Yule Love Our Holiday Lineup! December 24: 5:00 p.m. - First Presbyterian Church Candlelight Service December 24: 5:00 p.m. - First Baptist Isola Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24: 5:00 p.m. - FUMC Christmas Eve Communion Service December 24: 4:00 p.m. - St. Thomas Episcopal Church will celebrate the Holy Eucharist The Belzoni Banner Serving the Heart of the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Volume 106 Number 50 One Section, 8 Pages, 75 Cents, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 E-mail:belzonibanner@att.net Web: www.thebelzonibanner.com Sunflower-Humphreys Counties Progress, Inc. Show Their Appreciation With Giveaway On Friday, December 19th, Sunflower-Humphreys Counties Progress, Inc. held a Christmas give-away for their clients to show their appreciation for their giving to the needy and misfortunate. In the photo on the right is Supervisor, Bobbie Peoples for SHCP and Case Worker, Pam Metcalf. The event was held at the Neighborhood Facility Building in Belzoni. Merry Christmas to you and yours from the staff of The Belzoni Banner PAGE TWO THE BELZONI BANNER PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY 115 E Jackson St. - Belzoni, MS 39038 Phone(662)247-3373 - Fax (662)247-3372 E-MAIL:belzonibanner@att.net JULIAN TONEY III - PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER (USPS050000) PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT BELZONI, MISSISSIPPI POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: P.O. Box 610 Belzoni, MS 39038-0610 Regular advertising rates quoted on application. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS WILL BE CHARGED AT 25c PER WORD ($5.00 MINIMUM) AND MUST BE PAID FOR UPON INSERTION. SUBSCRIPTIONS - IN ADVANCE: Zip codes: 39038, 39097, 39115, 39166 & 38754, $25.00 per year; All others $30.00 per year. Add $5.00 for online access. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Sell it with a classified! HOME FOR SALE Small home on ½ acre lot on Jaketown Rd., 2 bedrooms, metal roof, quiet neighborhood. call 662-836-4157. 50 -----------------------------------------------------------SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF Humphreys WHEREAS, on the 14th day of February, 2005 and acknowledged on the14th day of February, 2005 James A. Burley, executed and delivered a certain Deed of Trust unto Debera Bridges, Trustee for CitiFinancial Real Estate Services, Inc., Beneficiary, to secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County, Mississippi in Book 248 at Page 52 Instrument# 2005-990292; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of May, 2014, CFNA Receivables (IA), Inc. f/k/a CitiFinancial, Inc. d/b/a CitiFinancial Real Estate Services, Inc., an Iowa Corporation (referred to in error as a Delaware Corporation), assigned said Deed of Trust unto CitiFinancial Servicing LLC, by instrument recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Book 301 at Page 13 Instrument #2014 899; and WHEREAS, on the 10th day of October, 2014 the Holder of said Deed of Trust substituted and appointed Emily Kaye Courteau by instrument recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Book 301 at Page 214 Instrument #2014 958; and WHEREAS, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, and the holder of said Deed of Trust, having requested the undersigned so to do, on the 7th day of January, 2015, I will during the lawful hours of between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at public outcry, offer for sale and will sell, at the courthouse steps of the Humphreys County Courthouse at Belzoni, Mississippi, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described land and property situated in Humphreys County, Mississippi, to-wit: The following described real property lying and being situate in Humphreys County, Mississippi, and being more particularly described as follows to-wit: TRACT 1: Lot Three (3), Block One (1) Of The R.V. Powers Addition To The Town Of Silver City, Humphreys County, Mississippi; less and except utility and highway rights-of-way heretofore conveyed, if any. TRACT 2: Lots 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10, Block 1 of the R. V. Powers Addition To Silver City, Mississippi, as per map or plat on file in the Chancery Clerk’s Office in Humphreys County, Mississippi, together with all improvements thereon situate and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Less and except: the following described real property, lying and being situate in Humphreys County, Mississippi, and being more particularly described as follows: Lot 5 and the North 35 feet of Lot 4, Block One of the R.V. Powers Addition To Town Of Silver City, Humphreys County, Mississippi, Being the same property conveyed by Fee Simple Deed from Tommy Trent McClain, a single person, to James A. Burley, a single person, dated 11/24/1998 recorded on 11/24/1998 in Book 141, Page 619 in Humphreys County Records, State Of Mississippi. I will only convey such title as is vested in me as Substitute Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this 3rd day of December, 2014. Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee 855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. 400 Ridgeland, MS 39157 (318) 330-9020 /F14-1129 PUBLISH: 12.17.14 - 12.24.14 - 12.31.14 515 49-51 --------------------------------------------- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HUMPHREYS SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, on February 28, 2013, Marvin A. Wigley and Gwendolyn Wigley executed a certain Deed of Trust to Cousie Giglio, Trustee, in favor of Guaranty Bank & Trust Company as beneficiary; said deed of trust appearing of record in Book 290, at Page 347, of the deed of trust records as contained in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County, Mississippi; and WHEREAS, W. C. Trotter, III was appointed Substituted Trustee in the Deed of Trust aforementioned by instrument dated and recorded November 4, 2013, in Trust Deed Book 294, at Page 292, in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County, Mississippi; and WHEREAS, default having been made under the terms and conditions of said deed of trust and the entire debt secured thereby, having been declared to be due and payable in accordance with the terms of said deed of trust, and the legal holder of said debt, Guaranty Bank & Trust Company having requested the undersigned Substituted Trustee to execute the trust and sell said land and property in accordance with the terms of said deed of trust for the purpose of raising the sum due thereunder, together with attorney’s fees, trustee’s fees and expenses of sale. NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, W. C. TROTTER, III, Substituted Trustee in said Deed of Trust, will on MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2015 offer for sale at public outcry and sell within legal hours (being between the hours of 11:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.) at the North Front Door of the Humphreys County Courthouse at Belzoni, Mississippi, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following property lying and being situated in Humphreys County, Mississippi, to-wit: Lot 7, Block 6, of the Cohn Addition to the Town of Belzoni, Humphreys County, Mississippi, as per map or plat thereof on file in the office of the Chancery Clerk of said county and state, being the same property that was conveyed to Ida Watson by Deed executed by J. H. Goldberger, dated March 25, 1925, and recorded in Book 21, at Page 67, of the land deed records of Humphrey County, Mississippi. I will convey only such title as is vested in me as Substituted Trustee. WITNESS my signature, this the 8th day of December 2014. /s/W. C. TROTTER, III W. C. TROTTER, III, Substituted Trustee 121 East Jackson Street P. O. Drawer 338 Belzoni, MS 39038 Tel. No. 662/247-1362 Fax No. 662/247-3333 417 48-51 --------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS EXECUTRIX’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF STEPHEN PAUL STONER, DECEASED: Letters Testamentary having been granted on the 4th day of December, 2014, by the Chancery Court of Humphreys County, Mississippi, to the undersigned upon the Estate of Stephen Paul Stoner, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the Clerk of said Court for probate and registration according to law within ninety days from the date of the first publication of this Notice, or they will be forever barred. THIS the 4th day of December 2014. /s/Melissa Rae Stoner Love MELISSA RAE STONER LOVE, Executrix W. C. Trotter, III MB #8279 Garrard & Trotter Attorneys at Law P. O. Drawer 338 121 E. Jackson Street Belzoni, MS 39038 Tel. No. 662/247-1362 Fax No. 662/247-3333 Email: law@belzonicable.com 138 48-51 --------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Humphreys County Sheriff Department will start receiving bids for the Financing of the Sheriff Department Vehicles for the amount of $167,301.00 All bids should be clearly marked “bid” on the face of the envelope and sent to Mr. Lawrence Browder, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Humphreys County Court House, P. O. Box 547, Belzoni, MS 39038. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to determine the lowest and best bid, to reject any and all bids and to waive all formalities. Bids will be opened at or about 10:00a.m. On the aforesaid date. Given under my hand and seal this the 1st day of December 2014. By order of the Board of Supervisor, Humphreys County, Belzoni, Mississippi. 120 49-51 --------------------------------------------- LEGAL NOTICE To Frances Stowers: You are summoned to appear before the Mississippi Board of Nursing on February 4, 2015 at 8:30 p.m. to answer charges brought against you. The hearing will be held in the hearing room at the office of the Mississippi Board of Nursing, which is located at 713 S. Pear Orchard Road, Suite 300, Ridgeland, Mississippi. Failure to appear may result in the revocation of your nursing license. Signed: Lynn Langley DNP, FNP-BC, ANP-BC, CPHQ Executive Director Mississippi Board of Nursing Sincerely, Brett B. Thompson Brett B. Thompson Senior Attorney 94 50-52 706 50-1 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF Humphreys WHEREAS, on the 27th day of August, 2004 and acknowledged on the 30th day of August, 2004, Keith Mallard, executed and delivered a certain Deed of Trust unto Jim B. Tohill, Trustee for Argent Mortgage Company, LLC, Beneficiary, to secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County, Mississippi in Book 245 at Page 783 #2004989524; and WHEREAS, by various assignments on record said Deed of Trust was ultimately assigned to U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, successor in interest to Wachovia Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Park Place Securities, Inc., AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-WWF1, by instrument recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Book 301 at Page 405 #2014 1019; and WHEREAS, on the 18th day of October, 2006 the Holder of said Deed of Trust substituted and appointed Emily Kaye Courteau by instrument recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Book 257 at Page 45 #2006993195; and WHEREAS, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, and the holder of said Deed of Trust, having requested the undersigned so to do, on the 14th day of January, 2015, I will during the lawful hours of between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at public outcry, offer for sale and will sell, at the courthouse steps of the Humphreys County Courthouse at Belzoni, Mississippi, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described land and property situated in Humphreys County, Mississippi, to-wit: 2.09 acres more or less, located in Block 19 and part of Block 20, Hutson’s First Addition to the Town of Isola in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 4 West, Isola, Humphreys County, Mississippi, and begin herein described as follows: Commence from the Northeast corner of Lot 12 of Berryhill’s Addition, Isola, Humphreys County, Mississippi; thence North 50.00 feet to a 1/2” rebar on the North right-of-way line of West Edna Street; thence South 74 degrees 59’ 46” East 180.29 feet along the North right-of-way line of West Edna Street to a 1/2” rebar and the Point of Beginning; thence North 416.37 feet to a point in the centerline of Jackson Bayou; thence along the centerline of Jackson Bayou for the next three (3) courses and distances: South 65 degrees 57’ 57” East 46.83 feet to a point; South 59 degrees 29’ 25” East 113.69 feet to a point; South 34 degrees 40’20” East 180.77 feet to a point; thence South 00 degrees 13’ 29” West 35.00 feet to a 1/2” rebar; thence South 00 degrees 13’29” West 239.19 feet to a 1/2” rebar on the North right-of-way line of West Edna Street to a 1/2” rebar and the Point of Beginning. I will only convey such title as is vested in me as Substitute Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this 19th day of December, 2014. Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee 855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. 400 Ridgeland, MS 39157 (318) 330-9020 /F06-1464 PUBLISH: 12.24.14 - 12.31.14 - 1.7.15 531 50-52 --------------------------------------------- POSTED All land owned by LM&R, LLC is posted against all forms of trespassing. Hunting, fishing, motorcycle riding and all terrain vehicle riding is prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted. --------------------------------------------- 51-50 --------------------------------------------- POSTED All land owned Hazel Logan is posted against all forms of trespassing, including dumping. All violators will be prosecuted. 46-45 POSTED All land owned and leased by Holly Mound, Inc. and the Gardner Estate and farmed by McGlawn Farms is posted against all forms of trespassing. All previous permissions are hereby revoked.VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED. 44-43 POSTED All land owned by Mary N. Pinkerton, Pinkerton Farm, and C & S Fish Farm is posted against all forms of trespassing. All previous permissions are hereby revoked. Violators will be prosecuted. 48-47pd POSTED All land owned, leased and rented by Danny Pearson Farms is posted against all forms of trespassing. All previous permissions are hereby revoked. Violators will be prosecuted. 48-47pd POSTED All land owned John Benard Smith III and Tortuga Farms, LLC (formerly the Jewell B Haga Estate) is posted against all forms of trespassing. All violators will be prosecuted. 48u Homes For Sale Silver City, MS 3 BD / 2 BA 984 Sq Ft Built in 1998 Isola , MS 4 BD / 2 BA 1152 sq ft on 2 Acre Lot near Sky Lake Hollandale, MS 3 BD / 1 BA 912 Sq Ft Built in 1999 Financing Available (With Approved Credit) Low Down Payment and Easy Terms NO Closing Costs!!! 46-4p CLASSIFIEDS DECEMBER 24, 2014 THE BELZONI BANNER STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HUMPHREYS SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, on November 21, 2005, Samantha J. Lee executed a certain Deed of Trust to Charlene Griffin, Trustee, in favor of Guaranty Bank & Trust Company as beneficiary; said Deed of Trust appearing of record in Book 252, at Page 643, of the deed of trust records as contained in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County, Mississippi, which Deed of Trust was renewed and extended by Deed of Trust from Samantha J. Lee, a/k/a Samantha L. Manseill and Daniel Thomas Manseill to Cousie Giglio, Trustee in favor of Guaranty Bank & Trust Company as beneficiary, said Deed of Trust dated April 13, 2012, and appearing of record in Book 283, at Page 735, of the deed of trust records as contained in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Humphreys County; and WHEREAS, W. C. Trotter, III was appointed Substituted Trustee in the Deed of Trust aforementioned by instrument executed and recorded November 8, 2007, in the office of the Chancery Clerk aforementioned in Trust Deed Book 262, Page 273, thereof; and WHEREAS, default having been made under the terms and conditions of said Deed of Trust and the entire debt secured thereby, having been declared to be due and payable in accordance with the terms of said Deed of Trust, and the legal holder of said debt, Guaranty Bank & Trust Company, Belzoni, Mississippi, having requested the undersigned Substituted Trustee to execute the trust and sell said land and property in accordance with the terms of said deed of trust for the purpose of raising the sum due thereunder, together with attorney’s fees, trustee’s fees and expenses of sale. NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, W. C. TROTTER, III, Substituted Trustee in said deed of trust, will on THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 offer for sale at public outcry and sell within legal hours (being between the hours of 11:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.) at the North Front Door of the Humphreys County Courthouse at Belzoni, Mississippi, to the highest and best bidder for cash, property lying and being situated in Humphreys County, Mississippi, a description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and made a part hereof as if copied herein in words and figures in full. EXHIBIT A A parcel of land lying in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 3 West. From an iron pipe corner offset 18’ Westerly along South line of SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 3 West go North 87° 51’ East 18 feet to a point recognized as the Southeast corner of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 3 West; thence North 0° 09’ West 210 feet to a point of beginning; thence from point of beginning South 87° 51’ West 210 feet to a point, thence North 0° 09’ West 105 feet to a point; thence North 87° 51’ East 210 feet to a point; thence South 0° 09’ East 105 feet to point of beginning. This parcel of land contains .5059 acre by survey; and Begin at the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 3 West and run North along the West boundary of county highway a distance of 210 feet; thence West parallel with the South boundary of said Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter a distance of 210 feet; thence South parallel with said county highway a distance of 210 feet; thence East along the South boundary of said Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning. It is the intention of the grantors to convey one acre of land in the Southeast corner of Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 3 West, Humphreys County, Mississippi, whether correctly described herein or not. I will convey only such title as is vested in me as Substituted Trustee. WITNESS my signature, this the 17th day of December 2014. /s/W. C. TROTTER, III W. C. TROTTER, III, Substituted Trustee 121 East Jackson Street P. O. Drawer 338 Belzoni, MS 39038 Tel. No. 662/247-1362 Fax No. 662/247-3333 Contact Brett at 855-847-6808 for more information. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF HUMPHREYS COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE CHARLES TARDY, DECEASED NO. 2014-0224 BY: CATHERINE TARDY, ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of HUMPHREYS County, Mississippi, on the 8th day of December, 2014, upon the Estate of LAWRENCE CHARLES TARDY, Deceased, Cause No. 2014-0224, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to file said claims with the Clerk of said Court for probation and registration against said estate within ninety (90) days from the first publication of this Notice or they will be forever barred. THIS, the 17th day of December, 2014. /s/Catherine Tardy CATHERINE TARDY, Administrator of the Estate of LAWRENCE CHARLES TARDY, Deceased 132 50-52 --------------------------------------------- SELL IT WITH A CLASSIFIED IN THE BELZONI BANNER, ONE MAN’S TRASH IS ANOTHER MAN’S TREASURE! Carol Ivy Real Estate 108 South George Lee - Belzoni 247-3633 Days 247-1920 Nights & Weekends Please Call for my listings. DECEMBER 24, 2014 HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM HUMPHREYS COUNTY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL On Thursday, December 18th, an impromptu committee of elves from Humphreys County Junior High School spread holiday cheer by creating and distributing handmade gifts to the cafeteria workers at Ida Greene Elementary School. “It felt great to give a gift to the cafeteria workers!” said Open Monday - Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Erionna Boyd. “I appreciate that the cafeteria workers take the time to provide healthy, nutritious meals throughout the year,” added Diya Ramsey. The purpose of the expedition to Ida Greene was to explore the real meaning of holiday gift giving. Noted Vernon Thurman, “It is better to give than to receive!” Members of the elf committee: Orlando Hunter, Vernon Thurman, Jarmarcus Young, Etheon Smith, Jerome Jones, Kayla Sanders, Jayla Stevenson, Andranaa Archie, Shateris Carthen, Aaliyah Jones, Shaquarius Ratliff, Alexis Hudson, Danyell Shaffer, Diya Ramsey, Ruby Bowman, Cincere Pouncy, Eriona Boyd, Jacquarius Jackson, Johnny Winn, Donnell Bateast, Laxavian Ellzey, Roshaundria Robinson and Kararrious Miner. The elves were supervised by teacher Michael Cox. ------------------------------------ LIVING HIS TRUTH By: Becky Lynn Guidry livinghistruth@live.com “Merry Christmas” Merry – very happy and cheerful, showing joy, giving, high spirits. Don’t be just merry on Christmas Day, be merry every day in Christ. For this can be your day, your moment… The word tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:2 “In acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation. You want to experience His joy, be merry in Him, say this prayer and believe what you are saying. Lord this is , who loves you with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and with all my strength, for I know you died on the cross for my sins. You have made a way for me to be set free from sin, I surrender all to you, that you may lead me to everlasting life with you. Amen. Smile, Jesus loves you and welcome to the Family of Life, Living His truth. ------------------------------------ • Walk-ins welcome • Comprehensive eye exams • Glasses & Contact lens fitting • Diagnosis and treatment of eye disease • Same day or next day glasses on most prescriptions • We are providers for most major medical, vision insurances and care credit. 206 Church St. Belzoni - 662-247-0518 PAGE THREE THE BELZONI BANNER 104 Hwy. 49 South Indianola - 662-887-3120 Keep up with Belzoni and Humphreys county with a subscription to THE BELZONI BANNER. A gift subscription is a gift that keeps on giving, week after week. Call 662-247-3373 today for subscription information. Long Shots by Richard Wiman Long Shots is brought to you by your friends at BankPlus WHERE ARE YOU GOING FOR CHRISTMAS? Numerous times during the days leading up to Christmas, I hear the question: “Where are you going for Christmas?” The question centers on where and with whom we will celebrate Christmas. Will it be Dorothy’s side of the family or my side? Will we be in Belzoni, Water Valley or Vicksburg? This frequently and perennially asked question stirred a thought in my mind, and since I don’t have that many thoughts stirring at any one time, I thought this would be a different direction for the Christmas Long Shots column, so hang on! This may be a sleigh ride you haven’t anticipated. Where are you going for Christmas? For many of us, the answer is probably to a worship service. We’re blessed in these United States to have churches all around our communities. Even though there are many different denominations and some with no denominational ties, when it comes to celebrating Christmas, especially with Christmas Eve candlelight communion services, the choices are abundant. I urge you to take your family and go to worship the Christ of Christmas on Christmas Eve. That’s a great place to go for Christmas. Where are you going for Christmas? For many of us outdoor enthusiasts, the answer is probably to a family gathering, complete with way too much to eat, a nap, and then off to deer or duck camp. For many hunters, Christmas means time off from work and a lengthier time to pursue our passion. If you’re going to hunt during Christmas, I urge you to make safety rather than success your greatest priority. A hunt that ends in tragedy because of the careless handling of a firearm is no way to celebrate Christmas, and the cemetery is not where you want to go for Christmas, so be careful. Have a great time. Enjoy the blessings of creation, and worship the Christ of Christmas in a deer stand or a duck blind. Hunting camp is a great place to go for Christmas. Years ago, two groups of people went somewhere special for Christmas. At the time, no one knew how to celebrate Christmas. In fact, they had never celebrated Christmas in that land, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. One group of hard-working, common people like you and me, were informed by an angelic chorus that they should go to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. Well, after the angels told them about the birth of Jesus Christ with the words, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” The shepherds were told to look for a baby lying in a manger, a feed trough, and wrapped in swaddling cloths. With this the angelic choir broke into song, singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” Meanwhile, in a land far away, a group of star gazers, astrologers, counselors, noticed a new star and from their knowledge of the constellations, they knew that the star proclaimed the birth of a prince, an heir to the throne, in Israel. Traveling hundreds and hundreds of miles, these Wise Men, Magi, went to Bethlehem for Christmas. They brought gifts fit for the new-born king, gold, frankincense and myrrh, and they worshipped the baby Jesus. Shepherds and Wise Men, from the lowest on the social pole to the highest, went to Jesus to celebrate Christmas. Creation itself went to Jesus for that first Christmas celebration. Donkeys and sheep, and who knows what other critters, shared the stable and paid homage to Christ on that first Christmas. Isn’t it amazing that rocks and trees, skies and seas, animals, birds, and fish of the sea, acknowledge their Creator and go to Jesus to celebrate Christmas. All the while, so many of us, in all our coming and going, fail to go to the one place we should all go for Christmas, to Jesus. Whether you spend Christmas in your home or somewhere else with family and friends, make sure that you go to the Christ of Christmas in genuine faith and repentance. It’s the best place in all the world and the world to come to go for Christmas. Going to Jesus to celebrate Christmas might be a long shot for some of you, but…whatever you do, don’t be afraid to go with the long shots. Live life to its fullest every moment and be ready! TRI-COUNTY FLOORS 111 E. Jackson St. Belzoni, MS 39038 “Serving the Delta since 1976” Ceramic - Carpet - Laminate Vinyl - Wood - Granite Floors, Showers Countertops FREE ESTIMATES PROFESSIONAL INSTALATION Family owned & operated for 34 years Phone 662-247-2510 Call day or Night PAGE FOUR THE BELZONI BANNER Guest Columnist Jim Davidson become more physically active and to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. Presenting Mrs. Custom with her certificate is Mrs. Debbie Hill, Humphreys DECEMBER 2014 HEALTH ACHIEVER MRS. ALMA CUSTOM Sponsored by your friends at Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. www.gbtonline.com Send us your news and announcements via email to belzonibanner@att.net or log on to our website at www.thebelzonibanner.com and click contact us. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Ann Claire Burton & Smith Stoner Margaret’s Garden, Gifts & Florist 205 N. Hayden Street Belzoni, Mississippi - 247-0707 December Health Achiever, Mrs. Alma Custom, doesn’t need New Year resolutions to motivate her for positive change. Especially when it comes to her health! She’s ending this year of 2014 thirtytwo pounds lighter. She also has a firm mindset to live healthier the right way. After joining Journey to Better Health, Mrs. Custom said that the program challenged her even more in her efforts to be healthier. Feeling that the pounds was weighing in on her, Mrs. Custom said that information that she got from JTBH showed her how to eat healthier and be more active. She’s now walking almost every day with her dog and raking leaves. She’s eating fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water. She is also cooking salt free using herbs instead and decreasing fried foods in her and her family’s diet. These better practices, Mrs. Custom says, has put her and her family on a path of “eating the proper way.” No more eating empty calories as she reinforces the goal with the adage that any ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. She’s now feeling good, sleeping and moving better, and has more energy. Mrs. Custom said that she even gave her JTBH book to her sister so that she too can benefit from it! When it all comes that to it, she says, it doesn’t cost anything to do right! Mrs. Custom advice to others wanting to lose weight is to take it off the right way (which is slowly) and it will stay off! Then and only then, she says, are you more conscious of your efforts and not just the results. Our congratulations go to Mrs. Alma Custom who has already jumpstarted her way into better health. The Humphreys County Health Network encourages all residents to BEARCAT’S FIREWORKS s C e Get m o Firework Bridal Registry THE BELZONI BANNER Your You no doubt have asked someone this question before, “Where have you been all my life?” The answer to this question could apply to many different areas, but the correct answer will always be “I’ve been right here,” because we can only physically be at one place at a time. I thought of this when someone sent me a list of places they had been “in” that had a most unusual twist. I also thought of the country song “I’ve Been Everywhere” written by an Australian country singer Geoff Mack in 1959 and made popular and adapted to American cities by a number of country music singers, most notably Hank Snow and Johnny Cash. Here is a partial list of the American states and cities where these singers say they have been, with the lead-in “I’ve been everywhere - man. I’ve been everywhere - man. Crossed the desert bare - man. I’ve breathed the mountain air - man. Of travel - I’ve had my share - man. I’ve been everywhere.” And now for verse one. “I’ve been to: Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota, Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma, Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma, Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo, Tocapillo, Barranquilla, and Perdilla, I am killer.” And I am proud to say that here is the first of three choruses, all I have space for, and you will get to travel to several more places. “I’ve been to: Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana, Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana, Monterey, Faraday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa, Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa (this column runs here), Tennessee, Chicopee, Spirit Lake, Grand Lake, Devils Lake, Crater Lake, for Pete’s sake.” Earlier I told you that someone had sent me a list of places they had been “in” that had an usual twist to them. See if you don’t agree as I share them with you. “I have been in many places but I have never been in Cahoots. Apparently you can’t go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone. I’ve also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have, however been in Sane. They don’t have an airport. You have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, family, friends and work. I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I am not too much on physical activity anymore. “I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often. I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was important to stand firm. Sometimes I am in Capable, and I go there more often as I’m getting older. One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! I may have been in Continent, and I don’t remember what country I was in. It’s an age thing. They tell me it is very wet and damp there.” Well, what do you think? Have you been “in” any of these places? I know I have and from my recollection, most were not very pleasant. Now all of this may be too much sugar for a dime, but I never cease to be amazed at some of the letters I receive from readers telling me that a particular column met a real need in their life. I got a letter from a Louisiana reader recently who told me that she had just lost her husband of 60 years and her eight children had tried to cheer her up. She said nothing worked until she read my column titled, “Things my mother taught me.” She said it was so funny, especially the line, “Do you want me to stop this car” that she had a big laugh. She concluded by saying, “Thanks for a wonderful funny article.” I believe you will agree, in today’s political and social climate, we all need to stop and laugh from time to time. --(EDITOR’S NOTE: Jim Davidson is a public speaker and syndicated columnist. You may contact him at 2 Bentley Drive, Conway, AR 72034. To begin a bookcase literacy project visit www.bookcaseforeverychild.com. You won’t go wrong helping a needy child.) DECEMBER 24, 2014 County Health Network member, with the Deep South Network for Cancer Control and coordinator for Journey to Better Health. ------------------------------------- Hwy 49 South Across from Subway We accept all major credit cards 23-24p Bridal Registry Leighton Domino & James Nason III Ann Claire Burton & Smith Stoner Natalie Roberts & Keith Dozier 213 N Hayden Street Belzoni, MS 39038 Ph.:(662)247-0506 kkornegay94@gmail.com DECEMBER 24, 2014 MERRY CHRISTMAS There is something about flying above the raging blizzard beneath that is exciting. I guess it is the idea that if something happened there is no place to go below. It was the winter of ’66 that comes to mind as that time I was on my way to Salt Lake City to represent my General at a conference called by another General, a person I worked for some nine years earlier when he was only a bird Colonel. We left the air base in upstate New York and climbed swiftly up and over most of the clouds forming ahead of us, to the west and over the Great Lakes. There was an occasional cumulous cloud that rose higher than our service ceiling but, if they were in our path we would fly around them and then get back on course, still heading west. It was just about a half-hour out when the pilot called back and told us there was a blizzard in progress below us that stretched from this side of Buffalo to the other side of Lake Michigan. He asked that, “We pray that nothing happens that would cause us to have to go down into that mess!” It was ceiling zero, visibility zero everywhere we would be landing and to me he said, “Even the Air Traffic Controllers couldn’t save us!” indicating he remembered I had been involved with that Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14 Merry Christmas from Humphreys County Insurance HOLIDAY HOURS: Christmas: We will be closed Dec. 24, 25, 26. Merry Christmas! New Years: We will close at 2pm on Dec 31 and reopen Friday, Jan 2 THE BELZONI BANNER part of flying for a long time before. I told him, “I’m not in that business anymore! I speak for Generals now!” We laughed and settled in for the ride. About an hour and a half into that ride the pilot called b a c k , “ S e rg e a n t Wa l t e r, come up front, please!” I went, cautiously, thinking the officers up front was about to spring something on me, and cautiously I opened the cockpit door. “Come on in and sit over there!” said the pilot, pointing to the co-pilot’s chair. Then he said, “Look over there!” and I looked a bit to the south but mostly to the west and I saw a shiny object, giving off an almost white light that seemed to be heading in our direction. As I watched the light grew brighter and larger until it was just about on us and that was when the pilot started a not so slow turn toward the object. He was about 45 degrees into that turn when I detected what felt like a bit of turbulence and that was when the pilot quit the turn and returned the plane to its original course. I asked, “Sir, why did you do that?” and he answered, “Well, if there had been a sonic boom it would have been easier on the plane to hit it head on than to let it hit us on the side.” Then I asked, “Sir, do you know what that was?” Being back on course the pilot put the plane on auto-pilot and leaned back and that was when the storytelling began. “Sgt. Walter, didn’t you see it when it went by?” the pilot asked and I replied, “No sir, I was too busy watching you!” He grinned and said, “Sergeant, that was Santa Claus and his reindeers, getting ready to deliver his toys to all the good little boys and girls in upstate New York.” I replied, “Oh?” and he continued, “Sure! They are the only ones in New England nice enough to receive Santa’s gifts. All the others will get lumps of coal in their stockings this year.” I couldn’t help it, I said, “You know sir, I heard your kids were all so mean they couldn’t look in mirrors lest they would break them with their evil stares, sir!” All the crew was laughing at that point and that was when the pilot suggested I take a walk Charles F. Davis Construction & Real Estate would like to give a big “Shout Out” to you, our clients and customers for another successful year! Advertising does pay!!! We have closed on 23 properties during 2014. outside to cool off. I reminded him we were at over 30,000 feet and he said, “The fresh air will do you good!” I then replied, “OK sir, but I’ve never done that before so since you are our leader how about you showing me the way?” And at that very moment something happened and it took the pilot several minutes to get things back under control. In the meantime the rest of us went back to our seats in the middle of the plane. The meeting in Salt Lake City wasn’t all that exciting but I did get to meet my Colonel, now a General, who was my Commander when we opened a weather station at the North Pole. Since I wasn’t authorized to make any commitments, but only to take notes, I had nearly forty pages of “stuff” to take back to my General. My Colonel wrote a note and told me to give it to the General. In essence it said, “I expect you to fully support this program and will so reflect that in my report to the Secretary of Defense. Thank you too for sending Sgt. Walter to gather information for you. He was one of my favorite people in the North Pole adventure. He is to be commended for the fine job he did for you.” And he signed it and put his seal on it. He also gave me an order to deliver it as soon as I got back there which of course I did. The trip back to New York was fairly uneventful. As it happens I had the same pilot returning as I had going. We left close to the midday heading east and I got to sit in the 2nd seat all the PAGE FIVE way back. We talked about many thing and I developed a friendship that lasted long after I retired from the Air Force. As we flew across Lake Michigan and Later across Lake Huron we had a clear and unobstructed view of all that was visible from our flight. As we entered into New York airspace we both were taken back by the sheer beauty of the lands beneath. With a total covering of snow everything more or less stood out, framed by the whiteness and that prompted the pilot to say, “See, even Santa would have had no trouble finding all the good little kids of upstate New York.” I couldn’t help it, I said, “If he ever made it this far. He sure didn’t have much incentive to be here!” And again, the pilot said, “You know the routine! Get out and walk awhile!” So I replied, “Show me the way!” Show me the way what?” “Show me the way, sir!” Just a bit later we landed back on base and I said goodbye to these my newfound unofficial friend. As I entered the Flight Center I was amazed for they had decorated this military base like it was made just for Christmas. And, as I left the OIC (Officer in Charge) Said, “Ho! Ho! Ho! And a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!” The trip ended as I stepped out into a newly falling snow, a snow that continued all through the night and into the day after Christmas. “And a Merry Christmas to all (of you) and to all a good night!” ------------------------------------- Thank you for your patronage. We wish for everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Bridal Registry Ann Claire Burton & Smith Stoner Leighton Domino & James Thomas Nason Natalie Roberts & Keith Dozier Barbara Williams & Oscar Townsend Megan Cardenas & Kirk Davis 13993 US Hwy 49 - Belzoni 662-836-8649 PAGE SIX THE BELZONI BANNER HCHS JMG STUDENTS TRAVEL TO NATION’S CAPITAL With the Washington Monument as a backdrop, Humphreys HCHS students, Nathaniel Harris and Taijah Dent, are pictured On the Mall in Washington D.C. with a statue from County High School students, Gregory Billingsley and Jacobo the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial in the background. JMG Moya, pose On the Mall in Washington, D.C. while attending students, Harris and Dent, were a part of the Jobs for America’s the JAG Leadership Conference. Billingsley and Moya were Graduates Leadership Conference in the nation’s capital in late two of over 40 Mississippi students selected to be a part of this November. conference. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Four HCHS Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) students and Mrs. Jewelstine Sutton, JMG Job Specialist, teacher, and sponsor, traveled to Washington, D.C. November 17-23, 2014 to attend the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) National Student Leadership Conference. They joined 40 other JMG students from across the state forming “Team Mississippi.” Also in attendance were hundreds of other JAG students from all over the United States and the Virgin Islands. Throughout the week, the attendees participated in several hours of classes designed to enrich their skills in leadership and teamwork. One day was set aside for competitions in Public Speaking, Math Skills, and Employability Skills. Jacobo Moya from HCHS did a magnificent job in representing Mississippi in the Public Speaking Competition. Besides sight-seeing whenever possible, other activities during the week included tours of two colleges, Howard University and Georgetown University; a tour of downtown Georgetown; a twilight tour of all the monuments, memorials, walls, statues, and other famous Washington D.C. landmarks; a visit to the Library of Congress to meet Senator Thad Cochran; lunch with Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant; and an awards banquet. Along with Mrs. Sutton, the HCHS students who had the opportunity to go on this incredible trip were Gregory Billingsley (10th), Taijah Dent (10th), Nathaniel Harris (11th), and Jacobo Moya (10th). Mrs. Sutton and these students would like to thank the administration of the Humphreys County School District and Humphreys County High School and all their family members and friends who supported them prayerfully and financially. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUST A LITTLE SOME- BARK, our local kennel, would love some cleaning supplies or THING TO THINK some dog food, blankets, colABOUT! 3rd Generation Roofer Merry Christmas and Happy lars, toys, just whatever you New Years from all of us to all feel lead to give. Let’s truly make this a joyous Shingle, Metal, TPO Heat Weld Roofs, Hot Tar, Carpentry of you and yours. time for all God’s creatures. No job too big or too small I love Belzoni, Humphreys After all we are celebrating His County and the people in it. I am so glad, that for most of sons birthday. Mike Smith, Owner May you all be safe and I pray the time, we all work together God grants traveling mercies to 1085 Spruill Rd Home: (662)-247-2609 to make this a better place. I all who travel. Belzoni, MS 39038 Cell: (662)-836-8614 hope we continue to do so and ----------------------------------hopefully build our little com- Mike Smith’s Roofing & Repair munity into a profitable one. I have noticed new businesses going up in surrounding towns and I hope one day it will be us. We need to keep our town clean and neat in order to look more attractive for a new business to pick us as their home. I also want to express my sadness for the families that have recently lost loved ones. It is a hard time anytime, but especially around the holidays. Don’t forget to help those who are less fortunate than you, like our older residents and nursing home residents. POSTED All land leased and owned by Steve Grisham is posted against all forms of trespassing. All previous permissions are revoked. Violators will be prosecuted. 45-44 POSTED All land owned, leased and rented by Rodgers Farms is posted against all forms of trespassing. All previous permissions are hereby revoked. Violators will be prosecuted. Erick and Billy Rodgers 11-10 All jobs come with 3 yr Labor Warranty 48-3 DECEMBER 24, 2014 After having lunch with the Mississippi students and sponsors attending the JAG Leadership Conference in the nation’s capital, Governor Phil Bryant poses with HCHS JMG Specialist, teacher, and sponsor Jewelstine Sutton. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECEMBER 17, 2014 THE BELZONI BANNER PAGE SEVEN PAGE EIGHT DECEMBER 24, 2014 THE BELZONI BANNER PARELLA COMPLETES SENATE INTERNSHIP WITH COCHRAN Mississippi College Senior Worked Fall Semester in Senator Cochran’s Washington Office WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) has commended Courtney Parella of Grenada for successfully completing a semester-long internship in his Washington office. The 2010 valedictorian of Kirk Academy, Parella is a graduating senior majoring in Public Relations at Mississippi College. She is the daughter of Richard Parella and Rhonda Horstman. During her internship that began in September, Parella assisted Cochran’s staff in a variety of areas, including scheduling, press, and constituent services. The Cochran internship program is designed to give young Mississippi students a firsthand opportunity to experience the federal legislative process and the operation of a U.S. Senate office. SMITH HEATING, COOLING & ELECTRIC Have your heating unit serviced now! The Belzoni Banner will print early next week due to the holidays. Merry Christmas! Humphreys County Tax Assessor/Collector Margaret Parks 2014 Real & Personal Property Taxes Humphreys County Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office has completed the mailing of 2014 annual real & personal property tax statements. If you are responsible for paying taxes on a property and have not received a tax statement, please contact the Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office @ 247.2552. Taxes are due on or before February 1, 2015. If you purchased property and filed a deed after January 1, 2014, the property name will not change until after January 2015. So, please contact the office to receive the new property’s tax amount. In order to avoid a one percent (1%) interest penalty per month [27-41-9(1)], payments must be received by February 1. Failure to receive a tax notice is not a legal reason for avoiding delinquent interest. It is the responsibility of the property owner to make sure taxes are paid on or before the above mentioned date. Tax statements are a courtesy of the county, not a requirement. If February 1 is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the time of delinquency is 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. If you have any questions, please contact the tax office. 49-50 606 West 1st Street Belzoni, Mississippi Call RANDY SMITH, Owner (662)836-8446 (662)247-1318 Counterfeit Money Is Circulating Don’t get caught holding worthless paper. Banner Printing Co., Inc. has Counterfeit Detection Pens. One quick mark and you know if the currency you just received is fake or real. Banner Printing Co., Inc. 115 E Jackson St. - Belzoni 662-247-3373 All Types of Roo¿ng MARK HOLLOWAY ROOFING & CARPENTRY Keep up with Belzoni and Humphreys county with a subscription to THE BELZONI BANNER. A gift subscription is a gift that keeps on giving, week after week. Call 662-247-3373 today for subscription information. MARK HOLLOWAY, Owner Belzoni, MS 39038 662-836-7898 662-836-8482 40-39p Store Hours: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. on Sunday Deli Phone No: 247-3794 PRICES GOOD WED., DEC. 26 THRU TUE., DEC. 31, 2014. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. NO SALES TO DEALERS. HOMETOWN SAVINGS! HOMETOWN SERVICE! FRESHWATER FARMS BONELESS, ASSORTED SIZES CATFISH FILLETS 2 $ 88 MISSISSIPPI FARM RAISED lb. SMALL MEATY FRESH, 3 PK VACUUM BAG PORK SPARE RIBS 1 $ 98 lb. VALUES DOWN EVERY AISLE!!! 12 OZ. CANS, 12 PACK 30 OZ. JAR COKE & COKE BLUE PLATE PRODUCTS MAYONNAISE 3 11 2 $ $ 98 Limit 6 with $15.00 Additional Purchase Limit 1 with $15.00 Additional Purchase for WE NOW ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD, & DISCOVER REGULAR OR DIET, 2 LITER U. S. NO. 1, 8 LB. BAG COKE & COKE PRODUCTS RUSSET POTATOES 4 5 for $ 2 $ 48
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