SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ! ! ! ! www. " ! ORCHID VIEW " JANUARY 2015 Orchid View " " " PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 Page 1 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW ORCHID VIEW Sarasota Orchid Society Membership Dues for 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS will remain the same..... $20.oo for Individual Membership " $25.00 for a Family Membership Your 2015 Membership Dues may be mailed to Sarasota Orchid Society, PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 or dropped off at the Membership Table during our Orchid Show during the weekend of January 3rd and 4th. JANUARY 2015 Table of Contents ........................2 SOS Orchid Show Hospitality and Seminars on Orchid Culture..............3 SOS Orchid Show Schedule of Volunteers and Hours...............4 and 5 A Successful Orchid Exhibit.................................................6 AOS Point Scale for Judging.......................................7 and 8 Orchid Exhibit Color Flow etc...9 New Selby President and CEO..10 December Show & Tell Awards..11 2014 Holiday Potluck Supper.................................................12 About Us......................................13 Calendar January 2015 ...............14 Page 2 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 Hospitality for the SOS 2015 Show will be provided on the stage. We have minimal refrigerator space so coolers and ice are welcome items! We also welcome the donation of all food or beverage items. Suggestions: jugs of tea or soft drinks, chips or pretzels, dips, cookies, brownies or other desserts that don’t require refrigeration, pasta dishes such as mac and cheese, crock pot dishes and soups (Note: crockpots must be picked up from 3:00- 5:00 each day. We have no water source to wash them!) For planning purposes and to minimize food waste, please email Laurie Stoner or Jo Davis by Dec 28th of what items and which day and time you plan to contribute. Thank you so much for your help in making our show a success! Friday, Jan. 2nd: Setup and Judging 8:00 – 11:00: Provided by the society: bagels, muffins, yogurt, fruit salad, bananas, coffee, juice, soft drinks, water and ice. 12:00 – 2:00: Provided by the society: pizza, salad, chips, fruit, cookies, coffee, soft drinks, water and ice. 5:00: – Judge’s Dinner provided by Connie Waymer. 4: 30: - Clerks Dinner provided by the society: fried chicken, cole slaw, baked beans, rolls, Greek salad, cookies, coffee, soft drinks, water and ice Saturday, Jan. 3rd Show 9 -5 8:30 – 11:00: Provided by the society: bagels and cream cheese, yogurt, muffins, fruit, coffee, juice, soft drinks, water and ice. 12:00 – 3:00: Provided by the society: sliced ham, sliced cheese, bread, relishes, condiments, chips, fruit salad. Sunday, Jan. 4th Show 10-5 9:30 – 11:00: mini muffins, coffee, soft drinks, water 11:00 – 3:00: Hot Italian beef, rolls, peppers, chips, fruit, cookies, coffee, soft drinks, water and ice. FREE SEMINARS ON ORCHID CULTURE DURING OUR ORCHID SHOW WEEKEND Location: On the FRONT BALCONY - the 2nd floor of the Auditorium (stairs located to the left & to the right inside Main Entrance.) Saturday! 11:00 am! Monroe Kokin!- Orchids Q & A ! 1:00 pm! Roy Krueger! - Building An Orchid Collection ! 3:00 pm! Jim Roberts! - Repotting Sunday! ! " " 11:00 am! Monroe Kokin!- Orchids Q & A 1:00 pm! Roy Krueger! - Match your plants to Your Culture Habits 3:00 pm! Mike Poulan! - Growing Phalaenopsis PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL"" Page 3 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 58th ANNUAL SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW & SALE SHOW Co-chairs: Laurie Stoner, Denny Pavlock, Jo Davis SHOW SET-UP Chair: Norm Hillstrom 926-0166 Thursday January 1 New Year’s Day 1 - 4 pm: Pre-Set-up " " " Norm, Jo, Laurie , Denny, Karen Bird-Lister, Bob Cantamessa, Al & Carolyn Langdon, " " " Steve Miller, Jane Hagerstrom. Friday January 2 8:30-5:00: HOSPITALITY Chair: Patti Quinnelly, 678-361-4440 Friday !! 8:00 – 12:00 Jerry Manegold,, ______________, ______________, Friday !! 12:00- 4:30 !Rano Stankevskaya,, Jean Berstling, Saturday Jan 3 !8:30 -4:30 !Wayne Curtis, Saturday ! ! 12:00-4:30 !Paulette Parent,, Barb Delgado, babszd04 " " " " " Darlene Kornacker,, " " " " " Sunday Jan 4 !8:30 – 12:00 Pam Bucci, Sunday !! 12:00 - 5:00 Julie McClure, 746-2100, James Johnson, ! ! ! ! ! SOCIETY DISPLAY Friday 9-3 Chair: Jo Davis " " " Jack & Karen Knuese, Karen Bologna, Karen Bird-Lister, Leone Levy, John Rich JUDGING CLERKS Chair: Alan Marlor Friday, January 2 6 - 9 pm 1. John Rich 941-234-3620" " 5. Manuel Chepote" " 9. Jo Davis" " " 2. Madi Ruhl 941-378-9252"" 6. Leone Levy" " 10. Susan Gerhardt " 3. George Ruhl" " " 7. Patti Quinnelly" " 11. Lory Boyce" " 4. Karen Bird-Lister" " 8. Al Langdon" " 12. Marty Cooper " " " 13. Jane Shapiro 14.Roy Krueger 15. Monroe Kokin " JUDGES DINNER Chair: Connie Waymer 941-924-7847 Patty Turffs,, ________________________________ " " " " " " Cindy Auchter,, ______________________ SHOW SIGNS Friday Evening / Early Saturday Morning / Sunday Laurie Stoner, Jo Davis Saturday and Sunday, January 3rd and 4th" SURVEYS Chair: Jane Hagerstrom 359-9980 Saturday 8:30 am - 11 am ! Jinny Wiseman, " " " " " Gail Mrkvicka, Saturday 11 am - 1 pm ! Lilli Overkamp, " " " " " Manuel Chepote, Saturday 1 pm - 3 pm ! Peggy Sporer, ! ! ! ! ! ___________________________________ Saturday 3 pm - 4:30 pm ! Joanne Hummert " " " " " _____________________________________ Sunday 9:45 am - 12 noon Adam Rickert " " " " " Ria Escobar, Sunday 12 noon - 2 pm ! Adam Rickert, " " " " " Diane Cannon Sunday 2 pm - 4 pm !! Judy Sherpa, " " " " " Kay Weber Page 4 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 58th ANNUAL SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW & SALE Continued...... ADMISSIONS - FRONT DOOR Chair: Roy Krueger, 776-5079 Saturday 9 am - 11am ! Ria Escobar,, " " " " " Hazell & SteveMiller, Saturday 11 am - 1 pm " " Elizabeth Lucchesi, " " " " " Charlotte Dart, Saturday 1 pm - 3 pm" " Kay Weber, " " " " " Bob & Marta Hudson, Saturday 3 pm - 5 pm" " Halina Farsun, " " " " " Brownie Egan, 346-3313 Sunday 10 am - 12 noon " Kay Weber, Ellen & Tony Nacinovich, Sunday 12 noon - 2 pm " Denise Crossley, " " " " " Judith Hydeman, Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm " " Halina Farsun, " " " " " Brownie Egan, 346-3313 INFORMATION, SOS MEMBERSHIP & SALES Chair: Lory Boyce, 812-2447 Saturday 9 am - 1 pm " " Barry Reese, Doriel Boyce, " "" " " Manuel Chepote, 544-4610 Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm " " Madi & George Ruhl, Sunday 10 am - 2 pm " " Brigette Ortiz, Juanita Ortiz, Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm " " Karen Bologna, Judy Sherpa, ORCHID HOTEL ! Saturday 9 am - 1 pm " Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm " Sunday 10 am - 2 pm" Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm ! " " " Chairs: Al & Carolyn Langdon 907-4161 Fred Bigio, Jim Walsh, Karen Bologna, Al Langdon, Manuel Chepote, Carolyn Langdon Sydney & Tony Iannone, SELL RAFFLE TICKETS Chair: Steve Haber 321-5847 Saturday 9-1:00 " Steve Haber, Shirley Schrott, " " " Terry Jordan, Saturday 1-5:00 " Jane Shapiro, John Rich, Sunday 10- 1:00 " Yoly Dwyer, Sunday 1-5:00 " " John Rich,, Ryan Tittle, (?) SHOW TEAR DOWN!! Chair: Norm Hillstrom 941-926-0166 Sunday 5:00 pm " " Al & Carolyn Langdon, Jo Davis, Jack & Karen Knuese, January 4, 2015" " " Denny Pavlock,, Wayne Curtis, " " " Volunteering? Should you wish to volunteer for any of the empty time-slots above, please contact the Chairperson of the Committee on which you would like to work. As you can see from the listing here, we are greatly in need of additional help and would appreciate your assistance. Volunteers: Please be courteous to our guests and park in the Rear Parking Lot of the Municipal Auditorium. This will allow our paying visitors to park conveniently in the front of the building. Volunteers have free admission to the Orchid Show. If Members do not volunteer their time during the Show Weekend, they are expected to pay the $5.oo admission fee at the door. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL"" Page 5 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 A SUCCESSFUL ORCHID EXHIBIT should be pleasing to look at providing a variety of flowers that may contrast with each other yet are grouped so they work well together. Any props should reflect the show theme yet not dominate the orchids. This exhibit would have rhythm so that the eye would follow the different elements throughout the design. All elements would be balanced and in proportion so that no one thing was dominant. If you squint your eyes and one element is perceived as jarring then it should be removed, subdued or balanced with a similar element. If, as you plan your orchid exhibit, you lack ideas then look to nature. The natural world has a harmony that can always provide inspiration." NOTE: If you are planning to enter your blooming orchids in our SOS Display, please call Laurie Stoner at 941.284-8537 or Denny Pavlock at 941-441-6237 with the name of your orchids by Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day. You may bring your blooming plants for our Society display to Jack Knuese’s home, 1919 Grove St., Sarasota on Tues. Dec 30th from 9 to 11 am or 2 to 4 pm or no later than Friday morning, Jan 2nd to the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium (Set-up day). It is imperative that you have your name on the plant pot and that the name of your orchid is with your plant. ✺ ✺ ✹ Please pick up your plants from the display between 5 & 6 pm, Sunday, January 3rd. ✹✹✹ PREPARING YOUR ORCHIDS FOR A SHOW The following article was copied from You should begin preparing an orchid for exhibition before the blooms are actually open. By doing so, the flowers are encouraged to open to their fullest potential and present themselves in the best way possible. The first step is to remove any distracting hardware such as hangers, old stakes, ring stakes etc. Rhizome clips may be left in place, however, if the plant is established you may remove them. Using a pair of clean shears, cut off any old bloom spikes or remnants. If the plant has any unsightly leaves, use sterilized shears or a razor blade to cut the damaged part off. Dress all cuts to healthy plant tissue with fungicide powder to discourage infection. Be discreet and remove only the dead part of a leaf. If most of the plant looks unhealthy, you are better off not showing it. Carefully remove any dried sheaths from the pseudobulbs. An old toothbrush moistened with a little water or rubbing alcohol works well for this purpose. Insert a stake into the potting media close to the bottom of the flowering growth. The idea is that the media will firmly anchor the base of the stake while the top is anchored to the pseudobulb. Stakes are available in different materials with bamboo and galvanized wire probably being the most popular. Here we're using 10-gauge galvanized wire because it can be easily bent. The judges seem to prefer the use of green bamboo stakes, so that they do not detract from the display. However, the galvanized wire may be wrapped with green floral tape, too. Every plant presents its unique challenge and ingenuity will always succeed. Sometimes the stake can be located on a different side of the pseudobulb where it makes a better line with the inflorescence. Other times such as here, the bendability of wire solves the problem. Holding the pseudobulb and stake firmly we will give it a slight bend to meet the flower spike. Be careful and deliberate. We don't want to slip and break the flowers. Do not try to rush at this stage. Consider what you are doing. Although orchids are resilient plants, a broken flower spike can be heartbreaking. Here you can see that the spike has developed at an angle to the pseudobulb. Trying to force the spike to the stake will probably break it. Instead we will move the stake to the inflorescence. Fasten the stake to the top of the pseudobulb, where the leaf meets it, with a piece of twist-tie or bell wire. Page 6 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL"" SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 AOS POINT SCALE for judging exhibit The American Orchid Society Handbook on Judging and Exhibition provides the following point scale for judging Groups of Plants or Cut Flowers Arranged for Effect. This point scale is similar to ones used by horticultural organizations throughout the world and is used for scoring exhibits for show trophies and ribbons. General Arrangement (Design) which includes Balance, Contrast, Dominance, Proportion, Scale & Rhythm 35pts Quality of Flowers 35pts Variety 20pts Labeling 10pts T O TA L 100pts Let's look at these four areas separately and see how they relate to planning an orchid exhibit. Starting from the bottom up... LABELING - 10 points Any AOS judged orchid show requires that all orchids be accurately and legibly labeled. A full ten points of the score is allotted for labeling. There is no excuse for not getting the full ten points. If you are putting in an exhibit for a society where the plants come from many sources be sure you know the name before accepting a plant for consideration. Bring reference books or a laptop for spell checking. Typically, labels are done on poster board cut into strips then the individual labels are cut as they are done. A piece of floral wire with a "u" bent into it is taped to the back of the label. This light gauge wire can be inserted into a pot or bent to hang from a branch of foliage. For many years black poster board with a gold pen was popular. I have used a stone-gray and black calligraphy marker with good success. Greens, especially olive, are also popular. Just be sure that the labels are discreet and do not draw attention from the orchids themselves. They should be big enough to read but no bigger. I have seen exhibits with bright green labels that looked atrocious. Making sure that the person doing the labeling has good penmanship and is familiar with orchid names will make the job go much smoother. Having a list of all the orchids being considered for the exhibit is also helpful. VARIETY - 20 points Variety, which accounts for 20 points, may sometimes be difficult for the hobbyist to control. If you are on a committee that is putting in a society exhibit, you only have the plants the members provide to work with. If you are a hobbyist putting in your own exhibit you only have your own plants to work with. It is important to know what plants you will have a few days before you actually begin putting in the exhibit. This will give you ample opportunity to solicit additional plants in any areas that are deficient. Variety in an orchid exhibit can be many things: variety of color within a genus (such as many different colored Phals.), variety of flower sizes within a single genus, even variety of colors within a single species. The glossary of the Handbook on Judging and Exhibition defines "variety" as "Both as numbers of different genera and variety within one or a few genera". Unusual species can add interest to any group of plants. Obviously, judges find evaluating exhibits with a great variety of genera to be easier than evaluating those with variety of other types. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL"" Page 7 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 QUALITY " " OF" FLOWERS " "- 35 points " " This pretty much speaks for itself. An exhibit with high quality flowers will almost always score higher than one that may excel in other areas. Keep in mind that this is an exhibit at an ORCHID SHOW, orchids must predominate. The exhibit with healthy, well-flowered plants will always catch the judges' eyes. Do not use diseased or otherwise unhealthy orchids. Do not use flowers that are past their prime or not fully opened. Do not, under any circumstances, use any artificial plant material. Do not manipulate flowers in any way (other than staking) to improve their appearance. Choose the highest quality hybrids and best species clones that you can possibly find. Flower quality counts for 35 points. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT - DESIGN - 35 points ! BALANCE refers to the visual weight of one side of an exhibit compared to the visual weight of the other side. An easy way to evaluate the balance of your exhibit is by squinting your eyes and comparing the visual weight of the left side to that of the right side. The heavier side will appear as a more dominant blob than the less heavy side. A small grouping of light-colored flowers can have the same visual weight as a large grouping of dark-colored flowers. A balanced design is satisfying to look at so try to keep your exhibit visually balanced. ! CONTRAST is the difference between various elements in an exhibit. This could be a grouping of pink flowers against a dark foliage background or a small yellow spray Oncidium grouped with some large yellow Cattleyas. Contrasting elements can be different sizes, colors or forms. Contrast adds interest and texture to an exhibit. It is a good idea however, to use contrast sparingly. Indiscriminate contrasting elements can create a confused appearance that is uneasy to look at. Judges particularly frown upon color contrast (see color flow). ! GENERAL ARRANGEMENT This may be the hardest area for the average person to grasp...this is the "artistic" part. It accounts for a full 35 points of the total score. Let's look at the components of "General Arrangement" one by one. As you will see, they all interact with each other. Keep in mind that we are discussing the whole exhibit, not just the flowers. ! DOMINANCE refers to the attention getting qualities of certain elements against the other elements of a design. Dominance can be a result of size, form or color. A few orange Cattleya hybrids would be a dominant element in an exhibit of mostly pink and white Phalaenopsis. It is easy to unintentionally make our props the dominant element in our effort to make a statement. Keep in mind that we are doing an orchid exhibit...orchids must predominate.yardsticks with which to measure balance or contrast. Let's stand back and look at the exhibit as a whole and try to see what our overall objective is. A successful orchid exhibit should be pleasing to look at providing a variety of flowers that may contrast with each other yet are grouped so they work well together. Any props should reflect the show theme yet not dominate the orchids. This exhibit would have rhythm so that the eye would follow the different elements throughout the design. All elements would be balanced and in proportion so that no one thing was dominant. If you squint your eyes and one element is perceived as jarring, then it should be re, then look to nature. The natural world has a harmony that can always provide inspiration. " PROPORTION refers to the relationship between elements of a design; a group of dark Vanda flowers may be twice as big as the group of lavender Cattleyas, the Vanda flowers may be half as bright, they may have equal balance. Proportion lends coherence and serves to tie all the elements of a design together. " SCALE is the specific proportion of size relationships of different elements. Page 8 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL" " SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 RHYTHM is the lifeblood of a design. Without rhythm an exhibit is static and lifeless. Rhythm is created by the use of the above components in various combinations to create movement within a design. Repetition of color or form, gradual change in form, size or color and diagonal or serpentine lines are all used to create rhythm in an exhibit. A frequently used device is a pathway to lead the eye into the exhibit and create rhythm and movement. To the novice exhibitor these principals of design may seem ethereal and difficult to grasp. There are no yardsticks with which to measure balance or contrast. Let's stand back and look at the exhibit as a whole and try to see what our overall objective is. JUST WHAT IS “COLOR FLOW ?" It's the graphic in the title above...that spectrum thing. That's color flow plain and simple. Color flow in an orchid exhibit means that you shouldn't put an orange in a group of lavenders. The colors should F ~ L ~ O ~ W from one to another gracefully like the rainbow. By sticking to this rule you can avoid any bone-jarring clashes that might disturb judges and the public at large. By utilizing color flow you can throw away those "please wear protective eyeware" signs you planned for your display. Color flow will guarantee that a sense of serene well being will envelop all who view your exhibit. But most of all, color flow makes sense and provides a useful guideline for placing orchids in an orchid exhibit. “But where do you put the white ones ?" White is a combination of all the colors in the spectrum so theoretically you could put white orchids anywhere without a clash. Yet they are the lightest color and because of that draw attention. Typically white orchids, especially groups of white orchids, are placed to the rear of an exhibit, this provides depth and makes them appear somewhat less bright. If you have just a few small white flowers they can be placed coming off of yellows, pinks or greens with good effect. "Some color flowers just don't seem to fit, should we not use them ?" Use those odd color orchids orchids as transitional elements that can bridge between two seemingly disparate color groups. For instance, many Paphs have color patterns that allow them to fit well between greens and lavenders providing a bridge between lavender/purple and green/yellow. Some of the artshade Cattleya hybrids can fill the gap between reds and lavenders. Oncidium complex hybrids such as Aliceara & Miltonidium have elaborate color patterns that make them ideal as filler between color groups. Orchids such as B. nodosa, B. digbyana, Epc. Vienna Woods can make an excellent transition from greens to whites and all bicolor orchids can serve as transitions between two color groups. And finally, don't overlook species orchids to provide not only variety and interest but fill those awkward spaces that no conventional hybrid can. By using conservative and logical color groupings of orchids you will achieve harmonious color flow. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL" " Page 9 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 " " MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS " NAMES " JENNIFER ROMINIECKI " NEW PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER " " " " " " Following an international search, Jennifer Rominiecki has been named the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. She will begin her new duties February 9, 2015. She brings 15 years of extensive professional background in capital " " " " planning and funding, institutional operations, management, special events and exhibition projects with The New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, NY. " " " " " " " “Jennifer has demonstrated an effective working relationship with horticulture, botany and education staff, as well as volunteers. As a principal in botanical garden management, she also has an impressive track record of successful capital campaigns. She is the transformational " leader perfectly suited to take the helm of Selby Gardens and usher us into a new era,” said Selby Gardens Board of Trustees Chair Cathy Layton. “We feel certain that this community will love her, and that we will all benefit from what she will accomplish for our beloved urban paradise on Sarasota Bay.” " " " " " " " Rominiecki is excited about the future for Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. “Botanical gardens, like plants and people, flourish under the right care and conditions. Selby Gardens has obviously been well cared for and loved. I am honored to join this dynamic organization as it prepares to celebrate 40 years of world-class leadership and discovery in the field of epiphytic plants. Selby Gardens is positioned to realize incredible potential - especially considering we are faced with a global imperative to preserve and protect irreplaceable plants and habitats.” " " " " Jennifer Rominiecki possesses nearly twenty years of varied and senior-level management experience at major, audience-driven, and complex New York City cultural institutions with educational missions and historic preservation aspects. " " " " Earlier in her career, Ms. Rominiecki held key positions at The Metropolitan Opera and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History and English from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Art History. " " Ms. Rominiecki currently resides in Pleasantville, NY with her husband Robert and their two boys. " " Page 10 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL" " SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY JANUARY 2015 ORCHID VIEW 2014 DECEMBER MEMBERS’ PLANT TABLE WINNERS SHOW & TELL AWARDS MEMBERS‘ CHOICE OF THE MONTH BEST SPECIES OF THE MONTH Rlc. Chia Lin ‘Shin Shi’ C. deckerii (Rlc. Oconee x Rlc. Maitland) Grown by ROY KRUEGER Grown by JACK KNUESE NOVICE OF THE MONTH Brassocatanthe Julie Morrison (Bsn. Maikai x Bc. Morning Glory) Grown by GREG WIRTH SPEAKER’S CHOICE Bc. Florida Stars (B. Little Stars x C. Mark Jones) Grown by JIM ROBERTS Photography By Monroe Kokin"" " PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL " Page 11 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 2014 Sarasota Orchid Society Holiday Potluck Supper Photography by Monroe Kokin Page 12 PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 2014 Sarasota Orchid Society Board of Directors Orchid Show & Sale Venice Area Orchid Society Presents !"#$%"&%'()*+,February 7th & 8th, 2015 Saturday 10am - 5pm (displays open at 11:00am) Sunday 10am - 4pm Venice Community Center 326 S. Nokomis Ave. Venice, Florida Admission $5 (under 10 free) President Laurie Stoner 941.358.8537, Vice President Roy Krueger 941 776-507, Past President Monroe Kokin 941.586.7795, Recording Secretary Jo Davis 941.228.5501, Treasurer Dennis Pavlock 941.966.8753, Members-at-Large Thousands of Blooming Orchids, Orchid Classes, Orchid Art & Supplies The Sarasota Orchid Society, Inc. (SOS) meets on the first Monday of each month at Selby Gardens. The SOS, an affiliate of the American Orchid Society, is a non-profit association with the aims of promoting the development, improvement and preservation of orchids through the dissemination of information concerning the culture, hybridization or development of orchids, and generally to extend the knowledge of orchids. Our membership dues at $20. for individuals and $25. for families are a great value. These dues help us acquire quality speakers for our monthly meetings and pay for special events such as picnics and repotting demonstrations. Our fund raisers, Orchid Auction, Orchid Show and Raffles raise additional funds to educate the general public about orchids and their conservation, provide scholarships to local students who will study horticulture, and support orchid research programs. “Orchid View” our Orchid Society newsletter, is published monthly by the Sarasota Orchid Society. It is included via e-mail at no charge for members. Deadline for articles, photos and information for the newsletter is the 15th of the previous month. Lory Boyce 941.812.2447, Jane Hagerstrom 941.359.9980, Norm Hillstrom 941.926.0166, Roy Krueger 941.776.5079, Carolyn Langdon 941.907.4161, Patti Quinnelly 678.361.4440, Judy Robertson 941.926.1819, Committee Leaders 58th Annual Orchid Show - Jan. 3rd & 4th, 2015 Co-Chairs: Laurie Stoner, Dennis Pavlock, Jo Davis AOS Representative Laurie Stoner, Counsel Robert M. Johnson, Esq., Culture Study Leader Roy Krueger, Members’ Display Table Jack Knuese, Susan Gerhardt, Hospitality Judy Robertson, Membership Co-Chairs Jo Davis, Patti Quinnelly Newsletter Editor Carolyn Langdon, Orchid Research Stig Dalstrom, Photographer Monroe Kokin, Publicity Jane Hagerstrom, Raffle Hosts Mecky Kreissle,Al Langdon, Storage Manager Norm Hillstrom, Webmaster Dennis Pavlock, Contributors to “Orchid View” give reprint rights to their work to newsletters and other affiliates of the American Orchid Society. PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL Page 13" SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY JANUARY 2015 ORCHID VIEW JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY December 28 MONDAY December 29 4 JANUARY SOS 58th ORCHID SHOW & SALE 10 am - 5 pm 5 JANUARY 11 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY December 30 December 31 New Year’s Eve FRIDAY 1 JANUARY New Year’s Day SATURDAY 2 JANUARY SOS 58th OrchidShow Set-up SOS 58th 8:30 am - 5 Orchid Show pm Set-up Judging 6-9 1 - 4 pm pm 3 JANUARY SOS 58th ORCHID SHOW & SALE 9 am to 5 pm 6 7 8 9 10 JANUARY AOS JUDGING Orlando Area MREC Mid-Florida Research & Education Center, 2725 S. Binion Rd, Apopka, Fl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 21 JANUARY AOS JUDGING Tampa 7 pm Christ the King Church, 821 S.Dale Mabry Highway, McLoughlin Center - Room C. Tampa, FL 23 24 JANUARY AOS JUDGING West Palm Beach Judging Center, 2 pm Flamingo Gardens, 3750 S. Flamingo Rd, Davie, FL 305-245-1711 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 FEBRUARY 2 FEBRUARY 3 4 5 6 7 FEBRUARY 2015 VENICE AREA ORCHID SHOW 10 AM - 5 PM SOS MONTHLY MEETING CANCELLED SOS MEETING at Selby Gardens Activities Center 8 FEBRUARY 2015 VENICE AREA ORCHID SHOW 10 AM - 4 PM Page 14 2015 SARASOTA ORCHID SOCIETY Membership Dues will remain the increase! $20.00 for Single Membership $25.oo for Family Membership PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895
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