GENETIC TESTING AND MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS Volume 13, Number 1, 2009 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Pp. 73–77 DOI: 10.1089=gtmb.2008.0054 Detection of Parental Origin and Cell Stage Errors of a Double Nondisjunction in a Fetus by QF-PCR Ali Irfan Guzel,1 Osman Demirhan,1 Ayfer Pazarbasi,1 Fatma Tuncay Ozgunen,2 Sabriye Kocaturk-Sel,1 and Deniz Tastemir1 Aim: To investigate parental origins and cell stage errors of a double nondisjunction in a fetus. Method: For the determination of the most common chromosome anomalies, quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction method using short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers was applied to a fetus with abnormal ultrasonographic findings. Parental origin and cell stage errors of the trisomies were inferred by comparing the inherited STR alleles. Conventional cytogenetic technique was also applied for the confirmation of the aneuploidies. Results: A double nondisjunction including chromosomes 21 and X (48,XXX,þ21) was detected prenatally in the fetus. The origin of both chromosomes was maternal, and the errors were in meiosis I for 21 and meiosis II for X. Molecular results were concordant with cytogenetic results. Conclusion: Molecular techniques could be useful for the pre- and postnatal diagnosis of the common aneuploidies and determining its parental origin. This kind of study will improve knowledge about the mechanisms of nondisjunction and enable appropriate and rapid genetic counseling. dem repeat (STR) regions of any chromosome. Parental origin of the aneuploidy can be inferred by comparing the inherited alleles and their relative doses with parental DNA samples, too (Lamb et al., 1996, Adinolfi et al., 1997; Diego-Alvarez et al., 2006). QF-PCR is increasingly being considered and proposed as a complementary investigation or even as an alternative to conventional cytogenetic analysis in prenatal diagnosis (Grimshaw et al., 2003; Ogilvie, 2003; Leung et al., 2004). In this study, we report a fetus diagnosed as trisomy 21 and X using QF-PCR and karyotype analysis. It was also determined by analyzing the transmission of the STR markers that the abnormality is arisen by maternal nondisjunction in meiosis I (M I) and in meiosis II (M II). Introduction A lthough nondisjunction is the most common cause of chromosomal abnormalities, the event of double aneuploidies is observed rarely (ranges from 0.21% to 2.8% among karyotyped spontaneous abortions) (Ohno et al., 1991; Reddy, 1997; Li et al., 2005). So far, a number of double aneuploidy cases have been reported (Hassold and Jacobs, 1984; LordaSanchez et al., 1991; Jaruratanasirikul and Jinorose, 1994; Tsukahara et al., 1994; Park et al., 1995; Chen et al., 2000; Kovaleva and Mutton, 2005), but the mechanism of it has not been well studied. Epidemiological analysis of sex chromosome and chromosome 21 double aneuploidy showed that a 48,XXY,þ21 karyotype was associated with advanced maternal age in contrast to a 48,XYY,þ21 karyotype (Kovaleva and Mutton, 2005). Women with pregnancies at increased risk of chromosome abnormality (usually because of maternal age, altered serum metabolites, or ultrasound abnormalities of the fetus) undergo invasive sampling of either amniotic fluid (AF) or chorionic villi. Cells from these samples are used for full karyotype analysis or DNA extraction to be used in molecular studies (NEQAS, 2000). Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) entered the field of prenatal diagnosis to overcome the need to culture fetal cells, and hence allows rapid diagnosis of some selected chromosomal anomalies (Divane et al., 1994; Pertl et al., 1999). QF-PCR is based on the amplification of highly polymorphic short tan- Case and Methods Case AF from a fetus that has some positive ultrasonographic and biochemical findings for fetal Down’s syndrome was taken. Ultrasonography at the time of amniocentesis (18 weeks of gestation) showed nuchal thickening (10.7 mm), a large ventricular septal defect, pericardial effusion, and absence of middle flanks of fifth fingers at both hands. Peripheral blood samples were taken from the mother (35 years old) and father (40 years old) after they were informed about the study for the ethical reasons. Departments of 1Medical Biology and Genetics and 2Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey. 73 74 Molecular studies DNA extraction was performed from AF and blood samples by incubating cell pellets with InstaGene Matrix (BioRad, Hercules, CA). QF-PCR amplifications were performed using Aneufast (Molgentix SL, Barcelona, Spain) trisomy detection kit. The kit includes fluorescently labeled primers for the total 28 predefined STR markers for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y (6 for each of chromosomes 13 and 18, 7 for chromosome 21, and 9 for chromosomes X and Y), Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (dNTPs), and Hot Start Taq polymerase in six multiplex PCR mixtures. Reactions were prepared (10 mL of the PCR mixtures þ 5–10 ng of DNA and PCR grade water up to 15 mL) and thermal cycled (15 min at 958C continued with 25 cycles of 40 s at 958C, 90 s at 608C and 40 s at 728C, and then final extension at 608C for 30 min) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. QF-PCR products (1.5 mL from each mix) were collected in 40 mL Hi-Di formamide (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) containing 0.3 mL of GeneScan500 LIZ (Applied Biosystems) size standard. After denaturation at 958C for 3 min, the mixture was allowed to be cooled to 48C, and then capillary electrophoresis was carried out on an ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (ABI, Foster City, CA) using POP4 polymer. Analysis of the results and calculation of the peak areas were performed using GeneMapper 4.0 software (Applied Biosystems). The criteria and guidelines for the determination of QF-PCR results of normal and pathological cases were as follows: in normal individuals who are heterozygous for the STR, the same amount of fluorescence is generated for both alleles. Therefore, the ratio between the fluorescent peaks is 1:1. In normal individuals who are homozygous (have the same repeat number) for GUZEL ET AL. the STR alleles, the quantification is not possible, and the marker is uninformative, and the ratio is 1. In trisomic cases, the three copies of a chromosome can be detected as 1:1:1 (trisomic triallelic) or 2:1 (trisomic diallelic) patterns. Assessment of normal or trisomic copy number is done when at least two informative markers for each chromosome are detected. Due to the occasional preferential amplification of the smaller allele, the ratios between fluorescent peaks may vary within certain limits: 0.8–1.4:1 or 1.6:1 (for alleles differing $ 20 bp) for normal cases (ratio: 1:1), and # 0.6 $1.8:1 for trisomic cases (ratio: 1:1:1, 1:2, or 2:1). Ratios are calculated by dividing the area of the smaller allele by the area of the longer allele. Taq polymerase slippage during PCR amplification of repeated sequences can produce extra products that are exactly one repeat smaller than the STR allele; these are called stutter bands. The proportion of stutter bands is characteristic for each STR marker and usually does not exceed 15% of the area of the corresponding allele (Aneufast User Manual; Molgentix SL). Origin of aneuploidies Parental origin of the aneuploidies was determined by comparing the STR alleles of fetus, mother, and father. The meiotic division error, M I or M II, was inferred on the basis of nonreduction=reduction stage of the chromosome by comparing the proximal (pericentromeric) markers. If parental heterozygosity was retained in the trisomic offspring, it is concluded that the error occurred during M I; if parental heterozygosity was reduced to homozygosity in the trisomic offspring, it is concluded that the error occurred during M II or postzygotic mitosis. Mitotic errors were distinguished from FIG. 1. Parts from electrophoretograms of the QF-PCR products of five microsatellite markers (D21S1437, D21S1446, D21S1411, D21S1435, and D21S1414) on chromosome 21 for fetus, mother, and father (electrophoretograms are not in scale). The fetus was trisomic at all loci (2:1 for D21S1437, 1:2 for D21S1446, 1:1:1 for D21S1435, and D21S1414) except D21S1411, which is noninformative. Smaller peaks in front (from left to right) of some peaks are stutter peaks. The box under each fluorescent peak includes molecular size (bp) and area of the peak. PARENTAL ORIGIN OF DOUBLE NONDISJUNCTION 75 FIG. 2. Parts from electrophoretograms of the QF-PCR products of four microsatellite markers (X22, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [HPRT], spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy [SBMA], and DXYS218) on chromosome X for fetus, mother, and father. X/Y homologous gene amelogenin (AMXY) (on chromosomes X and Y) and Sex-determining Region Y (SRY) (only on chromosome Y) regions were used for the sex determination (electrophoretograms are not in scale). The fetus was trisomic in chromosome X (XXX) for all of the markers (1:1:1 for X22, 2:1 for HPRT, 2:1 for SBMA, and 1:2 for DXYS218). M II by evaluating medial and distal markers. If the trisomic individual was reduced to homozygosity at all informative loci, including at least one each in proximal, medial, and distal portions of the chromosome, a postzygotic origin was inferred. If the trisomic individual was not reduced to homozygosity at one or more loci, the error was assigned to M II (Lamb et al., 1996; Nicolaidis and Petersen, 1998; Robinson et al., 1999; Diego-Alvarez et al., 2006). mosomes 13, 18, and Y of the fetus, mother, and father (data not shown). Both of the extra chromosomes in the fetus were of maternal origin. As it is shown in Figure 3, D21S1414 and D21S1435 are proximal markers, and maternal heterozygosity was retained on the chromosome 21 of the fetus for these markers (Fig. 3). This is the expected pattern for nondisjunction occurring in the first meiotic division. Cytogenetic analysis Standard cytogenetic procedures were performed for the analysis of metaphase chromosomes from the AF and peripheral blood samples. Results At the end of analysis of 17 STR markers specific for five chromosomes (13, 18, 21, X, and Y), aneuploidies were detected for chromosomes 21 and X at the fetus (48,XXX,þ21). Based on visual inspection of comparative intensities of the peak areas of the chromosomes 21 and X of the fetus, mother, and father, it was obvious that the two of three alleles of the fetus were of maternal origin (Figs. 1 and 2). Maternal alleles were present as twice the dosage of paternal allele in the diallelic form for the markers D21S1437, D21S1446, D21S1411, and DXY218 markers that are homozygous at the mother. Other markers (D21S1414, D21S1435, and X22) were in the triallelic form of which two are maternal (Figs. 1 and 2). There were no numerical abnormalities for the chro- FIG. 3. Positions of the markers on chromosomes 21 and X. 76 GUZEL ET AL. FIG. 4. Fetal karyotype from AF, 48,XXX,þ21. Trisomic chromosomes are indicated by arrows. For the chromosome X, only one of the maternal alleles was present at twice the dosage of paternal allele for spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) (a proximal marker; Fig. 3), DXY218, and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) markers (Fig. 2). But, both of the maternal alleles were present at the fetus for the X22 that is a distal marker (Fig. 3). This pattern may have resulted from a recombination event at this site. This is the expected pattern for nondisjunction occurring in the second meiotic division. The karyotype showed trisomy 21 and X in all 20 cells examined (Fig. 4). The parents decided to terminate the pregnancy, which was performed at 19 weeks of the gestation. The karyotypes of both parents were normal (data not shown). Discussion Double trisomies are rarely observed, presumably because double nondisjunctions are rare events, and associated with inevitable lethality in most cases. Multiple aneuploidies (most often aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes combined with trisomy 13, 18, or 21) have been described in different studies (Hassold and Jacobs, 1984; Jaruratanasirikul and Jinorose, 1994; Tsukahara et al., 1994; Park et al., 1995; Kovaleva and Mutton, 2005). In an epidemiological study of double trisomies concerning sex chromosomes and chromosome 21 by Kovaleva and Mutton (2005), 121 cases were reported of which 16 were 48,XXX,þ21 cases. Molecular evaluation of double aneuploidy involving a sex chromosome and an autosome is rare. Lorda-Sanchez et al. (1991) reported a live-born case of 48,XXY,þ21 in which the additional chromosome 21 was derived from a maternal M II nondisjunction, and the additional X chromosome was the result of a paternal M I nondisjunction. Other investigators (Park et al., 1995) reported the prenatal identification of a 48,XXX,þ21 case due to a double maternal M II nondisjunction. Chen et al. (2000) reported a 48,XXX,þ18 fetus with both additional chromosomes derived from a maternal M II nondisjunction. Diego-Alvarez et al. (2006) reported seven double trisomy cases among 321 miscarriages of which 4 were of maternal origin. He concluded that a common maternal age–related mechanism could be implicated in both single and double trisomy cases, and meiotic errors could cause similar chromosome-specific patterns for missegregation. Although few cases of multiple aneuploidies have been investigated, the literatures and our current findings suggest that the parental origin of double nondisjunctions is more commonly maternal. The presence of a general cellular defect, such as impaired spindle function or improper signaling of sister chromatid segregation, might account for this type of event (Carpenter, 1994; Koshland, 1994). Additional studies of examples of double aneuploidy are needed to determine the nature of the errors in such cases. Evaluation of exceptional instances of segregation failure may be useful in improving our understanding of the general mechanisms of nondisjunction. Disclosure Statement No competing financial interests exist. References Adinolfi M, Pertl B, Sherlock J (1997) Rapid detection of aneuploidies by microsatellite and the quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction. Prenat Diagn 17:1299–1311. Carpenter ATC (1994) Chiasma function. Cell 77:959–972. 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