Last updated: 23/12/14 Curriculum Vita Randall K. Jamieson, Ph.D. Department of Psychology University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2 Phone: 1-204-474-7837 Fax: 1-204-474-7599 Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology President Elect, Society for Computers in Psychology Chair Elect, Canadian Psychological Association (BCS Section) Director, UM Cognitive Science Laboratory Academic Positions 2014Adjunct Professor of Psychology (University of British Columbia) 2014Research Associate (Centre on Aging at University of Manitoba) 2011Associate Professor of Psychology (University of Manitoba) 2007-2011 Assistant Professor of Psychology (University of Manitoba) Education 2005-2007 2001-2005 2001/2004 1999-2001 1995-1999 NSERC Post-doctoral Fellow (McMaster University) Doctor of Philosophy (Queen's University) Levels I/II Certification in High Performance Computing (HPCVL/Sun Microsystems) Master of Arts (Queen's University) Bachelor of Arts, Specialized Honours (Cum Laude, York University) Research Topics Implicit learning Associative learning Human memory Computational psychology Research Awards 2013 Nominated for James S. McDonnell Scholar Award 2006 Andrew McGhie Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis (Queen's University) 2006 Certificate of Excellence for Best Doctoral Thesis (Canadian Psychological Association) 2005 D. O. Hebb Student Award for Best Graduate Student Paper (CSBBCS; Runner up) 2004 D. O. Hebb Student Award for Best Graduate Student Poster (CSBBCS) 2000 W. B. Templeton Award, Best Undergraduate Thesis (York University) 2000 Faculty Of Arts Essay Award (York University) Teaching Awards 2013 Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (University of Manitoba) 2010 Faculty of Arts Teaching Award, New Faculty (University of Manitoba) 2003 Teaching Assistant Award (Council of the Canadian Departments of Psychology) 2003 Teaching Assistant Award (Queen's University) 2002 Christopher Knapper Teaching Assistant Award (Queen's Alma Mater Society) Research Funding 2013-2018 “A computational account of learning and memory” (PI), National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery Grants Program, $125,000 2008-2013 “A unified account of learning, memory, and categorization” (PI), National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery Grants Program, $84,680 2008-2009 “Applying basic research in categorization to the problem of clinical diagnosis” (PI), University of Manitoba University Research Grants Program, $7,500 Professional Affiliations Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science Society for Computers in Psychology Canadian Psychological Association Eastern Psychological Association Cognitive Science Society Psychonomic Society Research Journal articles 1) Curtis, E. T., Chubala, C. M., Spear, J., Jamieson, R. K., Hockley, W. E., & Crump, M. J. C. (in press). False recognition of instruction-set lures. Memory. 2) Vokey, J. R., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014). A visual familiarity account of evidence for orthographic processing in baboons (Papio papio). Psychological Science, 25, 991-996, 3) Jamieson, R. K., & Spear, J. (2014). The offline production effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 20-28. 4) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2013). Recoding and representation in artificial grammar learning. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 470-479. 5) Jamieson, R. K., & Hauri, B. (2012). An exemplar model of performance in the artificial grammar task: Holographic representation. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 98-105. 6) Jamieson, R. K., Crump, M. J. C., & Hannah, S. D. (2012). An instance theory of associative learning. Learning and Behavior, 40, 61-82. 7) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2011). Grammaticality is inferred from global similarity: A reply to Kinder (2010). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 209-216. 8) Jamieson, R. K., Holmes, S., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010). Global similarity predicts dissociation of classification and recognition: Evidence questioning the implicit/explicit learning distinction in amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 36, 1529-1535. 9) Jamieson, R. K., Hannah, S. D., & Crump, M. J. C. (2010). A memory based account of retrospective revaluation. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 153-164. 10) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010). Applying an exemplar model to the artificialgrammar task: String-completion and performance for individual items. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 1014-1039. 11) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2009). Applying an exemplar model to the serial reaction time task: Anticipating from experience. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 17571783. 12) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2009). Applying an exemplar model to the artificialgrammar task: Inferring grammaticality from similarity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 550-575. 13) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2005). The influence of grammatical, local, and organizational redundancy on implicit learning: An analysis using information theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31, 9-23. 14) Jamieson, R. K., Thompson, W. F., Cuddy, L. L., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2003). Do conjunction errors in auditory recognition imply feature migration? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57, 125-130. 15) Jamieson, R. K., & Cuddy, L. L. (2001). Song memory: Are text and tune asymmetrically related in recognition memory? Canadian Acoustics, 29, 112-113. Other Publications 1) Jamieson, R. K., & Jones, M. N. (2012). Introduction: Essays in honour of Doug Mewhort. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 79-80. 2) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010). Holographic stimulus representation and judgement of grammaticality in an exemplar model: Combining item and serial-order information. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin TX: CSS. Invited Talks and Colloquia 1) Jamieson, R. K. (2014, November). Parable of the ant physarum. Colloquium in Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. 2) Jamieson, R. K. (2014, February). Can baboons learn to read? Colloquium in the Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 3) Jamieson, R. K. (2012, September). Instance theory and retrospective revaluation. Invited paper at the Society for Computational Modeling of Associative Learning, Jersey City, NJ, USA. 4) Jamieson, R. K. (2011, May). A unified account of implicit and explicit learning. Colloquium at the Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Alberta, Canada. 5) Jamieson, R. K. (2011, January). Sophisticated behaviour in simple systems. Colloquium in the Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 6) Jamieson, R. K. & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010, June). A single system account of the dissociation in classification and recognition in anterograde amnesia. Invited paper at the 71st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 7) Jamieson, R. K. (2009, July). Learning in an exemplar model of memory. Invited paper in the President’s Symposium of the joint Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science and the Experimental Psychology Society, University of York, York, U.K. Conference Presentations 1) Jamieson, R. K. (2014, November). Implicit learning is path dependent. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA. 2) Crump, M. J. C., Blecher, M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, November). False-memory for previously tested items: Investigating test-induced associative and repetition priming. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA. 3) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, November). An automated technique for controlling Type I error inflation in individual subjects analysis. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Long Beach, CA, USA 4) Jamieson, R. K. (2014, July). Implicit learning is path dependent. Paper delivered at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 5) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, July). The emergence of distributed representation in learning. Poster delivered at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 6) Crease, M., Graf, P., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, July). A bird in the hand: Prospective memory cues disrupt encoding of surrounding stimuli. Poster delivered at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 7) Curtis, E. T., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, July). A single-system account of intact identification priming in memory dysfunction. Poster delivered at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 8) Crease, M., Graf, P., & Jamieson, R. K. (2014, June). Bird is the word: The next-in-line effect and prospective memory. Poster delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 9) Jamieson, R. K. (2014, June). The order in which items are studied impacts implicit learning. Poster delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 10) McDonald, D. L., Bernstein, D. M., Jamieson, R. K., Cormack, D., & Bodner, G. E. (2014, May). Manipulating the proportion of words said aloud supports the strength-based account of the production effect. Poster delivered at the Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, USA. 11) Jamieson, R. K., & Vokey, J. R. (2014, March). A familiarity based explanation of evidence for orthographic processing in baboons (Papio papio). Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, NY, USA. 12) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2013, November). Boundary conditions on retrospective revaluation in humans. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON, Canada. 13) Vokey, J., & Jamieson, R. K. (2013, June). Evidence for orthographic processing in baboons (Papio papio)? A familiarity-based simulation. Poster delivered at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 14) Curtis, E. T., Chubala, C. M., Spear, J. A., Jamieson, R. K., Hockley, W. E., & Crump, M. J. C. (2013, June). False recognition of instruction-set lures. Paper delivered at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 15) Jamieson, R. K., & Spear, J. (2013, March). The production effect in online and offline cognition. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, NYC, NY, USA. 16) Jamieson, R. K., Chubala, C. M., Hannah, S. D., & Crump, M. J. C. (2012, November). An instance-based account of retrospective revaluation. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 17) Curtis, E., & Jamieson, R. K. (2012, November). A memory-based account of arithmetic performance. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 18) Jamieson, R. K., Crump, M. J. C., & Hannah, S. D. (2012, November). A computer tool to simulate and teach associative learning. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 19) Jamieson, R. K., & Chubala, C. M. (2012, June). A memory-based explanation of higher-order retrospective revaluation. Paper delivered at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 20) Chubala, C. M. & Jamieson, R. K. (2012, June). An experimental demonstration of higher order retrospective revaluation. Poster delivered at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 21) Jamieson, R. K. (2012, March). An instance theory of associative learning. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 22) Jamieson, R. K. (2011, November). The holographic exemplar model: A retrospective account of judgement in the artificial grammar task. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA, USA. 23) Jamieson, R. K., Hannah, S. D., & Crump, M. J. C. (2011, November). A simple network model of associative learning (not memory). Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Seattle, WA, USA. 24) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2011, November). The holographic exemplar model: Recoding and representation in artificial grammar learning. Poster delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Seattle, WA, USA. 25) Chubala, C. M., & Jamieson, R. K. (2011, June). Implicit learning of associative structure. Paper delivered at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 26) Hauri, B., & Jamieson, R. K. (2011, June). Perception of symmetry in fractal patterns. Paper delivered at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 27) Spear, J., & Jamieson, R. K. (2011, June). A reverse production effect in reality monitoring. Poster delivered at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 28) Curtis, E. T., & Jamieson, R. K. (2011, June). Extended training biases judgements of grammaticality towards exemplar similarity. Paper delivered at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 29) Jamieson, R. K. (2011, June). The holographic exemplar model. Paper delivered at the Festschrift for D. J. K. Mewhort, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 30) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010, November). Holographic stimulus representation and judgement of grammaticality in an exemplar model. Poster delivered at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 31) Jamieson, R. K., Crump, M. J. C., & Hannah, S. D. (2010, November). A memory-based account of retrospective revaluation. Poster delivered at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 32) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2010, August). Holographic stimulus representation and judgement of grammaticality in an exemplar model: Combining item and serial-order information. Poster delivered at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon, USA. 33) Jamieson, R. K. (2010, June). Parallel retrieval and the chorus of instances. Paper delivered at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 34) Jamieson, R. K. (2009, November). An instance-based theory of associative learning: On intelligence, intuition, and design. Paper delivered at the Department of Psychology Colloquium Series, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 35) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2009, November). An exemplar-based account of performance in the artificial-grammar task. Poster delivered at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 36) Jamieson, R. K., Crump, M. J. C., & Hannah, S. D. (2008, June). Modelling retrospective revaluation with a model of human memory. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 37) Jamieson, R. K., Crump, M. J. C., & Hannah, S. D. (2008, May). An exemplar model of Pavlovian conditioning. Poster delivered at the Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 38) Jamieson, R. K., & Brooks, L. R. (2007, June). Exemplar retrieval enables an illusion of category simplicity: Implications for theories of category coherence. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 39) Jamieson, R. K., Hannah, S. D., & Crump, M. J. C. (2007, June). An episodic memory approach to classical conditioning. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 40) Jamieson, R. K. (2007, January). The illusion of simplicity. Paper delivered at Ohio State University, Marion, Ohio, USA. 41) Jamieson, R. K. (2007, January). The illusion of simplicity. Paper delivered at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 42) Jamieson, R. K. (2006, December). The illusion of simplicity. Paper delivered at University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 43) Jamieson, R. K., & Brooks, L. R. (2006, June). Ecological constraints in category learning: Supported learning in the service-of-use. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 44) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2006, June). The relation between learning and structure is predicted by a global-matching theory of memory. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 45) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2005, November). Resonance-based retrieval and the HickHyman law. Poster delivered at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 46) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2005, August). An instance based account of Hick's law. Paper delivered at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, FedEx Institute, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. 47) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2005, July). A memory based explanation for Hick's Law. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (D. O. Hebb Student Award) 48) Jamieson, R. K. (2005, January). What's implicit about implicit learning? Invited paper delivered at the Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. 49) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2004, November). An information-theoretic analysis of implicit learning. Poster delivered at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 50) Jones, M. N., Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2004, November). Quantifying word transitions in sentences by coding statistical properties of text corpora. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 51) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2004, June). Implicit access to global structure by organization of local structure. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. 52) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2004, June). An instance model of implicit learning. Poster delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. (D. O. Hebb Student Award) 53) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2003, June). Benefits of redundancy on artificial grammar learning. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 54) Jamieson, R. K., & Mewhort, D. J. K. (2002, June). An information processing account of artificial grammar learning. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 55) Jamieson, R. K., & Cuddy, L. L. (2001, October). Song memory: Text and tune are asymmetrically related in recognition memory. Paper delivered at the Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Alliston, Ontario, Canada. 56) Jamieson, R. K., Thompson, W. F., & Cuddy, L. L. (2000, November). Memory for combinations of musical parameters: Pitch and timbre. Paper delivered at the Joint meeting of The Society for Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education & The Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Research in Music, Leeds University, Leeds, UK. Teaching Courses taught Psychology 7310: Memory disorders Psychology 7310: Computational psychology Psychology 7210: Quantitative methods in psychology 2 Psychology 7200: Quantitative methods in psychology 1 Psychology 3580: Language and thought Psychology 3390: Thinking Psychology 3340: Design and analysis for psychological experiments Psychology 2480: Cognitive processes Graduate Supervision Active Chrissy Chubala Evan Curtis Michelle Crease PhD PhD PhD Psychology Psychology Psychology @ UBC 201020122013- Completed Brian Hauri MA Psychology 2010-2013 Graduate Student Committees Shafin Rahman Flint Schwartz David Cormack Dawson Clary Camilo Hurtado-Parrada MSc MA MA PhD PhD Computer Science Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology 20142014201420122008- Nick Brosowsky Danielle Labossiere Chad Graves Jady Wong Michael O’Brien-Moran Jeff Doering Matthew Lount Loni Desanghere David McCallum Phil Audette Anjum Fazalludin Tamara Ansons Launa Leboe Doug Alards-Tomalin MA PhD MA PhD PhD MA MSc PhD MSc MA MA PhD PhD MA Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Education Psychology Computer Science Psychology Computer Science Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology 2013-2014 2007-2014 2011-2013 2007-2013 2008-2013 2010-2013 2011-2013 2010-2013 2011-2012 2010-2012 2009-2011 2007-2011 2007-2009 2007-2009 External Thesis Examiner Wen Wu Mark Huff PhD PhD University of Queensland University of Calgary 2014 2013 Undergraduate Honours Supervision Andrew Gabel 2014/2015 Adam Hawkeye 2014/2015 Thomas Toles 2012/2013 **, ****** Alexa Yakubovich 2012/2013 *, **, ****, ****** Nigel Daly 2011/2012 Chris Cadonic 2011/2012 Jackie Spear 2010/2011 *** Uliana Nevzorova 2009/2010 **, **** Scott Bridgeman 2009/2010 Julianna Hurley 2009/2010 Evan Curtis 2009/2010 *, ** Brian Hauri 2009/2010 Signy Holmes 2008/2009 *, **, ***, ***** Courtney O’Brien 2008/2009 Anthony Pranata 2007/2008 ** * Ten Have Award for Best Thesis in Psychology ** Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Excellence *** Data published in peer-reviewed journal **** Winner of University Gold Medal ***** Winner of Governor General’s Silver Medal ****** Rhodes Scholar Undergraduate Research Supervision Rory Waisman 2014-2015 Thomas Toles 2012 Alexa Yakubovich 2012 David Cormack 2012 PURE & NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award UM Undergraduate Research Award UM Undergraduate Research Award Brian Hauri Uliana Nevzorova 2010 2009 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award Service Academic Societies Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science • Executive Committee • Conference Co-organizer Canadian Psychological Association • Chair Elect (Brain and Cognitive Science Section) • Publications Committee • Scientific Affairs Committee Society for Computers in Psychology • President Elect • Steering Committee 2011-2014 2011 2014-2016 2014-2015 2012-2015 2014-2016 2010-2013 Editorial Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 2013-2016 2012 Volume 66 (2) Faculty of Arts Executive Committee Nominating Committee Blended and Online Learning Task Force Focus Group 2011-2014 2009-2010 2013 Department of Psychology Acting Head Executive Committee Area Coordinator, Brain and Cognitive Science Research and Scholarship Committee (Chair) Graduate Awards, Funding, and Scholarship Committee Subject Pool Committee (Chair) Department Strategic Planning Committee Department Head Search Committee Departmental Hiring Committee (Quantitative) Curriculum and Instruction Committee Public Relations Committee Blended Teaching of PSYC1200, Ad hoc Committee Tenure and Promotions Committee Vineberg Prize Reviewer Representative at PhD Oral 2013, 2014 2009-2015 2011-2014 2009-2010, 2014-2015 2011-2014 2009-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2009-2010, 2013-2014 2007-2009 2007-2009, 2011 2009-2010 2012 2009-2012 2012 Community Ask a Scientist, Government of Canada ( 2012-2014
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