ST. WENCESLAUS CHURCH • CORNER OF DAVENPORT & DODGE STREETS • IOWA CITY Vitáme Vás—“St. Wenceslaus Parish Welcomes You” SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00 AM WEEKDAY MASS 7:00 AM HOLY DAY MASSES 5:30 PM Eve of Holy Day 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM on Holy Day RECONCILIATION Saturday: 2:30-3:30 PM Sunday: 7:30-7:45 & 9:30-9:45 AM BAPTISMS By appointment call, the church office WEDDINGS Make arrangements with a priest a minimum of nine months in advance PRAYER LINE If you have a prayer request, please call the Church Office. Also, please contact us if you would like to participate on the prayer line. HOSPITAL OR HOME VISIT If you or someone you know is hospitalized and would like a visit from one of our homebound ministers or Father Beckman please call the church office, 337-4957. PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Gary Beckman Deacon: Deacon Dave Reha Parish Secretary: Pat King Parish Staff Volunteer: Sr. Theresa Kruml, 351-2592 Lay Directors: Gary Busche, Gretchen Brown Parish Council President: Sam Abusada Parish Council Members: Kathie Staley, Margaret Post, Teresa Morgan, Phil Jones, Nathan Hellwig Regina School Board Members: Teri Brennan, Kathy Shey, Jason Dumont CONTACT US Church Office: 623 Fairchild Street, Iowa City, IA 52245 Church Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Church Office Phone: 319-337-4957, Fax: 319-337-5822 / / “Like” us on Facebook Church Hall Phone Number: 319-337-4869 Church Building Address: 630 E. Davenport St. WE ARE GOD'S HOLY FAMILY The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each instance, we are given examples or role models of those who trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new and unimagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for all the world. This is what we, as God's holy family, are called to do each day: to trust not in ourselves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to a God of endless promise. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co We remember in prayer St. Wenceslaus’ own . . . Anna Cain as she begins her life’s vocation with the Nashville Dominican Sisters and John Lamansky as he continues his seminary training in Rome. May God continue to bless them and lead them to faithful service in the Catholic Church. December 28, 2014 Feast of the Holy Family Mass Intentions 12/27 Saturday 7:00 AM 4:00 PM End to Abortion † Minnie Neuzil 12/28 Sunday 8:00 AM Our Parishioners 10:00 AM † Members of Apendis Family 12/29 Monday 7:00 AM † Cyril & Helen Williams 12/30 Tuesday 7:00 AM † Catherine Wilson & Lou Meyer 12/31 Wednesday 7:00 AM 5:30 PM † Gen Wombacher † Tom Harney 1/1 Thursday 9:00 AM † Barbara Crane 1/2 Friday 7:00 AM † Margaret Olszewski 1/3 Saturday 7:00 AM 4:00 PM Pro - Life † Joan Boyle Macksey 1/4 Sunday 8:00 AM Special Intention of Jacob Poliskey 10:00 AM Our Parishioners IRS code specifies that the cut-off for claiming a charitable income tax deduction for 2014 taxes is December 31st, 2014. If a donor wants a deduction for calendar year 2014, the gift must be hand delivered or the envelope postmarked by December 31st. Gifts received (or postmarked) January 1st or later cannot be "back dated" to count for 2014. All gifts must be recorded in the calendar year received. Did you know? Our parish is responsible for ministering to all those Catholic persons living in Walden Place, Chatham Oaks and Emerson Point ? Father Beckman has Mass and confessions at each location once a month (Walden Place is the First Thursday at 2:00 PM. Chatham Oaks is the First Thursday at 3:15 PM. Emerson Point is at 2:00 PM on the First Friday of every month). Sr. Theresa takes communion during the other weeks. Anointing of the Sick is done annually or as requested. This arrangement is part of the cooperative effort of all parishes to help meet the needs of those persons in assisted living facilities throughout Iowa City and Coralville. Remember: If you or a loved one is homebound even for a short period of time, please let us know and we will have one of our homebound ministers bring communion to your home. KCans4Life Collection: Next Saturday, 9:00-Noon As always we collect on the first Saturday of the month (Jan. 3) in the church parking lot. Bring all of your 5-cent IA redemption cans, plastic and glass bottles. No need to sort, we’ll do that for you! Proceeds benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic, Birthright, and Johnson County Right to Life. Monday-Saturday 6:35 AM Divine Mercy 7:00 AM Mass Monday, Dec.29 7:00 PM Respect Life Committee Mtg. - hall Tuesday, Dec.30 Our church office will be closed 7:30 AM Bible Study - hall except by appointment, from Wednesday, Dec. 31 Dec. 24, 2014 - Jan. 4, 2015 5:30 PM Mass - church 6:30 PM Holy Hour for Vocations - church Thursday, Jan. 1 9:00 AM Mass - church Friday, Jan. 2 12:50 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Goldman Clinic 2:00 PM Mass at Emerson Point Saturday, Jan. 3 8:15 AM Rosary at Planned Parenthood 9:00 AM KC Cans for Life - parking lot 2:30-3:30 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Mass - church 5:15 PM Baptism - Madalyn Lovik - church SCRIP Sales - hall Sunday, Jan. 4 7:30-7:45 AM Confessions 8:00 AM Mass - church Coffee/Donuts/SCRIP SALES - hall 9:30-9:45 AM Confessions 10:00 AM Mass - church The angels that adorn our tree during this Christmas Season have the names of each person baptized here in 2014. If you or a loved one was baptize this past year, please feel free to find and collect your angel. Liturgical Ministers Needed Sign - up sheets will be at the main entrance to the church for volunteers in the various ministries needed for 5:30 PM Mass Dec. 31 and 9:00 AM Mass Jan. 1. Thank you to the many hands that helped decorate our church this Christmas Season. The decorations are beautiful and enhance our liturgy during this very special time of year. We will enjoy their beauty through the take down of the decorations which will be on Sunday, January 11, 2015 the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. This is our fourth Sunday of the month 4:00 PM Sunday Mass followed by our fourth Sunday Potluck at 5:00 PM. Please plan to join your fellow parishioners at both these events. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Jones at, 541-6449. Liturgical Ministers For Jan. 3/4 4:00 PM Mass Lector: Ushers: Altar Servers: Gifts: Euch. Min.: 8:00 AM Mass Lector: Ushers: Altar Servers: Gifts: Euch. Min.: Coffee/Donuts: 10:00 AM Mass Lector: Ushers: Altar Servers: Gifts: Euch. Min.: Coffee/Donuts: Doug Menietti Joe Caslavka, Philip Hotka, Kenneth Chaloupka Eric McColloch Jeshua Albert Wirth, Peter Knepper, Alan Milliman Kathy Holeton, Eileen Rogers Georgina Caslavka, Brian/Cathy Hunt Lee Reichelt Mary Anderson, Philip Kean Richard Anderson, Jamie Zimmerman, Van Emery, Gary Sieren Ella Morgan, Jacob Morgan, Ben Brown Nicholas/Nourah/Sam/Ellen Abusada Monica Maloney-Mitros, Jennifer Montgomery Eric Nuxoll, David Fetzer Grace Jochimsen, Virginia White Teri Brennan, Nathan Kabat Don McChristy, Steve/Daniel/Anna Zirtzman Noah Kabat, Gabriel Seele, Joshua Poe Beth Oxler, David/Rocco Zollo Chris Kabat, Nancy Rossley-Barnes, Michele Kopecky, Christoph Randak Catherine Kellogg, LaDonna Wicklund SAVE THE DATE - Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 10:00 AM Mass First Communion for 13 of our young people. Class sessions begin on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 9:00 AM in the church hall conference room. These sessions are for all students 2nd grade and above who have not yet received their first communion. This includes students in public school, Regina and those that are home schooled. Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Wenceslaus parish Family, During this holy Christmas season, I would like to thank all the parishioners of St. Wenceslaus Parish, for the many cards, gifts, and holiday greetings. I would like to especially thank you for giving of your time, talent and treasure this past year. You are special to me ,and I value your continued friendship and support. You and your loved ones are being remembered in my Masses during this Holy Season. We also keep in our prayers all the men and women of our armed forces who are celebrating Christmas away from their loved ones this year. I pray that God continues to hold them and each of you in the palm of His hand. A blessed and Merry Christmas to you all. Pax, Father Beckman My brother, who is Catholic, will be marrying a woman who is Jewish. What does our Catholic faith teach us about interfaith marriage? The shortest answer to this question would be that with the permission of the local bishop, the church does not prohibit marriage between a Catholic and a non-Christian. When one partner is not baptized, the bond between them is referred to as a natural bond, which is perpetual and exclusive (Canon 1134). The prospective bride and groom must meet certain requirements, including the Catholic partner's declaration of intention to live the faith and to share that faith with their children. The other partner must also be informed of these promises and both must understand the meaning and purposes of marriage (Canon 1125). That's the law. In practical terms, interfaith couples have to be clear on each other's religious beliefs, values and practices that have a profound effect on goals and choices we make. Young couples often assume that love is the goal of marriage and as long as there is love, all things can be overcome. It sounds good in a greeting card, but there is more to it than that. The primary goal of marriage is unity of persons in mind, body and soul, so significant differences can be a major obstacle. Good communication, clear understanding and lots of patience are necessary for any marriage to succeed, but especially so for those with significant differences.©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc. Vocation View Delight in God’s call to you in baptism. What grace do you need to strengthen your commitment to discerning God’s call. Respect Life in All Forms in All Stages: “Unfortunately, what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable objects, but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as ‘unnecessary.’ For example, it is frightful even to think there are children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day; children being used as soldiers, abused and killed in armed conflicts; and children being bought and sold in that terrible form of modern slavery which is human trafficking, which is a crime against humanity.” Pope Francis – Speech to diplomats Jan. 13, 2014. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5-8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Welcome New Member Registration Form Please take a moment to introduce yourself to us. Fill in the information below and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to our office. Welcome to our parish family. Thank you for calling St. Wenceslaus ‘home’. Name____________________________________ Address____________________________________ City___________________State____Zip_________ Phone_______________________Date___________ BRANDT HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING McCOMAS - LACINA CONSTRUCTION MLC GENERAL CONTRACTORS Commercial Industrial Residential New Construction & Remodeling 338-1125 1310 Highland Ct. Iowa City McDonald SINCE OPTICAL Two convenient locations Iowa City and Coralville “Only the Rich Can Afford Poor Heat” (319) 338-8171 www.lensing 1203 Highland Court KLINE PAINT CO. Interior Painting Commercial and Residential Free Estimates One Room or Many Kent Kline 319-333-9090 Dr. Greg Schnoebelen garden center • greenhouses golf course • flower shoppe Iowa City, Iowa “Growing with you since 1952” 319-337-3118 N.D. 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