E. E. BUTCHEFR APPARATUS vFOR RECEIVING ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS. 'APPUCATION FILED MAYM. 191% 1,263,204. _ Patented Apr. 16, 191& - A ‘If-db‘ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EIQMEB E. BUTCHER, 0F INTERLAKEN, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNORIITO MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, A CORPQRAITION OE NEW JERSEY. AIPABATUS FOR RECEIVING ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. 1,263,204‘. ‘ ‘Patented Apr. 16, 1918. Application ?led May 14, 1914. ' Serial No. 838,418. , It should be understood I that wires 1, . To all whom it may concern: Be it known thatI, Emma E.'Bo'ronr.n, shown in the drawing, are illustrative of any a citizen of the United States, and a resi- _ elevated conductor, that they need not be ' dent of Interlaken, Monmouth county, New telephone or telegraph wires nor, in fact, Jersey, have invented or discovered certain wlres at all; nor need they be of any partic 60 new and useful Improvements in Apparatus . ular dimensions. I have shown at 3 wires tappin the lines for -"Receivin Electrical 0SCll1&t10I1S,' of which the £0 owing is a speci?cation. 10 ' oscillations. ‘ 7 My invention may be applied to the re ' Y ceiving of electrical oscillations, no matter 15 how reduced and irrespective of their gen eral c aracter. It may be used for receiving 20 1. ~ In each of the wires 3 I pre erably in The general object of_my invention is to sert a‘condenser 4, although thisoondenser produce an apparatus suitable for the recep is not necessary. It is, however, desirable tion, detection and ampli?cation of electrical in order to prevent interference with the both continuous or damped oscillations and may be used in any connection in‘which'it may be of service, as, for instance, in wireless or wire telegraphy, or wireless or wire teleph ony. Irhave shown in the ‘drawing accom- ‘ panying this speci?cation a form which_my invention may take. Since this drawing, other uses to which the line wires 1 may bev put, either by reason of the connection‘ of several of these wires 1 to each other, or by reason of the operation .of the oscillation 70 detecting apparatus. Wires 3 are connected together as at 5, at which point a local de tector circuit is connected, comprising a coil 6, a variable condenser 7, and a detector 8. Coil 6 is preferably in the form of a long 75 ‘coil having a large inductance and a rela-‘ tively low distributed capacity and acts as a linearoscillator, producin a oint of man‘; > however, shows only one of the many ways mum potential to which t e etector is con 25 in which my invention may be applied, it is nected. Condenser 7 is a small variable con 80 intended to be diagrammatic and illustra ’denser and is not essential to the operation tive only. The illustration ‘chosen is in con of my device, although I prefer to- use it. nection with wirelem telegraphy, although, Coil 6 is preferably a coil having a relatively as I have pointed out, my invention is not large number of turns and a natural period con?ned to-this use, and I do not wish to approximating that of the received oscilla as; be limited to the speci?c form illustrated, tions, and condenser 7 is preferably of rela ' since it will be apparent to those‘ skilled in tively small ca acity. detector I have illus- I. v The speci?c orm of the art that many changes may be made without departing from the spirit of my m trated is a multiple element valve detector of the ordinary type although it will be under 85 vention. - 90 ‘ - One of the many advantages of my inven'-' stood that any ot er suitable form of, detec 40 tion when used in connection with wireless tor may be used. Detector 8' consists of a ' telegraphy is that the resonant aerial ‘circuit sealed vessel inclosing three electrodes, av now used, which .involves the erection of grid electrode 9 by which it is connected to ensive aerials masts, etc., and consider the detecting circuit; a plate electrode 10; 96 ab 6 di?iculty of operation intuning the and a ?lament electrode 11. The ?lament aerial circuit to the received7oseillations, electrode 11 is heated by means of a batter may be dispensed with and a collector of or other source of heat 12, and is connecte , enelrl'gy out of resonance with the received ‘through a battery 13 and a telephone 14., to 45 osc ationsvused. ' Referrin to the drawing, I have shown plate electrode 10. a ' > . 100 In the operation of my‘ device connection at 1 a con uctor which may be the wires of is made to any convenient and suitable con- ,~ a telegraph or telephone line, a telephone ductors 1, which are not tuned to the pe line being preferably used if wires are em riodicity of the received oscillations. ‘How- ’ 80 ployed as a conductor. These wires may be ever, the circuit including the coil 6 and con 105 grounded as at 2 or not. Conductors 1 form denser 7, but omitting condensers 4 is tuned a collector of energy merely and are not in to the received oscillations by varying the resonance with the received oscillations, their constants in the usual manner. The batter purpose being merely to intercept them and ies 12 and-.13 are adjusted to give a maxi response in the telephqilib 14. W transmit their to the detector, I mI naeaaoe When arranged and operated as I have geriod'approximating that of the re described it signals may be received and de ural celve oscillatlons, a capacity and a detector tected without in any way interfering with in series and a capacity intervening between 10 15 the ordinary uses of the conductors to which the collector of energy and the local detec the detector has been attached. ' tor circuit. What I claim is: 4. In an apparatus'for receiving electrical 1. In an apparatus for receiving electrical ' oscillations, a grounded collector, an open oscillations, a collector, an open local circuit local-circuit including a detector, and a. con including a detector, and a condenser be denser connected between said collector and tween said collector and said local circuit. said local circuit. 2. In an apparatus for receiving electrical 5. In an apparatus for receiving electrical oscillations a collector of energy out of reso oscillations, a collector, an open local circuit nance with the received oscillations and including a detector, said local circuit in an open local detector‘ circuit tuned to the cluding a capacity and inductance, said de periodicity of the received oscillatlons and tector, capacity and inductance being con comprising a detector, an inductance and a nected in series, and a condenser between ‘capacity in series. 3. In an apparatus for receiving electrical said collector and said local circuit. In witness whereofI have hereunto signed v nance with the received oscillations, a local this 13th day of May, 1914. ‘detector circuit associated ‘therewith, said I ELMER It. BUTCHER. circuit being tuned to the periodicity of the Witnesses: 1 oscillations a collector of energy out of reso received oscillations and containing an in ductance consisting] of a 0011 having a nat my name in the presence of two witnesses WALTER S. Jonas, ‘ WM. M. Earn. 25 30 35 40
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