The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples Luke 2:30-31 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE/MISA SEMANAL Monday-Saturday: 8 AM (English) Wednesdays: 6:30 PM (Español) Fridays: 7 PM (Vietnamese) WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISA DOMINICAL Saturday Vigil: 5 PM (English) & 7 PM (Vietnamese) Sundays: 7 AM (English), 9 AM (Español), 11 AM (English), 1:30PM (Español), 5 PM (English) HOLY DAYS/DĺAS FESTIVOS: Look for bulletin listing or call the parish office. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (CONFESIONES) Sat.: 4—5 PM (or by appointment) DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES: Rosary/Rosario Mon-Sat (7:30 AM—English) & Miércoles (7 PM—Español) PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA PARROQUIAL 2010 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 91506 Hours of Operation / Horario de Servicio: Mon-Fri 9AM—8PM & Sat 10AM—5PM Telephone / Teléfono: (818) 846-6251 Fax: (818) 846-1703 Parish Website: Facebook: Saint Finbar Church Twitter: @StFinbarChurch SchooI/Escuela (2120 W. Olive Avenue) (818) 848-0191 Divine Mercy Chaplet M-F (after 8 AM Mass—English) Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays (after 8 AM Mass—English) Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Saturdays (after Benediction-English) Eucharistic Adoration Mondays (noon-3PM); First Friday of month (8 PM) VISION: A welcoming, unified community of maturing VISIÓN: Una comunidad hospitalaria, de discípulos disciples modeling Christ by serving each other and the maduros a imitación de Cristo, por el servicio amoroso entre nosotros y el mundo. world in love. MISSION: We, the Catholic Community of St. Finbar, MISIÓN: Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San Finbar, are created by God in His image. At Baptism we are fuimos creados a la imagen de Dios. En el Bautismo, filled with the Spirit and endowed with gifts. To continue somos llenados con los dones del Espíritu Santo. Para the mission of Christ, we will worship and praise God, continuar la misión de Cristo, adoraremos y alabaremos a and share our time, talents, and treasure in loving Dios, compartiendo nuestro tiempo, talentos y tesoros, y sirviendo con amor a todas las personas. service to all people. Page 2 St. Finbar Catholic Church PASTORAL TEAM (AREA CODE 818) Vietnamese Chapter Pastor 846-6251 x 222 Fr. Francis Mendoza Priest in Residence 213-637-7652 Fr. Chris Bazyouros Pastoral Associate/Faith Formation 848-8822 Sally Meyers Director of Operations 846-6251 x 225 Mr. Robert Leitao Music Director 846-6251 x 553 Mr. Michael Wooldridge School Principal 848-0191 Mr. Michael Marasco Secretary/Secretaria 846-6251 x 221 Mrs. Maria Robone Youth Ministry/Confirmation 846-6251 Offertory Program Assistant 846-6251 x 223 Lupe Thompson Faith Formation Assistant 848-8833 Veronica A. Hernandez Evening Attendant 846-6251 x 221 Mabel Ramos Deacons 846-6251 Roland & Lila Abalos Francisco & Indiana Brenes Frank Kolbash Omar & Mabel Ramos Finance Council Dan Saliba (Chair) Marian Nobleza Mike Napolitano Milton Brenes Scott Anderson Fritzie Cruz Martin Torres (818) 981-0200 (818) 562-6819 (818) 730-3160 (818) 389-5084 (818) 438-5025 (818) 429-5084 (818) 726-2470 Pastoral Council Ray Ferrante (Chair) Michael Hastings Rosy Hungerford Dan Saliba Katie Roth Mary Buckley Andy Pham Stephanie Jonke Mabel Ramos Bob Martin Lilia Acevedo (818) 842-2779 (818) 841-8200 (818) 848-0191 (818) 981-0200 (818) 846-8801 (818) 842-3682 (818) 674-1068 (818) 934-1562 (818) 843-8162 (818) 679-3965 (818) 848-7217 Hispanic Council Sissi Marin (Coordinadora) Constantino Chávez (Sub-Coordinador) Joe López (Secretario) Martín Torres (Comité de Finanzas) Lilia Acevedo (Comité Liturgia) Mario&Monica Alulema (Comité Evangelización) (310) 800-0738 (818) 400-4904 (818) 397-8779 (818) 726-2470 (818) 848-7217 (818) 590-9130 Khoan Hoang (Chair) Tom Dang (Vice-Chair) Michelle Vu (Secretary) Mai Hoang (Treasurer) Viet Hoang (Vietnamese Youth Group) (818) 503-6285 (818) 433-0129 (818) 480-0172 (818) 919-3071 (818) 645-9002 ST. FINBAR CHURCH MINISTRY INDEX (AREA CODE 818) Altar Care / Cuidado del Altar María Robone 846-6251 x 221 Altar Servers Susy Yamarone 970-7805 Acólitos Mario Pérez 568-9514 Adoration Roxanne Carrasco 439-4688 Annulment Assistance Dn. Roland and Lila Abalos 8466251 Bereavement Grief Joe Vasapolli 845-2832 Support Group Mary Buckley 842-3682 Servicio para Funerales Diac. Francisco Brenes 848-3485 Bible Study & Enrichment Celeste Francis 848-0972 Estudio Bíblico Lupe Thompson 317-9532 Bible Study—Women’s Group Marilyn Russo 843-1294 Boy Scout Troop Paul McKenna 632-8516 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Rona Bondoc 636-9115 Liturgia de la Palabra Niños Alma&Lourdes Arce 845-7893 Clases Pre-Bautismales Alfredo&Lupita Vázquez 563-1105 Coro (Español) María Torres 842-6105 Cub Scout Pack Sheila Melo 562-6938 Cursillos de Cristiandad José&Felipa Lara 661-609-1796 Cursillistas en Acción Marcelina Castillo 424-2458 Drama & Media Rose Vaughn 207-9662 Danza Azteca Amy Navarrete 631-4288 Eucharistic Ministers Melody&Benson Pontawe 323-316-4966 Ministros de Eucaristía José&Silvia Aragón 916-2122 Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick / Eucaristía a los Enfermos Diac. Francisco Brenes 848-3485 Filipino Ministry Leo & Liway Ty 252-6945 Mitch Samonte 841-4947 Greeters/Bienvenida Nancy Lievano 825-7897 Grupo de Oración Angélica Cortez 588-3151 Health Ministry Judith Andaya 653-8413 Hospitality / Hospitalidad Soledad Stinton 841-2165 Justicia Restaurativa Juvenil / Juvenile Restorative Justice Daisy&Jorge Arellano 846-5125 / Diac. Omar Ramos 823-3164 Knights of Columbus Paul McKenna 632-8516 Lectors Celeste Francis 848-0972 Lectores Lilia Acevedo 848-7217 Liturgical Dance Ann Myers 497-8056 Loving Stitches Mary Buckley 842 3682 Offertory Counters Marlene Waggoner 848-1681 Parish Office 846-6251 Parish Social Life / Eventos Sociales Parroquiales Martin Torres 726-2470 Mesa de Bienvenida Pedro & Leticia Robles 841-9714 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Arturo&Martha Puente 298-2313 Nueva Evangelización Emma Pérez & Maria Villalta 729-0373 Respeto a la Vida / Respect Life Silvia Villalovs 213-610-2503 Sacristans Marissa Garcia 922-4792 Sacristanes Juan Vázquez 433-2822 Safeguard the Children Mary Lara 848-0191 Sagrada Familia (domingos) María Galiano 445-8378 Saint Vincent de Paul Sylvia González 973-2282 Seniors Chris Scully 848-8558 Small Faith Communities Dave Porter 842-7893 Ushers Maureen Garcia 848-7713 Ujieres José Zagala 269-0767 Youth Ministry 846-6251 Young Adults Rodolfo Carlos 926-2494 Page 3 December 28, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday, Dec. 27 5pm Ronald Stinton, RIP Sunday, Dec. 28 7am 9am 11am 1:30pm 5pm Hillie Daly, RIP For the Parishioners Teofilo Marcelo, RIP Familia Contreras, RIP Roberta Cabacungan, RIP Monday, Dec. 29 8 am Lucian and Jane Miconi, RIP Tuesday, Dec.30 8am Cecilia Blandino, RIP Wed. Dec. 31 8am 6:30pm William Mc Ardle, RIP Nicolas Duarte, RIP Thurs. Jan. 1 8am 7pm Anthony Digillo, Spec. Int. Leonardo Jose and Cora Arugay,25 Wedding Anniv. Friday, Jan. 2 8 am Carly De Francesco, Sec. Int. and Jonathan Viergutz, RIP Saturday, Jan. 3 8am Joseph Miconi, RIP WHOLE COMMUNITY CATECHESIS CATEQUESIS COMUNITARIA This is an opportunity for our community members to gather as a family or group of friends, neighbors, or coworkers and read the current Sunday’s Gospel, pause and reflect on these words of Holy Scripture and the question of the week, and then share insights and understandings with each other. Question of the Week / Pregunta de la Semana How do your family members know that you are a compassionate person? ¿Cómo sabe su familia que usted es una persona compasiva? Children’s Question / Pregunta para Niños What family member needs your compassion and kindness right now? ¿ Qué miembro de la familia necesita tu compasión y bondad ? READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4- 7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Kevin Buckley , Marina de Paniagua Rosa Alcocer Virginia Bacierto Yolanda Baker Natalie Balanque Kathleen Barnes Luis R. Batres Betty & Edgar Bonilla Lincoln Boysen Matthew Buenrostro Peggy Cambon Robert Cantrell Virginia Carron Cristina Chavez Patrick Connor Carlos Contreras Therese La FranceCorsaro Annie Dell Rouse Paul Dontanville Lysa & Mario Duran Raquel Escobedo Giovanna Fabio Matthew Fernandez Javier Garcia Kathy Gibson Fernando Gómez Emily Gonzalez Michelle Gonzalez Trinidad Hernandez Ruby Herrera Deacon Frank Kolbash Hagop Krikorian Rebecca LeCross Maria Rosa Manzo Adrin Matildes Luis McTague Maria Mendoza Carmen Menjivar Dorothy Miller Cipriano Monreal Mario H. Monreal Bryan Morales Rosebess Piazza Ryder Pullen Soledad Ramirez Betty Ray Mikey Rodriguez Geraldino Rosales Roberto Rosales Nelson Taylan Noah Taylan Rose Marie Tidik Alex Toledo H. Vargas-Machuca Anita Vennari Graciela Villicano John Whittet Joanne Woiceshyn John Wilhite Elvira Eligio Victoria Cardenas Cara Pistoll Pedro Robles Don Gomez REMEMBER YOUR PARISH IN YOUR WILL, TRUST OR ESTATE PLANNING You may wish to name the parish as a beneficiary on an insurance policy or other financial instrument. Our correct legal title is: St. Finbar Parish, 2010 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 91506. Thank you for your consideration! The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph MINISTER OF THE MONTH Every month Saint Finbar Church honors a minister who gives of his/her time or talent in an exemplary way. God gives gifts to all of us, and good stewards make good use of those gifts in turn by sharing them freely with others. Our ministers of the month for the month of December are Mark and Susy Yamarone. Mark and Suzy Yamarone have been members of Saint Finbar parish since 2000. They have been involved in various capacities in the school and in the church: PTO Board member, room parent, Altar server coordinator, Cub and Boy Scouts , Stewardship Committee, Pastor Council. Mark became involved as an Eucharistic minister when there was a need and Susy in Saint Finbar School when their children were in the school. When we asked Mark and Susy why they continue to serve the community they said:” We continue to serve the community because we are grateful for the blessings our family has received and we want to be good stewards by sharing our gifts to serve the Parish. It is so easy to become involved at Saint Finbar because everyone is so friendly and welcoming. We know what it is like to be busy at home with our children. But, we also want to show them how important is to say “yes” when we are asked to help. We enjoy meeting new people and learning new things as we go. We honor Mark and Susy for their dedication to serving God and serving our faith community. Page 4 Saint Vincent de Paul Today is the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We hear the words: “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him. “As we remember the poor during this New Year, may we also grow in wisdom and have the favor of God upon us. Please remember to support St. Finbar’s Society of Saint Vincent de Paul ministry in the coming year so that together we can continue to bring comfort and peace to our brothers and sisters who are suffering. WE ARE GOD’S HOLY FAMILY The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each instance, we are given examples or role models of those who trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new and unimagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for all the world. This is what we, as God’s holy family, are called to do each day: to trust not in ourselves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to a God of endless promise. Wishing each of our parishioners, visitors, and faith formation families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Christ Child fill your hearts and homes with all the love and blessings that you desire. Sally Meyers , Veronica Hernandez, Catechists and Assistants CHILDREN OF ETERNITY You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy. Men’s Priesthood Discernment Group gathers on the second Friday of every month (next November 14) from 6:30-8:30pm at Holy Family Catholic Church in Glendale. For information or to RSVP contact Fr. Mike Perucho 818 247 2222 x 227 or Would you like to receive this bulletin via e-mail every week? E-mail me at Subject: Email Bulletin. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph DO YOU WANT MORE COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE IN 2015 Come join the Bible Study and Enrichment community Tuesday, January 6th, 7-9pm Cabrini Room As together we discover how praying the Our Father empowers us with these gifts for the New Year. For more information, please contact Celeste Francis at (818) 848-0972 or Page 5 PRO-LIFE MINISTRY The Pro-Life Ministry is very thankful for your donations on the Crib project, which is the following; $ 825.00 in cash $1,295.00 in gift cards And baby items approximately in the amount of : $6,000.00. Everything has been donated to Shield of Roses, LAPS, and a contribution of baby items to Monterrey High School in Burbank. God bless you all! DID YOU KNOW? ST. FINBAR BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY GRIEF SUPPORT Are you suffering from the loss of a loved one? Do you feel as if you have been tried by fire? Would you like some support and direction through your grief? If so, then please join us for grief support on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:00pm in the Parish Rectory. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact Mary at (818) 842-3682. THANK YOU! Thank you to those who decorated the hospitality center with Christmas lights, specially Anthony Cung Pham, Charlie Nha Hoang and his brothers. Thank you again for sharing your talent and time and making our hospitality center look so beautiful. GUARDIAN ANGEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL ALUMNI SEARCH Attention: If you or someone you know has attended or graduated from Guardian Angel School, in Pacoima, please contact– Shireen Ossanlo (818) 896-1113 ext. 8770 or We are currently trying to create an alumni database and could use the help of the community. We are making great efforts to locate and cultivate relationships with our alumni and their families during this Christmas season. Please notify us if you have ever attended Guardian Angel School. Thank you and God Bless. Holiday Cooking Safety Tips “Food plays a major part in holiday celebrations... comes to keeping little ones protected from burns, keep them out of the kitchen while you're cooking. Create a 3-foot kid-free zone around the stove, or put up a safety gate. If your kids are old enough, give them kitchen chores that won't require them to be near the stove or oven, such as mixing ingredients, setting the table, or arranging veggies on a tray.” For more important holiday safety tips, email by Linda Diproperzio: holiday-safetyhazards PROVIDENCE IN FOCUS Providence High School will be hos ng a workshop in prepara on for the High School Placement Test for 8th grade students as well as a “hands on” opportunity to explore our award winning Media, Medical and Technology Focus Programs for grades 6-8. Thursday, January 8, 2015 from 4:15— 7:30 pm with a pizza dinner! Parents, if you missed Open House we will be conduc ng a tour of the campus with a “Q & A” session star ng at 6:30pm. Registra on is required. Providence is located at 511 S. Buena Vista in Burbank. For addi onal informa on visit our website Or call the Admissions Office at (818) 846-8141 ext. 14501 Página 6 Tercer Domingo de Adviento MINISTROS DEL MES Cada mes la Iglesia de San Finbar honra a un ministro que dona su tiempo y talento en una manera ejemplar. Dios nos da dones a todos y como buenos administradores hacemos uso racional de estos regalos al compartirlos libre y gozosamente con otros. En esta ocasión, nuestros ministros del mes de diciembre son Mark y Suzy Yamarone. 28 de diciembre del 2014 DESEA MAS VALOR Y CONFIANZA EN EL AÑO 2015 Venga y únase a nuestra comunidad del Estudio de la Biblia y Enriquecimiento el martes 6 enero de las 7:00pm hasta las 9:00pm en el salón Madre Cabrini. Mark y Suzy Yamarone han sido feligreses de San Finbar desde el año 2000. Ellos han estado envueltos en diferentes capacidades en la iglesia y la escuela. Juntos descubriremos que rezando el Padre Nuestro nos da el poder con estos regalos para el año nuevo. Mark se envolvió en el ministerio de la Eucaristía cuando hubo necesidad y Susy en la escuela cuando los niños asistían la misma. Para más información, favor de llamar a Lupe Thompson al (818) 317-9532 o por medio del correo electrónico: Cuando se les preguntó por qué continúan sirviendo la comunidad ellos dijeron: Continuamos sirviendo a la comunidad porque estamos muy agradecidos por todas las bendiciones que nuestra familia ha recibido. Es muy fácil envolverse en San Finbar porque todas las personas son muy amigables. Honramos y agradecemos a Mark y Susy por su dedicación sirviendo a Dios y a nuestra comunidad. SAN VICENTE DE PAUL El día de hoy es la festividad de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Escuchamos las palabras. “El niño crecía fuerte, lleno de sabiduría y la gracia de Dios estaba en El.” Como recordamos al pobre durante este Año Nuevo, podemos también crecer en sabiduría y tener la gracia de Dios en nosotros. Por favor recuerden ayudar al ministerio de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul en el próximo año para que juntos podamos continuar trayendo consuelo y paz a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. TALLER DE ORIENTACION PARA OBTENER SU LICENCIA DE CONDUCIR El primer taller de orientación sobre la licencia de conducir tendrá su primera reunión el domingo 11 de enero en el edificio 2006 a las 10:00am. No deje pasar esta oportunidad que la ley AB-60 nos ofrece de obtener su licencia de conducir en California. Sus preguntas referirlas a Deseándoles a cada uno de nuestros feligreses, visitantes y familias de Educación Religiosa una Feliz Navidad, y prospero año nuevo. Que el Nino Dios llene sus corazones y hogares con amor y bendiciones. Sinceramente, Sally Meyers, Veronica A., Hernandez y asistentes SOMOS LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE DIOS Las lecturas de Israel están repletas de relatos de parejas estériles a quienes Dios les concedió el milagro de tener hijos. Sin duda el relato más conocido es el de la primera lectura de hoy: Lucas se inspiró en este relato para contar el milagroso nacimiento de Juan Bautista, hijo de Zacarías e Isabel, y el nacimiento aun más milagroso de Jesús, hijo de María y José. En ambos casos, vemos ejemplos o modelos a seguir de personas que confiaron en Dios. Más que ser ejemplos de personas que confiaron, son modelos de entrega incondicional de sí. Abandonaron sus propios preconceptos y prejuicios sobre el funcionamiento del mundo y entregaron sus vidas a creer en un Dios que puede hacer que haya vida en lugares en donde era inconcebible que la hubiera; un Dios que puede convertir la muerte en una vida nueva e inimaginable; un Dios que puede, hoy, tomar a un niñito de padres humildes en un pueblo insignificante y convertirlo en una luz para el mundo entero. Esto es a lo que se nos llama a hacer cada día como Sagrada Familia de Dios: confiar no sólo en nosotros mismos y en la manera en que pensamos que deberían ser las cosas, sino a abrirnos y entregarnos en fe a un Dios de promesa infinita. Income Tax PROBATE LIVING TRUSTS WILLS Real Estate LOYA TAX SERVICES 842-0392 Se Habla Español 1303 W. Magnolia, Burbank Chris Daniels ✦ John Daniels Attorneys At Law 17024 Lassen Street, Northridge 818-718-1250 Free Initial Consultation Catholic Lawyers MARIA LUCIA CRUZ, D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic D E N T I S T RY For all your real estate needs... All Major Insurance Accepted Bridal - Formals - Birthdays - Special Occasions Family Owned 34 Years • Complete Repairs • Auto Club Approved Garage 10% Discount We Speak Tagalog Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 8-2 1919 W. Alameda Burbank New Patient Special $ Professional Makeup Artist Cornejo’s Service 49.99 (Reg. $150) (818) 842-1055 Regular Cleaning X-Rays & FREE Bleaching Maria Araiza 818-795-6993 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Catholic Owner TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... (with mention of ad) 818.753.4800 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 11509 Burbank Blvd. No. Ho. 91601 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? 818 N. Pacific Avenue (corner Arden Street) Glendale, CA 91203 $ Pa Lo ris ca hio l ne r 25 O FF (818) 552-2855 Lic. C10 600983 (818) 533-1975 Andy’s Expert Plumbing Lic # 954816 Residential • Commercial Water Repiping • Rooter Service Give Dad the Day Off! Parishioner Discounts ANDY’S CELL: (818) 913-3079 ASK ABOUT OUR HOLIDAY SPECIALS We do CATERING SERVICES WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. JASON T. GRUTTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Conservatorship, Trust, Wills & Probate Free Consultation 2312 W. Victory Blvd. Burbank 91506 WHY IS IT? Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513817 St Finbar Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Ever wondered if God was speaking to you or it was just a voice in your head? Ever wanted a life with just a little... MORE? Are you ready to take your life practically and spiritually - to the next level? Join us for this LIFE ALTERING experience! Because you just have ONE life... And you deserve it. No matter where you are in life... Young or old, Catholic or non-Catholic, satisfied or dissatisfied, this event is for you. Friday, February 27, 2015 Keep watching the bulletin for all the details! To register, go online to or Tickets are available in the rectory for $39 It includes all event material and take-away items For information call Mary Whittle at 818-841-0499
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