us with a deep sense of thanksgiving as we experience Your everlasting love. Help us to share Your graciousness with all those who need a touch of generous love. Amen. From May I Have This Dance? by Joyce Rupp A Child’s Prayer Loving Father, today we celebrate this group of special people, our family. It isn’t anyone’s birthday; we just want to say “Thank You” for making us a family. We’re glad we have each other. Thank You for the times You have helped us to understand and love and forgive each other. Help us to know how much we need each other. Help us to remember how much we need You. Help us to grow together so that someday we’ll be together again with You in heaven. Amen. Reprinted with permission from Prayer After Nine Rainy Days and Other Family Prayers by Pat Corrick Hinton Prayers for One’s Children My God, source of all life, thank You for the blessing You gave me when You entrusted me with children. I have tried faithfully to live up to Your expectations. It is not for me but for each of them that I pray. Care for them in Your great kindness. Whatever I am lacking, supply the blessing of Your protection. You see the sincere love of my caring, small as it is, compared with what they need and deserve. In the name of this love, keep them, along the path of life, free from evil, and make them always strong, happy, and loving. All of them without distinction, are a living part of my being. My God, I want them to be better than I am. In the midst of the rich opportunities of life, may they count on Your powerful help. Every day, as I pray for my needs, my God, I am actually praying for them. In total confidence I place them under Your divine parental care. Amen. Reprinted with permission from Prayers of Blessing and Praise from All Occasions by Humberto Porto and Hugo Schlesenger Let my presence to my children be my prayer. When I reach to pick up laundry, errant toys, dirty dishes, or scattered CDs, may I lift them up as prayers to You. Let me fast from critical words, sniping words, pain-inflicting words. Let me forgo small-heartedness and feast on generosity. Let me fast from the junk food of my distractions and taste the plain sweetness of the present moment. Let me give of my abundance by offering time, attention, interest, and what wisdom I possess. May I give freely of myself, to put away the newspaper, put down the phone, look eye-to-eye and listen heart-to-heart. I ask this because all things are possible in you, Almighty God. Reprinted from “At Home With Our Faith,” March 1999 by Tom McGrath. Used with permission . in the Name of Love I suspect every parent has at least one habit that gets in the way of being the parent they want to be. What is it for you? Is it nagging? Is it not having the time to listen? Is it needing to correct or fix rather than hearing your kids out? Is it not trusting your kids? Or abdicating your responsibility as a parent? The list can be endless. One problem I have is that I get easily distracted rather than listening. Typically I let my mind drift off to work problems even when I want to be present to my kids. Here’s a challenge and an opportunity. Just for today, to the best of your ability, give up one bad habit and invest in a good one. For example, stop nagging and find something to praise in your child. Or put aside being wishy-washy and take a firm stand on an important issue. For me, I’m going to try to leave work at work and focus on the non-verbal cues my family members are giving me when I’m at home. I know I will wind up feeling closer to them and more a part of their lives. You can do it just for a day. Or you may find that you like the results and keep it up. But forget about forever. The best way to change a habit is to do it one day at a time. “Weekly Meditations for Busy Parents” by Tom McGrath. Used with permission. Ways to Reconcile at Home Establish forgiveness Establish a habit of forgiveness between parent and child. Say the words “I’m sorry for... ” and “I forgive you” as often as necessary. Teach you child to say them by asking: “Can you say....?” or “Are you ready to say ‘I’m sorry’?” Never force or demand an apology. See “Eye to Eye” The word reconcile comes from the Latin, meaning “seeing eye to eye.” Express forgiveness or sorrow by looking straight at the other person, touching their shoulder or hand, or hugging. Body language speaks as loudly or louder than words. Forgiveness Rituals Establish family and individual rituals of forgiveness in the home. Choose a space at home where you can go to reconcile differences (staircase, bedroom, front porch, etc.). Also choose certain times for reconciliation (bedtime, a Saturday trip to church, Sunday morning in the car on the way to church, etc.). Make forgiving one another a part of your family’s everyday life. Examination of Conscience Help your child examine his/her conscience on a daily basis. There are numerous examples in children’s prayer books - or make up your own. Follow it by talking about ways to change bad habits. End with an act of contrition or informal prayer expressing sorrow and gratitude for forgiveness. Eucharist Remember that there is a special time at the celebration of the Eucharist for reconciliation. Remind children before Mass to mention the things they are sorry for at the appropriate time. Remind them about the meaning of the term “contrite heart” that the priest uses. Celebrate forgiveness When a serious hurt has been forgiven between family members, find a way to celebrate together: go out for a treat, do a puzzle together, or read a special story. Time together heals hearts when words aren’t enough. Model forgiveness Children need to watch adults forgiving each other and resolving conflicts. It helps if parents can share examples of forgiveness such as: “I was very angry with Mrs. _____ for what she said, but I have forgiven her.” Don’t fake forgiveness If you are genuinely hurt by someone over a long period of time and cannot forgive him/her, explain to your child that you understand the necessity and value of forgiving the person. Let your child know that you are trying to forgive and are praying for the grace of forgiveness. Never give children the impression of forgiveness and then turn around and show unforgiving behavior toward the person who has hurt you. Taken from Faith and Family Fest © 1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha. Activities for Reconciliation ♦ Look for and encourage opportunities to use the phrases “I love you,” “I’m sorry,” and “I forgive you” with each other and with people you encounter in your daily activities. ♦ Decide on a time (once a month or so) when you will gather as a family or household to share hurts and mend fences. ♦ When you watch TV together talk about the actions portrayed on the show that either affirm or conflict with your own beliefs about God’s love and mercy, or the need for forgiveness and reconciliation. ♦ Make a habit of making peace with each other before going to bed. You can use words or gestures of love. If a difference can’t be settled before bedtime, agree about when and how you can work to settle it. ♦ Do an inventory of leisure activities and monitor language and images used in family conversation. You might want to work on this as a family or household to support and challenge one another in the effort. ♦ Attend a parish reconciliation service as a family. Encourage reception of the sacrament of Reconciliation. ♦ Use opportunities that are part of everyday family life to talk with young children about the differences between mistakes and sin. Lives of Reconciliation In my family it was a tradition that Grandma would give all the grandchildren a forgiveness stick on their fifth birthdays. She would cut an old broomstick about three feet long and mount it in a block of wood so that it would stand alone. The forgiveness stick would be placed beside the child’s bed. Every night before going to sleep, the child would think about who he had forgiven or who had forgiven him that day. If someone had been forgiven, or had forgiven him, he could cut a notch in his forgiveness stick. It was Grandma’s legend that the forgiveness stick was to remain with them their whole lives. Hers and Grandpa’s were always by their bed. They were covered with notches. At the end of a person’s life, the forgiveness stick was to be placed by the grave to show God how well the person had lived. This tradition can be started at any age. It is a wonderful way to end the day. Our family used to gather in the living room every night before bed, and Grandpa would carve the notches on those sticks whose owners had earned them that day. By Christine Ramirez, Family Ministry Coordinator, Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana. Reprinted with permission from the March/April 1999 issue of the “Jubilee 2000” newsletter. A Family Forgiveness Prayer Service for Lent Leader: Leader: Child: Loving Father, our family gathers here together with You. Help us to listen carefully to our hearts tonight [today] to see if we have shared our love and peace with each other, or if we have hurt each other. We know You love us very much. You are always ready to forgive us. Help us now to forgive each other. First, let’s listen to this story Jesus told about a forgiving father. (Adapted from Luke 15:11-32) There once was a man who had two sons. The younger son was unhappy. He wanted to leave the home and have fun. He said to his father, “Give me my share of the family money.” So the father gave each son his share of the family money. The older son stayed at home to work with his father. The younger son left home and went far away. He ate fancy food, bought fine clothes, and gave big parties for his friends. One day all his money was gone. So were all his friends. He was poor and sad and alone. He found a job feeding pigs. Sometimes he was so hungry that he felt like eating the pigs’ food. More than anything, the younger son wanted to be home again in his father’s house. So he left the pigs and started for home. Meanwhile, the father waited at home, hoping that his younger son would return. Every day he watched the road for some sign of him. Then one day he saw someone in the distance. He knew it was his son, and ran out to meet him. The son said, “Father, I have sinned against God and you. I do not even deserve to be called your son. Just let me work as a servant in your house.” The father threw his arms around his son and kissed him. He was so happy that he shouted to the servants, “My son has come home! Get him new clothes and sandals. Prepare a celebration.” The older son came in from the fields. He was tired from his hard day’s work. As he got closer to the house, he could hear music. “What is the reason for all the music and dancing?” he asked the servants. “Your brother has come home. Your father is so happy he is giving a party,” the servants answered. The older son grew very angry. He would not go into the house and join the party. Soon the father came outside to see his older son. The older son said, “Father, all these years I have been working by your side, but you have never given a party for me and my friends. This younger son of yours went away and wasted his money. Now, just because he has come home, you have a big celebration.” “My son,” replied the father, “you are always with me. Everything I have is yours. But your brother went away and has come home again. We thought he was dead, and now he is with us. He was lost, and now he is found. We must all celebrate his return.” All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Children: All: Parents: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: Thank You, God our Father, for always forgiving us when we are sorry. Let’s take a minutes to talk together about the message of this story. (Discussion) We are sorry, Father. Let’s ask God’s forgiveness for those times we have not obeyed His command to love all people. We are sorry, Father. For the times we have been mean or selfish to each other in our words, We are sorry, Father. For the times we have been mean or selfish to each other in our actions, We are sorry, Father. For the times we have refused to share our time or our things or our friendship, We are sorry, Father. For the times we have not welcomed others into our family, We are sorry, Father. For the times we have not shown our love for our parents by obeying them, We are sorry, Father. For the times when we as parents have failed to listen to our children’s needs, We are sorry, Father. For the times when we have not done our share of the work, We are sorry, Father. For the times we hurt each other by lying or telling only half the truth, We are sorry, Father. For the times we have not forgiven each other, We are sorry, Father. As a sign that we are willing to start over and be peaceful and loving again, let’s share a sign of our peace with each other. (A hug, kiss, a handshake) Reprinted with permission from Prayer After Nine Rainy Days and Other Family Prayers by Pat Corrick Hinton. Taken from Faith and Family Fest ©1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha. Lord, You told us to love one another, but the day is long and living with others is so hard. Little things bother us, we grate on each other’s nerves. Impatience creeps into our being. Tempers flare, arguments spring forth, and we end up hurting someone. Lord, You also told us to forgive one another. How wise You are! For it is in the forgiving that we set each other free to fully love again. Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together so that we may heal and be healed. Amen. Giving Tree Read Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree. You may decide to ask children old enough to read to the family, take turns reading pages aloud, or have the adult read this entire short book. Work with your children to create your own giving tree, having flowers and leaves to represent your Lenten efforts to grow in the virtues of patience, love, endurance, etc. As a good act is accomplished, leaves or flowers are added to the branches. You may choose to include names of the giver or receiver, or to encourage anonymity, with virtue as its own reward. By Easter, your beautiful, full tree is a wonderful sign of the fruit of your family’s love for one another! Be Like Simon Do your children know the story of Simon the Cyrenian? The account of Jesus’ torture and crucifixion includes this sentence: “As they led him away they took hold of a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country; and after laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus” (Luke 23:26). Although there’s not a lot about him in the gospel, Simon plays a key role. You can picture a simple, strong man, just arrived in Jerusalem, caught up in the middle of this horrible display of cruelty and injustice. Standing on the sidelines, he is nonetheless dragged into the center of the controversy and made to carry Jesus’ heavy cross. Here’s an idea for what you and your family can do for Lent. At least once a week, be a Simon the Cyrenian. As Simon helped carry Jesus’ cross, offer to help a neighbor, family member, classmate, or coworker with a tough chore. The help can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Realize as you’re helping today that you’re also helping Jesus. From “At Home With Our Faith,” March 1999. Used with permission of the author, Tom McGrath. Who’s Who in the Passion Story? See if your kids (and you) know the answers to these questions about key players in the Passion story of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. This story is central to our faith. (For clues, read the Gospel of Matthew chapters 26-28. Answers follow below.) 1._______________ was the apostle who betrayed Jesus by greeting him with a kiss. 2. At the Last Supper, Jesus celebrated the Jewish feast of _________________ with his disciples. 3. After the last supper, Jesus went with his disciples to the garden of ______________, where he prayed in great agony. 4. After his arrest, Jesus was taken before _________________, the high priest of the temple, who declare that Jesus had blasphemed. 5. ___________________ was the apostle and “first pope” who denied knowing Jesus. 6. ___________________ was the Roman governor who questioned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” 7. ___________________ of Cyrene was the good man who helped carry Jesus’' cross. 8. The spot on Calvary where Jesus was crucified was called _________________, or “Place of the Skull.” 9. ___________________ of Arimathea owned the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid to rest. 10. __________________ and __________________ were the first to go to the tomb on Easter Sunday. Reprinted from “At Home With Our Faith,” April 2000 by Tom McGrath. Used with permission. (Answers to Bible Quiz: 1, Judas, 2. Passover, 3. Gethsemani, 4. Caiaphas, 5. Peter, 6. Pilate, 7. Simon, 8. Golgotha, 9. Joseph, 10. Mary Magdalene and the “other Mary”). Ash Wednesday Prayer for Families O Lord of all love and unquenchable compassion, Burn in our hearts throughout this day of ashes. Give us courage to root out and set fire to all the junk in our lives: Pettiness and impatience, overindulgence and indifference. Where there is a grudge, help us burn it away with forgiveness. Where there is fear, help us burn it away with the fire of your love. Where there is greed, help us burn it away with self‐sacrifice. Where there is pridefulness, help us burn it away with the awareness of God’s grace. And after we’ve offered up all our shortcomings on your altar, Help us to rebuild our house on an indestructible foundation of love. Mary Lynn Hendrickson, www.HomeFaith.com Make Holy Week Special Take advantage of Catholic traditions. Take steps to indicate that this is not life as usual, but a special time set apart. Do that through what you eat, what you do in the evenings, what you talk about, and what you do upon waking and going to sleep. For example, you might set aside an evening to read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ passion and death. Encourage your local church to try to involve younger people in any Holy Week liturgies, and prepare your children for such participation by explaining what the symbols and readings mean to you. If you know of any Easter and Holy Week traditions from your ethnic heritage, introduce them to your children. Many families decorate eggs—symbols of the Resurrection—or put together Easter baskets that will be blessed at church. Many churches have services that are filled with meaningful symbols—like light shining forth in the darkness that cannot overcome it—and those rituals speak volumes directly to your child’s heart. The story of Jesus’ suffering and death are at the heart of Christian faith. They are at the heart of our very existence and meaning. It’s easy to be too busy or too distracted to attend these rites and lessons. But we deprive our children of life and meaning when we do so. Tom McGrath, Raising Faith-Filled Kids: Ordinary Opportunities to Nurture Spirituality at Home While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:26‐28 Why Is Lent Important? Lent prepares you to celebrate more fully the death and resurrection of Jesus. For individuals and the community, it intensifies Christian… HOPE Christians strive to understand more deeply the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ passage through death to eternal life and His promise of renewed life to those who believe. FAITH Christians try to strengthen and increase their faith and loyalty to Jesus through spiritual discipline and purification. LOVE Through self-sacrifice and works of charity, Christians seek to rise above self-love and follow the spirit of Jesus’ service and sacrifice. The more earnestly and deeply you observe Lent, the more you will benefit spiritually. Easter will have more meaning and more joy for you. “What Every Catholic Should Know About Lent,” Channing L. Bete Co. May the crosses of ashes that mark our foreheads be a reminder to us and to those we meet that we belong to your Son. A Prayer for Ash Wednesday Blessed are you, O Lord our God, the all-holy one, who gives us life and all things. As we go about our lives, the press of our duties and activities often leads us to forget your presence and your love. We fall into sin and fail to live out the responsibilities that you have entrusted to those who were baptized into your Son. In this holy season, help us to turn our minds and hearts back to you. Lead us into sincere repentance and renew our lives with your grace. Help us to remember that we are sinners, but even more, help us to remember your loving mercy. As we live through this Ash Wednesday, may the crosses of ashes that mark our foreheads be a reminder to us and to those we meet that we belong to your Son. May our worship and prayer and penitence this day be sustained throughout these 40 days of Lent. Bring us refreshed and renewed to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. © Catholic Update February 2004. St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, OH. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. Pope Paul VI Again we keep this solemn fast, A gift of faith from ages past, This Lent which binds us lovingly To faith and hope and charity. Gregory the Great Enrich Your Lent with Prayer To deepen your prayer life and make prayer more a part of your life, put prayer on your daily “to do” list this Lent. Tell yourself that you will find a few moments every day to pray. Here are some ways to get you started. Mark your day with prayer. In the morning dedicate your day to God. In the evening give thanks for the day. You can also pray throughout the day by making everything you do a prayer—not only your words but your thoughts and actions as well. Pray with Scripture. Read the passage slowly, noticing what stands out and speaks to you. Turn over in your mind what has struck you, and talk with God about its significance for your life. Listen for what comes from deep within you, and from God. Do some spiritual reading, listening, and viewing. Ask friends, family, or members of your church to recommend some good reading for Lent. Purchase some inspirational books on tape from a local religious bookstore, and have them on while you’re cleaning, cooking, or driving. Pray with others. Consider joining a prayer group or small faith community. Put yourself in the frame of mind that what you do in church on Sunday is prayer. Your singing, spoken prayers, even your posture and how you greet other people—everything—can be prayer. Go on a retreat. Lent is a good time to go on a retreat—to get away and pray. You have some time away from the responsibilities and pressures of daily life so that when you return, you are refreshed and inspired to live your faith more fully. During Lent we make a special effort to practice our faith. May your prayer this Lent be a blessing to you and those around you! Excerpted from “Five Simple Prayer Ideas to Enrich Your Lent” © by Joel Schorn. Lenten Table Blessing Begin after a short silence. The leader may alternate among those present. Leader: I was hungry. All: And you gave me food. Leader: I was thirsty. All: And you gave me drink Leader: I was a stranger. All: And you welcomed me. Leader: I was naked. All: And you clothed me. Leader: I was ill. All: And you comforted me. Leader: I was in jail. All: And you came to see me. Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, may our fasting turn us toward all our brothers and sisters who are in need. Bless this table, our good food, and ourselves. Send us through Lent with good cheer, and bring us to the fullness of your passover. All: Amen. Someone at the table reads one of the following Scriptures or the text assigned to the liturgy of the day. Reader: Listen to the words of the apostle Paul to the Romans: I urge you, therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. The Word of the Lord. (Romans 12:1-2) OR: Reader: Listen to the words of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians: [God says:] “In an acceptable time I heard you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation…In everything we commend ourselves as ministers of God, through much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, constraints, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, vigils, fasts…We are treated as deceivers as yet are truthful; as unrecognized and yet acknowledged; as dying and behold we live; as chastised and yet not put to death; as sorrowful yet always rejoicing; as poor yet enriching many; as having nothing and yet possessing all things. The Word of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 6:2, 4-5, 8-10) All: Thanks be to God. Leader: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to the Lord. Leader: We thank you, O Lord, who give us this food to eat. We pray that you may also provide food for those who are hungry and gather us all together at the table of your heavenly kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. After the meal Leader: No one lives on bread alone. All: But on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Excerpt from Prayers of the Lenten and Easter Seasons © 1989 National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. - Mother Teresa Family Reconciliation Ritual Leader: God became a human being in Jesus Christ. Jesus came, died and rose from the dead to reconcile us with God so that, reconciled with others, we might be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Pause and light a candle And so we pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May this burning candle remind us that, by the light of Christ, God forgives our sins and our failings. God loves us with the faithfulness of a mother, the tender mercy of a father. We are called to forgive those who hurt us, even when they did not intend it. We come together to pray for the grace we need to ask for forgiveness and to grant forgiveness. Allow a moment of silence to reflect on the need to be forgiven or to forgive, or to pray for family members in need of reconciliation. Oh God, you have bound us together as family. Help us to live together with mutual love and respect. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Reader #1 The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-9) Reader #2 Almighty God, show us your kindness, we pray: All: Teach us to be merciful, Lord. Reader #2 Jesus, you ate with sinners and comforted the brokenhearted, we pray: All: Teach us to be merciful, Lord. Reader #2 Holy Spirit, you console our troubled spirits, we pray: All: Teach us to be merciful, Lord. Reader #2 Let us pray together that God will give us what we need in order to live like Jesus. All: Our Father… Leader: God our loving Creator, the earth, the moon and the stars show the splendor of your glory. You created us to show the splendor of your love. In our baptism, you granted us the splendor of your forgiveness. May we continue to grow in the image and likeness of your son, Jesus, our brother, forever and ever. Amen. Exchange a sign of peace. Courtesy of Charles Balsam from the March/April 1999 Jubilee 2000 newsletter on www.usccb.org Deepen Your Prayer Life Come as you are. The good news is that while God wants us to come to Him as we are, God never leaves us that way. Seek God’s will, not your own. Pray boldly and trust God. You’ll grow more passionate about asking God to work in your life. Approach God often. If we truly desire to live fully, we must talk to God frequently. Recognize God in all the moments of life. Christopher News Notes No. 450 We pass on gospel values to our children when those values infuse our most mundane interactions within the family. When our children see how decisions are made, how conflicts are resolved, how work gives way to healthy play, how household tasks are undertaken out of a sense of commitment to the welfare of others, how affection and encouragement dominate family interactions, how challenges, corrections and discipline are engaged in ways that never demean but rather affirm the dignity of all—those children are being schooled in the life of discipleship. - Richard R. Gaillardetz, Ph.D. A family is holy not because it is perfect, but because God’s grace is at work in it, helping it set out anew everyday on the way to love. - U.S. Catholic Bishops, “Follow the Way of Love,” a pastoral. What Is Contemplation? Contemplation is both a way to pray and a way of life. It is a relationship with God and a practice to foster that relationship. Often a person remains in complete silence, reflecting on spiritual things. Contemplatives take time to get behind the busyness, noise, wordiness, and information overload of today’s world. Contemplative prayer does not replace all other types of prayer. It simply balances words and activity with silence and repose. Due largely to the Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton— who exposed many to contemplative life through his books The Seven Storey Mountain and New Seeds of Contemplation—the modern contemplative movement seeks to restore a tradition somewhat neglected in the history of Christian spirituality. God’s first language, contemplatives remind us, is silence. Before creation, there was utter silence, and that silence has remained, like a backdrop to the universe. Contemplation is a movement beyond conversation with God to communion with God and a more powerful sense of God’s active presence in every person and situation of our lives. Its main purpose is developing a deep relationship with God that carries over into the rest of life. Contemplation moves us beyond selfishness and attachment to a place where our true and natural selves find transformation and fulfillment. Joel Schorn, U.S. Catholic “Glad You Asked: Q&A on Church Teaching,” December 2003. The Corporal Works of Mercy God has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out into the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless his people. St. Teresa of Avila, 1515-1582, Spanish Carmelite nun, named the first woman Doctor of the Church. Taking Action: How to Involve Your Children During Lent Practice the traditions of fasting, prayer, and giving to the poor. You can encourage your children to give up a favorite snack or TV show and pay attention to their feelings in its absence. Coming to such an awareness is a valuable spiritual experience. Encourage your children to pray for someone who has hurt them. Jesus tells us to do good to those who hurt us. Select a worthy charity or mission opportunity that you will donate to as a family during Lent. Some families put a small This is what Yahweh asks of you: collection bowl on the kitchen table. Holding a family discussion on where to give the money will only this, open your children’s eyes to the needs of others in to act justly, the world and their responsibility to act in charity and to love tenderly justice for the good of others. and to walk humbly Encourage your children to read spiritual biographies. Introduce them via books and videos to with your God. people who made a choice to live their life with faith. Micah 6:8 Make Holy Week special. Talk about what the symbols and readings mean to you. If you know of Easter and Holy Week traditions from your ethnic heritage, introduce them to your children. Many families decorate eggs—symbols of the Resurrection—or put together Easter baskets that will be blessed at church. Often parishes have services that are filled with meaningful symbols—like light shining forth in the darkness that cannot overcome it—and those rituals speak volumes directly to your child’s heart. It’s easy to be too busy or too distracted to attend to these rites and lessons. But we deprive our children of life and meaning when we do so. Raising Faith-Filled Kids/Ordinary Opportunities to Nurture Spirituality at Home by Tom McGrath, Loyola Press, Chicago, IL © 2000. To feed the hungry To give drink to the thirsty To clothe the naked To visit the imprisoned To shelter the homeless To visit the sick To bury the dead The Spiritual Works of Mercy To teach the ignorant To counsel the doubtful To convert the sinner To bear wrongs patiently To forgive enemies To comfort the sorrowful To pray for the living and the dead “We are members one of another and everything that is given to one member is given for the whole body.” - Thomas Merton Fast from criticism, and feast on praise. Fast from self-pity, and feast on gratitude. Fast from ill-temper, and feast on peace. Fast from jealousy, and feast on love. Fast from pride, and feast on humility. Fast from selfishness, and feast on service. Fast from fear, and feast on faith. Raising Kids Who Care/About Themselves, About Their World, About Each Other by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto, Liguori Lifespan, Liguori, MO © 2003. Raising Kids Who Will Make Difference/Helping Your Family Live with Integrity, Value Simplicity, and Care for Others by Susan V. Vogt, Loyola Press, Chicago, IL © 2002. a Lift your heart to God and pray today for... 1. Emptiness. Pray that physical hunger will give way to spiritual longing. 2. A return to God. Like the father of the prodigal son, God stands waiting for us. 3. Acceptance. When life’s burdens arrive, pray for the gift of acceptance. 4. An open heart and mind. Be willing to learn new lessons and see deeper truths. 5. Charity. Donate money or food to a charity. 6. Healing. Be willing to open those wounds that stifle your spiritual growth. 7. Forgiveness. Ask God’s pardon for all the ways you may have strayed. 8. Faithfulness. Pray today that you can remain faithful to your commitments to God, to those around you, and to yourself. 9. Fear of the Lord. Pray that you will not fear God so much as you will fear ignoring and abandoning the God who loves you. 10. Mercy. The world desperately needs the healing that mercy can bring. 11. A grateful heart. Praise God for all the blessings that you receive every day. 12. Perseverance. Keep in mind that, on the way to the cross, Jesus fell. Rise up and know God’s help is at hand. 13. Silence. Seek silence today, and listen. 14. Surrender. Pray to release a bad habit that curtails your freedom to love God and others. 15. Release from resentments. When our heart clutches at resentment, we have no room to love God or others. 16. Calm. Much of life is filled with anxiety, worry busyness, and speed. Open your heart to a spirit of calm. 17. Understanding. Jesus said, “Judge not.” Instead, seek understanding. 18. Wonder and awe. Today, take time to really see the glory of God’s creation. 19. Hospitality. Lent is a time to give freely of what we have to others. 20. Self-control. Practice self-discipline to keep from gossip, spite, pettiness, and deceit. 21. Follow through. As you come to the midway point of Lent, ask God to help you follow 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. through on your spiritual journey. Contentment. Today, concentrate on how God provides you with what you need. Open hands. Go through closets and drawers and donate items you no longer need. Hope. Because we see so little of the big picture, we need the virtue of hope. Patience. Pray for patience, to adjust to the rhythms of nature on your spiritual journey. Zeal. Ask God to fill your heart with enthusiasm for following God’s ways. A good clean-up. As you tidy up a mess that saps your spiritual energy, pray that God will help clear away the blocks within you. Compassion. Pray for an increase in your capacity to feel the pain and sorrow of others so that you might be a channel of peace. Constancy. Jesus said, “I am with you always.” Pray that you might be truly present with love to those around you. Willingness. All it takes is the least bit of willingness for God to enter our hearts and begin the transformation. Release of anger. Anger can be a holy emotion that fuels us to protect the innocent and work for justice. But ongoing anger can easily get twisted into vengeance and hate. Courage. Like Jesus in the garden, pray today for the courage to show up fully for life. Reconciliation. Pray that you can be open to forgiveness, both given and received. Passion. Pray to be guided by your deep longings as you act as co-creator with God. Generosity. Today, pray for a spirit of generosity so that you might freely give of your time, talent, and treasure. Prudence. Pray for an increase in prudence, the virtue that guides you in the application of the rest of the virtues. Steadfastness. Pray that you will remain steadfast on this journey toward God. Wisdom. You have learned many lessons on this Lenten journey. Pray that this wisdom will illumine your heart. Joy. Pray today to see God’s love so clearly that joy fills your heart. Self-offering. Pray that you might gain the freedom to give yourself to God, to others, and to the world. Tom McGrath. Prayer Notes: “Prayer Starters for All the Days of Lent.” B lessed are you, O Lord our God, the all-holy one, who gives us life and all things. As we go about our lives, the press of our duties Lenten Spirituality and activities often leads us to forget your presence and your love. We fall into sin and fail to live out the responsibilities that you have entrusted to those who were baptized into your Son. In this holy season, help us to turn our minds and hearts back to you. Lead us into sincere repentance and renew our lives with your grace. Help us to remember that we are sinners, but even more, help us to remember your loving mercy. As we live through this Ash Wednesday, may the crosses of ashes that mark our foreheads be a reminder to us and to those we meet that we belong to your Son. May our worship and prayer and penitence this day be sustained throughout these 40 days of Lent. Bring us refreshed Through penance, find healing and forgiveness for your sins Through prayer, study and Lenten devotions, and renewed to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter. help your spiritual growth We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Through good works, you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. Catholic Update February 2004, St. Anthony Messenger Press renew your faith, hope, and love Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting for Families Think beyond the traditional ways of fasting, praying and contributing to the financial welfare of others. Even young children can participate in these rituals and activities. Set up a prayer corner or table in your home. Include a purple cloth, a cross, a bowl of water as a sign of baptism, a Bible, a candle, and a small box for prayer intentions. Devise a calendar and post it on your refrigerator. For each of the forty days of Lent, list one good deed, such as doing household chores, writing cards to distant friends or relatives, praying for peace, the sick, the lonely, and the dying, or volunteering in your community. Fast from dessert and junk food and donate the money you saved as a family to your local food bank. Turn off the TV. Ask each family member to choose their favorite Bible story. Read it aloud. Ask each family member to explain why he/she likes that particular story. Plan a movie night. Invite friends to join you. Choose a movie with a lesson or message and discuss it afterwards. Visit a nursing home. Adopt a resident to visit and provide for some of his/her needs. Walk together for a cause that is meaningful to your family (cancer research, peace, or ending hunger). Prepare a food basket for a complete Easter dinner and donate it to a family in your parish or community. Invite those without extended family nearby to join your Easter dinner. Post a “question of the day” on your family bulletin/black board and ask all to write down their thoughts. Share your reflections over a meal. Create some quiet time to be with God, at least once a week—more often, if possible. Ask God to enter your heart, and listen to what God has to say to you. Do some spiritual reading. Lent is a time to move beyond our limitations, to repent and be converted to Christ, to deepen our relationship with God and neighbor, and shed the habits that prohibit us from being all God wants us to be. Cecelia P. Regan, Church magazine Spring 2006 (adapted) Family Meal Prayer to Feed the Soul Our family’s restaurant manners are impeccable. Those of us with our food sit patiently, avoiding the temptation to dig in until everyone is served. At home, however, the appearance of food is immediately followed by its consumption, usually because someone has inconveniently chosen this moment to disappear and we have Places To Be after dinner. What is lost, aside from proper digestion, is that pause before lifting forks, a moment to acknowledge our togetherness. This time is precious in unifying our family and bringing an awareness of God’s presence to our table. It’s our moment to pray. We might always say the traditional prayer. In doing so, we are also unified with our larger family, the Catholic Church, whose members have uttered the same or similar phrases for years upon years. Said thoughtfully, it resonates. Even on those days when we zip to the finish, it makes a point—God is with us, and we thank him. But if you find prayer becoming habit over heart, there are ways to be more mindful at mealtime: ♦ Sing the traditional prayer—let your child improvise the tune. ♦ Say a prayer chain: Let one family member begin with something he is thankful for, then continue with prayers of thanksgiving around the table. You might start with a petition, praise to God—whatever the leader chooses. ♦ Read a poem or Scripture passage that gives thanks to God. Perhaps you can even find positive lyrics in a song from pop culture to engage your children. ♦ Instead of—or in addition to—a prayer before meals, try a prayer after meals. ♦ Institute a moment of silence. St. Therese of Lisieux described prayer as “a simple look turned toward heaven.” This gesture can reframe our focus: on each other, and on Jesus who offers us the greatest nourishment, his Body and Blood. Julianne Will, www.FindingGod.org “A child who does not gather regularly around the table giving thanks to God for food and family will have a very difficult time understanding the meaning of Eucharist.” - An experienced Religious Educator Here’s a simple prayer you can use at your dinner table throughout the season of Lent. One member of the family takes the role of leader. You may begin by lighting a single candle. Leader: When I was hungry, All: you gave me food. Leader: When I was thirsty, All: you gave me drink. Leader: When I was naked, All: you clothed me. Leader: When I was sick, All: you visited me. Leader: Gentle God, during this Lent help us to see you in one another. Open our eyes to those who are hungry for food or thirsty for friendship. Help us to reach out to those who are new or lonely. Bless this food and the time we spend together. In Jesus’ name we pray. All: Amen. “The Busy Family’s Guide to Lent,” a Prayer Notes from Abbey Press Nourishing Your Faith A snack of carrot sticks or a swig of milk doesn't have to be the only easy find at the fridge. Among many helpful hints from Bridget Mary Meehan is this one: “Make a list of all the people, situations, and events that you as a family are praying for. Include the needs and concerns for healing of Prayer your neighborhood, town, the List nation, and the world. Include the people and projects your family has chosen for an outreach project. Hang this list on the refrigerator door. This will serve as a reminder for members of the family as they open and close the refrigerator door. At the end of the month, during your meal, take down the list and give thanks to God, who heals us and blesses all our needs.” Mr. Jones Aunt Rose Sally Prayers, Activities, Celebrations—and More—for Catholic Families in “At Home with Our Faith” Enrich Your Prayer Life Mark your day with prayer Pray with Scripture Think of an ocean liner traveling the seas. A small change in its course will, over time, greatly change the destination. Lent is an opportunity to have small changes in your daily life make a big difference in your family over the long run. Practice Lent, right where you are. It’s where God is waiting for you. Tom McGrath, Raising Faith‐Filled Kids: Ordinary Opportunities to Nurture Spirituality at Home Do some spiritual reading, listening, and viewing Pray with others Go on retreat—maybe even online Lenten Prayers O Good and Gracious God, You call your people back to You this Lent. May this sacred season renew our desire to always live fully the promises of our baptism and to love You with our whole heart. Through more frequent prayer, acts of charity toward our neighbor, and fasting, may we remember that the most important thing we can do is love You and one another. We ask these things through Jesus, our Risen Lord and Savior. Amen. Jesus, who went out into the desert to fast and pray, come into our hearts and homes during this Lent. Be with us daily, increasing our self discipline, hearing our prayers and calling our attention to the good that we fail to do. Call us to be better people of God by praying and sacrificing 40 days in You and with You, forever and ever. Amen. Prayers for Holy Week Holy Thursday God our Father, our family is gathered here to share in this meal. On the night before He died, Your Son, Jesus, gathered His followers around Him and shared a meal with them as a sign of His love for them. Help us to always love one another for we know that where there is charity and love, You are there also. Bless us, our food and all our works in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen. Good Friday Dear Jesus, You died for us to show us how much You love us. Yet how often we forget! For the times we've been forgetful, forgive us. And while we may not be called upon to die for You, help us to live each day well, especially when we are tempted to give up. Amen. Holy Saturday Dear Father, we await the celebration of the rising of Your Son and our Brother with a feeling of peace and joyous excitement. Give us the grace to look forward in the same way to our own dying and rising in each day of our lives. Help us to always see the life of spring even in the death of winter. May we give glory and thanks to You through Christ our Lord and the Holy Spirit every day that we live. Amen. TENEBRAE - a Celebration of Darkness The word “tenebrae” means darkness, and often during Holy Week Christians commemorate Jesus’ time of darkness in the tomb with a Tenebrae liturgy. They want to experience the loneliness that darkness can bring, the sensation of the sadness and grief at the end of Jesus’ earthly life, the sorrow of Jesus at the denial and desertion of his friends and their abandonment to sleep when he agonized in the garden of Gethsemani. If your parish does not have a Tenebrae service, you might inquire about one being scheduled, or have one at home. The evening of Palm Sunday is an appropriate time for this prayer. Place fifteen lit candles in a row. Turn off all the lights in the room, so that the only illumination comes from these candles. Take a moment to notice how the fire dances, the light flickers, the shadows move with the flame. Each member of the family old enough to read can recite a portion of Psalm 51, the Church’s penitential song, then blow out one of the candles until all the candles are out, leaving as the last one lit the one in the center. 1. Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of Your compassion wipe out my offense. (Reader blows out 1 candle, and so on after each verse...). 2. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me. For I acknowledge my offense, and my sin is before me always: 3. “Against you only have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight” - that you may be justified in your sentence, vindicated when you condemn. 4. Indeed, in guilt was I born, and in sin my mother conceived me; Behold, You are pleased with sincerity of heart, and in my inmost being You teach me wisdom. 5. Cleanse me of my sin with hyssop, that I may be purified; wash me, I shall be whiter than snow. Let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness; the bones you have crushed shall rejoice. Turn away Your face from my sins, and blot out all my guilt. 6. A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Cast me not out from Your presence, and Your holy spirit take not from me. 7. Give me back the joy of Your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me. 8. I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall return to You. 9. Free me from blood guilt, O God, my saving God; then my tongue shall revel in Your justice. 10. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim Your praise. 11. For You are not pleased with sacrifices; should I offer a holocaust, You would not accept it. 12. My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a heart contrite and humbled, O God, You will not spurn. 13. Be bountiful, O Lord, to Zion in Your kindness by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem; 14. Then shall You be pleased with due sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts; then shall they offer up bullocks on Your altar. Everyone says together the Doxology: 15. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (Blow out the last candle). Remain silent for a few minutes in the darkness, and reflect on the mysteries of our salvation which we will commemorate in the days of Holy Week ahead. ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç Easter—Pentecost Alleluia! He is Risen After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, approached, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothing was white as snow. The guards were shaken with fear of him and became like dead men. Then the angel said to the women in reply, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.” Matthew 28: 1-6 Then the angel said to the women in reply, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.” Matthew 28:5-6 Loving God, we praise You with greater joy than ever on this Easter Day because Christ has risen as He said. He has broken the power of sin and healed an injured world. Christ has made us whole again. Fill our home with joy and peace. Bless our celebrations and our family. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. g{x XåâÄàxà The church, in shadows and lit only by the candles of the faithful and the single flame of the paschal candle waits in hushed expectation for the opening words of the Exultet of the Easter Vigil: “Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!” All of creation is invited to rejoice in the celebration of this feast as the Exultet joyfully proclaims the world’s salvation. In its great beauty the ancient text of the Exultet leads us to the mystery of God. The wonderful works of God are chanted in praise, with meditation upon what they mean for us. Make it your family’s tradition to read this prayer of our salvation at your Easter dinner, talking about it at the level of your children’s understanding. TÄÄxÄâ|t4 Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels! Exult, all creation around God’s throne! Jesus Christ, our King, is risen! Sound the trumpet of salvation! Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendor, radiant in the brightness of your King! Christ has conquered! Glory fills you! Darkness vanishes forever! Rejoice, O Mother Church! Exult in glory! The risen Savior shines upon you! Let this place resound with joy, echoing the mighty song of all God’s people! It is truly right that with full hearts and minds and voices we should praise the unseen God, the all-powerful Father, and his only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. For Christ has ransomed us with his blood, and paid for us the price of Adam’s sin to our eternal Father! This is our Passover feast, when Christ, the true lamb, is slain, whose blood consecrates the homes of all believers. This is the night when first you saved our fathers: you freed the people of Israel from their slavery and led them dry-shod through the sea. This is the night when the pillar of fire destroyed the darkness of sin! This is the night when Christians everywhere, washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement, are restored to grace and grow together in holiness. This is the night when Jesus Christ broke the chains of death and rose triumphant from the grave. What good would life have been to us, had Christ not come as our Redeemer? Father, how wonderful your care for us! How boundless your merciful love! To ransom a slave you gave away your Son. O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer! Most blessed of all nights, chosen by God to see Christ rising from the dead! Of this night scripture says: “The night will be as clear as day: it will become my light, my joy.” The power of this holy night dispels all evil, washes guilt away, restores lost innocence, brings mourners joy; it casts out hatred, brings us peace, and humbles earthly pride. Night truly blessed when heaven is wedded to earth and man is reconciled with God! Therefore, heavenly Father, in the joy of this night, receive our evening sacrifice of praise, your Church’s solemn offering. Accept this Easter candle, a flame divided but undimmed, a pillar of fire that glows to the honor of God. Let it mingle with the lights of heaven and continue bravely burning to dispel the darkness of this night! May the Morning Star which never sets find this flame still burning: Christ, that Morning Star, who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light on all mankind, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Prayers on the Feast of Easter God our loving Father, we are your people and everything in us shouts for joy on this feast of the resurrection. What great love and power you have shown! You have raised your Son, Jesus, from death! You have given him a new life stronger than death. You have made him Lord over all the earth. In the name of all your creatures we thank You for Your great love. We praise You and we wait with hope for the day of our own resurrection. Show us that we can celebrate the new life of Easter today and every day through the truth, the hope, and the love we give to each other in the name of our risen Lord. Amen. Reprinted with permission from Prayer After Nine Rainy Days and Other Family Prayers by Pat McCorrick Hinton Loving God, we praise You with greater joy than ever on this Easter Day because Christ has risen as He said. He has broken the power of sin and healed an injured world. Christ has made us whole again. Fill our home with joy and peace. Bless our celebrations and our family. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. He has been raised just as he said. Matthew 28:6 Easter Mealtime Blessing Leader: Jesus Christ is risen today. All: Alleluia! Lord Jesus, we celebrate your resurrection and we rejoice in your love. You are with us now as we share this meal, offering us forgiveness, peace, and new life. Help us to recognize you in the breaking of this bread, and strengthen us to share with others the good news of your rising. Leader: Jesus Christ is risen today. All: Alleluia! Catholic Update “Mealtime Prayers Through the Year,” by Robert M. Hamma © 1996. Resurrection Spring flowers preach the gospel: we who have died are alive today. We who risked winter now raise our heads high to the glorious sun. Delicate petals, daughters of resilience, they call to me, encouraging the heart of true believing. Joyce Rupp, Rest Your Dreams on a Twig, Sorin Books If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him. Rom. 6: 8-9 Symbols of Easter The Lamb reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice EGGS remind us of Jesus’ becoming alive again Easter Traditions Separating indigenous and Christian traditions Many worship rituals of indigenous people were adapted by the early Christians, and continue in common usage. Understanding these traditions can make them more meaningful. The very word “Easter” comes from a Teutonic goddess of spring by the same name. The early Christians added a spiritual dimension to the celebration of the pagan festival that heralded the coming of spring. For them, newness of life was more than blossoms, leaves, new lambs, and birds. It included the new life of the Spirit they had come to know through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Their celebration of Easter was as if to say, “Yes, the miracle of spring is worthy of praise, but there is so much more. We have a whole new understanding of ‘new life’: the Spirit of Christ living within us!” What about the date itself? Why is Easter celebrated on different Sundays from year to year? Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (the first day of Spring, when day and night is of equal length). When we consider it in terms of light, it takes on a symbolically beautiful meaning. The ancients were aware of the effects of the sun and moon and light and darkness—not months or dates or calendars. The shortest day of the year is December 21. Just when it might look as if darkness is growing and will overtake all light, light returns and begins to push back the darkness… this is when we celebrate the feast of Christmas. In Jesus’ birth a new form of light came into the world. On Easter, we celebrate Christ’s victory over all the dark things this earth could offer—even death itself. Easter eggs Ancient civilizations thought of the egg as holding the secret of new life. The creation stories of India and Egypt explained the beginning of the world as the splitting of a huge egg: one half becoming the heavens, and the other half becoming the earth. For the early Christians eggs still symbolized the secret of new life—the spiritual new life as found in the life of Christ. Easter Candle reminds us of how Jesus showed us the light XtáàxÜ _|Äç reminds us of new life Easter dinner A traditional Easter meal frequently served is a ham dinner. One explanation of the serving of ham at Easter is as a break from Judaic tradition. The serving of ham is an unspoken declaration that by Christ’s revelation and fulfillment of the law, Christians are no longer bound by Jewish dietary regulations forbidding pork. Lamb is also a favorite dish, and can be understood as an important symbol in relation to the life of Christ as the Lamb of God, the good shepherd, and as fulfillment of the Old Testament Passover or Paschal Lamb. Easter clothes As the Church grew and developed traditions and customs, Lent became a time to instruct new members in the faith, toward their baptism at Easter. New white linen clothes were worn for the occasion to symbolize their cleansing and new life of faith. Use the traditions that are meaningful to your family, and create some of your own to fill your home with the joy of Easter. A New Idea for Easter Eggs Eggs remind us of the new life that is present for all of us in the resurrection of Jesus. In pre-Christian times, eggs were a symbol of fertility, and people presented them to one another at the beginning of spring. During the Middle Ages, the eating of eggs was prohibited during Lent. So, on Easter morning, Christians would give eggs to one another to celebrate the breaking of the Lenten fast. The egg became the symbol of the tomb from which Christ emerged, calling us all to resurrection and new life. This year hide “Compliment Eggs.” Buy some plastic eggs, and along with some jelly beans enclose these messages after you have personalized them. Of course you can copy them or create your own— no one can ever receive too many compliments! From Family Prayers for Family Times/Traditions, Celebrations & Rituals by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto and www.FamilyFirst.net I have so much fun when we ________________________________________ You do such a great job at _____________________________________________ I appreciate it when you _____________________________________________ You are so thoughtful when you __________________________________________ You’re so helpful when you __________________________________________ I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when he raised Christ from death. Eph 1:18-20 Family Table Blessing During Eastertime An Easter candle is lit while the leader says: This is the day the Lord has made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia! Leader: We praise you, Lord, with greater joy than ever in this Easter season. The thirsty have come to the water. The poor have come to receive bread and eat. Blessed are you in earth’s bounty: the joy of the resurrection renews the whole world. Christ is risen, alleluia! All: Christ is truly risen, alleluia! Another form of Easter prayer begins with the sign of the cross. All: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Someone at the table reads on of the following Scriptures of the text assigned to the liturgy of the day. Reader: Listen to the words of John: [When the disciples had returned to shore at the Sea of Tiberius,] they saw a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.” so Simon Peter went over and dragged the net ashore full of one hundred fifty-three large fish. Even though there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come, have breakfast.” and none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because they realized it was the Lord. Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. John 21:9-13 OR Listen to the words of Luke: [The two disciples urged Jesus,] “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Luke 24: 29-31 OR Listen to the words of the apostle Peter: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 The reader concludes: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Leader: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to the Lord. Leader: We joyfully sing your praises, Lord Jesus Christ. Whom on the day of your resurrection were recognized by your disciples in the breaking of the bread. Remain here with us as we gratefully partake of these gifts, and at the banquet table in heaven welcome us, who have welcomed you in our brothers and sisters, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. All join in singing an alleluia. After the meal Leader: The disciples recognized the Lord, alleluia. All: In the breaking of the bread, alleluia. Excerpt from Prayers of the Lenten and Easter Seasons © 1989 National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. HOME BLESSING DURING EASTER SEASON Water is one of the signs that the Church often uses in blessing the faithful. Holy water reminds us of Christ, who is given to us as the supreme blessing, who called Himself “living water,” and Who in water established Baptism for our sake as the sacramental sign of the blessing that brings salvation. In some communities, it is customary for homes to be blessed during the Easter season. All who live in the house should be present along with friends and neighbors. The leader should be a member of the household. (All begin with the sign of the cross) Leader: God fills our hearts and homes with peace. Blessed be the name of the Lord. All: Now and forever. Leader: Christ, risen from the dead, is our hope, joy and comfort. May all who enter this home find Christ’s light and love. Reader: (using the family bible, proclaim one of the following passages: Luke 24:28-32 or John 20:19-21. Intercessions may be made while going from room to room and around the outside of the house, sprinkling with holy water. All then gather at the front door.) Leader: O loving God, make the door of our house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling-block to children, nor to straying feet, but rugged and strong enough to turn back the tempter’s power. God, make the door of our home the gateway to your eternal kingdom. Grant this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen! Our Father, Who art in heaven ... Leader: Lord, we rejoice in the victory of Your Son over death: by rising from the tomb to new life He gives us new hope and promise. Bless all the members of this household and surround us with your protection, that we may find comfort and peace in Christ Jesus, the Paschal Lamb, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen! (Again, all make the sign of the cross, with holy water) Leader: May Christ Jesus dwell with us, keep us from all harm, and make us one in mind and heart, now and forever. All: Amen! Taken from Faith and Family Fest © 1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha Sundays Are Easter Days In the time of the Old Testament, the people of God kept the Sabbath as a day of rest. That meant that they observed the lesson of the story of Creation: they paused to give thanks and praise for the goodness of God’s gifts. Because Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday, Christians gradually came to observe their Sabbath on Sunday, and it came to have a whole new meaning. Sunday was still a day of rest, but it also came to be a day to share with family and friends, for it was on a Sunday evening that Jesus first appeared to his friends after his death and resurrection. With your family you might plan together how you can observe that same spirit of Sunday as a day of thanksgiving and joy: a day to be with family and friends. Sundays might be a time for you to: ♦ Go out to breakfast or brunch after Sunday morning Mass, or buy something special to eat; ♦ Visit friends or relatives, particularly those homebound, grieving, or otherwise in need of care and love; ♦ Go on picnics, go to parks, join in some simple games outdoors or around the table; ♦ Write letters, call, or e-mail friends and relatives; ♦ Remind your selves of new life and the resurrection of Jesus with fresh flowers; ♦ Observe the day of rest with a nap or quiet time set aside from the week’s work, to be renewed for the week ahead. A Family Easter Basket Gather together as a family to discuss how Lent is a time to deepen your faith, show your love for Jesus, and be mindful of all he has done for you. Suggest the following idea as a way to do that every day. Each family member is to write on slips of paper things that any of you can do to increase virtue or draw you nearer to God. These are then placed in an empty bowl or container, and drawn out daily, perhaps at breakfast, bedtime, or together at the evening meal. For example: ♦ Today I will perform one loving act for each person in my family. ♦ I will do without dessert today at lunch and put the money saved in the Rice Bowl. ♦ I will write a letter or call a forgotten relative, neighbor, or friend. ♦ I will spend time really LISTENING to another. ♦ I will forgive someone. As these works are accomplished, the slip of paper is placed in the Easter basket. On Easter this same basket is used as the centerpiece for the family table, perhaps with the addition of colored grass, candy, and Easter eggs. We snuggle together, our family to keep warm in these early hours of Easter, to hear the great announcement: Christ is risen! We snuggle together - mother, father, children to hug, to embrace, to share Peace-that-passes understanding, to delight in open hearts and glad spirits! In the touching we find each other changed, more hopeful, cleansed from the ghosts of the past, more of a family. Why? We ask ever year, Why? We’re not sure. They say, “Christ is risen!” We know only that this is mystery, and our whole world is changed because of it. Only God really knows the hows and the whys. But we know the celebration, the delight, the hope. Resurrection Cookies Make the cookies together Saturday night before Easter Sunday. Ingredients: 1 cup whole pecans 3 egg whites Pinch of salt You need: Bible Zippered baggie 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. vinegar Wooden spoon Tape Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in zippered baggie and let children beat them with a wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19: 1-3 Let children smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19: 28-29 Add egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10: 10-11 Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it, and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27 So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalm 34: 8, John 3:16, and 1 John 1:3 Beat with a mixer on high speed for 11-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Romans 3: 23-24 and 1 John 2: 1-2 Fold in broken nuts. Drop by tsp. onto waxed paper-covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. Read Matthew 27: 59-60 Put cookie sheet in the oven. Close the door and turn the oven off. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27: 65-66 Go to bed! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16: 20 and 22 On Resurrection morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Resurrection Day, Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9 Blessing Prayer for Seeds Lord of all life, Who did hide Your seeds in all that lives, be present here as we greet these tiny seeds with their gifts of life. Seeds of life -- so small, and yet, in the mystery of death and burial, you will produce life tenfold and more. We sprinkle you with water, sacred sign of life, asking that you may be embraced by our mother the earth, fed by rain and kissed gently by the sun. In caring for you we shall experience the most ancient profession of the human family: the primal vocation of being workers in the garden. Soon you will be our pride and joy. Soon you will be our food as you give up life that we may live. Seeds, pregnant with life, teach us the Easter secret of life, as we ask God to bless you. Amen. Reprinted with permission from Prayers for the Domestic Church by Rev. Edward M. Hays, Forest of Peace Publishing, Inc., Leavenworth, KS Suggestion for use: • When planting a garden at home • When sowing new grass seed in the yard • When starting seedlings indoors Gather two or more friends or family members who will plant the seeds or care for them. Have a bowl of water ready for the blessing. You may wish to use water blessed at the Easter Vigil. Most churches make this available if you bring your own container. Taken from Faith and Family Fest © 1996 The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha ^xxÑ|Çz à{x fxtáÉÇá [ÉÄç Solemnity of Pentecost Pentecost: The Fiftieth Day Jews commemorated the giving of the Law on Sinai with a celebration called their “Feast of Weeks.” Luke, in his Acts of the Apostles, connects this celebration with Christianity as the day on which the risen Christ gave the gift of the Spirit to the disciples -- Pentecost. The forty days leading up to Easter are followed with the fifty days of Easter, culminating with Pentecost. Thus, this feast is directly connected to Easter rather than being a distinct celebration. The gift of the Spirit is the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to be “always with you” (John 14:16). When celebrating Pentecost, we are reminded of this promise. In essence, He remains with us through the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. At Pentecost the Church was empowered to move out of the upper room and into the streets with the gospel message. A celebration of the mission of the local church and the total Church may help to bring that same empowerment to us -- an empowerment that comes from the Holy Spirit. Here are some activities to remind us of the work of the Holy Spirit through us: 1. As a family, read the gospel of Pentecost. What gifts has the Holy Spirit granted to members of your family currently and in the past? 2. Have members of the family exchange gifts that represent the gift of the Holy Spirit most exemplified in the receiver’s life. 3. Discuss ways the family can reach beyond the home, much like the apostles were encouraged by the gifts of the Holy Spirit to move out of the upper room and into the community. 4. Study the history of your family. What gifts were evident as you consider past achievements of the family? How was faith modeled by your grandparents? 5. Have the children make a banner for each member of the family which illustrates the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to each individual family member. 6. Each week after Lent, discuss the various personality traits each family member was given at birth. Relate these personality traits to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Blessing for Pentecost Symbol Feather Gathering Prayer Spirit of God, You are present everywhere, pervading our lives like the air we breathe, like the wind that blows, like the life that flows through our being. May we be carried like a feather on the breath of Your love to serve others on this feast of Pentecost. Two Candles We light a candle to the past to help us see the fears and trembling that hinder and block the Holy Spirit’s life in us. Light one candle. Be silent. We light a candle to the future to warm the hearts of children everywhere that they may be awake and alert to the Holy Spirit as giver of life and gifts. Light second candle. Be silent. In the present, may we together experience the Holy Spirit among us – nearer to us than we are to ourselves. Pause. Reading Hildegard of Bingen writes: “But I am continuously filled with fear and trembling. For I do not recognize in myself security through any kind of personal ability. And yet I raise my hands aloft to God, that I might be held by God, just like a feather which has no weight from its own strength and lets itself be carried by the wind.” Questions for Reflection When have you felt like a feather in God’s hand? How have you seen the Holy Spirit work in others’ lives? Responsorial Be wind to bring healing. Come Spirit, come. Be breath to bring life. Come Spirit, come. Be a flame to bring light and warmth. Come Spirit, come. For what else shall we ask the Spirit? Pause, then response. Sending Prayer Clothe us with your Spirit. Carry us as a feather on the wind of your love to the north, south, east and west. We remember your promise: I am with you always. And we promise: We are with You always. Amen. Ask all to breathe in God’s spirit and breathe out God’s life in all creation. Reprinted from The Blessing Candles/58 Simple Mealtime Prayer-Celebrations by Gaynell Bordes Cronin & Jack Rathschmidt, OFM Cap. Gifts of the Holy Spirit Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness, and chastity. Gal. 5:22-23 Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest; come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O comforter, to Thee we cry, O heavenly gift of God Most High, O fount of life and fire of love, and sweet anointing from above. Each one of you has received a special grace. So like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others. 1 Peter 4-10 Resources for Family Spirituality and Keeping the Seasons Holy Bartkowski, Renee. Family Prayers for Daily Grace. Liguori, MO. Liguori Publications. 2003. Berends, Polly Berien. Gently Lead: How to Teach Your Children About God While Finding Out for Yourself. New York, NY: Harper Collins. 1991. Bush, John C. and Patrick R. Cooney. Interchurch Families. Washington, D.C. USCCB Publishing. 2002. Calvey, Phyllis. Keepers of the Light: A Parents’ Guide to Passing on Your Faith. Liguori, Missouri. Ligouri Lifespan. 2000. “Celebrating Lent At Home” (A Calendar of Activities For Lent and Easter Sunday). South Deerfield, MA. Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 800/628-7733. Chapman, Gary and Ross Campbell, M.D. The Five Love Languages of Children. Chicago, IL/ Northfield Publishing. 1997. Chesto, Kathleen. Family Prayer for Family Times. Mystic, CT; Twenty-third Publications, 2003. Chesto, Kathleen. Know Me, Hold Me, Sing To Me. Notre Dame, IN. Sorin Books, 2004. Chesto, Kathleen O’Connell. Raising Kids Who Care/About Themselves, About Their World, About Each Other. Liguori, MO. Liguori Lifespan. Revised and updated 2003. Coleman, Ronda. Around the Family Table/ 365 mealtime conversations for parents and children. Beltsville, MD. Robins Lane Press, 2001. Coloroso, Barbara. Kids Are Worth It! Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline. New York, NY. Avon Books, 1994. Costello, Gwen. Family Prayers for Lent. Mystic, CT. John Twenty-third Publications, 1997. Coury, Paul C.SS.R. Lenten Daybreaks. Ligouri, MO. Ligouri Press, 1997. Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families. New York, NY. Golden Books, 1997. Cragon, Julie. Bless My Child/A Catholic Mother’s Prayer Book. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press. 2005. Cronin, Gaynell Bordes and Rathschmidt, OFM, Cap. The Blessing Candles: 58 Simple Mealtime PrayerCelebrations. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press. 2000. DeFrain, John and Stinnett, Nick. Secrets of Strong Families. New York, NY, Berkley Publishing, 1986. “Day by Day Through Lent/ A Catholic Update” (# CO296). Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1996. 800/488-0488. Doe, Mimi. Busy But Balanced. New York, NY. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2001. Doe, Mimi and Marsha Walch, Ph.D. 10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting. New York, NY. HarperPerennial, 1998. Doherty, William J., Ph.D. The Intentional Family/ Simple rituals to strengthen family ties. New York, NY; HarperCollins. 2002. Doherty, William J., Ph.D. and Barbara Carlson. Putting Family First/ Successful strategies for reclaiming family life in a hurry-up world. New York, NY. Henry Holt & Company; 2002. Doherty, William J., Ph.D. Take Back Your Kids/Confident Parenting in Turbulent Times. Notre Dame, IN, Sorin Books, 2000. Fosarelli, Pat. Praying with Your Children/ A Guide for Families. San Jose, CA. Resource Publications Inc. 2003. Glavich, Mary Kathleen. Catholic Family, Catholic Home. Mystic, Connecticut. Twenty-third Publications. 2000. Gould, Meredith. The Catholic Home/Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day. New York, NY. Doubleday. 2004. Grizzle, Anne F. Reminders of God/Altars for Personal and Family Devotion. Brewster, MA. Paraclete Press. 2004. Hays, Edward. Prayers for the Domestic Church/A Handbook for Worship in the Home. Leavenworth, KS. Forest of Peace Publishing. Revised 2001 Hilliard, Laurie Lovejoy and Sharon Lovejoy Autry. Hold You, Mommy / Moments with God for Moms on the Go. Minneapolis, MN. Bethany House Publishers, 2006. Kehrwald, Leif. Family Spirituality/The Raw Ingredients of Faith. Chicago, IL, ACTA Publications. 1994. Kendig, Ellen J. Children’s Book of Family Blessings. New York, Mahwah, NJ. Paulist Press. 1999. Kinn, Gail. Be My Baby: Parents and Children Talk About Adoption. www.artisanbooks.com, 800/722-7202. 2001. Lahr, Maureen Treacy and Julie Pfitzinger Daily Conversation Starters for the Family Meal Liguori, MO. Liguori Publications. Revised Edition 2005. Ledbetter, J. Otis and Tim Smith. Family Traditions. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cook Communications. 1998. Lindsey, Jacqueline, Editor. Catholic Family Prayer Book. Huntington, IN. Our Sunday Visitor. 2001. McGrath, Tom. Daily Meditations (With Scripture) for Busy Parents. Chicago, IL, ACTA Publications, 2002. McGrath, Tom. Raising Faith-Filled Kids/Ordinary Opportunities to Nurture Spirituality at Home. Chicago, IL, Loyola Press. 2000. McNally, Thomas and William Storey. Day by Day; The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press; 2004. Mathson, Patricia. Time to Pray! Seasonal Prayer Services for Middle Grades. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press. 2004. “Our Holiest Week: A Practical Guide for the Holy Week Liturgies/ A Catholic Update” (#CO492) by Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1996. “Passover: Jewish Roots of the Eucharist/ A Catholic Update” (#CO398) by Arthur E. Zannoni. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1998. Rogers, Fred. Mister Rogers Parenting Book/ Helping to Understand Your Young Child. Philadelphia, PA. Running Press, 2002. Rogers, Fred. World According to Mr. Rogers/ Important Things To Remember. New York, NY. Hyperion Publications, 2003. Rupp, Joyce. The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press. 2000. Rupp, Joyce. The Circle of Life/ The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press. 2005. Rupp, Joyce. Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems, and Reflections for Every Season. Notre Dame, IN. Ave Maria Press. 2000. Santa, C.SS.R., Thomas M. Lenten Family Graces, A Treasure of Prayers for Lenten Meals. Ligouri, MO. Liguori Press, 1997. Sasso, Steve and Pat Sasso. 10 Best Gifts for Your Teen/ Raising Teens With Love and Understanding. Notre Dame, IN. Sorin Books, 1999. Smith, Timothy. Connecting with Your Kids / How Fast Families Can Move From Chaos to Closeness. Minneapolis, MN. Bethany House Publishers, 2005. Smith, Timothy. 52 Family Time Ideas/Drawer Closer to Your Kids as You Grow Closer to God. Minneapolis, MN. Bethany House Publishers, 2006. Steinberg, Laurence, Ph.D. The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting. New York, NY; Simon & Schuster. 2004. Stinnett, Dr. Nick and Nancy, Joe and Alice Beam. Fantastic Families/6 Proven Steps to Building a Strong Family. West Monroe, Louisiana. Howard Publishing Co. 1999. Stinnett, Dr. Nick and Nancy, Joe and Alice Beam. Fantastic Families Workbook/6 Proven Steps to Building a Strong Family. West Monroe, Louisiana. Howard Publishing Co. 2000. Thigpen, Paul and Lisa. Building Catholic Family Traditions. Huntington, IN. Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. 1999. Turpin, Joanne. Catholic Traditions/Treasures New & Old. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications. 2004. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. “A Family Perspective in Church and Society.” Washington, DC, USCC Publishing, 1998. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. “Follow the Way of Love.” Washington, DC, USCC Publishing, 1994. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. John Paul II “On the Family, Familiaris Consortio, Apostolic Exhortation” Washington, DC, USCC Publishing, 1982. Vogt, Susan V. Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference/Helping Your Family Live with Integrity, Value Simplicity, and Care for Others. Chicago, IL. Loyola Press. 2002. Wright, Wendy M. Sacred Dwelling/A Spirituality of Family Life. Revised Edition. Boston, MA, Pauline Books & Media, 2007. Web Sites: www.vatican.org (Holy See) www.usccb.org (US Bishops) www.nacflm.org (National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers) www.colsdioc.org (Columbus Diocese) www.FamilyLife.colsdioc.org (Marriage and Family Life Office, Diocese of Columbus) Family Films Worth Viewing and Discussing You may wish to preview the film to determine its appropriateness based on the maturity level of your child/ren, and/or visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ web site for movie information and reviews at www.usccb.org/movies A Man For All Seasons * Amistad Cry Freedom El Norte Fly Away Home Four Roses in December Ghandi In the Gloaming Malcolm X Mr. Holland’s Opus My Life Philadelphia Romero* Song of Bernadette * The Inn of the Sixth Happiness The Secret of Roan Irish The Shadow Lands To Kill A Mockingbird Schindler’s List Silkwood TV Hallmark Stories With Honors * Available through the Media Department of the Office of Religious Education and Catechesis at 614/221-4633 The following is a short list of movies and study resources (appropriate for a mix of ages) that are available through the Media Department of the Office of Religious Education and Catechesis at 614/221-4633. Cabbages and Kings Edna Eagle Goodnight, Mrs. Foster Heroes and Heroines (Series): People of Hope People of Prayer People of Courage Lights Camera...Faith! A Movie Lover’s Guide to Scripture—Cycle A Lights Camera...Faith! A Movie Lover’s Guide to Scripture—Cycle B Lights Camera...Faith! A Movie Lover’s Guide to Scripture—Cycle C Meaningful Conversations About Prayer (Series of four DVDs): How and Why We Pray Praying with Our Own Words Praying with Scripture Praying with the Church’s Words Miracle of the Heart Movies That Matter: Reading Film through the Lens of Faith Pardon and Peace Power of Forgiveness Saints Alive (Series) The Fall of Freddie the Leaf The Greenhouse The Happy Prince The Man Who Planted Trees When the Wind Stops
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