Alliance Actualités BulletinJanuary–February Alliance Française de Sacramento (916) 453-1723 No. 87 1721 25th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 2015 Fête de la Chandeleur : Eat, Drink, Flip a Crêpe! “Quand la Chandeleur est claire, l’hiver est par derrière; Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte!” Candlemas, February 2, is a religious holiday in Catholicism. But in France, this holiday is called la Chandeleur, la Fête de la Lumière, or crêpe day—and it provides a fun break in the heart of winter. Not only do the French eat a lot of crêpes on Chandeleur, but they also do a bit of fortune telling while making them. It is traditional to hold a coin in one hand and a crêpe pan in the other, and flip the crêpe into the air. If you manage to catch the crêpe in the pan, your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year. Also, depending on the weather at Chandeleur, the rest of winter will be either mild or severe (as with Groundhog Day). Saturday February 7, 6-9pm At a private home in Curtis Park (Address sent to attendees after ticket payment) $10 members, $15 nonmembers Pre-paid before February 5 only Add $2 if payment received after January 30 No tickets at the door Attendance limited, so please reserve by January 30 by sending your check to the Alliance office So come flip a crêpe, meet new and familiar faces, and wish good luck and good weather to all for 2015! The party will be in a private home with a large kitchen. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve by January 30! TRADITIONAL FAMILY FUN DAY: FÊTE DES ROIS JAN. 10 Celebrate this time-honored “Twelfth Night” holiday with family entertainment and the delicious “Galette des Rois” and other light refreshments. People of all ages are guaranteed to have fun! Also called Epiphany, “le jour des Rois” is a celebration of the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. The custom overlaps with pagan traditions going back to Roman times. This holiday is celebrated with a special cake: la galette des Rois, the Kings' cake. Hidden inside is a lucky charm, a bean, Saturday, January 10 4–6pm (fève). The child who finds la Children of members: free (Adults $5) fève is crowned king or queen, and Children of non-members: $3 (Adults $7) gets to choose his or her royal companion! Please RSVP to the office before January 8. Alliance Actualités January–February, 2015 Page 2 Nos meilleurs voeux pour 2015! Thanks to your support, dear members, 2014 was a great success in terms of our classes and events. The past year set a record in class attendance, with up to 240 students enrolled in one session. Registration is currently ongoing for the winter 2015 session starting January 5. It’s not too late to take a class. In the last few months we have been actively searching for a new building for our Alliance. We have visited countless locations, and we hope to have good news for you in the near future. We have plenty of room now, but our wish is to find a nice building with parking in a central location. If you have any suggestions, please let us know! We are anticipating a busy year with many events, including the celebration of our 15th anniversary next summer. Please accept our grateful thanks for helping us in our mission to promote the French language and francophone culture in the Sacramento area. Our best wishes for the New Year! Bonne Année! Alliance Française de Sacramento 1721 25th St., Sacramento CA 95816 (916) 453-1723 Board of Directors President: Kristin Rapinac First Vice President: Çağlar Çağlayan Second Vice President: Burt Cohen Secretary: Julie Baumhoff Treasurer: Jim SandbergLarsen Katia Davies-Kemmler Charlie Klein Neil MacMullan Anna Mushynski Christelle Picque Adèle Riegels Jane Thomson Susan Tune Ciné-Club Coordinator: Jennifer Gravvat Film Librarian: Steve Kao Event Coordinator Anna Mushynski Actualités Editors: Charlie Klein Kristin Rapinac Staff Béatrice Hildebrand Executive Director Susan Fuchslin Office Administrator The Alliance Française does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Meet Florence Picca, Children's Teacher Thinking of bringing your kid to learn français at the Alliance? Their new teacher will be Florence Picca, who promises to keep them happy with songs, games, children’s movies, and other fun French things! Florence will have a class for “Les petits amis” (3-6 years old), and if enrollments allow, another group for ages 7-11. She has experience with young children, and has taught French at St. Francis High School since 2001. Brought up in the city of Antibes on the Côte d’Azur, Florence immigrated to the U.S. in 1989, originally to Reno where she took her BA (in Economics) and MA (in French) at the University of Nevada. She worked toward a Ph.D. in French at UC Davis, with emphasis on 20th century literature. It was another Joyeux Noël at the Alliance as revelers lustily sang the traditional cantiques, gobbled wonderful holiday goodies, and made new acquaintances during this most sociable of our annual events. Thank you to all who helped make our Holiday Party such fun! “I hadn’t known many French speakers in the U.S. until I joined the Alliance Française,” she says. “I wanted to get back to my roots, and I loved the Beaujolais Nouveau parties. Then this opening came up. And I love to teach children of any age. “What I like about the Alliance is that people have a real interest in French culture and language; it’s not like you’re forced to take the class—and there are no exams or See “New Teacher,” p. 6 Alliance Française de Sacramento Calendrier 4 janvier—Bay Area French Literature Meetup Group, Nouvelles orientales by Marguerite Yourcenar, Le Bateau Ivre, 2629 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, 3-5pm. For information, contact Charlie, (510) 530-5078 or (March book will be Ce que le jour doit à la nuit by Yasmina Khadra.) janvier–février 2015 4 février—Conversation at Café Les Baux, 5090 Folsom Blvd, 5:30-6:30pm 7 février—Fête de la Chandeleur, private home in Curtis Park, 6-9pm. RSVP REQUIRED. See p. 1. 13 février— Ciné club, Le soupirant, P. Étaix, 7pm 5 janvier—Winter session of adult and children's classes starts 17 février—Conversation, La Provence Restaurant, 10 Diamond Creek Place, Roseville, 6pm 7 janvier—Conversation at Café Les Baux, 5090 Folsom Blvd, 5:30-6:30pm. $10 includes a glass of wine and appetizers. 22 février—Joie de Lire cercle de lecture (French book club), La place de l'étoile by Patrick Modiano, Location TBD, Sacramento, 2-4pm. For more information, contact Kneece at (318) 780-8870 or, or go to www. 8 janvier et tous les jeudis—Conversation at the Alliance, 10:30am-12:30pm 9 janvier—Ciné club, Ne le dis à personne, G. Canet, 7pm 10 janvier— Fête des Rois, event for families, at the Alliance, 4-6pm. RSVP REQUIRED. See p. 1. 11 janvier—Joie de Lire cercle de lecture (French book club), Rien ne s'oppose à la nuit by Delphine de Vigan, Let Them Eat Cake, 310 C St., Davis, 2-4pm. For more information, contact Kneece at (318) 780-8870 or, or go to 20 janvier—Conversation, La Provence Restaurant, 10 Diamond Creek Place, Roseville, 6pm 1 février—Opening of Toulouse-Lautrec and La Vie Moderne: Paris 1880-1910, exhibition at Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. See box this page. FREE FRENCH TUTORING Free tutoring for all Alliance students during winter session. Check schedule for day and time. Art Exhibition Fin de Siècle Montmartre at Crocker “Toulouse-Lautrec and La Vie Moderne: Paris 1880–1910” will be on exhibit from February 1 to April 26 at the Crocker Art Museum, 2016 O St. Parisian turn-of-the-century modernity took many forms, but the art of Henri de ToulouseLautrec epitomized the new tendencies. With his art as a central focus, this exhibition investigates a generation of artists who sought to shake the constraints of traditional standards—an intoxicating mix of artists, writers, performers, and musicians in Montmartre. The Alliance will partner with the Crocker in this event. Watch Actualités for details. Alliance Actualités Page 4 January–February, 2015 Photos by Pico van Houtryve BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU 2014—A GREAT TASTE OF WINE AND FUN Merci mille fois to all the sponsors, donors, volunteers and board members who made our 2014 Fête du Beaujolais Nouveau a great success! More than 200 people enjoyed celebrating the release of the 2014 Beaujolais Nouveau at Silverado Design Center. Guests tasted two types of Beaujolais Nouveau as well as premium Cru Beaujolais wines, sampled the delicious French hors d’oeuvre buffet, listened and danced to French pop favorites, and bid on our raffle and silent auction prizes. Congratulations to our auction and raffle winners! Fête du Beaujolais Nouveau Committee: Anna Mushynski, Kristin Rapinac, Susan Tune, Christa Somers, Katia Davies-Kemmler, Adèle Riegels, Béatrice Hildebrand Sponsors: Médaille d’argent Steve Cohn, Sacramento City Council, District 3 Médaille de bronze Michele Ambry, Real Estate Broker, HomeSmart Katia Davies-Kemmler, Katia’s Collections Mark Redor, MD, Gastroenterology Clinic, Folsom Individual Donors: Kristin Rapinac, Jane Wheaton, Burt Cohen, Steph Baker Auction & Raffle Donors: Mazzocco Winery, Kathy Dana, Laura & Harold Jackson, City Bicycle Works, Tryphon Vineyards, Chuck Centers, Michael Glassman & Associates, S. Benson & Co., B Street Theatre, Total Wine & More, The Red Rabbit Kitchen & Bar, Café Plan B, Zocalo, Paragary Restaurant Group, High Maintenance Nail Salon, Found, Charlie Klein, Katia Davies-Kemmler, Jane Wheaton, French Honorary Consul, Kristin Rapinac Food Donors: Brasserie Capitale, Café Rolle, Les Baux Bakery & Bistro, Bella Bru Café and Catering, Bing’s Market, California Endive Farms, Christa Somers, Julie Baumhoff, John Terry, Trader Joe’s, Costco Host: Silverado Design Center MC: David Bienick, KCRA3 TV Music: Julian Vitaglione & Matt Arroues Photographer: Pico van Houtryve Wine Host: Melissa Haines, ZinLifStyle Alliance Actualités January–February, 2015 Page 5 The Joy of Hosting an Alliance Intern By Deanna Drake Seeba On Thanksgiving, we sat around an extended dinner table laid for 16. Even though my immediate family is tiny, we’ve adopted many new members through the years and now our parties are huge. This year, the group wouldn’t have been complete without Charlotte, the Alliance Française’s fall-winter intern. Since her arrival in September, she’s become an indispensable part of our household and our family. We clicked immediately and it felt like she’d always been here. Throughout the day we speak a mix of French and English. My one-year-old daughter adores her and happily greets her each morning with a “coucou.” We’ve had a wonderful fall filled with American traditions. We carved pumpkins for Halloween and drove to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving. Charlotte and I go to yoga together and chat about our friends and family over tea and chocolate. When I told friends that we had agreed to host the Alliance’s intern for five months, they thought I was crazy. “But you have a baby!” “You won’t have a guestroom anymore!” “What if you don’t like her?” All of them now adore Charlotte and see we made the best choice by inviting her to live with us. My husband’s family often had exchange students through Rotary, and it was an amazing experience for him during his childhood. We want to offer that same opportunity to our daughter, and hosting Charlotte Plancqueart has been everything we’ve hoped it would be. We are dreading the approach of February when her internship will end and she’ll leave California. Plans are already in the works to visit her in France next winter and meet her family. Having Charlotte live with us has been a fulfilling and memorable experience. The next time the Alliance welcomes an intern, I highly recommend you consider hosting her or him. You won’t regret it! Au revoir Madame Josiane! Our beloved children’s teacher Josiane Favero is leaving the Alliance Française after nine years of dedicated work. She introduced many toddlers and children to French through songs, games, and stories. Her classes were joyous, with gentle discipline and order. We will miss her, and we wish her well in her new endeavors. Welcome New Members! Cosimo Aiello Stellamanukyan Astghik Louise Aswell Meredith Carey Betsy Christensen Kathy Clark Michael Cook Olivier & Jill Dapremont Ronald Franceschi Angie Glasgow Janet & Dewey Harpainter Kourtney Huezo Sonia Hwang Gary Koolhof Bob Luscombe Mariana Marin Duane Marti Rebecca Moos Mylène Le Ruyet Oloyede & Olufemi Oloyede Daryl Petrig Karina Ramos Kristen Rathbun & Garrett Cotham Karen Smith James Stegenga Paul & Maria Talcott Nancy Zepf L'Alliance remercie . . . Whole Foods Market—pizzas; Jane Thomson—calendar; Chuck Centers—painting; Monique Heusner—frame; Madeleine Peters—books; Kathy Dana, Alberta Chew, Pamela Haskins, Suzette Olson, Caglar Caglayan, Anonymous—cash donations Join the Alliance Française Name Address City State Zip Telephone E-mail Level of proficiency in French: None Beginner Intermediate Advanced Native Interests Annual Membership: Individual................. $40Senior........................$30 Couple..................... $55 Senior couple............$45 Family...................... $65*Supporter................$100 Alliance student....... $25Friend......................$200 Student/low income.$25Patron.....................$500 *children under 13 free Please make check payable to “Alliance Française de Sacramento” and mail to 1721 25th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816. Or call us at (916) 453-1723. Page 6 . . . New Teacher, from p. 2 grades, it’s just pure love of French. The parents are great. It’s essential for people to learn another language, and especially French, since everybody is learning Spanish. “The challenge is that, with children who don’t yet read or write, you need to find different ways of teaching through oral and visual activities. But the Alliance has a great supply of resources and I’m excited about it.” Outside of teaching, Florence enjoys running, hiking, being in the outdoors, and traveling to new places in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Welcome to the Alliance staff, Florence! January–February, 2015 Jan. 9: NE LE DIS À PERSONNE (Tell No One) by Guillaume Canet, with François Cluzet, Marie-Josée Croze, André Dussollier. A doctor is putting his life back together after his wife's murder eight years before, but when two bodies are found, the case is reopened and he becomes the prime suspect. Then he receives an e-mail with a recent video of her in it. Can he find out what really happened before he is caught by the police or by a gang of mysterious thugs? Not Rated. Feb. 13: LE SOUPIRANT (The Suitor) by Pierre Étaix, with France Arnel, Pierre Étaix, Laurence Lignères, Karin Vesely. A shy man ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, while becoming obsessed with a singer he sees on television. Meanwhile, he is missing the perfect match already in his house. Not Rated. FREE, NO RESERVATION NEEDED. COME EARLY FOR BEST SEATS. DONATIONS WELCOME. Alliance Française de Sacramento 1721 25th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Alliance Actualités
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