Rotorua RSA New Members Welcome December 2014 “People Helping People” ~1~ willingly, others were strongly debated. We believe we had no alternative but to make those changes in order to comply and survive. Presidents Pen – December Introduction 2014 is almost a done deal, and now we must start to contemplate what 2015 will bring us. Throughout 2014 I have written and spoken at length on a range of topics. The following are some of them: Constitution A major re-write of the constitution is now under way as the current one is hopelessly out of date. The proposed changes will be presented at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Saturday 14 March prior to the AGM. Each change will be presented separately, debated, amended, commented upon and then put to the vote. Our financial circumstances Cost cutting measures Price increases/reductions Daily Santa Claus visits to the RSA now off the roster with visits only once a year – to your place only commencing 25 December 2014 Measures to improve our financial circumstances Seismic concerns Parking Legislation changes The financial implications of those changes Change and the effects those changes have had and will have on sub-clubs and other aspects of the RSA 'Modus Operandi' Measures taken to attract people to our RSA Entertainment WW100 Take-over of the Restaurant; to mention but a few MMP One of the key considerations for the constitution will be the introduction of MMP (Mixed Member Proportion). At the AGM 2014 there were barely enough nominations to fill the Executive Committee positions and only one Associate Member submitted his name for the House Committee. For a number of years there have been several comments made that the RSA should have a one committee set-up. I believe that, that time has come and this will be put up for debate and perhaps acceptance. It will be a radical re-think; probably cause one's eyes to water but is the way of the future (Refer to Economic Viability in the Presidents Pen column the July 2014 Club newsletter). The committee may be made up of no more than 9 members, 5 of whom must be Returned or Ex-Services members. One of these 5 members will be the President; why? The President is the head of the RSA and is consulted quite often, particularly by civic dignitaries and community leaders, and is required to Some of the issues that were mentioned brought about a lot of debate, comment and sometimes criticism. I am grateful for the feedback, suggestions and responses. Some of the changes that were proposed and implemented to accommodate the above were accepted ~2~ give information about military protocol, procedure and customs. Cenotaph on Tuesday 11 November. Todd McLay, our local MP, Fletcher Tabuteau(NZ First), the Mayor, CEO Geoff Williams, Councillors, our local cadet units, several veterans, families and the general public were in attendance. Of historical significance was the appointment of Cadet Sergeant Major(WO2) Tallison Tarrant of the Rotorua District Cadet Unit as the parade marshal. AGM Immediately following the EGM the Annual General Meeting will commence. The AGM will contain the following items: Finance Report Reports Election of Life Member Election of Officers Appointment of Auditor Appointment of Club Solicitor Etc. Raffles With the embarrassing increase in the number of unsold Thursday meat raffle tickets the following measures will be introduced with effect 15 Jan 2015: Blues Club The Blues Club originally held their 'Jam Sessions” at the Belgian Bar. When the bar closed the Club was left looking for a new home. An approach was made to our RSA and we are trialling one Wednesday night per month sessions with them. We appreciate the cooperation of the RSA Dance Club. Meat prizes reduced from 33 to 20 packs Number of tickets reduced from 200 to 100 (Numbered 1–100) Different varieties of meat packs introduced Those persons who have permanent numbers between 101 - 200 are requested to liaise with the office/ticket sellers before 15 January 2015 to be reallocated an open number in the range 1-100 or to opt out. Cadet Commemoration This year marks 150 years of the military cadet movement in NZ. Our own local units compromising Rotorua District Cadet Unit, 75 and 29 Air Training Corps paraded on Sunday 9 November at the Cenotaph to commemorate this event. Many of our members would have cut their eye teeth at high schools where cadet military training activities were held some years ago. Reina and I attended this historic event and we were impressed by the cadets dress and bearing. Note: This new arrangement will be trialled over a period of time and may be varied where circumstances allow. Snooker Tournament Over the period 7-9 November our snooker club hosted the Masters Snooker Tournament. Attendance was about 50 players and some keen competition was evident. Armistice Day This important and historic day was commemorated with due ceremony and poignancy at the ~3~ Peace-keepers Last month on nd Saturday 22 we hosted a peacekeepers social afternoon. The purpose of the social was to acknowledge all NZ'ers who had represented their country on peace-keeping missions around the world be it UN or NZ sponsored. A small number of persons attended which included some family members. It is hoped this will repeated again in the New Year. commemorates one hundred years since the April 25/26 1915 Gallipoli landings. By displaying this medal on your membership cards it is one way we can acknowledge our Anzac forefathers. Drink-Drive Legislation This is yet another reminder that the new drinkdriving legislation is now in effect and it means that what you could drink before and be legal to drive has now been halved. Please use the courtesy vehicle or arrange for a safe driver to get you home hassle free. The Act Yes folks the dreaded 'Act' has resurfaced again. This time it is to do with food. In the past sub-clubs and various interest groups have catered for their own requirements. As from April 2015 that will no longer be possible. Under new legislation called the 'Food Handling & Hygiene Act 2014' organisations such as ours will be held responsible for any hygiene concerns such as food poisoning. Whether the food was brought into, prepared or served on the premises by whomever, we will be penalised accordingly for any issues that arise. There will be no exceptions and we will be putting into place measures to ensure that we do not fall foul of 'The Act.' What that means is that all food brought into, prepared and served in the RSA must now be handled through the restaurant. Please do be not be upset at us for this new ruling effective April 2015. We are not responsible for its enactment, only for its implementation. Street Alterations Work on revamping Haupapa St is well under way, hopefully this will reduce the dangers faced when trying to get into the parking area. Please exercise patience and follow all re-direction signs where applicable. If you have any concerns or queries please direct these RDC …not me or the RSA Office. We do not own the streets or control activities therein. Gallipoli Star Our 2015 membership cards will feature a photo of the Gallipoli Star – 'The star which never shone' (see photo later in this newsletter). This medal was commissioned by Australian Government, approved by King George V but not permitted by the British Government to recognise Anzac troops who had taken part in the Gallipoli Campaign. 2015 Press Release Your President has once again gained international notoriety with the recent news of that ~4~ scoundrel Brian Smith alias Brian Traynor who forgot to report back to Springhill Prison after weekend leave and took off to Chile. His father's name was John and was interviewed at length on TV news. Yes folks, John Treanor oops John Traynor is not the same one who is your President, thank goodness. It has been decided that as of Dec1st 2014 the restaurant will offer buffet/ smorgasboard lunches $16.00 per person and dinners $27.00 per person and on Sunday it will be a seafood smorgasboard for $27.00. It will take a bit of fine tuning by the staff but they are looking forward to the challenge so please give them feedback so they know how they are going because unless they are told they won’t know it things are going well or not and by the time it’s heard 2nd or 3rd hand it can be too late so please roses or brickbats will be welcome. The café will remain the same. Finally, this is my last Presidents Pen for the year. I trust that the festive season will be restful, peaceful and enjoyable for you all. The next newsletter will be in February 2015. Sub Clubs: The rescheduled meeting will be Thursday 4th December at 2pm. John Christmas Day Lunch: We have taken several bookings for lunch and so a merry time will be had by all of those attending. We can still take bookings at this time. Welcome to my Notes for December Staff: Carla Savage started in the office Wednesday 19th November and Jeni Flay starts as Restaurant Manager Monday 1st December. We welcome them both and hope they settle in with us for a while. Please introduce yourselves to both of them so they can become familiar with all of our members and so they can look after you as well as the rest of the staff do. Functions: December is the month of Christmas parties and end of year get-togethers and the RSA is hosting various groups for their functions so it will be very busy which is always good to see. Parking: As you will be aware the RDC is remodelling the entrance/exit of our street so you can only turn left in and out which has been seen as a positive for RSA parking and also there is the removal of tree’s which will create soon extra parking also. Membership Renewals: December 31st is not far away and we finally have our membership cards all ready to go, with reminders going out in the next week or so but if you are here pop into the office to renew your membership or pay at the bar if the office is closed and we will post out your new card. Financial: The finance’s continue to be a trial at times but because the RSA and the restaurant have had some busy times it has eased the burden a little. I would just like to end by wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Safe & Happy New Year and I thank you for your support in 2014 and I look forward to seeing you all in 2015. If you need information or clarification about anything to do with the RSA please come and see us. Restaurant: Monday 24th Nov Glenis, Choppy, Jeni and myself did a road trip to the Napier RSA where we were met by Craig(CEO) and Bev(Restaurant Manager) to go over their operation and we have come back enthused about the possibilities for our restaurant growth. ~5~ Rotorua RSA Snooker Club Remember our motto is communication, consolidation and consistency. Office bearers are: President Secretary Treasure Club Captain “Rotorua RSA it’s a better place to be” Cathy Donoghue Operation’s Manager Tom Attwood Maureen Collier Tom Attwood Tony Horton Subs for the snooker sub club are $10.00 ROTORUA RSA INDOOR BOWLS CLUB Monday Snooker Meets at 1pm Tuesday afternoon pork raffle $2 per ticket Beautiful pork from Russell’s Meats FOOTWEAR: FLAT SOLED SHOES OR SLIPPERS For anyone who may be interested in joining us PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER CLUB CAPTAIN New members are most welcome Club competitions are held throughout the year The Snooker Club welcomes anyone who would like to participate in the sport Eion Gainsford Paul Crocott June Marino Eion Gainsford KIWI WEIGHTWATCHERS CLUB NIGHT – Every Monday Names in by 6.45pm Every Thursday in the RSA Manahi Room at 5pm CHAMPIONSHIPS AND TOURNAMENTS START 7PM Enquires and new members welcome Eion Gainsford – Phone 348-5502 Joining fee only $10.00, There after $3.00 per week Convener: Elsie Gathercole Phone 345-7429 Flag 500 Meet every Tuesday at 1pm Come along and have a go New Members Welcome Contact Valerie Nisbet Meets 2nd Friday of Every month In the Manahi Room At 1pm If you are interested in joining an up and coming association do not hesitate to contact Joy Wilkinson Phone 349-1900 Marianas Cleaning Services For all your cleaning requirements Phone 027-668-8516 For a free, No obligations quote ~6~ Senior Citizens Association Events 2013 Monday Indoor Bowls 10.30am – 3pm Thursday Indoor Bowls 10am – 12.30pm Saturday Indoor Bowls 10am – 12pm ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVAL ASSOCIATION We Meet Every Friday at 1pm A Get-Together & Meat Raffle Wednesday Housie Ladies Lounge Starts 1pm President Secretary Treasurer Colin Taylor 345-7599 Keith Gordon 345-6721 Don Gourlay 343-7541 We also have bus trips to other Senior citizens clubs in the BOP Geyserland Country Music Club This club meets on the third Sunday of every month 1 – 4.30pm RSA members and guests are invited to join in the music if not a member of the GCMA $4.00 fee applies Te Arawa Maori Returned Services League Meets 2nd Saturday of every month 10am – Haane Manahi, DCM Room If you wish to join or would like to know more about this club, do not hesitate to phone Te Kei Merito GCMC members pay $2.00 for the activities each afternoon Contact Julie Hall Phone 3502048 Normal RSA activities are available as usual President: Te Kei Merito 349-2699 Secretary: Sam Smith 075625840 or 02102470501 Social & Friendship Group Rotorua RSA (Inc) Meeting every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month in the Manahi Room RSA followed by Dancing & Good Music Contact Raewyn 216-0455 Or Margaret 348-5882 PO Box 1037 1072 Haupapa St Operations Manager President Vice President Welfare Officer ~7~ Phone 348-1055 Email Cathy Donohue TP J Treanor Bob Hutchison Bob Hutchison RSA Business Hours Office Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5.00pm Meets every Friday night Games Commence 7pm If you would like to join, just come along Bar and Gaming Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9am 9am 9am 9am 9am 1pm 5pm - 7pm 9pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 11pm 8pm President Reg Randall Club Captain Vice Club Captain Treasurer Secretary Note: Bar opening hours may be adjusted outside of the above hours subject to demand and patronage within the bounds of ‘The Act’ 347-9736 Pini Tahana Waldo Elisaia Bob Mckenzie Tania Morris ROTORUA RSA DARTS CLUB EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7PM IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN OR JUST HAVE A GO COME AND TALK TO: TANIA MORRIS, GED & JO NGARE Phone: 350 2046 MONTHLY PROGRAMME 1st Wednesday of each month Lunch 12pm/ Social Afternoon 1pm Committee Meeting 1.15pm Other Wednesday of the month Social Afternoon 1pm Rotorua RSA Dance Sports Club Last Wednesday of the month Afternoon Tea 1pm 4th Sunday of each month Social Lunch / Guest Speaker 11am Secretary/ Treasurer: Rick Thame We have old time dancing every Wednesday evening 7 to 9pm And on the first and third Sunday of the month 7pm to 9pm 07 347 6188 Everyone welcome, come & see what we are doing Greg Ellwood Club Captain Ph. 3462744 ~8~ ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION (Inc) We meet the first Saturday of each month 10.00am at Crowther House Restaurant the RSA We would welcome former members of the RNZAF to join us. If you would like Your Host to know more about our association Phone 348-1055 please ring Jim or George President: Jim Comber Lunch 12-2pm Monday - Saturday 347 8265 Secretary: George Joseph 348 3280 Dinner 6 – 9pm Every Night Rotorua RSA Line Dancing 2013 We Offer a full Buffet Seafood Buffet Sunday 6 - 9pm Tuesday Night Class 6pm – 7pm – Beginners Class 7pm – 8pm – Intermediates Class Entry $2.00 Raffle $2.00 Lunch $16.00 Dinner $27.00 We cater for Weddings, Birthdays, Christmas Parties and a wide range of Social functions Come and Talk To Us About Your Function Needs Wednesday Morning Class 9.30am – 11.30am General Class Entry $1.00 – Raffle $1.00 Enquiries – Anne Hogg Phone 348-4246 It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. ~ Aristotle ~9~ Date Duty TH 6 13th 20th 27th Entertainment Ron H Rodgers & Co Solicitors Alister Y Wayne D Wally M st 31 Driving Force Rotorua RSA would like to thank and acknowledge the following organisations for their continued support: Russell’s Quality Meats 149 Fairy Springs Road Ritchies Coachlines 29 Salisbury Rd FREE WILLS Enduring Power of Attorney, Estate Planning, Estate Administration, Property/Matrimonial Relationships, Trust. Other Legal Services First Interview - No Charge Personal friendly service, Always accessible, whether or not you think it's a legal matter, call me! 1155 Pukaki Street PO Box l203,Rotorua Ph. 07 349 6393 Fax 07 349 6394 - Mob 0274 877 129 Email: Iles Casey Monteith’s Beer Now Available on Tap ~ 10 ~ ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVAL ASSOCIATION Rotorua RSA 2015 Membership We Meet Every Friday at 1pm A Get-Together & Meat Raffle President Secretary Treasurer Returned/ Service Member ….$25 Colin Taylor 345-7599 Keith Gordon 345-6721 Don Gourlay 343-7541 House/Associate Member …….$35 RSA CAFÉ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Any person over age 18 is welcome to apply for membership 9am – 2pm 9am – 2pm 9am – 2pm 9am – 2pm 9am – 2pm CLOSED CLOSED We also do Youth Memberships Rotorua RSA Confrence Rooms Note: Cafe opening hours may be extended subject to demand and patronage In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take ~ 11 ~ Catering upon request Affordable prices Book your next confrence with us 1072 Haupapa Street Phone (07)348-1055 Cucumbers…. Did you know? 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. 2. Feeling tired in the afternoon? Put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours. 3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance. 4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area. 5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemical in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!! been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation. 8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don’t have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water. 9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone! 10. Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams. 11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the photochemical will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath. 12. Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks and won’t harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean. 6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache! 13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls! 7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have ~ 12 ~ ~ 13 ~ Catholic Heart Attack A man suffered a serious heart attack and had open heart bypass surgery. He awakened from the surgery to find himself in the care of nuns at a Catholic Hospital. As he was recovering, a nun asked him questions regarding how he was going to pay for his teatment. She asked if he had health insurance. He re;oied, in a raspy voice, ‘No health insurance.” The nun asked if he had money in the bank. He replied ‘No money in the bank.’ The nun asked, ‘Do ou have a relative who could help you?’ He said, ‘I only have a spinster sister, who is a nun…’ The nun became agitated and announced loudly, ‘Nuns are not spinsters! Nuns are married to God’. The patient replied, ‘Send the bill to my brother-in-law.’ Armistice Day Marked by service By Mathew Martin (Rotorua Daily post November 12, 2014 Rotorua remembered the men and women who laid down their lives to protect New Zealand's freedom at an Armistice Day ceremony yesterday. The commemoration was held at the cenotaph in the Government Gardens and was led by Rotorua RSA president John Treanor with guest speakers including mayor Steve Chadwick, RSA chaplin the Reverend Tom Poata, and MPs Todd McClay and Fletcher Tabuteau. ~ 14 ~ Ninety-six years ago yesterday, a truce was signed between Great Britain, its allies, and the German Empire to officially end World War I - on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. Sadly, the terrible lessons of the first "Great War" were ignored and millions more died little more than 20 years later during World War II. Like Anzac Day, Armistice Day is a day to remember all of those people who fought and died for their country in the many conflicts New Zealanders have fought in. Royal New Zealand Navy veteran Bob McKenzie said he tried to attend every Armistice Day and Anzac Day commemoration he could. Mr McKenzie saw service on the HMNZS Royalist in Malaya and Vietnam during his career in the navy between 1956 and 1962. He also had two uncles who served during World War II. "You don't really think about it - you just go. They will always be important to me," he said. Young Rotorua army cadet Maia Carrington said she wanted to join the services as a medic after she had completed her schooling at John Paul College. She said it was important for young people to remember and respect the contribution veterans had made to the country in times of war. More than 100,000 New Zealanders served overseas during World War I, about 18,500 were killed. Bob McKenzie and 14-year-old cadet Maia Carrington pay their respects to Rotorua's fallen soldiers at an Armistice Day ceremony. ~ 15 ~ ~ 16 ~ OSBORNES FUNERAL HOME 07 348 3600 07 3483125 Fax 07 348 3125 e-mail: The business was established in 1981 as Rotorua Funeral Home, Located in a state house at 197 Old Taupo Rd Agewise Driver Refresher Course 9.30am – 2.30pm (10-15 people) Update on Road Rules The course is free and includes morning tea and lunch Natasja du Plessis (RDC) Phone: 351-8227 ~ 17 ~ December Calendar 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 3 10.30am 1pm to 4pm Senior Citizens Assn Indoor bowls Flag 500 5pm Snooker 6pm M/ship Draw Line Dancing 9.30am Line Dancing 1pm Senior Citizens Assn Housie 1pm KEV – Social Afternoon 7pm Rotorua Blues Club 1pm Monday Snooker 7pm Indoor Bowls Thu 4 10am Senior Citizens Assn Indoor Bowls 4pm Door Draw 5.30pm Meat Raffles 6pm M/ship Draw 7pm Darts Dance Sports Ω Fri 5 Sat 6 Duty – Ron H 10am Senior 4pmDoor Draw 6pm M/ship Draw Friday Kitty 7pm 8 Ball Ω RSA Music RSA Music Citizens Assn – Indoor Bowls Air force Assn Meeting 6pm 8 Ball Darts M/ship Draw Door Draw Royal NZ Naval Assn - Xmas Party 7 8 7pm to 9pm 9.00- 3.00 Dance Sports Club All welcome Senior Citizens Assn Monday Snooker 14 9 1pm 1.30pm Social Afternoon 7pm 1pm to 4pm Indoor Bowls ~ Club night Flag 500 5pm Snooker 6pm M/ship Draw Line Dancing 15 16 10 9.30am Line Dancing 1pm KEV Social Gathering 1pm Senior Citizens Assn Housie 7pm Dance Sports Club 17 11 12 13 Duty – Alister Y 10am Senior Citizens Assn Indoor Bowls 4pm Door Draw 5.30pm Meat Raffles 6pm M/ship Draw 6.30 Quiz Night 7pm Darts 1pm Royal NZ Naval Assn - Get Together 4pmDoor Draw 6pm M/ship Draw Friday Kitty 7pm 8 Ball 10am Senior Ω Ω RSA Music 18 19 10am Women’s Monday Snooker Section Committee Meeting 1.30 Women’s Section Social Afternoon 7pm 1pm to 4pm Indoor Bowls ~ Flag 500 5pm Snooker 6pm M/ship Draw Line Dancing 10.30am Senior Citizens Assn Indoor bowls 1pm 21 22 23 9.30am Line Dancing 1pm Senior Citizens Assn -Housie 1pm KEV – Social Afternoon 7pm Dance Sports Club 10am Senior Citizens Assn Indoor Bowls 4pm Door Draw 5.30pm Meat Raffles 6pm M/ship Draw 7pm Darts Ω 24 RSA Music RSA Music 25 Ω RSA Music 20 Duty-Wayne D 1pm Royal NZ Naval Assn - Get Together 1pm Merchant Navy Assn - Meeting 4pmDoor Draw 6pm M/ship Draw 6.30 RSA Social Group Meet Friday Kitty 7pm 8 Ball Ω Citizens Assn – Indoor Bowls 6pm 8 Ball Darts M/ship Draw Door Draw 10am Senior Citizens Assn – Indoor Bowls 6pm 8 Ball Darts M/ship Draw Door Draw Ω RSA Music RSA Music 26 27 Duty –Wally M 4pmDoor Draw 6pm M/ship Draw Friday Kitty 7pm 8 Ball 6pm 8 Ball 10.30am 1pm-4.30pm Geyser land Country Music Club Senior Citizens Assn Indoor bowls Tauranga Home Game 5pm Snooker 6pm M/ship Draw Line Dancing 1pm 7pm to 9pm Monday Snooker Dance Sports Club 7pm 28 29 30 7PM Monday Snooker M/ship Draw Line Dancing 7pm Dance Sports Club Indoor Bowls ~ 31 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Driving Force ~ 18 ~ HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ω RSA Music M/ship Draw Door Draws Ω RSA Music ROTORUA RSA (INC) Member Information Standard Of Dress: No hats are permitted in the club rooms. There may be an exemption if the hat is an integral part of the woman’s outfit or for a special occasion. Signing In: Full members do not need to sign in however your membership card must be on you at all times. All guests must sign in and ensure they hold onto their signed chit throughout their visit. The chit must be able to be produced upon request from staff, Committee Members, Law Enforcement or a member of the Regional Licencing Authority. In accordance to our Licence, pokies may not be played or alcohol consumed if a membership card or chit is not held. Breach of this could close your club down. Serving Personnel: Any person currently serving in either the NZ Defence Forces or the NZ Police Force may be admitted in accordance with these rules. Local visitors may be signed in on one day per month with the maximum number of three (3) visits in a six (6) month period. If visits extend this period, they must apply for membership. Pokies: Strictly adults 18 years and over who hold a guest chit or membership card, may play the pokies. Disregard to this rule is a breach of our licence. Children: Children are welcome upstairs in the restaurant at all times. The club is currently trialling a Children’s Policy. During this time, children are welcome in the club under the following regulations: for the purposes of description, a child is a person 17 years or younger the care, behaviour and amusement of children while in the RSA remains the responsibility of the parent(s) or care- giver children are not permitted to remain in the RSA after 6pm children are not to act in an unruly manner that causes a nuisance or disruption children are not to purchase any products from the bar but may purchase items from the cafe children are not permitted in the Gaming (Pokies) Area or play the Gaming Machines children are permitted to be in the Games Area but are not permitted to play on or use any 8 Ball, Billiards/Snooker equipment/tables or Darts. The exception is children between the age of 13-17 years who are undergoing formal and supervised training. Parent(s) and Care-Givers who have brought children into the RSA are to abide by all or any reasonable requests given by a Committee Member or the Bar Duty Manager in respect to the behaviour of their child/children failure to comply with any of the above will result in the parent(s) or care-giver being asked by a Committee Member/Duty Bar Manager to remove them from the RSA premises none of the above applies to the RSA Restaurant The ODE: Sixty years after its origins in 1941, the Remembrance Ceremony (as it is known today) is still one of the most poignant observances of the RSA and a tribute to its members’ eternal pledge ‘We will remember them’. It is recited Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Membership Draws: The Lucky Membership is drawn on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6pm. You must be present to claim the prize if your number is drawn. If it is not claimed, it will jackpot to the next draw. The jackpot is curbed at $600 at which time the draw must go. Events: Keep an eye on the notice boards in your club and newsletters for the entertainment and events schedule. Café: Great coffee and great food! No need for guests to sign in. Please familiarize yourself with all amenities within the club and the Alcohol Act over the page. Rotorua RSA Executive, staff and members extend a warm welcome to you and your guests ~ 19 ~ ROTORUA RSA (INC) An updated photo is required for your membership) We being financial members of the Rotorua RSA do hereby nominate: Full Name: (Mr) (Mrs) (Ms) Full Address: Date of Birth Phone Number Alternate Number Email Address Name of Next of Kin Phone Number Have you done any Military Service? (eg CMT, TF, RF, NS, Police or Women’s Land Army): If so, you don’t need to fill this form out – just produce a Statement of Service and join up as a Service Member. Disclaimer: On receipt of your membership fee, you will become a full member with full membership rights. The Executive reserve the right to cancel your membership and return your fee after your application has been placed on the notice board for 14 days and objections have been duly called for. If accepted as a House Member of the RSA I will abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Rotorua RSA. Applicant Signature Date Proposer Name Proposer Signature Member No. Seconder Name Seconder Signature Member No. Office Use Only Member No. Subs $35 ~ 20 ~ Applicant Posted
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