Invited Paper Pulsed Tm-doped fiber lasers for mid-IR frequency conversion Daniel Creeden*a, Peter A. Budnia, and Peter A. Ketteridgea a BAE Systems, Advanced Systems and Technology, PO Box 868, Nashua, NH 03061-0868 ABSTRACT Fiber lasers are an ideal pump source for nonlinear frequency conversion because they have the capability to generate short pulses with high peak-powers and excellent beam quality. Thulium-doped silica fibers allow for pulse generation and amplification in the 2-micron spectral band. This opens the door to a variety of nonlinear crystals, such as ZnGeP2 (ZGP) and orientation patterned GaAs (OPGaAs), which cannot be pumped by Yb- or Er-doped fiber laser directly due to high losses in the near-IR band. These crystals combine low losses with high nonlinearities and transparency for efficient nonlinear mid-IR converters. Using such nonlinear crystals and a pulsed Tm-doped master oscillator fiber amplifier (MOFA), we have demonstrated efficient mid-IR generation with watts of output power in the 3-5μm region. The Tm-doped MOFA is capable of generating from 10 to 100W of average output power at a variety of repetition rates (10kHz - >500kHz) and pulse widths (10ns - >100ns). Total mid-IR power is only limited by thermal effects in the nonlinear materials. The use of Tm-doped fiber-pumped OPOs shows the path toward compact, efficient, and lightweight mid-IR laser systems. Keywords: fiber amplifiers, TDFA, pulse amplification, frequency conversion, OPO 1. INTRODUCTION Recent advancements in thulium-doped fiber laser technologies have allowed for the pursuit of fiber-pumped mid-IR laser systems. These include the development of fibers, pump diodes, as well as fiber components. Typical mid-infrared lasers use q-switched diode-pumped bulk crystals doped with thulium or holmium to generate pulses in the 2-micron spectral region [1]. These optical pulses are then converted to the mid-IR using nonlinear converters in materials such as ZGP or OPGaAs. However, mid-IR generation using optical parametric oscillators (OPO) pumped directly by fiber lasers has become attractive due to a fiber laser’s ability generate to high output power and short pulses with high efficiency and good beam quality [2,3]. In this paper, we discuss our progress with the development of a high power, pulsed 2-micron fiber laser/amplifier system for driving nonlinear conversion processes and the advantages to using a pulsed fiber source for mid-IR generation. 2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND RESULTS We have conducted multiple experiments with our 2-micron fiber system. In our first set of experiments, we used a single TDFA to amplify the pulses generated in our master oscillator. The amplified pulses were then used to pump a mid-IR ZGP OPO in a singly resonant format. A schematic of this experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. Gain-Switched Oscillator 1550nm Seed diode 975nm Diode 980nm Diode Isolator Isolator Er-doped Fiber 795nm Diode Isolator Er:Yb-doped Fiber Tm-doped Fiber Fiber Grating Isolator Isolator 25/250 non-PM Tm-doped Fiber Lens Input Coupler Half-wave Plate ZGP Fig.1. Schematic of the thulium-doped fiber oscillator/amplifier and ZGP mid-IR OPO Fiber Lasers VI: Technology, Systems, and Applications, edited by Denis V. Gapontsev, Dahv A. Kliner, Jay W. Dawson, Kanishka Tankala, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7195, 71950X © 2009 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/09/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.807208 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7195 71950X-1 Output Coupler Mid-IR Light The master oscillator is a gain-switched Tm-doped fiber laser [4]. The 1550nm diode is pulsed at a 40kHz repetition rate with 200ns pulses by directly modulating the current on the diode. The optical pulses are then amplified in an Er-doped fiber amplifier followed by an Er:Yb-doped fiber amplifier. The output from the Er:Yb fiber is spliced to an in-line isolator which is spliced directly to a highly reflective fiber grating, the wavelength of which is in the 2-micron spectral region. This grating acts as the high reflector for the Tm-doped fiber laser cavity and is directly spliced to a single-mode Tm-doped fiber. A flat cleave acts as a 4% broadband partial reflector for the gain-switched cavity. The amplified 1550nm signal gain-switches the Tm-doped fiber, generating 30ns pulses at 40kHz repetition rate with 300mW of average unpolarized output power. The output from the oscillator is collimated using an aspheric lens and is passed through a free-space optical isolator. The isolator is polarization dependent, and as a result, half of the power generated by the oscillator is lost. Using another aspheric lens, 65mW of average 2-micron power is launched into the 25/250 Tm-doped fiber amplifier. The amplifier is pumped by 20W from a 795nm diode. The performance of the TDFA is shown in Fig. 2. 5 TDFA Output Power (W) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Launched 795nm Pump Power (W) Fig. 2. TDFA output power vs. launched diode pump power The amplifier has a gain of 18dB and amplifies the seed to 4.2W of average output power with a 33% total slope efficiency. The low efficiency is due to a large amount of diode light propagating in the cladding of the 100-micron delivery fiber. This power is lost through the fiber-coupled pump combiner. The slope efficiency with respect to absorbed pump power of this amplifier is 42%. The amplified 2-micron light is collimated and passed through a freespace optical isolator. After isolation, 2.9W of average power (2.4kW peak) is available to pump the OPO. The output is not completely randomly polarized due to a tight 2 inch coil of the 25/250 Tm-doped fiber, which adds a slight birefringence. An anti-reflection coated spherical lens is used to focus the beam to an effective intensity of 31.2MW/cm2 inside the ZGP crystal. The input coupler is highly reflective at the signal wavelengths with a 10cm radius of curvature (ROC). The single resonant (SRO) output coupler is coated for 95% reflection at the signal wavelength with a 10cm ROC. The slope efficiency of the OPO is shown in Fig. 3. The signal is tunable in the range of 3.4-3.9μm and the idler is tunable from 4.1-4.7μm. The SRO exhibits an overall slope efficiency of 37.2% with a signal slope of 15% and an idler slope of 22.4%. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7195 71950X-2 OPO Output Power (mW) 700 Signal + Idler Signal Idler 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Average Pump Power (W) Fig. 3. Mid-IR OPO output power vs. 2-micron pump power Mid-IR conversion can be improved by optimizing the reflectivity of the optics, scaling the pump power, and increasing the pump spot diameter. We are using a small pump spot to provide a high intensity due to the relatively low average pump power and high repetition rate. This small spot size also results in a strong thermal lens and a large amount of signal and idler walk-off in the ZGP, resulting in poor overlap with the pump and reducing the effective crystal length. Increasing pump power while increasing the pump spot size (given the same pulse parameters) will maintain high intensity in the crystal while increasing the interaction length, thus improving conversion efficiency and helping to mitigate the severity of the thermal lens. In our second set of experiments, we took the amplified output from the MOFA chain shown in Fig. 1 and further amplified the output power using an additional TDFA prior to pumping a ZGP OPO. These amplified pulses were then used to pump the same single resonant mid-IR ZGP OPO as in the previous experiment. A full schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 4. Gain-Switched Oscillator 980nm Diode 1550nm Seed diode Isolator Isolator Er-doped Fiber 795nm Diode 975nm Diode Isolator Er:Yb-doped Fiber Tm-doped Fiber Fiber Grating Isolator 795nm Diode Isolator Isolator 25/250 non-PM Tm-doped Fiber 25/400 non-PM Tm-doped Fiber Input Coupler Output Coupler Mid-IR Light Lens Half-wave Plate ZGP Fig. 4. Schematic of the power scaled Tm-fiber amplifier chain and ZGP mid-IR OPO In this set of experiments, we ran the oscillator at a repetition rate of 100kHz, rather than 40kHz to avoid the possibility of self-switching of the high power amplifier. At the 100kHz repetition rate, the oscillator still generates 30ns optical pulses at 2-microns. These pulses are amplified in the same 25/250 preamplifier as in the first set of experiments. After this amplifier, the light is focused into a power amplifier which consists of a 25/400 non-PM Tm-doped fiber and 55W of 795nm pump power. At the output of the TDFAs, the seed is amplified more than 25dB to 21W of average output power (30ns pulses, 100kHz PRF) in a near-diffraction-limited beam with an M2 of 1.1±0.05. Fig. 5 shows the performance of the 25/400 Tm-doped fiber power amplifier. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7195 71950X-3 Output Power (W) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Pump Power (W) Fig. 5. TDFA output power vs. 795nm pump power An optical isolator is placed in-line after the amplifiers to prevent feedback and to polarize the beam. As a result of the isolator, only 60% of the power is transmitted, leaving 12.7W of linearly polarized 2-micron light to pump the OPO. The isolated output from the amplifier is focused through a lens into the ZGP to a 170μm 1/e2 diameter, resulting in a maximum effective peak intensity of 37.2MW/cm2. In these experiments, the OPO was run in the same SRO configuration as in the first set of experiments. A plot of OPO output power versus incident pump intensity is shown in Fig. 6. 2.5 Signal Idler OPO Output (W) 2 Total (Signal + Idler) 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Pum p Pow er (W) Fig. 6. Mid-IR OPO output power vs. 2-micron pump power in the ZGP The threshold for this OPO is ~21MW/cm2, and at the highest output power, the OPO is running at only 1.8 times above threshold, generating 2W of total mid-IR output power. More than 1.3W of this is from the idler in the 4.0-4.7μm spectral region. The remaining power is in the 3.4-3.9μm region. The total mid-IR conversion efficiency in this OPO is 15.7%. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7195 71950X-4 The roll-over in the mid-IR output power is caused by thermal effects as a result of the uncooled crystal and the pump being focused into such a small spot, resulting in a very strong thermal lens in the ZGP. The pump spot size could be increased slightly to alleviate the thermal lens; however, because of the relatively low peak-power in the pump (4.2kW), a small spot is required to achieve the high peak intensity needed to reach threshold. This strong thermal lens and the relatively low level of pump depletion does result in good beam quality for both the signal and idler waves. Signal beam quality was measured to be M2 = 1.15±0.1, and idler beam quality was measured to have an M2 = 1.2±0.1. Prior to the thermal roll-over in these experiments, the mid-IR slope is high with respect to the incident pump power, showing the potential for a high efficiency, high power, fiber-pumped mid-IR OPO. Mitigating the thermal effects should improve OPO efficiency and increase mid-IR output power. Using OPGaAs rather than ZGP should also help alleviate some of these effects and improve overall conversion efficiency. 3. CONCLUSION In these experiments, we have demonstrated pulse amplification in Tm-doped fiber amplifiers and the feasibility to drive nonlinear converters with Tm-doped fibers. In the first set of experiments, we generated nearly 700mW of average midIR power efficiently by pumping with only 2.9W of 2-micron power. In the second set of experiments, we amplified the 2-micron power to more than 12W and drove a ZGP mid-IR OPO to 2W of average output power. Future experiments will attempt to increase the peak-power and pulse energy of the pump while increasing the spot size in the crystal to maintain high pump intensity in a larger spot. This combination should mitigate the effects of the thermal lens which will result in a higher conversion efficiency with no thermal roll-over. We also plan to use OPGaAs as a nonlinear converter in future experiments. Due to its quasi-phase matching, walk-off will be eliminated and the interaction length will be longer, resulting in higher mid-IR conversion efficiency. This work was supported by BAE Systems and AFRL/RYJW under contract number FA8650-07-2-1209. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] P. A. Budni, et al., “Efficient mid-infrared laser using 1.9-µm-pumped Ho:YAG and ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillators,” JOSA B 17, 723-728 (2000). S. Desmoulins and F. Di Teodoro, “Watt-level, high-repetition-rate, mid-infrared pulses generated by wavelength conversion of an eye-safe fiber source,” Opt. Lett. 32, 56-58 (2007). D. Creeden, P. A. Ketteridge, P. A. Budni, S. D. Setzler, Y. E. Young, J. C. McCarthy, K. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, T. M. Pollak, E. P. Chicklis, and M. Jiang, "Mid-infrared ZnGeP2 parametric oscillator directly pumped by a pulsed 2 μm Tm-doped fiber laser," Opt. Lett. 33, 315-317 (2008). M. Jiang and P. 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