' THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MiCHANICAL ENGINEERS 34 ath Si.; New York:, let 10017 ' . • :.1 .• ..97-07309 t . - ,1 .. The Society shag not be reaponsibia foiliatamejrn er cipirtiens adViincecl in iipers Of dIsailslori at Meeting's S the &coyote:4 its Divisions Or Sections or printed in its publicathorts. Discussion is printed only It the Paget is published in an ASME Jounial. Authorization to photocopy material for Internal or personal use under circumstance not within the fair use newts's:ins of the Copyright Act is (rented by 'ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright CleatInce Corner (CCC) :flailsaCtionsi Reporting Sr in/Ice provided that the base fee of so.30, • per page is paid directly to the DOC, 27 Congress Street Seem ' MA 01970. Re2eiteafcispecial permission Of but repioduCtion -should be addiessed tonne Copyright 01997 by ASME MIghtsReserved %' • e •'"Printed in' LISA _ III 1 11 1 111119,11 II 11 1 111 CFD ANALYSIS OF UQUID SPRAY COMBUSTION IN A GAS TURBINE COMBUSTOR Mark K. Lal National Research Council Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ABSTRACT A numerical method is presented for predicting steady, threedimensional, turbulent, liquid spray combusting flows in a gas turbine combustor. The Wain conservation equations for gas flow and the Lagrangian conservation equations for discrete fuel liquid droplets were solved. The trajectory computation of the fuel droplets provided the soma terms for all the gas-phase equations. A standard k-e subrnodel was used for turbulence. The combustion submodel used was a global local aquarium morel, where chankal species (C 111,. 02 COP Hp, CO, 112 and NO approached local thermodynamic equilibrium with a rate determined by a combination of local turbulent mixing and global chemical kinetics times. The numerical methodology for gas-phase calculations involved a staggered finite-volume formulation with a multi-block curvilinear orthogonal coordinate computational grid, and the PISO algorithm. This numerical code was applied to a model gas turbine combustor similar to that of the Allison 570KP currently in use by the Canadian Navy. The combustor was equipped with an advanced airblast fuel nozzle. The calculations included the analysis of the internal passages of the fuel nozzle. Through the numerical study at full-power and lowcruise operating conditions, a better understanding of the physical processes of flow and temperature fields inside the primary zone was obtained. Predicted hot spots corresponded to locations where deterioration of the combustor liner has been observed in practice. NOMENCLATURE as...; A's Br C„ C;,C.2 Cd cd cr cPI coefficients of the quartic equation, Eq. (49) empirical constants, Eq. (59) Spalding's mass transfer number, Eq. (25) empirical constant in turbulent viscosity, Eq. (7) empirical constants in the dissipation rate, Eq. (9) aerodynamic drag coefficient, Eq. (15) droplet liquid specific heat specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant pressure of species i drag function, Eq. (14) specific internal energy of liquid droplet rate change of momentum due to phase interaction generation term specific Gibbs free energy specific stagnation enthalpy of mixture, including sensible, chemical and kinetic energy effects specific enthalpy of mixture specific enthalpy of liquid droplet specific enthalpy of species! specific enthalpy of vapour droplet unit tensor heat of formation of species i at standard conditions hiD K. K8 equilib ri um constant co turbulence kinetic energy latent heat of vaporization dissipation length scale, Eq. (18) • mass flow rate of liquid droplet mass md • total number of droplets Nusselt number Nu • molar concentration of species i number of droplets per unit time along a droplet trajectory j 143 • pressure saturated vapour pressure of the fuel vapour • Prandd number, Eq. (31) Pr heat transfer rate at droplet surface Oe rate change of energy due to phase interaction mean fomiation rate of species i due to chemical reaction Ri Reynolds number, Eq. (16) Re RN univenal gas constant droplet radius source term induced by the computational grid god Schmidt number, Eq. (26) Sc Sherwood number, Eq. (24) Sh Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Orlando, Florida — June 2,5,1997 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms INTRODUCTION Sauter mean diameter specific entropy temperature liquid droplet temperature reference temperature, Eq. (60) Favre-averaged velocity vector of gas phase liquid droplet velocity vector gas turbulence velocity vector volume of computational grid molecular weight local average molecular weight of all species exclusive of fuel vapour molecular weight of species i CO -CO2 mole ratio, Eq. (50) droplet position vector mass fraction of species i Due to recent advances in both computer hardware and the development and application of mathematical modelling and numerical methods, the last two decades have seen a major contribution to engineering design and development of gas turbine combustors from the science of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) (So et al., 1986). CFD has proven to be an important tool in reducing product development costs, optimizing designs, and improving our understanding of physical processes in advanced combustors, especially the combustor primary zone. This paper outlines a methodology for simulating steady, threedimensional, turbulent, liquid spray combusting flows in a gas turbine combustor. A CFD code based an this methodology is applied to a model gas turbine combustor incorporating many geometrical features of the special low smoke combustor of the Allison 570KF, as delivered to the Canadian Navy in 1987. It should be noted that the combustor under study has now been superseded in service by a more advanced design effusion combustor. This combustor is equipped with an advanced airblast fuel nozzle. As Fuller and Smith (1993) have shown that CFD results are extremely sensitive to the fuel nozzk/swirler boundary specification, the present CFD analysis includes the modelling of the internal filet nozzle passages to obtain better prediction of conditions in the combustor primary zone. Preliminary three-dimensional (PD results for gaseous fuel combustion in this combustor have been reported previously (Lai and Cheney, 1995). Numerical simulations of liquid spray combustion in the primary zone at full-power and low-cruise operating conditions are described in the paper. It will be shown that predicted hot spots in the combustor correspond to locations where deterioration of the combustor liner has been observed in the some of the engines operated by the Canadian Navy (Cheney and Lai, 1995). Greek Symbols ac ,aH ,a0 total number of atom per unit volume V gradient operator Kronecker delta at timestep turbulence energy dissipation rate thermal conductivity molecular viscosity turbulent viscosity P, v, stoichiometric coefficient of species i mass density of mixture liquid droplet density Pd rate change of mass due to phase interaction PS pD fuel vapour diffusivity in gas phase equivalence ratio variance of the Gaussian probability distribution Prandtl number for H Schmidt number for k Jk air Schmidt number for chemical species Schmidt number for e at summation characteristic reaction time rd droplet relaxation time, Eq. (21) eddy lifetime, Eq. (19) interaction time, Eq. (22) laminar conversion time, Eq. (39) residence time, Eq. (20) rt turbulent conversion time, Eq. (40) random number MATHEMATICAL MODEL Gas Phase Equations - ( For compactness, the conservation equations are written in vector notation. The Favre-averaged conservation equations of mass, momentum, chemical species, and energy are given by 9P0) = Ps V.[puel - (P*1 1 ,)V 01 = Vq(11 +11 ,XVO) r - (P + i(pk + (p +p i fiTO))i) + v.(pOY, - Ent +lid/My)? = P5 , Pokr SUDefSCriDte • (overbar) average of droplet surface and ambient values transpose of tensor equilibrium value and + 111)430270 = Os • 60 is the Kuonccker delta and species 1 is the species of which the spray droplets are composed. All the phase interactions source terms (( s, Fs , Q5 ) and the mean formation rate of specks i due to chemical reaction ft; are defined later. The expression of the gradient operator V depends on the particular coordinate system used (Lai, 1992). The values of off and ay are assumed to be equal to unity.. Thermal radiation is neglected. To complete the equation set, the following relations are used Subscripts I, fuel VqP0H fuel vapour liquid droplet droplet surface 2 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms (5) { (24 « 4Re 213)1Re and Re < 1000 Cd (15) 0.424 11 h • !CPO • k , (6) where and p, = Co pe/e . (7) and where v.(pee - ((p + pycia rk) = G - pc + p i )/ar re) = (C IG - C 2pe)etk - G = (1),1(V0) C70)TI - i(Pk P,VO)f}:\70 . Re = 2rplo • a . - (16) Each component of gas turbulence velocity d is assumed to follow a 1[73Tic and is calculated randomly from Gaussian distribution with a =(2 The modelled equations for k and e and their empirical constants are given by (Launder and Spalding, 1974) (pok Re 2 MOO 1 ( 17) (IC1) . J = (Jo) siial(C)Eo0 (8) is a random number selected from an uniform distribution in the range di 1 ' Ern is the complementary error function. The Willies of the complementary error function Erre are evaluated and stored in tabular form at intervals 0.05, and are calculated by a linear interpolation at intermediate values of The characteristic eddy size is assumed to be the dissipation length scale Id given by (9) 1(1. (10) = Vie klauld-Phase EauatIong and the eddy lifetime re is calculated from Following the practice of Gasman and loannides (1983) and Dukowicz ( 1980 ). the liquid phase is modelled in a stochastic manner as a spray of computational droplets. Each computational droplet represents a number of physical droplets of identical size, location, velocity, and temperature. For each droplet the conservation equations are written in Lagrangian form and in the same coordinate system as for the gas phase. In an airblast fuel atomizer, fuel is supplied at low pressure (i.e. low velocity) to a filming surface where the shearing action of a high velocity swirling air acts to atomize the fuel. The liquid film is broken into ligaments and then into many sizes of droplets. Droplet-droplet interaction has been found to be important in the initial breakup region where coalescence and collision as well as secondary atomization occurs. In the present study, the drop breakup and atomization processes are not modelled and the liquid spray is assumed to be thin permitting volume-displacement (Dukowicz, 1980) and other thick-spray (O'Rourke, 1981) effects to be neglected. The liquid is assumed to enter the combustor as a fully atomized spray comprised of spherical droplets. The droplet mass is given by = te/ 0.Th 2 (19) The residence time r, is determined from the solution of a linearized equation of motion of the droplet in a uniform flow (Gasman and loannides, 1983) rr. = -r4 Ink - Verd i() + 1 .. t d = (8/3)rpo /(pCd1U + a where did - Od1 ) • (20) (21) The interaction time in an eddy T i is given by ti = > te min(ro ,;) 10 • a - Odl td (22) 10 • a - Odl td To calculate droplet mass and heat transfers with the surrounding gas, a uniform temperature model of a single droplet is used. The evaporation rate is given by the Frossling correlation (Faeth, 1983) MdEPer 3 The droplet trajectory and momentum equation are, in vector (cam did = dt (12) Ud dme = - 2nrpDln(1 + R y )Sh dt (23) Sh = (2 + 0.6Re 112 Sc "3 ) , (24) = (25) where and dO A (u a . di _ od) grid (13) fir md The source vector contains curvature terms arising from the use of the tad coordinate system for the computational grid. The drag function D d , assuming that only the aerodynamic drag affects the droplets, is given by (Faeth, 1983) Dd 2 d1° inr2C g °di (Ynsii YaridA I Yfuels) • Sc = — pint) . and (26) The fuel vapour mass fraction is obtained from Yneir = (14) + Wdrll'v - (27) where Wo is the local average molecular weight of all species exclusive of fuel vapour and P, is the saturated vapour pressure of the fuel vapour at the droplet temperature Td. 3 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms The rate of droplet temperature change is determined by the conservation energy equation at the droplet surface drn,, d71, m d Cil = di = = d The heat transfer rate to the droplet is given by the Ranz-Marshall correlation (1952) = 2nri(T - Td )Nu where (29) Nu = (2 + 0.6Re 112 Pr i8 )1n(1 + dill y E au W ,(n) - n;) = - ni) . This ensures that the longer of the laminar conversion time r i and the turbulent mixing time it controls the overall conversion from one species to another (Spalding, 1971). r, is obtained by matching computed and measured laminar burning speed for mixtures of n-octane and air over a lunge of equivalence ratios rb, pressures, and temperatures (Kuo and Reitz, 1989) Phase Interactions The droplets and gas interact by exchanging mass, momentum, and energy (Migdal and Agosta, 1967; Crowe et al., 1977). The actions of the gas phase on the liquid phase are introduced through the drag function terms in the liquid-phase momentum equations, and the heat transfer terms in the liquid-phase energy and mass conservation equations. As in the PSICELL method (Crowe et al., 1977), the influence of the liquid phase on the gas phase is incorporated by adding source terms into the relevant gas-phase conservation equations. At each computational cell traversed by the droplets, the rate of mass, momentum, and energy transferred to/from the gas phase for the cell volume V are, respectively E {ill(m 4 ) b, - (fil d ),„„)i Ps v = E and —E (38) tt • (31) Pr Os = (37) For the present application, (30) t and (36) is the local and instantaneous thermodynamic equilibrium value of the molar concentration of species j. = Oat local equilibrium, and a y is the elements of the lacobian -RR I /8(WI n) • Assuming that = 0 (i * j) and a, = -lit (i = j), then only one characteristic reaction time t for all species needs to be defined and Eq. (36) becomes (28) + + . .75x I 0 -8 TP ""expi( I -0.0810-1.151)15098/Ti . (39) t, is given by a modified form of the eddy-breakup model of Magnussen and Hjertager (1976) r, = (kit)/ min[4, 2(Yup+ Yco, *Yco *Yrr, )/(Ycji, - YC,tt p * Yo,* Yo)1 • The values of n; are derived as follows. The algebraic equations for the thermodynamic equilibrium concentration of the 6 reactive species consist of the 3 atom balance equations (C-H-0), the relation for the zero equilibrium fuel concentration, and 2 non-linear equilibrium relations for the dissociation of CO 2 and H20. These equations are (32) i(nd ud ),,, — (nd ud ).,k, , (rif(ind hd ). - (inti k = I (33) (34) +n The summation is over all computational droplets which traverse the computational cell. The subscripts in and out refer to values, respectively, at entering and leaving the computational cell. ri d is the number of droplets per unit time along a droplet trajectory j. yn 2 nc.,) = xnejl,^co, + 2n, 0 + 2n,;, = y 2n(7 + 2n,p + nc.c, = ac , 2 (41) = an , (42) 2"Co , no c = 2n0,+ 2nCO, + nCO = a0 • (43) Combustion Model The global local equilibrium model of Abraham et al. (1985) is used. Since this model allows H2 and CO and their equilibria to be included, the proper heat release is approached for all equivalence ratios. Also, the model uses only one characteristic conversion time for the achievement of such equilibrium and thus is computationally efficient. A brief description of the model is given below. Following the practice of Reitz and Bracco (1982, 1983), the following one-step global irreversible reaction is considered n = 0, (44) (45) Kco, = K H 20 . ,(ni;,onc.o) -I • 4.2 n CO ( 46) The equilibrium constants are calculated from CH +(02 + 3.76N 2) Y v CO, CO 2 + v H,0 H2 0CO + v CO + v H, H 2 + 376v 0 1 N 2 ' (35) -RaTInKcp, gco, gco - "go, The chemistry source terms in Eq. (3) are initially expanded up to first order about local equilibrium and Tin K,,p = gco, * After rearranging Ns. (41-46), we have 4 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms — :CO — 8 /4,0 • (47) (48) a4X 4 • a3X 3 + a2X 2 + NA' + av = 0 T"/(T • Ao2 ) , p= (49) pD = (59) = AAI TLNT+ Al2) . X a nco . where , (50) The empirical constants O w A pr Am , A m, A u , A 22) are obtained from Amsden et al. (1989). The ovetbar values of p. pD, and A denoting the avenges of the droplet surface and ambient values are calculated at the reference temperature Tie given by = K„ ,„(ac - a0) , - (1 • K119 )a0 + a3 = (1 • 2ac a2 (51) a 11 t2 aoKtip ao = rd + Kilo ) , ao = 2Kc.0 -2 2 . = nc:0a ac X(1 + , , L = no% = (Xit'co, ) -2 , (61) Ad = ed • "v/pd . XX„,0)1 .1 .(52) =0. (62) Latent heat and vapour pressure tables are obtained from Vargaftik (1975). Because P. varies acidly with T, its value is stored at intervals of 10K up to the fuel critical temperature Tait . I. is stored at intervals of 100 K. The values of ed are calculated at intervals of 100 K from Eqs. (61, 62). Their intermediate values within 100 K intervals are obtained by a simple linear interpolation. The value cd is approximated by the difference between adjacent tabular values of e d , divided by 100 K. Thermophyslcal Relationshipa Br the gas phase, an ideal gas mixture is assumed to compute the state relations. The specific Gibbs free energy go is used to obtain the equilibrium constants at constant pressure for the combustion model calculation, where gi = hi - Tsi - hd where h. is the vapour enthalpy and the liquid enthalpy hd is defined by the relation no; = a„12(1 + XX,10)] -1 , /11 1. 2 = a ti n(1110 12(l (60) The liquid density pd is assumed to be constant. Since the latent heat of vaporization I. is the energy required to convert a unit mass of liquid to vapour at the equilibrium vapour pressure The coefficients a, in Eq. (49) are calculated using the local values of gas temperature and density. After the quartic equation fE.q. (49)1 is solved for X by the non-iterative method of Salzer (1960), the equilibrium molar concentrations ni' are computed from neo . = ac (1 • (T - Td)/3 (53) SOLUTION METHOD The specific enthalpy hi is defined as Grid Generation hi = fcp.o dT • hi... (54) 13 1 For each chemical species i, the specific enthalpy h, and specific entropy s, are specified, respectively, as functions of temperature (Gordon and McBride, 1971) 12 hi Wi /R. = a i r+ a2T 2/2 • a3T3/3 • a4r/4 • 0271/5+ ad (55) and s WI /R N a l tar+ a 2 T + a 3 T2/2 • a 4 T3/3 • a 5 T4/4 + a E Ya k . ; 1O 17 (56) I; 76 5; 4 3 I 2 Fig. 1: Schematic Diagram of the Combustor Showing Air Entry Features Dome Alr —a- (57) Outer AlrOuter To compute p. the equation of state is used Inner P = p7R.E(Yo lWi ) . 20 18 18 Vol Nozzle Two sets of least square coefficients (a i ,...,a2 ) an tabulated for two adjacent temperature intervals, 300-1000 K and 1000-5000 K, with the data constrained to be equal at 1000 K. The values of go and hi are tabulated at 100 K intervals. Their intermediate values within 100 K intervals are obtained by a simple linear interpolation. After the mixture specific enthalpy Is obtained from the solution of the energy equation, the corresponding value of r is calculated via a linear search algorithm and the following equation A 14 15 ! i (58) t Inner Fuet —/ The molecular vErosity, the vapour diffusivity, and the thermal conductivity are calculated, respectively, from the empirical correlations Fig. 2: Schematic Diagram of the Fuel Nozzle and Air Swirlers 5 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms outlet boundary of the computational domain was extended to the plane at the outlet of the last set of cooling louvres, which was also the beginning of the converging section of the combustor. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the combustor which was analysed. Annotations on this figure indicate the positions of air inlet features. The combustor uses many geometrical features of the low smoke combustor of the Allison 570KF engine as delivered to the Canadian Navy in 1987. Since the combustor is annular and periodic with 16 fuel nozzles, a 22.5° sector has been modelled. The fuel nozzle is located centrally in the sector and consists of a pressure atomized primary fuel nozzle and a main airblast fuel atomizer with an inner and two outer air swirlers (Fig. 2). The main fuel passages are not swirled. The inner air swirler is counter-rotating relative to the outer swirlers and has a 10 ° swirl angle. The vanes for the outer air miners are at 60 ° and are co-rotating. The combustor employs 4 types of cooling openings: splash cooling skirts (#6, #8, #10, #11, #13 and #15), stacked rings (#9 and #12), liner wall cooling louvres (#1, #3, #5, #16, #18 and #20), and rows of radial injection orifices entering the primary (#7 and #14), intermediate (#4 and #17) and dilution (#2 and #19) zones. One of the inner intermediate orifices, the outer intermediate orifices, and the splash cooling skirts on the inner and outer liner walls are aligned with the centre of the atomizer. The remaining cooling openings are staggered. Numerical Procedure Numerical solutions for the gas-phase equations were obtained using the TURCOM-Bit computer code (Lai, 1992). This code used a staggered finite-volume formulation with a curvilinear orthogonal coordinate computational grid. The conservation equations given previously were dtrcretized with the hybrid differencing scheme and then solved by the PISO algorithm (Issa, 1986). Each set of discretized equations was solved sequentially in an iterative fashion using a block iteration procedure. The iteration procedure was organized to sweep alternatively across different direction planes. in this sequence, the equations on each plane were solved by the line-by-line method. The conservation equations for each droplet were integrated in time with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, using a timestep which was dynamically adjusted based on the droplet velocity, grid cell size, and interaction time. For numerical stability and accuracy, the timestep was also restricted to be less than 10's. The equations were integrated starting from the injection location at which the initial conditions were stochastically prescribed. The integration proceeded until the droplet left the calculation domain, evaporated to a negligible size, or reached the combustor walls. During the integration, the gas-phase properties appearing in the droplet equations were prescribed from the prevailing values at the nearest node of the computational grid. The overall solution was obtained by iterating between the calculations of gas- and liquid-phase equations. First, a prescribed number of droplets was introduced and their trajectories were calculated according to the above procedure. For each computational cell traversed by the droplets, the phaseinteraction terms Eqs. (32-34) were computed and then inserted into the gas-phase equations. Then, a prescribed number of iterations were performed for the gas-phase equations. This cyclic process was repeated until the gas-phase calculation converged. (a) (b) Initial And 13g.mnsienanditIOne In the absence of experimental data, the droplets were introduced at the location near the exit plane of the outer fuel atomizer in the manner described by Amsden et al. (1989). To form a spray from these droplets, the mass flow rate of fuel injected M was apportioned among N droplets according to the relation Fig. 3: Computational Grid for the Combustor Sector: (a) Plane Passing Through the Axes of Fuel Nozzle and Combustor, (b) Perspective = (rimd)) Figure 3 shows the computational grid used for the 22.5° sector of the combustor. The curvilinear orthogonal coordinate computational grid was a single-block structured grid consisting of several grids, each of which was generated by an algebraic/numerical method. In the region outside the fuel nozzle, the grid was generated numerically in diametral planes and was rectilinear in the axial direction. The procedure used to generate the curvilinear orthogonal grid involved solving the inverse Laplace equations for the Cartesian coordinate positions of the grid points with multi-block grid topology (Gasman and Johns, 1979). The multi-block orthogonal grids were generated by subdividing a given geometry into a number of blocks. Each block was gridded independently of the other blocks, but the continuity of grid lines was maintained across the neighbouring block boundaries. In the fuel nozzle, the grid was generated numerically in radialaxial planes and was symmetric about the centerline of the nozzle in the circumferential direction. The inlet boundary started just downstream of the swirl vanes and at the outlet planes of the fuel and air flow passage. The for j= I N. (63) Each droplet was assigned different initial conditions of size, position, and velocity, using a uniform random distribution. The initial temperature of the droplets was assumed to be the delivery temperature at the atomizer. The droplet radius was sampled randomly from a specified size distribution where the most droplet mass occurred The initial position of the droplets was varied randomly within a specified number of radial locations at the exit plane of the fuel nozzle. The injection velocity Ud was chosen randomly from velocities in the range 0 Od 0 . (64) The treatment of droplets impinging on the combustion chamber walls is one of the most difficult aspects of modelling spray flames. The droplets may evaporate, shatter, and/or reflect with reduced momentum after impinging on combustor walls. In the absence of detailed experimental verification, the droplets were assumed to undergo instantaneous 6 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms vaporization upon collision with the walls (El Banhawy and Whitelaw, 1980). The combustor Walls were assumed to be no-slip, impermeable and adiabatic. Boundary layer drag and heat transfer were calculated using the wall function method (Launder and Spalding, 1974). Inlet conditions for k were calculated using a turbulence intensity of I% of the resultant velocity through an inlet opening in question, while the length scale used to obtain a (Eq. 18) was chosen to he 3% of a representative dimension of the opening. At the exit of the combustor, the normal velocity was calculated from the integral mass balance and zero axial gradient was imposed for other variables. Periodic boundary conditions were applied on the circumferential end planes of the combustor sector. On the outer liner wall, a hot spot is located around the region at the exit of the splash cooling skirt (#15) and behind the liner wall cooling louvre (#16). On the inner liner wall, a hot spot is seen behind the liner wall cooling louvre (ID) and between the adjacent fuel nozzles. Referring to the dome details, a limier temperature hot spot is located between the adjacent nozzles and spreads to the lip of the outer swirler. These hot spots are mainly created by the swirling and separation processes of the dome and outer air swift flows, as will be discussed later. Good agreement between the predicted positions of hot spots and the observed locations of the deterioration of the real combustor is seen in Fig. 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 1: Operating Conditions for CFD Calculations Air Flow Rate (MP.) AO Temperature CIO Low. Clone 0.274 Rill. Power 0.997 Comiffion Air Pressure (kill) Fuel Temperaiure (K) Rid FiClw Rae (kiin 410.0 7.5 350.0 OM 618.0 18.7 403.0 0.375 Numerical calcul lions were carried out at full-power and low-cruise operating conditions (Table I). The thermochemical properties of Navy distilbte (diesel) fuel were assumed to be equivalent to those of n-dodecane (C 12l-1,). Using the specified villUti of fuel mass flow, compressor delivery air mass flow, temperature, and pressure, the flow splits and corresponding flow angles were calculated from the specified geometries of combustor, wirier and atomizer. A uniform inflow velocity was calculated for each inlet using the specified mass flow and a discharge coefficient of unity. The total number of droplets N used was 1030. Numerical studies performed using different values of SMD Skated that a value of I Opm gave the most physically plausible results. Thus, this set of the results is presented here. All the numerical results were obtained using 60x40x43 grid points, which was the maximum number possible with the available computing hardware. Further simulations using a liner grid and/or a higher-order discretization scheme would he required to assess the effect of discretization (i.e. numerical) errors on the results, but such errors are likely significantly smaller than the mathematical modelling errors due to the complex physics involved. The results are nonetheless believed lobe valid in a qualitative sense and therefore useful for the engineering purpose of identifying possible causes or the combustor liner deterioration referred to in the Introduction. The solution was assumed to have converged when the sum of the absolute residuals in the gas-phase conservation equations, normalized by the total inflow of the conserved quantity in question, had fallen below 10 -3 . To achieve convergence, the number of iterations required was at least 3,000. Each cycle of the liquid-phase calculation was performed after every 250 iterations of the gm-phase calculation. The CPU time on a Power Indigo2 workstation was 50 s per iteration for gas-phase calculation and about I hr per one cycle for liquid-phase calculation. Figure 4 shows numerical result, for the gas temperature distribution along the liner walls and dome details, The results for the two flow conditions are very similar in distribution although different in magnitude. Fig. 4: Predicted Gee Temperature Distribution Along Dome and Liner Walls: (a) Low-Crulae, (b) Full-Power Figure 6 shows numerical results for the equivalence ratio and the velocity vector distributions along the plane passing thmugh the axes of the 0072le and combustor. In the equivalence ratio plot, colour represents the value of the equivalence ratio, defined as the ratio of the calculated fuel-air ratio to the smichiometric value. In the velocity vector plot, each arrow shows the magnitude and direction of the gas velocity while the colour represents the calculated value of the temperature. Figure 7 shows predicted particle traces through the primary zone and the dome region. The traces represent streamlines of the flow and colour represents the calculated temperature value. Figures Sand 9 show the fuel spray trajectories at two operating conditions. In the plots, the colour represents the value of the 7 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms droplet size. The trajectories end when droplets have completely evaporated and provide information about the distance traversed by the fuel spray. (a) 11.1•SICO t. IS ILO -- 777-- frsta. (k " 7-' )•-•-' 91,"; I' i ,. :e•nelleffiji s4 D t ., ..%, - '-. • 1 A • . . rrrra (a) View From Combustor Ent of Dome and Liner Damage - - tea (b) Torrenbas _ DOS SS 1210/0 ifla 1110130 IMO Fig. 6: Predicted Distributions of Equivalence Ratio and Velocity Vector for Full-Power Condition: (a) Equivalence Ratio, (b) Velocity Vector (I)) Borescope View of Horde end Dome Details Fig. 6: Close-Up of Dome and Liner Walls of the Combustor Hardware Showing the Damage Areas Figure 6 shows that there are two distinct reaction zones in the combustor primaty zone. A Central Recirculation Zone (CRZ) is created along the nozzle centerline by the co- and counter-rotating airflows through the duce passages inside the nozzle. The CRZ behaves as a toroidal vortex. A Dome Interaction Zone (DIZ) is created by the sudden expansion of the nozzle airflow discharging into the combustor. The DIZ is located in the region between the dome wall, liner wall and CRZ. In the primary zone, the toroidal swirls from the adjacent fuel nozzles interact both with the dome details and with each other, producing a complex reacting nowt -mid. Since the nozzle flow is strongly swirled, it generates large Slat and axial pressure gradients, producing a CRZ which is large enough to separate the Drz above and below the nozzle (see also Fig. 7). The CRZ extends to the inner and cuter liner wall in the primary zone and terminates at the axial plane of the intermediate holes (#4 and #17). SAO 000A IMO 'Na. nal 8•000 Fig. 7: Predicted Distribution of Particle Trace at Full-Power Condition: (a) Primary Flame Zone, (b) Dome Region 8 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms 5.0 pm 7.5 pm 10.0 pm Droplet Radius Orderers) Owlet Rens Colon) 0.0 10 40 10 10.0 pm 0.0 0.0 10.0 2.0 4.0 ILO 0.0 10.0 Flg. 9: Fuel Spray Trajectories at Low-Cruise Condition for Different injection Droplet Radii Fig. 8: Fuel Spray Trajectories at Full-Power Condition for Different Injection Droplet Radii Figure 7 shows that the primary jets (07 and #I4) are deflected sideways by the CRZ and penetrate across the combustor. Inside the DIZ, a complex secondary flow is observed. This flow causes the cooling airflows from the dome wall (#9 to #I2) and the primary jets to mix with the rest of the dome air in the DIZ and then to flow towards the dome region of the adjacent nozzle. Due to the action of turbulent mixing with the hot combustion products in the CRZ, this secondary flow creates a hot spot along the dome wall and the rp of the outer swirler (see also Fig. 4). These results indicate that the cooling airflows from the dome wall and the primary jets ate inadequate to cool the dome wall and to maintain separation of the very hot CRZ from the combustor liner walls. Figures 6 and 8 show that the fuel droplets are convected downstream along the shear layer fanned between the CRZ and DIZ. The main combustion process occurs along the shear layer and the highest intensity combustion region is located near the axis of symmetry. The silt of the extremely fuel-rich region is small, which is desirable to minimize soot formation. No droplet enters the CRZ and DIZ and most of the droplets evaporate before impinging on the combustor liner walls. Since the droplets are small, the droplet trejectories are seen to be greatly influenced by the gas flow corning out of the fuel nozzle. Comparison between Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 shows that the liquid fuel traverses a much greater distance before vaporizing when the combustor operates under the low-cruise condition. Also, under the operating conditions of interest here, the residence time of the liquid fuel droplets within the combustor is seen to be significant so a single-phase calculation, which assumes that the fuel is fully vaporized, would be of questionable value. Comparison between the gaseous fuel combustion predictions (Lai and Cheney, 1995) and the liquid spray combustion results presented here will be reported elsewhere. CONCLUSIONS A CFD method has been presented for predicting steady, threedimensional, turbulent, liquid spray combusting flows in a gas turbine combustor. Numerical solutions at full-power and low-cruise operating conditions were obtained for a model combustor similar to that used in the Allison 570KF gas turbine. The calculations included the analysis of the internal passages of the fuel nozzle. Predicted hot spots of the liner and dome walls have been shown to correspond to areas where deterioration of the combustor liner has been observed in practice. Flame patterns in the primary zone have been qualitatively captured in the CFD analysis, providing an understanding of the physical processes involved thereby potentially enhancing the combustor design process. Further work is requited to evaluate and improve the accuracy of the simple method used to specify inlet velocities and mass flows, the submodels of turbulence and chemistry, neglect of radiatizo, the spray injection model, and the numerical differencing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support for the CFD program was provided by the CRAD, Department of National Defence Canada (DND), Contract No. 220794NRC09, under the Project Manager of Mr. P. Cheney and the Scientific Authority of Mr. R.R. Hastings. The views presented are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DND. 9 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: http://asme.org/terms REFERENCES Migdal, D., and Agosta, V.D., 1967, "A Source Flow Model for Continuous Gas-Particle Flow", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 35, pp. 860-865. O'RourIce, PJ., 1981, "Collective Drop Effects in Vaporizing Liquid Sprays", Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, and Los Alamos Ntaional Laboratory Report LA-9069-T. Patankar, S.V., and Spalding, DM., 1972, "A Calculation Procedure for Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer in Three-Dimensional Parabolic Flows", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, pp. 1787-1806. 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