Carmel Valley Community Chapel ________________________________________________________________________________ THE GOOD WORD – December 2014 FROM THE PASTOR Advent always seems to come too soon. And if past experience is any guide, it will be gone before we know it. Only four weeks to rest in our waiting season as we journey through themes of hope, peace, joy and love, and arrive finally at incarnation. Yet there is so much to do! Our chapel community will be celebrating on Sunday mornings as usual, and we have some special events I hope will bring deeper meaning and joy to the season as well. We have two big events happening back-to-back the second week of December. On Tuesday, December 9, at 7:30 pm we will present “A Rockin” Good Christmas Concert” featuring an amazing collection of musicians and storytellers. A women’s trio consisting of Kathy Anderson, Laura Anderson, and Elizabeth Pasquinelli will be singing selections from Benjamin Britten’s “Ceremony of Carols.” Reid Woodward will be delighting us with a heartwarming Christmas story. Genevieve Micheletti, recent winner of the SFO concerto competition, will be performing works for violin by J. S. Bach, Stravinsky and Gershwin. Holly Thompson will be leading us in singing some beloved Christmas songs, and yours truly will be on the piano. This concert was loads of fun last year, and I hope you will join us again - and bring your friends! Then, the very next day, Wednesday, December 10, at 6 pm, we will be gathering at Rippling River for our annual Holiday Party with the residents. It’s a potluck, and everyone is asked to bring a dish to share. We’ll also be joining together in a sing-a-long of some of our favorite holiday songs. Rippling River is provides housing for low-income individuals, seniors, and those with special abilities. It is the only facility of its kind in Monterey County and we are pleased to be able to join with them for this special celebration every year around this time. I hope you can join us. Finally we have our Christmas Eve service on Wednesday, December 24, at 9 pm. It’s a magical evening of candlelight, music, readings, warmth and good feelings. This year will be a special one since it was 65 years ago on Christmas day that the first worship service was held in the chapel. I can only imagine what Advent must have been like that year, as the chapel community waited for the building to be finished and the first service to begin! There are many blessings this time of year brings. There are many challenges as well. The best way I know to celebrate this season is to gather together as a community and share our love with one another, with the world, and especially with those who are in need. We are the Advent we await. Have a blessed season of sharing your love. Your partner in our shared ministry, Rick Yramategui UP COMING EVENTS! Sundays at the Chapel December 2014 ________________________________________ Dec. 7 Worship and Communion with Rev. Rick 10:30am Yramategui Text: Isa 40:1-11 Theme: Xmas Carol Sing – A- Long Music: John Michael, soloist Lay Reader: Ania Malkowska Leek Deacon: Harriet Busick Greeter: Ann Wilson Refreshments: Marge Brett ___________________________________________________________________ Dec. 14 10:30am Worship with Rev. Rick Yramategui Text: John 1 Theme: Joy Music: Chancel Choir Lay Reader: Ann Wilson Greeter: Kathy Little Refreshments: Faye Morley December Birthdays Ania Malkowska-Leek Carolyn Rice Bob Baronian Faye Morley Trinity Estes Terranova Bill Salmon Daniel Riley Thelma Lee Jane Williams Julie & David Warner Stephan Pellett Jennifer Garbarino Carolyn Metcalf Diane Salmon 1 3 5 9 10 12 16 19 21 23 25 29 30 31 December Anniversaries Daniel & Judith Riley 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Dec. 21 10:30am Worship with Rev. Rick Yramategui Text: Luke 1:26-38 Theme: Love Music: Christmas with Grumbling Ginger Lay Reader: Kate Latimer Greeter: TBA Refreshments: Jennifer Garbarino ____________________________________________________________________ Wednesday Dec. 24 Worship with Rev. Rick Yramategui 9:00 pm Music: Christmas Eve celebration with choir, soloists and instrumentalists Lay Reader: Peter Meckel Greeter: TBA ______________________________________________ Dec. 28 Worship with Tom Lawson 10:30am Text: TBA Theme: “Christmas Grace” Music: Christmas Carols Lay Reader: Holly Thompson Greeter: Ken Morley Refreshments: Ania Malkowska Leek Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Wednesday, Dec. 24th at 9:00 p.m. Join us for one of the most beautiful services of the year! AMONG OUR OWN… PASTORAL ROUNDS IN NOVEMBER In our Prayers Ron Brett for recovering in the hospital PASTORAL VISITS: 7 Attended meetings of Monterey County Composers Forum, and annual meeting of Westar / S.B.L. / A.A.R., led communion service at Carmel Valley Manor, Lectionary Study, and rehearsals for Christmas Concert. Looking for the perfect gift? Donations can be made to the Carmel Valley Community Chapel as a tribute to family members and friends in honor of their birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, in remembrance or just because. The donation can go to the general fund or you might wish to designate a special fund, such as the music program, gardens, missions, building repair and remodel, etc. A beautiful gift letter will be sent to the person you are honoring and you will receive an acknowledgement for your gift as well. ANNOUNCEMENTS… The Annual COMING IN early 2015 Rippling River Holiday party Meditation Service Tues. Jan. 6 7:00 p.m. hosted by Carmel Valley Community Chapel is scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th at 6:00pm in the Rippling River mailroom ********************************** Come and enjoy the celebration of community! Beverages and food for the potluck celebration are needed – Please see the signup sheet on the Chapel bulletin board. All are welcome to this festive sing-along event! CONGREGATIONAL BUDGET MEETING Sunday, December 14th in the Chapel following the worship service All are invited to attend. We will be adopting the 2015 Annual Budget. CVCC WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Five new members bring a rich kaleidoscope of life experiences to The Chapel. Please welcome them to our midst and hopefully each of you can have as much fun as I did hearing some of their stories.....Carolyn Rice Linda and Richard Cheatham The stars lined up for Linda and Richard Cheatham. She hoped to retire in Iowa where she was born and had relatives. He had traveled the world as a youngster growing up in a military family. The Central Coast of California had special appeal ever since visiting here when he was a youngster and his father was working at the Presidio San Francisco. Then, the Cheatham’s son, Sonny, took a job in this area and moved to Marina with his wife, Heather, and now 17-month-old grandson, Andrew. The “grandson magnet” sealed the location deal for both of them, Rich said. Before moving to Carmel Valley, Linda worked at the Whittier Public Library for 26 years. She watched the library business change drastically with the onset of computers. She learned how to operate the library with computers but always liked the old ways that called for more walking about and searching for books in the card catalogues and in the stacks. “It became more of sitting in front of a screen all day,” she explained. Rich worked in film and video, both teaching and producing special projects for Whittier College and he did wedding photography on the side. Besides joining CVCC, the Cheathams have become members of the Carmel Valley Garden Club. Linda likes to raise vegetables in their garden at their Los Tulares home. She also likes self-help and spiritual books, often listening to books on tape. Rich likes to learn through watching documentaries and has read many books on film. Maggie Van Ess Buzz Aldrin didn’t have his pilot’s license but Maggie Van Ess could pilot a plane and still chuckles remembering the day she flew Astronaut Aldrin . She knew Aldrin socially and was taking flying lessons along with some young men who she knew would get a thrill out of meeting him.. Accompanied by her instructor, she flew him to Catalina Island. Maggie said she flew a lot and never had any fear of flying as she thought she was indestructible. But then she broke her leg playing softball and then her doctor and his wife went down in a flying accident. After that she realized something could happen to her too, and she no longer had the desire to fly. Born in North Carolina, Maggie moved to Southern California as a young child and lived there for 40 years before returning to North Carolina for a nine-year stint. She has lived in Carmel Valley for five years. During her years in Los Angeles she worked as a headhunter for firms looking for attorneys to employ and found that an interesting career. Then she and a friend moved to Seattle and opened a similar business there for a number of years. While in North Carolina, Maggie produced a documentary on Ray While in North Carolina, Maggie produced Hicks, a documentary a renowned on Ray Appalachian Hicks, a renowned storyteller.Appalachian The documentary storyteller. was The documentary was broadcast on North Carolina broadcast public on North television. Carolina Shepublic had hoped television. to switch She careers had hoped but to found switch it more difficult than she thought to finance careers documentaries. but foundThat it more was difficult right after than 9/11 sheand thought grant to money finance dried up, she recalled. But she is still interested and has documentaries. been researching That the wasmovement right after of 9/11 Southerners and grant to money otherdried parts up, of she the country and studying how they select and recalled. change But the areas she iswhere still interested they haveand relocated. has beenBoth researching black and thewhite people from the South have migrated, and she movement finds theofprocess Southerners fascinating. to other parts of the country and studying Maggie has one son, Barry, currently living how in they Denver, select who and change usuallythe resides areasinwhere San Diego they have and works relocated. in theBoth boat racing industry. black and white people from the South have migrated, and she finds the process fascinating. Maggie has one son, Barry, currently living in Denver, who usually resides in San Diego and works in the boat racing industry. Adell Duenas Adell Duenas grew up in a family of 24 children. “We all had the same mother and same father. I was one of the middle children.” After graduating from eighth grade, her mother told her the family needed her to work in the fields. So that job started a long list of jobs that kept Adell busy for many years—work in a motel as a maid and then as the head of housekeeping and finally as a desk clerk. She also attended adult education classes. Then she worked for a company that manufactured starters, alternators and generators for seven years. “I really liked it,” she recalled, laughing as she told how they repaired parts that were returned when they didn’t work. Someone would hit the part with a sledge hammer to release whatever was stuck. Then if it worked again, they put it in a new housing and returned it. Her next job was with a company called “Angels on Wheels.” She provided whatever services elderly people needed. “I liked this the best of all my jobs. Sometimes they were lonely and just liked someone to visit with them.” She said she became special friends with some of her clients and was invited to their homes to celebrate holidays with them. Then, seven years ago in a car on her way to church, Adell was hit by a drunk driver and her legs were paralyzed. Doctors told her she would never walk again but after four years she regained her ability to walk. “So that’s why I believe in miracles.” Adell’s husband, Zak, lives in Fresno and works in the fields. He comes to see her about once a month. “She has been the love of my life for 35 years,” he said. Her daughters, Feralina and Emily, live in Salinas and she has 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Adell said she felt welcome at CVCC from the first time she attended and wants to be part of the church community. “I am not rich with money but I have compassion, understanding and love for people. I am there for them.” Kristin Ramsden Draw a zigzag path around a globe and you might hit a location where Kristin Ramsden has lived. Born in the Philippines, she then lived in Germany, Japan and Central California before landing in Australia and then Maine. Now living here again, she takes 10-week working trips to China each year. “I am a world citizen,” she says of herself. “I feel comfortable in many places.” Her email address includes the words “world citizen” as this is what she feels best describes herself. She likes the feeling of being connected to the world. “Everything changes and you have to know how to make the best of wherever you are.” Kristin comes about her gypsy nature honestly. During the first part of her life she moved about with her mother and father, Mae and John Waldroup, who ultimately located here. John developed the int. You can the text box anywhere tll quote box.] Barnyard andposition Mae, who Kirsten said was in never was text much of a reader owned the Thunderbird Bookstore for years and became addicted to reading. Kristin said she first learned English, then German and Japanese. As a youngster in Japan she could say exactly the word she wanted but didn’t know which language she was speaking. It was a challenge for her to sort it all out. When in college she was an exchange student in Italy and added that language. She studied Eurythmy, a flowing type of movement done with the spoken word or music, training in England for one year and Germany for three years. She taught it at Waldorf schools in Sydney, Australia for five years and currently travels to China each year for a couple of months to instruct teachers in -Kristen Ramsden (cont.) this social art form. The Chinese seem hungry for culture and Kristen said she teaches in huge halls often with as many as 120 teachers taking part. The Waldorf schools are starting up everywhere in China, she noted. Her daughters seem to have inherited some of the family adventuresome genetics. Thalia is a midwife in London, Marika is currently cycling down the California coast to the Mexico border teaching about sustainable living at schools along the way, and Kaelyn is a gardening teacher at a school in Oxidental. Kristen would like to organize some Eurythmy classes locally so that she is teaching throughout the year. “Any age can do it.” Kristin said people do not find Eurythmy a vigorous physical workout but rather more of an art form “that wakes you up, uses your mind and helps you become more aware.” FROM THE DEPARTMENTS… Thrift Store Just a Happy Holidays note from us: No time to spend writing a newsletter, as we are so short handed. We run a pretty lean crew as it is, and with the holidays, comes illnesses and travel and out of town guests. With two stores running parallel, we need all the help we can get and beg you to find a little time to devote to your main source of revenue. The Christmas Store is beautiful and will get you in the mood for giving. Patricia and Kim Taylor really helped us out by turning us on to a gentleman who was clearing out his house. Some of the most beautiful furniture came our way, and will go a long way toward exceeding our goal for this year. Well, gotta go……………………. Wishing you all the best for the holidays and Merry Christmas! December 2014 Calendar Carmel Valley Community Chapel Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 9:00 BOT 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10:30 Service 7:30 Christmas Concert 1:30 FORR 6:00 Rippling River Holiday Party 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 9:00PM Service 25 26 27 29 30 31 10:30 Service Budget Congregational Meeting 21 10:30 Service 28 10:30 Service The CARMEL VALLEY COMMUNITY CHAPEL P. O. Box 224 • Paso Hondo and Village Drive Carmel Valley, California 93924 • (831) 659-2278 The Good Word -- December 2014 Chapel Directory Bulletin Board Paso Hondo and Village Dr., Carmel Valley CA 93924 Web-site: Email: Office Phone: 831-659-2278 Office Hours: Tuesdays by appointment, Wednesdays 10 – 4 pm Thursdays 10 – 4 pm CVCC Thrift Store Phone: 659-3030 Thrift Store Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 12 – 4; Wed. 12 – 5; Fri. 11 – 4; Sat. 10 - 4 Chapel Minister Board of Trustees Co-Presidents Rev. Rick Yramategui Music Director Administrative Assistant Thrift Shop Manager Tom Lawson Diane Olivier Mardelle Milton Mercurio John Archer & Holly Thompson Harriet Busick Karen Turner Peter Meckel
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