January, 2015 United Lutheran Church, Bella Vista, Arkansas The Voice The staff at United Lutheran Church wishes each of you a Happy New Year and prays that 2015 will be a great year for all of us. 1 Martha Circle is helping make decorations. The sign up sheet is out and I need volunteers to help decorate, set up, serve and clean up. We served about 130 at the pie social. We had a great selection of pie and good fellowship. PROPERTY – Rick Hebar COUNCIL MINUTES President Robert Frazier called the United Lutheran Church council meeting to order on December 4, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The following members were present: Richardson, McNew, McNew, Kloss, Hebar, Dykema, Klitzke, Jones, Overton, Hall and Pastor Nelson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherman DEVOTIONS Book Study of Power Surge (Dar Dykema). Share peace of the Lord. MINUTES MSC, the minutes for October, 2014 were accepted with the amendment to the date being changed to November 13, 2014. TREASURER’S REPORT The summary of operations showed total benevolences included dedicated accounts are $59,469 or 15.2% of total revenues. The year to date for 2014 is positive $170. PASTOR’S REPORT Worship Services 7 Classes Taught 7 Meetings attended 13 Home Communions 2 Misc. Activities: November 12 Skype interview with Ordination Candidate November 14-15 Attended the AR-OK Synod Candidacy Retreat in Tulsa, OK. Announced Engagement to be married on February 15, 2015. STAFF REPORTS Stephen Ministry report received, MISSION TEAM REPORTS HOSPITALITY/EVANGELISM Dar Dykema Will be putting together a proposal for an evangelism opportunity. YOUTH AND EDUCATION Stephanie Jones The children/youth families are going to do Advent readings on Sundays, and the Youth Christmas program will be during the 9:30 service on December 14. PARISH FELLOWSHIP – Dorothy Klitzke The theme for the Christmas dinner will be "Over the River and through the Woods", which will be held at noon on Christmas Day. The elevator passed its “witness inspection.” This is the inspection that is conducted by our regular service company and witnessed by a State of Arkansas inspector. We will receive an invoice from the State of Arkansas for our certification and the certificate will be posted in the elevator. Dennis Berg and Vern Hinz repaired the lights for the flagpole in the front of the church and the flags are now illuminated again during the evening hours. We have completed a preliminary study of the cost of placing protective cages over the fourteen (14) HVAC units to discourage the theft of copper wiring. It appears that the cost of purchasing and shipping the cages will be prohibitive. Additionally, the burden and cost of installing these cages falls upon the Property Committee rather than the manufacturer. As a result, we will not be purchasing these cages in the foreseeable future. We have contacted Carroll Electric Cooperative to have an energy audit performed. The energy audit will be conducted on Monday, January 12 at 9:00 a.m. We will encourage anyone who is interested to observe the audit. Carroll Electric will provide recommendations for conserving electricity and the Property Committee will implement those recommendations as time and funding will permit. Volunteers raked and removed leaves from the south side of the church and from the gravel bank in the church parking lot. Despite a great deal of effort, we were able to remove and dump only a portion of those leaves. We will have to consider hiring a service if we wish to have all leaves removed from the church property. MUTUAL MINISTRY – Bob McNew The passage of the budget will create a part-time position in our office to assist Kay. Applications may be picked up in the office and returned by December 19. Starting date will be January 6, 2015. WORSHIP AND MUSIC – Ann McNew A screen and projector has been ordered for Luther Hall. Can we build a Mission Church within an existing church? Come to "Re-United Live", the new name for "Abundant Life", at 5:00 p.m. on December 14, in Fellowship Hall! We need 2 Head Ushers to replace Jack Sadenwasser and Dick Skrei. 2 SOCIAL MINISTRY – Judy Kloss The Food Bags for Helping Hands have been coming back filled to the brim. Helping Hands will pick them up around noon on Monday December 15. Need 4-5 men to help load them, I have put notice in bulletins. The date for Feed my Starving Children has been set for March 14, 2015. They will notify me when they have a planning meeting. The Thanksgiving Offering was $1190.00 - $476.00 went to World Hunger, $476.00 went to Salvation Army and $238.00 went to the Building Maintenance fund. STEWARDSHIP – Roy Sherman "2015 Envelopes are in the narthex. The majority of envelope holders have a new number assigned for 2015 as we reduced the order quantity. Simply Giving participants are reminded to submit a new form for their 2015 withholding to the office." FACILITY REQUESTS None SECRETARY – Brandy Overton Thank you notes were received from the following: Single Parent Scholarship Fund and Mr. Henning for the Scholarship that United has provided. VICE PRESIDENT – Theda Hall Met with Abundant Life Team (Pastor Joe Liles, Jessica Liles, Holly Jones, Lindsey Lawson, Jerry Shaw, Lois Carlson, Jay Yates, Pastor Nelson & Theda Hall to discuss how to market Abundant Life Service. Brandy Overton was on speaker phone with us. Pastor Nelson and I met with Kelly Young from NWA Advertising for the Benton County Record, Rogers Morning News and The Vista. Have black & white ads running in the Vista during Advent for the Advent Wednesday Suppers & Devotions for December 3, 10, & 17. Cost will be $ 83.50 x 3. Black and White Ads will be running for Sunday Advent Services along with Wednesday Advent Suppers and Devotions in the Benton County Daily Record and the Rogers Morning News for November 30, December 7, 14, & 21. Cost will $165.80 x 3. The November 30 ad will be $185.70. Christmas Eve Services will be color ads (2 x 5) for the Benton County Record that will run December 17 and 21 for $276.90. The Vista 2 x 5 color ads will run on the 17 for $123.50. We also placed a ½ page ad in the Bella Vista City Guide for $383.00. This is a year- long magazine representing Bella Vista. It will be similar to the one ad placed last year. We will meet again in December to decide whether or not to place a New Years ad. Call Committee Update – None New Business MSC to approve the Bylaws Revision to be announced at the Congregational meeting this month. Adjourn at 6:52 p.m. with the Lord’s Prayer January 8, 2015 Next Council Meeting Respectfully submitted, Brandy Overton, Secretary When you are given a gift you realize that you are obligated to thank the giver. But what about the giver who as given the best gift of all? How often do we really thank God the Father for the gift of His son, Jesus? 3 HAPPY NEW YEAR from your Parish Nurses to all our United Lutheran members, families, and friends. Learn to enjoy the little things, there are so many of them. Do you have your New Years Resolutions? How are you going to reduce the stress in your life? It is the time of the year when we are looking to a New Year. Tomorrow is the first blank page of your book that you will be creating in 2015. Stress is the tension you feel when faced with a situation that's new, unpleasant or threatening. Stress is an automatic physical reaction and some stress is ok. Change can cause stress, daily living can also be stressful. Stress affects your emotions and your body. What can you do to manage stress in your life? POSITIVE thinking is one of the most powerful and an effective weapon people of any age can do. Plan, Believe in yourself, imagine a favorable outcome, develop interest, and have some fun in your life. We all should be making Health and Fitness an important part of our daily lives. Take a deep breath and do some stress busters in your life. Below are just a few examples you can use to help reduce stress. You can add your own stress busters to the list. Choose one or two stress busters that you can put in your life to help you manage your stress: See problems as Challenges, Read the Bible, Stop and Smell the Roses, Love Others, Never Drink and Drive, Be Faithful, Be around Positive People, Laugh Often, Get Regular check ups, Take a walk, Get Organized, Do Neck Rolls, Stretch often, Learn to say No, Encourage others, Use Proper Lighting, Ask others for Help, Exercise, Set realistic Goals, Have a Hobby, Visualize a Peaceful Scene, Learn to Relax, Sing a Song, Talk things out, Believe in Others, Avoid Dangerous Drugs, Control your Weight, Reflect on your joys, Give Hugs, Read Good Books, Take Breaks, Vacation, Delegate Work, Budget Time and Money, Believe in Yourself, Be Kind, Cry if Necessary, Be Flexible, Forgive and Forget, Reflect on your Joys, Massage tight Muscles, Love Yourself, and take care of yourself. Please try and reduce the stress you can in your life. DON'T SWEAT THE LITTLE STUFF. Charlotte Spencer & Tonja Seusy. 4 Notes from the Music Department JANUARY 2015 VOICE HAPPY NEW YEAR! We not only are celebrating a new calendar year, but we are also beginning a New Church year as we celebrate Epiphany (the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles and all nations) and the Baptism of our Lord. We would like to THANK ALL who provided Special Music for our Worship Services in December: the Chancel Bells and their Director, Margaret Seba; United Choir; the Youth Choir and their Director, Claire Redlaczyk; Phyllis Bergstrom, Digital Piano; Kate Lennon-vocalist and Sara Terry-accompanist (granddaughters of Ardy Schultz); Orchestra, and Members of the Highland Winds-Char Sorenson, Ray Gerstin, Rick Hebar and Marland Thurston. A “Special THANK YOU” to Margaret Seba and Kathy Henning for accompanying our United Choir during Virginia Dale's absence! United Lutheran Church was well represented by members of our United Choir- Ralph Picht, Char Sorenson, Jean Kittelson, Kathy Henning, Ann McNew and Lois Carlson in the Community presentation of the “Messiah” on Sunday afternoon, December 21 at the Bella Vista Lutheran Church. We THANK Joe Patton for playing the trombone solo, “MY TRIBUTE” for the Worship Service on Sunday, January 4. Orchestra resumes rehearsals January 7 at 5:45 PM. United Choir resumes rehearsals January 7 at 7 PM. Chancel Bells resume rehearsals January 8 at 3:15 PM. January is a good time to join any or all of our Music Groups! There are no tryouts—just come and join us! WELCOME BACK Virginia and Dick Dale! Don't forget--- Sunday, January 11 at 5 PM is “REUNITED LIVE” --our monthly “outreach Worship Service “ with a light meal followed by singing with the Neighborhood Praise Band and Worship in Fellowship Hall. Please INVITE and BRING your Friends and Neighbors to this “family friendly” evening of Fellowship. 5 A sincere thank you goes to Dennis Berg and Vern Hinz for repairing the light standard for the flags in front of the church. “Old Glory” can once again be seen waving proudly, even at night. The Property Committee wishes to thank the Henning Family (Rick, Kathy, And Brian), Bob McNew, Garey Olson, and the Wehner’s (Tom and Betty) for their hard work in raking and hauling leaves from the grounds on Saturday. It took the community of United Lutheran Church to pack, drive and deliver hundreds of meals to the community of Bella Vista during the month of November. Some did it once, some many times. So if you packed a meal, drove a route, delivered a meal or had a conversation with a recipient, thank you to the following: Hippes, Seba, Sherwood, Armiger, Skreis, Hermans, Hvidsten, Hartman, Appleton, Schmidt, Krumreys, Pudas, Eidem, Mosbys, Cornwells, Lovaas, Dorans, Lindeman , Buechler, Spencers, Nugents, Heist, Christianson, Lamars, DeGroot, Maki, Hall and Kloss. Well done, good and faithful servants. Thank YOU Thank you to the following for providing poinsettias to decorate our narthex and Fellowship Hall: Cal & Mariann Floren, Clare Ann Stubbs, Ken & Lois Lawson, Tim & Stephanie Ensley, Dick & Joyce Strunk, Robert & Theda Hall, Walt & Betty Knocke, Vern & Kathryn Hinz, Darwin & Nancy Krumrey, Bill Lindeman, and Don & Toni Hippe. My sincere thanks go out to all my United Lutheran Church family for your support, calls, cards, and gifts and to all who attended the memorial service for Ann. Your gifts are being given to the listed party and also to Ann’s favorite animal shelter, Villalobos Rescue Center , New Orleans, LA. God bless you all. Frank Barbieri A big thank you to Orrin Armiger, Rick Hebar, John Overton, Jim Schmidt, Dick Skrei, Buck Kreager, Ron Rear, Mike Seusy, John & Marilyn Cornwell, Louise Wobig, Theda Hall, & Dar Dykema for helping load the 168 food bags on the Helping Hands truck. Thanks again from the Social Ministry Team Thanks for so many words of consolation, cards, and calls we have received over this year at the deaths of my brother, son and now my sister. I have gotten a lot of help from the choir. Music has been the best medicine. God bless all ULC, Cliff Stolpe A big thank you to everyone who filled 168 bags full to the top with food for Helping Hands. Thrivent will add hams to each bag. Thanks to your generosity 168 families will be enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner. Thank you from the Social Ministry Team. For all the many kind thoughts, words, and deeds shown to me, I thank each of you. It is my pleasure to work with everyone at United Lutheran. Kay Anderson Thank you to United Lutheran for the beautiful prayer shawl and to the home communion server who delivered it to me. Dot Fritz A huge thanks to all the following who took part in picking up litter for 2 miles on Rte. 279 on December,10, 2014: Duane Kuske, Carole Walford, Ben Walford, Marv Boicourt, Joe Eidem, George Hildre, Bob Holliday, Don Christianson, Rick Hebar, Mark Maki, Jim Schmidt, Ron Olson, and Marge Taylor. Bud Taylor Dear Friends, Here is our mailing address: Pastor & Mrs. Richard Solberg c/o Fellowship Community Church Rua Carlos Sampaio 107, Bela Vista Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 01333-021 6 Martha Circle Morning Circles Jan 11 January 7– 9:15 a.m. Deborah ....... Helen Eidem January 7 9:30 a.m. Elizabeth ...... Louise Wobig Mary............. Annette Janssen Naomi ......... Jan Hutcherson Rachel ......... Jane Nelson Jan 9 9:00 a.m. Jan 21 9:00 a.m. Jan 28 11:30 a.m. Jan 28 9:30 a.m. Afternoon Circles January 6 – 1:00 p.m. Hannah ........ Char Sorenson January 13 – 1:00 p.m. Martha…….Jan Hutcherson (At Church) This month’s Gather is for January and February, so don’t throw it away! Evening Circle January 5 7:00 p.m. Priscilla ......... Jan Dolan (at church) Piecemakers – The Piecemakers will be back at work on Thursday, January 8 making quilts for Lutheran World Relief and for local needs. Everyone is invited to join them at 9:00 every Thursday in Luther Hall. There are lots of tasks for people who don’t sew. If you’d like to be part of a wonderful fellowship, join us any time. You can also pick up kits to sew at home. Thank you for all your help. Shopping With Single Parents Project Thank you to everyone who supported this project with their dollars and their time. Because of you, we met our goal to provide shoppers and funds to help 15 families have a happier holiday. Coordinator Debbie Olson had 15 volunteers who shopped with our families: Kay Anderson, Mary Boicourt, Marilyn Cornwell, Debra Eidem, Theda Hall, Glenda Heist, , Stevie Lamar, Bonnie Larson, Maxine McClain, Brandy Overton, Tonja Seusy, Carrol Hildre, Robin Appleton, Vicki Armiger, and Carole Walford. Thank you to all our volunteers and to Debbie for the great job she does in coordinating the project. And a special thanks to those “last minute” people who put us over the top just when we thought we would not make our goal! Take down decorations Visiting Phoebes Altar Guild Luncheon Bible Study Leaders The Conference IV Spring Gathering will be held April 18 here at United. The theme is “Panning for Souls,” based on Proverbs 11:25: Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. The Fall Synodical Women’s Conference will be at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville on October 2-3. The theme is “Spiritual Hydration” and is based on 1 Corinthians 10:4. Donuts and Fellowship Starting in January, we will try something new . During the fellowship following the service, we will have donuts available every Sunday instead of cookies once a month. Thank you to Deborah and Hannah Circles for serving our Christmas Tea. Everything was lovely, the food was delicious, the program was delightful, and the opportunity for fellowship was wonderful! We appreciate the talent and hard work of our hostesses. At the tea we honored the women from United who died in 2014: Virginia Benning, Alice Johnson, Dorothy Mortensen, Ruth Oberhelman and Phyllis Selig. We thank God for their faithful service to our congregation and to the Women of United. 7 Scholarship Committee United Lutheran Scholarship Fund awarded two scholarships in 2014. The recipients were Otto Troutner and Brain Henning. Otto, son of Forest and Janet Troutner, has been awarded a two semester gift. He is a 2014 graduate of Gravette High School and is presently attending Northark CC in Harrison, AR. Brian, son of Rick and Kathy Henning, has received a gift for the second semester at University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. Upon graduation this spring Brian plans to enroll at Luther Seminary. We wish both young men God’s blessings in their futures. DO NOT FORGET - The scholarship fund needs your continual contributions so that we may continue to help our worthy young members with their college educations! Thank you for your support. Committee members: Joe & Helen Eidem, Jim & Mary Lou Schmidt, Steve & Mary Lou Stolp, Wally & Jane Nelson SINGLES UNITED: All singles invited to a game afternoon, Saturday, January 10, 2015 - 1:00 PM. Fellowship Hall. Games (Farkel,etc.) and/or cards will be played - your choice. You will need a 4-some to play Bridge or Crazy Canasta (cards furnished). Bring snacks or drinks - coffee furnished. Any questions, give Carl Rumsey 876-6304 or Ralph Picht 855-0830 a call. Bread for the World The January meeting of Bread for the World will be on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 9:15 a.m. at church. Sincere thanks for the excellent response to Bread for the World Sunday. Over 300 letters were written and over $500.00 was given to the Bread for the World Institute. For more information contact 876-2700 or 876-5437. Bethany Shepherd Group will meet at Highlands Parkway Clubhouse on Sunday, January 18 at 12:00 noon for soup lunch. 8 January Birthdays 1 2 3 6 Mavis McGary Ronald Snyder Donna Paris-Bluml Lucile Aasmundstad Jan Dolan Ralph Picht 10 Kathy Henning 11 Joe Patton Loletia Rear Melissa Seusy 12 Carrol Hildre 13 Mary Lou Schmidt 14 Marlene Doran Jean Mosby Chuck Seeley 16 Phillip Matsler 17 Tina Evans Jo Ann Michel 18 Lorrayne Maki 19 David Anderson Robert Rein 21 Louise De Groot Buck Kreager 22 Pat Kugler Helen Smiley Connie Wuhs 23 Mavis Hvidsten Curt Kimpfbeck 24 Chyenne Baer Fred Sulzberger 25 Judith Berg Marjorie Taylor Janet Troutner 26 Blanche Johnson 27 Margaret Christianson Ethel Holt 28 Lorena Kilgore 29 Charles Vail 30 Barbara Thorson January Anniversaries 8 Charles & Elsie Taylor 30 Keith & Sheila Lettow 31 Jim & Mary Lou Schmidt Ann Barbieri April 8, 1937 - November 20, 2014 9 A New Year With The Lord A new year is about to unfold With new opportunities to explore Doors will open for new experiences New adventures with the Lord Remember not the former things The things of this past year The Lord will do new things in us Much more than we are aware For He will make a way for us As we put our trust in Him And He will guide our every step By His presence we have within What God has placed within our hearts We find we’ll be able to do If we look for the opportunities We’ll see the door to go through We mustn’t let anything hold us back But rise up and take our place And be all that God wants us to be With a fresh touch of His grace - M.S.Lowndes To find more about Stephen Ministry please contact a Stephen Leader. Jerry Shaw (855-3327), Jane Nelson (855-2745), Donna Paris-Bluml (855-0319). A Stephen Ministry Training Class begins January 12, 2015 Join us – It’s not too late! Meetings for January will be on January 12 and January 26 @ 6:00 p.m. 10 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 4 New Member Sunday 9:30 Worship/ Communion 10:45 Adult Bible Class Blood pressure clinic 5 1 pm Staff meeting 3 pm United in Prayer 7 pm Priscilla Circle 6 8am Exercise 9:15 Worship/ Music Team 1 pm Hannah Circle 7 8 am Bible study 9:30 Circles 5:45 Orchestra 7 pm Choir 11 9:30 Worship/ Communion 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Bible class 5pm REUNITED Live/FH 12 1pm staff Meeting 3 pm United in Prayer 5:15 pm SM Leaders 6 pm Stephen Ministers and training class 13 8 am Exercise 1 pm Martha Circle 14 8 am Men’s Club breakfast 5:45 Orchestra 7 pm Choir 18 9:30 Worship/ Communion 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Bible class 12Bethany Shepherd Group 25 9:30 am Worship/ Communion 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Bible class 19 1 pm Staff meeting 3 pm United in Prayer 6 pm Stephen Minister Training 26 1 pm Staff meeting 3 pm United in Prayer 6 pm Stephen Ministers 6 pm SM Training class 20 8 am Exercise 21 8 am Bible class 9:15 Phoebes 9:15 Bread for the World 5:45 Orchestra 7 pm Choir 27 8 am Exercise 28 9:30 Bible study leaders 12 noon Lunch 11:30 Altar and Learn/LH Guild Thu Fri Sat 1 Holiday Office closed 2 Office closed 3 8 8 Exercise 9 Piecemakers 3 pm Parkinson’s Support/FH 3:15pm Chancel Bells 6 pm Church Council 15 8 am Exercise 9 am Piecemakers 1 pm Diabetes Support/Forest Hills Church 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 9 9 am Undecorate the church 10 12:00 United Singles/FH 16 17 22 8 am Exercise 9 Piecemakers 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 23 24 29 8 am Exercise 9 am Piecemakers 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 30 31 11
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