the printable 2015 agenda - The Stewardship Network Conference

2015 Science, Practice and Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems
(Note: all sessions are identified with audience in mind - BEG = Beginner; INT = Intermediate; ADV = Advanced)
Registration (Centennial Room)
Continental Breakfast (Room Big Ten B)
(Room Big Ten C)
Lisa Brush, Executive Director, The Stewardship Network
(Room Big Ten C)
Farming Our Way to Resilience: Restoration Agriculture, Mark Shepard, CEO, Forest Agriculture Enterprises
Introduction by TBD
Session Bytes (Three 15-minute presentations on current topics)
Room 103AB
Room 104AB
Room 102
Room 106
An Overview of A Field Guide to the Natural
Communities of Michigan, Joshua G. Cohen, Michigan
Natural Features Inventory, Michigan State University
Extension (BEG)
Helping Farmers Protect Water Quality – The MAEAP
Amy Gilhouse, National Fish and Wildlife Federation
Best Practices for Developing Algae Bloom Early
Warning Systems, Dhareus Franks, ECOTEK (INT)
Dharma Akmon (TBD)
Tallgrass prairie restoration at the Emiquon preserve:
Change in floristic composition during the early stages
Mast Production in an Increasingly Stochastic World: of restoration, Amy McEuen, University of Illinois
Using Citizen Science to Quantify Mast Occurrence and Springfield (INT)
Production in Michigan, Alexander K. Killion, Michigan
A new approach to monitoring conservation easements
State University (INT)
from a fixed wing aircraft, Charles Dawley, Little
Timberdoodles in Michigan: Habitat Restoration
Traverse Conservancy (BEG)
Techniques and Management Opportunities for
American Woodcock, Eric Ellis, Ruffed Grouse
Society/American Woodcock Society (BEG)
Dendroremediation: Using Trees to Clean Polluted
Soil, Erin Quetell, The Greening of Detroit (INT)
Heritage Room
Willy Room
Oak Savanna Restoration Roundtable, Mitch
Lettow, Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy
Soil Qualities Affecting Resistance,
Resilience and Restoration, Hugh
Brown, Ball State University (INT)
Heritage Room
Willy Room
Deny the Mine: Creating a Social Network to Protect
Land and Water in Washtenaw County, Artemis Eyster,
Response to drought in prairie restoration: stability
Chelsea Roots and Shoots (BEG)
of what?, Tyler Bassett, Michigan State University
Predicting Hatching Success in Eastern Box Turtles
Across Habitat Types, Anthony Beals, Michigan State
University (INT)
Afternoon Speaker
Past is not Prologue: How Climate Change Alters the Science and the Art of Managing Ecosystems, Rosina Bierbaum, Professor University of Michigan
Introduction by Jacqueline Courteau, University of Michigan
Conurrent Sessions
Room 103AB
Room 104AB
The Application of Prescribed Fire and Herbicide to
The Two Hearted River Watershed – Top to Bottom
Reduce Carex pensylvanica cover at the Newaygo
Restoration of a watershed and its forest, Tina Hall,
Prairies Research Natural Area, Manistee National
The Nature Conservancy (INT)
Forest, Michigan, Todd Aschenbach, Grand Valley State
University (INT)
Room 102
Room 106
Full Circle Learning and Living- Promoting Resilience in
Ecosystem Relations within the Camp Model and
Outdoor Programs, Heather Naigus, Great Lakes Indian
Fish and Wildlife Commission (BEG)
"Never doubt that a small group of committed
Invasive Plant Control Roundable Discussion,
people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only
David Mindell, PlantWise Restoration (INT)
thing that ever has."Margaret Mead Invasive Species
Success Stories from the Field, Linda Walsh Lapinski,
Oakland Phragmites & Invasive Species (OPIS) Task
Force; Emily Cord DuThinh, Oakland Phragmites &
Invasive Species (OPIS) Task Force, Carol Eberhardt,
City Manager, The City of the Village of Clarkston;
Mary Reed, Portage Lake Watershed Forever; Cindy
Ricksgers, Phragmites Administrator, Beaver Island,
MI; Robert Williams, Stewart Farm, Harsens Island
Restoration Agriculture 101: Keyline
Planning, Plowing, and Cultivation,
Shannon Brines, Brines Farm LLC (BEG)
Concurrent Sessions
Room 103AB
Room 104AB
Room 102
Willy Room
Adapting to Future Trends in Volunteerism: Creation of
a Volunteer Stewardship Team at Fenner Conservancy,
Jenny Mensch, Mark Ledebuhr, Fenner Conservancy
Tribal Efforts to restore a native cisco (Coregonus
artedi) in Lake Michigan: Implications for Native Fish
Community Structure, Function and Resilience,”
Kevin Donner, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa
Indians (TBD)
Feral Swine in Michigan, Tim Wilson, USDA Wildlife
Services (ADV)
Heritage Room
A Conservation Plan for the Next 100 Years: Securing
the Health of Nature and People in an Urban
Metropolis, Arnold Randall, Forest Preserves of Cook
County (BEG)
Room 106
Prescribed Fire Roundtable, David Borneman, City Using Archaeological Data to Document
of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation, David
and Understand Sustainability and
Borneman, LLC (INT)
Resilience Issues Related to Lake
Sturgeon and Wild Rice, James A
Robertson, Michigan Department of
Transportation (INT)
Room 103AB
Room 104AB
Room 102
Room 106
Heritage Room
Willy Room
Paradise Lake Pilot Boat Washing Station: Preventing
the Spread of AIS in the Lake Michigan Watershed and
Engaging a Community, Kira Davis, Little Traverse Bay
Bands of Odawa Indians (BEG)
Creating and Sustaining a Resilient Volunteer Corps:
Best Practices for Organizations Small and Large, Judy
Kingsbury, University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum
How The Stewardship Network Creates Resilient
Communities - 21st Century Conservation, Spencer
Kellum, Lisa Brush, The Stewardship Network (INT)
Strolling Dinner & Poster Reception with Cash Bar (Room Big Ten ABC)
Water Ceremony - Josephine Mandamin, Elder Wikwemikong Unceded Nation
(This is an outdoor activity. Please convene at the Centennial Room with your outside gear on.)
For the Love of Water - Josephine Mandamin, Elder Wikwemikong Unceded Nation (Room Big Ten C)
Introduction by Janaan Cornstalk, Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
Talking Circle - Josephine Mandamin, Elder Wikwemikong Unceded Nation (Centennial Room)
Open Game Room (Red Cedar Room)
(cards, board games and puzzles )
The Michigan Department of Transportation Fauna (cont'd) Prescribed Fire Roundtable, David
Review Process for Listed Species and Approaches for Borneman, City of Ann Arbor Natural Area
the Protection of Wildlife, Richard A. Wolinski,
Preservation, David Borneman, LLC (ADV)
Michigan Department of Transportation (INT)
Registration (Centennial Room)
Continental Breakfast (Room Big Ten B)
(Room Big Ten C)
Lisa Brush, Executive Director, The Stewardship Network
(Room Big Ten C)
Restoration and Reciprocity: Finding Common Ground Between Traditional and Scientific Knowledge, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Professor, State University of New York
Introduction: Lisa Brush, The Stewardship Network
Concurrent Workshops
Room 106
an Effective
Heritage Room
What Price Restoration:
Approach for Identifying Budgeting for Invasive
and Mapping Vernal Pools Species Removal and
in Michigan, Yu Man Lee, Project Maintenance, Chris
Helen Enander, Daria
May, The Nature
Hyde, Michigan Natural
Conservancy (INT)
Features Inventory; Laura
Michigan Tech Research
Room 103A
Room 103B
Beyond the Usual Suspects An Introduction to the
in Invasive Species Control - Michigan Amphibian and
Detection and Control of Reptile Best Management
Oak Wilt, Ceratocystis
Practices Manual:
Fagacearum, in Michigan Promoting Techniques for
State Parks, Heidi Frei,
Creating Reliant
Michigan Department of
Herpetofauna Populations,
David A. Mifsud,
Natural Resources (INT)
Herpetological Resource
and ManagementRound
Room 104A
Room 104B
Resistance, Resilience, and Practical Phragmites
Transformation: Oak
Control, Robert Williams,
Savanna Restoration in a (BEG)
Rapidly Changing Climate,
Christopher Hoving,
Michigan Department of
Natural Resources (INT)
Room 105A
Room 105B
Room 102
Willy Room
The Gathering Society:
Building Bridges and
Keeping Traditional
Knowledge Alive, Karen
Arndorfer, Barb Barton,
Sandy Penn,
Jannan J. Cornstalk, Skylar
Rose Keyes,
Panoka Walker, Daisy
Kostus, Thecla
Neganegijig, Marsha
Traxler Reeves, The
Gathering Society (INT)
Black Ash Basket-Making
Demonstration: The
Emerald Ash Borer and Its
Effects on Basketmakers,
Renee "Wasson" Dillard,
Little Traverse Bay Bands
of Odawa Indians (BEG)
Chains Saws, Brush
Cutters and Breakdowns
- A Maintenance HowTo Workshop, Michael
Hahn, City of Ann Arbor
Natural Area
Preservation (INT)
Evaluating Water
Quality Best
Management Practice
Effectiveness to Inform
Decision Making and
Policy, Emma Giese,
Chesapeake Research
Consortium (BEG)
The History of Wild Rice in Michigan:
Where Have All the Rice Beds Gone?,
Barb Barton, The Gathering Society
Room 106
Heritage Room
Vernal Pool Classification,
Assessment, and
Monitoring in Michigan,
Yu Man Lee, Daria Hyde,
Michigan Natural Features
Reducing Community
Vulnerability and
Increasing Resilience
Through Ecological Design,
Steve Whitman, Resilience,
Planning & Design LLC
Room 103A
Natural Patterns of
Decision Making, Steve
Thomas, Atwell LLC (INT)
Room 103B
Gadgets and Apps for the
Field, Alicia Ihnken,
Michigan Department of
Natural Resources, Parks
and Recreation Division
Room 104A
Exploring Sustainable
Agriculture Feasibility on
Nature Preserves in the
Walloon Lake Watershed,
Heather Huffstutler,
Walloon Lake Trust and
Conservancy (INT)
Engaging Visitors and
Volunteers with
Customized Mobile Guides
using Animal Diversity Web
Data, George Hammond,
Animal Diversity Web
Room 104B
Non-Native Phragmites
Management in
Michigan’s Upper
Peninsula: Working to
De-Phrag the UP!, Darcy
Rutkowski, Upper
Peninsula Resource
Conservation &
Development Council (INT)
Room 105A
(cont'd) The Gathering
Society: Building Bridges
and Keeping Traditional
Knowledge Alive, The
Gathering Society (INT)
Room 105B
(cont'd) Black Ash BasketMaking Demonstration:
The Emerald Ash Borer
and Its Effects on
Basketmakers, Renee
"Wasson" Dillard, Little
Traverse Bay Bands of
Odawa Indians (INT)
Room 102
Prescribed Fire
Equipment Troubleshooting and
Workshop, Michael
Hahn, City of Ann Arbor
Natural Area
Preservation (ADV)
Willy Room
The Michigan Dune
Alliance - Restoring
Eastern Lake Michigan
Coastal Ecosystems,
Shaun Howard, The
Nature Conservancy
Tortoise wins the Race:
Transformation Away from
Invasive Phragmites
Requires Slower, Sustained
Effort Through Specialized
Equipment for Detroit
River-Western Lake Erie
Cooperative Weed
Management Area, Greg
Norwood, Detroit River
International Wildlife
Refuge (INT)
12:05 - 1:15
Room 106
Heritage Room
Room 103A
Our Duty and
Responsibility as
Anishinabekwe, Josephine
Mandamin, Elder
Wikwemikong Unceded
Nation (BEG)
Restoration Agriculture:
Farming in Nature's Image,
Mark Shepard, CEO, Forest
Agriculture Enterprises (INT)
Successful Volunteer
Management: How Proper
Recruitment and
Evaluation Lead to
Improved Retention, Jason
Frenzel, Huron River
Watershed Council (INT)
Lunch and the Return of the Cluster Cup (Room Big Ten B)
Room 103B
Room 104A
GIS/Remote Sensing
Guiding Landowners in
Applications in Natural
Stream Restoration, Rob
Areas Management, Jason Myllyoja, Stantec (INT)
Tallant, University of
Michigan Biological Station
Room 104B
Increasing Effectiveness of
Phragmites Eradication
Efforts with Improved
Application Technology,
Mark Ledebuhr,
Application Insight, LLC,
and Phyllis Higman,
Michigan Natural Features
Inventory (ADV)
Room 105A
Ethical Concerns about
Michigan Tribes and
Climate Change, Kyle
Whyte, Michigan State
University (BEG)
Room 105B
Room 102
Willy Room
Natural Advantages: The
Power of Parks, Heritage
and Outdoor Assets in the
Place-based Economy,
Brad Garmon, Michigan
Environmental Council;
Ann Conklin, Michigan
Recreation and Park
Association (INT)
Herbicide Mode of
Action and Application
Presentation, Discussion
and Demonstration,
Paul MacNellis, The
Stewardship Network
Southwest Corner
Cluster (INT)
Resilient Rights-of-Way
Panel Discussion:
Making the Most of Our
Roadsides and Utility
Corridors, Moderator:
Martha Holzheuer,
Consulting &
Technology, Inc.
Panelists: Rob Roman,
Linn County
Secondary Road
Department; Luba Sitar,
Amy Murray, ITC
Holdings Corp.; Marc
Sherman, Utility Lines
Services (BEG)