www.thetexasspur.com THE TEXAS SPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014 A5 THE CLASSIFIEDS Call or email your classified ad today! 806-271-3381 or classified@thetexasspur.com NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT OF ESTRAY CASE # 14-50-0069 DATE: 12-8-14 On the 8th day of December, 2014, I impounded the following estray; KIND OF ANIMAL OR FOWL: Horse COLOR: Sorrel SEX: Mare AGE: Unknown SIZE: 15.2 BRANDS, MARKS, IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: White streak face, knot right, front ankle On the 15th day of December, 2014, I filed a Notice of Estray in the County Estray Book of Kent County, Texas. I have made a diligent search of the register of recorded brands in Kent County, Texas for the owner of said estray but the search did not reveal the owner. Notice is hereby given that, if the ownership of said estray is not determined by the 29th day of December, 2014, said estray will be sold at public auction. Williams Scogin Sheriff, Kent County, Texas 12-2tc NOTICE TO BID City of Spur will be accepting sealed bids for sale of a 2004 Chevrolet Pickup, Model 1500, single cab, 61,335 miles Bids will be opened and reviewed during the regular council meeting January 19, 2015 at 6:00 PM. Mail or deliver sealed bids to the City of Spur, 402 Burlington, Spur, TX 79370 by 5:00 PM on January 19th, 2015. Call 806271-3316 for more information. The City of Spur reserves the right to reject any/or all bids as deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Spur. 13-2tc Request for Qualifications The Board of Trustees of Spur ISD is requesting qualifications for architect/engineer services relating to possible construction and/or renovation of portions of the District’s football/track stadium. Qualifications will be accepted until 3:00 pm on January 22, 2015 (the “deadline”). Interested parties may request an information packet and questionnaire from Loretta Velez, Superintendent, at (806) 271-3272. Please enclose one (1) original and three (3) copies of your completed response with the appropriate annotation. All responses are due no later than the deadline at the following address: Spur ISD ATTN: Loretta Velez, Superintendent 800 North Williams Spur, TX 79370 All responses must be annotated with the following: CHARLES A. JONES MEMORIAL STADIUM POTENTIAL RENOVATION/ CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SERVICES RFQ #2015-01 Failure to have a response physically in the possession of the school district by the deadline shall result in the response not being considered. The selection of the architect shall be in accordance with Texas Government Code §2254.004. WAIVER OF CLAIMS: BY TENDERING A RESPONSE TO THIS RFQ, THE A/E ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS READ AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTING A RESPONSE AND THE PROCESS USED BY THE DISTRICT FOR SELECTING THE BEST A/E. FURTHER, BY SUBMITTING A RESPONSE, THE A/E FULLY, VOLUNTARILY AND UNDERSTANDINGLY WAIVES AND RELEASES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE DISTRICT AND ANY OF ITS TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AGENTS AND/OR EMPLOYEES THAT COULD ARISE OUT OF THE ADMINISTRATION, EVALUATION, RECOMMENDATION OR SELECTION OF AN A/E IN RESPONSE TO THIS RFQ. 13-2tc PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Eloise Crockett Estate/Sun West Mortgage 609 Willard City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 12-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Fred Howard Estate Block 11 Lot 4 Freeman City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 12-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Michael Smith Block 1 LOTs 8-9 OTS City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Lora Acosta Block 16 Lot 11 OTS City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Joe Gonzales Block 11 LOT 24 City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Joe Don Suitt Block 5 LOTs 10-12 OTS City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation James Day Block 15 LOT 3 OTS City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Bobby Joe Mullins Block 16 Lot 2 OTS City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Wendell Neff Block 20 Lot 4 City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Madrigal Pieda Silvas/Audra Silvas Block 2 Lot 2 W2 Hill City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Bobby Kelsey/Kathy Stark Block 3 Lots 2-5 Gabriel City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Bobby Kelsey/Darly Shafer Block 3 Lot 1 Gabriel City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc Public Notice of Property Ordinance Violation Aubry Stautzenberger Block 3 Lot 10 Gabriel City of Spur The above described property under your control is in violation of Ordinance 643, Section 2 & 3 for trash, rubbish, weeds and unsightly vegetation. In accordance to the ordinance, you are advised to correct the condition with in ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice may result in a warrant to appear in municipal court or the city may go upon the property and do such work as necessary to correct, remedy or remove such condition and the owner will be charged for expenses. Failure to pay expense will cause the city to file a statement of expense with the County Clerk and a lien will be placed on the property. 13-2tc REAL ESTATE For all your realty needs in Dickens County and the surrounding area contact Sandy Sandlin, Realtor, representing Exit Realty of Lubbock. Specializing in Farm and Ranch, Residential and Commercial. 806-470-4837 or szsandlin@ yahoo.com 11-ctfn FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS contact Sandra Dillashaw, Ekdahl Real Estate, Lic# 583913, Mobile (806) 2697173, Fax (806) 284-5172, Email sandra@ekdahlrealestate. net. 45-ctfn businessdirectory JERRY MANSIKE, ABR® REALTOR® Idle Times (325) 690-4026 BUSINESS (325) 370-3063 CELL (325) 691-3026 FAX (800) 473-4663 TOLL FREE jerry.manske@coldwellbanker.com Pizza Summer Hours: 11AM-9PM Wednesday – Saturday Dine-In or Take-Out 905 E Hill St - Spur (Former Nursing Home) 806.271.4304 Complete Electrification Sales & Services “Serving Energy, Industrial, & Utility Markets” Paul Guzman Office (325) 574-1100 Fax (325) 574-1102 Cell (325) 207-6673 Electrician 512 Industrial Street Snyder, TX 79549 TECL #17576 Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated 2500 South Willis, Suite 100 Abilene, TX 79605-6259 www.judycharland.com
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