EDUCATION Steve Flaherty Execuve Director 651-201-7258 Cell: 651-248-8726 Margaret Koele Licensing Coordinator 651-201-7259 TRAINING IS YOUR TEAM READY? MBFTE MINNESOTA BOARD OF FIREFIGHTER TRAINING AND EDUCATION Kevin Sedivy Fire Training and Licensing Specialist 651-295-1639 OUR FUNDS SUPPORT YOUR TEAM’S TRAINING AND EDUCATION MINNESOTA BOARD OF FIREFIGHTER TRAINING AND EDUCATION 445 Minnesota St. Suite 146 St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone: 651-201-7257 Toll-Free: 888-995-3473 Fax: 651-215-0525 E-mail: REIMBURSEMENT 299N.05 Subd. 1 LICENSED REQUIRED Afull-time.ire.ighteremployedonorafterJuly1, 2011,bya.iredepartmentisnoteligiblefor permanentemploymentwithoutbeinglicensedasa firefighter bytheboard. ♦ Every Fire Department is provided with an “Award Amount” for reimbursement for training & APPLYFORLICENSURE educaon per firefighter. ♦ ♦ ♦ Visit the web site to find out your “Award Amount”. Complete Firefighter License Applicaon or Complete the “Training Reimbursement Form” and follow our online applicaon process. return to our Board office with the invoice for the Provide a copy of your IFSAC Firefighter II ♦ Funds are reimbursed back to your Fire Department upon receipt of the completed documents. Certification Board at 1-866-566-0911 to request a copy). ♦ Payment can be made by credit card, personal check, cashier check or money order payable to MBFTE in the amount of $75.00. RENEWALPROCESS ♦ Is your “Team” Trained? Be currently employed with a Minnesota Fire Department. ♦ Must have completed 72 hours of MBFTEapproved continuing firefighter education in the last triennial period. ♦ Be currently licensed by the MBFTE ♦ Complete the Firefighter Renewal Application or follow our online renewal By Statute, a Fire Safety Surcharge in the amount of .5% is assessed to each homeowner, commercial fire and commercial non-liability insurance policy holder in the state. The surcharge amount is placed into a fund created by the State Department of Revenue known as the Fire Safety Account. training or educaon completed. certificate (if you do not have a copy, please contact the Minnesota Fire Service. WHEREDOESTHEFUNDINGCOME FROM? Get Reimbursed For your Team’s Training & Educaon BE PREPARED BE TRAINED! LEGISLTATIVEINTENT:FIRESAFETY ACCOUNT Thelegislatureintendsthatallmoneyinthe FireSafetyAccountbeappropriatedtothe CommissionerofPublicSafetytofundthe StateFireMarshal’,activitiesand programsunderthissection. FromtherevenuesappropriatedfromtheFire SafetyAccount,establishedunderMS 2971.06,subdivision3,theCommissionerof PublicSafetymayexpendfundsforthe activitiesandprogramsoftheMinnesota.ire serviceidenti.iedandrecommendedbythe FireSafetyAdvisoryCommittee.Thesefunds aretobeusedtoprovideresourcesneeded foractivitiesandprogramsoftheMinnesota FireServiceandtoensuretheStateFire MarshalDivisionresponsibilitiesareful.illed. WHEREDOESTHEFUNDINGGOTO? process. ♦ Have your Chief/AHJ sign the renewal application. ♦ MONITORYOURDEPARTMENTTRAINING Payment should be made by credit card, personal check, money order or cashier check to MBFTE in the amount of $75.00. ALL APPLICATIONS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEB SITE UNDER “LICENSING” OR FOLLOW THE ONLINE APPLICATION/ RENWAL PROCESS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Contact the Board for user login informaon Online renewal process Online applicaon process Online reimbursement process TheFireSafetyAdvisoryCommitteeprovides fundingrecommendationstothe CommissionerofPublicSafetyfromtheFire SafetyAccountforthefollowingpurposes: (1)fortheMinnesotaBoardofFire.ighter TrainingandEducation; (2)forprogramsandstaf.ingfortheState FireMarshalDivision;and (3)for.ire-relatedregionalresponseteam programsandanyother.ireserviceprograms thathavepotentialforthestatewideimpact.
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