THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 349 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 97-GT-396 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or dicussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy material for Internal or personal use under circumstance not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (C,CC) Transactional Reporting Service provided that the base tee of $0.30 per page is paid directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction shout, be addressed to the ASMETectinical Pinching Department Copyright 0 1997 by ASME All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS AND MODELS FOR PREDICTING STABILITY LIMITS OF TURBULENT SWIRLING FLAMES S. Hoffmann*, B. Leuze**, H. Eickhoff*** 1 III IIIIIIIiillA1)111111111 • Siemens-KWU, 9-45473 Miillielm, KR. Germany ** Engler-Bunte-Institut, Universitat Karlsruhe / D-76I28 Karlsruhe, F.R. Germany •** DLR, D-51170, Cologne, F.R. Germany Dedicated to the 65th Birthday of Prof. W. Leuckel Swirling flames are used in many industrial applications like process furnaces, boilers and gas turbines due to their excellent mixing, stability, emission and burnout characteristics. The wide-spread use of swirl burners in the process and energy industries and, in particular, new concepts for the reduction of NO-emissions raise the need for simple-to-use models for predicting lean stability limits of highly turbulent flames stabilized by internal recirculation. Based on recently published experimental data of the first author concerning the reaction structures of swirling flames operating near the extinction limit, different methods for predicting lean blow-off limits have been developed and tested. The aim of the investigations was to find stabilization criteria that allow predictions of blow-off limits of highly turbulent recirculating flames without the requirement for measurements in those flames. Several similarity criteria based on volumetric flow rates, burner size and material parameters of the cold gases, were found to be capable of predicting stability limits of premixed and (in some cases) nonpremixed flames at varying swirl intensities, burner scales and fuel compositions. A previously developed numerical field model, combining a k,€-model with a combined "assumed-shape JointPDF"/Eddy-Dissipation reaction model was also tested for its potential for stability prediction. Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress 8z Exhibition Orlando, Florida — June 2—June 5, 1997 This paper has been accepted for publication in the Transactions of the ASME Discussion of it will be accepted at ASME Headquarters until September 30,1997 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: INTRODUCTION Stability, emission and burnout characteristics of swirling flames are used in many industrial applications like process furnaces, boilers and gas turbines due to their excellent mixing. The swirlinduced formation of a central recirculation zone with heat and chemically active species, plays the essential role in the stabilization processes in those highly turbulent natural gas flames. The wide-spread use of swirl burners in combustion systems and new concepts for thermal N0 1-reduction by ultra lean premixed combustion or/and for fuel N0 1-reduction by air staging (rich/lean combustion zones) raise the need for simple models to predict lean stability limits of turbulent flames with inner recirculation. Different methods for the prediction of lean blow-off limits which do not require field measurements in flames or cold flows will be discussed. BASIC RELATIONS FOR REACTIONS, STABILITY AND MODELLING Structures of reaction in swirling flames The results of our investigations concerning the reaction structures in turbulent swirling flames published in references 1 and 2 show that intense turbulence in the shear layer between the recirculation zone and the forward flow results in a well-mixed "distributed reaction zone", where fluid elements with different reactivities can coexist. Measurements at different flow rates show that aerodynamically controlled parameters like the mean flow and mixing fields are invariant against Reynolds number variations, while flame characteristics which are influenced by the chemical reactions such as temperature and species concentrations show strong variations with flowrate especially at relatively low Reynolds numbers. Results of experimental and numerical investigations of the stabilization [2,3] reveal that reactions in swirling flames occur at relatively low turbulent DarnkOhler-numbers, indicating that the flames are kinetically controlled even at relatively low burner loads. We have shown [11] for the swirling flames that the reactions are to be located mainly in the Well Stirred Reactor (WSR) Regime. It is not surprising, therefore, that the processes leading to blow-off of swirling flames resemble those observed in well-stirred reactors: increased burner loads result in a shortening of residence time inside the stabilization zone causing a decrease of burnout and temperature due to the reduced heat release finally resulting in flame blow-off. Methods for predicting stability limits Peclet Number Model. The stability limits of premixed and nonpremixe pdersiecircsuilDatiin a g flames can (b3e) described by Peclet numbers based upon the blow-off velocity or the laminar flame speed S. respectively [4,5,6] : Pe,,, - Pesl° (1) Pew = (u, • Lan)/a (2) whereby the theoretical value of n is equal 2. 2 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Due to the experimentally proven Reynolds number invariance of the fully turbulent fiowfield the characteristic length scale L d is the length of the inner recirculation zone being proportional to the burner diameter D for geometrically similar burner configurations. Furthermore, the tangential velocities w are proportional to the swirl number S o and the axial exit velocity u o, so that a characteristic tangential velocity w= u o•So,o, was considered as a reasonable parameter for a characteristic velocity. With this and when u, u o the Peclet numbers can be written as: (u0 • So. th • D) / a = Pe„ Pes? = {(S, • D) / a} 2 (uo • So.o,) / D S? / a (4) (5) The equation (5) allows prediction of stability limits for premixed burners of different scales based on burner size, flowrate and parameters of the cold gases only and operating with different fuels and swirl intensities. For nonpremixed combustion, variations of the momentum ratio of gas to air flow cause variations of the average mixing field due to the different mixing behaviour of the fuel. The Peclet number model requires values of the laminar burning velocities as an input, whereby values of SI published in the literature are sometimes not consistent, and for some fuels no data are available. Moreover, errors in flowrate measurements which lead to some scatter of the stability measurements also cause errors in S, which was derived according to the blow-off air ratio. In order to avoid those difficulties, the Peclet number expression can easily be transformed to obtain (uo •S I D aS i2 / a (6) If only one type of fuel is being considered, the laminar burning velocity and thermal conductivity depend on the initial air ratio only, so that they can be substituted by an empirical function A [11, 13]: (110 / D = F (Al (7) In the last two equations, D/u,, represents a typical residence time in the stabilization zone of the flame, and Sox, takes into account the effect of air entrainment. This simplified relationship enables prediction of stability limits of burners of different size at varying swirl intensities. The only input data needed are the nozzle diameter and blow-off data of a geometrically similar model burner for the determination of the A-function. Chemical Reactor Modelling. For swirling flames the intense turbulence in the near field of the burner leads to the existence of a well-mixed "distributed reaction zone" in the shear layer between the recirculation zone and the fresh combustible mixture. The processes that cause the flame blow-off resemble those observed in well-stirred reactors (WSR), which leads to the idea of a relation between 3 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: the blow-off limits of well-stirred reactors and swirling flames. The critical residence time T wsR of an adiabatic WSR given by the reactor volume divided by the flowrate at the extinction limit, only depends on fuel type stoichiometry and inlet temperature and is not influenced by the reactor volume. Hence, twsR may also be interpreted as a characteristic chemical reaction timescale for the relevant oxidation reactions. The WSR calculations were performed using the PSR code by Glarborg et al. [7] and a detailed reaction mechanism by Miller and Bowman [8]. To reduce the computational effort, only the reactions of the C-H-0 system were considered. Following the previous considerations, the residence time in the stabilization zone s name can be expressed by the typical lengthscale of the burner divided by a characteristic velocity, provided that geometrical similarity exists. In the present, the burner diameter and the bulk burner exit velocity were used as characteristic parameters. Comparison of both timescales proves that they are well correlated to each other, giving the opportunity to predict blow-off velocities of geometrically similar burners operated with different fuels based on the knowledge of twsk and the stability diagram of a model burner. Numerical Field Models. Previous investigations [2,3] showed that correct prediction of the general characteristics and stability limits of swirling flames can only be achieved if the mean flowfield and the turbulent mixing are adequately predicted. In the numerical model considered, this has been achieved by accounting for the swirl-induced attenuation or amplification of turbulence by means of a Richardson number correction applied to the k,e-model, in which the axisynunetric transport equations for the following variables were solved: velocity, turbulence energy and its dissipation rate, mixture fraction and its fluctuation, enthalpy, fuel concentration, CO-concentration and temperature fluctuations. The partial differential equations were solved by a semiimplicit finite volume algorithm following Patankar and Spalding. A second order differencing procedure (QUICK) on a fine grid allowed the prediction of the small recirculation zone along the central bluff body, which is important for calculation of the stabilization limits. We captured the major features by a PDF approach accounting for fluctuating of temperature (1) and mixture fraction (0 and statistical correlations of related quantities. The reaction mechanism used was the 2-step methane mechanism following Westbrook and Dryer [9]. In the numerical model, the actual shape of the PDF was calculated from values of f, T and T'' in a way that approximates the experimental findings, as explained in Ref [3]. The effective reaction rate is calculated by superposition of the JPDF-reaction rate with the BU-reaction rate. In Ref. [3] it has shown that the reaction model is suitable for premixed and nonpremixed systems, provided that the aerodynamic model is able to predict the flow and mixing field correctly. Stability 4 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: limits had to be determined iteratively by the numerical code, which required a considerable computational effort. EXPERIMENTS The experiments on enclosed and non enclosed as well as premixed and nonprernixed flames were performed for geometrically similar burners. A "Movable-Block" swirl generator allowed for continuous adjustment of the theoretical swirl number between values of 0 and 2 [10] (Fig. 1). Burners with nozzle diameters between 60 and 100mm were operated at thermal loads of 250 up to 750kW and Reynolds numbers > 60,000. For the diffusion flames fuel gas was supplied through the central bluff-body - the blockage ratio B being 0,33 - and injected into the concentric, swirling air flow by means of interchangeable 45 ° multihole nozzles or a concentric gas ring. For premixed flames fuel gas was injected radially upstream of the swirler through eight nozzles in order to provide complete mixing in the burner exit plane and a watercooled central bluff-body was installed in order to keep the geometry comparable to that of the diffusion flame experiments with the same blockage ratio [11]. All experiments have been made with temperature of fuel and air of 20 °C. The measurements in the near field of the burner included the determination of the velocity and temperature fields as well as mean values of volumetric concentrations of the relevant stable species at different flowrates. In addition, the blow-off limits were determined for a variety of swirl numbers, air to fuel ratios and fuel gas compositions. A counter-type two-colour LDV working in bacicscattering mode was used for the velocity measurements, magnesia oxide particles with diameters of about 1 micron served as tracer seeds. The turbulent temperature fields were measured using electronically compensated thermocouples with diameters of 50 and 100 microns [12], the compensation of thermal inertia resulting in a dynamic range of about licHz. Commercial gas analyzers were used for the concentration measurements. Sampling was nearly isokinetically by watercooled stainless-steel suction probes which could be turned into the mainstream direction by means of stepping motors. More detailed descriptions of the experimental setup are given in [1,2 and 11]. At least some experiments have been made with enclosed flames with a burner of D = 90 mm and a watercooled combustion chamber of 500 mm diameter and 1000 mm length and a central plate in the chamber exit, so that the flue gases flow out of the furnace by a ring and no recirculation flow from outside the furnace can influence the reaction zone (fig. 2). The results of the detailed velocity, temperature and concentration measurements in the region of the length of the flame L (L e 3,5 D) have been presented in (fig. 11 and 14). 5 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: RESULTS The experiments show the basic influences on flame stability limits and assess the stability models for unconfined burning flames. Figure 3 shows the results of stability measurements on unconfined, premixed swirling flames at different initial swirl numbers. Combustion is stable for conditions left of the given data points. At a given swirl number the regime of stable combustion is shifted towards smaller air ratios with increasing thermal load due to the higher kinetic rates of the mixture. Inereasing swirl leads to a higher entrainment of air resulting in lower flame temperatures and flame speeds and in decreasing of the limits of stable combustion in free jet flames. The blow-off curves in Fig. 4 reveal that the same behaviour can also be observed in the case of nonpremixed swirling flames. In the whole range of swirl numbers, the diffusion flames display higher stability limits than the comparable premixed flames. This is due to the fact that fuel concentration is higher in the stabilizing recirculation zone. Figure 5 shows stability data evaluated according to the Peclet number relation, based on flame speeds determined on a Bunsen-flame. The Peclet number dependency correlates the measurements for three different swirl numbers and four burner sizes rather satisfactorly. In Fig. 6, the stability data of Fig. 5 are presented as a function of the excess air factor A in a semi logarithmic diagram. It can be seen that the inverse characteristic residence time u o.S.,,h/D is well reproduced by an exponential function of the form (•lo • So,th) = exp (8) •I+ with a reduction of the scatter of correlation and with m and B as empirical constants. In order to analyse the influence of kinetic rates or laminar burning velocities on the stability limits of recirculating flames, additional measurements were carried out using different mixtures of natural gas (95% CH4) and hydrogen or nitrogen. In the case of hydrogen doped flames, higher content of widening area of stable operation due to the lower fuel lean ignition limit of H2 H2 leads to a compared to CH4 . Fig. 7 presents corresponding curves for a fuel mixture of 66% CH 4 and 34%H2. The stability data are again represented by a single straight line, only the empirical constants of the exponential function had to be adapted for this different fuel. The stability data presented in Fig. 8 show that equation (8) is also applicable to nonprernixed flames. Using Peclet number based models, the stability limits of geometrically similar turbulent flames of different size operated with different fuels can be predicted on the basis of stability measurements on a model burner. Furthermore, the simplified model offers the opportunity to predict the stability limits of diffusion flames. However, the constants of the exponential function have to be adapted to every combination of burner system and fuel. 6 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Nomenclature a thermal conductivity, m 2/s2 • blockage ratio = d o2/032 _ do2) dimensionsless constant [eqn(1)] • burner diameter, m Da Damkohler number Ka Karlowitz number turbulent kinetic energy, m 2/s2 Ithkr characteristic lenghtscale, m • turbulent length, m rn constant • exponent [eqn(3)] Pew Peclet number based on blow-off velocity Pe ol Peclet number based on laminar flame speed radial distance, m flame speed m/s initial swirl number So 50,o, theoretical swirl number temperature °C • axial velocity, m/s • radial velocity, in/s tangential velocity m/s • axial distance, m • turbulent dissipation energy, m 2/s2 excess air factor • residence time s angle of swirl generator Indices: air char air characteristic fuel blow-off fl flame laminar WSR well stirred reactor burner exit 0 flame velocity turbulent th theoretical Acknowledgements The investigations were conducted in the frame of projects DFG LE 399/7-1,2 and DFG-SFB167, TP A9. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the financial support. REFERENCES I. Hoffmann, S., Lenze, B., "Investigations Concerning Stability Mechanism of Unconfined Swirling Premixed Flames", Archivum Combustionis, Vol 12, No. 1-4, pp.45-57, 1992 9 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: 45*-muttihole nozzle diffusion flame concentric nozzle diffusion flame E• 117 Ermaxi ■ to ma 40 3fr TIFier 1.• trra• to PMd central bluff-body premixed flame fuel gas (prerrixed operation) air I cooling water (prented operation) fuel gas (non premixed operation) cooing voter air fol air + Mel Fig. 1. Swirl burner for premixed and nonpremixed operation. fuel gas 726,26 T14,S fuel gas T18 suction probe T17 716 cooling water 1°4' . !Mal' 719,20 D= 90 nan 116 (I, =58 mm T21,22,23 112 cooling water fuel gas (premixed operation) air T3 , -air cooling water (premixed operation) fuel gas (non premixed operation) Fig. 2. Water coiled furnace with burner, fuel gas exit and temperature-(T) and suction-(S) probe location 11 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: Nomenclature a thermal conductivity, m 2/s2 • blockage ratio = d o2/032 _ do2) dimensionsless constant [eqn(1)] • burner diameter, m Da Damkohler number Ka Karlowitz number turbulent kinetic energy, m 2/s2 Ithkr characteristic lenghtscale, m • turbulent length, m rn constant • exponent [eqn(3)] Pew Peclet number based on blow-off velocity Pe ol Peclet number based on laminar flame speed radial distance, m flame speed m/s initial swirl number So 50,o, theoretical swirl number temperature °C • axial velocity, m/s • radial velocity, in/s tangential velocity m/s • axial distance, m • turbulent dissipation energy, m 2/s2 excess air factor • residence time s angle of swirl generator Indices: air char air characteristic fuel blow-off fl flame laminar WSR well stirred reactor burner exit 0 flame velocity turbulent th theoretical Acknowledgements The investigations were conducted in the frame of projects DFG LE 399/7-1,2 and DFG-SFB167, TP A9. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the financial support. REFERENCES I. Hoffmann, S., Lenze, B., "Investigations Concerning Stability Mechanism of Unconfined Swirling Premixed Flames", Archivum Combustionis, Vol 12, No. 1-4, pp.45-57, 1992 9 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: . 1000 . . 0Soth , = 0.5 • S 0,th = 0.6 O S 0 ,th = 1.0 • Soith = 1.5 CI-14/H2=66/34 0=60mm, 90mm • 500 • . _ so , o o, • 0 0 • 0 0 . • .c . ,0 e o re CO 0 stable - blow off • t o0 0 e° o • 0 n 100 • C . .. 50 1.0 t5 25 20 Fig.7. Correlation of stability data based on the simplified relation Eqs. (7) and (8) for premixed swirling flames (fuel: 66% CH 4, 34% H2) in dependence on). 600 • • I • 1 eA S 0 pth = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 d' = 3.1 - 7.5Mm *0 e 400 si - a gf': vo s v stable = 70mm, 100mm . D •Et 0 • i • I • s.., - a• 'I 0 0 .• a a t o blow off . a,• 200 cP I turn —I i o • • • v 0 • • i a 100 0 2 4 6 A 10 12 14 Fig. 8. Correlation of stability data based on the simplified relation (8) for swirling diffusion flames. 14 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: 45*-muttihole nozzle diffusion flame concentric nozzle diffusion flame E• 117 Ermaxi ■ to ma 40 3fr TIFier 1.• trra• to PMd central bluff-body premixed flame fuel gas (prerrixed operation) air I cooling water (prented operation) fuel gas (non premixed operation) cooing voter air fol air + Mel Fig. 1. Swirl burner for premixed and nonpremixed operation. fuel gas 726,26 T14,S fuel gas T18 suction probe T17 716 cooling water 1°4' . !Mal' 719,20 D= 90 nan 116 (I, =58 mm T21,22,23 112 cooling water fuel gas (premixed operation) air T3 , -air cooling water (premixed operation) fuel gas (non premixed operation) Fig. 2. Water coiled furnace with burner, fuel gas exit and temperature-(T) and suction-(S) probe location 11 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: , 60 . I i 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 . 0 . 0 50 5 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 stable 20 SO,th = it° SO,th = 15 - — 500 . 400 • • 30 • • D =100 mm ° 0 0 IkW1 S O,th = S S o • , I °• 0 blow off 0 0 0 0 _ _ 300 _ 0 200 0 0 _ 100 10 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 20 Fig. 3. Stability limits of unconfined swirling premixed flames as a function of air equivalence ratio A and theoretical swirl number S0.tb 20 ' co El 13 00 >i 12 5 0th = 0.8 . • D SO,th =1-C) SO,th ' 15 — D =100 mm mo • on stable 0 cP IP.a • a 8- blow off St o ' 4 alo • 0 60 Ili n I 4.0 - Os d I g:::::::::::t•CIPM 0.0 0 80 0 00 CD 0 o 0 0_,_n • se n ( lie 0 0 OD 00 00 COM A 12.0 • 16.0 Fig. 4. Stability limits of swirling diffusion flames as a function of air equivalence ratio A and theoretical swirl number SO.* 12 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: 6 . . i 1 1 1 4 ' ' ' ' . ' " 1 ' D = 60, 80, 90, 100mm • • . . . . .... 0,th S 0,th=1.5 . is p 111 5 - ._ . - e is a 00° •40,,kt ex. . 0a 0 0 0 , x ... 0 8 0 0 0• % 0 00 ° 0° 00 0 0 00 00 0 ° 0 .. .. 4 4 5 6 log Pe Fig 5. Correlation of stability data based on Peclet numbers (Eq. (4)), for premixed swirling flames. . ' 1000 . 500 0 A .0 .. • 'N. • , o• .I' •• • ' 0) .. So,t0. 5 o e • °Qth= 1 .° • S 0,th=1.5 D = 60, 80, 90, 100mm /D = exp [m A + 8] % 1J0 SO,th 10 s • _ rt, 08 0 • 0 100 stable S 50 ': — - . n CI °0 0 0 °0 blow off : - - 10 1.0 1.5 20 Fig. 6. Correlation of stability data based on the simplified Eq. (8) for swirling premixed flames. 13 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: . 1000 . . 0Soth , = 0.5 • S 0,th = 0.6 O S 0 ,th = 1.0 • Soith = 1.5 CI-14/H2=66/34 0=60mm, 90mm • 500 • . _ so , o o, • 0 0 • 0 0 . • .c . ,0 e o re CO 0 stable - blow off • t o0 0 e° o • 0 n 100 • C . .. 50 1.0 t5 25 20 Fig.7. Correlation of stability data based on the simplified relation Eqs. (7) and (8) for premixed swirling flames (fuel: 66% CH 4, 34% H2) in dependence on). 600 • • I • 1 eA S 0 pth = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 d' = 3.1 - 7.5Mm *0 e 400 si - a gf': vo s v stable = 70mm, 100mm . D •Et 0 • i • I • s.., - a• 'I 0 0 .• a a t o blow off . a,• 200 cP I turn —I i o • • • v 0 • • i a 100 0 2 4 6 A 10 12 14 Fig. 8. Correlation of stability data based on the simplified relation (8) for swirling diffusion flames. 14 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: • • .. IM 600 • •b••0 ct diffusion flames A Ca t i• fi, a 0 • 0 0 Cr v 93•• 4C v0 • a .. 4 vy .• A a o o o % Es .- 02t, stable flames • 8 0 -ol■ • • 0 . * W lb no 100 o premixed flames 50 0 2 4 6 A 8 10 14 Fig. 9 Correlation of stability data based based on the simplified relation for swirling flames in dependence on A 1.0E-02 . i 0 • 0 CH4:H2 = 100:0 0H4:H2 = 66:34 CH4:H2 = 77:23 . . 0 n ' 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 4.0E-03 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0. 0 . n o ' 041 2.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.5E-04 2.0E-04 T (WSR) Fig. 10 WSR-modelling: correlation of characteristic residence time (t © and TwsR). 15 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: a) 1 I -00 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- • °°" mom CO .., 0 I --, I --- • cold furnace S o = 0.8 0 cold furnace S0 = 1.5 • hot furnace So = 0.8 0 hot furnace S. = 1.5 II 1.2 1.3 1.4 16 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 excess air A b) Illl ,.... • -.... ■ 50 -... / --... 0• w , 0 ••/ 0. '4. --:"-0 C Otr- --... ./. I -• 10 .--- -. • • cold furnace So = 0.8 0 cold furnace So = 1.5 • hot furnace So = 0.8 0 hot furnace So = 1.5 I 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 24 2.6 28 excess air A Fig. 11. Stability limits of enclosed premixed swirling flames in a hot and cold combustion furnace, (a) premixed; (b) diffusion flame 16 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use: . 1000 . oS • DS 0,ttL 0,th n• predictions • 66 • • I. XAA. Ifs. a ,40.% .". 0_ 4jp Loar voi, stable Ae es,°: 500 5, D . =0.5 0,th blow off t MAI ° oa. % CI 0 n no o 0 % 0 0 o :0 50 1.0 •. _r' - D= 60, 80, 90, 100mm 10 - ° .° 8 o — • . t5 A 2.0 Fig. 12 Stability limits calculated from a numerical ((PDF) field model (experimental results: open symbols; predictions: filled symbols) for different burner diameter D and swirl parameter Sttly 17 Downloaded From: on 12/29/2014 Terms of Use:
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