Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty A0516YC280 stk, cap, thy, asym, 30mm 37 A1237NC280 stk, cap, thy, asym, 50mm 69 E0460QC45C stk, cap, diode, efst, 43mm 21 E1200NC25C stk, cap, diode, efst, 53mm 18 E1300VF45C stk, cap, diode, efst, 66mm 5 E2400TC45C stk, cap, diode, efst, 87mm 7 EX349YH45C stk, cap, diode, efst, 30mm 7 F0240YC250 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 1 F0240YC300 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 26 F0300WC180 stk, std, diode, efst, 19mm 4 F0800LC180 stk, cap, diode, fast, 32mm 3 F1500NC250 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 7 FX356NC55P stk, cap, diode, efst, 53mm 17 G1000QC250 stk, cap, gto, sym, 43mm G2000HF250 stk, cap, gto, asSym, 68mm 61 G2500HF250 stk, cap, gto, asSym, 68mm 9 G3000TF450 stk, cap, gto, asSym, 85mm 9 H0500KC25D stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 1 H0500KC25Y stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 20 H0500KC28V stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 2 H0600KC18Y stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 11 H0700KC18Y stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 11 H0900KC140 stk, cap, gto, sym, 32mm 5 4 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 1 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty K0620QA650 stk, cap, thy, medv, 43mm 15 K0769NC600 stk, cap, thy, medv, 53mm 2 K0769NC650 stk, cap, thy, medv, 53mm 970 K1120NC420 stk, cap, thy, medv, 53mm 57 K1197NC32X stk, cap, thy, medv, 53mm 64 K1947ZC450 stk, cap, thy, medv, 77mm 7 K1947ZT44Z stk, cap, thy, medv, 77mm 54 K2095ZC380 stk, cap, thy, medv, 77mm 1 K2095ZC42W stk, cap, thy, medv, 77mm 4 K2095ZD42W stk, cap, thy, medv, 77mm 5 K2359TC650 stk, cap, thy, medv, 87mm 3 K3207EC520 stk, cap, thy, medV, 85mm 3 K3503FC520 stk, cap, thy, medV, 100mm 9 M0130RL250 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 68 M0130SL250 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 1 M0139RL180 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 2 M0139RM160 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 24 M0139RM180 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 14 M0139SK180 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 5 M0139SM180 stk, std, diode, fast, 19mm 4 M0225YH450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 15 M0268RC250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 49 M0268RH250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 40 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 2 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty M0268RJ250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 63 M0268SC250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 46 M0268SH250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 56 M0268SJ250 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 85 M0280RJ280 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 37 M0280SJ280 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 65 M0310YH350 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 67 M0334RC200 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 18 M0334RJ200 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 78 M0334SC200 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 2 M0336RA140 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 50 M0336SA140 stk, std, diode, fast, 24mm 53 M0367WC280 stk, cap, diode, fast, 24mm 9 M0437WC140 stk, cap, diode, fast, 24mm 61 M0439YC300 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 3 M0451YC200 stk, cap, diode, fast, 24mm 2 M0659LC450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 38mm 4 M0736LC450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 38mm 7 M0790YC250 stk, cap, diode, fast, 30mm 10 M0872LC210 stk, cap, diode, fast, 32mm 5 M0914LC250 stk, cap, diode, fast, 38mm 1 M1010NC450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 32 M1080LC120 stk, cap, diode, fast, 38mm 2 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 3 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty M1080LC160 stk, cap, diode, fast, 38mm 98 M1104NC450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 1 M1163NH450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 6 M1502NC250 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 11 M1583VF450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 63mm 7 M1609NC260 stk, cap, diode, fast, 50mm 55 M2322ZC450 stk, cap, diode, fast, 77mm 4 MCA500-12IO1 stk, mod, thy/thy, 42mm 8 MCC500-12IO1 stk, mod, thy/thy, 42mm 8 MCD500-16IO1 stk, mod, thy/diode, 42mm 11 MCD500-18IO1 stk, mod, thy/diode, 42mm 30 MDA600- fg, mod, diode/diode, 42mm 15 MDA950-22N1W stk, WCmod, diode/diode, 42 7 MDD600-22N1 stk, mod, diode/diode, 42mm 45 MDD950-1 fg, WCmod, diode/diode, 42m 4 N0255WC140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 19mm 1 N0255WC160 stk, cap, thy, pc, 19mm 1 N0290SC160 stk, std, thy, pc, 24mm 1 N0335SC160 stk, std, thy, pc, 24mm 39 N0392WC140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 24mm 1 N0465WN160 stk, cap, thy, pc, 19mm 64 N0491WC080 stk, cap, thy, pc, 24mm 76 N0530YN250 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 159 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 4 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty N0606YC260 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 5 N0634LC400 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 1 N0634LC420 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 143 N0676YS160 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 7 N0676YS200 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 4 N0795YN180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 422 N0992YC060 stk, cap, thy, pc, 30mm 1 N1010NC380 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 96 N1075LN180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 972 N1132NC350 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 2 N1140LN140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 182 N1263JK180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 10 N1314NC360 stk, cap, thy, pc, 53mm 78 N1479NC24R stk, cap, thy, pc, 53mm 4 N1547NC220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 2 N1581QL180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 42mm 3 N1651QK220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 42mm 42 N1718NS120 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 783 N1718NS200 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 1 N1806QK160 stk, cap, thy, pc, 42mm 1 N1806QK180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 42mm 49 N2015ML220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 59mm 24 N2083QK140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 42mm 11 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 5 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty N2086NC100 stk, cap, thy, pc, 50mm 30 N2154JK060 stk, cap, thy, pc, 38mm 34 N2191ML180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 59mm 7 N2418ZD420 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 9 N2520ML140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 59mm 2 N2593MK180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 59mm 31 N2600MC180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 56mm 8 N2825TJ450 stk, cap, thy, pc, 83mm 22 N3012ZC240 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 4 N3012ZD220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 2 N3022MK140 stk, cap, thy, pc, 59mm 10 N3029ZC300 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 26 N3039TC520 stk, cap, thy, pc, 87mm 4 N3476TD420 stk, cap, thy, pc, 87mm 17 N3533ZD200 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 1 N3565HA180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 69mm 31 N3839TC350 stk, cap, thy, pc, 87mm 2 N3904HK200 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 2 N3904HK220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 22 N3930ZC160 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 5 N4085ZC120 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 7 N4151FC420 stk, cap, thy, pc, 100mm 4 N4340TJ220 stk, cap, thy, pc, 83mm 3 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 6 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty N4400TC300 stk, cap, thy, pc, 87mm 9 N5177FC300 stk, cap, thy, pc, 100mm 9 N6012ZD060 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 14 NX291MC450 stk, cap, thy, pc, 56mm 68 NX367ZD180 stk, cap, thy, pc, 77mm 7 P0146SH10B stk, std, thy, fast, 19mm 6 P0146SH10C stk, std, thy, fast, 19mm 11 P0146SH12B stk, std, thy, fast, 19mm 25 P0146SH12C stk, std, thy, fast, 19mm 21 P0311SC12D stk, std, thy, fast, 24mm 1 P0327WC12D stk, cap, thy, fast, 24mm 16 P0330SC06A stk, std, thy, fast, 24mm 19 P0330SC08B stk, std, thy, fast, 24mm 9 P0389WC08A stk, cap, thy, fast, 24mm 7 P0431SC06C stk, std, thy, fast, 24mm 5 P0515WC06B stk, cap, thy, fast, 24mm 15 P0848YS06B stk, cap, thy, fast, 30mm 46 P1007LC12F stk, cap, thy, fast, 38mm 70 R0487YC14D stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 80 R0487YS12D stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 17 R0487YS14D stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 35 R0487YS14E stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 13 R0577YC12C stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 15 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 7 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty R0633YC12# stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 3 R0633YC12D stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 1 R0633YS10D stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 87 R0633YS12E stk, cap, thy, dist, 30mm 3 R0717LC14G stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 34 R0717LS14G stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 4 R0736LC25J stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 41 R0736LS20J stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 61 R0736LS25J stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 1 R0830LC12D stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 11 R0830LC12E stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 10 R0830LC14# stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 26 R0830LS15D stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 3 R0878LC21J stk, cap, thy, dist, 38mm 1 R1127NC32N stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 2 R1127NC36V stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 1 R1127NC36W stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 2 R1158NC26N stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 47 R1280NC14H stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 12 R1280NC25N stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 109 R1331NC12B stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 4 R1331NC12C stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 5 R1331NS12C stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 5 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 8 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty R1448NC14J stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 2 R1448NC20H stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 3 R1448NC20J stk, cap, thy, dist, 53mm 2 R1700MC21E stk, cap, thy, dist, 56mm 27 R2475ZD28M stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 2 R2619ZC22# stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 2 R2619ZC24J stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 1 R2619ZD25J stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 13 R2619ZD25K stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 22 R2619ZD25N stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 10 R2714ZC16# stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 2 R2714ZC18K stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 1 R3370ZC12D stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 13 R3370ZC12E stk, cap, thy, dist, 77mm 2 S0300SR12Y stk, std, gto, sym, 24mm 5 W0428RC260 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 20 W0428RE320 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 42 W0428RF320 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 87 W0428SC260 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 22 W0428SE320 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 127 W0428SF320 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 57 W0503RC240 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 5 W0503RD240 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 29 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 9 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty W0503SC240 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 5 W0507YH450 stk, cap, diode, rec, 30mm 21 W0628RB150 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 83 W0642WC240 stk, cap, diode, rec, 24mm 41 W0642WI220 stk, cap, diode, rec, 24mm 36 W0735RA150 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 7 W0735RA160 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 9 W0735RB150 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 35 W0735SB150 stk, std, diode, rec, 24mm 177 W1074YC320 stk, cap, diode, rec, 30mm 13 W1074YH320 stk, cap, diode, rec, 30mm 1 W1411LC360 stk, cap, diode, rec, 38mm 4 W1520NT600 stk, cap, diode, rec, 50mm 49 W1524LC300 stk, cap, diode, rec, 38mm 43 W1608NC500 stk, cap, diode, rec, 50mm 8 W1856NC440 stk, cap, diode, rec, 50mm 6 W2020NC450 stk, cap, diode, rec, 53mm 25 W2115MC600 stk, cap, diode, rec, 56mm 23 W2664NC400 stk, cap, diode, rec, 53mm 7 W2820VC450 stk, cap, diode, rec, 63mm 24 W2958NC350 stk, cap, diode, rec, 53mm 18 W3455QK220 stk, cap, diode, rec, 42mm 50 W3477MC400 stk, cap, diode, rec, 56mm 41 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 10 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095 Current Stock 24 December 2014 IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE Please check availability with Customer Service prior to placing any orders. Telephone : Fax : Website : e-Mail Enquiries : +44 (0)1249 444524 +44 (0)1249 659448 Part Number Description Qty W3697VC280 stk, cap, diode, rec, 63mm 12 W3697VF280 stk, cap, diode, rec, 63mm 6 W3708MC350 stk, cap, diode, rec, 56mm 15 W3743ZD460 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 1 W3864QK180 stk, cap, diode, rec, 42mm 6 W4096ZC450 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 4 W4096ZD450 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 1 W4693QK080 stk, cap, diode, rec, 42mm 8 W4693QR080 stk, cap, diode, rec, 42mm 10 W5092ZD350 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 10 W5139TJ480 stk, cap, diode, rec, 83mm 6 W5282ZC300 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 3 W5292TC560 stk, cap, diode, rec, 87mm 3 W5334MK220 stk, cap, es, diode, rec, 59mm 2 W5696VC140 stk, cap, diode, rec, 63mm 7 W5838ZC220 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 2 W6262ZD240 stk, cap, diode, rec, 77mm 1 W6908FC500 stk, cap, diode, rec, 100mm 15 W7045MC060 stk, cap, diode, rec, 56mm 12 W9830TJ150 stk, cap, diode, rec, 83mm 46 Y200CKC250 stk, cap, gto, pulse, 32mm 14 Y500CNC250 stk, cap, gto, sym, 50mm 5 CONFIDENTIALITY The information contained in this document is supplied in confidence and is the property of IXYS UK Westcode Ltd. It shall not be disclosed or used either in part or as a whole without the prior written permission of the Company. Page 11 of 11 Registered in England: Number 3426095
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