On line screening test from 12-21 Dec The Indian Institute of Welding (A member society of the International Institute of Welding) Presents ‘Best Welding Engineer’ Competition 2014-15 If you have Knowledge of Welding Technology, Quality Assurance and safety in welded fabrication; and Qualifications and requisite experience as follows; o If you are an Indian resident and o If you are an engineering graduate with min 2 years’ experience OR o If you are a Diploma holder with min. 5 years’ experience, OR o If you are a science graduate with min 10 years’ experience; and are Well versed with reading engineering drawings; then; Here is your chance to be the “National Winner” & get noticed in The Indian Welding Journal – IIW publication with circulation of 4500+, and on The official website of IIW India; and Get felicitated during the ‘National welding Seminar’ at Jamshedpur in January 2015 with a cash award and a certificate Simple Steps to Appear for the test 1. To register for online test, go to www.iiwindia.org 2. Fill in the registration form online and submit 3. You will receive your login id and password by email on your registered email id. 4. Appear for an on-line preliminary examination when you are ready (See the dates below during which the exam can be taken at any hour). You will have to answer 60 multiple choice questions in 60 minutes 5. The top 10 scorers will be invited to the National Welding Seminar at Jamshedpur in January, for a Final written examination and interview 6. Be a winner and receive a cash award, a certificate and recognition at the National Welding Seminar. Dates during which on-line registration and test can be given are 12th December till 21st December 2014, both days inclusive You can give the test at any hour during this period Broad Study Topics for the examination include Construction & Design of weldments Welding Processes and Equipment Materials and their behavior during welding Fabrication & Application Engineering For more detailed guidelines and instructions on how to take the ‘BEST WELDING ENGINEER’ EXAMINATION SCREENING TEST Please visit www.iiwindia.com Or www.iiwindia.org For any queries, send a mail to: websupport.iiw@aaryans.org THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF WELDING BARODA BRANCH 202, ArckieView Complex, Tower-A, Atmajyoti Ashram Road, Opp. Water Tank,Vadodara – 390 023., Phone : 0265- 2398486 Website : www.iiwbaroda.com E-mail : iiwbarodabranch@gmail.com BEST WELDER COMPETITION FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 The Indian Institute of Welding holds a National Level Competition every year, to select the Best Pipe Welders & Best Structural Welders. This is held amongst the welders selected by IIW branches all over India. The National Level Competitions (Finals) for the Best Welders (Best Pipe Welder and Best Structural Welder) for the year 2014-15 shall be conducted at National Welding Seminar (NWS 2014-15) to be held in Jamshedpur during January 22-24, 2015. This competition is FREE & open to all our members as well as non-members. The past winners of the National Level Competitions for the above are not eligible to take part in this competition. Branch level competitions will be held seperately by all respective branches & one winner for each category is nominated from all the participating branches of 12 branches all over India. Subsequently, the National Level Competitions for the Best Welders (Best Structural Welder and Best Plate Welder) and Best Welding Engineer for the year, 2014-15 shall be held at Jamshedpur during January 22-24, 2015. The exact venue & other details about national level competition will be intimated later on to the candidates nominated by the branches. Each of the Best Welders shall be given a CASH AWARD and a certificate. The Baroda Branch has been participating since past five years and have got winner in all categories at National Level. The Baroda Branch also honors the winner in each category at Branch level with a cash award of Rs 3000/-. The candidates selected by Baroda Branch for the National Level Competitions shall be provided with free Boarding and Lodging by the Organisers of the NWS 2014-15. The eligibility criteria for best welder competition are given below. Eligibility for the Best Welders : 1. Must be able to read and write in English and / or in any Indian Language. 2. Must have min. 3 years’ experience in practical welding of different materials. 3. Must have basic theoretical knowledge of welding of different materials. 4. Must have some knowledge of the Codes / Standards being followed in their work place. CRITERIA FOR BEST WELDERS (Please refer Annexure – 1) PROFORMA FOR NOMINATION OF BEST WELDERS (Please refer Annexure – 2) THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF WELDING BARODA BRANCH 202, ArckieView Complex, Tower-A, Atmajyoti Ashram Road, Opp. Water Tank,Vadodara – 390 023., Phone : 0265- 2398486 Website : www.iiwbaroda.com E-mail : iiwbarodabranch@gmail.com This year the Baroda branch level Best Welder Competition is planned on Date : 29th December, 2014 (Monday) at 9 am Venue : M/s Anuptech Technical & Trade Accreditation Institute C-38, Krishna Industrial Estate, Opp. BIDC, Gorwa, Vadodara Last date for sending Registrations by email : 23rd December 2014 Please send duly filled nomination form for Registration (Refer Annexure-2) For participation and the other details, it is requested to contact following IIW Baroda Branch officials : 1) Mr. Ashit Shah, Management Committee Member - IIW Baroda Branch Mobile No. : 9327270533 E-mail : weldflow@gmail.com 2) Mr. Gautam Gohil, Hon. Jt. Secretary – IIW Baroda Branch E-mail : gohil.gautam@gmail.com Mobile No. : 9879528508 3) Mr. Jayesh Patel, Hon. Treasurer – IIW Baroda branch E mail : info@avadhindustries.com Mobile No. : 9824011755 Baroda Branch Level Competition Supported by : M/s Anuptech Technical & Trade Accreditation Institute Rajesh Madnani Hon. Secretary – IIW Baroda Branch Email : rajesh_madnani@yahoo.com Mobile No. : 9099591911 Please visit our website www.iiwbaroda.com for regular events. Please mail your queries to iiwbarodabranch@gmail.com CRITERIA FOR BEST WELDERS The criteria for the Best Welders' tests are given below: 1. Only one prepared test coupon shall be given to each competitor. 2. TOTAL MARKS : 100 Marks a) Practical test (Butt Welding) : 80 Marks The test coupons should qualify in Visual and Radiography Tests. The rules for Visual test will be specified for the finals at Jamshedpur. For Branch level selection, the branch may put up the rules as well as the marking system/ procedure Only those coupons passing the visual test will be sent for Radiography. Radiography will be carried out as per ASME SEC IX rules preferably in a NABL approved laboratory. b) Viva Voce test : 20 Marks only for those who pass the visual test. FOR BEST PIPE WELDER'S TEST: A. Practical test (Butt welding) : 1. Pipe Specification: - ASTM A 106 Gr-B 2. Pipe dimensions : 6" dia Sch 80 pipe (thickness >10.00mm ) 3. Process : SMAW 4. Position : 6G 5. Weld fit-up • Root face : As per Welder's Choice • Root gap : As per Welder's Choice • Bevel angle : 60 - 65 degree 6. Welding consumables • Root – E 7018 or E 6010 (Any one, as per Welder's choice) , size - 2.5mm / 3.15 mm • Hot pass and subsequent pass – E 7018 3.15mm / 2.5mm 7. Cleaning: Grinding is not allowed during and after welding. Hacksaw Blade, file and brush can be used for cleaning 8. Completion time: Three hours maximum B. Acceptance Test: The test coupons should qualify in Visual and Radiography Tests. FOR BEST STRUCTURAL WELDER'S TEST: A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Practical test ( Butt welding ) : Plate Specification: - ASTM A 36 / IS 2062 Plate dimensions : 100 X 300 X 10-12 mm thick Process: SMAW Position: 4G without backing Weld fit-up • Root gap As per Welder's Choice • Root face As per Welder's Choice • Bevel angle 60 65 degree 6. Welding consumables • Root, Hot pass, subsequent pass – E7018 Electrodes size -2.5mm / 3.15mm 7. Cleaning: Grinding is not allowed during and after welding. Hacksaw Blade, file and brush can be used for cleaning. 8. Completion time: Three hours maximum B. Acceptance Test: The test coupons should qualify in Visual and Radiography Tests. PROFORMA FOR NOMINATION AWARD OF BEST WELDERS 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Name of Present / Last Employment Organisation : 4. The above Organisation's Address : (With Tel. No., Fax No. & E-mail) 5. Educational Qualification of the candidate: Sl. No. Qualification Institute Major Subjects 6. Professional Experience and Certification 7. Name & address with telephone numbers of two persons, familiar with the work, skill level, certification & achievements of the applicant, to whom a confidential reference can be made to assess the suitability of the candidate a) b) 8. Is the candidate nominated by the current employer? If yes, Signature of the Nominating Authority Name: Designation:
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