ST. ANNE’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Sunday 28th December 2014 St. Anne’s Catholic Church Lynton Avenue, Weeping Cross, Stafford, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 661012 Lynton Avenue, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 663128 Fax: 01785 662987 Email: Head Teacher: Mrs. J. N. Lomas Website: READERS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION ST. ANNE’s rd Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon Parish Secretary: Marie Badger The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No 234216 Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - Sunday Lectionary Cycle B, Weekday Mass Cycle 1, Psalter Wk 1 Date Time Church Saturday 27th 6:00 pm Sunday 28th 9:30 am 11:15 am Monday 29th Tuesday 30th 11:00 am SA Wednesday 31st 10:00am SA 1st 9:30 am 11:15 am SP SA Friday 2nd 10:00 am SA Saturday 3rd 6:00 pm SA Sunday 4th 9:30 am Thursday Jan. Liturgical Day SA Mass Intention Vigil Mass SP SA Fr. Jeremy Sierla Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Baby Paige Evans RIP Peggy Ogram RIP No Mass 11:15 am Requiem Mass for Margarita (Peggy) Giles, followed by interment at Tixall Road Cemetery 7th Day in the Christmas Octave Donor’s Intention Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God Edmund Taylor RIP Danna Torres St Basil the Great & St Gregory Nazianzen Vigil Mass SP Jim Fletcher Jean Kennelly RIP Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord SA John Joseph, John Francis, Sarah Attracta Bermingham P. O’Connell SACRAMENT OF PENANCE [St. Anne’s] Saturday at 5:30 pm. [St Patrick’s] Sunday at 9:00 am. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM [St. Anne’s] Every second & fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30pm. [St. Patrick’s] Every third & fifth Sunday of the month at 1:30pm. Please notify the parish secretary at least a month prior to the actual date of Baptism. Prayers for the departed loved ones whose anniversaries occur at this time: [St. Patrick’s] Catherine Gask, Francis Ralph, Patricia Bradfield, Mary Deville, Margaret Leigh George Storr, Alfred Simpson, Gertrude Vaughan, Brenda Read, Anthony Dykta, Norma Hussey, Cynthia Scott, Bernard McGurk, Phyllis Costello, Edmund James Taylor, Louise Byrne, Katarzyna Grabarek[St. Anne’s] Robert Glover, Laurence Baker, Peggy Ogram, Margaret Loftus, John Glover, Louise Harley, Philip Godridge, Bernard Cunningham. Prayers for the parishioners who are ill or housebound at this time: [St.Patrick’s] : Joan Johnston, Kath Read, Pauline Pullen, Michael Spencer-Caple, Graham Burningham, Dcn David McCarroll, Cyril Adams, Brenda Targett, Graham Turner, David Bryant, Tim & Kathleen Tiernan, Alex Hughes, Gregory McKinlay, Jayne & Ralph Lennon, Louise Bell, Tony Lord, Donald Williamson, Christine Bradley, Alice McMillan, Antonia Hewitt, Winifred & Brenda Crockett, Alex Hudson, Gladys Malkin, and Jean Shearer. [St. Anne’s] Patricia Walters, Monica Scriven, Linda Burgess, Sheila Bartle, Molly Hukin, Margaret Currall, Pip Gibson, Joyce & Peter Muriel, Cathy Miles, Colin Wise, Derek Moon, Bernard Lundberg, Gay Colbeck, Christiana Saberton, Patsy Connelly-Smith, Mary Helks, David Bamber, Peter Turner, Hilary Glover, Baby Brandon Harland, Baby Thomas McCormick, Deirdre Wilkinson. Church St Anne’s St Patrick’s Church Cleaning 9th January 15: Honor Shammas / Angela Heath. Altar Linen 4th January 15: Beccy Hawley Flowers Joan McKinlay Carmel Price, Mary Owen Refreshments 4th January 15: Jo Bennett, Eileen Buckley, Ann Kelly Edna / Andrea Children’s Liturgy ST. PATRICK’s Sat. 3 : Readers: Euch. Ministers: Frank Lain A. Liveing, M. Living, K. Bennett Sun. 4th : Readers: Euch. Ministers: Geoff Ogram R. McMahon, E. Turvey, T. Stacey, T. Garratt, A. Whitehall Reader: Pamela. Bidding Prayers:Kathryn Gift Aid Total ATTENDANCE TIMES OF HOLY MASS AND LITURGIES THIS WEEK Day Marston Road, ST16 3BT Telephone: 01785 356685 EContact: Head Teacher: Mrs. A. Goodison Website: St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 48 Sandon Road, Stafford, ST16 3HF Telephone: 01785 661012 ST. PATRICK’S PRIMARY SCHOOL INCOME Source St. Anne’s Offertory St. Patrick’s Offertory Non- Gift Aid Standing Order £303.00 £198.92 £167.77 £669.69 209 £116.62 £103.43 £136.00 £356.05 122 A Huge Thank You! I would like to express my deep appreciation by thanking everyone for the cards, gifts and Christmas offerings that you have so generously given to me. It would be impossible for me to write individual cards to you all, so I humbly ask you to accept this note of thanks. I am sure that all parishioners and visitors to St Anne’s and St Patrick’s this Christmas would wish me to thank on their behalf all those people who helped me put up all the Christmas decorations, the crib, and flower arrangements in our churches; all the altar servers, the readers and the Eucharistic ministers; all the members of the choir, all the ladies who regularly clean our churches; all the parish staff; and all those who work so hard but opted to remain anonymous. May God bless you all! Christmas Crib: Please continue to visit the crib and pray for the members of your family, living and dead. Any donations will be sent to Ebola Crisis Appeal. Requiescat in Pace: Of your charity, please pray for the eternal repose of the soul of MARY CHATTERLEY who died recently. May she rest in peace. Please also pray for all her loved ones who now mourn for her. Her Funeral Service will be held on Thursday 8th January at 11am at Stafford Crematorium. As we begin this new year, may Mary’s memory never leave us; may her image inspire us; and may her prayers bring us peace. Pastoral Letter: Please find enclosed your copy of the Pastoral Letter of The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, for the Feast of the Holy Family 27/28 December 2014. Going into Hospital: Please do let the parish priest know if you are going into hospital. Furthermore, it is ESSENTIAL that you ask for the Catholic chaplain when in hospital. Chaplains are often no longer automatically given the names of Catholic patients. Many health care providers (e.g. Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Mental Health Units) apportion resources in line with how many requests are made so you are actually doing the Church a favour by requesting the chaplaincy and sacraments whilst in hospital. Monastic Experience Weekend, 13-15 March 2015, Quarr Abbey: The Monastic Experience Weekend for single Catholic men aged 18-35 offers an opportunity to experience the Benedictine way of life in the Solesmes tradition, participating in monastic work, attending the worship and sharing the silence, with talks from monks and a chance to ask questions. It will take place at Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES from the evening of Friday 13th March to the afternoon of Sunday 15th March 2015. For more information please contact Brother Duncan Smith – Employment Opportunities in the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Are you interested in working for your Diocese? There are currently a number of employment opportunities within the Kenelm Youth Trust at Alton Castle and BCYS. Alton Castle need to appoint a Programme Director and a Programme Leader, whilst BCYS are looking to recruit two Development Workers: one to serve the parishes of Oxfordshire and one to serve the parishes of Staffordshire. Come along to an open evening for 30 minutes between 6pm and 8pm, Monday 19th January 2015 in Don Bosco House, Coventry Road, Coleshill B46 3EA; Monday 26th January 2015 in Alton Castle, Castle Hill Rd. Alton, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4TT. PLEASE TAKE A COPY OF THIS BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU
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