Dream. Achieve. Succeed. Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation 2010-2011 Annual Report Helping deserving students achieve their dreams. Letter From Thomas Hayden, Board Chairman The 2010-2011 academic year marks another remarkable year of achievement for over 1,300 young adults. They worked hard, excelled at home and school, and earned collectively over $1,630,000 in scholarship funds. In addition, the participants in the High School Scholarship Program continue to reflect the results that can be achieved with mentoring, aid and incentives to work hard in and stay in school. Participation, assistance, and recognition make a difference! Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation 602 Main Street, Suite 1000 Cincinnati, OH 45202 513.345.6701 513.345.6705 fax www.CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org Board of Trustees Thomas Hayden, Chairman AXA Advisors, LLC Shannan Schmitt, Vice Chairman Director, Partners in Education Jerry Tepe, Treasurer VP Design-Build, Al. Neyer, Inc. Mark Hester, Secretary Western Southern Financial Group Terrance Ashanta-Barker, Advisor Ashanta-Barker Law Group LLC William Gipson, Advisor Vice President, R&D, Procter & Gamble James Cullen Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Elizabeth Del Toro GE Aviation Marla Hurston Fuller Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Danny Morris Kroger Company Nikela Owens Educational Consultant Lorrie Platt Cincinnati Reds Amy Reed Xavier University William Russell Educational Consultant Anthony Smith Cincinnati Public Schools Scott Taylor Fifth Third Bank Organization Representatives Connie Williams Roger K. Smith Laci Tucker Sandra Mosley Honorary Members Courtis Fuller Dean Gregory Jeff Pasquale Mary Ronan The Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation has achieved remarkable success, one young adult at a time for over 90 years. This model works. We just need help to expand on this success, and reach even more kids every year. Many of you already help without realizing it. The CSF manages the scholarship programs authorized by hundreds of endowments and foundations for many different trustees, as well as those funds with the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. It provides tremendous efficiency, and as a result allows 97% of the funds to go directly to the goals designated by those organizations! A few hundred to a few thousand dollars a year makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the academic goals for so many deserving students. CSF administers programs small and large; we just encourage you to GET STARTED… MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Higher education cost increases continue to outpace inflation. Compounded by the limited returns of the last several years, many existing funds are challenged to keep up with their original vision. If you are in the position to establish a fund, or increase your current commitments to education, please call us and challenge us to prove the positive impact every dollar allocated to these kids has. I am confident you will be impressed! Finally, my sincere thanks go out to: • The staff of CSF for their tireless work on behalf of the youth of our community. • The grantors of the scholarships, without whom the opportunity would not be provided. • The Board of Trustees whose guidance and input help expand those opportunities. • The educators, counselors, and children’s advocates of Greater Cincinnati that make the mission achievable. Sincerely yours, Thomas Hayden, Chairman CSF Board of Trustees Scholarship Funds & Foundations Ach Family Scholarship Fund Advertising Club of Cincinnati Scholarship Fund Alexander & Helen Griffin Memorial Scholarship Andrew Rindfleisch Memorial Fund Anthony Muñoz Foundation Barr Foundation Barrett Family Scholarship Fund Curtis/Breeden Scholarship Fund Bob and Linda Kohlhepp Fund Bob Wehling/P&G Alumni Scholarship Fund Borden Inc. Scholarship Fund Carl H. Lindner Family Fund Carol Mills Memorial Scholarship Fund Castellini Foundation CFT/ACPSOP Scholarship Fund Charles & Claire Phillips Scholarship Fund Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Scholarship Fund Christopher Todd Grant Memorial Fund Cincinnati Bell Scholarship Fund Cincinnati Financial Corporation Scholarship Fund COIC Scholarship Fund Corinne and Fred Capuder Memorial Scholarship Fund Corwin Nixon Scholarship Fund Crosset Family Fund Dater Foundation David J. Joseph Company Scholarship Fund Dee Wacksman Memorial Scholarship Fund Dominique Brown Scholarship Fund Don Greer Heritage Club Memorial Scholarship Duke Energy Scholarship Fund Dupps Company Sons and Daughters Scholarship Dwight Hibbard Scholarship Fund E.W. Scripps Scholarship Fund Ella Wilson Johnson Scholarship Fund Else & Adele Raschig Scholarship Fund Eugene Carroll Scholarship Fund Farmer Family Foundation Fifth Third Bank Combined Fund Fletemeyer Family Scholarship Fund Florette B. Hoffheimer Scholarship Fund Frances Raschig Scholarship Fund Frank Foster Skillman Scholarship Fund Franklin M. Shands Scholarship Fund Gardner Foundation GE Aviation Scholarship Fund Goldman, Sachs & Company Scholarship Fund Greater Cincinnati Scholarship Association H.A.R. Dutton Scholarship Fund H.C. Schott Foundation HCRTA/Glen O. & Wyllabeth Wise Scholarship Fund Heidelberg Distributing Co. Fund Heinz Pet Products Scholarship Fund Helen Steiner Rice Scholarship Fund James and Jane Pape Fund Jeffrey Stephen Schneider Scholarship Fund Johnny Bench Scholarship Fund Joseph S. Stern, Jr. Scholarship Fund Judge Benjamin Schwartz Scholarship Juilfs Foundation Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund Kroger Cincinnati/Dayton Scholarship Fund L. & T. Woolfolk Memorial Scholarship Fund L.B. Zapoleon Scholarship Fund Lowe Simpson Scholarship Fund Lyle & Rlene Everingham Scholarship Fund Lyle Everingham Scholarship Fund M & E Brown Scholarship Fund Macy’s Scholarship Fund Mahan Advertising Scholarship Fund Mark Pescovitz Memorial Scholarship Fund Martha W. Tanner Memorial Fund Marvin Lewis Community Fund Scholarship Marvin Rammelsberg Memorial Fund Mary Roberts Scholarship Fund McCall Educational Fund Michael Bany Memorial Scholarship Midland Company Scholarship Fund Milacron Geier Foundation National City Minority Scholarship Fund Nelson Schwab Jr. Family Fund Start A Scholarship Now (Doesn’t cost as much as you think...) Nethercott Family Scholarship Fund Ohio National Financial Services Scholarship Fund Ohio National Foundation Penn Station Indianapolis Scholarship Fund Pepper Family Scholarship Fund Pichler Family Scholarship Fund PNC Bank Scholarship Fund Priscilla Gamble Scholarship Fund Procter and Gamble Fund Raymond and Augusta Klink Scholarship Fund Remembering Wojo Scholarship Fund Richard Heekin Scholarship Fund Robert H. Reakirt Foundation Fund Roger & Joyce Howe Family Fund S. David Shor Scholarship Fund SC Johnson, A Family Company Scholarship Fund Scripps Headliners Scholarship Fund Semple Foundation Sharon Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund Susan and Herbert Coulter Scholarship Fund T.L. Conlan Memorial Scholarship Third Protestant Memorial Church Scholarship Fund Third Protestant Memorial Theological Scholarship Fund Thomas J. Emery Memorial Fund Tri-State Surveyor’s Advisory Board Scholarship Fund U.S. Bank N.A. Scholarship Fund Union Central 135th Anniversary Scholarship Fund Vicki Zimmer Memorial Scholarship Vielhauer Family Scholarship Fund Walter & Marilyn Bartlett Fund Walter & Peg Meyer Foundation Warrington Family Foundation Western-Southern Foundation William A. Friedlander Scholarship Fund William Sheehan Scholarship Fund Wm. J. Rielly/MCURC Scholarship Fund Woodward Trustees Scholarship Fund Wynne Family Memorial Fund If you would be interested in joining the dozens of businesses, organizations, individuals and non-profits that have committed to helping thousands of students achieve their dream of a college education, the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation (CSF) can help you. The CSF is in a unique position to guide you through the process of establishing a scholarship fund in your name, your company’s name, or in the name of a loved one. As a scholarship donor, your generosity will live on in the students that you help. You will enjoy receiving thank-you notes from the students who benefit from your generosity as well as bi-annual progress reports. If you are interested, please fill out this form and a CSF representative will get in contact with you. Please fax form to 513.345.6705. Name ________________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ____________ Zip ___________________ Email _________________________________________________________ How would you prefer to be contacted? _______ Phone _______ Mail _______ Email Visit CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org to make a secure online donation. Page 3 Scholarship Feature The Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund Keegan Scot Southers was born on July 8, 2009 along with his twin brother, Wyatt. He was filled with a fierce Celtic spirit and a zest for fun, play and laughter. He enjoyed playing with Wyatt and his big sister, Fiona. While his medical issues did not define who he was as a person (son, brother, grandson, cousin, nephew, friend), they undoubtedly had an effect on his life. He was born with Heterotaxy Syndrome, Complete Heart Block and Tetralogy of Fallot. He received a pacemaker when he was just four days old. He needed surgical repair of his tetralogy, but before his surgery, he was diagnosed in March 2010 with Cardiomyopathy, with his left ventricle functioning only around 8 percent of what it should. He spent 4 months in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. There he received inotrope medications as well as a new updated pacemaker to help improve his heart function. Unfortunately, his heart function did not improve, and in May 2010 he was placed on the heart transplant list as this was his only option for survival. He waited valiantly on the transplant list for 80 days, but lost his battle with heart disease on July 25, 2010 when his little heart could not hold on any longer and he passed away at 3:44 AM. His family set up a scholarship fund dedicated to his life and memory, as well as to honor his strength and courage. The purpose of The Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund will be the granting of college and university undergraduate scholarships to persons with Congenital Heart Disease and/or have received a heart transplant, have displayed solid academic credentials and are in need of financial assistance to begin or continue their education at the college or university level. Recipients of the Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund must: • Have been diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease and/or received a heart transplant (Doctor’s statement attesting to Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)/heart transplant is required) • Be a resident of the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan area (within the I-275 loop) • Show a proven financial need • Be enrolled or plan to enroll as a Full-Time student • Maintain a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale throughout his/her college or university career • Fill out a Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation application by the April 30th deadline and submit it to the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation to their main office at 602 Main Street, Suite 1000, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 • Provide a Letter of Recommendation from his/her guidance counselor OR if currently enrolled in a college or university provide a Letter of Recommendation from a professor at the university the student is attending The recipients of the Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund will be chosen by the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation in cooperation with the board members of the Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Scholarship Fund. Information about the Keegan Scot Southers Memorial Fund can be found at www.k-man.org or at www.KeeganSouthers.org. 2011 Annual Student Awards Banquet Each year the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation honors its most outstanding students who participate in the High School Scholarship Program. Students are selected to be honored at the dinner based on academic achievement and motivation to succeed. On Monday, May 9, 2011 the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation honored 41 outstanding students at the Annual Student Awards Dinner. Once again, Courtis Fuller, WLWT-TV Channel 5 news anchor, served as emcee. He welcomed guests and presented awards to the students. Mr. Johnny Bench was awarded the 5th annual Champion of Educational Opportunity (CEO) Award. Students, their family members and AW A R D distinguished sponsors enjoyed a wonderful meal CEO at Xavier University’s Schiff Family Conference Center at the Cintas Center.* The event helped to raise over $29,000 for the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation’s High School Scholarship Program. This was not a function of Xavier University. * Johnny Bench Thank you to our sponsors who made the August 2011 Cincinnati Magazine special section possible through their support of the Annual High School Awards Dinner. Look Ahead... The 2012 Annual Student Awards Dinner will be held on Monday, May 14, 2012. For tickets or more information, please call 513-345-6701. Page 4 Visit CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org to make a secure online donation. High School Scholarship Program The Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation (CSF) began in 1918 as a Scholarship Committee of the Vocational Bureau. The CSF was founded as an agency devoted to keeping high school students in school. Today the High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) strives to help students to stay in school and to aspire to attend college. 2010 - 2011 Highlights Scholarships: • 251 students participated in the CSF’s High School Scholarship Program for the 2010-2011 school year. • The HSSP served students from 31 Cincinnati Public Schools. • $116,040.00 was awarded to students participating in the HSSP. • An average of $473.63 was paid per active participant in the program. College Access Services: • A comprehensive college access/college awareness program is offered to all students who participate in the HSSP. • 13 college access/awareness workshops were conducted. • College Campuses Visited: Miami University, University of Cincinnati, Xavier University • Career Information Nights: Law, Engineering, Financial Services • Financial Aid Night for Parents • 95% of the students who participated in the HSSP indicated that they aspire to achieve at least a Bachelor’s Degree after high school. Tutoring: • 18 Volunteers from P&G provided tutoring services to students who participated in the HSSP. • More than 220 tutoring sessions were provided from October, 2010 - May, 2011. • For students who participated in mandatory tutoring, their grades improved by 1.03 letter grades, on average. Average GPA 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 1 2 3 Quarter 4 Find Us On Facebook Graduating Seniors: • 100% of the HSSP Seniors reported that they plan to attend college in the Fall, 2011. • 76% filled out the CSF College Scholarship Application. • A total of $41,500.00 was awarded to HSSP Seniors from the CSF College Scholarship Program. Looking Ahead to 2011-2012 During the current school year the HSSP will continue to provide tutoring services for all students who need it. Our generous volunteers provide hours of one-on-one assistance to help our students reach their full potential. The HSSP will continue to conduct a series of Career Nights for students. The goal of the Career Nights will be to expose students to the many and varied career opportunities available to them and to provide them with an intimate setting to learn about careers and education requirements from professionals actually working in the field. The HSSP will also offer a Parenting Support Group, a School Success Study Skills Group and a Career Exploration Group. Also new for the 2011-2012 school year is CSF’s Mentoring for Success Program. This program will match juniors, seniors and college freshman with mentors who will provide support and guidance as students navigate the transition to college. Visit CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org to make a secure online donation. Page 5 College Success Number of Scholarship Recipients Over 5 Years 0.55 1453 14 1461 8 0.90 1463 2 0.13 1502 39 2.66 1095 (407) 1600 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 $ $ $ $ $ 1,768,749.00 1,771,328.00 1,839,770.00 1,897,829.00 1,527,578.00 increase decrease $ 131,062.00 $ 2,580.00 $ 68,442.00 $ 58,059.00 $ (370,251.00) % 8.00 0.14 3.86 3.15 Scholarship Dollars Awarded Over 5 Years $2,000,000.00 1400 $1,800,000.00 1200 $1,600,000.00 $1,400,000.00 1000 $1,200,000.00 800 Series1 $1,000,000.00 600 $800,000.00 400 $600,000.00 200 $400,000.00 Series1 $200,000.00 0 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 $- 2010-2011 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2010 - 2011 Unrestricted Revenue and Expenses, Scholarships/Awards, and Contributors List 2010 - 2011 Unrestricted Revenue Total $532,330 Fundraising $30,985 Administrative $176,888 Fees Contributions & Grants Investment Return $55,951 $268,506 2010 - 2011 Unrestricted Expenses Total $418,709 Fundraising $20,920 Management & General $78,060 Scholarship $319,729 & Award Administration Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets $113,621 Scholarships & Awards $1,428,235 Unrestricted Net Assets $840,941 PhD Degree Membership Anthony Muñoz Foundation biggs-Curtis-Breeden Foundation Charles H. Dater Foundation Susan and Herbert Coulter David J. Joseph Company Fletemeyer Family Fund GE Foundation Caroline Hackney Marvin Lewis Community Fund Anne H.S. Nethercott Ohio National Foundation Mrs. Claire Phillips Professional Land Surveyor of Ohio Southwestern Chapter Michael Scheiber Union Central PhD Degree Membership 5/3 Bank Advertising Club of Cincinnati Al Neyer Inc. Foundation AXA Advisors Fran and Dan Bailey Lloyd M. Bernstein Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Teresa and Anthony Dillinger Joseph J. Scott Foundation Katz, Teller, Brant and Hild, LPA The Kroger Company Gregory LaLonde Magnetic Marketing Solutions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mattingly Selina and Steve McDine Miami University Midwest Benefits Consultants LLC Midwest Financial Partners No. KY Chapter of Professisonal Surveyors Margaret and James J. Pasquale Professional Land Surveyors of Ohio Thomas More College University of Cincinnati Wehling Family Charitable Foundation Western Southern Financial Group Winton Hills Academy Woodward Trustees Xavier University Claudia and John Bachelor’s Degree Membership Abercrumbie Group Advia Internet Cedric Anthony Aramac Supply Company Ascendum Solutions LLC Patricia K. Beggs Michael A Blume Darlene Brown Dominique Brown Buddy Roger’s Music Pamela and David Burger Burkhardt and Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert Castellini Suzanne M. Castle Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Michael Clauder Molly and Steven Cobb Bob Crotty Mary and Peter DeNuzio Marie and Dennis Derby Patricia and Jose DeRojas Robert DeRojas Lauri and Daniel Dieterle Kathi and James Dillinger Eric Drake Patricia and Thomas Eversole Everybody’s Records Beverly Faxon Debbie and Gary Dan Garrett Joe Gebbia Renee Gerber Duane Germann Martha and Karl Gibson Luis L. Gonzalez, M.D. Sr. George Grace Rosemary and Richard Greiwe Marion and Alexander Griffin Shirley L. Griffin Sun and Wendell Griffin Judith and David Grose Sandra Faith Hall and Carl D. Thiem Lorna Harris Hayden Foundation Jacqueline and Jeffrey Heard Carolyn and Edward Helquist Jane and James Henry Mark A. Hester Mark Hickinbotham Christine and Byron Keith Huffman, Jr. Nancy and William Keating Geoffrey Keenan Bruce, Deborah & Jori Krieger Emilie and Kevin Kroner Lee Knose and Company Kelly Mahan Mary Marshall Family Samuel A. McCullough Catherine C. Miller Alan Mitchell Beverly and Michael Montgomery Arlene and Barry Morgan Lillian and Stanley Musial C. Christopher Muth Donald E. Nyman Patricia and David Partch Betty Ann Peddicord Lorrie Platt Procter and Gamble Therese Quinn Gary Reed Bernice and Kenneth Reeder Susie Richardson Jon A. Rindfleisch Thomas Rindfleisch Janice Robbins Lawrence A Robbins Bridget M. Rogler Glenda and Michael Rowley William Russell Regina Sapona Andy Senesac Roger Smith Catrina and Michael Spicer Marsha Spivey-Harris Jan H. Steinher Shirley Stewart Agnes Terry The Christ Hospital Linda and Cliff Trunick Steven Watson Barbara and Darrell Wilson Margo V. Wojciechowski Contributors List Woodward Trustees Judith and William Wynne Timothy Wynne Associate’s Degree Membership Juanita and Anthony Adams Heather R. Aguayo David Albaneze Teresa A. Allen Molly Allen June and Gary Bailey Michael Basford Iazia Bates Steve Baumgartner Philip Barb Bergman Muriel and Robert Best Barbara D. Betts Thomas Bischoff Mr. and Mrs. James Brantley Sheila and Paul Brocki Yvonne and George Brown Marguerite and Leo Buse Arnett H. Butler Beverly and Jeffrey Chadwick Veronica Chenault Lynn L. Churchwell Cincinnati Federation of Teachers Anita S. Clark Thomas Conlan Don Crowell James Cullen Bradley Cunningham Judith Deiters William A. Donabedian Gerrie Dozier Natalie L. Dukes William DuPree II Patricia and Robert Early Denise and Michael Eck Shirley Elmore Pat Estes Kristina Feldman Kristina Feldman Christopher S. Fly Kerry and Robert Freudenberg Barbara Friedberg Rebecca and Matthew Gantz Nancy Gary Scott Glazier Pam Goldwasser Kimberly Grace H. Banks Robinson George Harris Lynne M. Harris Peggy A. Harris Sonny Harwell Alan Helquist Kathleen and James Hoelscher Olivia Holts J.D. Seibert & Company Lee Ann James Wes Jennison Mace C. Justice Margaret and Patrick Kearney Jane Keller Betty B. Klinedinst Susan Kroner Susan LaRue Tim Lochner Amelia McCall Joyce and Thomas McConnell Patricia McKnight John F. Meade Mike Milkey Elizabeth And J. Edward Morley Jane and Danny Morris Karen and James Mueller Lola M. Murray Ryan Neal Howard K. Osteen III Tom Palmer Christine L. Pennington John Pomroy Gaylon Powers Ann and Joseph Prior Kenneth Probola Brendan Rager Linda and Joseph Ratterman Regina Rew-Johnson Donald Rindfleisch Paul C. Rindfleisch Perry Rindfleisch Ted Rindfleisch Marlene and Donald Roeper Miriam and Howard Rosenblum, M.D. Shannon Schmitt Boone Schweitzer Rich Scott Trevor Scott Jane Simon Glen Soliah Paul Southers Hattie Spears King Alexander B. Steckl Candy and Ora Steward Susan and Robert C. Stewart Linda S. Stith Jerome Tepe Arnetta Thornton Melissa Torte Brad Vasto Erica Waldon Jennifer and Kenneth Ward Paula Jane Watters Donna and John Wellage Ed Wertheimer Nodra A. West Mr. and Mrs. White David Whiteside Kevin Whitlow Dawn L. Williams Leigha Wilson If you would be interested in donating in-kind items to the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation please call 513.345.6701 today! YES! I want to invest in the future of Greater Cincinnati youth! q PhD Degree Membership q Master’s Degree Membership q Bachelor’s Degree Membership q Associate’s Degree Membership My membership is (circle one): $5,000 and above $1,000 up to $4,999 $100 up to $999 Up to $99 New Renewal Memorial Alumni Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________________ State _____________ Zip ______________ In Memory of _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________________ State _____________ Zip ______________ Please charge my credit/debit account (circle one): MC Visa AMEX Account No. __________________________________________ Expires _________/_________ Amount $ ______________ q Yes, please add me to your email list! Here is my email address _______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation. Thank you for your tax deductible contribution. Mail to: 602 Main Street, Suite 1000, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Visit CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org to make a secure online donation. Page 7 Non Profit US Postage PAID Cincinnati OH Permit 6657 602 Main Street, Suite 1000 Cincinnati, OH 45202 513.345.6701 513.345.6705 fax www.CincinnatiScholarshipFoundation.org What We Have In Store... CSF High School Scholarship Program Activities: 2011-2012 2011 December 6 ................................................. Fast Forward to Your Future ............ 11th Grade December 13 .............................................. Financial Aid Night for Parents* ...... All Grades 2012 January 3 ...................................................... College Awareness I ........................... 7th Grade January 17 ................................................... Senior Night, Part I ............................... 12th Grade January 31 ................................................. Higher Education Basics .................... 9th Grade February 14 ................................................. College Admissions ............................. 10th Grade March 6 ........................................................ College Awareness IV ......................... 8th Grade March 26 - 30 .............................................. Spring Break Campus Tours* ............ All Grades April ................................................................ Senior Exit Interviews ......................... 12th Grade April 3 ............................................................ Entrance Exams .................................... 11th Grade April 17 .......................................................... Senior Night, Part II ............................. 12th Grade May 1 .............................................................. College Awareness II ........................... 7th Grade *Not a Mandatory Activity Thank you to Western & Southern Financial Group for printing our 2010 - 2011 Annual Report!
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