Door Closer Range A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S P EC I A LI S T S • Does it meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010? • And if applied to a fire door - Does it satisfy INTRODUCTION the fire regulations? WHICH DORMA DOOR CONTROL? This brochure will help you select the correct There are two main considerations in specifying door controls: doorDoes control fortheyour application. • it meet requirements of the Equality Act 2010? FIRE REGULATIONS FIRE BSREGULATIONS EN 1154 Controlled Door Closing Devices Fire regulations INTRODUCTION • And if applied to a fire door - Does it satisfy the fire regulations? This brochure will help you select the correct door control for your application. There are two main considerations in specifying door controls: Equality act 2010 • Does it meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010? •a aduty And ifupon applied to aproviders fire doorto-toDoes it satisfy The Equality service remove the The EqualityAct Actplaces places dutyupon service providers remove thephysical physicalbarriers barriersthat thatprevent preventpeople peoplewith withdisabilities from fireEducation regulations? disabilitiesa from accessing athe service. The Special Education NeedsAct & Disability (SENDA) details this requirement accessing service. The Special Needs & Disability (SENDA)Act details this requirement for schools and educational for schools and educational institutions. This brochure will help you select the correct institutions. door control for your application. The specific performance of door closers in meeting this requirement is detailed within the Building Regulations: BS8300: 2009 DOOR The specific performance of door closers in meeting this requirement is detailed within the Building Regulations: and Approved Document M (ADM) in England and Wales, Section 3 in Scotland and Part R in Northern Ireland. These state that: BS 8300: 2009 and Approved Document M (ADM) in England and Wales, Section 3 in Scotland and Part R “…a door closerIreland. must produce an opening in Northern These state that: force of below 30N between 0º and 30º degrees and below 22.5N between 30º and 60º degrees…”. EQUALITY ACT 2010 FIRE REGUL A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S BS:EN 1154 Controlled Door Closing Devices BS 1154 Controlled Door Closing Devices ThisEN gives the minimum performance levels for door closing devices, in relation to door width and mass. It also This givesforthe minimum performance levels for door closing devices, in relation resistance. to door width andmust mass.comple closers general suitability for use on fire doors, safety in use, corrosion Closers This gives the minimum performance levels for door closing devices, in and relation to door width and mass. It also classifies Itopening also classifies closers for general suitability for use on fire doors, safety in use, and corrosion resistance. closing cyclesfor without of performance or significant wear. The standard that closers closers forand general suitability use onloss fire doors, safety in use, and corrosion resistance. Closers requires must complete 500,00fi Closers mustthan complete 500,000 openingclosers and closing cycles without loss this of performance or significant wear. be no less size EN 3. Adjustable must be able to achieve as a minimum. All DORMA Door opening and closing cycles without loss of performance or significant wear. The standard requires that closers fitted toClos fire The standard that closers fitted to fire doors be no less than size EN 3. Adjustable closers must be Marked BSrequires EN1154. be no lesstothan size EN 3. Adjustable closers must be able to achieve this as a minimum. All DORMA Door Closers are CE able to achieve this as a minimum. All DORMA Door Closers are CE Marked to BS:EN1154. Marked to BS EN1154. Building Regulations Building BuildingRegulations Regulations Approved Document S in Ireland) requires T Approved DocumentBBininEngland Englandand andWales, Wales,(Section (Section2 2ininScotland Scotlandand andPart Part S Northern in Northern Ireland) Approved Document B in England and Wales, (Section 2 in Scotland and Part S in Northern Ireland) requires Third Test Certification as CERTIFIRE). DORMA door closers, and panic hardware have been fireParty teste requires Third Party(such Fire Test CertificationAll (such as CERTIFIRE). All locks DORMA door closers, locks and panic Test Certification (such as CERTIFIRE). All DORMA door closers, locks and panic hardware have been fire tested and appr hardware have been fire tested andare approved by CERTIFIRE to ensure that they are fit for purpose. by CERTIFIRE to ensure that they fit for purpose. by CERTIFIRE to ensure that they are fit for purpose. CLOSERS and third party fire testing DOOR CLOSERS DOOR CLOSERS CERTIFIRE is a third party certification authority originally set up by Warrington Fire Research fire testing andand thirdthird partyparty fire testing and BSI. It specialises in certification for a wide range of passive fire protection products which includes fire doors and theirparty hardware. Toauthority gainauthority CERTIFIRE approval for a fire door: CERTIFIRE a third certification originally setWarrington upuse by on Warrington Fire and Researc CERTIFIRE is aisthird party certification originally set up by Fire Research BSI. allproduce door closers availableforce in the the criteria, door and closers carry third between party test30º evidence to “…a door closerNot must an opening of market below can 30Nmeet between 0º and DORMA 30º degrees below 22.5N It specialises in certification for a wide range of passive fire protection products which includes fire doo It specialises in certification for a wide range of passive fire protection products which includ demonstrate their ability to produce low openingActforces meet tothe requirements BS8300 and ADM*. and 60º degrees…” The Equality places and a dutyhelp upondoorsets service providers remove the physical of barriers that prevent people with disabilities • Itemsfrom of door hardware must have been included in successful fire door tests andand their hardware. their hardware. accessing a service. The Special Education Needs & Disability Act (SENDA) details this requirement for schools•and They educational must be independently tested against the relevant BS:EN or BS, to ensure their durability and safety To gain CERTIFIRE approval for use on a fire door: institutions. Not all door closers available in the market can meet the criteria, DORMA door closers carry third party test evidence to To gain approval for use on a fire door: production lines registered under an ISO 9000 regime • TheyCERTIFIRE must be manufactured on quality assured Theand specific performance door closers in meeting this requirement is detailed within the Building Regulations:•BS8300: 2009 demonstrate their ability to produce low opening forces help doorsetsofmeet the requirements of BS 8300 and ADM*. Items of been included in successful fire door • Items of door doorhardware hardwaremust musthave have been included in successful fire tests door tests and Approved Document M (ADM) in England and Wales, Section 3 in Scotland and Part R in Northern Ireland. These state that: • They must be independently tested against the relevant regulating BS EN or BS, to ensureand theirpurchasers, durability and These three requirements give confidence to specifiers, authorities thatsafety alland relevant • They must be independently tested against the relevant BS EN or BS, to ensure their durability safetyaspects of the “…a door closer must produce anfor opening of below 30N betweenApplications 0º and 30º degrees and below 22.5N between 30º and 60ºbe manufactured on quality assured production lines registered under theforce BS8300/ADM* • They must an ISO 9000 regime product assessed. • Theyhave mustbeen be manufactured on quality assured production lines registered under an ISO 9000 regime degrees…”. EQUALITY ACT 2010 ALL DOOR CLOSERS must be power adjustable by spring and conform to BSEN1154 These three requirements give confidence to specifiers, regulating authorities and purchasers, that all relevant aspects of the product have be Not all door closers available in the market can meet the criteria, DORMA door closers carry third party test evidence to These threeapproval requirements givegive confidence to specifiers, authorities and purchasers, relevant of the produ does not carte blanche for the regulating use of an item of hardware on any firethat door.allCheck theaspects following: Whilst and ADM* state maximum force requirements in respect of the door the complete doorset must be compliant assessed. with for theBS8300 BS 8300/ADM* Applications must opening be power adjustable by spring and conform to closer, BS:EN1154 Details No. Certificate number issued by CERTIFIRE this opening force. A Torque Curve shows the opening and closing forces throughout the opening and closing cycle in Nm from initial opening CF Details ITT120 Suitable fornot timber CERTIFIRE approval does give fire cartedoors blanche for the use of an item of hardware on any fire door. Check the following: throughBS and beyond of opening. They allow calculation tolerances the closer resistance from other fitted items, such as door Whilst 8300 and 60º ADM* state maximum opening forceofrequirements in door respect of will the allow door for closer, the complete doorset CERTIFIRE approval does not give carte fornumber uninsulated metal doors for the use of an item of hardware on any fire door. Check the followi for the BS8300/ADM* seals be andcompliant hinges, and site conditions. CF No. Suitable Certificate issued byblanche CERTIFIRE must with this opening force. A Torque Curve shows the opening and closing forces throughout the opening andApplications MM240 IMM240 Suitable for insulated metal doors must be power adjustable andpivots conform to BSEN1154 ITT120 Suitable for timber fireissued doors by CERTIFIRE closing cycle in closers Nm from initial inopening through and beyond 60ºby ofspring opening. They allow calculation the door CF No. Certificate number All the DORMA detailed this guide have been third party tested using as detailed in BS of ENtolerances 1154 (maximum resistance 0.4Nm). MM240 Suitable for uninsulated closer will allow for resistance from other fitted items, such as door seals and hinges, and site conditions. ITT120 Suitable for timber firemetal doorsdoors High quality accompanying ironmongery Whilst such BS8300 as hinges, latches and intumescent sealsrequirements should beinselected to keep the resistance added tonumber and ADM* state maximum opening force respect of in theorder door closer, the complete doorset must be compliant withindicates that some items may be suitable for doors up to 120 mins fire resistance, whereas others may be The IMM240 Suitable for insulated metal doors doors MM240 for uninsulated metal opening force. A Torque Curve shows resistance the opening and closing forces throughout the opening and closing cyclecurrently in Nm fromexists initial opening the door set to a minimum. BS EN 1935this details the maximum allowable provided by hinges, however no such standard for for up to Suitable suitable 240 mins. All the DORMA closers detailed in this through guide and have been60ºthird partyThey tested pivots as detailed in BS:EN 1154 beyond of opening. allowusing calculation of tolerances the door closer will allow(maximum for resistance from other fittedIMM240 items,number such as door The indicates thatfor some items may be doors suitable for doors up to 120 mins fire resistance, whereas others may be suitable Suitable insulated metal door seals.0.4Nm). Contact High manufacturers directly for information on the their ironmongery. resistance quality accompanying suchresistance as hinges,oflatches and intumescent seals should be selected seals and ironmongery hinges, and site conditions. up to 240 mins. The number indicates that some items may be suitable for doors up to 120 mins fire resistance, whereas others may b Check Certificates This torque graphthe shows the results fromto for the DORMA TS93 action closer, how opening forceresistance at 0º to in order to keep resistance added the door closers set totest a minimum. BS:EN 1935 details the maximum resistance Allan theindependent DORMA detailed in this guide have been cam third party tested using demonstrating pivotsallowable as detailed in BS the EN 1154 (maximum 0.4Nm). DORMA is mins. always willing to supply copies of certificates relating to their products. Certificates give details of any extra Check Certificates up to 240 30º degrees of the door opening starts at less than 30N and falls away to less than 22.5N directly for theshould remainder of the opening provided by hinges, however no angle such standard currently exists forrapidly doorsuch seals. Contact manufacturers for be information High quality accompanying ironmongery as hinges, latches and intumescent seals selected in order to keepcycle. the resistance added to intumescent protection required in the locality of some mortised items. DORMA supplies such extra protection as ready cut the door set to a minimum. BS EN 1935 details the maximum allowable resistance provided by hinges, however no such standardDORMA currently exists for on resistance ofwas their ironmongery. is always willing to supply copies of certificates relating to their products. Certificates give details of any extra intumesc Thisthe measurement taken at power setting EN 3, the minimum requirement for fire doors as detailed in BS EN 1154. For non-fire resistinggasket doors Check Certificates packs for those products which require them. door seals. Contact manufacturers directly for information on the resistance of their ironmongery. protection required in the locality of some mortised items. DORMA supplies such extra protection as ready cut gasket packs for the closer can be set to a lower power setting and therefore the opening forces will be even lower. graph showstest the for results an independent test foraction the DORMA TS93 cam action closer, demonstrating how the opening force is at 0º to DORMA always willing to supply copies of certificates relating to their products. Certificates give details of any extra This torque graph shows the results fromThis antorque independent thefrom DORMA TS93 cam closer, demonstrating how the products which require them. 30º degrees of the door opening angle starts at less than 30N and rapidly falls away to less than 22.5N for the remainder of the opening cycle. BS:EN 1155 Electrically powered holdofopen devices for swing doors opening force at 0º to 30º degrees of the door opening angle starts at less than 30N and rapidly falls away to less than 22.5N protection required in the locality mortised items. DORMA supplies such extra protection asincorporated ready cut gasket BS resisting ENboth 1155 Electrically powered hold some open devices for closers, swing doors. Covers both electro-magnetic devicesmust Covers electro-magnetic devices incorporated into door and hold open magnets. To comply, the devices be capableinto do This measurement was taken at power setting EN 3, the minimum requirement for fire doors as detailed in BS EN 1154. For non-fire doors Party Testing Nm remainder of theThird for the opening cycle. Torque Curve products which require them. and hold open magnets. To door comply, theelement devicesmust mustcomply be capable of both manual and electric release. Any door closing the closer can be set to a lower power setting and therefore the opening forces will be even lower. 50 ofclosers, both manual and electric release. Any closing with BS:EN 1154 - controlled door closing devices. element must Electrically comply with powered BS EN 1154 controlled doorfor closing BS EN 1155 hold- open devices swingdevices. doors. Covers both electro-magnetic devices incorporate This 40 measurement was taken at Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm closers, and holditopen magnets. the falls devices must be capable EN of both manual release. Anybe doo Since July 2013, became law for To all comply, product that under the Harmonised standard to beand CE electric Marked before it can m power setting EN 3, the minimum 50 available on the Market and a Declaration of Performance , (DoP), must be produced. If a DoP certificate cannot be produced t element must comply with BS EN 1154 controlled door closing devices. 30 requirement for fire doors as THE FIRE SAFETY ORDER (FSO) 2005 40 the CEJuly Mark becomes invalid. law for all product that falls under the Harmonised EN standard to be CE Marked before it Since 2013, it became detailed in BS:EN 1154. For non20 30 All DoP’s for the DORMA Marked Products can found here: , fire resisting doors the closer can available on Market a the Declaration ofbe Performance (DoP), produced.and If proof a DoPofcertificate With the introduction ofCE theand FSO, Fire Certificate was abolished, leaving must the riskbeassessment compliancecannot in the be p be set to a lower power setting 20 the CEofMark becomes invalid. hands the building owner or other reasonable person. Instead of inspecting premises and issuing certificates, the Fire Service 10 and therefore the opening forces now performs spot checks to ensure compliance withbe thefound regulations. to comply could result in a fine or imprisonment 10 All DoP’s for DORMA CE Marked Products can here: Failure will be0 even lower. (or both) and would invalidate any building insurance. The risk assessment includes checking all fire doors and emergency exit 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 120 140 160 180 (FSO) 2005 doors to see if they meet the requirements of the new FSO. 20 40 60 Degree 80 100 120 140 160 180 Door opening angle 0 CERTIFIRE assessed. demonstrate their ability to produce low opening forces and help doorsets meet the requirements of BS8300 and ADM*. All door closers Torque Torque ALL DOOR CLOSERS THE FIRE SAFETY ORDER Door opening angle Degree *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland Original *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland Original graph provided by MPAgraph provided by MPA 2 THE FIRE SAFETY ORDER With thedetails introduction of the FSO, the Fire Certificate was abolished, leaving the risk assessment and proof of compliance in the hands of the Further are available at building owner or other reasonable person. Instead of inspecting premises and issuing certificates, the Fire Service performs spot checks (FSO)now2005 ensure compliance with the regulations. 3 With thetointroduction the FSO, theorFire Certificate(or was abolished, leaving the risk assessment and proof of compliance in the han Failure comply couldofresult in a fine imprisonment both) and would invalidate any building insurance. HOW TO SELECT A DOOR CLOSER THAT COMPLIES WITH BS8300 & ADM* A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S Is the door you require a Fire Door? Straight on approach Yes No Define the access route NON-FIRE RESISTING DOORS REQUIRED TO SELF-CLOSE There is no legal requirement for a minimum closing force for door closers on non-fire doors so they can be adjusted below size EN3 to make the opening forces as low as possible. However the closer should be able to successfully close the door and must not exceed the opening force limits set out in BS8300/ADM* Right angle approach at least 1500mm wide Right angle approach at least 1200-1499mm wide New build Existing New build Existing New build Existing 800mm minimum clear opening 775mm minimum clear opening 800mm minimum clear opening 775mm minimum clear opening 800mm minimum clear opening 775mm minimum clear opening Allow for door thickness: typically 44mm Allow for half the door thickness: typically 22mm Single action Double action Single action Double action Allow for 2 door stops: typically 26mm Allow for pivot point: typically 57mm N.B Remember to allow for a door handle if required: typically 75mm 870mm minimum door width * Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland Allow for 2 door stops: typically 26mm Allow for pivot point: typically 57mm Allow for door thickness: typically 44mm Allow for half the door thickness: typically 22mm N.B Remember to allow for a door handle if required: typically 75mm 820mm minimum door width 870mm minimum door width 820mm minimum door width 895mm minimum door width 845mm minimum door width Can the door be kept open when not in use? No Yes Would you prefer manual or automatic operation of the door? Decide what type of door closer you require and select either HOLD OPEN or FREE SWING Automatic Manual ED 200i Automatic swing door What type of door closer do you require? ED 100 / ED 250 Low energy & automatic swing door operators Concealed door closers See tables on page 6 4 Cam action door closers with slide channels See tables on page 6 Rack & pinion door closers with scissor arms See tables on page 7 Concealed door closers Cam action door closers with slide channels Rack & pinion door closers with scissor arms HOLD OPEN** RTS 80 EMB HOLD OPEN** TS 93 EMF TS 92 EMF TS 91 EMF HOLD OPEN** TS 73 EMF HOLD OPEN** BTS 80 EMB FREE SWING TS 73 EMF FREE SWING BTS 80 FLB Floor spring door closers See tables on page 7 ** Alternatively use EM magnets with any DORMA product within the chosen door type FREE SWING TS 99 FL Floor spring door closers Not cam action 5 Minim Minim Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 800mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 800mm 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S 40 40 40 60 60 60 8A0RC H100 120 ITEC T U R A 140 L I RO 160 N M O N G180 ERS Door angle 8 0opening 100 160 S EC U 120 R IT Y S140 PEC I A LI S T Degree S 180 Door Degree 8 0opening 100angle 120 140 160 180 Door opening angle Degree WHICH DORMA DOOR CONTROL? DOOR CLOSERS FOR FIRE DOORS KEY DOOR CLOSERS FOR FIRE DOORS K EY Opening force New KEY New improved Third Party Testing Torque Curve New improved performance Third Party Testing Torque Curve 0 0 926 926 926 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 2 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 2 achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Minimum Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm DoP Certificate No. 0016 Nm Nm 50 50 Nm 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 100 120 Door opening angle 80 100 120 Door opening angle 140 140 160 160 180 Degree 180 Degree DoP door Certificate Minimum achievable width No. at E0033 N3 = 767mm New New New improved improved New improved performance performance New improved performance New 60 60 60 80 100 120 140 160 80opening 10angle 0 12 0 14 0 160 Door Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 140 160 Door opening angle 0 improved performance performance 180 180 Degree Degree 180 Degree S ize E N2-5 Product TS 83 S ize E N2-5 Product TS S ize E N2-5 ITS83 96 N2-4 Product ITS 96Typical Door S ize E N2-4 S izes (mm) Typical Door (mm) 826 850 875SS izes 900 Typical Door izes (mm) Product TS 92 S ize E N2-4 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door 826 850 875 900 826 850 875 900 Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 Minimum 875achievable 900 door width 926 at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 DoP Certificate No. 0006 Nm 50 40 = = = = Third Party Testing Torque Curve 30 40 30 30 20 30 20 20 10 20 10 10 0 100 0 0 00 0 20 20 20 0 20 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 80 100 120 100angle 120 Door 808 0opening 100 120 Door opening opening angle angle Door 80 100 120 Door opening angle 140 140 140 140 160 160 160 160 180 180 Degree 180 Degree Degree 180 Degree Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Nm 50 40 = = = = performance improved performance performance 826 826 Typical Door S izes Typical Door S izes 850 875 850 875 (mm) (mm) 900 900 926 926 Typical Door S izes Typical Door S izes 850 875 850 875 (mm) (mm) 900 900 R ACK & PINION DOOR CLOS E R S 40 40 926 926 60 60 80 100 120 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door Door opening angle 140 140 160 160 180 180 Degree Degree 30 30 20 20 10 10 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 100 120 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door Door opening angle 140 140 FLOOR S PR ING FLOOR SPRING FLOOR S PR ING New improved improved performance New performance improved performance 40 40 0 0 0 0 S ize E N2-4 S ize E N2-4 TS 72V/TS 72VB C S ize E N2-5 N2-4 Product TS 83 Product TS 83Typical Door S ize E N2-5 S izes (mm) Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 875 900 Typical Door S izes 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door (mm) 826 850 875 900 826 850 875 900 Minimum achievable door Minimum achievable door Minimum achievable door DoP Certificate No. 0010 Minimum achievable door New Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm Nm 50 50 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 867mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 867mm DoP Certificate No. 0052 20 20 160 160 180 180 Degree Degree 20 40 926 926 926 926 792mm 30 792mm 792mm 867mm 20 867mm 20 R EE R SS C ProductCLOS TS 72V/TS R ACK ACK & & PINION PINION DOOR DOOR R 72VB ProductCLOS TS 72V/TS 72VB C improved performance performance 20 20 0 0 0 0 Torque Torque 826 826 30 30 10 10 DoP Certificate No. 0051 S ize E N3-6 S ize E N3-6 improved New performance New improved New improved performance New improved performance Product B TS 75V Product B TS 75V Typical 826 850 Typical Product TS 73V Product TS 73V 826 850 Typical Typical Minimum achievable 826 850 826 850 Minimum achievable width width width width at at at at E N3 E N3 E N3 E N3 926 926 926 926 = = = = 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 833mm 833mm 833mm 833mm S ize E N1-4 Door S izes (mm) 875 900 926 Door S izes (mm) S ize E N2-4 S ize E N2-4 875 900 926 Door S izes (mm) Door S izes (mm) door width at900 E N3 = 767mm 875 926 875 900 926 door width at E N3 = 767mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 792mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 792mm CAM ACTION DOOR CLOS E R S 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door opening angle 140 140 140 160 160 160 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 Degree 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 140 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 8 0opening 100angle 120 8 0opening 100angle 120 Door Door opening angle 160 180 Degree 140 140 140 140 140 40 30 30 30 20 30 20 20 20 10 20 10 10 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 180 Degree Degree Produ Produ Produ 826 826 826 826 Typical D 850 Minim Minim Minim Minim DoP C 826 Minimum achievable do 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20 20 80 100 120 Door opening angle 140 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 100 120 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door opening angle 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door Door opening angle 140 140 140 140 140 160 160 160 160 160 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 180 Degree 180 Degree Degree Produ Produ Produ Produ 826 Product TS 97 826 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 826 50 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 826 Third Party Party Testing Testing Torque Torque Curve Curve Nm 50 Third Nm Typical D 50 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Pa 50 40 826 850 50 Minim 40 Minim 40 Testing Torque Curve 40 30 Third Party Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Pa Minim 40 30 DoP C Minim 30 30 60 180 Degree Minimum achievable do 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 New 140 60 160 20 30 20 20 20 10 20 10 10 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 160 160 160 160 160 R ACK & PINION DOOR R R ACK ACK & & PINION PINION DOOR DOOR Produ New New improved New improved performance Third Party Testing Torque Curve Product TS 92 New improved performance 80 100 120 Door opening angle Nm 50 Nm Nm 50 Nm 50 Nm 50 40 50 40 140 140 140 140 140 160 160 160 160 160 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 180 Degree 180 Degree Degree R Produ R ACK ACK & & PINION PINION DOOR DOOR Produ 160 180 Third Third Party Party Testing Testing Torque Torque Curve Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve Produ Produ 826 826 826 826 Minim Minim Minim Minim DoP C 40 40 30 40 30 30 30 20 30 20 20 20 10 20 10 10 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door opening angle Door opening angle New Degree improved New improved performance New improved performance improved Third Party Testing Torque Curve performance Third Party Testing Torque Curve performance FLOOR S PR ING FLOOR S PR ING 20 20 20 20 20 S ize E N1-4 DoP Certificate No. 0034 60 60 60 DoP do C Minimum achievable 0 New 40 40 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Product ITS 96 Product ITS 96 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm Nm 50 50 Torque Torque New improved New improved S ize E N2-4 S ize E N2-4 30 20 10 20 10 20 100 100 10 0 0 0 80 100 120 Door opening angle 10 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 783mm 40 40 40 Third Party Testing Torque Curve improved performance Third Party Party Testing Testing Torque Torque Curve Curve Third New performance Third Party Testing Torque Curve improved performance 40 40 30 Testing Torque Curve Third Party 0 Product TS 73V S ize E N2-4 Product TS 73V S ize E N2-4 Product ITS TS 73V N2-4 96 S ize E N3-6 Product ITS 96Typical Door S ize E N3-6 S izes (mm) Typical Door S izes 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door Product TS 97 N2-4 Door 826 S ize E850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical (mm) 826 850 875 900 826 850 875 900 Typical Door S izes (mm) Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 3 826 850 Minimum 875achievable 900 door width 926 at E N3 Minimum door width at E N3 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 3 achievable Minimum achievable door width at E N3 DoP Certificate No. 0004 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 20 20 20 Nm 50 Nm Nm 50 Nm 50 Nm 50 40 50 40 833mm 30 833mm 833mm 733mm 20 733mm 0 Product ITS 96 Product ITS 96 60 10 concealed door closers New 40 Torque = = = = 926 926 926 926 800mm 800mm 783mm 783mm Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Party Testing Testing Torque Torque Curve Curve Third Nm Nm 50 Nm 50 50 Nm 40 50 40 40 TorqueTorque Torque Torque improved performance performance Product RTS 87 S ize E N1-4 Product RTS 87 S ize E N1-4 Product TS 97 S ize E N2-4 Typical Door S izes (mm) Product TS 97Typical Door S ize E N2-4 S izes (mm) 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door 826 850 875 900 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door 826 850 875 900 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 DoP Certificate No. 0003 20 926 926 926 926 0 New New improved Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque 10 R ACKdoor & PINION DOOR CLOS E R S RACK & PINION closers R CLOS EE R S R ACK ACK & & PINION PINION DOOR DOOR ProductCLOS TS 83 R S improved performance 40 40 40 867mm 30 867mm 867mm 800mm 20 800mm 0 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve 20 20 20 40 = = = = = 926 926 926 926 926 Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque 0 Nm 50 Torque improved performance 20 10 New improved performance improved performance performance Product ITS 96 S ize E N3-6 Product ITS 96 S ize E N3-6 Product ITS 96 ize EE N1-4 N3-6 Product RTS 87 SS ize DOOR CLOS E R S Product RTS 87 S ize E N1-4 Typical Door S izes (mm) Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 875 900 Typical Door S izes (mm) Typical Door S izes Product TS 93 N2-5 Door 826 S ize E850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical (mm) 826 850 875 900 826 850 875 900 826 850 875 900 Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 Minimum 875achievable 900 door width 926 at E N3 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 Minimum achievable achievable door door width width at at EE N3 N3 Minimum Minimum achievable door width at E N3 0 0 0 0 0 Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque improved performance performance New 30 20 Torque Torque Torque New New improved 40 30 10 0 DoP Certificate No. 0001 Product TS 92 S ize E N2-4 Product TS 92 S ize E N1-4 Product TS 92 S ize E N2-4 Typical Door S izes (mm) Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 875 900 Typical Door 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 826 850 875 900 CAMNew ACTION Third Party Testing Torque Curve 30 30 20 10 100 Torque 926 926 Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 767mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 767mm New improved New improved performance New improved performance Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 50 Nm 50 40 40 40 30 Produ Produ Produ CAM ACTION DOOR CLOS E R S Produ Produ 826 New Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm New 826 50 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Product TS 93 Nm improved 826 improved Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 50 826 performance 826 50 Third Party Testing Torque Curve NewNm 40 performance Typical D Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 50 40 improved50 40 Testing Torque Curve 826 850 Minim 30 Third Party performance 40 Minim 30 40 Minim 30 Minim 20 Minim 30 20 TRANSOM closers S ize E N2-5 Product TS 93 S ize E N2-5 Typical Door S izes (mm) 826 850 875S izes (mm) 900 Typical Door 826 850 875 900 TorqueTorque New New improved improved performance performance Compliance with opening Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm force requirements Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Minimum achievable door width at E N3 = 733mm Non-compliant Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 2 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Page 2 Complies at this size 826 826 826 Compliance with opening Minim force requirements Minim Minim Non-compliant 20 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Pa 20 Which Door Control_V7i_Layout 1 10/10/2012 10:05 Pa 10 Complies at this size Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Adjustable Door Closers CAM ACTION DOOR CLOS E R S Cam action door closers CAM ACTION DOOR CLOSERS: CAM ACTION DOORProduct CLOSTSE93 RS 926 926 Produ Produ Produ Opening force improved Third Party Testing Torque Curve performance performance Closing force 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 New improved performance New improved performance 80 100 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 80 100 120 Door opening angle 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door Door opening angle 140 140 140 140 140 Nm 50 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Nm 40 Nm 50 Nm 50 50 30 40 40 40 20 30 30 30 10 20 20 200 10 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve Third Party Testing Torque Curve 160 160 160 160 160 180 Degree 180 Degree 180 180 Degree 180 Degree Degree Produ Produ 826 Produ Produ 826 Minim 826 826 Minim DoP C Minim Minim Torque Torque Torque Torque Adjustable Door Closers as detailed in 926 Nm 50 Nm Nm 50 50 40 Torque Torque Torque Product ITS 96 S ize E N2-4 Product ITS 96 S ize E N2-4 Product ITS 96 S ize E N2-4 New Typical Door S izes (mm) KEY New improved Typical Door S izes pivots (mm) Allperformance DORMA door closers have been third party tested using New 826 850 875 900 improved Opening force Typical Door S izes (mm) improved 826 850 875 900 performance BS:EN 1154 (maximum resistance 0.4Nm). 826 850 875 900 performance Closing force DOOR CLOSERS FOR FIRE DOORS Opening force Closing force Door closers on fire doors must beopening set at a minimum power size of EN3. Under BS:EN 1154, size EN3 closers are Closing forcewith Compliance force recommended for useCompliance on requirements doorswith upopening to 950mm wide. For more information on door closer power settings on other force Non-compliant Door closers firepage doors8. must berequirements set at a minimum power size of EN3. Under BS EN 1154, size EN3 closers are recommended for use door sizes on see Non-compliant Complies this size on door closer power settings on other door sizes see page 8. on doors up to 950mm wide. For moreatinformation atparty this size All DORMA door closer haveComplies been third tested using pivots as detailed in BS EN 1154 (maximum resistance 0.4Nm). 6 20 20 20 CAM ACTION DOOR CL CAM ACTION DOORProdu CL 20 40 60 80 100 120 Door opening angle 140 160 180 Degree 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 100 120 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door 80 opening 100 angle 120 Door Door opening angle 140 140 140 160 160 160 180 180 Degree 180 Degree Degree New improved Produ 7 Produ EXTERNAL DOORS EXTERNAL DOORS EXTERNAL DOORS A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S A RC H ITEC T U R ADOORS L I RO N M O N G E R S EXTERNAL EXTERNAL DOORS S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S ADM* states that “a non-powered manually operated entrance door, fitted with a self-closing device capable of closing the ADM* states “a non-powered entrance door, seals, door that against wind forces manually and the operated resistance of draught fitted with a self-closing device capable of closing the door against is unlikely to be openable by many people, particularly those wind forces and the resistance of draught seals, unlikely to be door, who are or who haveisoperated limited strength”. states “a users non-powered manually entrance ADM*ADM* stateswheelchair that “athat non-powered manually operated entrance door, EXTERNALDOORS DOORS EXTERNAL openable byfitted many people, particularly those who are door wheelchair users a self-closing capable of closing theagainst door against fitted with awith self-closing devicedevice capable of closing the wind forces and the resistance of draught seals, is unlikely to be or who wind have limited strength”. forces and the resistance of draught seals, is unlikely to be Indeed ADM* goes on to state “a powered door opening and openable by many people, particularly whowheelchair are wheelchair openable by many people, particularly those those who are users users system, either controlled Indeed closing ADM* goes on limited tostrength”. statestrength”. “amanually powered door opening or andautomatically closing who limited have or whoorhave by sensors, is theormost satisfactory solution system,operated either manually controlled automatically operated by for most goes on to “a state “a powered door opening and closing IndeedIndeed ADM*ADM* on to state powered door opening and closing An goes automatic sliding door arrangement is particularly sensors,people. is the most satisfactory solution for most people. An system, manually controlled or automatically operated system, eithereither manually controlled or automatically operated by by beneficial … and itssatisfactory use solution can make itforpossible to An reduce automatic sliding door arrangement is particularly beneficial and itsthe sensors, ismost the most solution most people. sensors, is the satisfactory for most people. An … length of any entrance lobby. ” automatic sliding door arrangement is particularly beneficial …itsand its use canautomatic make it sliding possible reduce theis particularly length of any entrance doortoarrangement beneficial … andlobby.” usemake can make it possible to reduce the length any entrance use can it possible to reduce the length of anyofentrance lobby.”lobby.” Provided one of the entrance doors is fully accessible and automatically Provided of the entrance is and fullyautomatically accessible and Provided the entrance fully accessible and automatically Provided oneone ofone theof entrance doors doors is fullyisdoors accessible operated, then the remaining doors can utilise manual door closers set operated, then the remaining doors canremaining utilise manual door closers set automatically operated, then doors can operated, then the remaining doors canthe utilise manual door closers set utilise at a suitable strength to to ensure closure ofthe the door. atspring a suitable spring strength to ensure closure ofdoor. the door. at a suitable spring strength ensure closure of DOOR CLOSER POWER SETTINGS manual door closers set at a suitable spring strength to ensure ofprovide the door. DORMA canautomatic provide both manual can provide both manual and solutions for externaland DORMAclosure canDORMA provide both manual and solutions external DORMA can both manual andautomatic automatic solutions for for external doors.doors. solutions for external doors. doors. automatic Under BS:EN 1154 door closer power sizes are recommended as follows in respect of door width. However any fire door must be fitted with a closer size EN3 minimum, irrespective of width. BS:EN 1154 Door Sizes (mm) BS:EN 1154 Door Sizes (mm) BS:EN 1154 Door Sizes (mm) EN1 750 & below EN3 850-950 EN5 1100-1250 EN2 750-850 EN4 950-1100 EN6 1250-1400 AUTOMATIC DOORS AUTOMATIC DOORS AUTOMATIC DOORS AUTOMATIC DOORS DORMA a full supply and installation package for automatic All installations are completed the highest standards DORMA offersoffers a full supply and installation package for automatic doors.doors. All installations are completed to thetohighest safetysafety standards as as recommended EN 16005. For installation further information thefor specification of automatic doors please our Automatics Brochure DORMA offers aENfull supply package automatic doors. installations are completed to the highest safety recommended underunder 16005. For and further information on theonspecification of automatic doorsAll please ask forask ourforAutomatics Brochure DORMA offers fullone supply installation package for automatic doors. All installations are completed to the highest safety standards as or toa see ofProject ourand Project Consultants. or to see one of our Consultants. standards as recommended under EN 16005. recommended under EN 16005. For further information on the specification of automatic doors please ask for our Automatics Brochure an automatic aremain six main to choose When selecting an automatic door door therethere are six typestypes to choose from:from: or to see oneWhen of ourselecting Project Consultants. When selecting an automatic door there are six main types to choose from: When selecting an automatic door there are six main types to choose from: BS 8300/ADM* Effective Clear Widths Through Doorways Note: The effective clear width is the width of the opening measured at right angles to the wall in which the door width is situated from the outside of the door stop on the door closing side to any obstruction on the hinge side, whether this be projecting door opening furniture, a weather board, the door or the door stop. Please note that for the purposes of this brochure an 826mm door width has been used as the starting point in order to achieve BS 8300/ADM* compliant clear openings, however some DORMA closers can achieve the required opening forces on smaller door widths as detailed above. For more information please contact AC Leigh. Under Approved Document M, doors will satisfy the requirements if they have the following minimum clear openings: Minimum effective clear widths of doors Direction and width of approach Existing Buildings (mm) Straight-on (without a turn or oblique approach) 800 750 At right angles from an access route at least 1500mm wide 800 750 At right angles from an access route at least 1200mm wide 825 775 At right angles from an access route at least 900mm wide N/A 800 External doors and internal lobby doors at the entrance of buildings used by the general public 1000 775 8 FOLDING DOORS: Folding doors: FOLDING DOORS: •• DORMA DORMA • DORMA FFT FFT FFT •• Ideal Ideal where space is restricted where space is restricted • Ideal whereFOLDING space is restricted DOORS: • DORMA FFT by ADM by ADM • BST curved doors • Ideal where space is restricted • Preferred solution as recommended by ADM SWING DOORS: Swing doors: SWING DOORS: •• DORMA DORMA ED/ 100 100/A250 / 250 • DORMA ED A A ED 100 250 • ED200i in-head unit • ED200i in-head • ED200i in-head unit unit • Ideal for retro-fit or new build • for Ideal for retro-fit new build • Ideal retro-fit or neworbuild New Buildings (mm) *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland SLIDING DOORS: Sliding doors: SLIDING DOORS: •• DORMA DORMA ESrange 200range range • DORMA ES 200 ES 200 • BST curved doors BST curved • BST• curved doors doors SLIDING DOORS: • Preferred solution as • Preferred solution recommended • Preferred solution recommended recommended byasADM • DORMA ES 200 as range SWING DOORS: • DORMA ED 100 / 250 A • ED200i in-head unit • IdealLOW for ENERGY retro-fitSWING or newDOORS: build LOW ENERGY Low energy SWING swingDOORS: doors: •• DORMA DORMA ED/ 100 100/LE / 250 • DORMA ED 250 LE LE ED 100 250 •• Ideal Ideal for retro-fit or new build • for Ideal for retro-fit new build retro-fit or neworbuild • Activated by push pad or • Activated by pad pushorpad or remote • Activated by push remote remote control control control LOW ENERGY SWING DOORS: • DORMA ED 100 / 250 LE *Section 3 in Scotland, R in Northern *Section 3 in Scotland, Part RPart in Northern IrelandIreland *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in • Northern Ireland Ideal for retro-fit or new build • Activated by push pad or remote SPACE SAVING DOORS: Space saving doors: SPACE SAVING DOORS: •• DORMA DORMA • DORMA RST RST • RST •• Unique Unique swivelling actionthemeans swivelling Unique swivelling actionaction meansmeans the the sweep ofisaonly the theisdoor few is only sweepsweep of theof door only few adoor a few centimetres the centimetres outside theline dooroutside line centimetres outside the door SPACE SAVING DOORS: door line • DORMA RST • Unique swivelling action means the sweep of the door is only a few REVOLVING DOORS: REVOLVING DOORS: Revolving doors: centimetres outside the door line •• DORMA DORMA KTC or KTC • DORMA KTV orKTV KTCorKTV •• act Can actan as an keeping airlock Can airlock • Can asact an as airlock keeping out outkeeping draughts, noise andnoise dirt and dirt draughts, noise and dirt out draughts, positional, servo-assist or • Manual, positional, servo-assist orservo-assist •• Manual, Manual, positional, fully automatic operation fully automatic operation or fully automatic operation If a revolving is used, an ADM • If • a•revolving door isdoor used, anisADM If aREVOLVING revolving door used, an ADM DOORS: compliant entrance door should compliant entrance door should be be compliant entrance door should be provided immediately adjacent provided immediately adjacent and and • toDORMA KTV or KTC signed show that it is accessible signed to show thatimmediately it is accessibleadjacent and provided • Can act asthat an airlock keeping out signed to show it is accessible DORMA 9 draughts, noise and DORMA 9 dirt 9 • Manual, positional, servo-assist or TS 71 A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S With the TS 71, DORMA has developed a door closer that rounds off its ClassicLine series perfectly. The ease and speed with which it can be fixed, the fact that its spring strength can be so easily adapted to the door size – by simply turning round the hinge plate – and its competitive price should make it the ideal choice for your application. TS 83 TS 72 Decades of experience have gone into the development of the DORMA TS 83.The result is user comfort coupled with outstanding versatility. It can be adjusted to suit almost all types of door. Outstanding versatility, quality assured. Tested to EN 1154 The DORMA TS 72 is the ideal multi-purpose door closer for all standard door designs and constructions. Without a backplate, it is particularly easy and quick to fix. Additional anti-corrosion protection for exposed or aggressive conditions is available to special order. The spring strength can be individually adapted to the door size by means of an allen key ensuring optimum performance in every situation. Variable closing force Standard doors TS 71 TS 72 V TS 72 VBC EN 3-4 EN 2-4 EN 2-4 � 1100mm1 External doors, outward opening - - - Fire doors Non-handed Arm type Standard Variable closing force Closing speed adjustable at 2 separate valves 180˚ - 15˚ 115˚ - 10˚ 180˚ - 15˚ 15˚ - 0˚ Backcheck - - Delayed action - - - Anti-corrosive model - - - 1.2 1.2 1.2 length 232 232 232 overall depth 45 45 45 height 68 68 68 Adjustable latching action 180˚ - 15˚ 15˚ - 0˚ by arm Hold-open Weight in kg Dimensions in mm Door closer tested to EN 1154 CE marked 1) With parallel-arm fixing, the max closing force is approx. 20 Nm (for doors up to 950 mm) PLUS POINTS... ...for the trade • Increased stocking flexibility thanks to use of the standard ClassicLine series arm ...for the specifier/architect • Outstanding value for money, competitive and reliable • Compact construction combined with classic design ...for the installer • Non-handed design • Easy and quick to fix ...for the user • Constant closing action virtually unaffected by temperature fluctuations • Optimum closing speed adjustment with two regulating valves • Reliable closing with adjustable latching action • Optimum wall and door protection thanks to “thinking” backcheck on TS 72 VBC Fixing couldn’t be easier and last but not least – it’s engineered for excellence. Certified to ISO 9001. Variable closing force Standard doors EN 2-5 � 1250mm � 1400mm - � 1600mm - External doors, outward opening � 1250mm Fire and smoke check doors Thanks to an innovative design concept, the resistance developed by this backcheck system is directly proportional to door acceleration as the door is opened beyond approx. 70°. It is almost imperceptible when the door is opened slowly. However, if the door is opened roughly, the backcheck responds in equal measure. If the door should be flung open at speed – whether deliberately, accidentally or as a result of a gust of wind – the backcheck reacts at full strength, protecting the wall and door from damage. 10 EN 7 - - - � 1400mm - � 1600mm - � 1250mm - � 1600mm - - - � 1400mm - - Non-handed Arm type standard Variable closing force adjustment screw - Closing speed adjustable at 2 separate valves 180˚ - 15˚ 15˚ - 0˚ - Variable closing speed valve adjustment Adjustable latching action by arm Backcheck self-regulating - - adjustable at valve Delayed action variable at valve Anti-corrosive model - - Hold-open Weight in kg “THINKING” BACKCHECK (TS 72 VBC ONLY) EN 3-6 Dimensions in mm 1.7 1.7 3.3 length 245 245 293 overall depth 46 46 47.5 height 60 60 60 Door closer tested to EN 1154 CE mark for construction products PLUS POINTS... ...for the trade • Streamlined product range means low inventory costs and reduced stocking requirement • Comprehensive choice of accessories provides practical and effective solutions to meet special applications ...for the specifier/architect • Compact closer design and sturdy flat-form arm assembly • Wide range of standard functions supplemented by optional extras • Suitable for fire doors. CERTIFIRE approved Ref. CF 118 ...for the installer • Easy to fix • Can be “tailored” to the requirements of the door by simple adjustment • Just one model for RH (ISO 5) and LH (ISO 6) doors and for standard and frame/lintel fixing and parallel arm • Spring strength range EN 2–5/EN 3-6 to suit virtually every application. ...for the user • Optimum wall and door protection thanks to “thinking” backcheck • Closing speed virtually unaffected by temperature fluctuations • High mechanical efficiency gives easy-action opening 11 ts 91 & 92 Plus points... ...for the trade • Inexpensive cam-action technology for standard interior doors • Low storage costs and reduced inventory requirement thanks to uniform slide channels of the Contur series ...for the specifier/architect • Excellent value for money • Uniform appearance throughout the entire Contur slide channel range ...for the installer • Non-handed • Easy to fix and quickly adjustable ...for the user • Exceptional ease of use and fully controlled closing action • Optimum adaptability of the closing speed with reliable latching thanks to two regulating valves. A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S As units designed especially for interior applications, the TS 92 and TS 91 door closers constitute the perfect complement to the DORMA TS 93 cam-action door closer system. They likewise come in the Contur design and, thanks to their linear drive mechanism with heart shaped cam, they offer the same ease of use. Moreover, their competitive pricing combined with their outstanding level of assured quality make them particularly attractive from an economic standpoint as well. Certified to ISO 9001 TS 93 The perfect project solution for all application needs the TS 93 cam action door closer system sets new standards in user convenience in project applications. The proven DORMA technology of the heart-shaped cam ensures exceptional ease of opening. The TS 93 series comprises a modular system which enables just a few door closer models to be combined with a number of different slide channels to meet virtually every conceivable functional requirement. Doors of varying designs can be equipped for a wide range of different applications. Variable closing force Standard doors TS92 B/G1 TS93 B TS93 G1 EN 3 EN 1-4 EN 2-5 EN 5-7 - - - � 1100mm - � 1250mm - - � 1600mm - - � 1250mm - - External doors, outward opening ...for the trade • Clear product allocation ensures use of the right models for the right applications • Identical door closer model for single and double doors Fire and smoke check doors ...for the specifier/architect • High-quality design ensures an ideal solution for all project applications • Harmonious appearance thanks to integral smoke detector • Available in a wide range of colours and finishes Arm type slide channel Variable closing force adjustment screw Closing speed adjustable at 2 separate valves 180˚ - 15˚ 15˚ - 0˚ Variable closing speed valve adjustment Adjustable latching action valve adjustment ...for the user • Easy opening action and fully controlled closing • Smoke detector with convenient service and maintenance indicator • Adjustable hydraulic functions for easy adaptation to each specific door situation TS 91 B � 950mm 2 ts 93 Plus points... ...for the installer • The TS 93 system is suitable for all fixing positions. Mounting bracket with universal fixing hole pattern for optimal fixing • Simple, fast installation 12 TS 91 & TS 92 2 � 1600mm 2 - � 950mm � 1100mm � 1250mm � 1600mm - - - - - Non-handed - - - - - - Cushioned limit stay, mechanical Backcheck at valve - - Delayed action adjustable at valve - - - - - - 1.9 2 3.5 5.2 267 47 65 281 47 65 275 53 60 285 62 71 Anti-corrosive model Hold-open Weight in kg Dimensions in mm length overall depth height Door closer tested to EN 1154 CE mark for construction products 1) B = Standard model for pull-side door leaf fixing/push-side transom fixing G = Special model for push-side door leaf fixing/pull-side transom fixing. 2) For applications involving particularly heavy or wide doors, and doors which have to close against wind resistance we recommend the 13 TS93. The next highest door closer size should be selected, or the closing force adjusted to a higher setting. A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S ITS 96 The DORMA ITS 96 has ushered in a new era in door closer technology. The closer body and slide channel are so compact that they can be installed out of sight in doors and their frames. These devices offer the same high quality expected of DORMA door closers, as characterised by their ease of operation for the user, and wide range of functions. Thanks to the exceptionally slender dimensions of the unit, the DORMA ITS 96 can be installed in virtually all doors with thicknesses of 40mm or more, and offers all the advantages of quality assured manufacture with third-party auditing. Certified to ISO 9001. Variable closing force Standard doors EN 2-4 � 1100mm � 1400mm External doors, outward opening Fire and smoke check doors Plus points... ...for the trade • Low inventory costs and reduced stocking requirements thanks to streamlined modular system and separate packaging of closer body and slide channel assemblies • Tailor-made applications with special accessories ...for the specifier/architect • Unblemished appearance of prestige doors thanks to concealed installation • Ideal for doors integral to the interior design ...for the installer • Non-handed system • Can be incorporated within the door pre-fabrication process, allowing complete installation in the factory • Easy adjustment of the closing strength, closing speed and latch action after hanging of the doors ...for the user • Optimum protection against vandalism thanks to the concealed installation • Enhanced user convenience and fully controlled, reliable closing with adjustable latch action • Cushioned limit stay with progressive damping for protection of wall and door 14 - - � 1100mm � 1400mm Door leaf thickness EN 3-6 - � 40mm - � 50mm Max. door leaf weight in kg 100 180 Non-handed design (closer) Arm type slide channel Variable closing force adjustment screw Variable closing speed valve adjustment Adjustable latching speed by value Cushioned limit stay mechanical Double action - Hold-open Max. door opening angle (depends on door design) Weight in kg Dimensions in mm approx. 120˚ 1.3 2.5 length 277 291 overall depth 32 39.5 height 42 51 Door closer tested to EN 1154 A Hold-open devices tested to EN 1155 Door co-ordinators tested to EN 1158 CE mark for construction products 15 A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S TS 97 With its new model TS 97, DORMA is able to offer a very compact surface-mounted cam-action door closer available in the project sector. Single-piece face plates with internal end caps and uniform lengths of the door closer body and slide channel characterise the impressive design credentials of this product. Like all DORMA cam-action door closers, the TS 97 features the proven heart shaped cam for maximum user convenience based on minimum opening effort. With its compact dimensions, the TS 97 ideally complements the overall appearance of any door. Certified to ISO 9001. Variable closing force Standard doors1 EN 2-4 � 1100mm External doors, outward opening - Fire and smoke check doors Non-handed Arm assembly slide channel Adjustable closing speed by valve Adjustable latching action by valve Plus points... Dead stop unit (mechanical) Backcheck - Delayed action - Anti-corrosive model - Hold-open Weight in kg Dimensions in mm 2.5 length 340 overall depth 37 height 49 Door closer tested to EN 1154 CE mark for construction products In the case of particularly heavy doors and doors that have to close against wind pressure, we recommend the DORMA TS 93 1) 16 ...for the trade • One closer model for all applications to simplify materials management and stocking • Single pack for easy ...for the specifier/architect • High-quality architectural solution for superior interior designs • Uniform lengths of body and slide channel for enhanced harmony of appearance • Single-piece faceplate without slots or fixing points ...for the installer • Universally applicable on both LH and RH doors • Quick and easy to fix with mounting bracket ...for the user • High ease of use and fully controlled, reliable closing with adjustable latching action • Dead stop unit as standard to protect the wall and door 17 A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S Variable closing force Standard doors TS 71 TS 72 V TS 72 VBC EN 3-4 EN 2-4 EN 2-4 TS 83 EN 2-5 EN 3-6 EN 7 TS 91 B TS92 B/G TS93 B TS93 G EN 3 EN 1-4 EN 2-5 EN 5-7 - - - � 950mm � 1100mm � 1250mm � 1400mm � 1600mm External doors, outward opening � 1250mm � 1400mm � 1600mm - - - - - - - - - - - - EN 3-6 EN 2-4 - - - - - - - - EN 2-4 TS 97 - - - - ITS 96 - - Fire doors Fire and smoke check doors � 950mm - � 1100mm � 1250mm � 1600mm - - - - - � 40mm - - - - - � 50mm - - - - - - - - - Standard Standard Standard Standard � 1400mm Door leaf thickness Max. door leaf weight in kg - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 180 Standard Standard Slide channel Slide channel Slide channel Slide channel Slide channel Slide channel - - - - - - - - Non-handed Arm type Variable closing force - Closing speed adjustable at 2 separate valves - Variable closing speed - - - - - - - 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.7 length 232 232 232 overall depth 45 45 height 68 68 Slide channel - - - - - - - - - - - 1.7 3.3 1.9 2 3.5 5.2 1.3 2.5 2.5 245 245 293 267 281 275 285 277 291 340 45 46 46 47.5 47 47 53 62 32 39.5 37 68 60 60 60 65 65 60 71 42 51 49 - - - - Adjustable latching action Backcheck Delayed action Anti-corrosive model Hold-open Weight in kg Dimensions in mm Door closer tested to EN 1154 Door closer tested to EN 1154 A - Hold-open devices tested to EN 1155 Door co-ordinators tested to EN 1158 CE marked - - - - - - - - - - - - CE mark for construction products Yes 18 Option - No 19 A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S TS 71 TS 72 V TS 72 VBC TS 83 TS 91 B TS92 B/G TS93 B TS93 G ITS 96 TS 97 Standard Format Silver/Gold Full Square Metal Cover Full Softline Metal Cover Full Softline Metal Cover & separate end caps Colour Coated Softline Metal Cover Colour Coated Softline Metal Cover & separate end caps White Silver Satin Stainless Steel DORMA FINISHES A range of finishes to suit your design.When specifying DORMA Door Closers you can choose between a number of different “finish” and cover options. 20 Polished Chrome Polished Brass 21 certain door widths. A variable power closer however is a more flexible solution as it allows for on-site adjustment to site conditions and can WHICH DORMA DOOR CONTROL? be adjusted to ensure minimal opening force. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 2. BS8300 states that “in general” fire doors should be of a width greater 1. In BS8300 it states that the door closer should be of a variable power type. Can a fixed size door closer be used on fire doors? than 900mm. Why have DORMA offered solutions at lower widths? have basedbetheofsolutions on the minimum requirements of BS8300/ADM*, starting with 1. general In BS8300 it states thatcloser the door should power type. In a fixed powered withcloser aWetypical efficiencyaofvariable 60-65% (BS:EN 1154 requires a minimum of 55% at EN3) would a typical 826mm wide door and have then gone up in approximately 25mm increments. Can a fixed size door closer be used on fire doors? be unlikely to comply with the 30N opening force. Similarly, door closers with power adjustable only by template (selectable A number of DORMA high efficient door closers are capable of coping with doors at these In generalare a fixed closer with aHowever, typical efficiency of 60-65% (BS EN1154 minimumsuch of 55% would be unlikely power) notpowered recommended. high efficiency fixed requires power aclosers as at theEN3) TS91 Cam ActiontoCloser can andvery smaller sizes. comply with the 30N opening force. Similarly, door closers with power adjustable only by template (selectable power) are not recommended. comply with the required opening forces on certain door widths. A variable power closer however is a more flexible solution However, very high efficiency fixed power closers such as the TS91 Cam Action Closer can comply with the required opening forces on as it allows for on-site adjustment tohowever site conditions and can be adjusted minimal opening force. and can certain door widths. A variable power closer is a more flexible solution as it allowstoforensure on-site adjustment to site conditions be adjusted to ensure minimal opening force. BS 8300states states that general” doors should of a width 2. 2.BS8300 that “in“in general” firefire doors should be ofbe a width greatergreater than 3. BS8300 refers to electrically powered hold open devices. Which suitable products are available from DORMA? 900mm. Why have DORMA offered solutions at lower widths? than 900mm. Why have DORMA offered solutions at lower widths? DORMA offer the following electrically powered hold open door closers: ITS96 EMF, TS93 EMF, TS92 EMF, TS91 EMF and TS73 EMF. We have based thehold minimum requirements of BS8300/ADM*, starting with We also offer the BTS80 EMB floor spring (see above photo) andthe thesolutions RTS 80 on EMB open double action transom closer. We have based the and solutions ongone theupminimum of BS 8300/ADM*, typical 826mm wideindependent door have in approximately 25mm increments. Alternatively any DORMA door closer can be useda in conjunction with holdthen open magnets (EM). requirements A number of DORMA high efficient door closers are capable of coping with doors these starting with a typical 826mm wide door and have then gone up in 30N approximately When using electrically powered hold open devices the door closing device is not required to comply with the opening force of lessatthan smaller sizes. (when the electrical supply has been cut throughand activation of the alarm or power failure). However certain buildings may benefit from having 25mm increments. A number of DORMA high efficient door closers are capable of electromagnetic devices that, when the power is removed, stilldoors complyat with the 30N copingthey with these andmaximum smaller opening sizes. force. Here the use of Cam Action EMF Door Closers, or Cam Action Door Closers used with EM magnets will provide opening forces of 30N or less when fitted at size EN3 on door widths as detailed earlier. 3. BS8300 refers to electrically powered hold open devices. Which suitable products are available from DORMA? 4. 3.BS8300 refers to “swing free” controlled doorhold closing devices. BS 8300 refers to electrically powered open devices. Which suitable DORMA offer the following electrically powered hold open door closers: ITS96 EMF, TS93 EMF, TS92 EMF, TS91 EMF and TS73 EMF. products are available from DORMA?from DORMA? Which suitable products are available We also offer the BTS80 EMB floor spring (see above photo) and the RTS 80 EMB hold open double action transom closer. free” doorwith closers operate without themagnets resistance of a door closer; the closer is only Alternatively any DORMA door closer can be used“Swing in conjunction independent hold open (EM). activated in the event of a fire or power failure making them suitable door closers: access toITS96 EMF, DORMA offer the following electrically powered hold open door When using electrically powered hold open devices the door closing device is not required to comply with the most opening forcefor of less than 30N rooms rather than part of a circulation route. DORMA offer: TS73 EMF Free Swing (when the electrical supply has been cut throughindividual activation of the alarm or power failure). However certain buildings may benefit from having TS93 EMF, TS92 EMF, TS91 EMF and TS73 EMF. We also offer the BTS80 EMB floor TS99 and BTS80 FLB electromagnetic devices that, when the power is option, removed, theyFL still comply with thefloor 30Nspring. maximum opening force. Here the use of Cam spring and the RTS 80 EMB hold open double action transom closer. Alternatively hold open magnets (EM). Action EMF Door Closers, or Cam Action Door Closers used with EM magnets will provide opening forces of 30N or less when fitted at size any DORMA door closer can be used in conjunction with independent EN3 on door widths as detailed earlier. When using electrically powered hold open devices the door closing device is not required to comply with the opening force of less than 30N (when the electrical 4. BS8300 refers to “swing free” controlled door closing devices. supply has resisting been cutdoors through activation to of fire thedoors alarmusing or power 5. BS8300 talks about lower power sizes for non-fire in comparison a door failure). closer. However Which suitable products are available from DORMA? certain buildings may benefit from having electromagnetic devices that, when the power is removed, they still comply with the What if a higher power size is required? “Swing free” doorAction closers EMF operate without the resistance of a Action door closer; the closer is only 30N maximum opening force. Here the use of Cam Door Closers, or Cam Door Closers with EM As there is no legal requirement for a minimum closing force on non-fire door closer be adjusted below size EN3 (18Nm, asused activated in the event of doors a fire the or power failurecan making them most suitable for door access to magnetsforwill opening of 30N less when fitted at size EN3 onthe door widths as detailed earlier. required fire provide doors). However the forces door closer shouldor always be adjusted successfully close door. If this offer: increases theEMF force to Swing individual rooms rather thantopart of a circulation route. DORMA TS73 Free exceed BS8300/ADM* requirements, for example to overcome heavy seals an acoustic option, TS99 FL and duty BTS80 FLBonfloor spring. door, DORMA can supply a supplement to an access statement detailing the measures taken to ensure opening forces have been kept to a minimum. *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland 4. BS8300 refers to “swing free” controlled door closing devices. Which suitable products are available from DORMA? “Swing free” door closers operate without the resistance of a door closer; the closer is only activated in the event of a fire or power failure making them most suitable for door access to individual rooms rather than part of a circulation route. DORMA 5. BS8300 talksFree about loweroption, powerTS99 sizesFL forand non-fire resisting doors in comparison to fire doors using a door closer. offer: TS73 EMF Swing BTS80 FLB floor spring. 10 What if a higher power size is required? As there is no legal requirement for a minimum closing force on non-fire doors the door closer can be adjusted below size EN3 (18Nm, as required for fire doors). However the door closer should always be adjusted to successfully close the door. If this increases the force to exceed BS8300/ADM* requirements, for example to overcome heavy duty seals on an acoustic door, DORMA can supply a supplement to an 5. BS 8300 talks about lower power sizes for non-fire resisting doors in comparison to fire doors using a door closer.What access statement detailing the measures taken to ensure opening forces have been kept to a minimum. if a higher power size is required? *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland As there is no legal requirement for a minimum closing force on non-fire doors the door closer can be adjusted below size EN3 (18Nm, as required for fire doors). However the door closer should always be adjusted to successfully close the door. If this increases the force to exceed BS8300/ADM* requirements, for example to overcome heavy duty seals on an acoustic door, DORMA can supply a supplement to an access statement detailing the measures taken to ensure opening forces have been kept to a minimum. 10 22 *Section 3 in Scotland, Part R in Northern Ireland FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS A RC H ITEC T U R A L I RO N M O N G E R S S EC U R IT Y S PEC I A LI S T S 6. BS8300 mentions avoiding doordoor closers where where the maximum closing closing force 6. BS 8300 mentions avoiding closers the maximum force not between degrees. What of closers exhibitthese theseproperties? is notisbetween 0-150-15 degrees. What typetype of closers exhibit properties? If a and rackpinion and pinion type closer is used in conjunction a slide arm If a rack type closer is used in conjunction with a slide armwith and channel, any and channel, user any will experience an increase in an opening resistance throughout the opening cycle and thus user will experience increase in opening resistance throughout the opening be denied access. cycleease andofthus be denied ease of access. DORMA’s unique cam actioncam closeraction combined with combined a slide arm and channel do not DORMA’s unique closer with a slide arm and channel do experience an increase in the opening resistance but a rapid fall in opening resistance on not experience an increase in the opening resistance but a rapid fall in opening operation of the door. resistance on operation of the proportional, door. As opening and closing forces are directly Cam Action closers exert their maximum closing force between 0-15 degrees of final closure as required in the guidance to ensure correct latching action.forces are directly proportional, Cam Action closers exert Asthe opening and closing their maximum closing force between 0-15 degrees of final closure as required in the guidance to ensure the correct latching action. 7. Why should CamCam Action closers be preferred over standard rack rack and pinion 7. Why should Action closers be preferred over standard closers? and pinion closers? Cam Action closers provide greater benefit to any user when operating a door fitted with a closing device. BS8300 and ADM* requires the opening resistance drop when to 22.5N by 30 Cam Action closers provide greater benefit to anytouser operating a door degrees, andwith although Rack and Pinion BS mechanisms withADM* scissor arms can achieve this, a resistance fitted a closing device. 8300 and requires the opening Cam Action mechanism achieves it far easier and much more quickly, resulting in easier to drop to 22.5N by 30 degrees, and although Rack and Pinion mechanisms with access for all. scissor arms can achieve this, a Cam Action mechanism achieves it far easier and much more quickly, resulting in easier access for all. 8. Can opening of door the door be achieved the backcheck facility? 8. Can full full opening of the be achieved when when using using the backcheck facility? BS 8300 on aopened doorslowly. whenHowever opened BS8300 detailsdetails minimalminimal resistanceresistance on a door when thisslowly. is only However this possible whenpossible using doorwhen closersusing with ‘thinking backcheck’. ‘thinkingbackcheck’. backcheck’ as is only door closers withWith ‘thinking With ‘thinking opposed to ‘fixed or standard backcheck’, the backcheck facility only engages fully when backcheck’ as opposed to ‘fixed or standard backcheck’, the backcheckthefacility only door is opened with great force or speed, if the door is opened slowly then the backcheck engages fully when the door is opened with great force or speed, if the door is will not engage. All DORMA overhead door closers with backcheck facility have ‘thinking opened slowly then the backcheck will not engage. All DORMA overhead door backcheck’. closers with backcheck facility have ‘thinking backcheck’. 9. How important is regular maintenance? 9. How important is regular maintenance? BS8300 notes that without regular maintenance of all door fittings, the resistances to opening closing canthat increase to anregular extent that the ability of of disabled people to pass BS and 8300 notes without maintenance all door fittings, the resistances through the door can be affected therefore building owners and users must check doors to opening and closing can increase to an extent that the ability of disabled people regularly to ensure they meet the opening force requirements. to pass through the door can be affected therefore building owners and users Independent studies by PSA Research showed that where doors and ironmongery represent must check doors regularly ensure meet thetotal opening force bill requirements. as little as 1% of a building’s cost, theyto can accountthey for 80% of the maintenance in use. DORMA Service division offer a full maintenance package for manual, automatic and industrial doors. Please contact for further details on 01462 477602. Independent studies byusPSA Research showed that where doors and ironmongery represent as little as 1% of a building’s cost, they can account for 80% of the total maintenance bill in use. DORMA 11 23 NORWICH 61-67 St. Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4PD Tel: 01603 216500 Fax: 01603 216510 Email: COLCHESTER 11 Grange Way, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO2 8HG Tel: 01206 877488 Fax: 01206 877480 Email: IPSWICH Unit 2-3, Dencora Business Centre, Whitehouse Road, Ipswich, IP1 5LT Tel: 01473 292810 Fax: 01473 292818 Email: AC LEIGH SECURITY 61-67 St. Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4PD Tel: 01603 216501 Fax: 01603 216514 Email:
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