Page |1 NEWSLETTER OF THE ZOROASTRIAN SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Community members, As you may be aware, we have planned one session per month on Sundays for our seniors to get together and have fun. Within the last 3 months, we had planned a few informational health sessions. We have invited KAYRAS IRANI to have a session with our seniors and do the general healths test for them free of charge. Also, we had BERDJIS BAHRAMI to work with our seniors doing some light exercise. Thank you Kayras and Berdjis for taking your time and demonstrating your respect for our senior community members. Dec 2014 – Feb. 2015 Volume XXIII, No.4 CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Seniors day 2 Youth Committee 2 Costume party 3 Annual Sports day 3 Scholarships 4 Memberships 5 Advertising rates 5 Announcements 6 2015 New Year 6 Donations 7 Subscription to News 7 Return to Root 8 Poems 8 Diabetes and foods 9 Upcoming Events (E) 11 Upcoming Events (F) 12 __________ The Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia 6900 Halifax Street Burnaby, B.C. V5B 2R5 Canada Telephone (604) 420-3500 We, the Board of Directors, want to request all seniors to come forward and attend our seniors’ sessions and derive from it. We are planning to have more health informational session, also working on planning to have movie nights, talking about our ancestors and their traditions and lifestyles, playing games, and have fun together. Also, we want to ask our youths to come forward and get together as much as they can. The Dare Mehr’s premises and all equipments belong to them. They can have parties, gatherings, movie nights, bowling, and even going camping by contacting our Education and Youth Activities Director, Mahsa Kabolizadeh (MKABOLIZADEH@GMAIL.COM). In addition, thanks to an anonymous donor, now we have a flat TV in our main hall to use to educate our kids in Z-study classes and also to use in our informational sessions which we are going to have in near future. Thanks to FARAMARZ SOROUSHI for installation of this TV and also supervising an electrician to change all wirings and repairing all electrical plugs that had been damaged during all these years that the premises have been used. We are always open to your ideas, new innovative and creative suggestions, and constructive feedback. Thank you for your support and for allowing us this opportunity to serve the community. Farhad Iranfar President Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 Day - Esfand 3752 Page |2 YOUTH COMMITTEE ZSBC is planning to reactive the Zoroastrian Youth of BC (ZYBC) committee. We are going to have lots of fun such as indoor and outdoor field trips, movie nights, parties, etc. We are inviting our youth between ages of 15 to 30 to join this committee. Please contact Mahsa Kabolizadeh, our Youth and Educational Director at Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 SENIORS DAY Page |3 COSTUME PARTY (HALLOWEEN) ZSBC Annual Sports Day Held At Mahon Park North Vancouver, on Sunday, September 7, 2014. It was such a nice and sunny day. The Games began at 11.00 a.m. and went on till 3.00 in the evening when prizes were distributed. All children participants were given gifts courtesy of ZSBC. TROPHY WINNERS Best Athlete 8-12 YRS (Boys) Best Athlete 8-12 YRS (Girls) Best Athlete 12+ (Girls) Best Athlete 12+ (Boys) Shervin Namiranian Aryana Mehin Mehrkhodavandi Yasna Javanmardi Parsa Keshmiri Special thanks to Mehrdad Keshmiri for being our official photographer Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 ZSBC ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Page |4 ZSBC SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDS ZSBC Directors and members of the Scholarship Committee (Homi Italia, Bella Tata, Fariborz Rahnamoon, Dinaz Mizan, and Farrokh Namdaran) extend their hearty congratulations to Robin Asgari, Kazmin Khapoliwalla, and Shayan Zohrabi for receiving ZSBC’s 2014 Scholarship Awards during Late Jamshid K. Pavri’s celebration of life on Oct 12, 2014. These are given out annually to those students who have completed Grade XII and have not only achieved good marks but also been active in our community and met other criteria laid down by the Committee. We can be so proud of our youth, who have been studying hard to better their prospects and some of them even working part-time to earn towards their studies. Apart from this, they also do volunteer work. Thank you to all of the youth who have been contributing towards the well-being of our Zarathushti community despite the many scholastic and personal issues you have to handle. We urge all our youth to give some of their time to our community programs here, as it cannot be left to just a few enthusiastic few. This year’s scholarships under the above education fund sponsored by the late philanthropist Mehraban Zartoshty and his wife Paridokht, were awarded to Nisa Kabolizadeh, Kiarash Khodabakhshi, Rozmin Iranir, and Nazneen Kasad. This scholarship is for those in the second year of their graduate studies and thereafter, while The Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia awards scholarship to those who have completed Grade XII and are going in for the first year of their college, university or technical institution studies. Congratulations to Nisa, Kiarash and Nazneen. Members on theBoard of this Education Fund are Homa Zartoshty, Bella Tata, Shirin Abadi, Khodadad Lohrasb, Kourosh Mehin, and Fariborz Rahnamoon. Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 MEHRABAN & PARIDOKHT ZARTOSHTY EDUCATION FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDS Page |5 MEMBERSHIPS PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEES ONLINE ... NOW AVAILABLE! A concerted effort has been made by the ZSBC Board of Directors to set up a system that will allow members to pay their dues and donations online. If you prefer this method of payment, please visit and use your credit card. The ZSBC Board of Directors urges you, your family, and Zarathushti friends to pay the annual membership fees on time. This will enable our Society to better budget projects and to continue to thrive and survive. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and generosity! MEMBERSHIP FEES for 2014: Family: Husband and wife, including children under 18 Senior (65 years and over) Full time student (18 years and over and not working) Individuals (18 years and over, even those living with parents) $50 $15 $15 $25 Our Board of Directors is always available to collect your membership fees. You can pay fees by cash, cheque, or online by credit card. Please feel free to contact any of the Directors, on any issue relating to our Society and/or convey your views. BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP ADVERTISING RATES IN NEWSLETTER (All advertisements in ZSBC newsletter will be in black and white only) Business card size ad in one issue $30 Quarter page size ad in one issue $40 Half page ad in one issue $60 Full page ad in one issue $100 To sponsor an issue and get recognition: $300 Your support by advertising in ZSBC newsletter will be highly appreciated. Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 1- Students whose parents are members in good standing can qualify for scholarship. 2- Children get to learn about their culture and religion & meet and make friends with community children. 3- Seniors get to attend programs for seniors. 4- Marriage Registration on behalf of the Government of Canada is available to members. 5- Event tickets (e.g. Nou Rooz and Parsee New Year, etc.) are available to members in good standing at subsidized rates. 6- Dare Mehr community hall is available for rental at a very nominal fee to members in good standing. 7- Reference letters can be provided to members in good standing and who have become Canadian Citizens to apply for Canadian Citizenship and passport. Page |6 ANNOUNCEMENTS ESHRAT SEPANTA - DINI, 83 years old, BIRTH Iyana Parakh, born on July 21, 2014, to Eddie and Nazneen Parakh. mother of Mehrtaj, Bahram, and Manochehr Dini on Tuesday, October 14th 2014 in Surrey, BC. AZITA DARABIAN, 51 years old, daughter of Pooran Darabian and Late Dr. Esfandiar Darabian, sister of Hida and Hooman Darabian on Friday, October 31st 2014 in North Vancouver, BC. MITRA KHOUBYAR, 58 years old, mother CONDOLENCES DR. BOUZARJOMEHR MEHR, husband of Homa Rashidi; father of Mehraneh and Mahnaz Mehr; on Friday, Sept 12th 2014 in North Vancouver, BC. BANOO YAZESHNI-KHORSHIDIAN, wife of Late Mobed Fereidoun Khorshidian; mother of Parvaneh, Cyrus, Pouran, and Farin Khorshidan, Mother-in-law of Rostam Sedaghat, Tahmineh Hakhamaneshi, Mobed Jamshid Jamshidi, and Parviz Gharibshahi, on Saturday, October 11th 2014 in North Vancouver, BC. of Arina Aboonabi, mother-in-law of Siamak Arzanpour, sister of Nasrin Khoubyar, sister-in-law of Behrooz Maneshni, on Saturday, November 8th 2014 in Burnaby, BC ARDESHIR ELAVIA, husband of Roda Elavia, Father of Kashmira Suraliwalla and Hootoxi Minocherhomjee, father-in-law of late Cyrus Suraliwalla and Arda-e-Viraf Minocherhomjee, grandfather of Havovie Suraliwalla, Adil Minocherhomjee, and Farhad Minocherhomjee, on Friday, November 14th 2014 in Richmond, BC. A new year ahead of us... a year that is bright, with promise and hope a year of wonderful things to come... Whatever brings you joy, contentment, and peace Whatever good things you want most in life... May all these be yours in the coming New Year WED. DEC. 31, 2014 7 pm to midnight Dinner and Dance Members: $20; Non-members: $30 Tickets on sale from Dec 10th to Dec 19th Contact: Shahin 604-984-8331 Mojgan 604-466-8666 Limited space for safely regulations. First come, first serve. Absolutely no tickets after Dec. 19th. Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 2015 NEW YEAR CELEBRATION Page |7 DONATIONS All donations paid to Arbab Rostam Guiv Trust to help with Dare Mehr's renovation costs are acknowledgeable by the Arbab Rostam Guiv Trust exclusively. Tax deductible receipts will be issued by the Trust. Please donate generously. With interest rates being very low the Trust has no other source of income and depends on your donation to keep the Dare Mehr in shape. Donations made toward ZSBC will be acknowledgeable by ZSBC and Tax Deductible receipts will be issued likewise by ZSBC. New ONLINE option to donate to ZSBC is now available on Donors of this quarter: Rustom Patel $1,000 Mrs Banoo Kavoosi and her sons, Kamran and Kourosh, have paid all expenses of the landscaping of little garden at front door and also planted a Myrtle tree (see below photos) SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR NEWSLETTER We would be delighted to send you our regular news and newsletters. If you want to register onto the ZSBC Mailing list, Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. In order to ensure that you will receive our Newsletter, please add to your list of trusted/approved senders. Otherwise, it may go into your spam/junk mail folder. If you haven't received our Newsletter, please check your spam/junk folder. Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 Anonymous donor a 50” flat TV, Ceiling mount, and installation costs And other donors that supported our society with their cash donations Page |8 RETURN TO ROOTS (RTR) II Zoroastrian Return to Roots (RTR) is a youth-led initiative that aims to reconnect Zoroastrian youth in the Diaspora with their Indian and Iranian origins. Applications for the next RTR trip from March 10th to 22nd 2015 are now open. Roots Fellows will visit historic and cultural Zoroastrian sites in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, and Gujarat with world-renowned experts and local guides explaining the cultural, religious and economic significance of the sites being visited. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of Zoroastrianism, a sense of community and identity, an expanded network of motivated and like-minded Zoroastrians, and a desire to contribute and give back to our community. This program is an essential step to maintaining our Zoroastrian values, ideas, and traditions for future generations. If you are interested in becoming a Fellow on the next trip, please visit Please feel free to contact Dinsha Mistree at for more information. POEM Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 Two beautiful poems by Mr. Sohrab Behmanesh; one for Sadeh and another one for Zarathushtra Espantaman شعری به نام "نخستین پیامبر" در وصف اشو زرتشت اسپنتمان شعری بمناسبت جشن سده کاری از آقای سهراب بهمنش Page |9 DIABETES AND FOOD Your body needs carbs. But you want to choose wisely. Use this list as a guide. Best Choices Whole-grain flours, such as whole wheat flour Whole grains, such as brown rice Cereals containing whole-grain ingredients and little added sugar Whole-grain bread Baked sweet or white potato or baked steak fries Whole-grain flour or corn tortillas Corn, popcorn or products made from corn Worst Choices White flour Processed grains, such as white rice Cereals with little whole grain and lots of sugar White bread French fries Fried white-flour tortillas VEGETABLES AND DIABETES Most vegetables contain fibre and are naturally low in fat and sodium (unless they are canned or frozen in sauces). Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn, aren't included in this category. They are considered part of the breads, grains, and other starches group. Best Choices: Fresh vegetables, eaten raw or lightly steamed, roasted, or grilled Plain frozen vegetables, lightly steamed Low sodium or unsalted canned vegetables Lettuces, greens, kale, spinach, arugula Worst Choices: Canned vegetables with lots of added sodium Vegetables cooked with lots of added butter, cheese, or sauce Pickles (if you need to limit sodium; otherwise, pickles are okay) Sauerkraut, (same as pickles; limit only if you have high blood pressure) FRUITS AND DIABETES Fruits have carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are naturally low in fat (except for avocados) and sodium. Most fruits have more carbs than do vegetables. Best Choices: Plain frozen fruit or fruit canned in fruit juice Fresh fruit Sugar-free or low-sugar jam or preserves No-sugar-added applesauce 100% fruit juice Worst Choices: Canned fruit with heavy sugar syrup Chewy fruit rolls Regular jam, jelly, and preserves (unless portion is kept small) Sweetened applesauce Fruit punch, fruit drinks, fruit juice drinks DIABETES AND MEAT AND OTHER PROTEIN This category includes beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, seafood, beans, cheese, eggs, nuts, and tofu. Best Choices: Baked, broiled, grilled, or stewed meats Lower-fat cuts of meat, such as top sirloin Turkey bacon Low-fat cheeses Skinless breast of chicken or turkey Baked, broiled, steamed, or grilled fish Tofu lightly sautéed, steamed, or cooked in soup Beans Eggs Nuts Worst Choices: Fried meats Higher-fat cuts of meat, such as ribs Pork bacon Regular cheeses Poultry with skin Fried fish Fried tofu Beans prepared with lard DAIRY AND DIABETES This group includes milk and foods made from milk, such as yogurt and sour cream. Milk has a lot of protein and minerals, including calcium. Best Choices: 1% or skim milk Low-fat yogurt Low-fat cottage cheese Low-fat or non-fat sour cream Frozen low-fat, low-carb yogurt Non-fat half-and-half Worst Choices: Whole milk Regular yogurt Regular cottage cheese Regular sour cream Regular ice cream Regular half-and-half Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 DIABETES AND BREADS, GRAINS, AND OTHER STARCHES P a g e | 10 DIABETES AND FATS, OILS, AND SWEETS BEVERAGES AND DIABETES Eating too much of these kinds of foods can lead to weight gain, making it harder to keep diabetes under control. Some drinks have lots of carbs but very little nutrition. Others may be a better choice most of the time. Best Choices: Baked snacks, such as baked potato chips, baked corn chips, puffed rice, or corn snacks, in small portions Vegetable oils, non-hydrogenated butter spreads, margarine Reduced-fat mayonnaise Light salad dressings Air-popped or calorie-controlled popcorn Worst Choices: Snacks fried in fat, such as potato chips, corn chips, pork rinds Lard, hydrogenated vegetable shortening, butter Regular mayonnaise Regular salad dressings Butter-flavoured stove-top popcorn Best Choices: Water, unflavoured or flavoured sparkling water Light beer, small amounts of wine or non-fruity mixed drinks Unsweetened tea (add a slice of lemon) Coffee, black or with added low-fat milk and sugar substitute Plain coffee and hot chocolate Sport drinks, in limited quantities Worst Choices: Regular sodas Regular beer, fruity mixed drinks, dessert wines Sweetened tea Coffee with sugar and cream Flavoured coffees and chocolate drinks Energy drinks WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD on September 05, 2014 CHANA MASALA This spicy vegetarian dish is made healthier with the use of canola oil, which has the least saturated fat of all common cooking oils. TIPS: If you like your food spicier, add red pepper flakes. Makes 4 servings Cooking time: 15 minutes 2 Tbsp canola oil 30 mL 1 tsp cumin seeds 5 mL 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger 15 mL 1 tsp curry powder 5 mL 2 tsp garam masala 10 mL 1 can (28 fl oz/796 mL) diced tomatoes, no salt added 2 cans (19 fl oz/540 mL) chickpeas, drained and well rinsed 2 Tbsp lemon juice 30 mL 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro 60 mL INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In saucepan, heat canola oil over medium heat and sauté cumin seeds for about 1 minute. Add onion, ginger, curry powder and garam masala, and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add tomatoes, chickpeas and lemon juice. Using spatula, scrape bottom of pan to get all cooking juices. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Serve hot with basmati rice, naan bread or dosa. Garnish with cilantro. NOTES: Serving size: 1 1/2 cup (375 mL) Recipe featured in the Canadian Diabetes Association’s 2014 Healthy Living Calendar. Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 INGREDIENTS P a g e | 11 UPCOMING EVENTS All events are at the Arbab Rostam Guiv Dare Mehr, 6900 Halifax Street, Burnaby, BC unless mentioned otherwise. EVENT Dec. 5, 2014 Friday Verahram Izad day from 6 pm to 9 pm. Please note: It is Potluck event. Dec. 14, 2014 Sunday Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am Dec. 21, 2014 Sunday YALDA celebration from 6 pm to 10 pm. It is Potluck event. Dec. 26, 2014 Friday Celebration of Life of Asho Zarathushtra from 11 am to 1 pm. Prayers followed by refreshments. Dec. 31, 2014 Sunday 2015 New Year Celebration from 7 pm @ Dare Mehr; Members: $20; Non-Members: $30 Tickets are on sale from Dec 10th to Dec 19th For buying your tickets, please call Shahin Bastanipour @ 604-984-8331for North Shore and Mojgan Ourmazdi @604-466-8666 for Tricity area and Farhad Iranfar 604-831-6079 for other areas of GVRD. Jan. 4, 2015 Sunday Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am Verahram Izad day from 3 pm to 7 pm. Please note: It is Potluck event. Jan. 11, 2015 Sunday Morvarid Guiv’s celebration of life from 11 am to 1 pm organized by Arbab Rostam Guiv Trust. Jan. 23, 2015 Friday DAYGAN celebration from 6 pm to 9 pm. It is Potluck event. Jan. 25, 2015 Sunday Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am Jan. 31, 2015 Saturday SADEH celebration from 6 pm to 10 pm. It is Potluck event Senior’s day from 11 am to 2 pm. Feb. 1, 2015 Sunday Feb. 3, 2015 Tuesday Feb. 8, 2015 Sunday Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am Feb. 15, 2015 Sunday Public Porseh (gathering) for all departed souls in last year; 3 pm to 5 pm Feb. 22, 2015 Sunday Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am March 1, 2015 Sunday Senior’s day from 11 am to 2 pm. March 5, 2015 Thursday March 8, 2015 Sunday Verahram Izad day from 6 pm to 9 pm. Verahram Izad day from 6 pm to 9 pm. Z-study classes at 11 am; Farsi classes at 10:30 am Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 DATE P a g e | 12 UPCOMING EVENTS IN FARSI تمام برنامه ها در محل در مهر ارباب رستم گیو واقع در 0066خیابان هلیفکس شهر برنابی برگزار میشود و در صورت تغییر مکان به اطالع همگان خواهد رسید. تاریخ جمعه روادید 5دسامبر 4612 ورهرام ایزد از ساعت 0تا 0پسین و بصورت سفره همگانی خواهد بود یک شنبه 12دسامبر 4612 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد یک شنبه 41دسامبر 4612 جشن یلدا از ساعت 0تا 16پسین بصورت سفره همگانی برگزار میشود جمعه 40دسامبر 4612 سالروز درگذشت اشو زرتشت از 11بامداد تا 1پس از نیمروز با نیایش یک شنبه 31دسامبر 4612 جشن سال نو میالدی .4615از 7پسین در مکان در مهر .ورودیه برای همکیشان عضو 46 دالرو همکیشان غیرعضو $36میباشد .خواهشمندیم با شهین باستانی پور 062-012-1331 در نورت ونکور و مژگان اورمزدی در ترای سیتی 062-200-1000و فرهاد ایرانفر 062-131-0670برای سایر نقاط ونکور بزرگ تماس بگیرید. یک شنبه 2ژانویه 4615 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد ورهرام ایزد از ساعت 3تا 7پسین و بصورت سفره همگانی خواهد بود یک شنبه 11ژانویه 4615 سالروز درگذشت مروارید خانم گیو از 11بامداد تا 1پسین .این مراسم توسط تراست ارباب رستم گیو برگزار میشود. جمعه 43ژانویه 4615 جشن دیگان از 0تا 0پسین بصورت سفره همگانی یک شنبه 45ژانویه 4615 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد شنبه 31ژانویه 4615 جشن سده از ساعت 0تا 16شب بصورت سفره همگانی برگزار میشود Dec. 1, 2014 to Feb. 28, 2015 یک شنبه 1فوریه 4615 روز گردهمایی بازنشستگان از 11بامداد تا 4پسین سه شنبه 3فوریه 4615 ورهرام ایزد از ساعت 0تا 0پسین یک شنبه 1فوریه 4615 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد یک شنبه 15فوریه 4615 پرسه همگانی برای درگدشتگان سال گذشته از 3تا 5پسین یک شنبه 44فوریه 4615 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد یک شنبه 1مارس 4615 روز گردهمایی بازنشستگان از 11بامداد تا 4پسین پنج شنبه 5مارس 4615 ورهرام ایزد از ساعت 0تا 0پسین یک شنبه 1مارس 4615 کالسهای آموزش دینی از 11بامداد .کالسهای فارسی از 16:36بامداد
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