$ G C C B A Government College of Commerce and BusinessAdministration, Sector42, Chandigath Annual Report 20t213 March16",2013 t t .l L '*"*s$s' fr-"i$F W e b s i t e : , . i. . ' : : ri : , . ' : . , . fr . Email:,ir t li. , .!,:l'it ::!:.iti, :l: 667O ContactNo.0172-257 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title PaseNos. \bout the Collese I OurVision I t-)ur\lission 2 \ 1t-rfto 2 3 5 5 6 :)=. B B 9 Club \ lanaeement t7 CulruralComminee 20 Sports 22 Classes Development Personalin' 23 CareerGuidanceCell Placement/ 23 Alumni Meet 27 Ever Strivine- The Facul 27 StudentCouncilElections 32 OurDemands 32 F H Govnrutltrrr Colr-rcE oF CorrrttncE A\D BustNnssAumrNrsrRATroN E F I I F t-t t-r I' I f, f-t l-t -, \t SECTOR {2. CH${DIGARI{ A\\T-.{L COLLEGE REPORT 2012-2013 It is our proud privilege to present betbre r ou rhe Annual College Report 2012_2013 of GovemmentCollege of Commerceand BusinessAdministration, Sector42, Chandigarh,and to highlight the achievementsand activitiesof the institution during the ongoing session. ABOUT THE COLLEGE GovemmentCollegeof Commerceand BusinessAdministration(GCCBA) is the only collegein Chandigarhdealing exclusively with the streamsof commerceand management.Approval to start the college was granted by His Excellency. General (Retd.) S. F. Rodrigues. the then Governorof Punjab,and Administrator,UT Chandigarhin September2006. This college was a dream child of Prof-essorPahlad Aggarwal, the then Deputy Director Higher Education of ChandigarhAdministration who with the help of Sh. G. L. Kashyap, Finance and Planning Ofilcer. preparedthe project report. But it was the then Director Higher EducationMrs Raji P. Srivastava.n'ho initiated the move to the administration.The trailblazingteam of Prot'essor Bnupinder Singh as the founder principal, Dr Rosy Walia and Mr Amarpreet Singh as fbunder .ecturersand \lr Bal Krishan Sharmaas administrativeofflce in-chargeundertookthe mammoth ta,sk.-ristartingthe neu.professionalcollegefrom scratch.What you seetoday is the flowering of the seedssonn bv them. After granting of affiliation by Panjab University, the first academic session (2007-08) commencedwith 185 students.Presently,there are 538 studentson roll who are being off-ered the following coursesunder PanjabUniversity as Bachelorin Commerce,Bachelorin Commerce (Honours),and Bachelorin BusinessAdministration. E-{ OUR VISION \, Lt \J To be an institution of academic excellencewith total commitment to quality education in commerce,managementand related fields, with a holistic concem for better life. environment. and society. \ \t Lt \t L^r OUR MISSION need to become Empowering studentswith all the knou'ledge and guidancethat they . worthy managementprofessionals' I o Leaming through doing. ) o Impartingvalue framework that is global yet national' ) o providing holistic and value-baseddevelopmentof studentsthat ultimately enhancestheir emploYabilitY. I ) o amongstudents' Developingsocialconsciousness ) o providing a nurturing and motivating milieu so that studentsmay expresstheir potential to the fullest. ) , o with the Grooming 1,outhto become a truly global personality,well equippedto deal modemuorld and its challenges. ) ) . EraL,leholisticderelopmentof personalitywith a benevolentand globaloutlook. ) o il =. :ng a nichetbr ourselvesin the specializedf-reldof commerceand management' )- I'LRTIOTTO ) . ) t ) a a D and -:-.:--::a, .rl trur college"Know, Explore and Grow" envisionsthe very essence and :----:s--::-,...irhe college.The collegeendeavoursand inspiresto know, to explore -.;.--:---::r:knonledge and exposition to grow both in academicsand co-curricular - ---' i-l-- T \BLE 1: Class-\\'iseStrength of Studentsfor the Session2012-13 Class Strength t B.ComI 142 a a B.ComII 140 B.ComIII 144 t I I I I : B . B . AI A< B . B . AI I +.) B.B.AIII a/l TOTAL A ' 538 t , t \ >-, \ \ The collegehas yet to hat'e its osr s--;::..:ei posts.However, in addition to the principal. there are four regular Assistant Ptotess..:s.1.:i trne Librarian who have been deputed tiom other governmentcollegesin the cit1. The co'iese ha--s also appointed14 fulltime (on contractbasis) and four resourcepersons. It gives me immensepleasurepresentinsbetbre 1ou all the highlights of the activitiesand accomplishments of our institutiondurins l01l-13. \ ACADEMICS \ UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION RE SULTS \ We may be a college in its infancy, but r,'ervcommendablvour studentshave shown appreciable t{ \ \ performancein the university examinationof 2012. shoning passpercentagehigher than that of the Universityand we achieved100%resultsin B.B.A III. B.Com III, B.B.A II, 95% in B.Com I and more than90ohin other courseswhich is much abovethe university passpercentage. \ \ \ GRADUATIONRESULTS(201T-12) P u p i n\ o Name Class Position Percentage l-) : - , ' r - i g t - t l -1| 9 8 VisheshGarg B . C o mI I I ltt 79.55% AnupamaSaini B . B . AI I I l 1139% B a l Jr n d e rK a u r B . C o mI l lt' 80.69% Sonam B . B . AI I lt' 76.96% \lanpreet Kaur B . B . AI I 74% Prabh.lot Kaur B.ComI l" 8r . 0 9 % ],1d. Abdullah B . C o mI I I ?nd t].11% Sakshi B . B . AI I I Ba!lncler Kaur B . C o mI l Neetika Roy B . B . AI I Angad Singh B . C o mI 2no 78.18% 3021000014 Nupur B . B . AI 2 70.93% 30209000092 PriyankaBhardwaj B . C o mI I I rrq J 76.72% 30209000001 AmandeepKaur B . B . AI I I .rO J 74.55% 30210000I 72 Rohit B . C o mI I 30210000042 SouravShukla B . B , AI I .Id J 302l 1000009 KomalChoudhary B . B . AI J 7026% 302l 1000082 NiharikaSehgal B . C o mI J 77.45% \ \ 19 \ t- t-. t- f-t f-t t-. f-. F- f. f-, f-r l-t t-a L^- 5) _,r_)(_.r t od i0210000010 uflluOul2 75.39% 2"u 77.73% 72% 7426% 70.75% CLASSWISE COLLEGE RESTI-TSI\ T-\I\TERSITYEXAMINATION FOR THE SESSIO\ 2OII-12 Class Total Students Appeared CollegePass B.Com-l 144 9+.++ 63.63 67 B.Com-II 144 90._r-+ 69.31 44 B.Com-III 139 99.28 9 1. 7 1 100 B.B.A-I 43 90.69 56.10 t1 B.B.A.II z) 100 93.27 T7 B.B.A-III 26 100 96.24 18 " o'{ge University Pass ToAge 1" Division with Distinction E)L{MINATION BRANCH The eramination branch encompassingof Dr. Rajiv Salwan. as Registrar,Examinationsalong his team of Ms VandanaJain, Ms Harinder Kaur, Dr Aarti Kaushal,and Mr Manjit Singh ".':::i e:;-:;ientll manageand look after the House examinationand other competitiveand university' eraminations to ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations and marking of internal assessmentin accordancewith Panjab University nonns. Our college has also been the examination centre of various national. university and state level competitive examinations uhich are alrangedb1'Dr. RajeevSalwanand his teamof diligentworkers.The gigantictask of conducting universit.vexamination,compilation of results and assessmentis also done by the examinationbranchof our college. SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER HOUSE EXAMINATIONS RESULTS (2012-I3I Class B.ComIII B.ComII Roll no PositionHeld Name 963 I Baliinder Kaur 999 2 Mehak 917 aIU J Baljinder Kaur 516 lt' PrabhjotKaur 626 2nu Maydhavi Kamboi 503 arO J NeelamChauhan I l b le, t c't let I e'r l*t I G-, Nitika Kansal ParulJain B.B.A III l*' lGt l30l .: 1 I309 -:: Manpreetkaur B. B .AII l C-l c' Avrinder Kaur C-t TaranjotKaur ChandanVerma ev C-t efr Gg C-l G-1 C=t C-t G-t Mr' Anil Kumar vohra was promoted and transferredas Superintendent pGGc-l to I in August 2012 u'hosepositionwas thenreplaced by Mr Anil Kumar,as a Senior Assistantand Accountant riho Joinedour collegein Septemb er 2012.He headsthe administrative team comprisingof Mr Bahi inder Singh (Junior Assistant) and Mr NareshKumar (crerk) arong with the team of 03 membersagainstadditionalsanctioned poststhat ensuresthe smooth functioningof the off.ice. the maintenanceof the institution are 08 class III, 17 Class IV and class B 01 :]:]i:tn !lrrf'rL'_\ gg5. C-, It mar sadl' be noted that the sweeperSalinder C-t since2008.left fbr heavenlybode on 23 June Kumar, who had been the part of this college 2012. C-, Fr G-t C-t C-r C-t e*{ C-t G-t C-t G-t S-J The underprivilegedand bright studentsare offered variousincentives by the college.Tuition-fbe concession(50 per cent) has been awardedto 30 students.The casesof post Metric Scholarship for meritorious students have been moved to the university and the administration. The confirmation is still awaited' The Grant in Aid for SciST students has beengiven to 40 students in this session s e-t St C-t INFRASTRUCTURE St F' tion 3lemporarill'allottedbuilding in Sector42.In addition The collegeis presentll'operatinE +t I +t administrativeoffice, a principal's otl-rce.and a statlroom. Landscapingand beautificationof the Ft d{ CLASS ROOMS 6-t (tsJ a view to provide comforting atmosphereto make learning more focused and effective. Our F attachedwith a Computer, LAN and Internet connectivity to encourageonline and research tFt +- to ten smart classrooms.the coilege ha-set'rt & computer laboratory, an enriched library" an campushasrecentlybeenundertakenand it presentsa pleasantspectacle. Keeping pacewith the modern techno-savvvu.orld. our college is having smart classroomswith classroomsare stuffed with multifarious facilities such as Air condition, Smart Digital Podiums basedteaching.Other fittings include Multimedia Projectors,Wall mounted high grain screens and wooden dual desksof the latestdesignand ergonomicsare provided to the studentsfbr their Gt easeand comfort. 6=t SE\II\ \R ROOMS 6-t C-t and acoltsticallr lully' air-cor-rditittned -..: ,.,,rcgerakc-spride in havinga \cr) ri'ell ccluipped. ,.- , ::-.:.:r:-r:n...1 Room u,l'richis a part of the ultra-moderninfrastructurewith state-ot-Sen-rinar 6-t and seminarsto ::-3-=. .rudio-risual. and presentationtools to facilitatesmooth presentations C--t C{ derelop their soft skills. It has r.ritnesscdmanv artistic. academicand cultural :e,r srr.:,1ents C-t C-t speakersand other tlotcd thc vear. F.rninent l:ies :erng h.rst.'dbr thc collegethroughor-rt "cltr and hare bc-enr isitingthe collegeand sharingtheir pool of knon'ledgc"r.l'isdorn pc.rstrnaliries ancl and lacultf in the fbnr of lectures.debates.disct-tssions. skill sc-tri ith the stLrdents tr-t uorkshops.It addsas a f'acilitatorfor the effectivedelivery of our curriculum. s-t e.t STAFF ROOMS C< so that and conduciveenr''ironnretrt modernfacilitiesto pror.ideour staff membersa con-rfbrting c{ thev can usetheir potentialitiesto the tullest. G. $t v S.t +, maintainedstaff room uith ultraWe have a well-equipped,lul11'air-conditionedand r,'n'ell r s St 6-t C-t s-t G--t G-t tF{ F S-t G=t G{t C-t c.-t C-t C-t C-t C-t C-t Ct Ct Ct Gt Gt et St kt ht \t \t $t St St v g, LIBRARY The library is very resourcefuiil r'rn r" ): {ararnath Sharmaand his library staff. The Library is set up in modernizedplatform and calers to the information needsof the studentsand faculty membersof the college' The Libran ha-ss.rt a collectionof 2591 documentswhich entails textbooks'referencebooks.generalbooks.and non-book materials.The Library subscribesabout 25 Magazines/Joumalsand 12 ne\\-spaper and I 1,5cD-RoMS. Recordsof all the Library patrons have also beencreatedin the Libsl's package.The editing and updatingactivitiesare in progress. The library information is being computerizedand an eftbrt is presentlygoing on to make it an informationdisseminationcenterin its rrue sense. Year 2012-13: During the year 2012-2013 books worth Rs.1,50,000were purchased.The Library has developed very strong infrastructure w.ith the objective to provide eflbctive and efficient IT basedlibrary and information support serviceto users ACTIVITIES OF LIBRARY S.NO ACTIVITY DATE REMARKS Talk on "Four more 1 1 " ' J a2n0 1 3 r us r"rlrce emtnent speakers were Mr. parveen years Obama's Khurana, Director of American Corner rvho economic and organizedthis tatk whereinOne of the Key speakers was foreign policy in the Mr. Bruce Stokes, an international economic 2nd term" columnist for the NationalJoumal,a Washington_based public policy magazineand a journalism f-ellow at the German Marshall Fundhighlightedthe economic and foreign policy of U.S.A. and the achievements and perceptions of president Obama towards Asian countries.Another key speaker Ms. Linda parker, Librarian American library of US embassyfocused on the e- resourcesand major databasesof American Library in New Delhi. She also stressed on the importanceof e- resourcesand databasesof American Libran in New Delhi. H s 6-t COMPUTER LABOR{,TORT tst Fromthe very inceptionof rhis ;c--;=e. ..;r emphasishasbeento providethe besttechnologyto H H F' all the stakeholders,theretbreai1the aJ:r:rustrativeand teachingwork is being carriedout using computers.Studentscan freel1 accesslheirr in the computerlab and also in the library. In the current year the Computer Lat'has procured 10 more computersalong with chairs and H F' I-core 5 and have beeninstalledwith windows 7 tables.The computersare of latestcont-rguration and MS-Office. F' fst H The followings are the detailsof the latestinfrastructureof IT in the college: F' Item Department Quantitl' Item Department Quanti(v G{ Desktop ComputerLab )L Servers ComputerLab 0l Desktop Library 05 Servers Library 0l Desktop Olfice 04 Servers Office 01 Desktop Staff Room 01 Desktop Principal'sOffice 01 Desktop Exam Branch 02 Total 45 F' F' F, s. F' G' (Ft Total BEYOND CLASSROOM St G' C' 5 S' G' TOWARDS A BETTER CITIZEN/INDIVIDUAL -\ll human beings are a part of society where all try to live togetherand createa healthy social enyironment.Educationalinstitutionsserveto provide a platfbrm to developin the youth a sense of responsibilitl'towardsthe societythey live in. GCCBA aims for a holistic developmentof personalitf q.ith a humaneand global outlook. For this the collegeendeavoursto provide various outreachprogrammesto its studentsso as to make them betterindividuals. F' rt ct st H' F' \' NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME NSS) in the youth of today, the NSS unit of the college rvas In order to instill a social consciousness setup on 8 August 2009, with Dr Rosy Walia and Mr Amarpreet Singh as coordinators. Volunteerswere enrolled and studentrepresentativesof various classeswere elected.Various eventsand functions such as celebrationof SadbhavanaDivas, NSS day, visit to the Old Age G' G-t e.t H H i'' :*t Home and Orphanage-Peace Candle \larch. Blood Donation camp and a talk given by a rehabilitatedalcoholic u.hosenalne \\'a-ikepr anonrmous. have beenconducted under the banner of NSS till date.A specialsevendar garnt rirrm 1l December2012to 29 December 2012 was held in the college which r.l'asattendedb1 100 studentsand 5 faculty members. A series of multifariouseventswere conductedunder\SS duringthe session2012-13: S.No Activity/event d.t Date F' 2 Independence Day Celebrations Visit To KartarAsraTrust OneDayCleanliness Drive Venue I t5t8t2012 23t10t2012 3t9t2012 CollegeCamous Chandiearh 1 J iit T r\sBrsrrauon or votunteers dg lormatlon ot committees 6 PeaceRally held on NationalAids Dal Blood DonationCamp 7 NationalIntegration WeekCelebration 8 SevenDay SpecialCamp /1 Lqt HI fl rto J30t08t2012 Ut2t20t2 9t11t2012 19I 1| 12012to 2411112012 221| 212012to 28112120 t2 CollegeCampus ColleeecamDus Chandigarh CollegeCampus CollegeCampus Kajheriand slum area E, trt NSS 7 DAYS SPECIAL CAMP tril It A sevendaysNSS specialcamp was organisedin the collegepremisesfrom22 December2012 to 28 December2012. Therewere 100 studentvolunteers,i.e.50 boys and 50 girls took active part in the camp' Mr Bikram Rana. State Liasion Officer and Chief Guest for the camp. inausuratedthe camp.During the 7 daysspecialcamp.variousactivitieswere conductedsuchas Serninars'Lectures.Video-filming. ManagementGames. Exercises,Christmas celebrations. Cleanlinessdrire. CandleMarch Protest.Bon Fire. and Presentation of skit by NSS Volunteers. Dunne the camp-studentsleamt to work in cohesionand co-operation and camp helpedthem to derelop their interpersonalskills. The valedictoryfunction was successfully organisedwherein the chief guest. Mr. G.S. Bhatti. APA, NSS Regional Center Chandigarh in his comments highlighted'the well-organizedNSSunit and its program'. o SOCIETIES rt t t t t t i F it It U The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has allor.r'edopening of self -financing NSS Units (SFUs) in addition to the presentsystemof fully fundedunits. We have beenrunning communitv outreachprogrammein the college with an objective to encourageall students to participatein community oriented activities as aimed by NSS. It is further statedthat various societiesbased on socialthemeswork underthe umbrellaof NSS. The societiesof the collese are: Q' l. Drug AwarenessSociety qt 2. Literary Society U Y L t t J 3. IT Societl' t 4. EnvironmentSocieq 5. GenderSensitizationSocien :t :t 6. Anti-StressSocietl' I. ACTIVITIES OF THE DRLG \\\.{RE\ESS t SOCIETY Society and his team Mr. Amarpreet Singh Sijher is the convener of the Drug Awareness events: consistingof Dr. GeetaSharmaand \lrs SandeepKaur conductedthe following I It it t t, t t t t t t S.NO ACTIVITY DATE REMARKS I OrientationAnd RegistrationOf Students August23.2012 I l7 studentswereenrolled 2 PosterMaking Competition S e p t e m b e1 r1 . 2 0 1 2 Prize First Name Class Ms. Neha B.B.A-lll Second Ms. SaPna B.Com-l it 3 t t PoetryRecitation I I ComPetition October06.2012 Third Ms. Alka B.B.A-I Prize Name Class First B.B.A-I Ms. Kadambani r Second Ms. Alka It Third r, Ms. Samina B.B.A-l B.B.A-I o et + Talk By Alcoholic Anonymous Sociery J a n u a r1y6 . 2 0 1 3 Volunteers from Australia to shared their personalexperiences 5 SeminarBy CiPla FebruarlI 1.20I 3 Seminar was organisedin the college and doctorsfrom PGI also accomPanied U It t l, st 6 presentedthe Power PowerpointPresentation F e b r u a r1y3 , 2 0 1 3 Studentsof our college'Drug I Awareness' in point presentationon I by students variousschools. qt at it 10 H trr F, tr" F-r tr, F, 2. ACTIVITIES OF TI{E LITER{R\ Ms Mona Sodhi is the convener oi r:.= .:::.;, S,.cren and her teamconsistingof Mrs SarbjitKaur and Mr AmandeepVerma and \1r Vishal \{ci.:" S.NO tr, F" F f-, F" F E :--:ductedthe following eventsin the session2012-2013: D^{TE , -\usust I REMARKS -. :011 About 45 studentsenrolled 2 CreativeWriting Competition Augustl-1. 2011 About 35 studentsparticipated 3 Inter- CollegeDebate CompetitionHeld At SatyaSai Seva Organisation September22. 2012 Two studentswere sent for the competition and both the studentsbassed consolation prizes. 4 E ACTIVITY OrientationAnd RegistrationOf Students tr" F F SOCIETY | Naujwaan Punjabi Sath October10. 2012 I Organised Inter Class Poetn Competition Inter Class Poetrycompetitionwas held and the topics were given to the studentson the spot. Topics were "Love and Humaniry-. Water as a Resourceand Common Man as a Consumer". Youth FestAchievements O c t o b e1r 8 . 2 0 1 2 College participated in creative r,vriting. Poetry writing, Story writing, Debate. Essal' writing. SanrarSahi baggedFirst position in Essavwritingcompetition 6 lnter Zonal Youth Festival October 26.2012 7 NationalYouthDav J a n u a r y ' 1 2 . 2 0 1 3 To earmark the birth of Sw. Vivekananoa. SarvarSahi of B.B.A lll was sent to Inter Zonal Youth Festivalwhere he baggedThird Prizein EssayWriting. National youth day was celebrated.Students participatedin various competitions held at variouscollegesand won variousprizes. 8 Play Competition February04, 2013 1.r Five teams participated and were asked to select their own themes, script and direct their own plays basedon themes selectedb1 them. The prize winners stagedthe play later at StudentsCentre, PU, and Department of UIET, PU, Chandigarh e g E g 9 S' AJ SecondIndia Public Februan,16.2013 PolicyQuiz Competiri.-.,n At SoniparAt O p Jindal Universitv SJ l0 StreetPlay Performance S' F e b r u a n1 8 . 1 9 . t013 TJ ts, v il \, tt st Sadbhavana Bhashan j F.brru* 20.2013 CompetitionAnd A C Bali I SamarakBhashan Competition i Two teams of students participated in the quiz competition based on Indian public Policy. Our college in association with panjab University performed two street pta.", "Himmat Na Haaro" and .,Main Fir Vaois Awanga" at StudentCentre and Universin Institute of Engineering and Technolosr (UIET) respectively. A student fromourffi Debate competitionwherein near about .12 teamsfrom the tricity participated. tt et st 3. ACTTVTTIES OF THE IT SOCIETY SJ Mr AmarpreetSingh Sijher is the convener of the IT Societyand his team comprising of Mr Manjit Singhand Ms RenukaMehraconducted the following eventsin the sessio n 2012-2013: +t st st S.NO ACTIVITY DATE REMARKS I OrientationAnd RegistrationOf Students August30,2012 142studentswereenrolled. 2 Trip To ScienceCifv September 22, 2012 st C, tJ st et v J CJ CJ Ct Ct A Intra College euiz October12.2012 Contest on ,Computer Science andTechnologv' AMCAT Assessment And October17.2012 Recruitment t C. The quiz was held in the college premises and a total numberof l0 teamscomprisine of 3 participantsparticipated. Anonline ",n',oru'Uffi for the students and the reportswere emailed to eachparticipant. Ct Ct Scienceand Technologyto visit ihe pushpa Gujral Sciencecity, punjab.rvaseniov.ed br 55 students who learned about ,luriou, sciencetermsand concepts L2 c t, I \, PowerPointpresentari,.n ... -'-rl-l-\or ember0s.2012 Topics were based on Technor"$L-pd";l:n on latest t..hnolop1. g Studentswere given , I nour to preparepo\ver nni-+ . .. point^-^^presentations \' Yuvclique . rnr ;1 _ lr \r^-^_ Management Cum LT. Fest rJ v in tt e t e b r u a n: 0 . : 0 1 3 ii; "otteg" YUVCLIQUE IT AND MANACEMEN; FESTwasorganised in which,h. i.i;;;.* Aroanic^l ^-., ' organised events like F.-mroo.;^^ nrL-l-" il Presentarion 1,.;,'"illi"Ti;,:]'Tli v Gamins. \, {. ACTIVITIES OF THE ENVIRONMENT *t rt SOCIETY st s, \frs. \'andanaJainis the convenerof the EnvironmentSociety and her teamcomprising \Ialik and Mrs. Kriti of Mrs. Aanchar Mahajanconducted the followingevents in the sessio n 2012-20r3: F' S.\O F' , .{CTI\.IT}. I SeminarOn My Earrh My A u g u s0t 7 . 2 0 1 2 h, tt rt tt tt Skit On Environment Awareness A u g u s0r j , 2 0 1 2 rt w G, RegistrationOf Students Seminar On Best Out Of Waste AugusttB.2012 A u g u s2t 5 , 2 0 1 2 w bt ht Ft F' U ts v Socieryin collaboration with lllrronmenr a skit on .,My EARI.H l):,. :1,.,_fresenred MY DUTY', which n"t' science porytechnic ;";"?.,t':"*,:1,;: h, € The membersof senior citizen urro.iu,ion, interactedwith the studentsuna p."r"nt"a power point slides. The ,* concluded by tree ""t"t,.uiion o, plantation u liere rn teachersand students togetherplantedaround I50 saplings. I l0 studentswere enrolled. Students r.lere made JIJ ;;",,;ffi: il.Hj:ff:: :::,, and improvement of Interclass Best Oirt Of WasteCompetition September 21, 2012 a\{,arenn h^., _ - environment. Position Name Class First Ms. Tanya B.Com_l Ms. Shivani B.B.A_II t, t I t, Second et Third IJ G' ca B.Com-l Ms. Sunita F' st st st Ms. Diksha Ms. Priyanka B.Com-ll Ms. Rashmi 6 World TourismWeek September2-1. 20t2 The studentsof environmentsociety'AVNI' in collaborationwith NSS unit participatedin world tourismweek orsanisedin sector-17. 1 CollageMaking, QuotationMaking, Model Making Competitions O c t o b e0r3 . 2 0 1 2 Students actively competition. ft The winnerswere:- ct CollageMaking participated t n the G' POSITION NAME CLASS First Ms.Aarti B.Com-l t!, First Ms. Simran B.Corn-l +t +t First Ms. Inderjeet B.Com-l First Ms. Pallavi B.Com-l F' F' tE +t Quotation Making i, POSITION NAME CLASS ct First Mr. Piyush B.Corn-l $t Second Ms.Urvashi B.Com-l TJ tF e, Model Making tt POSITION NAME G, First Ct Ct C, Ct alr L4 Ms. Rishika CLASS B.Com-I €, et et \t F' First Ms. Rajdeep B.Com-l Second Ms. Manpreet B.Com-l Second Mr. Vimal B.Com-l F' (J 8 Rally, Poster Makine \ o r e m b e 0 r -. l0l2 Competition, Slosan Writing Competitions I Visit To Mother Teresa December 08. 2012 Studentsvisited Mother Teresa Orphanage Home home and distributedsweetsand clothesto the children. l0 Visit To STp Diggian F e b r u a rl y 8.20l3 Phase-ll. Mohali F' F. U F' F' ct et ct F' G' Environment Society in collaborationrvith Gender SensitizationSociety of the college organised an awarenesscamp to make the students and society members aware of playing a safe and peaceful Diwali b1, organising a rally in Sector-42. near residentialand market area on the Theme .ANTI CRACKER DIWALI'. Studentslearntaboutthe processof treatment of sewage water to make it suitable fbr irrigationpurposes. C' C' C' 5. ACTIVITIESOF THE GENDERSENSITIZATION SOCIETY Gt Dr' Rosy walia is the convener of the GenderSensitizationSociety and her tearnconsistingof Mrs. VandanaJain and Ms. HarinderKaur conductedthe following events in the sessio n 2012-2013: t, S.NO ACTIVITY G, TJ st $t bJ 2 DATE REMARKS OrientationAnd RegistrationOf Students August11.2012 62 studentswere enrolled. PoemRecitation Competition September 13, 2012 An inter classPoetn RecitationCompetition on the themeof genderequin rr as held. $, t ht F et C' t, C, 15 Position Name First Ms.Chasmeen B.Com-ll Second Ms.Niharika Class B.Com-lI e € €-t st Third $t $t Screening Of A Mor ie Ocrober1l. l0 12 Students were shown a National Award Winning Movie 'BOL' that was based on sensitizingthe society in relation to lr'omen issuesprevailingin today'scontext 4 Rally And Competitions Norember.20l2 An awarenesscamp was organizedto make the studentsand society members aware of playing a safe and peaceful Diwali by organising a rally in Sector-42. near residentialand market area on the Theme .ANTI CRACKER DIWALI'. InterCollegeDebate Competition January 23.2012 The theme of the debate was issues concerningwomen in today'scontext. trt F' SJ ei) F' St B.Com-II J v sr Ms. Shivani Singla St F, The winnerswere: c\. TEAM WINNBRS F' Position Name College\ame First Ms. Chinky Ms. Bhanu priya PGGC-]] Second Ms. Titania GCCBA-42 fS' et st |Ft Mr. Sarver G' CJ Third et Mr. Ansh GCCBA-42 Ms. Geetika GJ GJ INDIVIDUAL WINNERS G, Position Name CollegeName First Ms. Chinky PGGC-42 C, et b G' G' C, Gl L6 IF € $t tt Second Mr. Sarver GCCBA-42 Third Ms. Rupali PGGC-I1 st G' C, G' 6 G' ct t +a Celebration Of InternationalWomen's Day \larch 08. 1013 A play in collaborationwith RI Manav. FM team on the topic "Eve Teasingand Female Foeticide" was ogranised for the college students. 6. ACTIVITIES IN THE ANTI-STRESS SOCIETY C' t+t Dr AmarnathSharmais the convenerof the Anti-StressSocietyand his team is comprisedof Dr Rajiv G' G' Salwanand Ms Mona Sodhi.The Anti-StressSocietyconductedthe following eventsin the session2012- €ra 2013: S.NO ACTIVITY DATE REMARKS I September 3.2012 to September7, 2012 A four day camp in collaborationwith Aft of Living was organized. This camp was organisedfor the studentsrelating to "Self $. sa OrganisedA Four Day Camp ct Actualisationand Awareness"with reference to their day to day activities. Almost 300 studentsfrom variousclassesparticipated. €F ct tJ CJ St MANAGEMBNT CLUB SJ Dr Rosy Walia is the convenerof Management Club "Gestione"and her team including Dr. Aarti et Kaushal,Ms RenukaMehra.and Mrs AanchalMalik successfully conductedthe follouins eventsin thesession2012-2013: CFJ tlt et 4t e. F : t7 -a- ! g s, $t G' S.NO et G' St H G' G' H ACTT\TT\' D.\TE O r i e n t a t i oAnn d ResistrationOf Sruden:s . \ - : - s i ^ 6 - 1 " . 2 0 1 2 An REMARIG interview was conducted based on Questionnaire method, Case study, brain stormingsessionsand simulationand sharing personal experiences by the students in which a total number of 105 candidates appeared. Teacher'sDay Celebrations SeptemL'er u5 l01l Teacher'sDay was celebratedin the college. The students presented performances. i.e. skit. songs, poetry recitation, and small power point presentations. Fresher'sParfy September 15. 20t2 Fresher'sParty was organizedand managed fully by Gestione members in the college grounds. A SeminarOn CareerCounselling October08. 2012 Studentswere providedwith the information regarding future prospectsafter B.Com and B.B.A 5 WorkshopOn Imaginative N o v e m b e0r 5 .2 0 1 2 Way Of LearningBy EducompRaffles Was Conducted Workshopon Imaginativeway of learningb1,' Educomp Raffles, a joint venture between Educomp Solutions Ltd and Raffles EducationCorp.of Singaporewas held in the college premisesand was attendedb;" 80 comprisingof B.Com III and B.B.A students III year students. 6 05,2012 Aptitude Test Conducted February By Times Group Students were imparted information about career after graduation. Strength of 350 studentswas presentfor the test. 7 CareerCounselingLecture F e b r u a r0y8 . 2 0 1 3 Studentswere provided with the information regarding future prospectsafter B.Com and Was ConductedBy B.B.A ProfessionalTutorials For B.B.A And B. Com Students 8 2013 Yuvclique 2 Ct. G' J C. G' C*' c*. G. Cl' G' St e. EJ CJ St CF, et e, et et February 20,2013 et et F B L6 Annual Mega Event was organized by the dynamic members of Gestione in rvhich talented students from B- School and collegesfrom the Tri city participated. GI G' st G' s. YTJVCLIQUE ea The college meticulousll organized second fest "Yuvclique 2013", the mega event of the o'Gestione"in collaborationwith the college.The event was conductedbr the managementclub G, Information Technology Societl "Tech Intbrmatics". The event was inauguratedby Honorable G. Mayor of ChandigarhShri SubhashChau'la. It had plethora of events such as Jaw War. Mad G' G. Selling, Minute to win. E- magine. Paint the Mask. Photography,and Fashion show' Ansh €v from the competition,the fest included the entertainingand rocking performancesof renowned G. e, Grover and RaveentSidhu of the host college\\'ereannouncedas Mr and Miss Yuvclique. Apan dancegroups- "PHOENIX" and the India's Got Talent f-ame"BANDITS". The famous Punjabi Singer Anmolpreet Singh entertainedthe audiencewith his beautiful tracks. The studentswon the following prizes in variousevents: G' F' (F' YUVCLIQUE €v S.No Event Class Remarks (F. L Duetainment B.Com-l 1st-SupriyaKwatra B.Com-l & Ankita €v Gt G' G' ) J a wW a r B.Com-ll l-st-AnshGrover 3 StyleSizzle B.Com-ll 1st-AnshGrover StyleSizzle B.B.A-il1 & RavneetSidhu C' CJ 4 M a dS e l l Group Lt' et 5 ABCD Group Special1st Prize 6 E-Magine B.B.A-ll Singh Lst-Harpreet E-Magine B.Com-lll & L a k h w i n d eSri n g h Glimpses B.B.A-il1 Rawal 1st-Jateendra Glimpses B.Com-lll & SwatiUppal Painthe Mask B.B.A-I 2nd-Prateek G, Gat G' CJ (F' Gt 7 8 G' F' G, l-v € C' fLt C{. Gta G', P a i n th e M a s k B.B.A-I & Savita 9 N u k k a dN a t a k Group 2nd 10 TadkaTigdiKa Group 2nd C r i s i sM a n a g e m e n t B.Com-l 2nd-VarunBansal Guess-Goose B.Com-ll 2nd-Yogesh Guess-Goose B.Com-ll 3rd-Akash Dalal 12 L a nG a m i n g B.Com-l 3rd-Devindar 13 C r i s i sM a n a g e m e n t B.Com-lll 3rd-Baljinde Kra u r e<, (F{t G*{, 1.1 G. €\, G*a Fl G+a €s. CULTURAL COMMITTEB €+a €+a Dr Bikramjit Kaur is the worthy inchargeof the CulturalCommitteeand her team includesMrs Sarbjit GS' following prizesin the session2012-2013: G=t G' €+t G*a rRa Kaur. Ms Mona Sodhi,Mrs KamalpreetKaur. The Committeeparticipatedin variouseventsand uon the lNTERZONATYOUTHFESTIVAL S.No. Event L Essay Writing Class Remarks B.B.Aill 3 r d - S a r v aS r i n g hS a h i t*a zoNAL YOUTHFESTTVAL (RESULTS) F i\, G+a rQa G' Ara) et S.No Event Class Remarks I Essay Writing B . B . Ai l l 1st -SarvarSinghSahi 2 PosterMaking B . B . AI 1st-Savita 3 Play Group 3" 4 Play B . C o mI e ko yK h a n n a 3 r d -( i n d i v i d u a l ) V i v R G' cst : 20 I O t a o o a a a a a a G r o u pD a n c e r Group S.No Event Place Where Held Remarks Class I Skit Amity BusinessSchool lst Group 2 EssayWriting PGGCM-I I l st-TitaniaBrar B.B.A-III a J Mad Sell TechFestPGGCM-11 lst Group 4 BzzEximius PGGC-42 lst-AkashDalal B.Com-ll 5 Quiz PGGC-42 I st-Barinderjeet Singh B.Com-l I 6 FacePainting Amity BusinessSchool 2nd-Savita B.B.A-I il 7 Debate IIPMMohali 2nd-AnshGrover B.Corn-lll 8 Ertempore Amity BusinessSchool 2nd-Baliinder Kaur B.Com-lll 9 Solo Performance Amity BusinessSchool 2nd- SeemantBhardwai B.Com-l il l0 Song RoseFestival 2nd-RajatPrabhakar B.Com-ll r lt SloganWriting IIHM & T 2nd-HimaChaudhary B.Com-lll PGGCG-II 2nd-Sehajpreet B.Com-lll t |' |' a il I t U s C, C. c. Ct C, t2 PaperReading PGGC-42 2nd-OnkarSingh B.Com-ll l3 Promethean(Public Speaking) PGGC-42 3rd-AnshGrover B.Com-lll l5 Group Dance Gian Jyoti 3rd Group t6 EssayWriting RamakrishanMission Sec-15 3rd-TitaniaBrar F ($t st G, &-i 21 B.B.A-III o a t, I SPORTS t' I I Dr. Rajiv Salwan and Mr. Jatinder Singh are in char-seof sports.The studentsof the college I S.No Activity I I participatedin variousactivitiesand brought laurelsto the collegeduring the session2012-13: I Badminton India Inter University SilverMedal National All (HarmaninderSingh) BadmintonChampionshipheld at Rohtak. North Zone Inter University Badminton Gold Medal Championshipheld at Rohtak. (HarmaninderSingh) Inter College Panjab University Badminton BronzeMedal Championship. (HarmaninderSingh) I I T I National Junior Championship I I t t Remarks Venue Open Badminton PU inter-collegeBadmintonChampionship. BronzeMedal lCollege Boys Team) Basketball PU Inter College SilverMedal(College Boys Team) Roller Skating All India National SkatingChampionship, Belgaun,Karnataka 4th Position(Randheer Thind) National ShootingChampionship Competition.Delhi Participation(Mridula Mahajan) All India Inter University (Tarun) Parricipation I I Participation(Ankush Rana& Rahul Sharma) t t t 4 Rifle T 5 Water Polo Shooting G' I t U Y C, F The sportsdepartmentalso organisedthe Fifth Annual Athletic Meet in the collegeon J \larch 2013. The Chief Guest for the opening ceremony of Annual Athletic Meet uas Sh. Surinder Mahajan, coach in badminton at Panjab University, Chandigarh.Dr Gurmeet Singh. Director Sports PanjabUniversity, Chandigarh,was the chief guest for valedictory function of Athletic Meet. The studentswho were nominatedas the best athlete(male) and the best athlete(female ) are Mr AmanpreetSingh and Ms PoonamSingh respectively. € C' C, 22 o o t I t a .. a a a a rt a PERSONALITY DEVELOP}IE\T The college in collaboration rvith Regional Institute of English (RIE) provides compulsory training to the studentsof B.Com (ll & III) and B.B.A (lI & III) to developtheir communication and inter-personalskills. The various activities that forms the part of PersonalityDevelopment 1pD) Classes include activities like improving their Communication Skills, Pronunciation. Vocabulary,Group Discussionsand conductingMock Interviewsso that it may help the students to enhancetheir employability skills and to become well verse and proficient to face the competitiveworld. An annual exam is conductedat the end of classesand studentsare awarded certificateof proficiency by RIE for their respectiveperformancein the examination. PLACEMENT/ CAREER GUIDANCE CELL {t rt CLASSES DATE ACTIVITIES DURING THE t, t Semrnar r' =:::ti bl C \\ SESSIO\ 20r2-r3 rrrl studies 3 8A u g u s t . 2 0 1 2 Ms Rajni Kakkar with her team comprisingof \'1s Rinita,Nishantand Rustamorganizedthe erent. The seminarfocusedon how the studentsshouldbecolne \\l I specialized in their Commerce Field and rr hat Strateg-shouldbe adoptedto studyoverseas. I t' I I t 6D il 5 U T H g G, ft : Talk on "Scope of 29August2012 Infbrmation Technologyin India" in for the studentstoday associationwith KMG InfotechLtd. (Mohali) Scholarship "Turning The seminarwas headedby Mr. Nishant and Mr. Gaurav. They focused on the present scenarioof Information Technology,challengesand prospects Test 10 Point 20t2 Scholarship 2012" by Centre, NIIT September Scholarshiptest was conductedto test the aPtitudeI in this InformationI skills requiredfor Professionals TechnologyEra. Chandigarh September Seminar focused on various courses provided b1 ICFAI colleges.Also the studentswere guided on 2012 "Management entrance test, exam pattern and other eligibilir"vEducation" conducted Seminar on by ICFAI, Chandigarh 11 t I I I requirements. Branch I O a a I o a a t a a a t Career counselling lecture on "Defence 24 Services" organized bY 2012 IMPACT Coaching and Piyush Mahuguna, director of the institutton' I interactedwith the studentsand shared information I September on Defence as A Career Option for commerce Service Educational Private Ltd graduates. He also informed the students about different coursesand entrancedatesof examination' B'B'A took an September Final vear studentsof B.Com and "EmployabilitY Test", 26 by "EmployabilityTest" on 26 Sept'2012conducted conducted bY ICA for 2012 of ICA. The studentswere evaluated on the basis final year students written test. Total no. of 115 studentsfrom the final year appearedfor the test. different career September Studentswere also informed about Seminarwas conducted 21 option, in accountsand tally network in the college by ICA for final Year 2012 I I campus. students Seminar on career 08 October2012 counseling a t \\ --:i:h.1P i:asinatir e I I rt a t fD t I I I t et on \\aY of future Studentswere providedinformationregarding J tbr i prospectsafter B.COM and B'B'A Courses' MBA. MBE, M.COM, M'E'COM instance 80 students of Nor ernber The workshop was attended by B.COM III and B.B.A III Year' 2012 5 learning b1 EducomP Ratiles. a joint venture EducomP betrveen and Solutions Ltd Raffles EducationCorP. of Singapore Singh on November A seminar was organisedby Mr Harpreet Google Web AcademY 19 behalf of Google Web Academy in the college 2012 Seminar br premiseson a web designingcourse conducted GoogleWeb Academnyin collobrationrvith NIIT' 2013 Seminar on "Career 16January Counselingfor enabling students to make Right Career Decision" bY the Studentsof B.Com and B.B.A final year attended seminar.Aparl from counseling, CAREER GUIDE were containing valuable information for students providedfree ofcost' ChandiearhUniversitY (il, et GI 24 t I I I O O 0 I I Aptitude Test 5 February 2013 ConductedBy Times Group Aptitude test was conductedby Times Group on 5th February. 2013 for all the classes(B.COM and Career Counseling by Studentswere provided information regardingfuture prospects after B.Com and B.B.A Courses. for instance MBA. MBE, M.Com,M.E.Com 8 February 2013 Professional Tutorials B.B.A) in the college. Students were imparted information aboutcareerafter sraduation. I I o L l \ T ( , ) FP L \ c E \ I E \ T S { F T E R o u R F I R S Tc o N V o c A T I o N ( S I N C E2 0 1 0 ) \ r.\!| ,_rFTIil CO\IP{\\ NO. OF STUDENTSPLACED t t2 o o 06 O t0 o o 0r 04 - -'1.i- I o o o a a C {REER L.\L\CHER 02 .T\\ \1-\RRIOT 01 HDFCBANK t0 B.{\K OF INDIA 05 STATEBANK OF INDIA 02 CANNAM 03 il |, T I ICICI BANK l0 N- ABLE SOLUTION 03 I MASTERKEY OVERSEAS 03 t PTZZAHUT 05 o G' et : 25 t I t I DOMINO'S O SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP (EVENT MANAGERS,COACHING 4 5 INSTITUTES,CATERERS,FLORISTS,BEAUTY SALOONS, RESTURANT, BOUTIQUES. GROCERY SHOPS. AND TRANSPORT BUSINESSETC.) t 0 I I I I t t o o o o o o o o a a a il a t I I t €t G' ft rt at 05 TOTAL 127 StudentsPursuingHigher Educationin India - 150 StudentsPursuingHigher EducationOutsideIndia (Australia,Canada,New Zealand.etc.)- 25 STUDENTS PURSUING PROFESSIONAL COURSES AFTER GRADUATING (FROM GCCBA) \AME OF THE PROFESSIONAL COURSE NO. OF STUDBNTS c.-\ 40 CS 55 ICWA 20 MBA 100 \IBE 20 \ICO\1 30 N,ICON,I E- COMM 05 MASS COMMLINICATION 02 PGDHRM l5 PGDMM 20 PGDBM 20 MSC- IT 05 PGDCA 04 MASTERSIN MEDI-AAND ANIMATION 05 26 o o a a CERTIFIEDPROGRAMMESFROMNIIT It a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o (D r, a t dD I tr' t t il s It s tt ALUMNI MEET It was organizedafter the convocation The secondalumni meet of our collegewas held rn2012' attendedthe meet. A cultural eveninghad ceremonyin the college premises.Around 90 alumni out with them regardingtheir pursuits been organizedfbr them. Later" a discussionwas carried pursuing were M'com' M'B'A' Chartered after graduation.The various frelds which they were studentswere even pursuing law' The Accountancy, Company Secretary,and so on. Some greatpratform for the studentsin final year of function turned out to be a successand provided a of our college' B.COM and B.B.A for interactionwith the old students EVER STRIVING - THE FACULTY and mentoringthe students'our t-acult-v Apart from striving for excellencein classroomteaching in their own right' membershave also set new benchmarksin academicactivities \\ORKSHOPoNUPDATIONoFSYLLABIoFB.B.AANDB.COM "S1'llabi of Bachelor of BusinessAdministration/ Bachelor of college of commerce and commerce - KEEPING PACE WITH TIME", at Govemment - 42, Chandigarhon 12- 13 Decembet' 2012 and 19-20 BusinessAdministration.Sector and presentedthe innovative ways Decemberrespectivell' $'hereinthe entire faculty suggested subjectexpertsfrom various government and changesthat are requiredto be madein syllabi. The resource persons,membersof Boardof studieshad alsobeeninvitedas colleges.otherassociated was prepaled and submitted and personsto expresstheir views on the agendaand the report fuither forwarded the same to the vice approved by the Director Higher Education who that may be undertakenby Board of Chancellor for consideration,suggestingthe changes -\ $trrkshop was conductedon Studies,PanjabUniversitY. their knowledgein and aroundin their our faculty is actively involved in upgradingand sharing and contribution,the team of our college respectiveareasof specialisation.To supportthis vision "Content Enrichment Program for PGT lecturers was invited as Resource Persons at the 27 o el cl qr il Commerce'teachersin the NavodayaLeadershipInstitute Sector-25,Chandigarh.The members of our facultl actir elv participatedand sharedtheir knowledge,with respectto their subject.with a teachersof PGT tiom all over the states and helped enriching them with newer and fresh conceptsof learm:: andteaching. I I >.\o a Faculn \ames Dr Rtrs'. -i' =--: I Finance PartnershipAccounts-Goodwill& Admission of partner J + Iarn il il il O 8 lJ: .\=: f.,eusha Business organisation & Intemationaltrade & Global BusinessEnvironment. -\1sf..irr \lahaian Depreciation,Provisionsand Reserves \ls \lona Strdhi Social Responsibilityof Businessas part of Business organisation& Management l0 Mrs SandeepRandhau'a ComputerisedAccounting& Small ScaleBusines usa seedbed of Entrepreneurship l1 Ms RenukaMehra il I of Management a t Dissolutionof Partnership & Ledger&Tnal Balance Directing as part I rl t E-Business Bills of Exchange.Final Accounts II & Sourcesof I rf I Topics Addressedas ResourcePersonsat Navodaya Principles of Management & Formation of th; Company l2 Dr GeetaSharma Training & Development& Staffing a St il other Respectiveachievementsof our facurw are as follows: Dr tRoqyZalia, AssociateProfessorin Commerce, { { Co-authoreda book entitled as Marketing Management & Organisational Behuviour il Presenteda paper entitled "Women Entrepreneur & Society-Threats Opportunities $ and empowerment" in the National Seminarat Dev Samajcollege, chandigarh. fl fl tit s, 28 t I i I o AttendedWorkshop on "Unlocking Learning Blocks- How can we help those learners n'ho seemunable to learn?" on 13.03.13organisedby RegionalInstituteof English. o I o a a o a a a a a a a a o o O I a o a I I O O !| Mr Amarpreet Singh Siiher. AssistantProfessor in Commerce o Initiated and startedVTP (Vocational Training Provider) Programmein our College-in pursuanceoi implementation of Skill DevelopmentInitiativeScheme(SDI) Dr B/<razfeel harlr. -\ssistantProfessorin Commerce Appointed-. C.'lleqe Nodal OtAcer of MHRD, i.e. Ministry of Higher And Research Educatit'rn lo: lr..r iding informationto MHRD relatingto college \ppoinled .r-r\trdal ottlcer for conductinga 2 day Workshop on o'Revisionof B.B.A 51llabi-KeepingPace*'ith rime" on 12th& l3th December2012. Revised and qc'rther books published on Entrepreneurship Development programme for BCA SrudentstPU) and CompanyLaw andAuditing for B.Com II Students(pU) Presented paperon "\ISME's: A tool of inclusivegrowth-" A UGC sponsoredSeminar at Dev SamajCollegefbr ['omen .Sector45. Chandigarh. Attended5 Day' u'orkshopon 'Managing Women in Higher Education' & one day workshopon "Unlocking Learning Blocks - seemunable to learn?" at RegionalInstituteof English Dr. Amar Nath, Libr arian Publisheda Contributory paper on "Investigating Information Literacy skills of post graduate Students of Panjab University Chandigarh: A study": In Libraries and ReadingHabit in ElectronicEnvironment. "Impact of technology on students' way of perceiving education" In: Rejuvenated Librariesfor EmpoweredUsers:DT.TAV Murthy Festschriftvolume, 2012-13. Another paper that got publishedin presstitled as "The interface between intellectual properfy' competition and human rights and its impact on accessto essential technologies." €t s et b, /l-l How can we help those Learners who 29 t t o I o M r s A an ch al M ali k, Assistant Pr ofessor tn C ommerce o Empowerment' in National seminar "Challenges to Inclusive Growth The Way t a a a a a a a a a a a a Forward" at Dev SamajCollegefor Women .Sector45, Chandigarh. o a AttendedWorkshop on "Unlocking Learning Blocks- How can we help those learners who seemunable to learn?" on 13.03.13orsanisedbv ResionalInstituteof Enslish. in B.B.A Dr Asrti KaushaL AssistantProf-essor Recently awarded with the degree of doctor in philosophy in the faculty of business management and commercein the 62ndAnnual Convocationheld on lOthMarch 2013. paperon "Women entrepreneursin and around Chandigarh-A casestudy" Presented at PEC Chandigarh. Another Paper titled as Hospitality industry's industrial competitiveness"at InternationalConfbrencein UBS, Panjabuniversity,Chandigarh. "Sen'ice Quality Perceptionsregarding local Fast food restaurants in and around Chandigarh" at internationalConferencein PunjabiUniversityPatiala Anended\\'orkshopon "Unlocking Learning Blocks- How can we help thoselearners who seemunable to learn?" on 13.03.13organisedby RegionalInstituteof English. I t Presentedpaperon 'Women Entrepreneur and Society: Threats, Opportunities and Mrs l(rili Maftaian. AssistantProf-essor in Commerce o Presented a paperon "E-banking - Its advantages,disadvantagesand security issueso' I at National Seminaron New Age Business:Changes,Challengesand Coping Strategies I I held at Gor-ernmentCollegefor Girls. Panchkula. o o t t T t AttendedWorkshopon "Unlocking Learning Blocks- How can we help those learners who seemunable to learn?" on 13.03.13organisedby Regionallnstituteof English. Ms Mana Sodfti. AssistantProfessorin B.B.A o Acted as one of the resourcepersonsin the 7 days workshopwith Children agedbetween ( 7- 15yrs)on the topic " Discovering our Potential" held at Bhopal from 23'd April 2012to 30thApril 2012 I €t et et e, 30 a I I I I I a o a a a a a a t I Dr, GeetsSharma . AssistantProf. tnB.B.A o UGC sponsoredon GreenTechnologies..Energy, Securityand SustainableDevelopment at UICET, PanjabUniversity, Chandigarh. o Mrs rKanal Preel " AssistantProfessorin Commerce o a fl ef and accountingresearchISSN 2277-2146. o o i n a r e f e r e e dj o u r n a l o f c o m m e r c ea n d Book review titled "Drug addiction" in refbreedjournal of HSB (Haryanaschool of VOL-3 ISSUE l, JUNE 2012wasalsopublished. ISSN 0976-1779, business) o Presenteda paperentitled "corporate social reporting" in a national seminarat IlvIS.{R. MDU. Rohtak.. Ms SzDlna Syal AssistantProfessorin B.B.A o Publishedpaperentitled"Book-Building Mechanism: A Boon or Bane for the IPOs'o in the Global Journalof Financeand EconomicManagement(GJFEM). o Publishedpaper on "Efficiency of Banks in Providing Financial Assistanceto the Women Entrepreneurs - A Case Study" in Intemational Journal of Business and ManagementTomorrow. o Publishedpaper on "Consumer is the King - A Myth or Reality?" in International Joumal of InnovativeResearch& Development. o G' o et Language)" research. accounting ba et et Another paper entitled "Basel II Reporting by Banks using XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting bt e, et Got her two papers acceptedfor publication one on "Perceptions of retail investors about corporate disclosurepractices on internet" in a refereedjournal of commerce I t :t rt t Another papertitled as "Green Supply Chain Management: A Step towards Green Movement", in the Seminaron ConsumerAwarenessat PGGC -46 Chandigarh. $ a Presentedpaperstitled as "Green Growth Practices in Business:An Exploration", Presenteda paperentitled"Green Technologyfor the SustainableDevelopment: The Need of The Hour" in a NationalSeminarheld at UICET (PU) CHD. Presentedpaper on "Creative Consumer: Awareness and Protectionooin a National Seminarheld at PGGC-46"Chandiearh. 31 o t ff It $t et st I bt o Seminarheld at PGGCG-I1 Ms Renuka Mehra, AssistantProfessorinB.B.A o Completed her Post GraduateDiploma in Human ResourceManagement(PGDHRM), IGNOU, New Delhi with First Division. o Attended Workshop on "Unlocking Learning Blocks- How can we help those learners who seemunable to learn?" on 13.03.13organisedby RegionalInstituteof English. ct e, PresentedPaper on "Food Security in India: The Need of the Houro' in a National STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS bt I et tst s, et et tst e9 Electionsof the college council were held on 7 September2012. With Dr Rosy Walia as Chief Coordinator,Mr Amarpreet Singh coordinatedthe processalong with the other staff members. The following studentswere electedas office bearers: l. Mr Ansh Grover, President 2. Mr Rahul Malik. Vice President 3. Ms Jyoti Sharma,Secretary 4. Mr PuneetSharma"Joint Secretarv OUR DEMANDS Our foremostdemandis for the permanentaffiliation of our college and for this we look forward to your assistanceand support. S-t g tt tt s We also believe that you will push our casefor creation of permanentposts of faculty members. o We would like our collegebuilding to be completedat the earliestso that we can move to out permanentlocation and start with new coursesand design need based coursesin collaborationwith industry,banksand ManagementInstitute.To set up researchcentrein commerceand managementin our college. C' Ct C' Thank You (Mrs. Manjit Kaur) PRINCIPAL G' G' et et GCCBA _ 42, Chandisarh 32 :
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