December 28, 2014 Are You Complete? Jesus said for

December 28, 2014
Are You Complete?
Jesus said for us to love our enemies. That is hard for me to do. In fact, it may be one of the
most difficult tasks we have as Christians. He did not say it would be easy, but He said it so it is
important. Matthew 5:43-48 says
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you,
love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use
you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil
and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward
have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do
more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in
heaven is perfect.
That last part of the passage “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” In saying that, I
think Jesus is telling us to be complete. We are not complete as God’s children until we learn to
love our enemies.
Think About It!
Bobby Tatum
Worship: 10:15 am
Gene Clowers
David Krudwig
Dwight Pinkerton
Leonard Woods
Worship: 6:00 pm
Elder on call for December
Gene Clowers
Bible Study: 6:00 pm
Bible Study: 9:30 am
Pulpit Minister
Tye Barnett
Associate Minister Bobby Tatum
Ramona Butler
Order of Ser vice
December 28
December 28
January 4
January 4
Dwight Pinkerton
Dwight Pinkerton
Dwight Pinkerton
Dwight Pinkerton
Opening Prayer
Tye Barnett
Dwight Pinkerton
Stacy Faulkenberry
Dwight Pinkerton
Lance Pinkerton
Lance Pinkerton
Rodger Neeley
Rodger Neeley
Song Leader
Bible Reading
Dale Barnett
Monroe Barnett
Lords Supper
Lords Supper
Austin Tatum
Aaron Morris
Ronald Morris
Ronnie Pickens
Barry Reed
Ronnie Clay
Kenneth Krudwig
Ronnie Pickens
Layne Woods
Ted Pumphrey
Kevin Phipps
Ted Pumphrey
Carter Faulkenberry
Floyd Morris, Jr
Closing Prayer
David Krudwig
Todd Pinkerton
Ben Neeley, Jr
Leonard Woods
Greg Revels
Floyd Morris, Jr
Leonard Woods
Lance Pinkerton
Rodger Neeley
Ben Neeley, Jr
Todd Pinkerton
Janet Miller
Pat Todd
Sue Neeley
Maria Felipe
Charles Krudwig, Sr
Pick up cards
Monroe Barnett
Max Pinkerton
Eli Daley
Jordan Daley
Meal Planners
Wendy Clay
DeAnn Elliott
Stacy Faulkenberry (870-642-7564) Children’s
church, youth up to 6th grade, devotionals, special
events planning
Paul Lewis (870-584-8371) Audio, video, technology,
Romanian orphan gift bags, holiday baskets
Ronald Morris (870-642-7913) Transportation, parking lots, scheduling work days, greeters
Kevin Phipps (870-642-6892) Building lockup, heat,
air, benevolence, & lawn care
Ronnie Pickens (870-642-2540) Duty roster, food
Lance Pinkerton (870-584-3130) song service, singing,
singing for funerals
Bobby Tatum (870-784-1235) Associate ministry,
youth, fellowships, visitations, supplies, education
Thanks to all who brought food
for the food pantry
Todd Pinkerton (870-642-5672) in house communion
Prayer requests
Martega Walton (daughter of Jackie Bennett) and unborn baby Sadie
LaDonna Vaughn is to have foot surgery soon
Donna Golden is having tests for knee pain and
Parker Rivera (Donna Golden’s grandson) undergoing chemo prior to a bone marrow transplant
Sue Ellis (Brian VanWinkle’s mom) health concerns
Clayton McCrarey(Alice Krudwig’s brother) having
heart problems
Glenda Irvin (coworker of Tommi Cobb) diagnosed
with Avascular necrosis of the bone
Tara Kitchens Bailey cancer has returned
Bobby Bevill of the Gillham community needs prayer
Van Ledbetter underoing tests
Maxine McCulloch (DeAnn Elliott’s sister )pancreatic
Verna Lamkin (a friend of many in the congregation)
needs prayers
Leeland Neeley possible surgery in near future
Donald Vaughn recovering from recent procedures,
more soon
Hazel Helms not doing well, needs our prayers
Darin Wilson (Brandon McMillian’s father-in-law)has
cancer, needs prayer
Steve Gentry of the Wickes congregation is having
health issues and needs prayer
Ongoing health problems
Terry Todd, Staci Young, Ruby Bivins, Rachel
Margie Jackson, Prissy Williams, Betsy Dunn, Idell
Peterson, Nita James, Kendra Bell, Amber Wagner,
Parker Rivera, Joanna Brewer, Don Haynes
De Queen Therapy & Living Center
Merle Renfrow F-7
Bennie Stell Rehab Hall R# 16
Dot Phipps B-Hall #4
Arlene Martin E-6
Mable Adams A-10
Janette Pumphrey A-4
Margie Pumphrey E-8
Elsie Clowers F-5B
Helen Simmons Rehab Hall R# 13
Ruby Johnson B-3
Claudell McRae Rehab #10
Lottie Morris A-4
Wanda Young B7
Ferrell Lovell Dierks Health & Rehab #106
To the family of Alvie Causey, his service was Tuesday
at Chapel Hill cemetery
Also, to Bennie Stell, her sister Mary Bird passed away, her service
will be in California
There will be a chili supper/game
night on December 31st, chili will
be provided, bring your favorite
Signup sheet on the back table
for fixins
December 25 Church office will
be closed
December 31 Chili/game night
January 4 Jr Devo
January 5 Back to school
January 6 Golden Agers
January 18 Sr Devo
There is a new schedule out for January thru June, please pick one up!
Check out our Facebook Page
De Queen Church
of Christ Youth
Group JOIN US!
There is a new signup sheet on
the back table, if you would like
to host a Jr or Sr devotional,
please signup!
We still have the question and
answer box in the back if you
have a question you would like
answered, Tye will do that on
the 4th Sunday of the month
Thanks to all the folks that
passed out Christmas cards
Sunday morning and to everyone that went caroling Sunday
Visitation cards
are on the back table by Bobby’s office. Please pick one
up and make a visit.
Thank you for your help!
Church Of Christ In DeQueen, AR
1305 W. Collin Raye Dr.
De Queen, AR 71832
Phone: 870-584-3226
Mailing address: PO Box 312
De Queen, AR 71832