4th International Polyurethane Industry Exhibition 2nd Composites Industry Exhibition Eurasia’s Leading Polyurethane & Composites Industry Platform November 2015 Istanbul Expo Center www.putecheurasia.com | www.eurasiancomposites.com Media Partners In cooperation with Chemistry Sector Platform and Members Organiser Phone : +90 212 324 00 00 Fax : +90 212 324 37 57 sales@artkim.com.tr www.artkim.com.tr THESE FAIRS ARE ORGANIZED WITH THE PERMISSION OF TOBB (THE UNION OF CHAMBERS AND COMMODITY EXCHANGES OF TURKEY) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW NO.5174 November 2015 Istanbul Expo Center Eurasia’s Leading Polyurethane and Composites Platform: “Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show 2015” Eurasia’s largest Polyurethane and Composites Platform will be bringing together industry professionals from all around the world for “Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show 2015” in Istanbul Expo Center Halls 9 & 10 between 12-14 November 2015. Exhibitors will have the opportunity to display their products in Polyurethane Chemicals, Polyurethane Machinery and Equipment, Polyurethane System Houses, Polyurethane Coatings and Adhesives, Polyurea Applications and RIM Integral Polyurethane Systems at “4th International Polyurethane Industry Exhibition, Putech Eurasia 2015” concurrently, “2nd Composite Industry and Production Technologies Exhibition, Eurasian Composites Show 2015” will be providing a platform for the Composites Industry from all around the world. 2013 Statistics and Information “Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show 2013” took place on 20.000 m2 closed area and featured 64 international exhibitors from 19 countries, 134 direct exhibitors and 284 companies and company representatives from 39 countries in total. 5643 industry professionals visited the exhibition for 3 days. 823 of the total visitors were international industry professionals from 69 countries. That’s a 20% increase in visitors when compared to the previous show which took place in 2011. New Agreements, New Initiatives, New Business Partnerships.. Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show 2015, will be gathering companies from all around the world to maximize opportunities throughout the 3 day event and leverage new business relationships. Visitors of the exhibition, will have a chance to get acquainted with new products, see and experiment new production equipments and Technologies during the show. With the expertise of Artkim Fuarcılık, which is the only exhibition company that exclusively specializes within the Chemicals Industry, Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show has become one of the leading specialized Polyurethane and Composites Industry Events in the world. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this region’s most important Polyurethane and Composites Platform and take your place among hundreds of leading exhibitor companies from all around the world. www.putecheurasia.com | www.eurasiancomposites.com Product Categories to be Exhibited Raw Materials System Houses Machinery & Equipments Finished Products Applications Services Raw Materials Equipment Process Intermediate Products Distribution Services Visitor Profile - Agriculture / Food Industry - Automotive Sector - Aviation / Space / Defense Industry - Biomedical Applications - Building Industry - Coatings & Adhesives - Construction-Building & Insulation Sector - Consumer Goods and Sports Entertainment Sector - Cooling Sector - Corrosion - Resistant Products - Corrugated Cardboard - Electrics & Electronics Sector - Energy Sector - Footwear (Shoes and Slippers Sector) - Foundations of Research and Development - Furniture Sector - Household Appliances and Work Equipment (Manufacturing Industry) - Iron Steel Industry - Marine Sector - Military Applications - Mining Industry - PU Applications - Textile Sector - Transportation and Automotive Industry - Distributors - Universities 2013 Facts & Figures OPERATING FIELD DEPARTMENT 7% 13 % 9% 74 % 4% Exhibitor & Visitor Statistics Total Visitor 5643 6% 29 % 15% 2500 9% 11 % 23 % Manufacturer Distributor Trade Other 74% 13% 9% 4% Management Manufacturing Purchasing R&D Quality Control Sales Other 2000 29 % 23% 15 % 11 % 9% 7% 6% 1500 1000 500 0 1st Day 1515 2nd Day 1963 3rd Day 2165 2013 Exhibitor Comments Akpa Kimya - Ahmet Akıncı Honeywell- David J. Williams We are representing Akpa Kimya. We manufacture Organic Peroxides and export 80 % of our products to approximately 55 countries around the world. We believe that trade shows are a great opportunity for the companies to promote and add value to their business. Therefore we are glad to be here. I am the Global Technology Leader for Honeywell’s Blowing Agent Program. Honeywell is introducing new Blowing Agent Products to the market here. And this has been an excellent conference for us. We have gotten a lot of traffic through our booth, a lot of customers expressed interest in our products. I have learnt a lot about the local polyurethane market. And I think its going to be a success for us and a success for the industry. Arsan Yapı - Serdar Arslan The exhibition has been satisfying our expectations so far. This year we had a chance to reach more visitors and promote our products with the growing visitor numbers. We expect the next exhibition to be even better. The fact that this is a specialized event for Poyurethanes is also a plus for us. We think that this will create us an opportunity to penetrate into different segments of the market as well. We are looking forward to be a part of the exibition in the upcoming years. Pu Mix Technologies - Massimo Ceoldo We are a Polyurethane Machinery Manufacturer Company based in Italy. We are exporting our machines in Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Far East Asia, South America and Central America mainly. This is the first time we exhibit at Putech Eurasia and I must say so far the result is pretty good. Visitors are very genuine. I wish we can improve our business in Turkey in Middle East Region thanks to the result of this exhibition. BASF Poliüretan - Gündüz Tansel This is our 3rd time exhibiting at Putech Eurasia. We were one of the first exhibitors when it all started 6 years ago. Putech Eurasia is a very important meeting point for the industry. Polyurethanes industry still has room for improvement in Turkey. Turkey’s economy is growing faster than the average in the region. Polyurethane market is growing even faster than the economy. Polyurethane market needs to be positioned accordingly and consumers need to be informed and channeled to the right products. I also believe that multinational companies such as BASF have a social responsibility in terms of environmental conciousness. During the exhibition we are looking to have connections in order to promote our services and inform our customers. Tekpol - Kayhan Ahıskalı First thing we can say is that we got our money’s worth from this exhibition. We are satisfied with the event in terms of reaching our target market. Visitor profile is very refined and related to the industry which shows the importance of the event for both visitors and the exhibitors. We have benefited from the event in terms of meeting our customers as well as seeing our competitors and suppliers. Preperations for the exhibition was a long process, however we can see that it’s worth all our effords. We got very positive impressions. We can already say that we will be participating with a bigger stand next time. Boytek - İsmail Darcan Even though this is the first Composites Exhibition, it has been very productive because of the fact that it has been organized concurrently with the Polyurethane Exhibition. We decided to take place at this event mainly because we see that Polyurethane and Composites industries have been evolving together throughout the world. Looking at the visitor profile from Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Turkic Republics, we can see that Artkim has been promoting the exhibition in the international platforms successfully. Evonik Industries - Selim Kubat This is our second time exhibiting at Putech Eurasia. We are very pleased to be here considering it’s a good opportunity to contact our existing clients as well as potantial clients from the Balcans, Middle East and Turkic Republics. We hope to be a part of this exhibition as long as it is organized. Univar - Nihan Yaman I am a Composites Chemicals Sales Engineer at Univar. I believe that Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show is a very important exhibition in terms of bringing together the manufacturer and suppliers of Polyurethane and Composites Industries. Zwick Avrasya- Onur Börekçi We are operating as the Turkey branch of the German Zwick Company. The main reason for us to exhibit at Eurasian Composites Show 2013 is to meet with potantial customers and strenghten our position in the industry. We have been very satisfied with the organization as well as the quailty of the visitors. www.putecheurasia.com | www.eurasiancomposites.com Participation Rate & Options for Booth Packages Standard prices for booth floor space only rental fees regardless of how many sides are open: 50 € / m2 176 € /m2+VAT 18% Package Stand: ASIA Carpet Standard grey color 45 € / m2 Colour Option for the Lettering Blue / Red / Green / Orange / Yellow Package Stand: EUROPE Colour Option for the Vertical Edges Blue / Red / Green / Orange / Yellow • 1m2 Closed area with a lockable hinged door • 1 Table (103) • 3 Chairs (309) • 1 Dustbin (318) • 1 Clothes hanger (315) • 1 Counter (209) • Spotlight (100 W) for each full 3m2 of stand space • 1Power supply incl. consumption and 3-way mains socket Carpet Standard grey color Stand Colour Blue / Red / Green/ Orange • 1m2 Closed area with a lockable hinged door • 1 Table (103) • 3 Chairs (309) • 1 Dustbin (318) • 1 Clothes hanger (315) • 1 Counter (209) • Spotlight (100 W) for each full 3m2 of stand space • 1Power supply incl. consumption and 3-way mains socket 25 € / m2 Package Stand: White Hall 10 Hall 9 Entrance Exit 11 ll Ha Please contact us via sales@artkim.com.tr for further participation details. Why Istanbul? Other cities claim to be at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, but only Istanbul can legitimately claim to straddle both continents. Istanbul is one of the biggest cities in the world with a population of approximately 15 million. The ancient city that lies over two continents, has been a hub for trade and culture for over 3000 years. Turkey is ideally placed in geographic, geopolitical and economic terms to become a key regional commerce center between Europe and Central and Eastern Asia. Putech Eurasia & Eurasian Composites Show 2015 brings the industry together in Istanbul to be a bridge between the East and the West. Secure your place at Putech Eruasia & Eurasian Composites Show and don’t miss this opportunity to be in the heart of Europe, Asia and the Middle East! Carpet Standard grey color • 1 Table (103) • 3 Chairs (309) • 1 Dustbin (318) • Spotlight (100 W) for each full 3m2 of stand space • 1Power supply incl. consumption and 3-way mains socket
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