Why List With Us

Craig Rhodes
Real Estate Professional
Cell : 623-236-6797
w w w .T h e C a s c a d e Te a m . c o m
What Makes Us Different
 Knowledge
I understand the local market and how people search for homes
I know how to market your home effectively
 Technology
I leverage the use of cutting edge technology to market your property and obtain the
exposure it needs
I use leading edge technology to make the selling process easy and seamless for all
 Marketing Investment
The company spends more money on advertising and marketing than other companies do
The consistency and quality of our marketing and advertising efforts are second-to-none
 Communication
This is the most important thing… we communicate with you every step of the way
The Cascade Team Real Estate aspires to provide an
unparalleled real estate experience centered on
exceptional interactions, seamless transactions, and
unequaled value…saving our clients thousands.
Pe r s o n a l P r o p e r t y We b S i t e
• Virtual Tour
• Photo Gallery
• Property Map
• Local Amenities
• Mortgage Calculator
• Local School Info
• Demographic Data
• Live Website Chat!
Inter net Mar keting – Gaining Maximum Exposure
The National Association of Realtors reports that 90% of all home buyers first view the home they
purchase on-line. The Cascade Team represents the most comprehensive on-line presence in the
Real Estate industry!
I n t e r n e t M a r k e t i n g – M a x i m u m E x p o s u r e W i t h Pa i d P l a c e m e n t
However, it’s not just enough to be syndicated to these web sites, especially those that receive
most of the online traffic. If you don’t pay for placement, you may be a needle in a haystack.
Because of this we pay for placement on the most widely visited sites; Zillow, Yahoo and Trulia.
P r o f e s s i o n a l V i r t u a l To u r
Inter net Mar keting – Gaining Local Exposure
Craigslist & Backpage Submissions
- Targeting Localized searches -
P o w e r f u l R e a l E s t a t e Te c h n o l o g y To o l s
Mobile Phone Website
A Mobile Phone Website is automatically
created for each and every listing the day
it goes live.
With the grow in consumer’s accessing real
estate information via mobile devices,
having a mobile optimized listing is crucial.
Text Messaging w/Call Capture
TEXT CTRE23 TO 88000
Buyers can text for more property information
about a listing right from their phone.
All property data, including the mobile website, is
texted right back to their mobile phone in an
Texting Real-Time Property Updates
As potential home buyers
text for information on your
property, we can notify
them of an impending open
house or a price change on
the property by pushing
them information via text.
I n t e r n e t M a r k e t i n g – w w w. T h e C a s c a d e Te a m . c o m
The Cascade Team.com is gets well over a 100,000 hits a month because we provide more detailed
consumer information and SEO our site for localized home searches.
Plus my own website for outstanding Google exposure
My own website AZ-Homes-Online.com gets an additional 12,000 hits a month because it provides more
detailed consumer information and SEO our site for our localized home searches.
T h e C a s c a d e Te a m Yo u T u b e & P r o p e r t y T u b e C h a n n e l
YouTube receives over 10 Million visitors per day! Real Estate is the 8th
most visited section with over 900,000 daily views!
Social Networ k – A New Medium For Buyers
Social Networking is the fastest growing form of media in the world today. The
Cascade Team actively promotes your home, the open house, and events using
advanced social media programs!
C u t t i n g E d g e C D F l y e r s I n s t e a d o f Pa p e r
CD Flyer Box Front (Laminated)
CD Flyer Launch Page
CD Flyer Insert
We e k l y A d v e r t i s i n g H i t R e p o r t s
There are weekly updates for
internet marketing and traffic
activity that is sent to the client
via email, so they can see how
much traffic their listing is
Automated Home F eedbac k Repor ts
View the feedback we get from other agents on your home. Find out what they liked,
disliked, and the interest level of their clients from your home or office computer.
Leveraging Real Estate
Technology In Today's
Changing Real Estate
• Provided timely and
relevant feedback.
• Allows to contact any
agent who showed
once an offer comes in.
• This helps us stimulate
multiple offers and
ensure that you receive
the highest possible
selling price!
T h e M a r k e t S n a p s h o t – R e a l D a t a A t Yo u r F i n g e r t i p s
Bi-Weekly or Monthly Market CMA Updates!
 Real Closed Homes & Actual Sold Prices
 Trending days on market, pricing and inventory levels
 Current Active Listings with Days On Market
 You see first hand what’s happening around you.
T h e C a s c a d e Te a m D i f f e r e n c e – D i g i t a l O n l i n e S i g n a t u r e s
The latest in technology in digital signatures for real estate brokerages!
 Complete electronic signature solution
 Supports all the applications and documents you already use
 Send any document for signature to anyone in the world
 Recipients need only access to a web browser to sign
 Mobile enabled as well
Pa i d P r o m o t i o n O n F a c e b o o k
We pay to promote your
listing to people in the
area. This listing received
48 hits from people
checking out on Facebook,
and one person contacted
the listing agent for a
Professional Printed Sign Board
Stunning Home in The Village at Litchfield Park
940 West Orchard Lane
Litchfield Park, AZ
Stunning Litchfield Park home located in the
desirable The Village at Litchfield Park
neighborhood. Highly upgraded, this Toll
Brothers resale home is low maintenance
and a must see!
Great Room with Stone Fireplace
Heated Pebbletec Pool and Spa
Formal Dining Room
Granite Counters
Spacious Kitchen Island
Walk-in Pantry
Jack & Jill Bathroom
Surround Sound
Guest Suite with Private Bath
Garage with Custom Floor Finish
Master suite with Large Master Bath
FREE Home Warranty
Scan this barcode to get recent pricing and details!
Text CTRE13 to 88000 for more information
We use a professional printed
property placard sign that we
attach to the post for buyers to
see all your photos and property
In addition, we include a QR
Barcode and Text code for
buyers to have easy access to
information on your house right at
their fingertips.
Promoting Your Home’s Amenities – Callout Tags & Open Houses
Featured Item Callout Tags
Identify the unique features of your property and
point those out for prospective buyers touring your
home. These help build additional value in the mind
of the buyer.
Open Houses
I will conduct weekly open houses to provide
direct access to potential buyers out driving
around on their home search.
Professional Photography
Professional Photography Services
Our professional photographers are second to none. Because 95% of home buyers first see
your home online, professional photography is a great way to have your home stand out above
the crowd. We can provide a professional photo shoot of your home and will display those
photos across our entire web syndication network.
Staging Consultation
The Cascade Team enjoys a distinctive relationship with experts in staging
homes for that FIRST Impression!
Benefits of a Pre Listing Staging Consultation:
 Our stagers carry the Accredited Staging Professional designation
 Ensure that your first impression to the buyer is first rate.
 Help with repositioning furniture and accessories to maximize the look of your space.
 Provide ideas to create a better street appeal, which many sellers overlook.
 Staging Approach: Primarily use owners belongings, but will rent furniture/accessories.
 Maximize your home visually to differentiate you from the competition
F R E E B u y e r H o m e Wa r r a n t y
Benefits of a Fidelity National home warranty plan include:
Budget/cash flow protection on unexpected repairs
Convenience…one call, one small service fee and prompt response
Most major systems & appliances covered under standard plan
Added home protection from costly repairs or replacement
Provides ongoing home protection – renewable every year
Full replacement of covered items - Fix it or replace it
L e v e r a g i n g O u r P r e f e r r e d L e n d i n g Pa r t n e r – A x i a H o m e L o a n s
As one of the recommended local area brokerages, The Cascade Team’s unique relationship with
Axia Home Loans gives you and potential buyers access to the most buying and financing options.
 No origination fees! (Typically 1% of loan amount)
 $1,275 towards closing costs
 Local Underwriting
 On Time Closings
 Pre-Approval screening for buyers
J U S T L I S T E D P o s t c a r d – Ta r g e t i n g M o v e U p B u y e r s
P r i c i n g Yo u r H o m e P r o p e r l y
 Your home's value is determined by what the market is willing to pay for it at a given time.
 The "market“ increasingly refers to home buyers who have researched properties for months and do not have to buy.
 On average, serious buyers view 15 properties before they make an offer.
 Buyers will not make realistic offers on overpriced properties.
 The best way to determine a value range for most homes is through Comparative Market Analysis (CMA).
Source NAR
Your Home’s Optimum Time On Market
 Your home will enjoy maximum market exposure and buyer interest during the first 5 weeks.
 Beyond 5 weeks, expect less interest, fewer showings and offers, and reduced likelihood of achieving asking price.
Source NAR
Capitalizing On Mar ket Activity – A Case Study
Starting Price of $600,000
Marketing Activity Never Recovers
Home finally
went pending
for $500,000.
Price Drop to $575,000
A Delicate Balancing Act
T h e I m p a c t o f P r i c e O n B u y e r Tr a f f i c
How you price your home will directly impact upon how many buyers, showings and offers you
attract, and ultimately to how easily it sells.
Source NAR
You are in a price war and a beauty contest all at the same time!
G o o d Va l u e – O p t i o n # 1
Placement on
Yahoo, Zillow
& Trulia
Virtual Tour
CD Flyers
Social Media
T h e B e s t Va l u e – O p t i o n # 2
CD Flyers
Virtual Tour
Paid Facebook
Social Media
Yahoo, Zillow &
Home Warranty
Custom Property
2% Listing
Just Listed
T h e C a s c a d e Te a m S a v e s Yo u M o n e y !
We are unique in our value proposition in that we save our clients money, but we don’t sacrifice
our service, technology, and most importantly, the marketing of your home. The Cascade Team
stands by our motto of Simply Outrageous Service.
M y C o m m i t m e n t To Yo u – E x c e l l e n c e i n C u s t o m e r C a r e
More than a motto, it’s the way we I business!
The Cascade Team Real Estate was built with YOU in mind. We are dedicated to
supporting you from the start to the finish.
We act with integrity, follow through on our commitments, and provide expert
guidance to successfully navigate even the most complex transactions. In addition,
our team actively participates in the communities we represent.
Priorities. Experience. Value. Results. That’s our commitment to you.
I Welcome The Opportunity To Work With You!