Christ Lutheran Church seeks to be a Growing, grace centered Church Reaching out to all people Actively impacting our Community, our world and ourselves through an Evolving and relevant faith that reflects the love of Christ. DaySpring JANUARY 2015 THIS MONTH: PRAYER SHAWL Wednesday, January 7, 7 pm Rank Residence COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 20, 7 pm ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING Sunday, January 18 9:30 am—Noon Leithsville Fire Co. Love Is Food Today (LIFT) The Care Giving Team welcomes Lori Gough Stewardship Time & Talent sheet or by as the new coordinator for the LIFT program. communicating with Lori directly using Lori will be communicating with the congre- the contact information below: gation when meals are needed for members of the congregation experiencing loss, illness or post delivery of a new baby. Lori will be utilizing multiple means to communicate with volunteers. LIFT will be trialing an online meal-scheduling site,, to post specific meal requests. A church-wide email with web-link can be sent when there is a call for a meal. A direct link for will also be located on the church web site for member and community volunteers to access and schedule. Lori will also make phone calls to volunteers who would like to participate in LIFT, but don’t have access to a computer. Volunteers can sign up to be on the call list through the Christ Lutheran 69 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055 Lori Gough home phone: 610-838-6723 work phone: 610-838-1502 (Tues - Fri) I recently listened to a Jesuit priest talk about standing of what Jesus taught. It is a statement “Desire”. God calls us through our desires. If a that will need to be lived out within our commu- young boy or girl desires to be a police officer, nity of faith and within the lives of those who call God uses that. Likewise if someone desires to be a this church their church Faith Statement social worker, God uses that. I like this idea. The key to following our desires, according to this Jesuit, requires removing road blocks that we construct, out of our way. Is God using our “Desires” Pastor Phil’s A few Thoughts within our church, to help fulfill God mission of reconciliation with all of God’s people and creation? Is this statement an attempt to remove ideas SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2015 9:30 AM LEITHSVILLE FIRE STATION SOCIAL HALL. and theologies that stand This will be an important date “Without a vision the in the life of Christ Lutheran. I people perish” Our faith hope you are making plans to statement is a vision for attend. All of our voices need to our future. I believe it to be heard as we seek God’s di- be a very Christ-Like vi- rection. Our faith statement will sion. be voted on and if approved, Our Faith Statement will become the guiding princi- represents an attempt by ple for the leadership of this leadership of this church church as we move forward. to capture our under- in our way of accomplishing God’s Call to us? In Proverbs 29:18, it says, home. It is inclusive, rational, faithful, loving, The people of Christ Lutheran Church of Hellertown invite you to experience Christianity as a way of life, not a set of creeds and doctrines demanding total agreement. We invite you to join us as we seek to discover the relevance of Jesus’ teachings for our time. We look to scripture, faith, experience and reason to inform our journey. We affirm that all people are created in the divine image, and that God is active in many people, including those who do not profess the Christian faith. We acknowledge and respect people of other faiths who understand that God is working in them and through them to bring about peace, justice, love, and reconciliation among God’s people. We take the Bible seriously, not literally. We strive to transform our lives to live the teachings of Jesus and, above all, to love unconditionally. We welcome all persons into our midst, without regard to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or abilities. You are welcome here. Come join the journey! and calls us to mission. A great big thanks to the strategic planning team, selected by council this summer. Kelly Meyer, our Team Leader; Enid Rank, Sally Gammon, Linda Reinbold, Lou Savant, Chris Kulp, and me. I pray we keep our eyes open and expectant, as we did with the Advent season and the Birth of Jesus. God is birthing within this community a new people. People seeking to see God in this world and in their lives. I love the National slogan of the United Church of Christ, “God is Still Speaking”. We are listening! But we want to do more than listen, we also want to reflect the light of Christ. Come join in this Journey! Walking in His Sanctuary By Kathie Jones On the other hand, sometimes it is better to raise your eyes to the heights and see the soaring sights or look to the distance and try to decipher what lies far ahead. I have now been trying to combine both ways I wrote this for the Dayspring in the summer of 2006. Mel and I were living in Springtown and of “seeing” to make my walking even more enjoyable. which I wrote with Kelly Meyer T his is a very exciting time… as we head into 2015 prepar- ing to adopt a new faith statement taking long daily walks on the neighboring back roads. I found the walks to be a time for reflection, BEHIND THE SCENES As I write this, our congregation has had its and strategic plan! informational meeting concerning our future. Here’s what’s going on behind the We are in the scenes: “digesting” Strategic Planning — The team period, and we continues to meet with a focus on will face deci- communication and implementation. sion-making. We will share the proposed plan What should during the annual congregation we do about meeting on January 18 at Leithsville staff restructur- Fire Hall. I think you will find plan ing and build- is responsive where God is leading ing expansion? us as a congregation! will find it so, I believe it Property Maintenance — We have too. - Kathie would be a a new roof…and no more leaks! mistake for us Major repairs will continue over the to look only “at next months as we replace carpeting our feet” and and flooring and continue with where we are painting and other needed repairs. about each month. As Christ Lutheran is now searching for new direction, the piece came to my mind. I find that it is appropriate to our situation today. I hope you “What was that?” I asked, after hearing large wings flapping through the trees but not seeing the bird that they belonged to. “A red-tailed hawk,” answered Mel. “Did you miss it?” Yes, I had missed it. I had been looking at my feet and the road right in front of me instead of looking up as I was walking. “Look,” I said, “at the Asiatic dayflower blooming at the edge of the road. It’s the first of the season.” No, Mel had not seen that first walking now. But I also believe that it would Our church is looking more beautiful be equally a mistake to look only “up and in all the time! the distance.” The future and the distance Financing — Our mortgage is in hold breathtaking possibilities that should not place and is funding our major re- be missed, just as the present has beauty that pairs and replacements. We obtained should not be ignored. Can this congregation the loan from the ELCA Mission walk with the steady assurance of where we Investment Fund. They were ex- are and where we have been while looking tremely helpful and professional up and out as well, with the excitement of throughout the entire application where we can be going? process. intense blue. He wasn’t watching the road close to him. He was looking into the distance, far down the road. I think we can. In my personal life, I do not walk nearly as well alone, without my faithful, loving companion. In our congregational How fortunate we both were to have the other to help us learn to focus our eyes on places that revealed beauty and gave us insight! Sometimes watching your feet and life, our walk of faith will be better if we walk with each other, supporting, uplifting, lovingly reminding each other of all of the ways of seeing. where you are right now is the thing to do. It can keep you from stumbling, and it can also give you opportunity to savor the moment and the small things that make it memorable. And we can never, never walk with assurance without looking to God. That’s it for this month’s update. Let me know if you have any questions. Again…I want to thank our staff and volunteers for their dedication and hard work. CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER Giant A+ School Rewards DIRECTOR: Linda Reinbold PHONE: (610) 838-9790 STAFF: Elizabeth Amato Donna Bergstresser Michelle Bonfrancesco Jessica Flok Laura Housley Mary Housley Elizabeth Lees Jennifer Mertus Fundraisers for CLC Give us your bonus card numbers, and earn free money for the Learning Center The Giant program gives the Center 1% of all of your purchases made from October to the end of March, and also features some double rewards programs. This will NOT affect the gas rewards or any other program they are running. This program gives us FREE money and you don’t have to do anything but give us your bonus card numbers. Contact Linda Reinbold at 610-838-9790 for more information, or to pick up a registration form. Save your ink and toner cartridges and put them in the box in the lower level by the CLC Bulletin Board. Help Wanted: Subs & Floaters The Center is looking for substitutes and “floaters” on an “as needed” basis. These are paid positions. All clearance checks and health assessments are required. Forms are available in the CLC office. If you know anyone who might like to work on an “as needed” basis, or who might like to volunteer for a few hours, please contact the Director at 610-838-9790. Abeer Niemet Linda Reinbold Felicia Trapp YOUTH Samantha Velez Books for All Ages It has recently come to our attention that the Hellertown Food Bank has made books available to families who come to the Food Bank at New Jerusalem Lutheran Church. There will be a carton marked “BOOKS” in the coat room for you to drop off your books so that others may enjoy them. Square Mileage of Detroit Envelope Fundraiser To participate in this fundraiser, you simply take an envelope of your choosing off of the bulletin board in the Narthex and put the listed amount in the envelope. Then place it in the offering plate or hand it into the office. If you put your offering number on the envelope it will be added to your giving statement. There are 143 envelopes Know the Code If you’re ever in the hospital, please use Christ Lutheran’s code: 209 envelopes are $282 representing the half way point to Detroit. The third bonus envelope is $564 representing the total distance from Christ Lutheran Church to Detroit. Thanks for helping our youth get to Detroit 1 square mile at a time. Spaghetti Dinner JANUARY 10, 2015 AT 4 - 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall! 100% of proceeds are going to the National Youth Gathering Trip to Detroit! The Spaghetti dinner is open to the public. Tickets are available in Narthex or Contact Carl Wetzel 610-703-6077 available to fill representing the total square mileage of Detroit. In addition there are Free for 5 and under three bonus envelopes if people would like $5 for ages 6-12 to join together as a group to donate. Two $10 for ages 13 and up M erry Christmas to my dearest have tried, I can’t seem to find the words what was happening! I take girl’s night friends and family at Christ Lu- to express the impact you have had on my out very seriously and was ready to chase theran! I am pretty much settled into my life! My childhood dreams long since the guys out! JJ Kurt, thank you for the new home. Everyone is so friendly in Ari- given up on, God has always remembered special song you wrote and sang for me, zona! I’ve driven a golf cart around town, and brought them to life by being able to which by the way, I would like a copy! went swimming outside after Thanksgiv- volunteer at Christ Lutheran. How could I possibly thank everyone for ing, and for the first time turned on my I could never thank you enough for the all the surprises, support, and tears of joy! heat for a night! I’ve been checking out love and support you have given to me. I am so blessed to have been able to call the local churches, but, unfortunately, I keep trying to compare them to Christ Lutheran. It is interesting how different churches do Christ Lutheran my home Merry Christmas from Peg Eure for so many years. I love you and I truly miss being there with you. I trust that God is in the driver’s things. I am amazed at how seat so I’m going to enjoy many activities some the journey, wherever He churches have especially may take me. It is you, when it comes to outreach the wonderful members in the surrounding commu- of Christ Lutheran, who I nities and some even hav- call upon in times of ing missionary trips. I am doubt. My memories of getting very excited about you and the journey we the possibilities. have shared fuel me to I met a retired pastor who keep going. is working on what he calls What words could I write “A Place at the Table” fo- to express my true grati- cusing on those with intel- tude to each and every lectual disabilities. Since one of you who has my sister had such a dis- touched my heart, given ability I understood what he generously of your time, was talking about and the and have shown me such struggles families can face. love! I love you and I will It looks like we will be col- be forever grateful to have laborating on getting the message out Through the tragic loss of my parents and been blessed to have you as a part of my about how truly special these individuals sister last year, I discovered that I mat- life! are and the contributions they can make. tered. I had beautiful friends who went Of course I talked about skits that would out of their way to let me know how let them be the actors/actresses. As Rich much I was loved and cared about. These informed me, he can write a great sermon, are the memories that will always carry but he needs my talents to write those me through the tough times of doubt. skits. God is truly amazing how he places I want to thank Enid and Kurt Rank and the right people in our paths. We met by prayers. Till we meet again…. Merry Lois Apple and everyone for turning our chance and have become instant friends. Christmas and remember: You don’t need last girl’s night out into a surprise going a new year to have a new start. God gives As the holidays approach I realize how away party! I couldn’t have been more you a new start every day. How you use much I miss you all and the singing and surprised when all the guys came in! It’s it is your choice. Love Always, Peg Christmas Eve. No matter how hard I a good thing Enid quickly let me know God bless you. May you always remember you do matter. God has a plan and He remembers your dreams, even if you don’t. You will forever hold a very special place in my life, in my heart, and in my Worship Volunteer Schedule Altar Guild for Month: Dyvonne Nevil, Kathy Miller JANUARY 4 11 18 25 Time 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am Acolyte Aaron Harley, Ryan Salmon Cantor Randy Raab Nick Gawronski Lydia Apple Marissa Harley Cheryl Lawler Mel Jones Communion Servers Pastor’s Assistant Readers Mary Ann Horvath Kathie Jones Greeter Wendy Fritchman Lois Apple Dave & Terry Long Joe Meier, Judy Meier Wendy Fritchman Noah Weaver Alice & Mike Karpa Dianne Herstich Desiree Grube Deavid & Donna Shankweiler, Chadd Hamman, Richard Koehler Amy Kares, Amanda Borovies Ursula Merriman, Marissa Harley Usher Team Nursery David & Donna Schankweiler Jacalyn Jacoby, Aaron Harley Coffee Hour Time Acolyte 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 AM Brynne Szabo Sage Spohn Aaron Grogg Olivia Jackson Doraine Salmon Brett Szabo April Rose Anne Baum Barbara & Bob Pasternak De Del Re Linda Rose Verity Averill, Veronica Rohach Leigh Feather, Joslynn Rose Stephanie Chambers & Daughters Katherine Paskewicz, Amanda Borovies Brynne Szabo Camryn Zavacky Jamie Bodor Ryan Copeman Worship Assistant Communion Servers Pastor’s Assistant Readers Usher / Greeter Nursery Powerpoint Clouser Family JANUARY 2015 SUN 28 Single Service 9:30 am 4 11 New Member Sunday MON ANNUAL MEETING at 9:30 am Youth Group Meeting at 4 pm 25 WED THU 31 7 pm N-A 8 am soup 6 pm Weight Watch 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 pm N-A 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA Spaghetti Dinner 4 - 7 pm 13 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir 7 pm LVDA 7 pm CCT (Lib) 14 15 16 17 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 10 am Dominoes 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA 7 pm Scouts (FH) Pinewood Derby (FH) 20 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir 7 pm COUNCIL 21 8:30 am Quilters 6 pm Zumba 7 pm Phil’s Class 7 pm CLCT 22 23 24 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team Synagogue Trip 7 pm AA 27 8 am Soup 6 pm Weight Watch 7 pm Choir 28 8:30 am Quilters 9 am New Beth. 6 pm Zumba 7 pm Phil’s Class 29 30 12:15 Bible Study 5:30 pm Quilters 7 pm Praise Team 7 pm AA DaySpring Deadline 19 7 pm N-A 26 7 pm N-A ONGOING EVENTS Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:00 pm in the Library. Bible Study meets every Thursday at 12:15 in the Library (reading Isaiah) Dominoes Meets the third Thursday of the month, 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, stopping for a bag lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided. from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bruce or Connie Rice at 610-838-6775. Soup Making for the homebound is the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am in the kitchen. Call Kim Norton at 484-426-1409 with any questions. 2 SAT 30 12 TEAM NIGHT 7 pm 1 FRI 29 7 pm N-A 18 TUE CLOSED NEW YEAR’S DAY 3 CLOSED 30 In case of bad weather, please check the following to confirm if services will commence. Call the church office at 610-838-0400 for an automated message. Log onto WFMZ website to check closures. Check channel 69 for closures. Above all, please use your judgment driving in bad weather. If you are scheduled to volunteer for a service but cannot make it in due to road condi- N-A meets every Monday at 7:00 pm in the Library. Weight Watchers meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. tions, please contact Outreach Ministry Cook and serve meals at New Bethany Ministries on the fourth Wednesday of each month, Zumba meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Fee changed. your team. your committee leader and an alternate on Prayer Shawl CARE GIVING Prayer Shawl will welcome in the New Year with a holiday celebration, January 7th at 7 pm. We will meet off site at the Rank residence. All ministry participants are welcome to attend. Call Enid R. (610) 691-5289 if you need driving directions. The Take Them A Meal website was developed to simplify the coordination and scheduling of meals for groups, like our LIFT ministry at CLC, who provide meals to those in need. Some of the benefits of using Children’s Donation The Sunday School children used their offering from September to Thanksgiving to buy some animals from the ELCA-World Hunger. The Mission Team matched the money the Sunday 1 The LIFT coordinator can post on the website all the information a volunteer would need to schedule and deliver a meal for a specific recipient. A typical meal request would include desires dates, times, special dietary instructions, recipient contact information, and a direct link to Google maps for directions. 2 LIFT can reach a greater volunteer audience within the church and community by sending a churchwide email when a meal request has been posted. A direct link for can be added to the church website. 5 The site will send an automated reminder via email if you volunteer for a meal. 6 The site posts recipes and helpful tips for volunteers. 3 Scheduling is immediately posted on the calendar avoiding duplicate responses for the same delivery date and extra email communications. 4 There is a direct link on the scheduling site to “A Bowl of Good” website if you don’t have time to cook, but would like to send a prepared meal. School collected, so we had $350 to buy animals! The Sunday School bought the following: G.I.F.T. (Gift-card claimed. Thank you to those who have doof a loving home: (1) Goat $50 (1) Pig $30 it Forward Today) (2) Sheep $125 each We have all seen Angels on earth, who bet- (1) Honey Bees $20 ter the lives of those around them and give Thanks to all the children for their of their time and tender hearts to those in support and to the Mission Team need. You can nominate your Angel for a for matching the amount! gift card to let them know they are loved nated items. Below is a list of items in need 1. Like-new shower stool 2. Like-new green walker with attractive material carry bag attached (bag is removable) 3. New CVS brand True result blood 4. Safety arm rails for toilet 5. Exercise pedals 6. Shower chair still has CLC cookbooks available 7. 2 pair of new L/XL HeelWell for that special someone on your 8. Soft Ease suspenders (to position foot, 9. 60 cans of Promote brand Cookbooks The Congregational Care Team holiday gift list! You may request a holiday bow on your cookbook at time of purchase. The cost of the cookbooks has been reduced to $12. Please call Enid Rank at 610-691-5289 to order your copy and appreciated. Fill out a GIFT Nomination Form in the Narthex and drop it in the box provided, or fill out the form online. More info: call Peg Eure at 610-216-8310. Care to Share Most of these items are brand new, or in the case of medical equipment, like new. Please contact Enid Rank at 610-691-5289 or for items to be donated or sugar monitoring meter start up kit heal pressure ulcers, to treat foot drop) 10. nutritional tube feeding, and feeding pump and pole for tube feed administration. today! Brand new Hoveround Standard Power Wheelchair for sale. Asking price of $500 or best offer. Please contact Mary Kolumber 484-851-3308 if interested. Happy Birthday! Bible Study Group 01/01 Hoffert, Lena 01/14 Harley, Marissa 01/28 Blasco, Shawn 01/01 Zavacky, Janet 01/15 Lamper, Stephen 01/29 Banks-Beers, Bonnie 01/01 Fleming, Keira 01/15 Ackerman, Joshua 01/29 Young, Danielle 01/02 Richard, Sandy 01/16 Weddle, Mary 01/29 Wida, Alexis 01/04 Young, Allen 01/16 Harte, Jacob 01/31 Atherholt, Judith 01/05 Feather, Tim 01/17 Austin, Patty 01/05 Reiner, Charles 01/17 Opitz, Heather 01/05 Beers, Jonah 01/17 Potter, Branden 01/06 Pearson, Dorothy 01/18 Rogers, Esther 01/06 Szabo, Marion 01/18 Karabin, Sharon 01/06 Gough, Lori 01/18 Pasternak, Barbara 01/06 Lamper, Morgan 01/18 Ivenz, Melanie “Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, 01/07 Nagy, Christopher 01/20 Patterson, Evelyn and Mohammed Cross the Road?: 01/07 Kidd, Alex 01/23 Glagola, Kathryn Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith 01/08 Benza, Jonathan 01/23 Boreman, Donald World” by Brian McLaren 01/08 Van Buren, Donald 01/23 Wida, Kodie 01/08 Fleming, Deanna 01/24 Staats, Bruce 01/10 Schultz, Barry 01/24 Kneller, Ryan 01/11 Mayer, Amanda 01/24 Mosher, Keith 01/13 Coe, Charles 01/24 Bauder, Mitchell 01/13 Rohach, Victoria 01/25 Stern, Nancy 01/13 Wetzel, Kristin 01/26 McGlone, Shea 01/14 Yochum, Frederick 01/27 Rupert, Lisa 01/14 Harte, Alexandra 01/27 Porterfield, Gordon THURSDAYS 12:15 - 1:15 PM Join Pastor Phil in the Library and read through the Book of Isaiah. SPECIAL BIRTHDAY: Adult Education Evelyn Patterson will be 80 on January 20th JANUARY 21 & 28 FEBRUARY 4 & 11 Get the book and start reading! Join Pastor Phil as we discuss this book Wednesday nights, 7-9 pm. Sign up in the narthex. THANK YOUS From Dan at Bear Creek Camp ~ Thank you! We just wanted you to From Turning Point ~ Thank you for your recent donation of holiday know that we received your gift. Thank you so much for helping us gifts for women and children ~ victims who come to our emergency purchase a much needed dump truck! It’s awesome! shelter often bring few, if any, personal belongings. Thank you again Dear Enid / Congregational Care Team ~ Thank you so very, very much for the Giant Gift Cards I received. You never know how much they helped me. You all are a great church family—helping me through this difficult time. I have very difficult decisions to make for taking the time and making the effort to help us as we continue with our mission to: eliminate domestic violence in the Lehigh Valley through empowerment, education, and engagement. With warm regards, Sharon McCarthy regarding my father and my life. It is never an easy thing to do. So Many thanks to the Congregational Care Team for the beautiful blan- again I say thank you for all you do. It is very appreciated. Thank ket you provided for Helene's baptism! What a wonderful and you, Pastor Phil, and Enid, for your visits. Have a great holiday. thoughtful surprise! Thanks also to Pastor Phil and the congregation Love, Mary Ann Kolumber for helping to create a special and memorable event for our daugh- Excerpt from Saucon Valley Jaycees ~ On November 22nd, the Saucon ter. Sincerely, Rich and Amber Smith & Family Valley Jaycees celebrated Thanksgiving with 150 of our local senior From the Lehigh Valley Health Network ~ Thank you for your most citizens. This meal was free to them with no strings attached ~ to generous gift of 15 lap quilts for the Hackerman-Patz House. Your bless them, to give lonely hearts some company, and to provide a hot generosity is most appreciated. Thanks so much for your thoughtful meal. Thank you for your support and donations that helped offset outreach! Sincerely, Lise Twiford the cost of this event. In Jaycee Spirit, Lori Jardel Non-Profit Org. Christ Lutheran Church U.S. Postage 69 Main Street PAID Hellertown, PA 18055 Lehigh Valley, PA 610-838-0400 Permit No. 588 Dated Material—Do Not Delay RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED COUNCIL & TEAM LEADS COUNCIL: President: Mike Flack Vice President: Chris Kulp Secretary: Alice Karpa Treasurer: Leigh Feather Chuck Bender Kim Blake Lisa Cawley Peg Eure Jackie Jacoby Jeff Koehler Gary Reinbold Lou Savant Kristin Wetzel (Youth Rep) TEAMS: Caregiving: Enid Rank PASTOR: Phil Spohn BUSINESS MANAGER: Kelly Meyer OFFICE MANAGER: Anne Lawatsch Christian Education: Jennifer Pluim Children’s Learning Center: Amy Kares Evangelism: Terry Long Finance: Ann Borovies Mutual Ministry: Council Executive Team Mission: Kathie Jones Parish Life: Allison Sterner Property: Randy Raab Stewardship: Tracy & Dan Bingaman Worship & Music: Ursula Merriman Youth: Mark Stana FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Hilary Simon (Monday & Thursday afternoon appointments) MINISTER OF MUSIC: Stephen Wysocki SEXTONS: Barbara Grello, Sonny Johnson If you have a story to tell or information to share with our Church community contact Leigh Feather at (610) 570-9380
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