OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Margaret Mary Parish united in faith and prayer, resolve to give witness to the Gospel. The Holy Spirit calls and empowers us to love and serve, to lead and teach, to heal, forgive and understand. We pledge to share our God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of our parish and all people in the name of Jesus Christ. A People United in Faith, Prayer & Service SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism Two months in advance Marriage Four to six months in advance Sacrament of the Sick Call to schedule Reconciliation 4:00 PM Sat. or by Appt. MEMBERSHIP Registration of adults over 18; Address changes appreciated. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HELP LINE please call 729-4571 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Kyle Barriger…………kmbarriger@gmail.com Peter Geniesse…………...pjgeniesse@aol.com Jay Marti…………………..jmarti@new.rr.com Kristina Nelson………aknelson614@gmail.com Jesse Ostrom……….jesserostrom@hotmail.com Ron Schreier……………schreierr@yahoo.com Michele Sliwicki………...msliwicki@new.rr.com Cindy Sypek…………...casypek7@gmail.com Evelyn Zimmerman...zimmerman1810@new.rr.com PARISH TRUSTEES Howard Healy .............hhealy@direnzolaw.com Margie Weiss .......margie@weisshealthgroup.com PARISH CENTER & OFFICES OPEN 8-4 Monday thru Thursday and 8-Noon Friday 439 Washington Ave., Neenah Parish Website: smmneenah.org PASTORAL STAFF (920) 729-4560 REV. MICHAEL INGOLD ............................................... PASTOR, Ext. 102 Daniel Laurent……………………………………………….Deacon Joan Bartman .............................................. Pastoral Associate, Ext. 106 Juanita Harder....Director of Business Affairs & Operations, Ext. 107 Justin Krueger......................... Director of Liturgy & Worship, Ext. 108 Sheila Scanlan........................................................ Parish Nurse, Ext. 109 Sally Bellile ...................................................... Parish Secretary, Ext. 101 RELIGIOUS FORMATION STAFF (920) 729-4562 Amy Matz ........................................................................Director, Ext. 112 Doreen Benedict .......................................................................Coordinator Tina Peirick……………………………………Coordinator, Ext. 116 Cindy Kyles-Werth ...... Coordinator of Youth Ministry & RF, Ext. 113 Marcie Howard...................................Administrative Assistant, Ext. 111 TWIN CITY CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM St. Margaret Mary Elementary Campus .................... (920) 729-4565 Mrs. Eleanor Healy, Principal....................................................... Ext. 120 Mrs. Mary Jo Sajdak, Secretary ................................................. Ext. 121 Seton Middle School ....................................................... (920) 727-0279 Sandy Ehlers, Principal St. Mary Central High School ....................................... (920) 722-7796 Mr. Patrick Batey, Principal DECEMBER 28, 2014 • THE HOLY FAMILY . ST. MARGARET MARY NEENAH Mass Intentions Monday, December 29 6:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, December 30 5:15 PM No Service Wednesday, December 31: St. Sylvester I 6:30 AM Casmir Pasterski Thursday, January 1: Octave Da of the Nativity 9:00 AM Gerald Engeldinger Friday, January 2: Ss Basil and Gregory Nazianzen 8:00 AM No Service Saturday, January 3: The Most Holy Name of Jesus 4:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Robert Christensen Sunday, January 4: The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30 AM Pasterski Family 9:30 AM (IMAJN) Our Parish Community Mass Servers Saturday, January 3 5:00 PM DeWitt & Hageman Sunday, January 4 7:30 AM Laurent, VandenAcker & Schrofe 9:30 AM Kyles-Werth, Podojil & Peters Neenah-Menasha Holiday Mass Times New Year’s Eve St. Margaret Mary—6:30 AM St. Gabriel—4:30 PM St. Mary/St. John—4:00 PM @ St. John Mary Mother of God (January 1) St. Gabriel—9:00 AM St. Mary—8:10 AM St. Margaret Mary—9:00 AM St. Patrick’s —9:00 AM Father Carr’s Place 2B New Year’s Eve Celebration Join us for a family friendly celebration. 7 PM Mass. Celebrate from 8-midnight. New year countdown at 9 PM for younger children. We will have board games, food, hula hoop contest and karaoke. Please RSVP to info@fathercarrs.org Welcomed into God’s Holy Family are Harmony Rose, daughter of Nicholas & Brittany Mattio; and Zoe Rae, daughter of Roberto Gallegos & Nicole Mattio. May their lives be blessed with guidance from living in Christ’s light. Prayer and sympathy are offered for the family of Larry Prell who was called home to the Lord. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and glory. . Formation in Prayer and Holiness - Become A Friend Of Jesus - Make a Holy Hour in the Adoration Chapel at SMM– 1-2-3-5-4 gets you in the door. While at Mass – offer a prayer for the person to your left and/or right. Offer a prayer at the beginning and end of all parish meetings/gatherings/activities. Pray at the start, middle and end of the day – before and after all meals. REMEMBER: BE MORE – INTENTIONAL – IN OUR PURSUIT OF PRAYER AND OUR CALL TO HOLINESS. NEED AN END-OF-THE-YEAR DONATION PPORTUNITY? If so, consider a contribution to the Human Concerns Parish Outreach Fund. We are still shy of our $25,000.00 goal to provide support for those less fortunate in our parish and beyond. Parish Outreach Fund donation envelopes can be found in the kiosk in the gathering space and placed in the weekly collection or sent to the parish office. We are most grateful for your help which allows us to be faithful stewards of the gifts we have received here at St. Margaret Mary Parish May God richly bless you and those you hold dear. The Human Concerns Committee Weekly Collection Report December 8-14, 2014 Sacrificial Giving Required Sacrificial Giving Received Collections Automatic Deposits Total SG Received $36,000.00 Parish Tuition Assistance Rec. $ $13,744.50 $ .00 $13,744.50 .00 July 1, 2014 - December 14 , 2014 Sacrificial Giving Required Sacrificial Giving Received Ahead (+) or Behind (-) $549,000.00 $511,529.81 -$ 37,470.19 Donations received in the parish office or postmarked on or before December 31, 2014 will qualify for a 2014 charitable contribution deduction and will be included on your 2014 giving record. Contributions received or postmarked January 1, 2015 or later will be posted to your 2015 giving record. The Holy Family 28 The Holy Family 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 9:30 Mass December 28, 2014 29 30 31 1 2 3 6:30 AM Liturgy Parish Nurse ….. 10-11:00 AA Group NO Service Today No RCIA Tonite 6:30 AM Mass Parish Nurse .…. 9:00 AM Mass 10-11:00 AA Group NO Rosary Today NO Service Today 4:00 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass Appointment ONLY TCCES Break Appointment ONLY Respect Life Baby Bottles TCCES Break TCCES Break 4 Epiphany of the Lord 5 6 7 8 9 10 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 9:30 IMAJN Mass RF Pre-K,K,1 6:30 AM Liturgy 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 2:30 Legion of Mary 3:45 RF Gr 1-5 Session 13 6:00 American Heritage Girls 6:30 Bible Study 10-11:00 AA Group 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 AF Meeting 6:30 RCIA 7:00 K of C @ St. Gabriel 6:30 AM Mass 9-10:00 Bible Study 12-2:00 Parish Nurse 5:15 Cub Scout Den Meeting 6:30 RF Gr 1-8 Session 13 7:00 Choir Practice 6:30 AM Mass 10-11:00 AA Group 3:30 SVDP Mtg 6:15 RF Board Mtg 8:00 Mass 4:00 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass Respect Life Bundles Of Joy & Baby Bottles 10:30 Youth Advisory 6:30 RF Gr 6-10 Blood Pressures 6-8:30 PM Middle School BINGO Fundraiser Here’s what’s happening at your TCCES schools: Coffee with the Principals SMC: SMC will have an all school Liturgy on January 8th at 10:39am in the Fine Arts Education Center. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate Mass. Come fill up on a warm cup of coffee and have the opportunity to ask questions of our SMCS principals. These morning gatherings are designed specifically for you to hear directly from our principals about what to expect as your child transitions through the SMCS system. Principals will be available from 7:50 to 8:30 a.m. on the following days: Seton: Members of the Seton Junior Optimist club selected “not -so-secret shoppers” from the membership to buy 47 new books for Neenah Library’s “Give-a-Kid-a-Book” program and to buy wish-list items for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin-Fox Valley. For the December meeting, after enjoying a Christmas snack, the students will walk to and from Children’s Hospital to deliver the wish-list items purchased, caroling songs along the way. Look for information about our upcoming “Souper Bowl of Caring” in January to benefit the Food Pantry offered by St. Mary & St. John Parish in Menasha. A special “thank you’ goes out to all the families who support the service projects that promote the call of Jesus to actively serve the needs of others around us. St. Mary Elementary: On Wednesday, December 10th the 4th graders from Saint Mary Elementary, Menasha visited Heritage Hill in Green Bay, WI. The students had a fantastic time and the weather was just right. Visiting Heritage Hill has been a highlight of the 4th grade school year so far. One of the favorite spots to visit was the Growing Community area. The students visited the print shop where they compared an 1871 newspaper to a newspaper from today. Students were shocked to see such small print and no colored pictures! The next visit was to the blacksmith’s shop. Students were in awe as the blacksmith formed an iron rod into a decorative “S” hook. The students loved seeing the shop in action and had some excellent questions. St. Margaret Mary: Our PK students took their yearly field trip to Shopko to choose toys to be donated to the “Toys for Tots” program. A group of four students work together to choose a special gift on which to spend their allotted $20. This is always a special trip that ends with donating a quarter each to the Salvation Army kettle. St. Gabriel: Third Grade - The third graders have been learning about the liturgical year during Religion. They were able to show understanding of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time by acting out the traditions their families do each season. . Happy New Year TCCES Break TCCES Break Tuesday, January 13 Seton Campus - SMCHS Principal Mr. Pat Batey St. Margaret Mary Campus – SMCMS Principal Mrs. Sandy Ehlers St. Gabriel Campus – St. Gabriel Principal Mrs. Jeanine Leege St. Margaret Mary Campus – St. Margaret Mary Principal Mrs. Eleanor Healy St. Mary Campus – St. Mary Principal Mrs. Jill Ahles Tuesday, January 20 St. Mary Campus – SMCMS Principal Mrs. Sandy Ehlers Religious Formation Looking Ahead: December 29 & 31---No Religious Formation for any Grade +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Week Ahead: December 29 & 31---No Religious Formation for any Grade Happy New Year from the Religious Formation Department Looking Ahead: January 4---Religious Formation for Grades P, K, and Grade 1 during the 9:30am mass IMAJN Mass at 9:30am Religious Formation for Grades 6-10 at 6:30pm January 5 & 7---Religious Formation as scheduled Congratulations Stella & Theo Douglas who were welcomed to the Lord’s Table for the first time on December 13 th . May they always receive the Eucharist with the same excitement as their First Communion. God Bless you Stella & Theo!!!! "Celebrate our Past, Showcase our Talent, Build our Future" is the theme for the premiere Heritage Gala on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center. Oppor tunities to socialize and view visual works of art precede the show, which begins at 7:30 p.m. and features the talents of TCCES parents, faculty and alumni. A limited number of premier tickets with a preshow reception and preferred seating are available for $75.00. General admission tickets at $25 include a cash bar and social. All proceeds will go to supporting the fine arts facility and programs for TCCES students. Order your tickets today at www.showtix4u.com. Are you recently retired, currently unemployed or looking for something to do? Saint Vincent de Paul of Neenah-Menasha would like to share in your talents. Do you like helping people or trying new things? Do you have a 3-4 spare hours one day a week? SVDP could use your help in many areas of their new store (Cashiering, pricing of merchandise, merchandisers, donation door) located at 1425 S. Commercial St. in Neenah. Contact Chris @ 727-1766 or stop by the store to fill out an application. Thank you for helping us to help others. NEED SEWERS: Do you want to help cover a sick Haitian baby butt? We have been making diapers out of donated used t/shirts for the Friends of Haiti medical clinics. They tell us they can use all that we can make. We will deliver to you the t/shirts, washed, cut and ready to sew on three sides. Very easy instructions. We need them by Feb. 15. Any ques. or to volunteer call Marcie Howard at 751-8241 or Pat Bowen at 727-1166. St. MM RENEW and Human Concerns Growing Our Endowment The St. Margaret Mary Endowment Fund is like this tree. In order for it to grow it must be constantly nourished with water. That watering comes from the generous gifts and bequests made by parishioners. That is why the Fund Trustees has selected this tree as a symbol of the Endowment Fund. Please consider making the Fund a beneficiary in your estate plans, memorial donations, and in your annual gifts so as to provide for the perpetual support of the Parish. . Bingo Night St. Margaret Mary, Neenah January 10th, 2015 Time & Location: In Friendship Hall, after 5:00 pm Mass 6:00 pm Sloppy Joe Supper $5.00 per person with a maximum of $20.00 per family Bingo sessions from 6:30-8:00p.m. $1.00/bingo card Proceeds support the new St. Mary Catholic Middle School .
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