What’s On at KCC The Kowloon Cricket Club Members’ Magazine December 2014 The General Committee and Management of KCC wish all Members, staff and their families a very enjoyable and peaceful Festive Season CON TEN TS 2 President's Page 34Snooker 11 GM's Column 38 Tenpin Bowling 12 Cricket 40 Bridge 16 Hockey 42 Food & Beverage 20 Football 44 Fitness 22 Lawn Bowls 45 Membership Update 26Squash 46 Table Tennis 28Tennis 48 Community Action 30 Badminton 50 Events Calendar 32 Golf 52 S&R Programs WOK is designed, printed and published by Impressions Design & Print Ltd. for the Kowloon Cricket Club. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of the publishers, the KCC, its Committee or its Members. Hockey Representative: Sabrina Kee-Kitney Lawn Bowls Representative: Patrick Fong President: Robin Gill Constitution Vice President: William Ko Development Planning Captain of Cricket: Azeem Ebrahim Grounds & Sporting Subscribers Secretary: John Luff Treasurer: William Lee Finance Tennis Representative: Alex Rego Squash Representative: Peter Fraser Football Representative: Shyam Nainani Committee Members: Richard Chen (F&B and Entertainment) Cliff Imeson Michael Dowie (Membership) Gordon Loch (Societies) K S Tang Management General Manager: Greg Hartigan gm@kcc.org.hk Who to ask for... Email to GC / Comments:comments@kcc.org.hk F&B Functions: Teresa Yu / Dorothy Lam: 34737 125 / 169 / fnb@kcc.org.hk Membership: Betsy Chan: 3473 7140 / membership@kcc.org.hk Car Park Labels: Wendy Lam: 3473 7121 / wendy@kcc.org.hk Assistant General Manager: Program and Events / Venice Tang: 34737 172 / pnemanager@kcc.org.hk Eddie Chan Ten Pin Bowling Bookings: agm@kcc.org.hk Administration Manager: Kings Chan adm@kcc.org.hk Financial Controller: Dennis Ip accounts@kcc.org.hk Sports & Leisure Director: Maverick Leung snldirector@kcc.org.hk Monthly Statement Queries: Dennis Ip: 3473 7134 / dennis@kcc.org.hk Magazine: Kings Chan / Wendy Lam / Allan Castro: 34737 144 / 121 / 170 / magazine@kcc.org.hk Horse Racing Bookings: Teresa Yu / Dorothy Lam / Venice Tang: 34737 125 / 169 / 172 / racebox@kcc.org.hk Grounds Bookings: Jason Chan: 3473 7163 / groundbook@kcc.org.hk Food & Beverage Manager: Terry Mung Sports and Recreation fb@kcc.org.hk Grounds Manager: Roger Jones gdm@kcc.org.hk Bookings / Enquiries: Anna / James: 3473 7161 / snr@kcc.org.hk General Enquiries: Kings Chan: 3473 7144 / adm@kcc.org.hk Outdoor Sport Facilities: Hotline: 3473 7137 Dilip Sandhu: 3473 7130 / execsec@kcc.org.hk Program & Events Manager: Reciprocal Club: Venice Tang pnemanager@kcc.org.hk The Kowloon Cricket Club 10 Cox’s Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2367 4141/2 • Fax: 2311 1432 • www.kcc.org.hk President’sPage Fellow Members, As we approach the festive season, the Club traditionally holds its Annual General Meeting. This year, the meeting will take place in the Sports Hall on 4 December commencing at 6:30pm. All Members and Subscribers are encouraged to attend and to participate in this important meeting. This year, the posts of President, Vice President and Secretary together with 4 ordinary General Committee positions will be elected for 2-year terms. The Club is expected to be very busy on this evening so if at all possible, please arrive early if you are travelling by car or consider leaving your car at home as the car park will fill up quickly. Congratulations are due this month to Jimmy Chiu who recently won a gold medal at the Asian Paralympic Games in the Men’s Singles Lawn Bowls Competition. Well done Jimmy and you have done KCC proud. At the AGM, William Ko and Richard Chen will be stepping down from the General Committee after many years of service to the Club. William has played a leading role on the development front and Richard has chaired the Food & Beverage and Entertainment Committees for a number of years. I would like to take this opportunity to express on all Members’ behalf, our appreciation for the time and efforts they have devoted to making KCC a better Club. Thank you gents! This month, we have also welcomed back to the General Committee Peter Fraser as the Squash Representative after a number of years away. Following up from my column last month, you will see elsewhere in this magazine, reference to some of the major changes to the Club’s Bye-laws which will come into effect on 1 January 2015. Printed copies of the revised Bye-laws will be available at Reception shortly and they will also be placed on the Club website. At last year’s AGM, a number of Members asked the General Committee to investigate the possibility of heating the water in the swimming pool during the winter months. In the interests of transparency, I attach on the opposite page the letter which I sent to those Members who raised this issue. I hope all Members and staff enjoy the holiday season. Enjoy your Club! Robin Gill President 2 KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB 10 COX’S ROAD KOWLOON HONG KONG Telephone: 3473-7000 Fax: 2311-1432 http://www.kcc.org.hk Fax: 2311-1432 20th October 2014 Re: Heating of the KCC Swimming Pool Water I am finally in a position to reply to the request you and a few others made at the 2013 Club AGM for the General Committee to consider heating the pool water in the winter months. The Management Team and the Club Development and General Committees have spent a considerable amount of time and effort examining this issue in detail, including taking reference from other sporting clubs in HK. A detailed comparison has been made of the mean air temperature as recorded by the HK Observatory and the monthly average temperature of the Club pool water. This indicates that heating might be required between the months of November and April assuming an ideal water temperature of 28° C. Regulations in Hong Kong require that all pools are closed for servicing and draining away the pool water at least once a year. During this time, the Club also undertakes regular maintenance including scrubbing the tiles, re-grouting etc. and normally this work takes one month. So in summary, any heating would be required for 5 months in the year. The General Committee has examined the Development Committee’s report on this matter and agrees with their recommendation not to proceed with this project for the time being. The main reason is financial. In summary – (a) the required electric heat pump system is currently estimated to cost $2.4M; (b) the additional recurrent costs – electricity, lifeguards, gas, chemicals etc amount to approximately $600,000 for the 5 month period at today’s prices; and (c) perhaps most important of all, the existing plant room at the pool could not accommodate the additional equipment. Hence, a new plant room would be required at an unknown cost but experience suggests the price will be fairly significant. Also, constructing any new building on our site (including at the pool) may require Town Planning Board approval as the Club has already exceeded the statutory site coverage of our plot. A final relevant fact is that the weekday average number of pool users in the summer is 60; in the winter the figure falls to 20. I accept that this is a chicken and egg issue and that the latter figure might rise if the water is heated but the General Committee’s decision is that the numbers do not justify incurring the estimated expenditure. Thank you for taking an active interest in the development of the Club and I would suggest that this proposal might be re-visited if and when, the pool complex is re-developed. Kind regards, Robin Gill President 3 President’s Report (From the KCC Annual Report, 31 July 2014) It is my great pleasure to present to Members my second Annual Report as President. As with last year, I will leave the individual sporting highlights of the year, and there are many, to the individual sporting section and society reports. The Lease I reported last year that the Club’s lease has been renewed until 26th December 2026. Although, KCC has always opened its facilities to the community for as long as I can remember, the Government has recently formally imposed a number of new conditions requiring us to allow outside organizations to use club facilities. This has generated considerable additional workload for the Management Team and staff as we meet our lease conditions. Members should not under estimate these new requirements which appear to be on the increase but should be aware that our hands are tied and we must, and will, comply fully with the Government’s requests. The Management Team will endeavour to ensure that, as far as possible, Members are not inconvenienced but there may be occasions ahead where this may not be possible. Corporate Governance Transparency has continued to be a hallmark of this General Committee. The regular flow of information to keep Members informed of developments in the Club has, if anything, been enhanced over the past year. A revamped Club magazine, its weekly electronic cousin (the WOK), the monthly synopsis of General Committee meeting decisions and areas of discussion together with a plethora of announcements around the Club and in particular, on the Club Noticeboard (which now has a dedicated and prominent site) have all contributed to this important process. Constitutional Reform As foreshadowed in my 2013 Report, the focus of the work of the Constitution Committee has been on updating, modernizing and clarifying the Club’s Bye-Laws. At the time of writing (September), the intention is for the final document to be presented shortly to the General Committee for formal adoption. Thereafter, Members will be advised of the major changes and printed copies of the document will be made available. In line with the General Committee’s open approach, the draft Bye-Laws have been made available to all sections, societies and sub-committees, through their respective Convenors, for comment. By consulting widely, it is hoped that the final document will be generally, acceptable to the majority of Members. I would encourage all Members to acquaint themselves with the Bye-Laws so that all can enjoy the Club. In my view, it is imperative that the Constitution Committee continues to review our constitutional framework annually. Whilst studying these documents may on occasion be somewhat tedious, it is nevertheless an extremely important task for the Club. I am therefore extremely grateful to William Ko, John Luff, Mike Dowie, Gordon Loch, Simon Scanlon and Greg Hartigan, our General Manager, who have spent countless hours with me arguing and eventually, compromising to produce this year, the revised draft Bye- Laws document. Development On present forecasts, the revamped Coffee Shop (which will in future be known as The Boundary Cafe) should be operational by the time Members receive this Report. A project of this magnitude has inevitably incurred an inordinate amount of Management time and also from a number of Members with the necessary expertise. I am grateful to them all and trust all Members will enjoy the new dining experience. 4 This project has taken longer than originally expected as the need to comprehensively review and then enhance the main Clubhouse roof waterproofing system was identified, during the year. Tender specifications were then drawn up and the usual tendering process undertaken. The intention is that this work will ensure that the roof is leak-proof for the next decade. I will leave the detailed report on our other development activities to William Ko and this appears elsewhere in this Annual Report. However, I would wish to highlight the fact that as a sporting club it is necessary to maintain our sporting facilities to a high standard. To that end, the Club has spent close to $2 million in the period under review on a number of projects including:• Squash Court glass walls replaced; • Sports Hall lighting system upgraded; • Cricket net/astro wicket refurbishment; • Main Ground irrigation work; • Lawn Bowls Greens – work on the surrounds In addition, work on the new Meeting Room which can also be used as an additional function room should be completed by the time you read this Report. This year’s major project will be on upgrading the Staff Rest Area and providing additional office accommodation. At the time of writing, the tendering process is underway with a target completion date in the first half of 2015. Looking to the longer term, as I mentioned last year, the Club is in the process of submitting an application to the Town Planning Board which if approved, would allow us to seek Members’views on the erection of a new building on our site and expansion of the carpark. Progress has unfortunately been slow, as a number of bureaucratic hurdles have been encountered and re-submissions to certain government departments required. Detailed air ventilation, visual impact, drainage, water supply and traffic impact assessments have been, or are being undetaken. Current indications are that a submission could be made in the first quarter of 2015. As always, Members will be kept informed of all developments. KCC – A Sports Club First and foremost, KCC is a sports club. It was founded for this purpose over 110 years ago and occupies its land on a recreational lease issued by the Government. To this end, I am pleased to note that the number of league teams representing KCC is on the rise. This has resulted in changes to the Junior Subscribership scheme and Members will recall approving amendments to the Club Articles which extend this category up to the age of 28. At the same time, an enhanced monitoring system has been developed which will ensure that all junior and sporting subscribers fully meet their playing and other commitments to the Club. In closing, I should like to express my warm appreciation to Greg Hartigan, his Management Team and all staff who continue to ensure that the Club operates smoothly and provides “a home away from home” for Members. Your hardwork and devotion to the KCC is well recognized and very much appreciated and I am sure all Members will join me in thanking you all. Last but not least, I wish to record my thanks to all of this year’s General Committee. All of you have spent so much of your personal time in the service of the Club and its Members. Without this sacrifice, KCC could not move forward as it surely must if it is to meet future challenges and ensure that our facilities are continually updated and improved for the benefit of Members. Robin Gill President 5 Major Changes to the Club’s Bye-laws Dear Members, New Bye-laws The revised Bye-laws have been approved by the General Committee and will be effective and enforced from 1 January, 2015. A soft copy has been sent to all Members whose email addresses we have on file and a hard copy of the Bye-laws will be available at the Reception Desk for your collection. A reference notice has been sent to all Members via the WOK emails and notices have been posted around the Club. Highlighted below are the major changes to the Club’s Bye-laws: • Introduction – Additional Definitions: “Users of the Club” and “grounds” • General – restructuring into the categories of “Club Opening Hours”, “Production of Membership Cards”, “Children and Usage of the Club”, “Imposition of Fines”, “Smoking”, “Domestic Helpers”, “Electronic Communication Devices” and “Miscellaneous”. Most of these Bye-laws are re-defined. • Typhoon, Black Rainstorm and Thunderstorm Warnings is added as a new Bye-law. • Complaint and Disciplinary Procedures is inserted as Annex B. • Cricket Section Code of Conduct is inserted as Annex C. • Hockey is re-written. • Tennis, Squash, Lawn Bowls, Football, Ten Pin Bowling, Snooker – insertion of Membership Criteria. • Badminton, Bridge, Golf, Food and Beverage are added as new Bye-laws. • Swimming Pool Complex is re-written. • Sports Hall, Games’ Room and Children’s Playroom are added as new Bye-laws. • General Committee Members’ Code of Conduct is re-written as Annex A. Please be reminded that the staff will be asked to advise any Member or guest when you/ they are not complying with any of the Bye-laws. As a Member you are expected to read and understand all of the Bye-laws and it is your responsibility that you advise your family members and your guests to abide by the Club’s Bye-laws. Failure to do so could result in an embarrassing situation for you, your family or your guests and could result in action by the Club’s Discipline Committee. Please do not admonish the Club’s staff…they are only doing their job! Thank you for your attention. Club Management 6 Highlights of the New Bye-laws Production of Membership Cards 2.2 Members, Honorary Members, Subscribers and their children over the age of 12 must produce their membership cards for inspection upon the request of a member of staff or security. Refusal or inability to produce a valid card may result in refused admission to the Club or continued stay in the Club. Smoking 2.7 Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas of the Club as determined by the General Committee. Domestic Helpers 2.8 Domestic helpers of Users of the Club may be signed into the Club as guests but may not carry out any of their employment duties whilst on Club Premises. The prior consent of the General Manager or his delegate may be sought to waive this requirement on medical grounds. However, children under the age of 12 participating in a club sanctioned sports activity may be accompanied by a domestic helper for the duration of that activity but must leave the Club premises when the activity has ended. Miscellaneous 2.16 Members and Subscribers are required to update the Office in writing of any changes to information provided to the Club. This should include but is not limited to changes in contact details and marital status, etc. 4. Members’ Code of Conduct 4.1 Object The object of the Members’ Code of Conduct is to – (a) set out a required standard of conduct; (b) identify those to whom the Code applies; (c) identify those responsible for breaches of the Code; and (d) outline the likely consequences of such breaches. 4.2 The required standard of conduct (a) For the purposes of this Code, conduct means the way one behaves, particularly in one’s treatment of and consideration for others. It encompasses manner of speech and communication with others and one’s attitude, manners, decency, sobriety and degree of politeness when dealing with others, as well as the observance of conventional moral and legal standards of behaviour. It also includes compliance with relevant requirements of the club’s Articles of Association and Bye Laws. (b) Under this Code, the required standard of conduct on club premises is that which is reasonable in all the circumstances, having regard in particular to the venue and occasion in question and to the diversity found within the club in terms of age, gender, nationality and culture. 4.3 Application This Code applies to Members and Subscribers and where appropriate, to their respective Children, Guests, Employees and Visitors and also, in certain circumstances, to other users of the Club. 4.4 Responsibility (a) Members and Subscribers are personally responsible for their own conduct under this Code whilst on the club’s premises. 7 (b) Members and Subscribers are also personally responsible under this Code for the conduct on club premises of their Children, Guests, Employees, Visitors and other users of the club and are also personally responsible for any breach of this Code by any of those persons whilst on club premises. 4.5 Consequences of failure to comply with the Code (a) Members and Subscribers may be liable to disciplinary proceedings and to any ensuing disciplinary sanctions if they or the persons for whose conduct they are responsible under this Code, are found to have breached the Code. (b) Where it is believed that the Code may have been breached, this may be pointed out to the person concerned in the first instance and if necessary, reported to the General Manager, one of his staff or to an officer of the Club, for the consideration of further action. (c) Any person who appears to be in breach of this Code may, if necessary, be asked to leave the club premises by management or by any member of the General Committee who is not directly involved in the apparent breach. 4.6 Conduct requirements when dealing with Club Staff and others No person to whom this Code applies shall – (a) reprimand or interfere with club staff in the performance of their duties or countermand instructions given to staff by management or seek to do so; or (b) deliberately subject club staff or General Committee members in the performance of their respective duties or any other person lawfully on club premises, to any form of abuse (whether written, verbal, physical or sexual) or to conduct which is offensive, provocative, obstructive, threatening or harmful. 4.7 Conduct requirements under Article 72 In addition to the requirement of this Code, Article 72 specifically provides, amongst other things, that Members and Subscribers are each personally responsible for their own conduct both on and off the Club’s premises if that conduct, in the opinion of the General Committee, amounts to conduct which is injurious to the character or interest of the club and may, following disciplinary proceedings, be subject to certain disciplinary sanctions set out in the Article. 4.8 A Code of Conduct which must be adopted by all General Committee Members is at Annex A. Guests 7.2 The maximum number of guests that a Member or Subscriber or their children over the age of 18 may introduce on any one occasion is five. This number may be increased by the General Manager or his delegate should circumstances so permit. Members are asked to give at least 24 hours notice, where possible. Grounds 8.3 To ensure that the best possible standards are achieved for the grounds, the following directives have been established: Main Ground – Club Management/Ground Staff will, in consultation with the Chairman of the Grounds Committee to determine the maintenance programme for the Main Ground including the practice and centre wicket cricket pitches which may be used for training and competition games. They are also empowered to close down all or part of the Main Ground if the surface is considered unsuitable for play. 8 Lawn Bowls Greens – Club Management will determine the maintenance programme for the Lawn Bowls greens and the rinks which may be used for practice and competition games. In conjunction with the Chairman of the Grounds Sub-Committee and the Lawn Bowls Representative, they are also empowered to close down all or part of the greens if the surface is considered unsuitable for play. The final decision on this rests with the Club Management. Food and Beverage 21.4 Reservations are not accepted for The Boundary Café, Pavilion and Main Bar unless there is a special event and reservations are specifically called for. Reservations are accepted in the Grill Room for lunch and dinner and the Chinese section of The Boundary Café for dinner. The maximum number of seats a member can reserve in these venues is 16. Parties with larger numbers are required to use a private function room for which a minimum spend will be required. Dress Code (Standard) 21.10Hats and caps for gentlemen are not permitted in any indoor F&B outlet except The Boundary Café unless prior approval has been obtained from the General Manager or his delegate. Miscellaneous 21.14 Club users are not permitted to consume any food or drink on Club premises including the Grounds which they have brought in from outside the Club. Members may, however, bring their own wine into the Club upon payment of the appropriate corkage fee. 21.15 Sleeping is not permitted in the Main Bar. BYE-LAWS OF THE T CLUB LOON CRICKE KOW et Club Kowloon Crick ng Kong i, Kowloon, Ho Tsu a Sh m Tsi , 10 Cox’s Road 32 • Fax: 2311 14 Tel: 2367 4141 .hk rg c.o ww w.kc 9 GM’sColumn Dear Members, Well, Christmas is almost here. Let’s see…by the time you receive this magazine there would be approximately 24 more sleeps until Santa arrives! I can hardly wait! It is Christmas time and we tend to get caught up in the excitement of buying gifts for our family and relatives and usually forget those less fortunate families that need our help. This year we ask you, the Members, to donate a prize or gift to be raffled off during the 101st Children’s Sports Day to be held on Thursday, 1 January 2015 and all the money raised from your donation will be sent to Operation Santa Claus. Last year KCC sent HK$40,000 to Operation Santa Claus and with your help and assistance we would like to donate more this year. I urge you to think about the less fortunate and please give us a donation to be raffled off at the 101st Children’s Sports Day event. Your thoughtfulness will be very much appreciated by those in need. Christmas and New Year’s Events at KCC to be marked in your diaries: Annual Christmas Sing-Along – Thursday, 11 December This is a family event and last year it was the biggest turnout yet and was held in the Sports Hall. Due to the large number of Members and their families who wish to participate, we have moved the SingAlong this year to the main Grounds. There will be plenty of room for all to enjoy and this year we are fortunate to have the Celtic Connections Chamber Choir to lead us in singing our favourite Christmas songs. We will also have a tree lighting event to commence the evening. Free for Members; HK$100 for guests. Christmas Eve and Christmas Night Dinner Buffet in The Boundary Café – 24 & 25 December The Boundary Café staff will take care of all the hard work for you this Christmas Eve and Christmas Night. Come and enjoy our expanded deluxe buffet with all the trimmings. So come by with family and friends and enjoy a relaxing buffet dinner. Guests welcome. Adult HK$385; guest HK$435; child (3-11 years) HK$260 Christmas Eve & Christmas Night Set Dinner in the Grill Room – 24 & 25 December Enjoy a five-course festive dinner in the Grill Room. Reserve early to avoid disappointment. Guests welcome. Adult HK$688; guest HK$788 Christmas Day Buffet Lunch on the Grounds – 25 December Come with the family and enjoy turkey and all the fixin’s on the grounds. When the kids finish early, they can run around the field while you enjoy another glass of wine! Reservations are required so please contact the Food & Beverage office to book your table. Last year it was a clear sunny day with over 300 Members and their families enjoying the afternoon on the grass! Guests are welcome. Adult HK$385; guest HK$435; child (3-11 years) HK$260. New Year’s Eve – 31 December 2014 This year, we are keeping it simple… black and white. This means you need to dust off the tuxedo and black cocktail dress! Come and dance the night away with the great sounds of Paul Sapiera and his Super Band. Paul has entertained at KCC before to standing ovations and we are excited we have been able to secure him for this party. They will play all the favourite danceable music right up to 1:45 am! (Members HK$1,100; Guest HK$1,299) 101st Children’s Sports Day – 1 January 2015 That’s right, you will need to get up on the New Year’s Day and take the kids to the 101st Children’s Sports Day here on our grass field. It’s a great afternoon (the operative word here is “afternoon” so you don’t need to get up early!) of fun and games for all ages and those kids who are 13 years and under for the races and any age to enjoy all the other activities that will be available. Last year’s was a tremendous turnout with literally hundreds of kids having fun and we anticipate a large attendance again this year. Members are encouraged to bring your family and your friends and their families to come and enjoy a great afternoon at the Club. There will be lots of fun (bouncy castle, balloon twisting, games, face painting, etc.), good food and all sorts of other good stuff to entertain the entire family. Did I mention the beer garden? Occasionally at this time of year, apparently it rains! Heaven forbid! At least you don’t have to shovel it! I would like to remind all Members to please make sure that you take YOUR umbrella home with you and not other Members’. If you are concerned about the safety of your umbrella, please do use the locking device provided at the front doors of the Club. A reminder for Members to please be courteous when speaking on a mobile phone outside the Club, especially when you are near Members dining on the patios. It can be very annoying for the Members who are enjoying a quiet dinner on the patio if you are standing beside their table talking loudly. On behalf of myself, my wife Patsy and all the staff here at KCC, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous holiday season. Greg Hartigan CCM General Manager 11 Crusaders crush Saracens to prevail in KCC derby 11 October 2014 Images courtesy of Bimal Mirwani CRICKET The sun was shining and the weather was sweet on a beautiful Saturday afternoon as the scene was set for one of Kowloon Cricket Club’s biggest-ever derbies. The Saracens and Crusaders looked set to make an early impact on the road to win the coveted Jungu Vachha Shield. With the Saracens having won the shield for the past five years, the Crusaders were determined to end their losing streak and bring themselves one step closer to hoisting the shield above their heads and tasting glory for the first time since the 2006-07 season. The ground was bathed in sunlight as the Crusaders captain, Leigh Stewart, and Saracens stand-in captain, Aakash Sureka, strolled out to the middle for the toss. Stewart ended up winning the toss and decided to bat first on a pitch that looked slow and had a large covering of grass. However, Stewart would have been brooding over whether he made the right decision to bat first early on after opening batsman Ashley Caddy was caught by Sureka off the bowling of Saumil Shah for 15. Please follow us at: www.facebook.com/kcccricket www.twitter.com/kcccricket (follow @kcccricket) www.kcccricket.com Mike England managed to make 20 runs and was looking good to convert it into a big score until a small lapse in concentration ended with him being caught behind off the bowling of Chirag Kothari. Ravi Sujanani kept the Crusaders afloat with some smart batting as he kept rotating the strike and dispatching poor deliveries to the boundary. However, he refused to be deterred even after David Millington was clean bowled by Kothari for two runs. Instead, he and Damien Kelleher amassed a 12 Sujanani was named Man of the Match for his superb knock of 45 45-run partnership to stabilise the innings. While Sujanani decided to play more orthodox strokes in an attempt to preserve his wicket, Kelleher decided to take the at tack to the Saracens bowlers and hit a number of high-octane shots that left the opposition stunned and his team-mates clapping and cheering for more entertainment. However, the partnership was ended when Kelleher decided to hit one big shot too many and was caught by Sandeep Hathiramani off the bowling of Ansh Lulla for a quickfire 29. With the departure of Kelleher, Sujanani decided to up the ante since the overs remaining were dwindling and the Crusaders had yet to post a competitive score. Sujanani went on to score a magnificent 45 before he was dismissed on the last ball of the innings when he was caught by Sureka off the bowling of Naveen Shivalingam. Wicketkeeper James Millington also deserves some credit as his rapid knock of 19 helped the Crusaders finish on 156/5 off their 35 overs. Kothari was the pick of the bowlers with two wickets, while Shah, Shivalingam and Lulla chipped in with one wicket apiece. Chasing 157 to win, the Saracens got off to a solid start with Shah and Kothari putting together a 30-run partnership before Kothari was caught by Simon Millington off the bowling of Ashley Caddy for 11 runs. Following Kothari’s dismissal, the Saracens top and middle order completely collapsed as they went from 30/1 to 71/8 within a short space of time. With the Saracens reeling at 71/8, the Crusaders could already sense that they were on the verge of victory and Stewart kept telling his side not to allow the Saracens to mount any kind of comeback whatsoever. But, thanks to Ben Cox, that was exactly what happened as he launched a counter-attack and played some glorious strokes to ensure that his side were not beaten by such a large margin. Even though Lulla was dismissed for seven runs, Cox continued to stand tall amongst the rubble and kept fighting until he was finally dismissed for a valiant 29 when he hit a delivery from David Millington straight down Sujanani’s throat. Despite a solid effort from Cox, the Saracens were bowled out for a disappointing 102 and thus lost the game by 54 runs. Nishil Savalani was responsible for the Saracens collapse as he snapped up three wickets, while Bill Garnett and Steve Pratt took two wickets apiece and Caddy, Kelleher and David Millington claimed one wicket apiece. Sureka was not impressed with his side’s performance, and said: “It could have gone either way, but in hindsight, maybe they got an advantage because they saw how the wicket was playing. They bowled the right bowlers, they bowled the right spinners because the spinners were the hardest to play. “The amount of extras we gave away was the difference because that relieved the pressure. We bowled well as a unit, we fielded really well, we took our catches except for a few drops. But, all in all, it was the extras that let us down, along with our top order batting. “We had a good start, but we fell apart in the middle. I think everyone tried to play too many shots. The most experienced batsmen, including myself, didn’t play the right shots and we didn’t take up the responsibility. One of us should have batted through the innings. It wasn’t a big score and we should have chased it down. “The main captain will be back for the next game. We were missing a good chunk of our players. The performance was good from us, but regardless of what team you have, every game you play, you look to win. Despite this setback, I’m pretty confident that we can retain the shield.” Stewart was ecstatic to have dealt the Saracens a major blow in their quest to win the Jungu Vachha Shield for six years in a row, and said: “It was a good toss to win because it was a pitch that was going to play some tricks. So, it was important that we got some runs on the board early so that we could put pressure on the Saracens. “I thought Ravi batted really well in difficult conditions. The pitch was playing up and down and Ravi really worked hard and stuck in there. His 45 was the thing that won us the game and he rightly won Man of the Match. “The win was vital. One of the most important things in our whole season is to win the shield and the shield is something we have not won for seven seasons. We have set ourselves a goal to win it this year and to get off to a winning start is very important. “We’ve got two very big games coming up. One is against the runners up from last season, Hong Kong Cricket Club (HKCC), and that will be a big game so we are just focused on that for the time being. Once we get through that, then we will work out what we need to do next.” Sujanani was named Man of the Match for his outstanding innings of 45, and said: “There was no gameplan really because when I went in, I saw how slow the wicket was and I realised that it was a 150-run pitch and that’s what we set out for. The guys that came in next, Damien and James, just took the pressure off me because they started hitting the ball and got handy runs. “After a couple of balls, I realised it was a slow wicket. Sometimes you just have to stay in there and look to get singles and build a partnership. Unfortunately, the Saracens did not do that. If they had done, it would have been a much closer game. “It’s another game, but it’s against your own team-mates. Also, considering that last year I played for the Saracens, it was a good feeling to beat them. But overall, it was played in the right spirit.” Written by Bimal Mirwani http://battingwithbimal.com/ Twitter account - @BimalMirwani 13 CRICKET Corporate Sixes 18-19 October 2014 14 KCC Cricketers Who Represented Hong Kong in the Asian Games in Incheon, Korea An Interview with Ryan Campbell, Head Coach at the KCC Jamie Atikinson Roy Lamsam Age: 24 Role: Captain and wicketkeeper Age: 34 Role: All-rounder Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “He is a tremendous cricketer and hits the ball hard. He probably tries to overhit it at times. But, he is a good thinker of the game. His wicketkeeping is solid, but he is not exceptional and I think he is one of those players that is so gifted at everything he does that when someone says mate you can wicketkeep, he took to that and that’s where his chances were going to be to play county cricket. As a player, he is probably the most important player to the whole of the national system in my opinion.” Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “Roy has been around and played for Hong Kong when he was about eight. So, he has be e n he re forever. You know what you are going to get with Roy solid batting, a bowler who can bowl stump to stump, a very good catcher in the slips and a very good thinker of the game. He is just a solid contributor.” Waqas Barkat Age: 24 Role: All-rounder Ryan Campbell’s t h o u g h t s: “ H e is an X-factor I reckon. He is very knowledgeable thinker of the game as well. He is actually the c a pt a i n of o u r Premier League team this year. His batting is still a work in progress, he tries to hit the ball too hard at times. But generally, when he gets switched on and plays good cricket shots, he is as talented as anyone around. And the other thing for Waqas is his leg-spin bowling really is an untapped resource. It is getting better and better all the time. So, he presents to you a genuine all-rounder.” Adil Mehmood Age: 25 Role: Pace bowler Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “Adil is one of those fast bowlers that everyone is talking about. He is tall, but he is not that strong yet. But, once he gets a little more meat on his bones, I think that anyone who is 6ft 5in has to be a good asset.” Keenu Gill Age: 24 Role: All-rounder Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “She is the standout p l a y e r. K e e n u can do anything for you. She bats and bowls and is just a really good allround player. She is easily in the top three players in Hong Kong and always will be. Her challenge is always going to be finding a way to get challenged.” Amanda Kwok Age: 20 Role: All-rounder Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “A m a n d a i s a good young player who has only just star ted learning the game. But, she of fers batting and bowling and again has come here as a leader. She is new to our club, which is very exciting for us to see how far she goes.” Godiva Li Age: 22 Role: Pace bowler Ryan Campbell’s thoughts: “She is still learning, but her improvement r a te i s p r o b a bly going to be a lot quicker than most guys you see because she is like a sponge. She listens to every word you say and picks it up very quickly. I have no doubt that we will see a massive improvement in her over the next two to three years.” 15 Bubble Soccer 26 September 2014 • 8-10pm • KCC Sports Hall Hockey Social Secretary, Declan Da Silva organised a very unusual event for our hockey players – BUBBLE SOCCER! So what is Bubble Soccer? HOCKEY Ever wanted to play soccer wrapped in a giant protective bubble of plastic? It’s a ridiculous mix of soccer and Japanese game show. Bubble soccer is the world’s latest adrenalin sport guaranteed to get your blood racing and the laughter flowing! Players get in a Zorb-like bubble ball, smash into each other, bounce and roll around. As much fun as it is watching players chase a soccer ball, it is hilarious watching them bounce around upside down with their legs in the air. At the end of the two-hour session, they all agreed, “…it was awesome, fun, exciting, and will do it again…” Dillon Kulwant Singh Komagata Maru Memorial Youth Hockey Tournament On 1 October the KCC youth boy’s hockey team, together with 10 other local teams, participated in the annual Komagata Maru Memorial 9-a-side Youth Hockey Tournament. The tournament was organised into a round robin format followed by a single elimination for the Cup and Plate awards. The tournament kicked off to a great start for the team, with the team creating great build up play and setting up a magnitude of goal scoring opportunities. The scoring for the team was opened up by Aman, scoring a brace and concluding the game with a convincing 16 us on. Thank you to Leslie Lin, Aman Singh, Philip Cadman, Ben Poon, Rohit Sujnani, Tom Chan, Abhishek Laungani, Cur tis Wong, Sylvester Ribeiro, Joshua Yeung, Joseph Ho and Jamie Cheng for putting up with the heat and giving it their all during the tournament. win over Khalsa B. The second match against HK Sikh was played equally strong, with the team carrying the confidence from the previous game, finishing 2-0 with goals from Aman and Curtis. The third game played was against Pakistan and was considered to be the toughest match among the pool games. Throughout the game, the defence of the team held strong, and multiple attacking chances were created, the team only just missing out on the breaks and ended in the deadlock just as it started in. The final game was dominated by the team, commanding the game pace and movement of the ball. Ending with a resounding lead, generated by goals from both Aman and Ben. The emphatic performance demonstrated by the team allowed us to progress through to the elimination rounds for the Cup title, with the semi-final match up against NBC. The match was hotly contested, with both sides pushing their physical capabilities and Jasper Au responding to each other’s tactics and skills. A magnificent reflex save from Leslie deflected a low drag flick towards the right corner out of play, keeping the team in contest. However, a hopeful shot from a tight angle allowed the opposition to take the lead late in the game. The gamed concluded as 0-1, therefore meaning that the team would not be able to continue to fight for the Cup. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank Jackie and Ravi for guiding the team on the day, as well as all the supporters who came by to cheer 17 HOCKEY interview: The Sethi Family The Sethi family is a true portrait of what it is to be a ‘KCC family’. Since 2000, Davinderpal Sethi, his two sons, and wife Pinki have been Members of the Kowloon Cricket Club – not just as social members but as significant sporting members within the Hockey Section. Since 2000, Davinderpal has played for every single men’s hockey team in the Section, has managed the E Team, and is currently in his 14th season as goalkeeper. His eldest son Ravdeep manages the Youth Team as well as play for the Men’s A Team, and his other son Jasdeep, or ‘Bobby’, who is currently studying in the UK, is to play for the Men’s A Team on his return to Hong Kong. Lauren Cameron sat down with Davinderpal to find out what it’s truly like to have two generations represent the same sports club. Davinderpal Sethi, after a hockey game for the Vets What’s it like, having your whole family playing for the one club? It’s very convenient! (laughs) It means we all share a common interest, and we regularly have discussions about how to improve the Club, how to improve the Hockey Section… It’s nice to have that – to share a common interest, and a passion. And hockey is a real family sport, so it just makes sense to all be playing for the same club. Did you join the Club simply to play hockey, or for another reason? I joined for my kids. Playing hockey in Hong Kong is very difficult – schools don’t have hockey teams or facilities, 18 The family on Boxing Day, 2013 and my kids used to love watching me play I’ve played goalhockey on Sundays with the Nav Bharat i e e v e r s i n c e. Club, who I played for at the time. We Being a goallived around the corner from the KCC, keeper is great – and I knew that it was one of the best you get to play a hockey clubs at the time, it was very full game, you’re prestigious and it had great facilities. It’s the focal point for also a very multicultural club – you can the other team… have New Zealanders, South Africans, It’s quite an imporIndians, Hong Kongers and Australians tant position. Having a good goalkeeper all in the one team – it’s the KCC’s most can make all the difference to a team. attractive feature and says a lot about the Club. What is one of you greatest memories so far of playing with the Why hockey? KCC? Well, with football you need to be really I play with the Veterans Hockey Team good, and everyone wants to play it… too, and I can remember one particular cricket, to be honest, I find very laboriveterans’ game where we were losing ous and boring – in my eyes it’s more of 4-nil at half time. Our coach had a talk to a leisure activity than a sport. Hockey us at half time and told us we could turn really stood out to me, and still does, things around. I thought he was being as a very exciting sport. It’s incredibly sarcastic! But we actually ended up winskillful, it’s quick, it’s a family sport and ning 5-4. That was a standout game. I you really don’t know what is going to couldn’t believe we were able to change happen until the very last moment. You the outcome of the game so drastically. can also play it until a very old age – I mean, I’m 40 and still playing, and we What do you hope to see from the have people who are over 70 still playHockey Section this year? ing for the Club. I’m really passionate about the Hockey How many seasons have you Section. But in terms of one particular played with the KCC by now? thing…Historically, the KCC has allowed guests or “visiting members” to play for 14 seasons. I’ve played for every team the Hockey Section on the odd occaduring that time, too. I’ve managed the sion. It was a very selective process and E Team, played for every team, and I’ve as a result, we have really benefitted in also, during that time, been the second the past from having some quality playlongest standing committee member ers play for the KCC every now and then. of the Hong Kong Hockey Association, This was stopped two years ago and as on the Promotions and Development a result, I think the Hockey Section is committee. I’ve no plans to retire at this struggling somewhat. The idea behind stage – Mike Kennedy is 74 and he only the rule change is good, but I think it has retired from hockey last year. I plan to hit us hard. I’d like to see that rule be replay for as long as I can, too. I say if versed this year. you’re fit and you still enjoy it – stick to it. Why did you choose to be a goalkeeper? I wasn’t always a goalkeeper – I also used to play as centre forward – but I used to get so frustrated at the goalkeeper that I actually asked to give it a go! Advice for newcomers to the Club? Yes…. Get involved! Don’t be shy, we’re a friendly club. A section is not a section without active members. In this club, you really do need to step up and volunteer. HKIS Girls’ Football Tournament 9 November 2014 FOOTBALL KCC U14 girls won the U14 Cup at the HKIS Tournament, with a nail-biting penalty shootout victor y against the Chelsea Soccer Schools team boasting a number of Hong Kong U14 National Players (including the goalkeeper)! The final was very close with both teams coming close and the crossbar coming to KCC’s rescue, but in the end the score was 0:0. KCC then scored their penalties whilst our keeper saved 2 of theirs, ensuring our U14 girls won their second Cup of the season in two Tournament played! Earlier, during the league format, they had recorded 2 wins against Chelsea Soccer Schools and Tai Tam and a draw against The Hong Kong Football Club. During the whole tournament the girls only conceded 1 goal in open play. A big well done to the team – Andrea Chan, Dveeta Lal (Captain), Desiree Miller, Eliza Evers, Jorja Townson, Lily Haik, Maddie Kwan, Maya Renwick, Nicole Marlow and Sophie Hafner, and, of course, Coach Lukalu!. O u r ot h e r te a m s h a d mixed success at the tournament, but the U10 won their first match and were unlucky not to 20 follow up with further victories. Our other U14 team played well, but came up short against some stiff opposition. However, it was another successful outing overall for the KCC Girls and a big thanks to the coaches and parents for supporting our teams so well. Adrian Townson KCC Football Committee Representative (Girls’ and Women’s Football) Boys’ Junior Football T he Unde r-13s Boys a nd Unde r14s Boys play in the competitive Henderson League with a good start to the season so far. The U13 team have done exceptionally well in the qualifying stages of the Henderson League. Having now played all three qualifying games scoring 20 goals and conceding only one is quite an achievement for this new team. The team is packed with talent and has really played some excellent football. There is still some work to do going forward, as this is the boys’ first year playing 11-a-side footie. However, big things are expected from this group as there is such an abundance of talent. If they can come together and perform as a team, move the ball quickly while maintaining our own high standards, then anything is possible for this group of youngsters. For the U14s, after the success of last season where the boys along with DB Dragons won the Henderson Cup which was played in the Mong Kok Stadium, the team has gone through a few large changes in personnel – almost half the team either moving overseas or changing. The team has completely restructured itself with a few new faces and new positions all round. For the qualifying games of the Henderson League the boys have equipped themselves well enough winning one and losing the other to leave there group evenly poised. A win in their final group game will see them qualify for the Premier Henderson League in Hong Kong, while a loss will see them progress to the Championship competition. So all rests on the following game this weekend (15 November) where the boys will go full tilt for the win as to qualify for the Strongest U14 competition in Hong Kong. Gary KCC Young Women’s U18 Invitational Football Tournament 13 December 2014 KCC will host their fir st Young Women’s Tournament on Saturday, 13 December morning, as well as playing host to a team from King’s College, Taunton, UK, where two of our ex-KCC players (Molly Smith and Grace Perkins) are now studying and playing football. King’s College was the first appointed Independent School Football Association (ISFA) Girls’ Development School and is the base for the ISFA Under-18 South West squad. Their Head of Football Chris Heayns is the Regional Coach and ISFA representative and will bring the team to Hong Kong. Last season King’s won both the U15 and U18 ISFA national seven-a-side competitions, and last month retained the U18 title. The crowning glory to their campaign was winning the ISFA U18 national eleven-a-side cup this year for the first time in their history. King’s also hosts the England FA South West Region Girls’ Centre of Excellence. KCC is also inviting teams to this tournament from the Hong Kong Football Association (U18 National Team) as well as from local Hong Kong clubs, who promote girls’ and women’s football. It should be a great tournament showcasing the very best of young women’s football and I sincerely hope we can see some Club members coming down to support our young women. KCC Football Section stalwart Tony Smith’s daughter will be playing for King’s College and Tony himself will also be travelling over with the team, so this will be a chance to catch up with old friends. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the 13th! Adrian Townson KCC Football Committee Representative (Girls’ and Women’s Football) 21 Convenor’s Column LAWN BOWLS International Competition Our experienced bowler, Jimmy Chiu, represented Hong Kong to participate in the 2014 Incheon Asian Para Games in October and achieved the following outstanding results: 1. Gold Medal in Men’s Singles and 2. Silver Medal in Mixed Pairs Congratulations, Jimmy! 22 Lawn Bowls AGM on 5 November 2014 Around 60 members attended the AGM. Newly elected LB Sub-committee Members for 2014-2015: LB Representative & Convenor: Patrick Fong Secretary: Mary Ong Team Captains: Men’s A: Cliff Imeson Men’s B: James Keung Men’s C & Greens Convenor: Peter Hevicon Men’s D: Bill Thomas Ladies’ A: Sanie Ng Ladies’ B: Annie Yeung I sincerely wish that all of you continue to s upport the Section in the coming season. Ladies’ B Team The Ladies’ B played the last game against HKCC on 1 November. Even though the game had no effect on our result but we still tried our best to finish the game by winning 6-2. We ended the day with a wonderful hot-pot dinner. We finished the season in the 4th position on the league table. We missed our goal but everybody enjoyed the effort and support of all teammates. I would like to thank Linda Robertson, VenusNgai, Cellina Sheck, Carmen Suen, Alice Chung, Pam Tung, Mary Ong, Mildred Wong, Kelly Wong, Alison Shum, Valerie Lau, Kitty Tse, Linda Pryce, Janet Fung, Elaine Pomfret and Torrente Kam. Let’s keep up the spirit and work together for a better result next year. Annie Yeung Ladies’ B Team Captain 23 LAWN BOWLS Annual Dinner on 25 October 2014 Our Annual Dinner was held on Saturday, 25 October 2014 at KCC Sports Hall. Elizabeth was the organising director and Anna the director of performance. Participants included Rob, Mike and Cliff (as one team), Pari, Don and Kenny Ng’ wife. The winner was Don who received a HK$500 coupon. Over 80 players, spouses and guests (including KCC President and his wife) joined this joyful event. The theme was Mamma Mia. We had fancy dress and karaoke contests. Mrs. Downs was the winner of the fancy dress contest. She also got a HK$500 coupon. Dinner started at 8pm right after short speeches delivered by the Convenor and the President. There were two talent shows on the night: 1. ABBA – Peter was guitar player, Bob was pianist, and Derek and Kenny were the sexy and pretty singers. They sang the songs “Mamma Mia” and “Dancing Queen”. 2. Mixed Team – Performers were Annie, Bill Thomas, Daphe, Ellen, Pari and Torrente. Their songs were “Supper Trouper” and “Waterloo”. Apar t from music, the Spor ts Hall was filled with laughter, whistles and screams. Everyone enjoyed the shows and one lawn bowl player even rushed to the stage to kiss the sexy ABBA singers. Lucky draw started at 9:30pm and every attendee got a prize. Many thanks to the sponsors – Elizabeth, Jacky Wong, Pari, Peter and Raymond Lo. Thank you very much for all your generous contributions. Karaoki contest commenced at 10pm. 24 At about 10:15pm, Jimmy, the Asian Games Champion, a rrived at the Sports Hall. He was congratulated by all players and guests for his wonderful achievements in the Incheon Asian Para Games. He was invited to the stage with everyone singing “We are the Champion”. The party went on. Some players continued to chat and sing until 11:30pm when KCC staff started to tidy up the venue. In closing, I would like to thank our Event Director, Elizabeth as well as Peter, William, Cliff, Annie and Mary. Also, my special thanks to the Director of Per formances, Anna who spent sleepless nights in arranging the wonder ful costumes and the great talent shows. Without the support of the whole team, the helpers on the night, the performers and the Section players, the Annual Dinner could not have been so successful. Upcoming Social Event: 26 December 2014 – Hollis Trophy with POC Please diarise and support this event. On behalf of the Lawn Bowls Subcommittee, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy bowling! Patrick Fong Convenor 25 AGM Report SQUASH The annual squash AGM on Saturday, 18 October marked the end of convenor Evan Fowler’s and Captain Aaron Yip’s two-year leadership. Both Evan and Aaron worked well together and made many improvements to the Section as well as to the courts themselves. Such improvements included the replacement of the glass walls to ASB standard, as well as re-carpeting the spectator area that surrounds the courts. Improvements to benefit the Club’s general interest in squash were also introduced by providing communal rackets and shoes of various sizes for members to borrow to promote squash and to ensure maximum utilisation of the courts. On behalf of the Section, I would like to thank them both for their hard work and dedication to ensuring the Section ran smoothly, that the teams were organized, and for their words of wisdom. After a review of the successful 2013-2014 season by the Section as a whole, particularly Ladies’ 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 5 and Division 7A, Peter Fraser was elected as 26 the new convenor of Squash for the next two years with Kathryn Labrum as secretary. As always, many thanks to Vincent Wan, Perrier and Vittel for their generous and continuous support. We look forward to proudly wearing our snazzy new kits throughout the upcoming season. Good luck to everyone in their respective divisions for this season – we seem to be doing well so far. Keep it up! Kat Labrum British Army Review We were recently treated to an interport match against the British Army who were visiting Hong Kong on a squash tour. The Army fielded a very strong mixed team and the overall score proved to be a very close one. In the end, the KCC managed to scrape through with a 6 to 5 victory. The standard of the Army team was evident in their impressive victories against other teams they played before us during their tour. Despite the KCC fielding quite a strong team, the Army players, especially the women, put on an aggressive and impressive display of squash. Even though we managed to narrowly beat them, their efforts and determination as a team prove just how much of a powerhouse they are. After all matches finished, both teams sat down together to enjoy a pleasant dinner. Good company has always been the case with previous visits from the armed forces, and this night proved no different as many stories, experiences and laughs were shared. Thanks to General Urch and his team for their sportsmanship, great squash abilities and fun conversation throughout the night. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. This is a tradition the KCC should be proud of and we look forward to hosting many more events in the future. Kat Labrum Tennis Section Annual Dinner 17 October 2014 TENNIS Tennis AGM 23 October 2014 The new Sub-committee elected for 2014-15 is as follows: Convenor: Alex Rego Secretary: KS Wong Committee Members: Harry Yuen, Julie Fowler, Mary Ong, Sandra Scanlon, Ken Wong and Peter Ko 28 29 Three Wins in a Row! BADMINTON The KCC Badminton Team managed to secure its third win in the recent Inter-club Badminton League games. Given the benefits of playing “home”, our team has just managed to secure our third victory against the visiting Hong Kong Football Club Team earlier this month. 30 However, the real challenge lies in the away games that we have to play in the second half of the season. Herbert Kwok Badminton Society Convenor FREE 30 MINUTE TRIAL CLASS Fully licensed and one of Hong Kong’s fastest growing education centers PRICES START FROM: PRIMARY $225 SECONDARY $ 260 WE CATER TO ALL ACADEMIC SUBJECTS • IBDP • SATs •A-Levels •AP BIOLOGY BUSINESS STUDIES CANTONESE CHEMISTRY ECONOMICS ENGLISH LITERATURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FRENCH GEOGRAPHY GERMAN •IGCSEs •HKDSE HINDI HISTORY LIBERAL STUDIES MANDARIN MATHEMATICS PHYSICS PHILOSOPHY SPANISH VIETNAMESE 308 Chavalier House 45-51 Chatham Road South Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon T: 3998 4046 | 5669 1577 E: info@alec.com.hk 10 Minutes walk from KCC! www.alec.com.hk Club members are entitled to 10% off their first invoice. Applicable for new joiners only Duncan Wins on the Mountain Course GOLF Wednesday 15th October saw us travelling to Nansha to play the Mountain Course on a cool, dry day just made for Golf. The Mountain Course as the name suggests is up on the hillside above the Clubhouse and has a number of exciting holes on steep slopes and is generally a demanding course that requires good course management. Duncan Wong played reasonably well on the front 9 but excelled with a back 9 of 42 with 4 pars to take the Stableford competition with 37pts. Richard Tinlin finished in 2nd place with 35pts ahead of a very close tussle for 3rd place between Sanjay Nainani and Eric Golani both on 33pts and equal points on the back 9, back 6 and Sanjay eventually prevailed with a better back 3 holes. Alfonso had 6 pars in a front 9 of 43 and Jacky Sung had 4 pars in a front 9 of 43. 32 Results NP: Hole 4: Zaki Dad Hole 9: Suresh Gopisetty Hole 11: Andy Atkinson Hole 17: Sunil Hemnani LD: (M) (Zaki) Tommy Tam (L) Mary Ching Stableford: 1st: Duncan Wong 2nd: Richard Tinlin 3rd: Sanjay Nainani 4th: Eric Golani 37pts 35pts 33pts (c/b 17/12/5) 33pts (c/b 17/12/4) As a result of this event, Richard closed to within one point of leader Alfonso. Duncan, Sanjay and Eric, all improved their positions in the 2014 Stableford League and with only the GS Championships to go the race to the finish was going to be tight. Youth Shows the Way in the GS Championships We had a good entry of 40 players for the GS Championships on the South Course at Kau Sai Chau on Monday, 3 November and despite an early morning chilly wind, the c onditions were ideal as the day progressed. Stars of the show were Leon D’Souza and Inara Sharma; Leon was level par on the more difficult back 9 with 7 pars and a birdie and 5 pars and a birdie on the front 9 for an excellent 71 while Inara had one par and two birdies on the front 9 and 4 pars and a birdie on the back 9 for a round of 77. In the Stableford competition there was a tie on 36pts with Eric Golani winning the tiebreak with 19 points on the back 9 from Erle Pereira. Results NP: Hole 2: Jon McKinley Hole 5: Leon D’Souza Hole 11: (M) Jacky Sung Hole 16: (L) Mary Ching 2NP: Hole 4 (M) Andy Atkinson LD: Hole 14 (M) Alfonso Cordero Hole 18 (L) Inara Sharma Stableford: Men: 1st: Eric Golani 2nd: Erle Pereira 3rd: Michael Tse 36pts (c/b 19) 36pts (c/b 16) 35pts Ladies: 1st: A nita Mui 2nd: Rita Leung 3rd: Mary Ching 39pts 33pts 26pts 2014 GS Champions Men: Leon D’Souza Ladies: Inara Sharma In the Stableford League the top two players failed to improve on their totals. Gary Sharma added just one point and Eric’s good performance just failed to get him in the top three as he closed to within one point behind Gary Sharma. The leading per formers in the 2014 Stableford League were: After the Championships Event at Kau Sai Chau, we returned to KCC for the AGM where 31 members were in attendance; a number of healthy debates ensued especially about handicaps, where everyone has their own opinion and the meeting was brought to a close with the realisation that dinner would be served in five minutes. The following officials were elected: Chairman: Richard Tinlin Secretary: Malcolm Hammersley Treasurer: KC Shing Members: Alfonso Cordero, CM Mak Our next event is a return to Shunde for a two-day trip on 27-28 November which promises to be another fun-filled excursion. Cheers, Richard Men: 1st: Alfonso Cordero 2nd: Richard Tinlin 3rd: Gary Sharma 4th: Eric Golani 5th: CM Mak 6th: Sanjay Nainani 7th: Zaki Dad 8th: David Brettell 9th: Vincent Lee 10th: Duncan Wong 173pts 172pts 168pts 167pts 165pts 165pts 164pts 162pts 159pts 149pts Ladies: 1st: Mary Ching 2nd: Rita Leung 3rd: Margaret Chan 130pts 97pts 85pts 33 120th Anniversary Snooker Invitational Tournament SNOOKER CCC - Adrian and Ivan in action – 10-ball reds CCC – KCC team KCC sent a 6-man team to th e C ra i g e n g owe r Cricket Club for the 120th A n n i ve r s a r y S n o o ke r Invitational Tournament. H o w e v e r, d u e t o a c h a n g e i n s c h e d u l e, only 4 were needed to play in the 3 games, the 6 ball reds (singles), the 10 ball reds (scotch doubles) and the Pool Competition (singles). Mike graciously lent his services to the Hong Kong Country Club as they were a player short and KCC then lined up with Bennie playing the 6-ball reds, Adrian and Ivan playing the 10-ball reds and Tommy (the hustler) on the Pool table! All matches were in a knockout format so there was no room for error and the pressure was on from the start and with prizes for winners, runners up, top breaks, most sporting and best team, so there was lots to play for! Overall, there were 8 teams competing from a total of 6 clubs. KCC lined up against the Chinese Recreation Club after the draw was made. Other Clubs in the tournament included the Hong Kong Club, The Kowloon Tong Club, 34 The Chinese Recreation Club and 3 teams from the home Club the Craigengower Cricket Club, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ teams. Tommy got the balls rolling, against probably the luckiest pool player in town and with luck definitely not on his side. Despite some great pots he was unable to overcome his opponent and KCC were out. Next up was Bennie who fared much better and beat his opponent 2:1 with some steady snooker, good pots and solid safety play. Inspired by this, CCC – Bennie in action – 6-ball reds CCC – celebration banquet CCC – Pool Adrian and Ivan ran out to the 19-point lead in the 10-ball reds, scoring on each of the first three visits to the table. The CRC came back into the frame and set up a tense bout of safety on the colours. KCC potted another 3 balls and left CRC needing snookers. They duly obliged and put Ivan in trouble with a nice shot obscuring the blue ball. Ivan however was not put off and decided that the best way to get out of the problem was to not only use 2 cushions to hit the blue, but pot it as well. The shot of the tournament (as judged by the KCC players!) was made and it was another win for KCC. Bennie, Adrian and Ivan were now in the semifinals for both the 6-reds and 10-reds respectively. Bennie stepped up first against a very strong player from the Craigengower ‘A’ team and apparently a HK National Youth Player, who had already hit a 57 break in his earlier match! Despite a brave effort, Bennie succumbed to a stronger player who closed out the match with a 48 (missing an easy pink) for what could have been a closing 60 break! These 2 breaks were to be the best 2 of the day. Adrian and Ivan then faced CCC ‘A’ team pairing in the 10-reds semifinal, comprising of their Snooker Section Captain and another young talented player. KCC immediately opened with a red and blue off the break, but a miss handed the advantage back to CCC and they took full advantage, slowly pulling out to a 30+ lead, again recording the top break of 23. After a few pots by either side KCC were left chasing 1 snooker as well as all the colours to win; a tall order that was just a bit too much! The consolation was that the CCC ‘A’ team went on to rather fittingly win their tournament. A great afternoon of competition was concluded with a prize ceremony and a 13-course Celebration Banquet courtesy of the Craigengower Cricket Club, who were perfect hosts. KCC returned with 2 unexpected 3rd Runners-up trophies and each player was awarded a small souvenir. Adrian Townson Snooker Committee Representative CCC – Final scores and presentations of trophies CCC – Captain Tommy doing the draw 35 Snooker AGM The new Sub-committee for 2014-2015 elected is as follows: Convenor: Navin Ahuja Tournament Director: Don McNeil Asst. Tournament Director: Adrian Townson Treasurer: Francis Hung Historian: Bennie Ngan & Fittings and Furnishings: Ivan Leung (Previously Mahesh Ramchandani and Johnny Tao) 36 The Boundary Café Soft Opening 3 November 2014 Hong Kong Inter-Club Tenpin Bowling League 9th League Bowling Season 2014-15 TENPIN BOWLING After two years of absence, KCC has now entered a team in the 2014-15 Inter-Club Tenpin Bowling league. This season there are seven participating clubs and each club plays the other clubs in home and away matches. Because of the odd number of teams, we were the odd ones out in the first round played on 9 October but played our first match at KCC on 23 October against our friendly archrival, the Kowloon Tong Club. After an unfortunate late KCC team change, the match got under way with ominous early signs as two of the KTC players quickly registered 200+ games. Undaunted, our team with three ladies putting in inspired performances, held on to win the match 15-7 on handicap scores. As expected, we didn’t do too well with scratch scores, but the determination and effort is there and augurs well for forthcoming matches. Mike Kennedy 38 New Members Welcome Cocktail 13 November 2014 39 Bridge Society AGM 21 October 2014 The new Sub-committee elected for 2014-15 is as follows: Convenor: Raju Ramchandani Secretary: Shabbir Barma Committee Member: David Mok BRIDGE December 2014 Schedule: Wed 3 ☽ Happy Valley $500 Sun 7 ☀ Sha Tin $450 Wed 10☽ Happy Valley Sumptuous Buffet with free flow beer, soft drinks, coffee and tea. $600 ( LONGINES International Jockey's Championship ) $600 Sun 14☀ Sha Tin Wed 17☽ Happy Valley $500 Sat 20☀ Sha Tin $450 Sun 28☀ Sha Tin $450 ( LONGINES Hong Kong International Races ) Admission Badge: $120 Admission Badge: +60 For an additional $95pp, free flow selected wines and beers. Booking Essential, contact Venice Tang, Teresa Yu, Dorothy Lam on 3473 7172/125/169 or email racebox@kcc.org.hk 40 Christmas Home Order Service To: Food & Beverage Department 3473-7125 or 3473-7145 Fax: 2311-1432 Member’s Name Membership No. Contact Tel. No. Collection Date & Time Signature Description Unit Price (HK$) Roast U.S. Turkey with Stuffing (13 lb up) $65/lb Chestnut Stuffing (1 lb per pc) $80/lb Roast NZ Leg of Lamb (5 lb per pc) $90/lb Honey-glazed Gammon Ham with Bone (16 lb up) $80/lb Honey-glazed Boneless Gammon Ham (4-6 lb) $90/lb Roast NZ Sirloin of Beef (6 lb up) $160/lb Beef Wellington (6 lb up) $290/lb Sliced Smoked Norwegian Salmon (0.5 lb up) $165/lb Roast Rack of Lamb $150/lb Roast NZ Fillet of Beef (5 lb up) $260/lb Chocolate Mousse (12” Aluminum Tray) $240/tray Bread and Butter Pudding (12” Aluminum Tray) $220/tray Apple Crumble with Custard (12” Aluminum Tray) $220/tray Peach Crumble with Custard (12” Aluminum Tray) $220/tray 3” Mince Pie (minimum 6 pcs) $22/pc 7” Mince Pie $120/pc 3” Pecan Pie (minimum 6 pcs) $30/pc 7” Pecan Pie $160/pc Qty. Total Amount Last orders for Christmas Eve must be received by 12 noon on Friday, 19 December 2014. Last orders for New Year’s Eve must be received by 12 noon on Saturday, 27 December 2014. Amount (HK$) Vegetarian Set Lunch 12:00pm – 2:30pm FOOD & BEVERAGE Wine of the Month Warwick The First Lady Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch, South Africa The wine has a deep and intense ruby red colour. The bouquet reveals lots of red berries, sweet blackcurrants, and a pleasant herbal character, which is complemented by a sweet vanilla and chocolate oak background. The smooth, ripe, round tannins make this wine easy to drink while still retaining good structure. We have made many changes to the menu in the Club to reflect the changing diets people are adopting, be it for humanitarian, health, religious reasons or just because they simply prefer vegetarian food. So every Monday the set lunch will be vegetarian, however, there is no need to wait until Monday… browse the menu and you will find your favourites there as well. Daily Set Lunch Served Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays. Changed daily and just HK$78 per person. HK$35 per glass HK$155 per bottle Warwick The First Lady Unoaked Chardonnay Stellenbosch, South Africa A pale straw colour with a hint of green in the glass. Intense nose of pineapple, pear, citrus and floral notes. The midpalate is broad and appealing, supported by a refreshing acidity. HK$35 per glass • HK$155 per bottle New Beer on Tap Beer of the Month Crown Lager • Crown Lager has maintained the mantle of ‘Australia’s Finest’ lager, and is Australia’s number one selling domestic premium beer Stiegl • Creamy fruitiness with a rich, malty mid-palate, balanced with the crisp, clean finish of hops Stiegl is the primary contender to Stella in the North American premium import market and is a “quality above quantity” label! • Premium packing like that of champagne for celebrating special occasions HK$28 (S) HK$46 (L) HK$24 per bottle 42 Snake Buffet 2 December Tuesday 6 January 3 December 7 January Wednesday The Boundary Café 6:30pm – 9:30pm Member Adult:HK$298 Guest Adult: HK$348 Child: HK$208 (under 12 years old) Reservations: 34737 112/114 PRICE LIST Effective date: 4 November 2014 Salad Bar $98 Set Lunch $78 Carving Lunch $98 Breakfast Buffet $65 Sunday Lunch Buffet $178 For Member $220 For Guest $125 For Child (3-11 yrs) Sunday Dinner Buffet $198 For Member $240 For Guest $130 For Child (3-11 yrs) Christmas Specials Following up on KCC Members always enjoying our own Chef Sing’s secret recipe for Mulled Wine, it will be available at KCC Gingerbread House and F&B outlets $46 per glass • $250 per bottle (1 litre) Dec 24 Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet The Boundary Cafe • Member $385, Guest $435 and Child (3-11 years old) $260 Dec 24 Christmas Eve Set Dinner Grill Room • Member $688, Guest $788 Dec 25 Christmas Day Lunch Buffet Main Ground • Member $385, Guest $435 and Child (3-11 years old) $260 Dec 25 Christmas Night Dinner Buffet The Boundary Café • Member $385, Guest $435 and Child (3-11 years old) $260 Dec 25 Christmas Set Dinner Grill Room • Member $688, Guest $788 43 Workout Tips Sit-up FITNESS Step 1: Starting Position Grab a mattress/bench, lie down with your back flat on the mattress/bench. Your feet flat on the ground or resting on the bench with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle with your toes inward and under support so they are touching. Place your hands lightly on either side of your head and keep your elbows in. Don’t LOCK your fingers behind your head. Step 2: Abs Workout Now, begin to roll your shoulders off from the floor/bench. Continue to push down as hard as you can with your lower back. Your shoulders and body should come up off the floor/bench vertically, and your lower back away from the floor. Focus on slow controlled movement and try squeeze more on your abs at the end of the motion. Make sure to tighten your tummy during the whole workout as this can help prevent from lower back injury. Abs workout Step 3: Breathing and Ending Position Exhale at the point you roll your shoulders off from the floor, and begin inhaling slowly as you bring your shoulders back down to the floor. Well done! You’ve just done a good exercise for your abs! Step 4: Good Tips Perform 3 sets of this exercise with 15 to 20 repetitions each set, take at least 2 minutes break in between each set. Perform the particular exercise at least 2 times per week alternately. Never attempt to hold your breath as it may lead you to serious harm to yourself such as heart attack. Drinking plenty of water is recommended. Ending position It takes BRAIN and BRAWN to SPAWN the best in life! 44 POINTS TO NOTE Membership Update New Ordinary Voting Members Hillia Lee Timothy Lai Daniel Loup Daniel Jacques Fiona To Moka Mok Car Park Labels 2015 Sporting Subscriber Anthony Garreau Please be reminded that Car Park Labels 2015 will be available for collection in the latter half of December 2014 and relevant fees will be charged to your December statement. Corporate Nominees Keith Choi James Kwan Resigned Members Pavan Thakur Waqar Dawood Leigh Cumings Kristy de Kock Dear Members, Please read the WOK emails and the notice around the Club. Thank you. Club Management Kowloon Cricket Club Junior Subscribers Gurjinder Singh Amanda Kwok Godiva Li Ciaran Glen William Seo Raj Heera Hung Chun Pong Jannet Lai Anita Chan Maggie Chung Stephanie Chan Derek Huang Mature Term Subscriber Shaun Campbell 45 Table Tennis: Inaugural Friendly Match Sunday, 2 November 2014 saw our inaugural match against a team from the Law Society. Despite our “intensive” training leading up to this friendly, we were clearly outclassed by a superior and younger team of players who put on a very impressive display. As always, in situations like this, KCC went down fighting but a most enjoyable time was had by all. We received several compliments from the opposition on the choice of venue with the Sports Hall providing ample space for three tables, good lighting and adequate seating for spectators and players. This has to be the venue of choice for future matches. My sincere thanks are due to the following and in no specific order: • Maverick Leung, Sports Director and his team consisting of House men/ladies and fitness room attendants for setting up the Sports Hall and for making it look truly professional. Also to our GM Greg Hartigan and AGM Eddie Chan who both came in to check if all was in order. Also the F&B team for their good services and snacks. • Sylvester, from the Law Society, for basically coordinating the running of each match, and to Kishu for all his behindthe-scene organization, bringing the occasion together. thereby ensuring we looked like serious contenders, and for donating extra refreshments, all at very short notice. Thank you again, Vincent and Lily. • My fellow team members for giving up their family day to be part of this occasion and for doing their best. Well done to Kailesh who progressed to the quarterfinals. • The GC for providing the subsidy as a vote of support for us. Special thanks to the President Rob Gill for his kind support. We hope this is the start of more such events to come. We are currently arranging a match against CCC on the 29th November 2014 in their squash courts at 2:30pm. We intend to approach HKFC and HKCC in due course. In the long term, table tennis deserves a place as a mainstream sport within the KCC. We hope to keep unearthing new talent from within our ranks and would hope to attract more youngsters into the mix. Clearly it is all down to practice. Subject to space availability, a ball machine would undoubtedly improve our core skills very quickly but, ideally, this should go hand-in-hand with a younger cohort of players taking part. In this respect, we continue to push for a return to the SH which will allow us to expand. • William Ko for attending on behalf of the GC and lending his support which was much appreciated. The invitation is wide open but we can take encouragement from a good and highly entertaining start. • Vincent Wan who very graciously provided us Perrier shirts Martin Labrum 46 We collect and deliver your car FREE OF CHARGE (Subject to distance) We provide good quick repair service at reasonable prices Our Competitive Labour Charges:– From Lubrication Service $ 190.00 Tune Up Engine $ 720.00 Engine Decoke & Grind Valves $ 2000.00 Engine Overhaul $ 5000.00 Brake System Overhaul $ 1000.00 Clutch Mechanically Overhaul $ 1500.00 Air Condition Freon Recharge $ 400.00 Alternator Overhaul $ 600.00 Starter Motor Overhaul $ 600.00 ALL REPAIRS WITH THREE MONTHS GUARANTEE Our Business Hours 8am-6pm, Mon-Sat & Public Holiday Our 24 hrs. Emergency Towing Agent “We Tow Towing” 6128 0999 Please call us at 2565 6166 FAX: 2856 1047 E-mail address: fookie@netvigator.com FOOKIE MOTORS CO. LTD. Shop 7, G/F, Paramount Building, 12 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. 13年9月26日 下午3:20 47 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Badminton Tournament 9 November 2014 n o i t c A y t i n Commu .hk] laar@jcsrs.edu ilto:karin.wetse PM Wetselaar [ma From: Karin 05, 2014 5:23 day, November nes t@kcc.org.hk; Wed t: Sen k; kccpresiden c.org.hk ene ager@kcc.org.h rg.hk; agm@kc To: John Gre Mgr); genman maverick@kcc.o n (KCC Admin s.esf.edu.hk; Cc: Kings Cha e.watson@jcsr mik .hk; org comments@kcc. JCSRS PTA Thank You from Subject: Re: the asure of joining also had the ple nks to KCC. I at the students ressed with wh reciation and tha n, I was so imp my sincere app g. Joh nin add lear like , also I ng y and oyi Ma the team were enj with Mike and how much they students there nt facilities and using the excelle were able to do Dear Robin, 3.11.2014 Dear John Greene. Jockey Club Sarah Roe School November 2014 I would like to thank you and JCSRS PTA for introducing us to Kowloon Cricket Club who have allowed us to use their facilities, (free of charge) as part of our Secondary Friday Sports Activities. Out students have thoroughly enjoyed their Fridays for the first part of Term 1 and have increased their skills and ability in many areas including tennis, badminton, table tennis and ten pin bowling. We would like to request further use of KCC and would like your assistance in gaining access for August to December in 2015. Special mention must go to our contact at KCC, Kings, who has been excellent in his communication and professionalism throughout the process. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Mike Watson PE Teacher JCSRS. 48 2B TIN KWONG ROAD, HOMANTIN, KOWLOON, HONG KONG Tel: (852) 2761 9893 Fax: (852) 2381 4081 Email: info@jcsrs.esf.edu.hk Website: http://jcsrs.esf.edu.hk Kind Regards ar Karin Wetsela Principal h Roe School Jockey Club Sara d Roa ng 2B Tin Kwo Ho Man Tin Kowloon Hong Kong 9893 Tel: +852 2761 4081 Fax: +852 2381 u.hk www.jcsrs.ed From: Joh n Greene [m Sent: Tue sday, Novem ailto:ptafund@gma il.com To: Kings ber 04, 201 Ch 4 11:41 PM ] comments an (KCC Admin Mg r); genma @kcc.org.hk nager@kcc Cc: mike.w .org.hk; kcc atson@jcs president@k rs.esf.edu. Subject: hk; maver Thank You cc.org.hk; ick@kcc.org from JCSRS Importa nce: High .hk; agm@k PTA cc.org.hk; Karin Wetse To: Mr. laar Robin Gil l Presiden t KCC Dear Robin I trust thi s email fin ds you we ll. I enclose a School ex self explanatory letter fro pre m Mike Wa Club facilit ssing his thank s and ap tson – PE ies to as preciatio sist the ch Teacher n to at ildren of the JCSR KCC (in particula Jockey Club Sarah I persona S. r to Kings lly have Roe dropped ) for the between into the use of the KCC Clu an b on occa any diffic d the Sc ulties to sion to mo hool are the KCC running nitor tha smoothly and its me t all arr angements and that mbers. I must ad the Scho mi ol is not special ch t that in doing so presenting ild I have ne emotionall ren to and from ver seen a facility before an y moved and using fulfilmen to observe op era tio t this kin n the facilit just how d courtes y go so sm in transporting so mu ch y by the en many oothly. I KCC provid joyment and po I wish to was also sitive ex es to the ec very citement School’s thanks an ho the appreciatio and children. d apprecia n for perm tion to the letter written by itting an Mike Wa KC C Ma d tso en nagement n and to abling thi ex an s coopera I hope ou tion betw d Staff and to the press the Schools r request een our General organisa for this arr letter, wil Committe tions. l be receiv angement e children ed gracio can conti usly again to be continued nue to be in the fut coming sch by the KC ure ac C co , as detai ool year. General mmodate led in Mi Committe d and gra ke’s e, and tha tified wit I look for h Friday t the ward to visits to hearing the KCC from the in the KCC in thi s regard and with Best reg much ap ards: Joh preciatio -----------n Greene n. ---John Green -------------------- ---------------------- Chairman e eMail: pta fund@gm Jockey Clu ail.com b Sarah 2B Tin Kw Roe Scho ong Road ol Parent Homanti Teachers n Associatio Hong Ko n Limited ng 九龍 何⽂文⽥田天光道 2B號 Tel: (852) 2761 98 93 Review of the year A great year of talks and presentations, that challenged, interested and inspired us. Thanks to continuous support of Kowloon Cricket Club and our speakers for making us think, laugh and showing how we can live happier healthier and more fulfilling lives. Wishing you all the very best for the Holiday Season. Our talks will recommence on January 14th. For more information or to book your seats, please contact Jackie Vachha: 9045 9807 or jackie@ajvco.com.hk Quarry Bay School Junior Cricket Training 4 and 25 September; 9 and 16 October 2014 Diocesan Girls’ School Cross Country Team Training 21 and 23 October 2014 Australian International School Hong Kong Junior Cricket Training 22 and 29 October; 5 November 2014 49 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 2 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1445-1645 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance 1800 Bridge (@Aerobics Room) 1900-2100 Adult Hockey Training 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training 1830-2130 Snake Buffet (@The Boundary Café) EVENTS CALENDAR 7 8 9 DECEMBER 2014 0830-1900 Noble Sixes Day 2 (@The Ground) 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1445-1645 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance 1800 Bridge (@Aerobics Room) 1900-2100 Adult Hockey Training 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training 1830 General Committee Meeting 14 15 16 0900-1330 Mini Hockey Training HKCA Sunday League 1000-1800 KCC Templars Vs HKCC Optimists 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1445-1645 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance 1800 Bridge (@Aerobics Room) 1900-2100 Adult Hockey Training 1300-1800 Perth School Vs KCC Cricket Match 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training 21 22 23 1700-2000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) HKCA Sunday League 1000-1800 KCC Infidels Vs USRC 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance 1800 Bridge (@Aerobics Room) 1900-2100 Adult Hockey Training 28 29 30 0900-1330 Mini Hockey Training 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance 1630-1800 Adult Cricket Training (Astro) JANUARY HIGHLIGHTS Thursday, 1 January The first day of January Annual KCC Children’s Sports Day (@The Ground) Friday, 2 January 1700-2000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 2000-2200 Advanced Badminton Coaching Saturday, 3 January 1000-1300 Judo Class HKLBA Triples League Men’s KCC B vs HKFC C KCC D vs ILBC C 1230 – 1430 Lunch with Santa (@The Boundary Café) Sunday, 4 January 0900-1330 Mini Hockey Training Monday, 5 January 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1445-1645 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1930-2100 Badminton Coaching Ground Closed for Maintenance Tuesday, 6 January 1800 Bridge (@Aerobics Room) 1900-2100 Adult Hockey Training 50 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 5 6 0900-1200 & 1500-1600 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1700-1900 Youth Hockey Training (@Sports Hall) 0730-0930 HKCA National Team Training 1130-1230 Meth College Sports 1630-1800 APSS Football Training 1830-2000 Girl Football Training (@Swimming Pool Side) 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1830-2200 Badminton Society 1800-2200 10 Pin Bowling Night 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training Club AGM at 1830 in the Sports Hall 1700-2000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1500-1800 APSS Kinder Bounce (@Sports Hall) 2000-2200 Advanced Badminton Coaching 0900-1500 Glenealy Sports Day 1630-1800 Girl Cricket Training 0830-1900 Noble Sixes Day 1 (@The Ground) HKLBA Triples League Men’s KCC B vs KBGC C KCC C vs HKFC D KCC D vs TMSA C 10 11 12 13 0900-1200 & 1500-1600 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1700-1900 Youth Hockey Training (@Sports Hall) 0730-0930 HKCA National Team Training 1630-1800 APSS Football Training 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1900 Christmas Sing a long (@The Ground) 1800-2200 10 Pin Bowling Night 1030-1200 Girls UK Training 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training 1700-2000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 2000-2200 Advanced Badminton Coaching 0900-1500 Back up Date for Glenealy Sports Day 1630-1800 Girl Cricket Training 1000-1300 Judo Class HKLBA Triples League Men’s KCC A vs KBGC A KCC B vs TMSA A Women’s KCC A vs CLBC A KCC B vs GLBC A 0715-1000 Junior Football Training 1000-1230 Junior Girl Football Tournament HKCA Saturday League 1300-1800 USRC vs KCC Tartars 1500-1630 Mini Ginger Bread House Making (@The Aerobics Room) 17 18 19 20 0900-1200 & 1500-1600 APSS Kinder Kicks (@Sports Hall) 1700-1900 Youth Hockey Training (@Sports Hall) 0730-0930 HKCA National Team Training 1630-1800 APSS Football Training 0800-1000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1830-2200 Badminton Society 1800-2200 10 Pin Bowling Night 1630-1830 Adult Cricket Training 1800-2000 Girl Football Training 1700-2000 Social Table Tennis (@Aerobics Room) 1500-1800 APSS Kinder Bounce (@Sports Hall) 2000-2200 Advanced Badminton Coaching 0730-0930 HKCA National Team Training 1130-1230 Meth College Sports 1630-1800 Girl Cricket Training 1000-1300 Judo Class HKLBA Triples League Men’s KCC B vs VLBC A KCC C vs CLBC B Women’s KCC B vs HKFC C 0715-1000 Junior Football Training 1030-1230 Junior Cricket Training HKCA Saturday League 1300-1800 CCC Jing Sun Vs KCC Saracens 24 25 26 27 Christmas Eve set Dinner (@The Grill Room) Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet (@The Boundary Café ) Christmas Day Boxing Day 1300-1700 Mixed Hockey Tournament 1830-2130 Snake Buffet (@The Boundary Café) 31 Ground Closed for the preparation work of KCC Children’s Sport Day 1900 KCC Black Tie New Year’s Eve Party (@The Boundary Café) Christmas Lunch Buffet (@The Ground) Christmas set Dinner (@The Grill Room) Christmas Night Buffet (@The Boundary Café) JUNIOR CRICKET COACHING (TUE/THU/FRI/SAT) U/17 (11-17 yrs) U/13 (10-13 yrs) U/11 (5-11 yrs) Girl (8-14 yrs) Tue@1630-1830 (13 sessions) Sep 2, 16, 23, 30; Oct 7, 14, 21, 28; Nov 4, 11, 18; Dec 2, 9 Thu@1630-1830 (14 sessions) Sep 4, 11, 18, 25; Oct 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov 6, 13, 20, 27; Dec 4, 11 Fri@1700-1800 (12 sessions) Sep 5; Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; 14, 21, 28; Dec, 5, 12 $3,850 (Total 22 sessions) All Groups (9 sessions) Sat@1030-1230 Sep 13, 20; Oct 4, 11, 25; Nov 8, 15, 22, 29 $4,025 (Total 23 sessions) $3,675 (Total 21 sessions) Nov 7, Enquiry: 5901 - 2898 (Ryan) CRICKET PRIVATE COACHING WITH RYAN / USMAN Head Coach - Ryan Campbell Ryan, a former Australian national cricketer, has been the Head Coach at the KCC for the past 2 years. During these 2 years, he has already implemented structured junior programmes, identified young talent and taken the KCC senior team to new heights as seen in the club winning the Hong Kong Cricket Association’s Premier League trophy. He is also the batting coach for the Hong Kong National Team, including during the recent 2014 T20 World Cup, when Hong Kong famously beat Bangladesh in their home ground. Ryan has an ACB Level 3 Coaching Certificate and prior to arriving in Hong Kong, was a coach at the largest First Grade District club in Western Australia (WA), Joondalup CC. A high number of the young players he coached grew into quality First Grade players and beyond. His playing career spanned more than a decade, during which time he represented Australia in 2 One Day Internationals nand played 98 First Class games for Western Australia & Australia A. He is ranked 9th on the ‘All Time Run Scorers’ list for WA and 4th on the ‘All Time Most Dismals’ for wicketkeepers for WA. Cricket Coaching Assistant - Usman Manj Usman has been a coaching assistant at the KCC for the past 6 years. He has an ACC Level 2 Coaching Certificate and extensive experience coaching juniors, men and ladies’ cricket teams for several years. He has also coached in schools and provided one-to-one sessions for a range of players. Due to his skills, enthusiasm and commitment, he has established himself as a firm favourite amongst the juniors who look forward to learning from him each week. He is a core part also of building our Ladies cricket team, working with adults and junior girls and turning them into a high-quality team. Enquiry: Head Cricket Coach: Ryan Campbell cricoach@kcc.org.hk; 5901 2898 Cricket Coaching Assistant: Usman Manj 5405 8786 KCC MINI HOCKEY TRAINING (SUN) U8 @ 0900-1000 U12 @ 1100-1200 U10 @ 1000-1100 Youth @ 1200-1300 7th Sep – 28th Jun $800 LATIN / BALLROOM DANCE WITH AMY (MON/WED/FRI) Adult @ 1215-1345 (Mon) Beginner@1100-1230 (Wed) Adult @ 1100-1230 (Fri) 5 –lesson package with 50% discount $400/5 lessons Per lesson package $180/lesson Enquiry: 6543-0332 (Amy) YOGA WITH SUJAL (MON/TUE) Kundalini Yoga (Mon) @ 1900-2100 $200/lesson Adults (Tue) @ 1000-1100 $150/lesson Hatha (Sat) @1000-1100 $150/lesson Enquiry: 9040-9776 (Sujal) DISCO FREESTYLE / HIP HOP WITH ISLAND Jr. (3-4 Yrs) Regular 5-7 yrs 8-10 yrs 11-13 yrs DANCE(MON) 1530-1600 1600-1645 1645-1730 1730-1815 1, 8, 15 Dec Jr. - $450 Regular - $480 Enquiry: Anna on 3473-7161 or Venice on 3473-7172 or e-mail snr@kcc.org.hk / pnemanager@kcc.org.hk Prices shown are for KCC Members Only Application forms are available from the KCC Reception (General Enquiries: 34737 161) Anyone participating in any activity or sports should consult a doctor prior to commencement of such activities and all participants are responsible for their own medical/accident insurance coverage 52 ASIA PACIFIC SOCCER SCHOOL (MON/WED/THU/FRI) Kinder Kicks (Mon - Indoor) 3 yrs @ 1445-1545 / 3 yrs @ 1545-1645 / 4yrs @1645-1745 Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Oct 6, 20, 27; Nov 3, 10, 17, 24; Dec 1, 8, 15 $2,400 (Total 15 sessions) Kinder Kicks (Wed- Indoor) 3yrs @ 0900-1000 / 2yrs @ 1000-1100 4-5yrs @ 1100-1200 / 4yrs @ 1500-1600 Sep 3, 10, 17, 24; Oct 8, 15, 22, 29; Nov 5, 12, 19, 26; Dec 3, 10, 17 $2,400 (Total 15 sessions) Kinder Kicks (Thu - Indoor) Walking - 2yrs @ 1515 – 1615 / 2 yrs @1615-1715 / 3yrs @ 1715-1815 Sep 11, 18, 25; Oct 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov 6, 13, 20, 27; Dec 11 $1,920 (Total 12 Sessions) Kinder Bounce (Fri- Indoor) 2yrs @1500-1600 / 3yrs @1600-1700 / 4yrs @1700-1800 Sep 5, 12, 19, 26; Oct 3, 10, 17, 24; Nov 7, 14, 21, 28; Dec, 5, 19 $2,240 (Total 14 sessions) APSS (Wed – Outdoor) 5-12yrs Sep 3, 10, 17, 24; Oct 8,15, 22, 29 Nov 5, 12 19, 26; Dec 3,10, 17 $2850 (Total 15 sessions) / $190 per session Saturday Soccer with APSS 5 -13 yrs Starting 6th Sept 2014, approx 30 sessions $3100 Enquiry: 2385 - 9677 (APSS office) JUDO WITH GLOBAL SPORTS (SAT) 6+ yrs @ 1000-1100 10+ yrs @ 1115-1215 Sep 6, 13, 20, 27; Oct 11, 18, 25; Nov 8, 15, 22, 29; Dec 13, 20 $1,560 (Total 13 sessions) Enquiry: 9010-3091 (Shirley)/ 9162-8631 (Donald) TENNIS COACHING WITH BOUNCE SPORTS 1 to 1: $300pp (30 min) 1 to 2: $320pp (1 hr) 1 to 1: $450pp (45 min) 1 to 3: $250pp (1 hr) 1 to 1: $580pp (1 hr) 1 to 4/5/6 $220pp (1 hr) Enquiry: 6271 3734 (Rob) BADMINTON COACHING WITH W. L. WONG (MON/FRI) Intermediate Level Mon @1930-2100 Adv Level Fri @2000-2200 $650/4 lessons Enquiry: 9284 - 0469 (Wong) JR BADMINTON COACHING WITH N.M LIEW 1-to-1: $400per person (1 hr) 1-to-2: $200per person (1 hr) 1-to-3: $135per person (1 hr) 1-to-4: $100per person (1 hr) Enquiry: 6426-8854 (Liew) PILATES WITH RINY (MON/WED) Mon @ 1100-1200 Wed @ 0930-1030 (1-to-1) Enquiry: 9046-5134 (Riny) PERSONAL TRAINING WITH (TONY/KENNY/RINY/BRYAN) Enquiry: 9837-3739 (Tony) 6543-0802(Kenny) 9046-5134 (Riny) 9462 6668 (Bryan) Prices shown are for KCC Members Only Application forms are available from the KCC Reception (General Enquiries: 34737 161) Anyone participating in any activity or sports should consult a doctor prior to commencement of such activities and all participants are responsible for their own medical/accident insurance coverage All kid group coaching KCC Member: $225
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