Members Who Need Our Care and Prayers: Colleen Anna, Marjorie Andrews, Henry Atkinson, Gene Bell, The family of Deneaize Bennett, Jane Brannock, M.B. Collier, Pam Collier, Bob Carter, Phyllis Carter, Pam Collier, Wanda Craig, Marie Currin, Debbie Edge, Martha Gurganus, Michele Honeycutt, Dennis Kay, Julie Kent, Margaret Leahy, Roy Lightner, Joyce Mackin, Carol Newman, Beth Ormond, Bill Paynter, Dorothy Perry, Virginia Roberts, Mary Ellen Rogers, Sandra Reynolds, Marilyn Shipman, John Slater, Jim Smith, Candy West and Rachel Whitt. Our Members In Active Service: Justice de Andrade, Audrey & Stefan Griffith (daughter & son-inlaw of David & Patricia Moton), Carson Heath (grandson of Karl & Dee Stover), Scott Sena (grandson of Peggy Gregory), Anthony Siler (son of Mike & Katherine Siler), Justin Story (son of Shaunesy Story), Chris Twine, Chase Wrenn (nephew of Bonnie Abrams and Nancy Hargis) Our Family and Friends: Vernell Albright, Sr. (father of Kay Shaver) Ron Alford (father of Paula Alford) Carl Allen, Jr. (father of Carl Allen) The family of Randall Ashburn (brother of Betty Jane Upchurch) Ruth Bailey (mother of Vanessa Gordon) David Baskervill (nephew of Gene & Cynthia Bell) Brock Bradley (friends of Ronnie & Amelia Oakley) Robert Blair (brother of Jill Hanson) Wendy Bratina (niece of Mike & Laura Fogle) Kim Carden (friend of Amelia & Ronnie Oakley) Andra Carson (friend of Aldersgate UMC) The family of Jacqueline Caudill (mother of Lowry Caudill) Gayle Crank (friend of Kay Edwards) Mac and Donna Carr (friends of Ron West) Carolyn Carter and infant son, Jack Ryan (friend of Sarah Walker) Ruth Clisham (mother of Carol Newman) Margie Cobb (sister of Shirley Bullock) Katherine Dernosek (mother of Lou Dernosek) Jack Ryan Dunham (friend of Sarah Walker) Kaylee Eckhoff (daughter of Dawn Eckhoff) Gerald Edwards (friend of Bob Carter) Mark Emerick (uncle of Kim Riggs) Robert & Lois French (aunt & uncle of Jane Brannock) Sandy Furbee (friend of Ginger Hawkins) Betty Grey (sister of Jo’an Paine) William Gunter (stepfather of Brent Walker) Catherine Kearns (friend of Jan and John Howe) Mary Lorreta Fogle (mother of Mike Fogle) Rick, Sandra & Heidi Hall (cousin of Christine Bouck) Ken Hanson (father of Jim Hanson) Rachel Hart (mother of Susan Leonard) Maddie Hendricks (grandmother of Eric Hendricks) Patricia Hobbs (mother of Rochelle Nye) Melanie Hulsey (cousin of Donna Bingen) Peggy King (mother of Linda Morris) Terry Lawrence (cousin of Jimmy Sykes) Trevan McCracken (nephew of Jacqueline Andrews) Edward Montgomery (father of Nick Montgomery) Mark Moore (son of Linda Jones) June Morris (mother of Ruth Kay) Lois (mother of Beth Menchini) Greg Mitchell (brother-in-law of Mary Lynn van Deventer) Medi Montanes (nephew of Nan de Andrade) Steve Ostergaard (friend of Brent Walker) Jim Perry (father of April Perry) The family of Millie Prince (sister in law of Alice and Ed Osteen) Jerry Rich (neighbor of Janie Howell) Wayne Rideout (friend of Kay Edwards) Lauren Scott (friend of Summer Stanley) Carol Riggs (friend of Debbie & Jimmy Sykes) Natalie Stagner (niece of Kathy Chmielewski) Jeannie Tumbrink (Preschool Assistant Teacher) Jennifer Walsh (friend of Sheilah Lowans) Heather & Steven Watson (friends of Kim Riggs) Lindsey Weaver (friend of Kim Riggs) Dennis Williams (friend of Holly and John Hall) Karen Williams (friend of Tracy Byerly) Mo Pleil & Ryan Williams (friends of Emily Wike) Peyton Wingate (niece of Debbie & Jimmy Sykes) Please send any changes to “Care and Prayers” lists to: or the church office. December 28, 2014 8:15 am & 11:00 am Worship Services Durham, North Carolina (919) 477-0509 1st Sunday after Christmas Day 8:15 am & 11:00 am Worship Services December 28, 2014 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, REGISTRATION OF ATTENDANCE CENTERING MUSIC “Sweet Sounds for Christmas” COMING FORTH OF THE LIGHT CHORAL INTROIT Nan de Andrade Sharon MacLaurin Acolyte Chancel Choir “He Is Born!” LITANY Leader: Embrace the Child and bless your God, People: For the works of God's hands are faithful and just. Leader: They have set a star to hang in the sky; People: With a blazing torch our God shall lead us. Leader: They have sewn the world a garment of light; People: With swaddling love our God shall clothe us. Leader: For the Child's sake, let us not keep silent; People: For the Child's sake, let us not find rest, ALL: Until all God's earth is robed in brightness, Until all God's earth shall burn with life! *HYMN OF PRAISE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON *GOSPEL LESSON *HYMN OF DEDICATION “Once in Royal David’s City” UMH 250 *BENEDICTION *SENDING SONG “Go Tell It on the Mountain” (chorus) UMH 251 Emily and Doug Lain “Just a Girl” Acolytes Ushers Greeters Chancel Choir Welcome Center Lay Reader OUR LAY MINISTRY 8:15 am Danielle Nixon Kirk Brown/Richard Riggsbee Jeff Sturkey/Chick Hinton Kaye Harris (m) Kathy Chmielewski (o) Keith Porter Ruth Kay 11:00 am Jacob Bosecker Maryellen Finnigan/Paula Alford Debbie Fletcher Susan Parham (m) Stacey McCorison (o) Paula Veasey Anna van Deventer Chancel Choir UMH 95 KIDS OWN WORSHIP GATHERING (11:00 am Service Only - Please remember to register your child at the sign-up table outside the Sanctuary prior to the 11:00 am service.) ACT OF PRAISE Gaither Eric Hendricks UMH 220 RESPONDING TO GOD’S LOVE WITH HIS TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Sing We Now of Christmas" “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Doug Lain *Congregation please rise as you are able. SHARING PRAYER CONCERNS AND JOYS CALL TO PRAYER “Be Near Me, Lord Jesus” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER *DOXOLOGY “They Grow Up So Fast” * THE GOING FORTH OF THE LIGHT THE POSTLUDE “This is the Time I Must Sing” “Angels from the Realms of Glory” “The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy” Luke 2:41-52 SERMON *PASSING OF THE PEACE ACT OF PRAISE 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 Paula Alford EMERGENCY CONTACTS: In the event of any emergency, please feel free to contact our Senior Pastor, Doug Lain, by email at or (919) 667-5294.
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