11TH Asian Business Research Conference PROGRAM 26-27 December, 2014 Venue: Bangladesh Institute of Administrative Management (BIAM) Foundation 63 New Eskaton, Dhaka, Bangladesh Main Theme: “Strands of Development” Professor Dr. Mohammad Zia-ul Hoque, Conference Chair President, World Business Institute (WBI), Australia President, London Academic Research and Publications Ltd, UK Visiting Professor, Naresuan University, Thailand Proudly Sponsored by: Journal of Business and Policy Research World Journal of Social Sciences International Review of Business Research Papers Global Economy and Finance Journal World Review of Business Research Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics Global Review of Business Research World Journal of Management Please Read all the Instructions Below What to Do at Dhaka Airport Dhaka airport is clean but crowded. After immigration, you can change money at the bank located just behind immigration desk. Please convert some money (around US$50-100) from the money changers/banks as you need them to pay taxi ride. You can collect your bags from the conveyer and then proceed to green channel if you have nothing to declare. Then, just stroll down to the exit gate. You can go to your hotel or directly come to the conference venue from the Hazrat Shahjalal (RA) International Airport by taxi. We warn you that the airport is a chaotic place and you may be surrounded by many Taxi drivers. You need to negotiate with Taxi drivers as fare not fixed and Taxi does not run on meter.. First you ask the driver’s name and discretely note down his taxi number. In case of any trouble, call Mr. Mahbubul Bhuiyan on (cell/mobile) 0171 1595 219 and introduce yourself that you came for the conference. If you want to come directly to the venue (BIAM Foundation, 63 New Eskaton, Dhaka) ask the driver to take you to Bangla Motor and once the driver reaches Bangla Motor Junction, ask him to proceed to Janakantha Office. You need to turn left from the main road well before Janakantha Office and the driver will help you to reach BIAM building. Pick-Up and Drop Service from and to Airport: If you are the nationals of other countries and are non-resident Bangladeshi, we can engage a transport to pick you up from the airport and drop at the airport and it will cost you US$75100 for both way travel. If you want this service, please email to Nuha Jahan via bangpap@gmail.com. Email the flight details. If you have booked already for pick and drop service at the airport, please look around (after you exit from the immigration door) for a person who is holding your name on a card and proceed to him and introduce yourself. If you have not paid us for this service, pay him the cash as agreed before. If you do not find any person ( this will not happen), wait there or contact Mr. Mahbub on 01711595219. Please send us your flight number, name of the airline and arrival time before your departure from your country. How to report your arrival for Registration? As soon as you reach BIAM Foundation Building, please go to the room called “Meghna Hall” at 3rd floor and report your arrival to the registration desk. However, our Reception Team members will help you in this regard. Presentation rooms are called Halls and papers will be presented in Meghna Hall (3rd Floor) and Mahboob Kabir Hall (4th Floor) Registration Please report your arrival at the registration desk located outside Meghna Hall on 3rd floor. Mrs. Khaleda Akhter, Nuha Jahan and Mr. Mahbubul Bhuiyan will coordinate the registration job. If you have not yet paid your registration fee, please complete your cash 2 payment in US$ on arrival if you are overseas delegate and Taka if you are local Bangladesh resident. Please bring right money as we do not provide money change service. We do not accept any other mode of payment except cash and hope you will not negotiate with us for other mode of payment. Please collect your conference bag which contains, among other materials, your name badge, an envelope containing your payment receipt (if you have not yet received it), participation certificate, lunch and dinner coupons and other materials. The name badge is required for all participants/spouse/guests to participate in all sessions/events, refreshments, buffet lunch, receptions, tea/coffee breaks and dinner. Please make sure that your name badge is in order. About Effective Presentation Every author will get 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for feedback . For effective presentation within 15 minutes, you can spend 5 minutes on “Introduction and Literature Review” and 10 minutes on “Methodology, Results and Conclusion”. Research results are the heart of presentation and spend more time of the issue.. What should you bring along for your presentation? OPTIONAL: Please bring in 15-20 copies of your (printed) paper (powerpoint slides or full paper) for distribution at your session to other participants (this is optional). MANDATORY: Please print out at least 1 copy of your full paper and hand it to the chair of the session at the beginning of your presentation. Each paper will have about 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. We will provide data projector and laptop for power point presentation in both rooms. Please make power point slides for presentation and bring your USB stick/pen-drive/flush drive and give it to the person in charge of the computer and data projector. Please do not upload your paper by yourself and our representative will help you. You must be certain that your USB drive is virus free and if you do not clean your file or infect the computer and or damage data projection by your handling, you may be liable for payment of penalty of undisclosed amount.. It is safe not to upload your paper and please clean the virus, if any, in the file before you bring for uploading. In the past, we have faced issues where authors have put their USB in their unaccompanied luggage which did not arrive with them or they have emailed the presentation to themselves. We highly recommend that you carry your USB with you at all times and not put it with your unaccompanied luggage and that you also do not just email the presentation to yourself. You should save your presentation on a USB stick as well. 3 There is no guarantee that we can run/operate data projector and computer as there is no guarantee of electricity supply but there is standby electricity generator machine for operation of overhead projector. We request you to bring your overhead transparencies so that you can present your paper in the event of failure to operate data projector and laptop. Each presentation room has overhead projector, We repeat, please bring your both USB file and transparencies.. We do not provide any blank transparency or facility for making transparency and be sure that you come with your transparency and USB file or just overhead transparencies. Please note that we do not offer any internet access in the presentation rooms. You may ask the hotel about using wifi or their business centre which may cost some money (at your own expense). ***Please also note that the computers may have either 2003 or 2007 MS Office suite. Therefore, please save your presentation in both 2003 and 2007 versions. If you have only a 2007 version and the hotel provides only 2003 office software, we will not take any responsibility for converting your presentation from 2007 to 2003. What about Tea/Coffee Break and Hot Buffet Lunch Tea/coffee and light food will be served two times (morning and afternoon) at the BIAM Canteen which is located at ground level of the BIAM building. Hot buffet lunch will be served at the same Canteen. Lunch will be served between 1-2.30 PM on December 26 and 1 – 2 PM on 27 December, 2014. On Friday 26 December, Juma prayer time is included in the lunch break. Please do not come before this lunch time as Canteen staff will be busy for preparation. There will be non-vegetarian, vegetarian, Halal food, salads and soft drinks. The Canteen is a smoke-free area and please respect this requirement. Please do not come for lunch after 2 PM for lunch as everything will be closed for lunch. Please show your ticket to the attendee at the canteen and if you lose this lunch ticket, please see the registration desk. The lunch ticket will be a colourful coupon at the back of your name tag. Regular Prayer and Friday Prayer Facilities There is a separate prayer room for both male and female at the 4th floor of the main building for regular prayer. You can take lift in the main building to reach there and each room has washing facility. It is open at all the time and you can pray there. You can ask people at the registration desk for any direction in this regard. Friday prayer starts at 1.15 PM sharp at the adjacent mosque which is few yards away from the BIAM building. At the entrance gate of the BIAM campus, turn right and you will get the mosque. The prayer continues until 1.40 PM. Those who are praying Juma can take your lunch between 2,00 PM and 2.30 PM and you do not need to rush for lunch. But do not come after 2.30 PM. You can also join Prof. Hoque who will lead you to the mosque for Friday prayer. 4 Conference Dinner No conference is complete without a gala dinner. We have organized a most memorable Dinner which will be featured by delicious items and other delicacies. If you are vegetarian, please let us know in advance. Dinner will be served to the registered delegates from 7.00 PM sharp on 27 December 2014 at the BIAM Canteen. We request you to be there by 6.45 PM. Please bring your dinner coupon and do not bring your unpaid guests to embarrass us. If you want to bring your guest, please complete payment on Friday at the Registration table. The dinner must be completed by 9.00 PM. Our conference dinner does not include just food and drink, it is featured with ‘Best Paper Award’ plus surprises. Please come with neat and formal dress. Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice-Chancellor of World University of Bangladesh and Professor Dr. Mohammad Mahboob Ali of Daffodil International University will join the dinner as Chief Guest and Special Guest respectively. Best Paper Award Best paper is selected on the basis of 1. Originality 2. Research Rigor 3. Contribution to the body of knowledge and 4. Relevance to current and emerging issues. The papers are considered on the basis of the evaluation by the reviewers and the assessment made by the members of the panel. The name of the winners will be declared at the conference dinner and also notified via email at a later date. Papers selected as “Best Papers” will be published in the Journal of Business and Policy Research and other peer reviewed indexed but ranked journal. The winners will receive an award certificate and fellowship certificate from the World Business Institute.. Conference Proceedings As per conference website, conference proceedings with ISBN will be provided electronically. Please visit www.wbiworldconpro.com to view your paper after 24 December. Please read the instructions there and then view or download your and/or other authors’ papers. The proceedings will be there for a number of years which is visited by thousands of readers from all over the globe. We remind the authors that we will upload the paper or abstract as per the option you have indicated in the registration form. Once your paper or abstract is uploaded, you cannot change it again in any form unless you pay USD$100 for any change. Paper Evaluation Report (PER) and Editorial Review Report (ERR) Unlike other conferences in the world, we provide written feedback on your paper in the form of Paper Evaluation Report (PER). This report will be sent to the authors via email within 2-3 months after the conference. Please do not contact us in between this time regarding these reports. However, if you do not receive them by this deadline, then contact us via email: njahanwbi@gmail.com Please note that even if you have paid to attend the conference but you do not present the paper at the conference, then you will not receive a PER for your paper. Similarly, if you collect your registration envelope pack but do not present your paper, the department in your university will be notified. 5 For those of who have paid for publication of their papers in our journals, you will receive Editorial Review Report (ERR) within 3 – 4 months after the conference, in addition to the PER. Publication of Your Paper ( Please read carefully) All accepted papers recommended by the reviewer (see your acceptance letter) for a particular journal will be published provided that you have paid submission fee and complied to the review report, editorial comments, feedback at the conference and journal’s guidelines. You are required to send us your revised full paper (after compliance to the PER and ERR and editorial observations, comments, if any, you received at the conference) within 3 months after we send you the ERR. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY 100% TO THE PER AND ERR, YOUR PAPER WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED AND YOUR MONEY WILL NOT BE RETURNED. If your invitation and acceptance letter does not mention any journal name, it means that your paper was not accepted for any of our journals, However, if you improve your paper according to the feedback you receive at the conference and/or via review report, we can reconsider the paper for journal publication at that stage. Please note that it is not guaranteed that your paper will be selected for a journal even after the revisions. Please read the following conditions of publication: If you have already paid publication fee, you must indicate in red ink the new or additional materials you have added or inserted in compliance to written feedback and/or comments at the time of revision. We will endeavour, though not guaranteed, to publish your paper within six-nine months after the conference if you comply fully to all requirements and requests. No reminder notice will be sent. If you do not send your revised paper by the deadline or if you failed to comply in full to the review reports within the due time set by us and do not comply to our any request for reorganising the paper as per journals’ guidelines or fail to make the paper camera-ready or do not respond to our emails within 6 months after the conference or partly comply to review report, your paper will not be published and no money or fee will be refunded. Even if you withdraw your paper, submission fee will not be refunded. Missed out Publication Opportunity? If you have submitted only abstract or your paper has not been considered by any journal, you can send us full paper after the conference for review. If it is accepted by any one of journals, you can pay Taka 10,000 for print and online copy or Taka 7000 for online copy only to our Dhaka Office. You can also talk to Prof. Hoque at the conference about any issue relating to your publication. If your paper has already been accepted for our journal and you have not paid any publication fees but are interested to publish can make cash payment at the registration desk. Non-Attendee can also publish their paper but the cost of Print and online publication is US $350 or for online publication only is US $ 250. If you would like to pay at a later time, then please contact Nuha Jahan via njahanwbi@gmail.com to arrange this. 6 Who to Contact For any issues relating to conference and training matters please contact Mr. Mahbubul Hoque Bhuiya on 01711595219 Correspondence After Conference If you have any concerns or questions after the conference, please contact us via our email address njahanwbi@gmail.com. Please do not send any email to bangpap@gmail.com as this email address will be unmonitored after 27 December, 2014. 2015 Conferences The WBI, organizes about 30 conferences in every year. The 2015 program includes conferences in ( presented in order) in Dubai ( 2 times), Malaysia (2 times), Bali, London (2 Times), Paris ( 2 times), Melbourne (2 times), New York, Toronto, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok ( 2 times), Rio ( Brazil), Rome, Barcelona, Geneva, Istanbul, Singapore, Tokyo, Auckland, Las Vegas, Kathmandu and DhaKa which are attended by hundreds of authors from all over the world. If you would like to join our future conferences, please continuously visit our website www.wbiworld.org to find out more information. You can also follow us on Facebook by liking our page “World Business Institute”. Doctoral (Ph.D) Student Recruitment By Naresuan University of Thailand A 3-member delegates from the Naresuan University of Thailand will join the conference to recruit Ph. D students in all discipline of Business Faculty and please visit www.bang;laconfo.com/doctoral_study to know detail information. If you are interested , please talk to them as time schedule shown in the program. The Tem members are: Dr. Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom Dr. Sukij Khorchurkiang Mr. Kritsana Nakprasong Weather Winter visits Dhaka during December and it is forecasted that this year it will be a cold winter. If you are travelling from overseas/interstate, please take all necessary precautions to accommodate the chilling weather. List of Participating Countries We welcome delegates from the following 9 countries of the world. Australia, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, UAE and USA. 7 Conference Team Professor Dr. Mohammad Zia-ul Hoque President, WBI, Australia Conference Chair Mrs. Khaleda Akhter Managing & Finance Director WBI, Australia Ms. Nuha Jahan Conference Administrator/ Publications Director WBI, Australia Mohammad Rezaul, Hoque Bhuiyan Managing Director Research and Publication International (RAPI) Dhaka, Bangladesh Mr. Tanzil Hoque Marketing Director WBI, Australia Mr. Salman Ul Hoque Website Manager WBI, Australia Mr. Md. Mahbubul Hoque Bhuiyan Chief Manager RAPI, Bangladesh Mr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan Executive, RAPI Bangladesh Mr. Md. Borhan Uddin Bhuiyan Executive, RAPI Bangladesh 8 Conference Program Outline Friday 26 December, 2014 Presentation Rooms: Megna Hall, 3 floor and Mahboob Kabir Hall 4 Floor 7.30 AM - 8.00- AM 4.00 PM - 8.30 AM Conference Registration In front of Meghna Hall Opening Session and Speech by Thai delegates Meghna Hall 8.30 AM - 10.30 AM Paper presentation: Accounting, Econ and Finance: Mahboob Kabir Hall Management and Marketing : Meghna Hall 10.40 AM - 11.00 AM Light refreshment and Tea/Coffee BIAM Canteen 11.00-AM - 1.00 PM Paper Presentation: Accounting, Econ and Finance : Meghna Hall Banking and Economics: Mahboob Kabir Halll 1.00 PM - 2. 30 PM Hot Buffet Lunch and Friday Prayers 2-00 PM - 2.30 PM Ph.D Student Recruitment: Meghna Hall 2. 30 PM Paper Presentation: Accounting, Econ and Finance: Meghna Hall Management and Marketing: Mahboob Kabir Hall - 4.30 PM 2.30 Pm -4.30 PM Doctoral Student Recruitment: BIAM Canteen 4.30 PM - 4.45 PM Tea/coffee Break plus light refreshments 4.45 PM - 6.00 PM Paper Presentation: Acc.Banking, Finance and Econ : Mahboob K Hall Management and Marketing Meghna Hall 9 Conference Program Outline (cont…) Saturday 2 7 December, 2014 Presentation Room: Meghna Hall, Level 3 8.00 AM - 12.30 PM Conference Registration In front of Meghna Hall 8.30 AM - 10.30 AM Paper Presentation: Accounting, Econ and Finance: Meghna Hall 10.30 AM - 11.00 AM Light refreshment and Tea/Coffee BIAM Canteen 11.00 Paper Presentation: Marketing: Meghna Hall - 1.00 PM 11.00AM - 1.00 PM Ph.D Student Recruitment: BIAM Canteen 1.00 PM - 2.00 PM Hot Buffet Lunch BIAM Canteen 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM Paper Presentation: Economics and Management : Meghna Hall 4.00 PM - 4.15 PM Tea/coffee Break plus light refreshments 4.15 PM - 6.15 PM Paper Presentation: Management Track: Meghna Hall 7.00 PM - 9.00 PM Conference Dinner and Best paper Awards BIAM Canteen ~~~ End of Conference ~~~ 10 Friday 20 December 2014 8.00 AM – 8.30 AM Meghna Hal l Opening & Plenary Session Session Chair: Professor Dr. Mohammad Zia-ul Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia Welcome : Ms. Nuha Jahan, Conference Coordinator, World Business Institute, Australia Brief Introduction : All Authors Speech on Doctoral Study at Naresuan University, Thailand by Visiting Thai Faculties Speech by the Conference Chair: Friday 26 December 2014 8.30 AM – 10.30 AM Meghna Hall Track : Management and Marketing Session Chair: Dr. Abu Saleh, University of Canberra, Australia. 404: Antecedents of Social Media Adoption in Australian HealthCare: An Agenda for Future Research: Irfanuzzaman Khan and Abu Saleh, University of Canberra, Australia. 417: Designing An Optimal Supply Chain Network Opportunities by Considering Cost Data under Profit Maximization: Md. Mohibul Islam, Md. Mosharraf Hossain Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, Md. Mashum Billal, Abdul Monem Ltd., Bangladesh and Md. Shah Alam, Pran RFL Group, Bangladesh. 412: Doing Business in Iceland: International Perspectives: M. Saeed, James Ondracek, Andy Bertsch, Minot State University, USA and A. B. M. Abdullah, University of South Australia, Australia. 515: Pro-Poor Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: A Conceptual Framework for Bangladesh: Anjuman Ara and Enayet Hossain, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 516: Impact of Social Networking Sites in Marketing Communication: A Study on Multi National Companies in Bangladesh: Shirin Akhtar, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 511: Impacts of Promotional Tools on Bank’s Financial Profitability and Brand Image: A Comparative Study between Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks: Benazir Rahman and Shirin Akhtar, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 11 Friday 26 December 2014 8.30 AM – 10.30 AM Mahboob Kabir Hall Track: Accounting, Economics and Finance Session Chair: Associate Prof. A. F. M. Ataur Rahman, North South University, Bangladesh. 204: Trends and Patterns of Growth in GDP Per Capita and CO2 Emission: An Analysis of High and Low Income Countries: Janifar Alam, University of Information Technology and Sciences, Bangladesh. 205: The Impact of School Cigarette Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking: The Implication of Peers: Khawaja Mamun, Sacred Heart University, USA. 301: Role of Social Capital in Good Governance: The Case of PRDP in Bangladesh: Mihir Kumar Roy, City University, Bangladesh and Mizanur Rahman, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Bangladesh. 305: Social Capital of Non-Resident Indians and New Venture Debt Financing: Amarjit Gill, Min Maung, University of Saskatchewan, Canada and Reza H. Chowdhury, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada. 102: Energy Crisis and Poverty in Bangladesh Culture: Sustainability Accounting Perspectives: Mahmood Hasan Khan, Amzad Hossain and Dora Marinova, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, Australia 105: Expectation Gap about Service Quality of Tax Fair in Bangladesh: Rehana Fowzia, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh Friday 26 December 2014 10.30 AM – 11.00 AM BIAM Canteen “Morning Tea, Coffee and Light Refreshments” Friday 26 December 2014 11 AM – 1.00 PM Meghna Hall Track : Accounting, Economics and Finance Session Chair: Associate Prof. Abdus Samad, Utah Valley University, USA 106: Importance of Different Types of Costs in Decision-making of Manufacturing Organizations in Bangladesh: Rehana Fowzia, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 317: Microfinance plus Inclusive Value Chain for Rural Farmers and Micro Entrepreneurs: Shahadat Hossain, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 12 319: The CAPM and Risk-Return Anomalies in Asian Emerging Markets: Evidence from Bangladesh and Malaysia: Abu Taher Mollik, University of Canberra, Australia. 311: Relation between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from South Asian Countries: Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah, Kamruddin Parvez, Rahat Bari Tooheen, Chittagong Independent University, Bangladesh and Jyotirmoy Saha, Population Council, Bangladesh. 313: Earnings Multiples and Common Stock Valuation: DSE Experience: Mohan L Roy, IBAIS University, Bangladesh and Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh. 201:Comparative Technical Efficiency of the Bangladesh Banking Industry: Abdus Samad, Utah Valley University, USA Friday 26 December 2014 11 AM – 1.00 PM Mahbob Kabir Hall Track: Banking and Economics Session Chair: Prof. Mohammed Z. Shariff, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait. 606: Non-Performing Loan and its Impact on Profitability of State Owned Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study: Rabeya Sultana Lata, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 607: A Note on Productivity Change of Bangladeshi Commercial Banks: A. F. M. Ataur Rahman, North South University, Bangladesh. 208: Measuring Effectiveness of Public Expenditure in Bangladesh: A Survey Based Case Study in the Education Sector: Mohammad Imran Hossain, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. 221: Mine closure planning and practice in Canada and Australia: a comparative review : SM Zobaidul Kabir, Central Queensland University, Fazle Rabbi, University of Western Sydney, and Mamta B Chowdhury, University of New South Wales, Australia 222: Productivity Growth, Efficiency Change, & Technical Progress Of Corporate Sectors In Bangladesh: A Malmquist Output Productivity Index Approach: Nasir Uddin, Yokohama National University 605: Jordanian National Banks and Their Foreign Peer: Efficiency Comparative Approach: Jamal Al-Khasawneh and Mohammed Z. Shariff, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait 13 Friday 26 December 2014 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM Friday Prayer and Lunch Friday 26 December 2016 2.00 PM – 2.30 PM Meghna Hall Information Session: Doctoral Study at Naresuan University, Thailand Team Members: Dr. Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Dr. Sukij Khorchurkiang And Mr. Kritsana Nakprasong, Naresuan Umniversity Friday 26 December 2014 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM Mahboob Kabir Hall Track : Management and Marketing Session Chair:Mr. Idris Ali, Manarat International University, Bangladesh 413: International Business Landscape of Saudi Arabia and Dubai: A Comparative Study of Two Energy–Based Economies: ABM Abdullah, University of South Australia, Australia, M. Saeed, James Ondracek and Andy Bertsch, Minot State University, United States. 422: Minimization of Aggregate Production Planning (APP) Cost of a Typical Garment Industry at Mixed Strategy Environment: A Case Study: Md. Mohibul Islam, Sajib Kumar Sikder and Md. Sahab Uddin, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh. 429: Examining Patient’s Revealed Behavior to Explain Dissatisfaction towards Healthcare Providers: Syed Hasanuzzaman and Shahnaz Haque, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. 501: An Investigation on Mobile Banks User of Dhaka City, Bangladesh- Are They Satisfied and Loyal?: Nahin Hossain and Yahin Hossain, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh. 432: The Effects of Workplace Harassment on Job Performance: Md. Borak Ali, Md. Zafor Sadique, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Md. Rokonuzzaman, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Bangladesh and Md. Enamul Haque, World University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 434: Selection of a Tourism Site and Individual Tourist Spot under Each Tourism Site in Bangladesh Using AHP Method: Khairun Nahar, Sayed Rezwanul Islam and Kaosar Rahman, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh 14 Friday 26 December 2014 2.30 – 4.30 PM Meghna Hall Track: Accounting, Economics and Finance Session Chair: Professor Khawaja Mamun, Sacred Heart University, USA. 209: Impacts of Public Expenditure on Poverty in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis: Mohammad Imran Hossain, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. 212: Remittances and Happiness of Migrants and Their Home Households: Evidence Using Matched Samples: Mohammad Abdul Munim Joarder and Mark Harris, Curtin University, Australia. 219: Modelling International Trade in Ready Made Garments: Gravity Model Analysis: Hazera Akter, Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute, Bangladesh. 309: Lingering the IPO Process in Bangladesh: An Obstacle to Company’s Growth: Mr. Mohammad Amzad Hossain, Former Lecturer, Department of Business Administration , East West University Bangladesh, and Md. Mustafizur Rahaman, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh. 216: Explaining Voter Participation: Evidence from Bangladesh: A. F. M. Ataur Rahman and Zayeema Sarwar, North South University, Bangladesh. 608: The Impact of Agency Banking to Steam up the Development of SME Sector in Bangladesh: A Study on Bkash: Benazir Rahman, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. Friday 26 December 2016 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM BIAL Canteen Information Session: Doctoral Study at Naresuan University, Thailand Friday 26 December 2014 4.30 – 4.45 PM BIAM Canteen “Afternoon Tea, Coffee and Light Refreshments” 15 Friday 26 December 2014 4.45 – 6.00 PM Meghna Hall Track : Management and Marketing Session Chair: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Bangladesh. Metropolitan University, 520: Exploring the Necessity of Organic Food Purchase Behavior Research: A Critical Literature Review under Bangladesh Context :Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman, United International University, Bangladesh 414-Rationality of adopting longstanding change management theory in local government: Chowdhury Hossan, Abu Dhabi University, UAE 428:Role of Strategic Human Resource Management in Modern Organizational Competitive Advantage: Mohammed Omar Faruk, Lincoln University College, Malaysia 422: Ensuring a Technology-enhanced Language Classroom for the Business Education in Bangladesh . Mizanur Rahman Jewel, The Millennium University, Bangladesh Friday 26 December 2014 4.45 – 6.00PM Mahboob Kabir Hall Track : Accounting, Banking, Finance and Economics Session Chair: Professor Mihir Kumar Roy, City University, Bangadesh 220: Skill and General Characteristics of Bangladeshi Migrant Workers: A Study on Manikgonj District: Idris Ali and Muhammad Helal Uddin, Manarat International University, Bangladesh. 603: Emergence “CAMELS” an international bank-rating system : Chapter Bangladesh : Md. Shahriar Parvez,, City University, Bangladesh. 609- Comparison Between the Performance of Islamic Periods and Conventional Periods in a Bank: A Study Based on First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Bangladesh” Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir Mehedi, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh 103: Statement of Cash Flows Disclosures: A Study on Non-Banking Financial Companies in Bangladesh: Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman and Md. Tanim-Ul-Islam, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh. 16 Saturday 27 December 2014 8.30-10.30 AM Meghna Hall Track: Accounting, Economics and Finance Session Chair: Professor Mohammad Mahboob Ali, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh 107: The Application and Disclosures of IASS & IFRSS by the DSE Listed Companies of Bangladesh: Md. Kamal Hossain, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh, A.Z.M. Niaz, Notre Dame University Bangladesh, Bangladesh and Syed Moudud-Ul-Huq, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. 203: Dependence between Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market in South Asia: A Copula-GARCH Approach: Javed Bin Kamal, East West University, Bangladesh. 207: Shadow of GSP Cut over RMG Sector of Bangladesh: Ashiq Mahmud Bin Gholam Kibria, Sabrina Matin, University of Information Technology and Sciences, Bangladesh and Rehana Sharmin, Tejgaon College, Bangladesh. 210: Target of Improving Poverty Alleviation Trek: A Case of Bangladesh: Md. Amzad Hossain, Green University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 318: Risk Preferences of Bangladeshi Individual Investors towards Investment in Capital Market: Idris Ali, Manarat International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh 215: Development of Inequality: A Theoretical Treatise: A. F. M. Ataur Rahman and Ahsan Senan, North South University, Bangladesh. Saturday 27 December 2014 10.30 AM – 11.00 AM BIAM Canteen “Morning Tea, Coffee and Light Refreshments” Saturday 27 December 2014 11.00 PM – 1 PM PM BIAM Canteen Information Session: Doctoral Study at Naresuan University, Thailand Saturday 27 December 2014 11 AM-1.00 PM Meghna Hall Track : Management and Marketing Session Chair:). Professor Ziaul Huq, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA. 504: Competitive Advantage and Customer Satisfaction: Sabrina Matin, University of Information Technology and Sciences, Bangladesh. 512: Influence of Cognitive and Affective Image on Overall Destination Image: An Empirical Study on Park: Md. Ikbal Hossain, Sanjib Kumar Saha and Md. Enayet Hossain, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 17 513: Destination Branding in Bangladesh: A Conceptual Framework: Sheikh Shamima Sultana and Md. Enayet Hossain, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 518: Social Networking Sites at Work- Policy Recommendations from Employee Perspective: Tabassum Siddique and Nazneen Fatema, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh. 514: Factors Affecting Customers’ Satisfaction Level on ATM Services in Bangladesh: Tajul Islam, North East University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 401: A Competency Based Six-sigma Implementation Model: Ziaul Huq, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA. Saturday 27 December 2014 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM BIAM Canteen Buffet Lunch Saturday 27 December 2014 2-4 PM Meghna Hall Track: Economics and Management Session Chair: Professor Dr. Mohammad Ziaul Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia 431: Impact of Motivation Strategies on Employee Performance: A Comparative Study of Two Hotels in Canada and Saudi Arabia: Anupam Das and Sultan Mahmoud Alharbi, Vancouver Island University, Canada 217: Effectiveness of Aid for Trade (AfT): Evidence from Bangladesh: A. F. M. Ataur Rahman and Chowdhury Nawsheen Farooqui, North South University, Bangladesh. 312: Women in MFI Boards: A Simple Test of Critical Mass Hypothesis: Tanweer Hasan, Roosevelt University, USA, Shakil Quayes, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA and Baqui Khalily, Institute of Microfinance, Bangladesh 406: Deming Management Method in the Readymade Garments Industry of Bangladesh: Sharmin Akhter, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh. 435: The Impact of Globalization on Ethical Leadership: A Critical Explanation from Tawhidic Paradigm: Ashiqun Nabi, Manarat International University, Bangladesh and Suhaimi Mhd Sarif, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia. 424: A Comprehensive Study on Identifying Connectivity between Islamic Human Resource Management (IHRM) Practices and Employee Confidence: A Special Consideration towards Islamic Bank Employees in Bangladesh: Md. Kamrujjaman, Manarat International University, Bangladesh. 18 Saturday 27 December 2014 4-15 -6 .00 PM Meghna Hall TracK: Management: Session Chair: Mr. Bari Siddique, University of Texas at Brownsville, University of Texas at Brownsville, United States. . 410: Link between Employees’ Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Organisational HR Practices when Mediated by Employee Psychological Contract: A. B. M. Abdullah and Stephen Boyle, University of South Australia, Australia 419: Measurement of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on HRM Practices of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: Mohammad Jamal Uddin and Md. Mizanur Rahman, Metropolitan University, Bangladesh. 436: Modern Democracy and Ethical Leadership in the Muslim World: A Critical Strategy from Tawhidic Paradigm: Ashiqun Nabi, Manarat International University, Bangladesh and Suhaimi Mhd Sarif, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia. 408: E-Commerce Threats and Preventive Measures: 408: E-Commerce Threats and Preventive Measures: Bari Siddique, University of Texas at Brownsville, University of Texas at Brownsville, United States. Saturday 27 December 2014 7-9 PM BIAM Canteen Event: Conference Dinner and Best Paper Award Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ziaul Hoque, WBI Welcome by: Nuha Jahan, Conference Administrator, WBI Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice-Chancellor, World University of Bangladesh Special Guest:Professor Dr. Mohammad Mahboob Ali of Daffodil International University ~~~ End of Conference ~~~ 19 List of Conference Participants Dr. Amzad Hossain Mr. Mohammad Joarder Mr. Fazle Rabbi Dr. Abu Taher Mollik Dr. Md. Abu Saleh Dr. ABM Abdullah Mr.Md. Kamal Hossain Mr.A.Z.M.Niaz Mr. Md. Tanim-Ul-Islam Ms. Rehana Fowzia Mrs. Rabeya Sultana Lata Asso. Prof. Dr. A. F. M. Ataur Rahman Mrs. Benazir Rahman Mr. Idris Ali Mr. Md. Shahriar Parvez Curtin University of Technology Curtin University University of Western Sydney University of Canberra University of Canberra University of South Australia Bangladesh University of Business and Technology Notre Dame University Bangladesh Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) Stamford University Bangladesh Northern University Bangladesh North South University Northern University Bangladesh Manarat International University City University International Islamic University Mr. Humayun Kabir Mehedi Chittagong Mr. Muhammad Helal Uddin Manarat International University Mr. Ashiq Mahmud Bin University of Information Technology Gholam Kibria & Sciences Mr. Ahsan Senan North South University Miss. Zayeema Sarwar North South University Ms. Anjuman Ara University of Rajshahi Mr.Md.Amzad Hossain Hossain Green University of Bangladesh Ms. Hazera Akter Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute Mr. Javed Bin Kamal East West University Ms. Chowdhury Nawsheen Farooqui North South University University of Information Technology Ms. Janifar Alam & Sciences Mr. Mohammad Amzad Hossain East West University Mr. Rahat Bari Tooheen Chittagong Independent University Mr. Shahadat Hossain University of Chittagong Mr. Mohammad Bangladesh University of Business & Ashrafuzzaman Technology (BUBT) Bangladesh University of Business & Mrs. Sharmin Akter Technology (BUBT) Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladeshj Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh 20 Mr. Md. Rokonuzzaman Mr. Md.Mohibul Islam Mr. Md.Kamrujjaman Mr. Ashiqun Nabi Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Mr. Mohammad Uddin Prof. Dr. Hasanuzzaman Syed Mrs. Shahnaz Haque Ms. Khairun Nahar Mr. Tajul Islam Mrs. Tabassum Siddique Mrs.Sheikh Shamima Sultana Ms. Shirin Akhtrer Mrs. Sabrina Matin Mr. Md. Nahin Hossain Mr. Ikbal Hossain Mr.Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman Prof. Dr. Mihir Kumar Roy Prof. Anupam Das Dr. Reza Chowdhury Mr. Mizanur Jewel Mr. Mohammad Imran Hossain Mr.Nasir Uddin Prof. Dr. Mohammad sharif Mr. Mohammed Omar Faruk Dr. Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom Dr. Sukij Khorchurkiang Mr. Kritsana Nakprasong Dr. Chowdhury Hossan Prpof. Dr. Ziaul Huq Prof. Dr. M. Saeed Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Sci. & Tech. University Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology Manarat International University Manarat International University Metropolitan University, Sylhet Metropolitan University, Sylhet Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology North East University Bangladesh International Islamic University Chittagong Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh University of Rajshahi Northern University Bangladesh University of Information Technology and Sciences University of Information Technology & Sciences University of Rajshahi Bangladesh Bangladesh United International University City University Vancouver Island University, Canada University of Northern British Columbia Mileemnium University Bangladesh Bangladesh Canada Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Yokohama National University Gulf University for Science and Technology Japan Japan Lincoln University College Malaysia Naresuan University Naresuan University Naresuan University Thailand Thailand Thailand Abu Dhabi University UAE University of Nebraska at Omaha Minot State University USA USA Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Canada Bangladesh Kuwait 21 Asso.Prof. Dr .Abdus Samad Dr. Khawaja Saeed Mamun Prof. Dr. Tanweer Hasan Mr. Bari Siddique Utah Valley University USA Sacred Heart University Roosevelt University The University of Texas at Brownsville USA USA USA 22
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