CHEMISTRY 1 1 5 LAB, Fall 201 4; Section 70804 TTh: 1 1 - 1 : 50; Room NS- 336 Dr. Geetha Natarajan, Office: NS-355C; Hrs: TBA Voice mail: (760) 744-1150 x 2508, email: (not for requesting grades) Lab Manual: Experiments in General Chemistry, R.A.D.Wentworth, 10th Ed. Hand Outs: Hand outs should be brought from my webpage MOST of the handouts are pdf files. If you have any concerns please talk to me first. Required Supplies: Z87 Safety goggles, TI-30x II s (non-graphing scientific calculator), pencils, ball-point pens (non-erasable, black/blue), lab notebook with duplicates and page numbers, stapler, dish detergent, two kitchen towels and a roll of paper towel, disposable gloves. Guidelines, deadlines and general info: ● Students are responsible for dropping the class before the required date. Evaluative grades must be given if you surpass that drop date. Any notation (A, B, C, D, F, FW, W or I) attached to a class will be counted as an attempt in the repeatability limit. If students have attempted a class three times , then they will be shut out of the class when they attempt to enroll. ● Good record keeping is an invaluable skill regardless of your future profession and particularly to the scientific career bound. Before you come to class, read the experiment and write the procedure for each experiment in the lab notebook. Bring note book, book, and/or the required handout to each class. ● If you do not come prepared to lab, (example: no procedure outline written, no printout of handouts etc.) you will not participate in the lab. ● When working in groups, write the name(s) of your lab partner(s) below your name and write partner in parentheses.. Record data in non-erasable ink. Never use white out. Cross out any error in data neatly (so that it is still readable like this) and enter the correct data next to or above it. ● The data collected must be initialed and dated by me before you leave. Neglect of this responsibility will cost you all the points for that class. ● Credit for any experiment is given only when you participate in all sections of an experiment. ● Please check with me for due date for each lab report. In order to be fair, procedure and prelab are to be turned in during the first 5 minutes. ● In all calculations, show step-by-step solution with the formula used to get credit. Calculators cannot be shared in exams. No caps or hats allowed during testing. You cannot leave the classroom during tests. If necessary, seating may be done by the instructor for exams. ● Student behaviors that disrupt the class would not be tolerated. Cell phones should be turned off and put away during class as well as exams. ● Even if you did the experiment in a group, post lab work must be your own. Any copying will result in a ‘ZERO’ for all parties involved. Use of any unauthorized material will result in a course grade of F. ● Unless you wear safety glasses and covered shoes you will not be allowed to participate in class. Points will be deducted if you do not sponge wipe and dry your lab bench on completion of the lab. ● When you miss one lab, you would use it as the report that can be dropped. After the first absence, make-up would be allowed only if 1. a message is left prior to missing class and 2. a valid written proof showing the absence was unavoidable is brought and 3. make-up notice from storeroom manager is obtained and signed by me. ● Three or more missing labs will result in ‘F’ grade. There will be no make up for exams. Points Distribution Grade: 3 Exams @ 200 each 10 out of 11 lab reports @ 20 each Quizzes (3x3) + worksheets (3 x 10) 8/9 prelabs (5 ea) + 8/9 procedure outlines (2 ea) Total possible points A : 90% or more B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: 600 points 200 points 39 56 895 < 59% Student Learning Outcomes Successful students will be able to apply the scientific method by stating a question, performing experiments and/or analyzing a data presentation. Successful students will be able to set up and execute general and intermediate chemical reactions in the lab using a chemical technique. 115 LAB TENTATIVE SCHEDULE, Fall 2014 For labs with * procedure outline should be written before coming to class. Labs from the book are shown with the Experiment number. All other labs are handouts to be printed from webpage. Please note that report # is not exp. # from book Date Assignment- Please record your score for each assignment on this page to figure out your standing in the class. Aug 19, 21 26, 28 Sep 2, 4 9, 11 *Exp. 13 Iodine clock reaction (report 1); *Exp 14B: Eqbm. constant (report 2) 23, 25 Complete eqbm worksheet and Test 1 Review on Sep 23, Test 1: on reports 1- 2, Molarity Review, Excel and nomenclature on Sep 25 *Exp. 14A: Le Chatelier’s Principle (report 3) , *Exp. 16A: W.Acids, W. Bases & salts (report 4) DROP w/ Notation- Oct 11 14, 16 Acid base quiz on 14th and *Exp.16B: Titration curve, (report 5) 21, 23 *Exp. 17A: Solubility constant (report 6) 28, 30 Balancing redox equations (homework worksheet) (report 7) & *Exp. 19A: Redox Reactions (report 8) Nov 4, 6 Continue 19 A., Review for Test 2; Test 2 on reports 3-7 on Nov 6 11, 13 11th is holiday, Electrochem. virtual lab (report 9) exp. @ home, data analysis in class on 13th 18, 20 *Exp. 17B: QA of cations (report 10) 25, 27 No classes (thanksgiving break) Dec 2, 4 9 Report On 26th Excel and poly at. ions Quiz; On 28th Check in locker, Syllabus quiz, Discuss Procedure outline handout, Start Kinetics Worksheet; DROP w/out Notation- Sep 1 Kinetics worksheet complete; Equilibrium Worksheet Oct 7, 9 Pre-lab Safety instruction & quiz -100 % score; Discuss Syllabus, nomenclature and sig figs., solubility rules, S.Acids, S.Bases, NIE On 21st : Molarity Review worksheet complete – handout 16, 18 Sep 30, Oct 2 Proce -dure *QA of anions ( Hand out) (report 11) & Check out locker on Dec 4th Test 3 on reports 8 -11 Special note: A student with verified and documented disability may be entitled to appropriate academic accommodations provided by Disabled Student Services. Please contact DSPS to determine eligibility; once established, please inform the instructor by the second week of the semester. If not informed by the second week of semester, instructor is not obliged to comply with any allowances. Qz, test, etc.
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