An Overview of the New Integrated Disclosures Webinar January 15, 2015 s 10 to 11:30 AM The new Integrated Disclosures (the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure) will be effective August 1, 2015. While the new forms are a vast improvement over the existing documents, they also carry hazards for the bank, the customer, and the real estate market. Please check all appropriate boxes: Member The focus of this webinar will not be “place the following information in this exact spot on the form.” The focus will be the very real decisions that you will have to make in order to properly prepare for the new forms. For instance, the timing issues with the new forms will change how you do business. Making some basic decisions now will enhance the conversion process. We will discuss the impact that the requirements of these forms will have on your day-to-day operations, your management, and the customer and public impact of these forms. We cannot guarantee registration for incomplete and/or illegible registration forms. Your registration entitles you to 1 connection at 1 location with permission to copy materials for participants. When the presentation is finished, there will be a list of issues that must be addressed, to give you a decision roadmap to follow as you head towards the August 1st deadline. Street Address________________________________________________ Highlights Phone/Fax___________________________________________________ • The impact on your financial institution • The impact on the customer E-mail______________________________________________________ • The impact on the real estate market • The Loan Estimate • The Closing Disclosure Who Should Attend? Mortgage loan professionals, loan processors and underwriters, and compliance officers and analysts. Bank staff that work in consumer mortgage lending or have mortgage lending responsibilities will find this program beneficial. Additionally, those banks that are looking for an overview and general understanding of the 2015 rules as they implement their project plans to comply by the August deadline should consider this program. Please route to all appropriate departments. Live webinar and materials CD and materials $265 $265 Nonmember $465 $465 Name_______________________________________________________ Title________________________________________________________ Bank_______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Three ways to register: Online: Fax credit card payments to our secure fax line: 617-249-0441. Mail: Massachusetts Bankers Associaton-NIDW15 One Washington Mall, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02108-2603 Method of Payment (check one): Check payable to MBA (must be accompanied by registration form.) MasterCard VISA AMEX Discover PCI Compliance mandates that payments made by credit card must be faxed, do not email. Please fax to our secure fax line: 617-249-0441. Card# __________________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________________________________ Amount $_______________________________________________ Presenter: Bill Elliott – CRCM, Senior Consultant and Manager of Compliance Bill Elliott has over 35 years of banking experience. As a compliance consultant and manager of the compliance division with Young & Associates, Inc., Bill works on a variety of compliance related issues, including leading compliance seminars, conducting compliance reviews for all areas of compliance, conducting in-house training, and writing compliance articles and training materials. During his career, Bill spent 15 years as a compliance officer and CRA officer in a large community bank, and also worked for a large regional bank. Cardholder’s Name________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature _________________________________________ For More Information: Contact the Education Department at 617-523-7595. Direct registration inquiries to Pat Tabolsky, He has been a lender for consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans, and has managed a variety of bank departments, including loan review, consumer / commercial loan processing, mortgage loan processing, loan administration, credit administration, collections, and commercial loan workout. One Washington Mall, 8th Floor | Boston, MA 02108-2603 | 617.523.7595 |
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