Module 2 Fundamentals of Renal Nursing

Royal Adelaide Hospital – Staff Development Department
Module Aim:
The aim of this module is to provide nurses with the fundamental knowledge and skills
required to manage and support a client with renal impairment across the continuum of
Chronic Kidney Disease.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of module 2- Fundamentals of Renal Nursing the student
should be able to:
Discuss the importance of screening and preventing Chronic Kidney Disease.
Provide effective and evidence based nursing care through relevant physical
assessment, planning implementation and evaluation of specific care for patients
with chronic kidney disease.
Identify the alterations to normal physiology seen in renal impairment and
describe their assessment and management.
Describe the pathophysiology and management of renal disorders including how
to delay the progression of the disease.
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and biophysics of renal replacement
Provide systematic assessment and analyse data to formulate plans for
individualised care of people with CKD.
Demonstrate competency in the specialist skills required for the best-practice
management of people with CKD.
Apply knowledge regarding legal, ethical and professional issues to the care of
patients in this specialty area.
Demonstrate an awareness of the psychosocial effects of chronic illness and
display appropriate attitudes toward patients, their families and significant others.
Develop effective strategies in teaching and counselling to enhance patient
engagement in care.
Certificate awarded on completion of ALL topics, clinical hours and assessment items
of Module 2 (see Student Course Information Booklet for more details regarding
assessment and recognised prior learning).
Assessment tasks for Module 2 include the following:
Module 2 – Fundamentals of Renal Nursing online course materials
Workshop attendance
Reflective journal and clinical experience record
Written assessment - Case study
Patient education presentation / Role play
Oral Viva
Eligibility requirements
The pre- requisite for this module are as follows:
Completion of Module 1 of the Renal Education Pathway (or equivalent)
Current employment in a renal unit for clinical experience and have CSC or line
manager approval to apply.
If you are interested in applying for Module 2 of the Renal Education pathway please
send an expression of interest to either
On receipt of email you will receive an information pack and application form that will
need to be completed and returned to Staff Development Department once CSC
and/or line manager approval has been given to participate in this course.
Cost – Currently no cost for SA health employees
Other students – TBA (this information should be available late July)
Module Coordinators
Cheryl Wilden, Nurse Education Facilitator ,
Stephen Abela Nurse Education Facilitator,