XIV semana de Geoquímica /VIII Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa __________________________________________________________________________________________ K/Ar AGES OF CARBONATITES FROM THE ISLAND OF FOGO (CAPE VERDE) J. Madeira1a, J. Munhá1b, C.C.G. Tassinari2, J. Mata1b, A. Brum da Silveira1a S. Martins1b 1- Departamento Geologia/(a- LATTEX; b-Centro Geologia;), FCUL, Ed.C6, 2ºpiso, Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa 2- Centro de Pequisas Geocronológicas, Instituto Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil RESUMO: Datações K/Ar obtidas em biotites nos carbonatitos da Ilha do Fogo indicam idade Pliocénica Inferior a Médio, o que é significativamente mais antigo que a admitida para o processo de edificação do vulcão do Fogo. Estas datações suportam a hipótese de que os carbonatitos fazem parte de substracto mais antigo que inclui a plataforma submarina entre o Fogo e Brava, da qual se elevam também os Ilhéus Secos/Rombos. ABSTRACT: The K/Ar ages obtained during this study indicate an Early to Middle Pliocene age for carbonatite rocks, relatively older than the age admitted for the Fogo volcanic building. This supports the hypothesis that the carbonatites belong to an older basement. This basement must be responsible for the submarine platform between Fogo and Brava, which includes the Secos/Rombos islets. Introduction The island of Fogo, in the archipelago of Cape Verde, is a relatively simple island-volcano, in the sense that it is formed by a single central volcano. Its morphology corresponds to a conic volcanic edifice, 27 km in diameter at sea-level, truncated by a 9 km wide, 1000 m deep summit caldera, inside which a secondary cone (Pico do Fogo) grew up to the present maximum altitude of the island, 2.829 m. A flank collapse affected the oriental side of the volcano after the caldera formation and prior to the growth of Pico do Fogo (Brum da Silveira et al., 1997). This collapse involved a 65º wide sector of the volcano flank, opening the caldera depression to the east. Presently the collapse scar is marked by the 8,5 km wide opening of the caldera and by its lateral scarps. The northern scarps are almost completely fossilized by recent lava flows, whereas the southern scarp still presents a 400 m high steep slope. The volcanic rocks of Fogo are divided into three main stratigraphic units: a carbonatite unit, assumed by most authors to be the oldest, a major volcanic sequence related to the sub-aerial shieldbuilding of the island volcano, and a post caldera sequence that includes several historic eruptions. This paper presents new K/Ar ages for the carbonatite rocks and discusses their relations with the other units and the volcano structure. Volcanic stratigraphy of Fogo Crystalline carbonate rocks of Fogo are known to the scientific community since the publication, in 1913, of the work of Friedlander and Bergt (Beiträge zur Kenntnis der kap-verdischen Inseln), but were only recognized as carbonatites by Assunção and co-workers in 1966. However, these rocks were already known to the population that used carbonatite to draw white motifs in black stone pavings. Carbonatite rocks outcrop in three locations on the west slope of Fogo, close to the city of S. Filipe (two in the valley of Ribeira do Pico near Monte Almada, and one in Ribeira da Trindade north of Monte Barro). Only two of the three outcrops mentioned in earlier reports were found. The dense network of nefelinite, melilite and phonolite dikes (Machado and Assunção, 1965) that cut the carbonatite bodies, together with the limited dimension of the outcrops, makes it unfeasible to understand the original geometry of the carbonate rocks (however, sub-horizontal flow structures suggests that they might correspond to lava flows). The carbonatites are exposed on the bed and valley walls of two rivers as a result of fluvial incision on recent (post-caldera) lava flows and torrential conglomeratic and sandy sediments that unconformably overlie the older sequence (Fig.1). The carbonatite rocks must be either a part of the main shield building volcanic unit or older than that sequence. However, this geometric relation is not visible on outcrop. The main shield building eruptive sequence includes the volcanic rocks and intercalated sediments that constitute the main volcano of Fogo (outer cone of Ribeiro, 1954, or pre-caldera lavas of Machado and Assunção, 1965). This sequence is exposed on the caldera walls (Bordeira), around 475 XIV semana de Geoquímica /VIII Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa __________________________________________________________________________________________ the depression of Chã das Caldeiras. It is composed a pile of aa lava flows (alternating clincker and massive flows), basaltic, basanitic, phonolitic and trachitic in nature, exposed in the stratigraphically lowest part of the sequence at Monte Amarelo (Portela) spur, passing upwards to alternating aa and pahoehoe lava flows (basanites, basalts, and ankaramites) and thick (4-24 m) conglomeratic sediments (debris flows or lahars) in the southern caldera wall, or primarily basaltic lava flows in the northern caldera wall. Locally, some consolidated deposits present piroclastic flow facies. The sequence is cut by abundant dikes, which constitute a dense dike swarm in the central area of the Bordeira, including tefrites, nephelinites, basanites, augitites, limburgites, nepheline or hauyne bearing leucitites, ankaratrites with nepheline, and phonolites. W E clincker fluviatile sandstone 10 m basaltic lava flows valley floor conglomerate thermal metamorphism Figure 1. Geometric relations between post-caldera lava flows and sediments unconformably overlying the carbonatites, as observed in Ribeira do Pico valley. The relation with the pre-caldera formations is not observed. dikes carbonatite The post-caldera sequence includes most of the surface lavas inside and outside the caldera, which almost completely resurfaced the island. Inside the caldera the exposed materials include the piroclastic cone of Pico do Fogo, its parasitic cinder cones and associated lava flows, and the torrential sediments that cover part of the east slope, inside the flank collapse scar. Most of the eruptions that formed these cones and lava flows occurred after the settlement of Fogo in mid 15th century (which led to the abandon of the original name of the island, S. Filipe). Based on coeval documents, Ribeiro (1954), Machado (1962) and Machado and Assunção (1965) refer that the Pico do Fogo cone may have been in more or less permanent strombolian summit activity since discovery of the island, with sporadic effusion of lavas in 1500, 1564, 1604 e 1664, until mid 18th century when eruptions acquired a individual character and became located around the base of the central cone. There are written accounts of eruptions in 1769, 1785, 1799, 1847, 1852, 1857, 1951 and 1995 (Ribeiro, 1954; Machado and Assunção, 1965; Torres et al., 1998). Outside the caldera no historic events occurred, but several cones erupted in very recent times. These are located in the south-southeast flank, in the north close to Mosteiros, and around S. Jorge to the northwest; in all three areas lavas flowed over the sea cliffs creating littoral platforms. One of them produced a surtseyan cone, presently surrounded by sub-aerial lavas of later eruptions. Besides these very young eruptions, whose lavas can still be cartographically individualized, the surface volcanic rocks of the outer slopes of the Fogo volcano became older from south to north. Post-caldera lavas are predominantly basanites, olivine or pyroxene basalts, ankaramites, limburgites and augitites (Silva et al., 1997). Fogo Carbonatites The petrography of Fogo carbonatites has been described by Assunção et al. (1966); geochemical (elemental/isotopic) data on those rocks has been recently reported by Hoernle et al. (2002). The studied carbonatites display a coarse-grained calcite matrix, including (relatively large) biotite crystals, together with variable amounts of apatite, pyrochlore, iron oxides, fluorite and aegirine. Analysed carbonatites are sovites that have high CaO (48.88 – 54.08 wt%) and very low MgO (0.52 – 1.70 wt%) contents; their trace element characteristics (Nb/Ta = 47 – 96; Zr/Hf = 70 153; Nb/U = 9 – 12; Ce/Pb = 75 – 117) are in accord to those reported by Hoernle et al. (2002) for Cape Verde oceanic carbonatites. Biotites separated for geochronological analysis have homogeneous major element compositions (Mg# = 0.65 – 0.67; Al2O3 = 12.2 – 12.5 wt%; TiO2 = 2.69 – 2.74 wt%) and preserve the characteristically high Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf and Nb/U elemental ratios of their host 476 XIV semana de Geoquímica /VIII Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa __________________________________________________________________________________________ carbonatite rocks; representative biotite geochemical patterns, as normalized to their respective carbonatite host rocks, are shown in figure 2. K/Ar geochronological results for (four) biotite separates are summarized in Table I. Biotites yielded ages ranging from 3.2 Ma up to 5.1 Ma, which are in general agreement with the ages of 3.7 Ma, 4.1 and 4.8 Ma (see Hoernle et al, 2002) previously reported for Fogo carbonatites. All the available carbonatite ages are significantly older than the relatively recent ages admitted for the Fogo volcanic building. Figure 2. Biotite geochemical patterns, normalised relative to their respective host carbonatite Table I: K/Ar geochronology of biotites from Fogo carbonatites % Atm Ar Age 1 (Ma) 0.92 86.91 4.1 0.5 6.0965 0.89 91.47 3.8 0.7 CV-2B B43 6.2876 1.25 82.41 5.1 0.9 CV-IND2 B43 4.6885 0.59 91.00 3.2 0.7 Biotite Sample K wt% CV-1A B43 5.8413 CV-1B B43 40 Ar Rad (*10-6) CCSTP/g Conclusions The eccentric and very shallow position of the carbonatite outcrops in the volcanic construction of Fogo is compatible with the hypothesis that they could constitute some of the youngest lavas in the pre-caldera sequence, instead of an older substrate. However, the degree of intrusion by dikes of the carbonatite bodies, and the fact that these rocks do not outcrop in the sea cliffs near by, suggest that they should constitute some irregular residual relief of older rocks, which is in agreement with the hypothesis of Assunção et al. (1966) that they might belong to a common basement with the island of Brava and the Secos or Rombo islets, where carbonatite rocks were also described (Fig. 3. 2). The K/Ar ages obtained during this study indicate an Early to Middle Pliocene age for carbonatite rocks, relatively older than the age admitted for the Fogo volcanic building. This supports the hypothesis that the carbonatites belong to an older basement (Fig. 3. 3). In this case, this basement must be responsible for the submarine platform between Fogo and Brava, which includes the islets and presents a circular shape. It is unlikely that this basement is part of the Fogo volcanic edifice, in which case it wouldn’t outcrop because the degree of erosion in the island is clearly insufficient to expose its own basement. Acknowledgements This study is a contribution to research projects INTERGEOFOGOS (POCTI/CTA/35614/2000), POCA-PETROLOG (Centro Geologia U. Lisboa, UI: 263; POCTI/FEDER) and GEODYN (LATTEX, POCTI-ISFL-5-32). 477 XIV semana de Geoquímica /VIII Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa __________________________________________________________________________________________ 25º W 3. 2 23º W 24º W 3. 1 Santo Antão 0 300 17º N 17º N Sal Santa Luzia S. Vicente S. Nicolau Boa Vista 16º N 100 0 10 0 16º N 0 200 0 300 Maio Fogo 15º N 15º N Santiago Brava 4000 0 50 100 km 23º W 25º W WSW ENE 3. 3 Post-caldera volcanism Post-caldera volcanism + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Fogo-Brava basement Post-caldera flank collapse Pre-caldera volcanism A B Figure 3. Geographic relation between Fogo, Brava and the Rombos or Secos Islets in the Cape Verde archipelago (3. 1). A common basement, to which the carbonatites belong, may be represented by the submarine platform from which Fogo, Brava and the islets rise. Crosses indicate the locations where carbonatite rocks were observed in Fogo and Brava (from Assunção et al., 1966) (3. 2). This basement may be present just underneath the west flank of the Fogo volcano, as represented in the geologic structure section below (3. 3). References Assunção, C. T.; Machado, F., Gomes, R. A. (1966) On the occurrence of carbonatites in the Cape Verde Islands. Bol. Soc. Geol. Portugal 16(1/2): 179-188. Brum da Silveira, A.; Madeira, J., Serralheiro, A. (1997) A estrutura da ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde. In “A erupção vulcânica de 1995 na ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde”; Edição do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical e Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia: 63-78. Friedlaender, I., Bergt, W. (1913) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der kap-verdischen Inseln. Dietrich Reimer. Berlim (trad. Portuguesa de J. G. Guerreiro – Subsídios para o conhecimento das ilhas de Cabo Verde. Soc. Geogr. Lisboa, 1914). Hoernle, K., Tilton, G., Le Bas, M.J., Duggen, S., Garbe-Schonberg, D. (2002) – Geochemistry of oceanic carbonatites: mantle recycling of crustal carbonate. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 142, 520-542. Machado, F. (1962) Actividade do vulcão do Fogo (Cabo Verde). Atlântida 6(3): 183-191. Machado, F., Assunção, C. T. (1965) Carta Geológica de Cabo Verde (na escala 1/100.000) Notícia explicativa da folha da ilha do Fogo – Estudos petrográficos. Garcia de Orta 13(4): 597-604. Ribeiro, O. (1954) A ilha do Fogo e as suas erupções. Memórias, Série Geográfica, J. Inv. Ultramar, Lisboa: 319 p. Silva, L. C., Mendes, M. H., Torres, P. C., Palácios, T., Munhá, J. M. (1997) Petrografia e mineralogia das formações vulcânicas da erupção de 1995 na ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde. In “A erupção vulcânica de 1995 na ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde”; Edição do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical e Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia: 165-170. Torres, P. C., Madeira, J., Silva, L. C., Brum da Silveira, A., Serralheiro, A., Mota Gomes, A. (1998) Carta geológica da ilha do Fogo (República de Cabo Verde): erupções históricas e formações enquadrantes. Edição do Laboratório de Tectonofísica e Tectónica Experimental (LATTEX), 1 folha na escala 1:25.000. 478
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