From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. RAPID COMMUNICATION Mutator Phenotype in a Subset of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia By Ronald Gartenhaus, Michael M. Johns 111, Ping Wang, Kanti Rai, and David Sidransky The replication error phenotype (RER'), characterized by widespread microsatellie instability, is an important feature of tumors from patients with herediry nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC).This widespread instability affects repeat tracts of all lengths and is usually attributed to mutations of critical mismatch repair genes. Recently, several reports described occasional microsatellite alterations in tumors not associated with HNPCC. However, a true mutator phenotype C HRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the Western world.' Ten thousand new cases are diagnosed annually in the United In contrast to chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute leukemias, CLL is not associated with exposure to radiation, chemicals or alkylating agents4 Although cytogenetic analysis of CLL has identified two major chromosomal abnormalities, trisomy 12 and deletions of 13q14 occurring in a minority of cases, the molecular mechanisms underlying development of this leukemia are still poorly understood.'-' Recently, several groups have identified widespread microsatellite instability manifest as expansions or deletions of simple repeated sequences in primary cancers.'-" In contrast to neoplasms with rare alterations, primary tumors with the mutator phenotype (RER') display microsatellite alterations at the majority of mononucleotide and dinucleotide tracts. These primary tumors arise in HNPCC kindreds and many harbor mutations of critical mismatch repair genes including hMSH2, hMLH-1, PMS-I, PMS-2,''.l5 and the newly described GTBP gene.16 A true mutator phenotype is rare outside of HNPCC-associated tumors and is observed predominantly in nonhematologic ma1ignan~ies.I~ However, recently a subset of human immunodeficiency virus (H1V)-associated lymphomas were found to harbor diffuse microsatellite instability." In this study, we examined 29 cases of CLL for evidence of microsatellite instability and found a true mutator phenotype in a subset of these cases. From the Division of Hematology-Oncology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Campus of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New ffyde Park, NY; and the Division of Head and Neck Cancer Research, the Department of Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Submitted September 12, 1995; accepted October 9, 1995. Supported by a research grant from United Leukemia Fund, Inc. R.G. is a Scholar of The Helena Rubinstein Leukemia Foundation. Address reprint requests to Ronald Gartenhaus, MD, Department of Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, 269-1 1-76th Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11042. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0OO6-4971/96/8701-0041$3.00/0 38 (RER') is very rare outside of HNPCC-associatedmalignancies. We examined 29 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CUI, the most common leukemia in the Western world for evidence of microsatelliteinstability. We identifieda mutator phenotype in 12/29] 7% of the cases studied. These data suggest that the mismatch repair pathway may be altered in at least a subset of patients with CLL. 0 1996 by The American S ~ h t of y Hematology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Purijcation of CLL and T cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from patients with CLL and viably frozen as previously described." The clinical data of these 29 patients with CLL is shown in Table l . A sequential magnetic bead separation scheme was devised to purify two populations of cells; a doubly positive CD5, CD19 cell (B-cell CLL phenotype) or a doubly positive CD3, CD4 (T-cell phenotype) referred to as tumor or normal cell, respectively. Thawed cells were washed then resuspended in 2 mL of "complete" RPMI 1640 media containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 50 mg/mL penicillin, 50 pg/mL streptomycin, 100 mg/mL neomycin, and 2 pmol/L L-glutamine (GIBCO, Grand Island, NY). One-milliliter aliquots of cells were incubated with magnetic beads coated with either anti-CD5 or anti-CD3 antibodies (Perceptive Diagnostics, Inc, Cambridge, MA) at a bead/target cell ratio of approx. 1:1. After a 30-minute incubation on ice the magnetic bead coated cells were separated using a magnet and resuspended in 5 mL of fresh media. To permit the magnetic particles to fall away from the cells because of cell-surface turnover, an additional 30 to 40 hours of incubation at 37°C was performed. The cells were next pelleted and resuspended in 1 mL of media, with the detached beads separated by magnet. After transferring the cells to a new test tube, anti-CD19 or anti-CD4 coated beads (Perceptive Diagnosis, Inc, Cambridge, MA) were added to either CD5' or CD3+ cells, respectively. An additional 30-minute incubation on ice was performed and magnetic bead coated cells were isolated by magnet and used for subsequent DNA preparation. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed the successful positive selection of the two distinct cell populations. Microsatellite marker analysis. DNA was extracted from purified tumor and normal cells using the Micro-Turbo Gen DNA isolation kit according to the manufacturer's instructions (Invitrogen, San Diego, CA). One microliter (-50 ng) of DNA was used as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) template in a 50-pL reaction mixture as described below. Primers used to amplify each locus were obtained from Research Genetics (Huntsville, AL) or synthesized from sequences obtained in the genome data base (GDB). Loci tested included BAT25, BAT40 (mononucleotides), D13S270, D13S284, D13S272, and D12S87 (dinucleotides), SAT and MJD (trinucleotides), UT703 and D9S747 (tetranucleotides), and transforming growth fdCtOrp-RII (TGFP-NI) (poly-A) in selected cases. One primer was end-labeled with adenosine triphosphate (New England Nuclear) using the 5' DNA Terminus Labeling System according the supplier's instructions (GIBCO BRL, Grand Island, NY). Both tumor and normal DNA were subjected to 40 cycles of PCR with automated temperature cycling program performed as below: step-cycle file for 40 cycles: 94°C X 1 minute, 60°C X 2 minutes, and 72°C x 3 minutes; time-delay file: 72°C X 7 minutes and soak cycle, 4°C. PCR products were analyzed on denaturing 8 mol/L urea/polyacrylamide gels run at 70 W for 90 minutes with autoradiography performed for 2 to 12 hours.20 Blood, Vol 87, No 1 (January I), 1996: pp 38-41 From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. 39 CLL MUTATOR PHENOTYPE D9S747 T N Table 1. Clinical Characteristics Patient CLL 7 CLL 8 CLL 11 CLL 16 CLL 28 CLL 30 CLL 32 CLL 36 CLL 37 CLL 39 CLL 48 CLL 52 CLL 64 CLL 65 CLL 71 CLL 73 CLL 77 CLL 88 CLL 89 CLL 117 CLL 136 CLL 138 CLL 140 CLL 141 CLL 142 CLL 145 CLL 146 CLL 147 Rai Stage IV 111 I I I 111 Richter's II IV 0 I I 111 II IV IV Richter's II II 111 I IV I I I II I I WBC (X10') 59.0 40.0 31.7 46.8 41.8 30.0 49.4 39.1 125.0 34.8 27.2 53.0 74.0 47.6 5.5 55.0 5.0 59.0 56.0 206.1 100.4 37.8 14.4 17.9 16.2 14.0 24.4 153.0 Treatment Alkylator Alkylatorlfludarabine Alkylator Alkylatorlfludarabine Alkylator Alkylator ND ND Alkylator ND Alkylator ND Alkylatorlfludarabine ND AlkylatorIlFN-a Alkylator Fludarabine Alkylator Alkylatorlfludarabine Alkylator ND Alkylatorlfludarabine ND ND ND ND ND ND Abbreviations: ND, no drug; IFN-a, interferon-a. DSS261 T N BAT25 T N TAlO T N CLL 140 Fig 1. Autoradiographs from microsatellite analysis. CLL 140 (TI and corresponding normal (NI are shown for microsatellite markers D9S747 (tetranucleotide repeat), D8S261 (dinucleotide repeat), BAT 25 (mononucleotide repeat), and TAlO (TGFD-RII, mononucleotide repeat) as indicated. D9S474, D8S261, and BAT 25 show a new lower allele when compared with normal. TAlO shows an unaltered tumor poly-A repeat with respect t o normal. were stage I disease according to the Rai classification. The dinucleotide marker D13S72 was altered in two additional cases, one a patient in Richters transformation (CLL 65) and another with stage I1 disease (CLL 77). Allelic loss in at least one marker was observed in 9/29 (31 %) cases. There was loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the microsatellite marker D9S747 in 6/29 (20%) cases. with five of these having either stage I or I1 disease. The microsatellite markers D12S87 and D13S72 had loss of one allele in a Richter's transformation and stage I, respectively. Finally, the marker D13S284 displayed LOH in two cases, one with stage I1 and another with stage I disease. The band patterns demonstrated clear LOH (reduction of band intensity by >50%) and were reproducible in replicate assays. DISCUSSION RES ULTS Twenty-nine patients with the diagnosis of CLL were tested for repeat instability by microsatellite analysis (Table 2). Peripheral lymphocytes were obtained and divided into T and B cell populations by magnetic bead separation followed by DNA isolation of each fraction. A PCR-based assay was used to analyze 15 unrelated microsatellite loci including mononucleotide, dinucleotide, trinucleotide, and tetranucleotide markers. Normal and neoplastic (B-cell) DNA was amplified and microsatellite alleles were compared for evidence of new mobility shifts caused by expansion or deletion of repeat tracts. Differences at microsatellite loci of neoplastic DNA when compared with normal DNA were detected in 4 of 29 (14%) samples tested (Fig 1). Somatic instability at 7 of the I O microsatellite loci was detected in case 142 and at 10/10 loci in sample 140. Although mononucleotide alterations are rare, both cases displayed instability in at least one poly-A tract. Moreover, both samples with multiple somatic alterations Table 2. Mutator Phenotype in CLL Tumor Tetra Tri Di Mono CLL 140 CLL 142 212 212 212 112 414 314 212 112 Indicated is the total number of alterations over the total number of microsatellite markers tested for each nucleotide repeat catagory. Our data show that diffuse microsatellite instability occurs in a subset of patients with CLL. In this series of patients, both cases that exhibited a mutator phenotype were stage I disease and neither had a peripheral white blood cell count greater than 20,000. The widespread microsatellite instability observed in the two cases of CLL presented here are consistent with the replication error phenotype (RER') tumors found in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). The incidence of microsatellite instability shown here (7%) is somewhat less than that reported in the literature for sporadic colorectal carcinoma ( 1 1.6% to 1 S.O%).x'" Although tumors outside of HNPCC kindreds harbor microsatellite alterations at large (trinucleotide and tetranucleotide) repeat loci,*"~" poly-A alterations and widespread dinucleotide instability are rare"." (and unpublished observations, February 1995). Recently, TGFP-I1 receptor polyA mutations were described in 80% of sporadic colorectal tumors with instability,'' potentially leading to abrogation of the effects of TGFP. Interestingly, both patients with a true mutator phenotype in this study did not harbor mutations in the poly-A tract of this receptor (Fig I). An interesting observation in our group of patients was the high rate of allelic loss at the microsatellite marker D9S747. Although losses on chromosome 9p21 are a common occurrence in human tumors,24the significance of loss at D9S747 will require more extensive analysis of this chromosome before ascribing it a role in the initiation or progression of CLL. Deletions of 9p21 with loss tumor suppressor genes From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. GARTENHAUS ET AL 40 in these region were recently implicated in T-cell but not Bcell A L L . ~ * . ~ ~ The contribution of this RER+ phenotype to leukemogenesis is unclear at present as is any prognostic significance. One of the challenges in treating patients with CLL is the difficulty in predicting the clinical course within a certain stage. It would be of interest to longitudinally follow patients with early stage CLL and an RER' phenotype to compare the potential prognostic value with that of the commonly used blood lymphocyte doubling time and pattern of bone marrow infiltration as well as chromosome karyotype. In HNPCC, patients whose tumors have an RER+ phenotype appear to have a better prognosis than those without instability. Several recent reports have extended the number of tumors believed to manifest the mutator phen~type.~~.~'-*~ However, few have included analysis of different sized microsatellites including the mononucleotide repeats such as the poly-A tracts (BAT 25 and BAT 40)used in this and other studiesz3More widespread testing of a variety of microsatellite repeats may more accurately identify a true mutator phenotype, and consequently tumors likely to harbor mismatch repair gene mutations. However, not all RER+ tumors have been found to contain deficits in mismatch repair."' 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For personal use only. 1996 87: 38-41 Mutator phenotype in a subset of chronic lymphocytic leukemia R Gartenhaus, MM 3rd Johns, P Wang, K Rai and D Sidransky Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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